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Enquiry 询盘

quotation sheet 报价单

firm offer 实盘

Non-firm offer 虚盘

counter offer 还盘

re-counter offer 再还盘

offeror 发盘人


catalogue 商品目录

price-list 价目表

leaflet 传单小册子

pamphlet 小册子

brochure 小册子

booklet 小册子

Status Enquiry 资信调查

Credit Inquiry 信用调查Proforma Invoice 形式发票import license 进口许可证export license 出口许可证irrevocable L/C不可撤销信用证draft at sight 即期汇票Compensation Trade 补偿贸易terms and conditions 条件和协议joint venture 合资企业

All Risks 一切险

liner 班轮

tramp 不定期货轮

sole agent 独家代理

exclusive agent 独家代理

sales letter销售信函reviver振兴信

follow-up letter询问信

L/C without recourse 不可追索信用证drawer 发票人

beneficiary 受益人

date of shipment 装运期

sales confirmation 收货确认书

port of unloading 卸货港

documents against payment 付款交单telegraphic transfer 电汇

bill of lading 提单

Business directories 工商目录commission agent 佣金商

board of directors 董事会

A trail order 试订单

repeat order 价格相同数量不同的重复订单sale by sample凭样买卖

Sale by description 凭说明买卖

regular order 定期订单

middleman 中间人

dealer 经销商

Wholesale 批发商

retailers 零售商

tradesman 零售商

merchant 贸易商

Purchase order 订货单

credit reference 资信证明人

registered capital 注册资金

Overtrading 过额贸易

bank reference 银行备咨

financial standing 财务状况

Conduct 可靠性

capital 资金能力

capacity 经营能力

sales representative 销售代表

Chief representative 首席代表

indicate price 参考价格

more or less clause 溢短装条款Commercial invoice 商业发票

spot price 现价

wholesale price 零售价

The rate of export drawback 出口退税率partial shipment 分批装运transshipment 转运

Value-added invoice 增值税发票shipping advice 装运通知 S

ales Contract 销售合同

Purchase contract 买卖合同

purchase confirmation 购买确认书implied contract 暗示合同

Fixed Price Contract 固定价格合同Letter of Intent 意愿书

countersign 会签

Breach of contract 违约

violation of contract 违约

renewal of contract 合同续订Interpretation of contract 解释合同cash sale 现销

bulk sale 大量出售

distribution channel 分销渠道unfair competition 不公平竞争

remittance 汇付

collection 托收

mail transfer 信汇

demand draft 票汇

negotiating bank 议付行

sight L/C 即期信用证

time or usance L/C远期信用证

revocable and irrevocable L/C 可(不可)撤销信用证

unconfirmed and confirmed L/C 不可(可)保兑信用证

transferable and divisible 可转让(可分制)信用证

L/C without recourse and with recourse 不可(可)追索信用证

Documentary and clean L/C 跟单信用证光票信用证

Anticipatory L/C and packing credit 预支信用证打包放款

Revolving L/C 循环信用证

expiry date 到期日

download payment(earnest money)定金

Blank endorsement 不记名背书

bulk cargo 散装货物

nude cargo裸妆货物

shipping mark 唛头

indicative mark 知识性标志

warning mark 警告性标志

packing clause 包装条款

