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Genetic Analysis for Inter-subspecific Hybrids Sterility in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.)



论文单位南京农业大学,点击次数28,论文页数68页File Size3521k

2004-05-01论文免费下载/lunwen_738731707/ 水稻;小穗不育;花粉不育;SSR;QTL

rice; spikelet sterility; pollen sterility; SSR; QTL

水稻广亲和品种N22在S-5、S-7、S-8、S-15和S-16等籼粳杂种雌性不育位点携带有中性亲和基因,但N22与粳型品种USSR5杂种后代的花粉育性与小穗育性偏低,表现为部分不育。本研究同时构建USSR5/N22//USSR5 BC_1F_1和USSR5/N22 F_2群体,分别调查花粉和小穗育性,并构建两个群体的分子连锁图谱,进行了花粉和小穗育性的QTL定位与分析。结果如下:1.分子连锁图谱的构建USSR5/N22//USSR5 BC_1F_1群体由97个单株组成,图谱包含101个SSR标记,基本覆盖全基因组,总长为1560.5cM,标记问平均距离为15.5cM;USSR5/N22 F_2群体由189个单株组成,图谱包含103个SSR标记,基本覆盖全基因组,总长度为1921.0cM,标记间平均距离为18.7cM。两图谱的标记均匀分布在12条染色体上。2.作图群体中分子标记的偏分离利用构建的分子连锁图谱,对各SSR标记的基因型频率进行分析,检测作图群体中分子标记的偏分离情况。结果发现:在利用BC_1F_1群体构建的连锁图谱中,检测到42个发生偏分离的标记,位于全部12条染色体上,在第1、2、3、6、7和12染色体有偏分离的热点;在利用F_2群体构建的连锁图谱中,检测到32个发生偏分离的标记,分别位于除第5染色体以外的其它11条染色体上,在第1、3和10染色体有偏分离的热点。3.水稻籼粳亚种间杂种花粉不育和小穗不育的QTL分析利用MAPMAKER/QTL 1.1软件,分别检测了USSR5/N22//USSR5 BC_1F_1和USSR5/N22 F_2群体中控制小稳不育和花粉不育的QTL。结果表明:(1) 小穗不育的QTL分析在BC_1F_1群体中检测到3个小穗不育QTL,qSS-1、qSS-2和qSS-7,分别位于第1染色体标记RM490、第2染色体标记RM341和第7染色体标记RM1335附近,各自解释表型变异的22.5%、36.2%和19.1%;在F_2群体中检测到2个小穗不育QTL,qSS-1和qSS-5,分别位于第1染色体标记RM490和第5染色体标记RM169附近,各自解释表型变异的学位论文水稻亚种间杂种不育性的遗传分析48.2%和6.1%。(2)花粉不育的QTL分析在FZ群体中检测到2个花粉不育QTL,叮尸£.了和qpS-lo,分别位于第1染色体标记RM490和第10染色体标记RM467附近,各自解释表型变异的7.6%和11.5%。4.小穗育性与花粉育性的关系BC,F;和F:两群体中小穗育性与花粉育性的相关系数分别为0.27和0.26,达到了显著水平。通过比较发现,在第1染色体上检测到的小穗不育QTL(qss-j)与花


Partial spikelet and pollen sterility were detected in hybrid progeny derived from wide compatibility variety, N22, containing neutral alleles of 5-5, 5-7, S-8, S-15 and S-16, and USSR5 (a japonica variety). In this study, Two molecular linkage maps were constructed with BC1F1 population and F2 population, derived from USSR5/N22/AJSSR5 and USSR5/N22. With the two maps, QTL analysis for spikelet and pollen sterility were performed.BC1F1 population and F2 population derived from USSR5/N22//USSR5 and USSR5/N22 respectively were used to construct molecular linkage maps, and QTL mapping and analysis of spikelet and pollen sterility were performed. The results as follow:1. Construction of molecular linkage mapA molecular map comprised of 101 markers was constructed using BC1F1 population containing 97 individuals derived from USSR5/N22//USSR5, covering 1560.5cM on all chromosomes with an average 15.5cM, another map comprised of 103 markers was constructed using F2 population containing 189 individuals derived from USSR5/N22, covering 1921.0cM on all chromosomes with an average 18.7cM.2. Detection of distorted segregation in the linkage mapAnalysis genotype frequency of SSR markers was conducted based on molecular linkage map, to detect distorted segregation. The results show that:42 markers and 32 markers fell into distorted segregation in BCiFi and F2 population respectively. The former were distributed on all chromosomes, w ith harboring region on 1,2, 3, 6, 7 and 12; and the latter were distributed on all chromosomes except 5, with harboring region on 1, 3 and 10 chromosome.3. Mapping of QTL controlling hybrid pollen and spikelet sterility between indica and japonicaBased on the molecular linkage maps constructed, QTL controlling hybrid pollen andspikelet sterility were detected using software MAPMAKER/QTL 1.1. The results indicated:(1) Detection of QTL for hybrid spikelet sterilityThree putative QTL (qSS-1, qSS-2 and qSS-7) linked to marker RM490 on chromosome 1, RM341 on chromosome 2 and RM1335 on chromosome 7 were detected in BCiFi population respectively, with variation explained 22.5%. 36.2% and 19.1% by each. Likewise, Two putative QTL (qSS-1 and qSS-5) linked to marker RM490 on chromosome 1 and RM169 on chromosome 5 were detected in F2 population, with variation explained 48.2% and 6.1% by each.(2) Detection of QTL for hybrid pollen sterilityTwo putative QTL (qSS-1 and qSS-10) linked to marker RM490 on chromosome 1 and RM467 on chromosome 10 were detected in F2 population respectively, with variation explained was 7.6% and 11.5% by each.4. Relation between spikelet fertility and pollen fertilityCoefficient between spikelet fertility and pollen fertility in BC1F1 population was low (0.27), but significant at 0.05, while that (0.26) in F2 population was significant at 0.01.By comparison, mutual QTL linked to RM490 on chromosome 1 was detected controlling pollen sterility and spikelet sterility simultaneously.
