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大学英语六级考试(college english test,简称cet)同四级考试一样是由国家教育部高等教育司主持的全国性教学考试;考试的主要对象是根据教育大纲修完大学英语六级的大学本科生或研究生。大学英语六级考试以《大学英语教学大纲》为基础把整个大学英语课程分为六级,每级都有定量指标加以规定。其中一至四级为必修课,五至六级为选修课。




①it will be safer to walk the streets because people will not need to carry large amounts of cash; virtually all financial---will be conducted by computer. c 97.8

a transmissions

b transitions

c transactions

d transformations

②he attends to ---- of important business himself. a 98.8

a transaction

b transition

c transmission

d transformation

③there is much i enjoy about the changing seasons, but my favorite time is the ----from fall to winter. c 2000.6

a transmission

b transformation

c transition

d transfer

④cultural ---- indicates that human beings hand their languages down from one generation to another. c 2000.12

a translation

b transition

c transmission

d transaction


①one of his eyes was injured in an accident, but after a ---- operation, he quickly recovered his sight. c 97.6

a precise

b considerate

c delicate

d sensitive


②on weekends my grandma usually --- a glass of wine. 97.1

a subscribes to

b engages in

c hangs on

d indulges in

“indulge”在词典里有1.放纵2.容许3.满足4.享受等意思,在本题中所考查的词意为“享受—allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of something”



lease payment commitment compensation expire mortgage installment rough estimate occupy scrape overlap


flap revenge penalty deliberately sheer integrity

41. it seems somewhat ___________ to expect anyone to drive 3 hours just for a 20-minute meeting.

a) eccentric b) impossible

c) absurd d) unique

【解析】选c。期望别人开三个小时的车只为了参加二十分钟会议的想法有点荒谬。本题考察形容词辨析。eccentric“古怪的”,impossible“不可能的”,absurd “荒谬的”,unique“唯一的”。

42. this area of the park has been specially __________ for children, but accompanying adults are also welcome.

a) inaugurated b) designated

c) entitled d) delegated

【解析】选b。公园里的这块地方是专门为孩子们设计的,不过陪同孩子的成年人也受欢迎。本题考察动词词义辨析。inaugurate“举行就职(开幕)典礼”,designate “指定,指派”,entitle“授权,取名”,一般构成搭配:entitle sb to do sth“使某人有权利干某事”。delegate“委托……作代表”。

43. the girl’s face __________ with embarrassment during the interview when she couldn’t answer the tough question.

a) beamed b) dazzled

c) radiated d) flushed


44. slavery was __________ in canada in 1833, and canadian authorities encouraged the slaves, who escaped from america, to settle on its vast virgin land

a) diluted b) dissipated

c) abolished d) resigned

【解析】选c。1833年奴隶制在加拿大被废除,加拿大政府鼓励那些从美国逃脱出来的奴隶在它广阔的未被开垦的土地上定居。本题考察动词词义辨析,dilute “稀释”,dissipate“驱散,浪费”,abolish“废除(法律,习俗等)”,resign“辞职“。

45. unfortunately, the new edition of dictionary is __________ in all major bookshops.

a) out of reach b) out of stock

c) out of business d) out of season

【解析】选b。很不幸运,这个新版的词典在各大书店都脱销了。本题考察介词短语的辨析,out of reach“够不着”,out of stock“脱销”,out of business“破产”,out of season“过时”。

46. the hands on my alarm clock are __________, so i can see what time it is in the
