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Who will chair the meeting has not yet been decided.

What you have said is convincing.


We can learn what we did not know before.

Tell us which of you will go to the exhibition.


He is not what he used to be.

That is where I bought the food.


Your success will depend on how you present yourself.

注:i)用连接代词或连接副词引导的名词从句前面不能加that,例如不能说:* I wondered that who took the ring.

* I do not know that where I can find Jim.



When we start has not been decided.

2) 可用whatever, whichever, whoever, whomever等连接代词引导名词从句,表示加强语气。例如:

Whoever did that should admit it frankly. (主语)

You can marry who(m)ever you please. (宾语)

You can call me whatever you like. (宾语补语)

They will be very thankful for whatever you can give them. (介词宾语)

EXERCISE 3: Put the following Chinese into English by using noun clauses:

1.(他们为什么要离开这个国家)is a secret.

2.(令我最感惊讶的) was that he spoke English so well.

3.The idea (你不加考虑就可以做这件事情)is quite wrong.

4.(这是故意干的)became obvious.

5.This novel is just (我一直在寻找的).

6.Do not put off till tomorrow (今天能干的事情).

7.(什么引起了森林大火)is a complete mystery.

8.Could you tell me (是谁设计了巴黎那座高铁塔)?

9.It is not clear yet (谁应对此事负责).

10.I do not remember (她已经这样说过多少遍了).

11.(玛丽到什么地方去了)is none of your business.

12.Do you know (这是谁的钢笔)?

EXERCISE 4: Underline the error and put the corrections at the end of each sentence. If there is no error, write none:

1、My roommate came into the room and asked me why were not you in class. I said what I was

waiting for a telephone call form my family.

2、He asked me that what I intended to do after my graduation.

3、Listening carefully to what does the teacher say in class means less work later.

4、The purpose of a test is to show that what have you learned about a subject.

5、We looked back to see where we were and how far we were from the camp.

6、After the accident, I opened my eyes slowly and realized whether I was still alive.

7、My mother told me what the purpose of our visit was.

8、John did not say that when he would return, but I presume he will be back for dinner.


同位语从句前面的先行词所包含的的名词往往是抽象名词。同位语从句的作用是对其进行解释或说明,常见的先行词:appeal,belief,doubt,evidence,fact,hope,idea,likelihood,message,news,promise,question,reply, rumour, (in spite of/due to) the fact, (on the)ground(s),(on the)supposition ,(on the)understanding, (with the) exception等。
