

自考旅游英语选读 chapter1资料

自考旅游英语选读  chapter1资料

Development of a field depends on : uniform definitions, description, analysis, prediction and control.(P5第二段)
一个专业领域的发展依赖于:统一的概念、描述 、分析、预测和控制
种 现象和关系的综合。 不包括的八种人:(自己看书)
1. Tourists seek various psychic and physical experiences and satisfactions.
2. Business people see tourism an opportunity to make a profit by supplying goods and services.
是1960s末1970s初的产物 战后经济发展是必要条件 技术领域:喷气飞机、计算机和预订系统推动
齐向前发展 生产方面:低廉油价、包租客机、批量生产使
III. New Tourism
新旧旅游不同,五项关键作用(p22) 新旅游的定义(P23) 新旅游是大规模、包价的非规范化的旅游形式, 它为满足游客和目的地经济和社会效益提供合理 的价格。
One of the key characteristics of the new tourism is flexibility.
The cornerstone of the industry’s flexibility is information technology (IT)
Lesson 3
大众旅游是指以固定的价格面对群体顾客推出 的大规模、规范化、包价休闲服务。



《旅游英语选读》自考真题试题及答案解析一、 单选题(共47题,共0分)1、WhichofthefollowingstatementisNOTtrue?A.MorrisdancinginFrenchruralcommunitiesowesmuchtotourism.B.Throughtravel,peoplearefindingfriendsineverycorneroftheearth.C.Tourismcontributestobothpreservationanddevelopmentoftheworld'scultureheritage.D.Thesocialsignificanceoftourismisverytruefortheindividualtravelers.答案:A解析:暂无解析2、Awell-knownexampleofthelargescaledestructionofanecosystemthroughvegetationremovaltoaccommodatetouristfacilitiesisthecaseofthe_______.A.coastalregionsofAustraliaB.EuropeanAlpsC.AcropolisinAthensD.SnowdoniainWales答案:B解析:暂无解析3、WhichofthefolloingisNOTincludedinthefabledFiveMountainsinChina?A.HuashanB.LushanC.SongshanD.Taishan答案:B解析:暂无解析4、In1985,_______becamethefirstinternationalhotelcompanytoopenahotelinChinabearingitsownname.A.SheratonB.HolidayInnC.HiltonInternationalD.IBIS(France)答案:A解析:暂无解析5、______innsandtaverns,inparticular,gainedareputationforcleanlinessandcomfortandsetthestandardforaccommodationinotherpartsofE urope.A.SwissB.GermanC.FrenchD.English答案:D解析:暂无解析6、______aretheprimarydestinationsfortheChineseatpresent.A.SomeEuropeancountries.B.SomeNorthAmericancountries.C.SomeASEANcountries.D.SomeSouthAmericancountries.答案:C解析:暂无解析7、Touristexpenditureshavedifferenteffectsonadestinationeconomy:salesbyfoodvendorstorestaurantsare_______effect;whiletaxifaresanda irlineticketsalesare_______effect.A.induced;directB.direct;indirectC.indirect;directD.induced;indirect答案:C解析:暂无解析8、IntheU.K.,theQueen'sSilverJubileeisin_______.A.1977B.1967C.1987D.1957答案:A解析:暂无解析9、Astothevariouspollutions,whichofthefollowingisNOTtrue?A.IntheUS,manyduneshavebeendestroyedbytheuseofbeachbuggies.B.IntheUK,manyduneshavebeenseriouslyerodedbymotorcyclerallying.C.InSpain,theremovalofcoralforcommercialsaledamagescoastalregions.D.FootpathsinSnowdoniainWaleshavebeenerodedbyover-use.答案:C解析:暂无解析10、Chinaisamountainouscountry.Hills,mountains,andplateauscover_______ofthetotalarea.A.1/3B.3/4C.2/3D.1/2答案:C解析:暂无解析11、TheWesternCouncilforTravelResearchin_______employedthetermvisitor.A.1965B.1964C.1963D.1962答案:C解析:暂无解析12、WhichofthefollowingcountryisnotamemberofOECD?A.FinlandB.LuxembourgC.VietnamD.Italy.答案:C解析:暂无解析13、WhichofthefollowingisnotmentionedasWTO'sobjective?A.Tofacilitate,intravel,people'saccesstoeducationandculture.B.Toactasaninternationalagencyofcoordinationandcooperationtospreadtourism.C.Toavoiddiscriminationbetweencontractingcountries.D.Toimprovetheconditionsofcountrydwellersandsotocontributetoanexpandingworldeconomy.答案:C解析:暂无解析14、InEurope_______arethetwoleadingcontendersforaglobalreservationssystem.A.SABREandGALILEOB.GALILEOandAPOLLOC.GALILEOandAMADEUSD.APOLLOandAMADEUS答案:C解析:暂无解析15、______isrecognizedasthenationalflag-carrier.A.TheprivateairlineB.ThepublicairlineC.ThecharteredairlineD.jetairline答案:B解析:暂无解析16、In1995,anaverageof_______ofdomestictravelerswentonsightseeinginChina.A.52.4%B.54.2%C.56.4%D.54.6%答案:A解析:暂无解析17、Whichofthefollowingisnotaninternationalvisitor?A.Acrewmemberofaforeignvesseloraircraftstoppedinthecountryonalay-over.B.Anemployeeofinternationalbodiesonamissionlastinglessthanoneyear,oranationalreturninghomeforatemporary.C.Onewhovisitsinthecapacityofadiplomatoramemberofthearmedforces.D.Aforeigncommercialorbusinesstraveler.答案:C解析:暂无解析18、AccordingtoMaslow,self-actualizationneedexcludes_______A.personaldevelopmentB.self-discoveryC.satisfactionofinnerdesiresD.explorationandevaluation答案:C解析:暂无解析19、Thefirsttaskofabrochureisto_______.A.savespaceB.savecostC.attractattentionD.bebeautiful答案:C解析:暂无解析20、TheNetherlandsistheonlycountryinEuropewhichpermitseuthanasia,________itisnottechnicallylegalthere.A.ifB.otherwiseC.althoughD.unless答案:C解析:本句的意思是“虽然荷兰是欧洲唯一允许安乐死的国家,但是安乐死在荷兰严格说来并不合法” ,所以应该填although。



2022年自考专业(英语)旅游英语选读考试真题及答案一、Multiple choice每题的四个选项中只有一个答案是正确的,请将正确的选项选择出来。

1、Which of the following is NOT the four different perspectives of tourism which are vital to the development of a comprehensive definition?A. The host community.B. The government of the host community or area.C. The tourists.D. The tourist attractions.2、The first Cook Hotel was established at()in 1887.A. ParisB. LondonC. LuxorD. Rome3、() is a regional international organization.A. OECDB. WTOC. IATAD. ICAO4、The passengers of cruise ships are usually considered ().A. international travelersB. excursionistsC. commutersD. migrant tourists5、The development of bus and coach tours and railway excursions has had their greatest impact on those().A. with high incomesB. with middle incomesC. with limited incomesD. with no incomes6、The characteristics of business travel exclude being().A. of low standardB. price inelasticC. non-seasonalD. big-city orientated7、Most travel principals sell their products to consumers through the medium of().A. tour wholesalersB. travel agentsC. hotelsD. advertising agents8、The three categories of package tour brochures include the following EXCEPT() .A. shell foldersB. umbrella brochuresC. leafletsD. regular tour brochures9、Which of the following description is NOT the characteristic of scheduled services?A. They operate on defined route.B. They vary with passenger load factors.C. They operate on a published timetable.D. They operate on domestic or international routes.10、The most stimulant in the 19th and early 20th centuries to vacations within the US, Canada and Europe was().A. the automobileB. the aircraftC. the steamshipD. the train11、Hospitality became a business venture in 1282 when a group of innkeepers in()was incorporated as a guild and licensed to sell wine.A. Paris, FranceB. London, BritainC. Florence, ItalyD. Rome, Italy12、The lifeblood of the organization of a hotel is().A. the sales departmentB. the rooms departmentC. the accounting departmentD. the engineering department13、The economic effects of tourism are usually categorized into four groups including the effect().A.on income, on employment, on the area’s balance of payments with the outside world, and on investment and developmentB. on wages and salaries, on interest, on rent, and on profits C. on wages and salaries, on inter est, on the area’s balance of payments with the outside world, and on investment and developmentD. on income, on employment, on rent, and on profits14、The impact of tourism on values and norms includes the following EXCEPT().A. changes in family structures and valuesB. adoption of servile attitudes towards touristsC. dominance of leisure time by Western televisionD. an increase in criminality15、The degree of congestion which tourists will tolerate before the site begins to lose its appeal is called().A. the psychological capacityB. the physical capacityC. the safe capacityD. the ecological capacity二、Reading comprehension阅读以下短文,并从文后给出各题的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。




Multiple Choice:(0.5×20=10) Directions:In this section, you are given 20 questions, beneath each of which are four choices marked A, B, C,and D. You are to make the best choice either to complete the incomplete statement or to answer the question. 1.According to WTO‘s definition of tourism, outbound tourism refers to ____. A.visits to country by nonresidents B.visits by residents of a country to another country C.visits by residents of a country to their own country D.internal tourism plus outbound tourism 2.As the domestic tourism industry ____,competition will become increasingly ____.A. grows, intentB.develops, intentC. matures, intenseD. strengthens, intense 3.Thomas Cook was considered the father of ______.A. modern tourismB. railway industryC. hotel industryD. aviation industry 4.The most immediately apparent form of environmental pollution is _____.A. physical rather than aestheticB. aesthetic rather than physical C. psychological rather than technological D. technological rather than psychological 5.Tourism contributes to both ______ of the world‘s cultural heritage.A. knowledgeB. preservationC. developmentD.B and C 6.In 1981 the WTO has urged national tourism organizations ______ foreign nationals in their country as domestic travelers.A.to includeB.includedC.not to includeD.including 7.Local people usually see tourism as _______. A.an opportunity to make a profit B.an opportunity to create jobs C.a cultural and employment factor D.a wealth factor in the economy of their jurisdictions 8.In October 1970, the Rail Passenger Service Act ______.A.put into practiceB.was put inot practiceC.was practiceD.practised 9.In 1995 China ranked ______ in the world in terms of tourism dollars.A.seventhB.eighthC.ninthD.tenth 10._______ came into service in the early 1980s.A.The cometB.The Boeing 747C.The Boeing 757D.The Boeing 767 11.There is a real _____ in China that minority traditions will be lost.A.threatB.thrillC.transferD.trend 12.In the seventeenth century English inns set _______ for accommodations in other parts of Europe.A.the modeB.the wayC.the standardD.the taverns 13.The uniquely combined natural and cultural resource base has become a major ______ for China in its effort to develop tourism.A.assessB.assetC.assertD.assent 14.For the limited-capacity tour programs, the use of _____ is a convenient way to reduce cost.A.shell foldersB.umbrella brochuresC.regular tour brochuresD.booklets 15.Resources are a fundamental _______ in the development of tourism.parisonpositionplimentponent 16.When going on holidays, which group will think more about their social status A.Tourists taking holidays for educational purposes. B.People going on adventure holidays. C.Those travel for travel‘s sake. D.Those who travel for cultural events. 17.The most important factors for the travel agents to succeed are ______.A.good management and good serviceB.good officesputer reservations systemsD.fare quotations and ticketing skills 18.According to Maslow‘s need theory,______. A.lower needs and higher needs should be satisfied after an individual travels B.higher level needs take more efforts to fulfill C.an individual is motivated to travel after he has lower and higher needs D.lower needs should be satisfied before higher level needs are demanded attention 19.WTO is _____ that represents all national and official tourist interests.A.the only organizationB.one of the organizationsC.a regional international organizationD.a national organization 20.As China‘s economy shifts to a more market system, the domestic travel industry will face increasing _____ in a more highly competitive environment.A.changesB.chargesC.challengesD.chances Ⅱ。



《旅游英语(一)》试题2016年4月高等教育自学考试《旅游英语(一)》试题课程代码:07365一、词汇题1.旅行团领队A.tour group B.tour leader C.tour guide D.tour head2.登机门A.boarding door B.boarding terminalC.boarding gate D.boarding channel3.行李牌A.luggage check B.luggage card C.luggage board D.luggage paper4.套件A.suit B.suite C.suits D.suites5.门镜A.peep role B.peep eye C.role peep D.eye peep 6.煎鸡蛋A.fried egg B.salt egg C.boiled egg D.scrambled egg7.包价旅游A.full price trip B.package trip C.a11price trip D.full fee trip8.全陪A.full guide B.local guide C.national guide D.place guide9.乡下游A.farm tour B.City tour C.urban tour D.country tour10.火车站A.bus station B.car station C.train station D.railway station二、补全对话题I. G=Tour Guide L=Tour Leader T=T ouristT: Can I goto see a friend? She works in Zhongshan University.G: 11L: Yes, hepromised me to be back in two hours.G: 12T: Can youget a taxi for me?G: 13 Whattime do you want to go?T: 10minutes later.G: 14T: Yes,it's 1736.G: 15T: Thankyou.A. Can I get your room number?B. Yes, of course.C. Sure.D. Did you talk to the tour leader?E. I'll call you when I get it ready.II. C=Post Office Clerk T=TouristC: Goodmorning, sir. Can I help you?T: Yes. I'dlike to send this package to theUnited States.C: What isin it, please?T: 16C: Pleasefill in this form.T: 17 Hereyou are. How much is the postage?C: It is 80yuan.T: 18C: Here isyour change and here is your receipt for your package.T: 19C: do youwant to anything else?T: 20 wherecan I send a telegram?C: You cango to the window over there to send your telegram.T: Thankyou.C: You arewelcome.A. Here is the money.B. Some clothes.C. All right.D. Yes.E. Thank you.三、判断题21. Howmany is the charge?22. Themedicine is helpful with your health.23. I willuse my credit card.24. I wantto do some shopping this weekend.25. Can Itry this in?四、翻译题26.行李员27.通道28.预定29.试衣间30.月台31.人工景观32.停车费33.气候条件34.桂林被认为是中国最美的城市。



全国2009年1月自考旅游英语选读试题课程代码:00837请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上I. Multiple choice: (1 × 15=15)Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1. The China National Tourism Administration was established in ________.A. 1954B. 1964C. 1974D. 19842. Tourism comprises the activities of persons traveling outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for business, ________ and other purposes.A. meetingB. leisureC. tradeD. profession3. The head of the housekeeping department heads the numerically largest departments in the hotel, ________ ,members come into direct contact with the guests.A. all of whoB. any of whoseC. many of whoseD. many of whom4. Britain had its ________ tour on the train ________ by Thomas Cook in 1841.A. first, organizedB. second, organizingC. third, to organizeD. fourth, organize5. Tourism is an ________ product which customers are obliged to purchase without having the opportunity to inspect it.A. independentB. indirectC. internationalD. intangible6. The WTO defines a domestic ________ is a visitor traveling in his country of residence for any of the reasons given for tourists, but who stays less than ________ hours at the destination.A. tourist, 48B. visitor, 36C. excursionist, 24D. traveler, 127. Often the tourism industry ________ for offering low wages but in these areas there may be no alternativejobs available.A. criticizeB. criticizesC. is criticizingD. is criticized8. The removal of barriers to trade and travel will definitely enhance China’s position as a country for financial ________ , international business, and business and leisure travel.A. investmentB. evaluationC. circulationD. administration9. Owing to their desire for greater ________ , changes in the life-style of the young also threaten the traditional forms of holiday accommodation.A. convenienceB. adventureC. flexibilityD. self-catering10. ________ played an important role in the early history of hospitality.A. TradeB. ReligionC. TemplesD. Churches11. The Chinese government ________ the development of the domestic tourism industry as a very important means of ________ currency from circulation.A. consider, withdrawB. considered, withdrewC. considers, withdrawingD. considering, withdraws12. Only in the case of “special interest tours”, the cultural exchange may take the form of _______ group trips to a concert, museums or art galleries.A. carefully escortedB. carefully escortingC. cautiously guidedD. cautiously guiding13. Since May 1,1995, leisure time over the two-day weekend ________ urban residents’ demand for domestic travel and tourism.A. stimulatesB. is stimulatingC. has stimulatedD. has been stimulating14. ________ may form an impenetrable barrier to genuine local contact and this limitation may lead to mutual misunderstanding.A. LiteratureB. LocationC. LanguageD. Landscape15. In more recent times, it was the ________ themselves who developed the first air package tours.A. travel retailersB. travel agentsC. travel directorsD. travel principalsII. Reading comprehension: (2 × 10=20)Directions: Read the following passages and make your proper choices.(1)If the old maxim that the customer is always right still has meaning, then the airlines that fly the world’s busiest air route between London and Paris have a fight on their hands.The Eurostar train service linking the UK and French capitals via the Channel Tunnel is winning the customers in increasing numbers. In late May, it carries its one millionth passengers, having run only a limited service between London, Paris and Brussels since November 1994, starting with two trains a day in each direction to Paris and Brussels. By 1997, the company believes that it will be carrying 10 million passengers a year, and continue to grow from there.From July, Eurostar steps its service to nine trains each way between London and Paris, and five between London and Brussels. Each train carries almost 800 passengers, 210 of them in first class.The airlines estimate that they will initially lose around 15% to 20% of their London-Paris traffic to the railways once Eurostar starts a full service later this year, with 15 trains a day each way. A similar service will start from London to Brussels. The damage will be limited, however, the airlines believe, with passenger numbers returning to previous levels within two to three years.In the short term, the damage caused by the 1 million people-level traveling between Londonand Paris and Brussels on Eurostar trains means that some air services are already suffering. Someof the major carriers say that their passenger numbers are down by less than 5% and point to their rivals --- particularly Air France --- as having suffered the problems. On the Brussels route, the railway company had less success, and the airlines report anything from around a 5% drop to no visible decline in traffic.The airlines’ optimis m on returning traffic levels is based on historical precedent. British Midland, for example, points to its experience on Heathrow Leeds Bradford service which saw passenger numbers decrease by 15% when British Rail electrified and modernized the railway linebetween London and Yorkshire. Two years later, travel had risen between the two destinations to the point where the airline was carrying record numbers of passengers.16. The phrase “have a fight on their hands” (Para. 1) probably means “ ________ ”.A. have to deal with the situation seriouslyB. have to declare war on the railway serviceC. have to decide whether to fight or notD. have no problem to win the fight17. The airlines are confident in the fact that ________.A. they are more powerful than the Eurostar serviceB. their total passenger loss won’t go beyond a drop of 5%C. their traffic levels will return in 2 to 3 yearsD. traveling by rail can never catch up with traveling by air18. The railway Brussels route is brought forth to show that ________.A. the Eurostar service is not doing good businessB. the airlines can well compete with the railwayC. the Eurostar train service only caused very little damageD. only some airlines, such as Air France, are suffering19. British Midland is mentioned to ________.A. provide a comparison with EurostarB. support the airlines’ optimismC. prove the inevitable drop of air passengersD. call for electrification and modernization of the railway20. The purpose of the last paragraph is to ________ .A. praise the airlines’ clear-mindednessB. advise the airlines to follow British Midland as their modelC. propose a reduction of London/Paris flightsD. show why the airlines are still hopeful(2)The tourist trade is booming. With all this coming and going, you’d expect greater understanding to develop between the nations of the world. Not a bit of it! Superb systems of communication by air, sea and land make it possible for us to visit each other’s country at a moderate cost. What was once the ‘grand tour’, reserved for only the very rich, is now within everybody’s grasp. The package tour and chartered flights are not to be sneered at. Modern travelers enjoy a level of comfort which the lords and ladies on grand tours in the old days co uldn’t have dreamed of. But What’s the sense of this mass exchange of populations if the nations of the world remain basically ignorant of each other?Many tourist organizations are directly responsible for this state of affairs. They deliberately set out toprotect their clients from too much contact with the local population. The modern tourist leads a nursed, sheltered life. He lives at international hotels, where he eats his international food and sips his international drink while he gazes at the natives from a distance. Conducted tours to places of interest are carefully censored. The tourist is allowed to see only what the organizers want him to see and no more. A strict schedule makes it impossible for the tourist to wander off on his own; and anyway, language is always a barrier, so he is only too happy to be protected in this way. At its very worst, this leads to a new and hideous kind of colonization. The summer quarters of the inhabitants are temporarily reestablished on the island of Corfu. Blackpool is recreated at Torremolinos where the traveler goes not to eat paella, but fish and chips. The sad thing about this situation is that it leads to the persistence of national stereotypes. We don’t see the people of other nations as they really are, but as we have been brought up to believe they are. You can test this for yourself. Take five nationalities, say, French, German, English, American and Italian. Now in your mind, match them with these five adjectives: musical, amorous, cold, pedantic, native. Far from providing us with any insight into the national characteristics of the peoples just mentioned, these adjectives actually act as barriers. So when you set out on your travels, the only characteristics you notice are those which confirm your preconceptions. You come away with the highly unoriginal and inaccurate impression that, say, ‘Anglo-Saxons are hypocrites’ or that ‘Latin peoples shout a lot’. You only have to make a few foreign friends to understand how absurd and harmful national stereotypes are. But how can you make foreign friends when the tourist trade does its best to prevent you?Carried to an extreme, stereotypes can be positively dangerous. Wild generalizations stir up racial hatred and blind us to the basic fact. That all people are human. We are all similar to each other and at the same time all unique.21. Which of the following best states the main idea of the passage?A. Conducted tour is comfortable but dull.B. Tourism has become more convenient.C. Tourism helps understand each other.D. Tourism confirms national stereotypes.22. Which of the following is true of the grand tour nowadays?A. It’s so expensive that only the rich can enjoy it.B. It’s outdated and few people are interested in it.C. It charges high but offers moderate service.D. It can be actually enjoyed by everybody.23. According to the author, the national stereotype of Anglo-Saxons is that ________.A. they seem to be amorousB. they seem to be morally goodC. they are generous and kindD. they are cold and pedantic24. The purpose of the passage is to point out that ________.A. conducted tour is too comfortableB. national stereotypes should be changedC. the way of touring should be changedD. traveling only confirms your preconception25. W hat is the author’s attitude toward tourism?A. NegativeB. SuspiciousC. AppreciativeD. ApprehensiveIII. Cloze: (1 × 15=15)Directions: Choose the one from the given A, B, C and D to complete the passage properly.In England everything is the other way round.On Sunday on the Continent even the 26 person puts on his best suit, tries to 27 respectable, and at 28 time the life of the country becomes gay and cheerful; in England even the richest Lord or motor-manufacturer dresses 29 some peculiar rags, does not shave, and the country becomes dull and dreary. On the Continent there is one 30 which should be avoided ——the weather; in England if you do not 31 the phrase “Lovely day, isn’t it?” at least 32 a day, you are 33 a bit dull. On th e Continent Sunday papers 34 on Monday; in England ——a country of strange oddities ——they appear on Sunday. On the Continent people use a fork 35 ——it were a shovel; in England they turn it upside down and push 36 ——including peas ——on top of it.On the Continent stray cats 37 individually on their merits ——some are loved, some are only 38 ; in England they are universally worshipped, as in 39 Egypt. On the Continent people have good food; in England people have good table 40 .26. A. poorest B. poor C. sick D. poorer27. A. grow B. look C. seem D. become28. A. the exact B. the other C, the next D. the same29. A. on B. in C. with D. like30. A. sentence B. word C. topic D. term31. A. announce B. speak C. talk D. repeat32. A. two hundreds time B. two hundred timeC. two hundred timesD. two hundred’s times33. A. considered B. thought C. called D. suggested34. A. come B. appear C. arrive D. reach35. A. as though B. if C. as D. like36. A. something B. everything C. anything D. things37. A. judging B. judged C. are judged D. judge38. A. respectful B. respective C. respectable D. respected39. A. ancient B. old C. past D. former40. A. habits B. behaviors C. manners D. hobbiesIV. Phrasal verbs: (1 × 10=10)Directions: Fill in the blanks with the proper phrasal verbs given below. Make some changes if necessary.41. I broke him of his bad habit before it could ________.42. A trained dog can ________ a guide to a blind person.43. These desks and seats can ________ the height of any child.44. The committee ________ all its business in an hour.45. The number of visitors to that country ________ six million last year.46. His stomach trouble ________ eating too much.47. Last year modern hotels ________ like bamboo shoots after a spring rain.48. They have ________ ancient classics ________ four books.49. The date of our trip to the South ________ my firm’s vacation schedule.50. Swimmers from many nations are ________ each other for the first place.V. Phrase translation: (1 × 20=20)Part OneDirections: Translate the following into Chinese.51. international hotel chains 52. a wilderness park53. provide a truly global network 54. a buoyant level of tourism55. health hazard 56. multi-stopover independent tours57. catch the first available plane 58. from boom to bust59. leisure travel by retired people 60. gross domestic product (GDP)Part TwoDirections: Translate the following into English.61.宴会设施62.办理签证63.旅游动机64.无价格弹性65.净逆差66.生态平衡67.价值观68.烹调艺术69.奖励旅游70.世界旅游组织(全称)VI. Passage translation: (10×2=20)Directions: Translate the following passages into Chinese.71. Tr avel and tourism has become a strategic industry in China’s development toward a “socialist market economy.” A decade of development has yielded both positive experiences and hard lessons. Our country is still probing better ways of developing a strong travel and tourism industry which can compete successfully in its regional and global markets. Our country, therefore, faces both opportunities and challenges in developing its tourism to the next level. Our tourism has a bright future, although it will require arduous efforts to develop it effectively. The opportunities and challenges that our country faces are discussed, and the strategies are identified as recommendations for future development.72. Passenger transportation, whether on land, over the water, or in the air is the lifeblood of the tourism industry. Water transportation was the first mode of transportation to move travelers rapidly over long distances, but many other modes have evolved to meet time and distance requirements.Travelers have the choice of plying the waves, riding the rails, cruising the highways, or soaring through the skies. Which one they choose will depend on where they are going, their budget, and the amount of flexibility they desire.。



全国2018年1月自学考试旅游英语选读试题课程代码:00837请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上I. Multiple choice: (1×15=15)Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1. The WTO defines a domestic tourist as a traveler visiting a destination in his country of residence for at least ______.A. one dayB. one weekC. one monthD. one weekend2. Hotels vary not only in size but in ______, in type of clientele, and in scope of activities.A. marketingB. managementC. characterD. service3. The brochure becomes the principal means of both ______ them about the product and persuading them to purchase it.A. obligingB. informingC. attractingD. marketing4. Many mass tourism resort destinations suffer from ______, giving the landscape an unclean and untidy appearance.A. congestionB. poor serviceC. overcrowdingD. litter5. Increased ______ has led to growing demand for tourism both at home and abroad.A. education standardB. leisure timeC. pocket moneyD. new concept6. ______ and rigidity are very clear characteristics of package tours offered on a large scale.A. AccomodationB. TransportationC. IdentificationD. Standardization7. The travel agent's role is ______ to that of most other retailers, in that agents do not purchase a product for resale to their customers.1A. dissimilarB. similarC. familiarD. relevant8. The tourism industry is often criticized for offering low wages but in these areas there may be no ______ jobs available.A. goodB. betterC. alternativeD. satisfied9. Several attempts have been made to determine why traverlers select the train as a transportation ______.A. wayB. modeC. policyD. route10. One important contribution of the World Tourism Organization is ______, which includes studying the features of international tourism.A. researchB. designC. marketingD. statistics11. For those who want to spend most of the time lying on a warm, sunny beach, an appropriate coastal ______ will be chosen.A. hotelB. parkC. townD. resort12. Scheduled services operate on ______.A. fixed timeB. timetableC. defined routesD. booked customers13. In the ideal situation, tourism enchances ______, knowledge and ultimately understanding between nations.A. balanceB. awarenessC. developmentD. concept14. Politicians view tourism as a ______ factor in the economy of their jurisdictions.A. politicalB. culturalC. businessD. wealth15. Travel and tourism is a form of modern consumer ______.A. behaviorB. believe2C. mysteryD. miracleⅡ. Reading comprehension: (2×10=20)Directions: Read the following passages and make your proper choices.(1)Of the many interesting sights in Hangzhou, there is besides West Lake the spectacular tide at the mouth of Qiantang River. The tides here are what is called a tidal bore which makes a thrilling sight as it seems to be impelled by such a furious elemental force that it threatens to overwhelm and overpower everything in its way, striking awe in the beholder even as the sky and the sun are being swallowed up. It is said that in the world today only the tidal bore at the mouth of the mighty Amazon in Brazil can be a rival to that at the mouth of Qiantang.The tidal bore of Qiantang has since ancient times been considered a spectacular sight. As early as the fourth century B.C., the ancient philosopher of China Zhuangzi had written about it like this: “The waters in the Zhe or Crooked River will roll on raising waves high as mountains and towers, creating a thunderous roar and gathering up a force that threatens to engulf the sun and the sky”. In the Eastern Han Dynasty(25—220), Wang Chong the thinker, in his Essays of Criticism or Lun'Heng in Chinese, recorded his observations of the tidal bore of Qiantang River like this: “The tide flows and ebbs with the wax and wane of the moon”. In ancient China, it was a common practice among men of letters not only to read widely but also to travel extensively. In the course of their travels, many of them had visited lots of famous mountains and magnificent rivers, but they had seen few sights that had impressed them as deeply as the tidal bore of Qiantang. Wielding their inspired pens, some of them had described the spectacular sight of the tidal bore. Poet Li Kuo of the Tang Dynasty(618—907)had these lines:The bright mid-autumn moon casts its light on a thousand miles of land,The thunderous bore at midnight loud as a million marching men.16. According to the text the word “bore”here means ______.A. forceB. waveC. waterD. sight17. The mighty Amazon in Brazil has a tidal bore at its mouth, ______ the Qiantang River's.A. more powerful thanB. less powerful thanC. as powerful asD. no match for318. Since ancient time ______ people have praised the mighty of the tidal bore of Qiantang River.A. manyB. great manyC. a fewD. not a few19. Wang Chong believed that the tidal bore was ______ the moon's wax and wane.A. related toB. a part ofC. moved byD. reported in20. The line in Li Kuo's poem “The thunderous bore at midnight loud as a million marching men”means the bore is ______.A. quiet at daytimeB. as powerful as marching menC. as loud as the shouting of marching menD. extremely loud(2)Another large and growing segment of tourism consumers is mature travelers. The face of the industrialized world's population is changing, as are the profiles of individuals who take advantage of the ever-increasing array of leisure activities. Although it is probably a mistake to lump all mature travelers together into a single market, it is important to understand the immense size of this market. A good idea of the changes taking place in the mature segment of the tourism market can be seen by looking at the changes taking place in the United States. The American population is aging and will continue to increase as a percentage of the total population. By the year 2000, over 76 million Americans will be considered mature adults(55 years of age and older). Similar demographic shifts are taking place in many countries throughout the world.The number of senior citizens in the United States who compose the market segment called “mature travelers”has been growing at double-digit rates. This rapid growth provides many opportunities for firms who recognize and plan to meet the needs of these travelers. The mature traveler market segment is especially important since these individuals spend 30% more than younger travelers and account for 80% of all commercial vacation travel.Many mature visitors have the time, money, and energy to travel and enjoy family, friends, new sights, adventures and active lifestyle. They value excellent food while vacationing more than any other age group. They are less interested in bars and nightlife activities than other age groups. They are most likely to visit casinos. Mature travelers usually purchase package tours and take cruise vacations.4International travelers are a large and growing segment of tourism consumers. Travel to foreign countries by international travelers has been growing at a rapid pace. Statistics show that in 2000, Shanghai received some 1.8 million foreign visitors while some 100,000 traveled from Shanghai to other countries. Singapore saw 31,231 Chinese travelers for the period January—September, 2000. The number of tourists applying to tour the three countries(Japan, Australia and New Zealand) is increasing fast.21. According to the passage demographic shifts mean the change of ______.A. populationB. age structureC. people's ageD. mature adults22. This article was written ______.A. by 2000B. before 2000C. after 2000D. in 200023. Mature travelers are very important part of tourism because of their ______.A. matureB. sizeC. wealthD. age24. Mature travelers spend more money than ______ in traveling.A. business peopleB. young peopleC. middle-aged peopleD. other age groups25. It seems the mature travelers prefer ______ very much.A. casinosB. barsC. purchasingD. nightlife activitiesⅢ. Cloze: (1×15=15)Directions: Choose the one from the given A, B, C and D to complete the passage properly.When you want to go back to a restaurant because you feel welcome there, that is about the best definition of good 26 that can be offered. Good service is 27 a matter of attitudes and begins with the attitude of the management. If the manager is dedicated 28 giving good friendly service and is 29 with employees and guests, then this 30 the employees to be friendly and to make the 31 feel welcome.Very few people can continually carry a smile and be friendly to everybody they meet 32 they are constantly trained and encouraged to do so. One of management's most important jobs is5to have a 33 training program for service personnel. There are many training aids available today from 34 sources. Even the smallest and 35 remote food operation can have a good training program.Food service operations 36 from the classical French restaurant to the snack bar, each 37 an appropriate level of good service. A primary factor in all good service is that employees must be trained to recognize the 38 of the guest. They must realize that their livelihood depends upon being courteous and friendly. The manager of any restaurant should realize that the guest likes to be recognized. 39 practical, the manger should learn guests' names, stop by their tables when they are having dinner, and have polite conversation with them. If a problem 40 ,a little personal contact by the manager can often resolve it and the guest will leave happily.26. A. service B. food C. staff D. business27. A. slightly B. nearly C. relatively D. primarily28. A. at B. of C. to D. in29. A. hostile B. tolerant C. satisfied D. courteous30. A. urges B. encourages C. improves D. pushes31. A. guests B. visitors C. tourists D. friends32. A. though B. if C. unless D. when33. A. main B. basic C. instant D. continuous34. A. identical B. various C. distinct D. extra35. A. most B. far C. best D. further36. A. differ B. arrange C. range D. rank37. A. has B. having C. have D. had38. A. impression B. appetite C. taste D. importance39. A. When B. As C. Though D. But40. A. arouse B. raise C. has arisen D. riseIV. Phrasal verbs: (1×10=10)Directions: Fill in the blanks with the proper phrasal verbs given below. Make some changes if necessary.641. The airline ____________ a novel solution to the problem of jet-lag.42. Many foreign visitors ____________ China's mighty Yangtze River and its breathtaking Three Gorges.43. New tourism ____________ key emerging characteristics of the tourism industry.44. The technological complexity of twentieth century living ____________ various forms of pollution.45. Many theories ____________ on mode selection decision processes.46. The purchase of an airline ticket to visit parents ____________ feelings of love and affection for them.47. The creation of income from tourism ____________ closely ____________ employment.48. With the development of the package tour business after the Second World War, travel retailers ____________ a new role.49. At present, the development of domestic tourism services should ____________ the economically advanced metropolitan areas.50. The brochures ____________ the tourists when they got on the tour bus.V. Phrase translation: (1×20=20)Part OneDirections: Translate the following into Chinese.51. the same value perceptions52. foreign lands and cultures53. be a certain cachet54. the development of world trade55. specially subsidized exchange rates56. sponsor a continuous survey57. judge expected load factors758. the ancient buildings59. the supply and demand equilibrium60. 9.6 million square kilometersPart TwoDirections: Translate the following into English.61.文化旅游62.专业性的博物馆63.按顾客需求的服务64.旅游“飞地”65.旅游业对经济的影响66.全球性组织67.酒店的形象68.机票报价69.旅游设施和服务70.外交关系正常化Ⅵ. Passage translation: (10×2=20)Directions: Translate the following passages into Chinese.71. Since the 1990s, computer technology has been more widely applied to tourism in China where it has brought increasing economic benefit. Some large travel agencies are promoting the use of computers and the Internet in their operations, management and overseas promotion. China International Travel Service(CITS), the first to use computer management in China's tourism industry, has installed computers of various types to sell tourist products, quote prices, make reservations, work out schedule, arrange various services, settle tourist accounts and other financial matters. CITS China information goes out via Australia's Worldlink to more than 250,000 computer terminals worldwide.72. Like the conference business, the exhibition industry appears to be growing. Between 1994 and 1998 the European industry, as indicated by exhibitor participation, was growing by over 4 per cent a year. In Germany, the modern Messe (会展中心) of Germany evolved at the beginning of the century from the centuries-old trade fairs. The Germans have maintained their lead through the development of specialist trade fairs as well as the continued development of8their facilities. Their strength is not in the number of shows, but in their large size and international character. Germany is, of course, an important industrial country and it could be expected that there would be some correlation between exhibitions and industrial development. Frequently, as in Detroit in the USA, there is a link between trade fairs and the industries which are important in the local region.9。

旅游英语选读自学考试试题(doc 10页)

旅游英语选读自学考试试题(doc 10页)

旅游英语选读自学考试试题(doc 10页)全国2007年10月高等教育自学考试旅游英语选读试题课程代码:00837请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上Write all your answers on the Answer Sheet!I. Multiple Choice (l×20=20)Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A. B. C. and D. Choosethe one that best completes the sentence.1. The International Conference on Travel and Tourism Statistics convened by WTO in ______, ______, in 1991 reviewed, updated and expanded on the work of earlier international groups.A. Hanover, GermanyB. Ottawa, CanadaC. Madrid, SpainD. Osaka, Japan2. China has numerous temples, pagodas, statues, and cave carvings, ______ are associated with Buddhism, Daoismand Confucius.A. whoseB. whichoperators, foreign tour7. Increases in ______ and ______ are the main factors that give rise to tourism.A. travel marketing, travel agentsB. leisure time, warm weatherC. mode of travel, populationD. net discretionary incomes, improved educational standards8. The Pacific Asia Travel Association was founded ______ ______ to develop, promote and facilitate travel to and among the destination areas in and bordering the Pacific Ocean.A. in Hawaii, in 1951B. in Tokyo, in 1952C. in Soul, in 1955D. in HongKong, in19499. There are also a number of ______, and perhaps ______ effects on the tourist localities.A. more direct, more visibleB. most direct, most visibleC. less direct, less visibleD. least direct, least visible10. ______ and ______ have successfully expanded tourism without destroying their Environment.A. Australia, SwitzerlandB. Switzerland, AustriaC. Britain, SpainD. Spain, France11. The first task of a tour brochure is ______.A. to be attractive, truthful, accurate and easily comprehendedB. to reinforce an image of quality and reliabilityC. Both A and BD. to be quickly recognized by customers12. It has been said that more food and beverage repeat business has been lost by ______ than by poor food.A. poor serviceB. badly cooked foodC. badly designed menuD. poor interior design13. In the second half of the 20th century, travel ______ has become safe, comfortable, rapid and above all cheap.A. by waterB. by railwayC. by highwayD. by air14. ______ with a well-established transportation network, ______ effectively move its rapidly increasing numbers of international and domestic tourists.A. Only ... we canB. Only... can weC. As ... we shouldD. Once ... should we15. The automobile and the jet plane have radically affectedthe hospitality industry, ______travel patterns and ______ to the development of different types of hotels.A. change, leadB. changes, leadsC. changing, leadingD. changed, led16. Domestic tourism usually consists of ______ travel activities by citizens within their own country.A. businessB. leisureC. matureD. A and B17. Tourism contributes to both preservation and development of the world’s ______.A. cultural heritageB. cultural traditionC. scenic routeD. scenic wonder18. In the case of tourists interested in other cultures, ______ will determine the destination selected.A. the standard of accommodationB. the support servicesC. the location and availability of the cultural eventD. the sun-sea-sand set19. Today the successful general manager must be highly ______ person, capable of ______ a complex business enterprise.A. train, directB. trained, directingC. training, directedD. being trained, being directed20. In ______, ______ and ______, high-speed trains have been developed and are in operation.A. Britain, France, AustriaB. Germany, France, JapanC. Germany, Spain, JapanD. Britain, USA, AustraliaII. Reading Comprehension (2×10=20)Directions: Read the following passages and make your proper choice.(A)Traveling with children who are old enough to read, write, or play games need not be a problem. By taking along a supply of papers, pencils, or one of the excellent game books that are sold just for the purpose, the time can be made to fly. Verbal games, too, such as “Twenty Questions”, help to pass the hours.When traveling on public transportation, having games and diversions on hand is just as important, since it is unreasonable to expect children, especially small ones, to be able to sit still for long periods of time. It is up to you to keep watch over them, however, and not let them roam bythemselves or make excessive amounts of noise. Fellow passengers have paid for their travel tickets and even those who love children can learn to hate them quickly when trapped in a train or airplane with those who are ill-behaved.On ships there are usually activities of children. Although it is a break for parents to be able to send their children off to participate and have some time alone, you should still make sure that your children behave well. Children should not be permitted to race through corridors or to be unsupervised, no matter how much you enjoy relaxing in your desk chair without them nearby. It would be unfortunate if your children were the cause of other’s feelings that they were also traveling “with children”—— yours ——because of their interruption through constant noise, quarreling, or bad behavior.More and more frequently, children are sent to travel unaccompanied by an adult, whether to visit a relative, or to travel to grandparents. Many parents expect that a flight attendant or train steward will take care of their children when they send them off alone. This is an unreasonable expectation. Travel attendants have specific jobs to do, andthese do not include child care. For that reason each airline has established a minimum age for unaccompanied children. As long as that regulation is respected, there is no reason that children who are emotionally stable and unafraid should not travel by themselves. In my experience with our grandchildren, the airlines have done an excellent job of caring for them and the children have enjoyed it thoroughly. Of course, if it is not possible for a parent to accompany a very young child, then another adult should be hired as a traveling companion.21. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. Traveling with a primary school child is not a problem.B. Adults find it easy to pass the time by doing the game such as “Twenty Questions”.C. Children find time fly by doing verbal games such as “Twenty Questions”.D. Game books help make the time pass quickly for young children.22. It is implied but not stated that ______.A. small children cannot be expected to be emotionally stablefor longB. parents find it harassing to take care of their own childrenC. small children always make much noiseD. few fellow passengers like traveling with children23. The italicized word “break”(Para. 3) most probably means “ ______ ”.A. accidentB. mistakeC. restD. pause24. Parents cannot depend on travel attendants to take care of their children because ______.A. they are not responsible for child careB. there is a minimum age for children who travel aloneC. their children are emotionally unstable and timidD. parents should always go with their children25. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.A. the author doesn’t like traveling with his childrenB. the a uthor doesn’t like traveling with other passengers’ childrenC. the author opposes the airlines’ minimum age for unaccompanied childrenD. the author prefers children’s unaccompanied trave l ifthey are old enough(B)With its almost six billion people, the world offers a fascinating variety of human shapes and colors. As humans spread throughout the world, their adaptations to diverse climate and other living conditions resulted in this fascinating variety of complexions, colors and shapes. Changes in the genetic structure added distinct characteristics to the peoples of the globe. In this sense the concept of race, a group with inherited physical characteristics that distinguish it from another group, is a reality. Humans do indeed come in a variety of colors and shapes.In two senses, however, race is a myth, a fabrication of the human mind. The first fabrication is the idea that any one race is superior to another. All races have their geniuses —and their idiots. Like language, no race is superior to another. Adolf Hitler’s ideas were extreme. He believed that a superior race, called the Aryans, was responsible for the cultural achievements of Europe. They possessed the genetic stuff that made them inherently superior. Even many scientists of the time —not only Germany but throughout Europe and theUnited States —espoused the idea of racial superiority. Not surprisingly, they considered themselves members of the supposedly superior race!In addition to the myth of racial superiority, there is a second myth — that of the existence of a “pure” race. From the perspective of contemporary biology, humans show such a mixture of physical characteristics, that the “pure” races do not exist. Instead of falling into distinct types clearly separate from one another, human characteristics flow endlessly together. These minute gradations made arbitrary any attempt to draw definite lines.Large groupings of people, however, can be classified by blood type and gene frequencies. Yet even this arrangement does not uncover “race”. Rather, such classifications are so arbitrary that biologists and anthropologists can draw up listings showing any number of “race”. Ashley Montagu, a physical anthropologist, pointed out that some scientists have classified humans into only two “races”while others have found as many as two thousand. Montagu himself classified humans into forty “racial” groups.This is not meant to imply that the idea of race is a myth.That idea is definitely very much alive. It is firmly embedded in our culture, a social reality that we confront daily. Sociologist W. I. Thomas observed that “if people define situations as real, they are real in their consequences”. The fact that no race is superior or that biologically we cannot even decide how people should be classified into races is not what counts. What makes a difference for social life, rather, is that people believe these ideas, for people act on beliefs, not facts. As a result, we always have people like Hitler. Most people, fortunately, do not believe in such extremes, yet most people also appear to be ethnocentric enough to believe, at least just a little, that their own race is superior to others. 26. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that the diversification of human race resulted from ______.A. genetic inheritance and environmental influencesB. the differentiation of the inherited physical characteristicsC. humans' adaptations to diverse climate and other living conditionsD. genetic changes and distinct characteristics27. The italicized word “espoused” (Para. 2) probably means “______”.A. challengedB. questionedC. opposedD. supported28. Why is there no “pure” race according to the passage?A. Because people of different races often get married.B. Because people have different blood types.C. Because racial characteristics cover each other in part.D. Because there are so many races in the world.29. The author believes that any attempt at classifying races ______.A. is at best arbitraryB. is bound to be biasedC. tends to pick out one race as superiorD. takes culture into account30. The author concludes the passage by pointing out that ______.A. it is hardly possible to classify humans into racial groupsB. we should be on our guard against any idea of racial superiorityC. race is indeed a mystery to be explored and uncoveredD. it is not important how people should be classifiedIII. Cloze Test (0.5×20=10)Direction: Choose the one from the given A,B,C and D to complete the passage properly.Walt Disney World is indeed a Resort Park Complex with families in mind. 31 also goes without saying that a family 32 is an opportunity for families to relax and spend some “quality”33 together, but what about Mom and Dad? Here again the 34 thoughtful Disney people have 35 care of everything. Child care has never been more convenient and family 36 .On a recent trip 37 Disney World this Dad decided it was time to 38 our Disney Mom to a night out. Initially we felt a little 39 to leave our kids with 40 during our family vacation. In order to 41 our conscious, we decided to take our two 8 year 42 for a “visit”to the Cub Den before we abandoned them there 43 that night. The only problem we had during our visit was 44 them to leave. We were greeted by a Cast Member whose smile and friendly manner put everyone 45 ease. As we looked around the kids could not decide what they wanted to 46 first, the video games, toys, games or Disney Videos. We were also 47 that dinner would be provided and pizza was on the menu.48 the time approached to drop the kids off the only trouble we had was keeping up as we crossed the 49 on our way to the Cub Den. After signing them in we barely got a good-bye as they joined a group of kids who were seated on the floor 50 by a Disney Island animal caretaker and her special visitor.31. A. Which B. That C. It D. What32. A. trip B. vacation C. plan D. meet33. A. time B. experience C. hour D. night34. A. often B. forever C. never D. ever35. A. given B. taken C. made D. shown36. A. friendly B. friend C. friendliness D. friends37. A. for B. on C. at D. to38. A. invite B. treat C. have D. take39. A. willing B. excited C. reluctant D. sorry40. A. women B. strangers C. persons D. friends41. A. ease B. comfort C. persuade D. conquer42. A. older B. old C. oldest D. olds43. A. later B. late C. latest D. lately44. A. to get B. gotten C. getting D. got45. A. for B. in C. at D. with46. A. bring B. buy C. give D. explore47. A. asked B. informed C. tired D. noticed48. A. For B. Because C. As D. Though49. A. lorry B. lobby C. lodge D. laundry50. A. being entertained B. having entertained C. to be entertained D. to entertainIV. Fill in the blanks with the proper phrases given below. Make some changes if necessary.(1×10=10)Directions: Fill in the blanks with proper words or phrases.account for contribute to engage in give rise to lay outlook to serve as step up set forth s trive to51. His absence ______ an excuse to get rid of him.52. Melting snow ______ the regular spring floods in this area.53. Research ______ to find ways of improving fuel economy.54. A magazine that is well ______ can easily attract reade rs’ attention.55. Their customers ______ them for expert product knowledge and objectivity in the advice they offer.56. He ______ be recognized as a pianist.57. Air pollution ______ respiratory diseases.58. The committee ______ their views in a report published today.59. The bad management of the company ______ the downturn of the business.60. In those days they were not free ______ patriotic activity. V. Phrase Translation (1×20=20)Part One: Translate the following phrases into English: 61.全食宿 ________________ 62.候补票价 ________________ 63.客房部主管 ________________ 64.离境税________________65.家庭手工业 ________________ 66.收集纪念品________________67.烹调艺术 ________________ 68.通货膨胀率________________69.第三产业 ________________ 70.销售网点________________Part Two: Translate the following phrases into Chinese 71. Cultural resources ________________ 72. Soil erosion ________________73. Ethnic minority groups ______________ 74.Non-commodity currency ____________75. Entrepreneurial ingenuity _________ 76. Publicity material ________________77. Clear customs ________________ 78. Transit traveler ________________79. Market segmentation ___________ 80. Host country ________________VI. Translate the following passages into Chinese. (20)81.Generally, WTO concentrate on the informed promotion of tourism, spreading an appreciation of tourism and its advantages and dangers and recommending positive measures like the creation of new facilities. The organization attempts to harmonize tourist polices among nations through formulating and applying principles of international tourism. As mentioned, WTO is instrumental in the representation of tourism in the United Nations and acts as the central authoritative voice for world tourismand the tourist, complementing the central authority and position of the national tourist organizations. Additionally, WTO concludes multilateral international instruments and supports their implementation, as well as the implementation of the appropriate existing instruments, and fosters settlement of international technical tourism disagreements.82.Buffets are a very popular way of entertaining, especially for large groups. They may be served as a luncheon or dinner. They may be formal or informal. Food may be served cold or warm. At a buffet many people can be served in a short time, Fewer waiters are necessary. The food is attractively arrange on a long table or side board. Guests take their plates and choose their food from a variety of dishes. Usually they sit at tables. But at informal buffets on the terrace or in a garden, people eat standing up. If they do this, they have to eat most foods with a fork or with their fingers.。



旅游英语选读试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What is the most common mode of transportation fortourists in the city?A. TrainB. BusC. TaxiD. Bicycle2. Which of the following is not included in a typical travel package?A. AccommodationB. TransportationC. FoodD. Personal expenses3. What does the abbreviation "B&B" stand for in the context of travel?A. Bed and BreakfastB. Bus and BoatC. Beach and BarD. Booking and Booking4. When planning a trip, which of the following should be considered first?A. BudgetB. DestinationC. ItineraryD. Accommodation5. What is the meaning of "check-in" at a hotel?A. To pay for the roomB. To reserve a roomC. To enter the roomD. To register for a room二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)6. The term "visa" refers to an official ________ granted bya country, allowing a foreigner to enter, leave, or stay fora certain period.7. A "tour guide" is a person who ________ tourists around a place of interest.8. When you arrive at an airport, you need to go through________ before entering the country.9. The phrase "round trip" means a journey that starts and ends at the same place, also known as a ________.10. If you want to book a flight, you can use the term "makea ________."三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)11. Explain the difference between a "group tour" and an "individual tour."12. What are the advantages of using public transportation while traveling?13. Describe the process of booking a hotel room online.14. What are some common phrases travelers might use when asking for directions?四、阅读理解(每题3分,共20分)Read the following passage and answer the questions.Passage:Traveling has become an integral part of modern life. People travel for various reasons such as leisure, business, or education. When planning a trip, it's important to consider several factors including the destination, budget, and duration of the trip. Travel agencies can assist with organizing travel packages that include accommodations, transportation, and sometimes meals. However, travelers also have the option to plan their own itinerary and make individual arrangements.15. Why do people travel?16. What services can a travel agency provide?17. What is the purpose of a travel package?18. What is the difference between a travel agency's package and individual arrangements?五、写作题(共20分)19. Write a short essay on the importance of learning English for travelers. Your essay should be at least 200 words.答案:一、选择题1. B2. D3. A4. B5. D二、填空题6. document7. guides8. customs9. return ticket10. reservation三、简答题11. A "group tour" is where travelers join a pre-planned itinerary with a group of people, often with a tour guide. An "individual tour" allows for personal freedom to plan one's own trip, without the constraints of a group schedule.12. Public transportation is cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and provides an opportunity to experience local culture.13. First, research and select a hotel. Then, visit thehotel's website or use a booking platform. Enter travel dates and personal information, choose room type, and confirm the booking.14. Some common phrases include "Where is the nearest subway station?", "Can you show me on the map?", and "How do I get to this address?"四、阅读理解15. People travel for leisure, business, or education.16. A travel agency can provide services such as organizing travel packages, accommodations, transportation, and sometimes meals.17. A travel package is a pre-arranged set of services offered by a travel agency to make traveling more convenientand often more cost-effective.18. A travel agency's package is pre-planned and includes set services, while individual arrangements allow for personal customization and flexibility.五、写作题[考生自行撰写,无固定答案]。



全国2018年1月自学考试旅游英语选读试题课程代码:00837请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上I. Multiple choice: (1 × 15=15)Directions : Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1. The WTO defines a domestic tourist as a traveler visiting a destination in his country of residencefor at least _____________ .A. one dayB. one weekC. one monthD. one weekend2. Hotels vary not only in size but in ____ , in type of clientele, and in scope of activities.A. marketingB. managementC. characterD. service3. The brochure becomes the principal means of both _________ them about the product andpersuading them to purchase it.A. obligingB. informingC. attractingD. marketing4. Many mass tourism resort destinations suffer from ____, giving the landscape an unclean anduntidy appearance.A. congestionB. poor serviceC. overcrowdingD. litter5. Increased ____ has led to growing demand for tourism both at home and abroad.A. education standardB. leisure timeC. pocket moneyD. new concept6. ____ and rigidity are very clear characteristics of package tours offered on a large scale.A. AccomodationB. TransportationC. IdentificationD. Standardization7. The travel agent's role is ____ to that of most other retailers, in that agents do not purchase aproduct for resale to their customers.A. dissimilarB. similar1C. familiarD. relevant8. The tourism industry is often criticized for offering low wages but in these areas there may be nojobs available.A. goodB. betterC. alternativeD. satisfied9. Several attempts have been made to determine why traverlers select the train as a transportationA. wayB. modeC. policyD. route10. One important contribution of the World Tourism Organization is _________ , which includesstudying the features of international tourism.A. researchB. designC. marketingD. statistics11. For those who want to spend most of the time lying on a warm, sunny beach, an appropriatecoastal _____ will be chosen.A. hotelB. parkC. townD. resort12. Scheduled services operate on ____ .A. fixed timeB. timetableC. defined routesD. booked customers13. In the ideal situation, tourism enchances _______ , knowledge and ultimately understandingbetween nations.A. balanceB. awarenessC. developmentD. concept14. Politicians view tourism as a ___ factor in the economy of their jurisdictions.A. politicalB. culturalC. businessD. wealth15. Travel and tourism is a form of modern consumer ____ .A. behaviorB. believeC. mysteryD. miracle Ⅱ. Reading comprehension: (2 × 10=20)Directions : Read the following passages and make your proper choices.2(1)Of the many interesting sights in Hangzhou, there is besides West Lake the spectacular tide at the mouth of Qiantang River. The tides here are what is called a tidal bore which makes a thrilling sight as it seems to be impelled by such a furious elemental force that it threatens to overwhelm and overpower everything in its way, striking awe in the beholder even as the sky and the sun are being swallowed up. It is said that in the world today only the tidal bore at the mouth of the mighty Amazon in Brazil can be a rival to that at the mouth of Qiantang.The tidal bore of Qiantang has since ancient times been considered a spectacular sight. As early as the fourth century B.C., the ancient philosopher of China Zhuangzi had written about it like this: “ The waters in the Zhe or Crooked River will roll on raising waves high as mountains and towers, creating a thunderous roar and gathering up a force that threatens to engulf the sun and the sky ”. In the Eastern Han Dynasty(25 —220), Wang Chong the thinker, in his Essays of Criticism or Lun'Heng in Chinese, recorded his observations of the tidal bore of Qiantang River like this: “ The tide flows and ebbs with the wax and wane of the moon ”. In ancient China, it was a common practice among men of letters not only to read widely but also to travel extensively. In the course of their travels, many of them had visited lots of famous mountains and magnificent rivers, but they had seen few sights that had impressed them as deeply as the tidal bore of Qiantang. Wielding their inspired pens, some of them had described the spectacular sight of the tidal bore. Poet Li Kuo of the Tang Dynasty(618 —907)had these lines:The bright mid-autumn moon casts its light on a thousand miles of land,The thunderous bore at midnight loud as a million marching men.16. According to the text the word “ bore” here means _____ .A. forceB. waveC. waterD. sight17. The mighty Amazon in Brazil has a tidal bore at its mouth, ____ the Qiantang River's.A. more powerful thanB. less powerful thanC. as powerful asD. no match for18. Since ancient time ____ people have praised the mighty of the tidal bore of Qiantang River.A. manyB. great many3C. a fewD. not a few19. Wang Chong believed that the tidal bore was ____ the moon's wax and wane.A. related toB. a part ofC. moved byD. reported in20. The line in Li Kuo's poem “ The thunderous bore at midnight loud as a million marching men”means the bore is __________ .A. quiet at daytimeB. as powerful as marching menC. as loud as the shouting of marching menD. extremely loud(2)Another large and growing segment of tourism consumers is mature travelers. The face of the industrialized world's population is changing, as are the profiles of individuals who take advantage of the ever-increasing array of leisure activities. Although it is probably a mistake to lump all mature travelers together into a single market, it is important to understand the immense size of this market. A good idea of the changes taking place in the mature segment of the tourism market can be seen by looking at the changes taking place in the United States. The American population is aging and will continue to increase as a percentage of the total population. By the year 2000, over 76 million Americans will be considered mature adults(55 years of age and older). Similar demographic shifts are taking place in many countries throughout the world.The number of senior citizens in the United States who compose the market segment called“ mature travelers ” has been growing at double-digit rates. This rapid growth provides many opportunities for firms who recognize and plan to meet the needs of these travelers. The mature traveler market segment is especially important since these individuals spend 30% more than younger travelers and account for 80% of all commercial vacation travel.Many mature visitors have the time, money, and energy to travel and enjoy family, friends, new sights, adventures and active lifestyle. They value excellent food while vacationing more than any other age group. They are less interested in bars and nightlife activities than other age groups. They are most likely to visit casinos. Mature travelers usually purchase package tours and take cruise vacations.International travelers are a large and growing segment of tourism consumers. Travel to foreign countries by international travelers has been growing at a rapid pace. Statistics show that in 2000,4Shanghai received some 1.8 million foreign visitors while some 100,000 traveled from Shanghai to other countries. Singapore saw 31,231 Chinese travelers for the period January—September, 2000. The number of tourists applying to tour the three countries(Japan, Australia and New Zealand) is increasing fast.21. According to the passage demographic shifts mean the change of ____.A. populationB. age structureC. people's ageD. mature adults22. This article was written ____ .A. by 2000B. before 2000C. after 2000D. in 200023. Mature travelers are very important part of tourism because of their ____ .A. matureB. sizeC. wealthD. age24. Mature travelers spend more money than ____ in traveling.A. business peopleB. young peopleC. middle-aged peopleD. other age groups25. It seems the mature travelers prefer _____ very much.A. casinosB. barsC. purchasingD. nightlife activitiesⅢ . Cloze: (1 1×5=15)Directions : Choose the one from the given A, B, C and D to complete the passage properly.When you want to go back to a restaurant because you feel welcome there, that is about the best definition of good 26 that can be offered. Good service is 27 a matter of attitudes and begins with the attitude of the management. If the manager is dedicated 28 giving good friendly service and is 29 with employees and guests, then this 30 the employees to be friendly and to make the 31 feel welcome.Very few people can continually carry a smile and be friendly to everybody they meet 32 they are constantly trained and encouraged to do so. One of management's most important jobs is to have a 33 training program for service personnel. There are many training aids available today from 34 sources. Even the smallest and 35 remote food operation can have a good training program.Food service operations 36 from the classical French restaurant to the snack bar, each 37 an56appropriate level of good service. A primary factor in all good service is that employees must be trained to recognize the 38 of the guest. They must realize that their livelihood depends upon being courteous and friendly. The manager of any restaurant should realize that the guest likes to berecognized. 39 practical, the manger should learn guests' names, stop by their tables when they are having dinner, and have polite conversation with them. If a problem 40 , a little personal contact by the manager can often resolve it and the guest will leave happily. 26. A. serviceB. foodC. staffD. business 27. A. slightlyB. nearlyC. relativelyD. primarily 28. A. a tB. ofC. toD. in 29. A. h ostileB. tolerantC. satisfiedD. courteous 30. A. u rgesB. encouragesC. improvesD. pushes 31. A. guestsB. visitorsC. touristsD. friends 32. A. thoughB. ifC. unlessD. when 33. A. m ainB. basicC. instantD. continuous 34. A. i denticalB. variousC. distinctD. extra 35. A. m ostB. farC. bestD. further 36. A. d ifferB. arrangeC. rangeD. rank 37. A. h asB. havingC. haveD. had 38. A. i mpressionB. appetiteC. tasteD. importance 39. A. W henB. AsC. ThoughD. But 40. A. a rouse B. raise C. has arisen D. riseIV. Phrasal verbs: (1 10=1×0)Directions : Fill in the blanks with the proper phrasal verbs given below. Make some changes ifnecessary.41. The airline __________ a novel solution to the problem of jet-lag.42. Many foreign visitors _________ China's mighty Yangtze River and its breathtaking ThreeGorges.43. New tourism __________ key emerging characteristics of the tourism industry.44. The technological complexity of twentieth century living _______________ various forms ofpollution.45. Many theories ___________ on mode selection decision processes.46. The purchase of an airline ticket to visit parents __________ feelings of love and affectionfor them.47. The creation of income from tourism __________ closely ___________ employment.48. W ith the development of the package tour business after the Second World War, travel retailersa new role.49. At present, the development of domestic tourism services should ____________________ theeconomically advanced metropolitan areas.50. The brochures __________ the tourists when they got on the tour bus.V. Phrase translation: (1 20=20)× Part OneDirections : Translate the following into Chinese.51. the same value perceptions52. foreign lands and cultures53. be a certain cachet54. the development of world trade55. specially subsidized exchange rates56. sponsor a continuous survey57. judge expected load factors58. the ancient buildings59. the supply and demand equilibrium60. 9.6 million square kilometersPart TwoDirections : Translate the following into English.61.文化旅游62.专业性的博物馆63.按顾客需求的服务64.旅游“飞地” 65.旅游业对经济的影响66.全球性组织67.酒店的形象768.机票报价69.旅游设施和服务70.外交关系正常化Ⅵ . Passage translation: (10 2=2×0) Directions : Translate the following passages into Chinese.71. Since the 1990s, computer technology has been more widely applied to tourism in China where ithas brought increasing economic benefit. Some large travel agencies are promoting the use of computers and the Internet in their operations, management and overseas promotion. ChinaInternational Travel Service(CITS), the first to use computer management in China's tourismindustry, has installed computers of various types to sell tourist products, quote prices, make reservations, work out schedule, arrange various services, settle tourist accounts and other financial matters. CITS China information goes out via Australia's Worldlink to more than 250,000 computer terminals worldwide.72. Like the conference business, the exhibition industry appears to be growing. Between 1994 and1998 the European industry, as indicated by exhibitor participation, was growing by over 4 per centa year. In Germany, the modern Messe ( 会展中心) of Germany evolved at the beginning of thecentury from the centuries-old trade fairs. The Germans have maintained their lead through the development of specialist trade fairs as well as the continued development of their facilities. Their strength is not in the number of shows, but in their large size and international character. Germany is, of course, an important industrial country and it could be expected that there would be some correlation between exhibitions and industrial development. Frequently, as in Detroit in the USA, there is a link between trade fairs and the industries which are important in the local region.8。



自考旅游英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The most popular form of tourism is ________.A. business tourismB. cultural tourismC. adventure tourismD. leisure tourism答案:D2. Which of the following is not a type of accommodation?A. hotelsB. motelsC. hostelsD. restaurants答案:D3. The term "eco-tourism" refers to tourism that is ________.A. focused on natureB. focused on cultureC. focused on shoppingD. focused on nightlife答案:A4. Which of the following is not a benefit of tourism for a destination?A. economic growthB. cultural exchangeC. environmental degradationD. job creation答案:C5. The phrase "off the beaten track" is used to describe a destination that is ________.A. well-known and popularB. remote and less visitedC. easily accessibleD. famous for its nightlife答案:B6. What is the term for a tourist who travels to experience a different culture?A. cultural touristB. adventure touristC. eco-touristD. leisure tourist答案:A7. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is an organization that deals with ________.A. international travel regulationsB. international hotel standardsC. international food safetyD. international airline operations答案:D8. Which of the following is not a form of transportation used in tourism?A. trainsB. planesC. bicyclesD. telescopes答案:D9. The term "package tour" refers to a pre-arranged trip that includes ________.A. accommodation onlyB. transportation onlyC. both accommodation and transportationD. accommodation, transportation, and guided tours答案:D10. What is the term for a tourist who travels for business purposes?A. leisure touristB. cultural touristC. business touristD. adventure tourist答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The ________ is the largest industry in the world in terms of revenue.答案:tourism industry2. A ________ is a person who travels for pleasure.答案:leisure tourist3. The ________ is an international organization that promotes responsible travel to natural areas.答案:World Tourism Organization4. A ________ is a type of accommodation that is often cheaper than hotels.答案:hostel5. ________ tourism involves traveling to a destination to experience the local culture.答案:Cultural6. The ________ is a document that allows a person to enter and leave a country.答案:passport7. ________ is a type of tourism that focuses on visiting historical sites and learning about the past.答案:Historical8. A ________ is a type of tourism that involves traveling toa destination for medical procedures.答案:medical tourist9. ________ is a type of tourism that focuses on visiting theme parks and entertainment venues.答案:Entertainment10. ________ is a type of tourism that involves traveling toa destination for educational purposes.答案:Educational三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. What are the main components of the tourism industry?答案:The main components of the tourism industry include transportation, accommodation, food and beverage services, travel agencies, tour operators, and attractions.2. Explain the concept of sustainable tourism.答案:Sustainable tourism is a form of tourism that aims to meet the needs of present tourists and host regions while protecting and preserving the environment and cultural heritage for future generations.3. What are the benefits of tourism for a destination?答案:The benefits of tourism for a destination include economic growth through increased revenue, job creation, cultural exchange, and the preservation of cultural heritage.4. Discuss the challenges faced by the tourism industry.答案:The challenges faced by the tourism industry include environmental degradation, over-tourism, cultural homogenization, and the need for sustainable practices to ensure the long-term viability of destinations.四、论述题(共20分)Discuss the role of technology in the tourism industry andhow it has changed the way people travel.答案:Technology has played a significant role in the tourism industry by streamlining the travel process, providing real-time information, and enhancing the overall travel experience. Online booking platforms have made it easier for travelers to plan and book their trips, while mobile apps offer on-the-go assistance. Social media has also become a powerful tool for travel inspiration and sharing experiences. However, the increased reliance on technology also raises concerns about privacy and the digital divide, highlighting the need for a balanced approach to technological integration in tourism.。



2、 The is the most widely recognized organization in tourism today. 3、 The lack of A. description C. analysis has hampered study of tourism as a discipline.B. uniform definitionsD • prediction and control4、 can be divided International visitors tourists and international travelers travelers and international excursionists transit travelers and international excursionists tourists and international excursionistsintoA. B. C. D. internationalinternationalinternationalinternationalB• satisfactionD. successB. value, find and D. visit friends and10> B. the United NationsD. the World Health 11^ The following groups EXCEPT participate in and are affected by旅游英语选读自考题模拟1I .Multiple choiceDirections: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A,B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.l^ The golden age of the Grand Tour was the century.A ・ 16th B. 17thC. 18thD. 19thA.World Tourism Organization (WTO) B.International Air Transport Association (IATA. C.International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) D. Economic and Social Council of the UN (ECOSOC. 5、 The key to understanding tourist motivation is to see vacation travel as a satisfier of __________ and _______ .A. tourists ; travel agents B • feelings ; experiencesC. needs ; wantsD. products ; services6、 Motivation theories indicate that an individual constantly tries to achieve a state of _______A. stability C• change 7、 n VFR H market refers to __________ .A. vision, friendship and relation reevaluateC. vast, frank and related relatives 8、 Tourists seeking rest and relaxation generally will require .A. good accommodation which they can affordB. close location of the resort to which they can easily getC. unspoiled terrain and spectacular sceneryD. the support services9、 In 1828 the first railways were laid in .A. Austria and SwitzerlandB . France and Switzerland C. Britain and AustriaD. France and Austria The World Tourism Organization also provides technical help to developing countries, primarily throughA. the United States C. the World Trade OrganizationOrganizationtourism.A. the touristB. the business providersC. the host governmentD. the guest communityC. 197812> According to WTO's definitions, domestic tourism refers to .A. internal tourism plus inbound tourismB. internal tourism plus outbound tourismC. inbound tourism plus outbound tourismD. national tourism plus inbound tourism13> An international tourist is a visitor who spend in the destinationcountry•A. more than one nightB. not more than one nightC. at least one nightD. at least two nights14、 During the 1920s and 1930s, was one of the fastest growing segments of the international tourism industry.A. cruise tourismB. air tourismC. train tourismD. coach tourism15> It was in that the first package holiday built around air transportwas organized by Vladimir Raitz.A ・ 1862 B. 1872C. 1950D. 1970II .Reading comprehensionDirections: Read the following passages and make your proper choices.16Australia is located in the southern hemisphere between the Indian Ocean and the South Pacific. It is the oldest continent in the sense that it has altered relatively little since life appeared on earth. Thousands of years before the explorers Abel Tasman and James Cook sailed into the South Pacific, the aborigines had crossed the hand bridge from Asia formed by the Malay Archipelago and had spread throughout the mainland and Tasmania. When Capt • Arthur Philip of the British Royal Navy landed with the First Fleet at Botany in 1788, the event that marks the true beginning of modern Australia, there were probably not more than 300,000 Aborigines altogether.The most striking characteristics of the vast 3,000,000 square-mile landmass are its isolation, its low relief, and the aridity of its surface. Its isolation from other continents explains much of the strangeness of Australian plant and animal life ; its low relief results from the long and extensive erosive action of the forces of wind, rain and the heat of the sun during the great periods of geological time when the continental mass was elevated well above sea level. A member of the Commonwea11h of Nations z the commonwealth of Australia is a prosperous, independent nation under one government. Like Canada and the United States, contemporary Australia is a political federation with a central government (the Commonwealth) and, six constituent states (New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, and Tasmania) , each of which has its own government enjoying a limited sovereignty• There are also two internal territories: the Northern Territory was established as a self-governing territory in 1978, and the Australian Capital Territory, seat of the federal capital city Canberra, is administered directly by the Commonwealth, which also governs the external territories of Norfolk Island, Cocos Islands, Christmas Island, Ashmore and Cartier Islands, Coral Sea Islands, and Heard and McDonald Islands and claims the Australian Antarctic Territory. The Cocos Islands was a non-self-governing territory until 1984 , when it was integrated with Australia following an act of self determination approved by the Cocos Malay people.16、 The true beginning of modern Australia took place in •A. 1788B. 1842D. 198417> Which of the following became a self-governing territory most recently?A. Northern Territory.B. Cocos Islands.C. New South Wales.D. Tasmania.18> Where did the aborigines come from?A. North America. B . South America.C. Africa. D• Asia•19> What type of climate does most of Australia have?A. Dry.B. Wet.C・ Frigid. D. Jungle.20^ What country colonized Australia?A. France. B・ Germany.C. Great Britain.D. The United States.21The Great Wall of China is the longest structure ever built. Its length is about 4,000 miles (6,400 kilometers) , and it was erected entirely by hand. The wall crosses northern China between the east coast and north-central China .Over the centuries, various rulers built walls to protect their northern border against invaders. Some of the walls stood on or near the site of the Great Wall• Most of what is now called the Great Wall dates from the Ming dynasty(1368-1644). Parts of the Great Wall have crumbled through the years. However, much of it remains, and some sections have been restored• The main part of the wall is about 2,150 miles (3,460 kilometers) long . Additional branches make up the rest of its length.One of the highest sections of the Great Wall, on Mount Badaling, near Bei j ing, rises to about 35 feet (11 meters) high. This section is about 25 feet (7.6 meters) wide at its base and nearly 20 feet (6 meters) at the top. Watchtowers stand about 100 to 200 yards (91 to 180 meters) apart along the wall • The towers, about 40 feet (12 meters) high, once served as lookout posts.Written records indicate that the Chinese built walls along their borders as early as the 600*3 B・C• Emperor Shi Huangdi of the Qin dynasty (221-206B. C. ) is traditionally regarded as the first ruler to conceive of, and build, a Great Wall. Most of the Qin wall was north of the present-day wall. Shi Huangdi had the wall built by connecting new walls with older ones. Building continued during later dynasties, including the Han (202 B. C. - 22 0A.D.) and the Sui (581 - 618 ).By the time the Ming dynasty began in 1368, much of the wall had fallen into ruin. In response to the growing threat of a Mongol invasion, the Ming government began building a major wall in the late 1400 1 s. This wall included most of what remains today. Like earlier ones, it protected China from minor attacks but provided little defense against a major invasion.Through the centuries, much of the Great Wall again collapsed. However, the Chinese have done restoration work since 1949. The wall no longer serves the purpose of defense, but it attracts many visitors. Tourists from around the world come to see the wall. Historians study writing and objects found in fortifications and tombs along the structure. Scientists study earthquakes by examining parts of the wall that have been affected by these earth movements . 21> The earliest wall in China was built probably around .A・ the 600's B.C. B. the 210's B. C.C.the 2101s A.D. D. the 13001s A. D.22、Which of the following is NOT true?A.The Chinese started building their borders in the seventh centuryB. c.B.Emperor Shi Huangdi of the Qin dynasty was the first to conceive of a Great Wall.C.Most of the Qin wall was to the north of what is now called the Great Wall.D.The building of the present-day wall lasted for hundreds of years. 23> The purpose of building walls was .A. to attract touristsB. to have earthquake researchD. to demonstrate theB . HanD. Ming role in defenseagainst a major invasion.B• minorD. successfuland public camping grounds, the developmentand cultural facilities and the stewardship26、A.toB•fOJf C• inD• on27、A.about:B,.of C. toD. in28、A.ofB.with C. for D・ towards29、A.off B. by C. on D. in30、A.asB.fQ]f C• toD• from31> A. face E >.hand C. side D• view32、A.So B. Because C. Although D. And33、A.down B. on C. off D. against34、A.for B. against C. to D. off35、A.from B. of C. off D . to36、A.onB•in C. for D. to37、A.by B. withC. on D. to38、A.such B. so C. for D. toC. to protect the border against invasion power of theruler24、The dynasty seemed to havemade the greatest contribution tothe building of the Great Wall.A. QinC. Sui25、The wall played a(n)A. importantC. historicalIll.ClozeDirections: Choose the one from the given A, B, C and D to complete the passage properly.Local government is established 26 the purpose of representing local community interests . Many tourism researchers maintain that community support for proposed tourism developments is a key ingredient for its future success. Two communities with different approaches 27 local wishes are Cairns and Byron Bay • B yron Bay residents were surveyed by their local council to establish community attitudes 28 tourism development. The majority wanted to live 29 a town promoted natural coastal environment and low-rise streetscapes 30 its tourism attraction. The town has been very successful in doing just that, much to the chagrin of Club Med, who wanted to develop a resort in the area. Cairns, on the other 31 , had to handle local protesters when a new resort was pro posed for Trinity Inlet • 32 the plan was subsequentlyturned 33 , and the developer awarded millions in compensation for expenses incurred in feasibility studies and architectural briefs, the community remains on guard 34 similar proposals.Local government varies from state to state, but generally derives its powers 35 state acts of parliament and its funding from a mixture of local rates levied 36 properties in a shire and state government funds • In some instances additional funding in the front of special community project grants is forthcoming from the Fede ral Government•Local government controls the development of the local area and can grunt or withhold planning permission, building applications anti amendments to usage of local land dependent 37 the local planning regulations. The regulations routinely cover matters 38 as permitted height of buildings, materials, and landscaping requirements.Local councils also provide roads, recreation, refuse services, museums, car-parks and swimming pools. In 39 / local authorities very often actively promote tourismthrough a local tourisminformation centre, tourismofficer or committee. They mightalso be 40 for control andmanagement of reserves andoperation of recreational oflocal historic places.39、 40、 IV.Phrasal verbsDirections: Fill in the blanks with the proper phrasal verbs given below. Make somechanges if necessary. of evolve out be ascribed to be vital to give way to contributeto 41、 42、 be addicted to dictionary submit to _ great _ set forth He thinks He ______ Modern tourism, as a new form of economy this a new idea for increasing sales. be of . • . use come up with to him. the development of world46、47、 48^ 4952、 wilderness park53、 paid holidays54、 dealers in dreamshard work.police registration55^ 56^ horizontal integration57、 price inelastic58、 round trip59、 cultural visits60^ expert statistical groupA. additiveB. additionalC. addD. additionA. re sponse B• responsible C. responsiveD. responsibility economy to a large extent. 44、 The education of young people the future of our country.45、 The Prime Minister the aims of his government in a television broadcast.According to Darwin, Man lower forms of life.As winter spring, the days begin to lengthen.He refused to himself his boss ! control•She soap operas on TV.His success simply V ePhrase translation Part OneDirections: Translate the following into Chinese.51> the life cycle of the familyPart TwoDirections: Translate the following into English.6】、更具环保意识 62、外汇收入 63、过境旅游者64、 需求不足65、 边境手续66、珍稀植物和动物67、行李票68、审定工作69、旅行方式70、斜向联合Vl.Passage translationDirections: Translate the following passages into Chinese.71> The saddest aspect of mass tourismhas been brought recently to the attention of the public: it seems that the great number of visitors is destroying the treasures that they enjoy most. Under millions of feet, ancient stones wear out, ancientfloors break down. Parts of the palace of Versailles may have to be closed to the public in order to preserve them, and some European caves, famous for their thirty-thousand-year-old paintings, have already been closed because the paintings were damaged by human respiration. There may come a time when only specialists in art, history, or archaeology will be allowed near the treasures of the past. Perhaps we 1 d better hurry to see them; perhaps we1d better take a tour soon.72> Professional travelers are similar to business travelers in many ways, although this type of travel is more elastic than business travel • Professional travel is built around the meeting and convention markets. These markets have grown as transportation, especially by air, has become more available and affordable . As professional travel continues to grow, new and expanded meeting and convention facilities have been developed to satisfy this increasing demand . Along with this growth, new management challenges have arisen to serve this specialized market. Some of the key market segments for meeting participants or attendees are associations, businesses, exhibitions and trade shows, religious organizations, political parties, and governments.答案:I .Multiple choice1、c本题士要考查的知识点为大旅游的历史背景。



200301自考英语旅游试卷浙江省2003年1月高等教育自学考试旅游英语选读试题课程代码:00837Write all your answers on the Answer Sheet.Ⅰ.Multiple Choice:(1×20=20)Directions:In this section,you are given 20 questions,beneath each of which are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Y ou are to make the best choice either to complete the incomplete statement or to answer the question.1.A survey of Amtrak users has indicated that travelers favored the train for the following reasons EXCEPT _____.A.personal comfortB.ability to carry baggage and equipment easilyC.safetyD.ability to get up and walk around2.The extension of the United States _____ had an enormous impact on the hotel industry.A.highway systemB.ship journeysC.bus systemD.railroad system3._____ pioneered the first transatlantic scheduled liner trips in the 1840s.A.Sir Samuel CunardB.Thomas CookC.Vladimir RaitzD.Kemmons Wilson4.The subject of congestion of mass tourism can beconsidered in three ways:_____.A.technological;psychological;ecologicalB.aesthetic;technological;physicalC.physical;psychological;ecologicalD.ecological;physical;cultural5.In China,travelling by _____ is still the predominant travel mode.A.waterB.automobileC.bus/motor coachD.train6.The first transcontinental route in the U.S.was completed in _____.A.1869B.1841C.1851D.18307.The primary responsibility for the well-being of the guests is delegated to the _____.A.executive housekeeperB.personnel directorC.resident managerD.front office manager8.Rail passenger traffic in the U.S.began to _____ in the 1920s.A.emergeB.declineC.increaseD.disappear9.Major attractive attributes of the automobile are as follows EXCEPT ___.A.control of departure timeB.control of the route and the spots enrouteC.arriving at the destination rested and relaxedD.ability to carry baggage and equipment easily.10.The Grand Canal is a man-made waterway first built in the _____ between _____ and _____.A.7th century BC;Tianjin;HangzhouB.7th century BC;Beijing;HangzhouC.6th century BC;Beijing;HangzhouD.6th century BC;Tianjin;Hangzhou11.The four different perspectives of tourism are _____.A.the tourist,the hotels providing tourist goods and services,the government of the host community or area and the host communityB.the tourist,the hotels providing tourist goods and services,the government of the host community or area and the visited countryC.the tourist,the business providing tourist goods and services,the government of the host community or area and the host communityD.the tourist,the business providing tourist goods and services,the government of the host community or area and the visited country12.Within modern times,the notion of tourism is closely linked to the idea of the _____.A.Mass tourB.Mass tourismC.New tourismD.Grand Tour13._____,new production practices,new managementtechniques and changes in the industry's frame conditions are the five main impulses driving the new tourism.A.New consumers,new economyB.New economy,new technologiesC.New consumers,new technologiesD.New economy,new enterprises14.Which of the following is NOT an objective of ICAO?A.To ensure the safe and orderly growth of international civil aviation throughout the world.B.To encourage the arts of aircraft design and operation for peaceful purposes.C.To establish permanent liaison and consultation with the various sectors of tourist operators.D.To promote generally the development of all aspects of international civil aeronautics.15.Which of the following countries is NOT a member of OECD?A.BelgiumB.CanadaC.PortugalD.Ecuador16.The Pacific Asia Travel Association(PA TA)was founded in _____ in_____.A.Hawaii,1950B.Hawaii,1951C.Singapore,1950D.Singapore,195117.In which year17.In which year did China join the PA TA?A.1990B.1991C.1992D.199318.The text and images in the tourism brochures must be not only attractive but also _____.A.good layoutB.hight-quality photographyC.high-quality paperD.truthful,accurate and easily comprehended.19.According to Maslow,physiological need excludes _____.A.relaxationB.sunlustC.recreationD.relief of tension20.The market leaders in US airlines are _____.A.SABRE and APOLLOB.SABRE and the DeltaC.APOLLO and the DeltaD.SABRE and GALILEOⅡ.Reading Comprehension:(2×10=20)Directions:Read the following two passages and then choose the best answer to each question.(1)When a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is faulty or in some other way does not live up to the manufacturer's claim for it ,the first step is to present the warranty,or any other records which might help at the store of purchase.In most cases,this action will produce results.However,if it does not,there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction.A simple and common method used by many consumers isto complain directly to the store manager.In general,the “higher up”the consumer takes his or her complaint, the faster he or she can expect it to be settled.In such a case,it is usually settled in the consumer's favor,assuming he or she has a just claim.Consumers should complain in person whenever possible,but if they cannot get to the place of purchase,it is acceptable to phone or write the complaint in a letter.Complaining is usually most effective when it is done politely but firmly,and especially when the consumer will succeed best by presenting specific information as to what is wrong,rather than by making general statements.For example,“The left speaker does not work at all and the sound coming out of the right one is unclear”is better than “This stereo does not work.”The store manager may advise the consumer to write to the manufacturer.If so, the consumer should do this stating the complaint as politely and as firmly as possible.But if a polite complaint does not achieve the desired result,the consumer can go a step further.She or he can threaten to take the seller to court or report the seller to a private or public organization responsible for protecting consumers'rights.21.When a consumer finds that his purchase has a fault in it,the first thing he should do is to _____./doc/1aab443410661ed9ad51f382.ht ml plain personally to the managerB.threaten to take the matter to courtC.write a firm letter of complaint to the store of purchaseD.show some written proof of the purchase to the store22.If a consumer wants a quick settlement of his problem,it's better to complain to _____.A.a shop assistantB.a store managerC.the manufacturerD.a public organization23.The most effective complaint can be made by _____.A.showing the faulty item to the manufacturerB.explaining exactly what is wrong with the itemC.saying firmly that the item is of poor qualityD.asking politely to change the item24.The phrase “live up to ”(L.1 Para.1)in the context means _____.A.meet the standard ofB.realize the purpose ofC.fulfill the demands ofD.keep the promise of25.The passage tells us _____.A.how to settle a consumer's complaint about a faulty itemB.how to make an effective complaint about a faulty itemC.how to avoid buying a faulty itemD.how to deal with complaints from customers(2)A hotel operates twenty-four hours a day. It's true of back-of-the-ouse and front-of-the-house functions. All of the jobs we will discuss belong to the back of the house. To a certain extent, they are performed out of sight of the hotel guests,but they are vital components in a smooth and efficient hotel operation. The housekeeping department is the backbone of the hotel.Hotels just like a plant sell service as their products.In the eyes of the customer,the most important part of the plant is the guest room.In a sense,it is possible to say that a neat and at-active room is the hotel offers.This makes the housekeepingdepartment primary importance in a smooth and efficient hotel operation.A“plant”with complex equipment and machinery must be maintained in good working order.Therefore,it is necessary to have an efficient supervision system in the hotel operation.For a large hotel,it's likely to have a housekeeping department headed by an executive housekeeper,withseveral assistants and many room attendants and housemen.The head or executive housekeeper is in charge of the whole complex work area,dealing with guests' complaints and co-operation with other departments.He is responsible to the supervisors and general manager.Under him,the assistants may be in charge of work assignments,uniform for the staff,linen supplies,cleaning supplies,and the laundry and sewing service.In addition,inspectors or supervisors often check on the routine work being done by the room attendants and housemen.26.The word “backbone”(L.4 Para. 1)means _______.A.the bone on the backB.something very importantC.leaderD.head27.Hotel is compared to a _______.A.houseB.home/doc/1aab443410661ed9ad51f382.ht ml panyD.plant28.The housekeeping departments consist of _______.A.an executive housekeeperB.several assistantsC.many room attendants and housemanD.all the three29.Which of the following is NOT the job of the executive housekeeper?A.Clearing and caring for the guest room.B.Being in charge of the whole complex work area.C.Dealing with guests' complaints.D.Cooperating with other departments.30.This passage mainly deals with _______.A.the plantB.the guest roomC.the executive housekeeperD.the housekeeping departmentⅢ.Fill in the blanks with the proper phrases given below.Make some changes if necessary:(1×10=10)be embodied in be aimed at impose on stem from coupled withsubject to be addicted t o result from be endowed…with benefit from31.The girl _______ the beauty of a goddess.32.Our plans may change _______ the weather.33.The present wave of strikes _______ discontent among the lower-paid.34.The place _______ a lot _______ its favorable geographical position in the last 5 years.35.The government _______ additional tax _______ business expansion.36.He _______ lying.37.The annual West Lake Exposition _______ mainly __ developing Zhejiang's economy.38.Hunger, _______ anxiety made him sleepless.39._______the long time field work,he has a weather-beaten face.40.His ideas _______ that world famous speech.Ⅳ.Cloze T est:(0.5×20=10)Directions:Fill in the blanks with proper words or phrases.The travel agent's role is dissimilar to that of most other retailers, in 41 agents do not purchase a product for resale to their 42__.Only when a customer has decided on a travel 43 do agents approach the principal on their customer's 44__ to make a purchase.The travel agent does not,therefore,carry ‘_45 ' of travel products.This has two important _46__ for the business of travel 47__.First,the cost of setting up in business is comparatively 48__compared to that of other retail businesses,and second, 49__ are not seeking to dispose of products they have already purchased,so will therefore 50__ less brand loyalty towards a particular product or 51__.However,in the past few years 52__ between principals and agents have led to higher 53__ being paid to agents who 54__ target sales,and this is causing agents to become more 55__ in their approach to sales rather than the 56__ advice which customers could 57__ from an agency,it is now more common for them to be 58__ with a limited range of products which 59 the agent the best return on 60__.Ⅴ.Phrase T ranslation:(1×20=20)Part one:T ranslate the following phrases into English:61.空架滑车62.境内旅游63.带薪假日64.需求不足65.猎奇旅游66.远洋定期客轮67.东方快车68.饭店联号69.主导力量70.回头客带来的生意Part Two:T ranslate the following phrases into Chinese:71.itineraries72.income multiplier73.charter flight74.frontier formalities75.price inelastic76.cruise line77.all walks of life78.jet plane79.rooms department80.executive housekeeperⅥ.T ranslate the following passages into Chinese: (10×2=20)(1)By the early 1975s over 65 per cent of the population of the UK were taking annual holidays and over 20 per cent second holidays of four nights or more away from home,in Europe as well as in Britain.In addition,more than anohter 50 million short holidays,of three nights or less,were being taken away from home.The relative proximity and easy access to resorts is also important to the growth of both short holidays and day trips.In the UK nearly three-quarters of the population can reach another part of the country in a day trip.So can most residents in other European countries reach major resorts not only in their own countries but also in neighboring ones in a day.(2)Today,the car is the most popular means of transport by far for tourists.In the USA,journeys by car account for 85% of all holiday travel,and although the total cost of travel by car per kilometer works out at more than the equivalent for the train,most people are attracted to the flexibility and convenience of this mode of transport.People using their cars for holidays can usethem for travelling to ,and around,their destination.Car hire is also popular,particularly among those people travelling for business purposes.It is often possible to hire a car at one location and return it to an office of the same car hire company at another location.Tourists travelling to their destination by air can hire a car at the airport and use it to travel to their destination or to explore during their stay.。

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全国2009年10月自学考试旅游英语选读试题课程代码:00837请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上I.Multiple choice:(1×15=15)Directions:Beneath each of the following sentences,there are four choices marked A,B, C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1.Local people usually see tourism as a cultural and________ factor.A.historical B.business C.employment D.education2.An international tourist is defined as anyone visiting a country, other than that which is his usual place of residence,for________ hours.A.more than 48 B.more than 24 C.less than 48 D.less than 243.As in any business,there must be one person called ________who is highly trained,capable of directing a complex successful hotel.A.assistant manager B.resident managerC.vice manager D.general manager4.Recent promotions by Amtrak have emphasized the ________benefits of taking the train.A.safety B.comfort C.relaxation D.cost5.Business travel is greatly influenced by business related attractions such as________.A.conferences and exhibitions B.inelastic pricesC.big-city orientations D.executive’s needs6.________is the most widely recognized international organizations in tourism today.A.International Civil Aviation OrganizationB.International Hotel AssociationC.World Association of Travel AgenciesD.World Tourism Organization7.Wastage can be reduced by establishing standards ________which we can monitor the performance of travel agents.A.upon B.with C.against D.within8.Airlines will________ to allow for the high number of________ ,but must exercise caution.A.overbook, independent travelers B.overbook, no-showsC.underbook,business travelers D.underbook,repeat travelers9.The sum of all incomes in a country is called the________ .A.economic income B.productive incomeC.financial income D.national income10.The governments of many developing nations give priority in their strategic tourism planning to the development of________,because it generates badly-needed hard currency.A.professional tourism B.convention tourismC.business tourism D.international tourism11.During the 1920s and 1930s,________was one of the fastest growing segments of the international tourism industry.A.train tourism B.coach tourism C.cruise tourism D.air tourism12.However, other travel agents have recognized that the technological revolution will affect their business to a greater extent than almost ________ .A.other industry B.any other industryC.other industries D.any other industries13.Since China opened to the outside world in ________,the number of hotels has increased considerably.A.1970 B.1978 C.1980 D.199714.Tourism,________,has the potential to help bridge the psychological and cultural distances that separate people of diverse races,colors,religions and stages of social and economic development.A.proper design and develop B.properly designing and developingC.proper designing and developing D.properly designed and developed15.Ecotourism is one of the most rapidly growing form of specialized travel in the West,with central American countries,such as Costa Rica,________the principal destinations at present.A.be B.to be C.being D.beenⅡ.Reading comprehension:(2×10=20)Directions:Read the following passages and make your proper choices.(1)Culture is the total sum of all the traditions,customs, beliefs,and ways of life of a given group of human beings.In this sense,every group has a culture, however savage,undeveloped,or uncivilized it may seem to be.To the professional anthropologist,there is no intrinsic superiority of one culture over another, just as to the professional linguist there is no intrinsic rank or hierarchy among languages.People once thought of the languages of backward groups as savage,undeveloped forms of speech,consisting largely of grunts and groans.While it is possible that language in general began as a series of grunts and groans,it is a fact established by the study of“backward”languages that no spoken tongue answers that description today.Most languages of uncivilized groups are,by our most severe standards,extremely complex,delicate,and ingenious pieces of machinery for the transfer of ideas.They fall behind our Western languages not in their sound pattern of grammatical structures,which usually are fully adequate for all language needs,but only in their vocabularies,which reflect the objects and activities known to their speakers.Even in this department,however, two things are to be noted.First,all languages seem to possess the machinery for vocabulary expansion,either by putting together words already in existence or by borrowing them from other languages and adapting them to their own system.Second,the objects and activities requiring names and distinctions in“backward”languages,while different from ours,are often surprisingly numerous and complicated.A Western language distinguishes merely between two degrees of remoteness(“this”and“that”);some languages of the American Indians distinguish between what is close to the speaker, or to the person addressed,or out of sight,or in the past,or in the future.This study of language,in turn,casts a new light upon the claim of the anthropologists that all cultures are to be viewed independently, and without ideas of rank or hierarchy.16.According to the author, to the professional linguists,_________.A.all languages came from grunts and groansB.all languages in the world are equal and independentC.Western cultures are better than Eastern culturesD.the superiority of one culture over another is difficult to explain17.We can infer that the author is________.A.a professional anthropologistB.a linguist as well as an anthropologistC.a language researcher from the WestD.a language researcher on“backward culture”18.The languages of backward groups fall behind those of the West in terms of the________.A.vocabulariesB.history and cultureC.machinery for vocabulary expansionD.sound patterns and grammatical structures19.According to the article,some languages of American Indians are________.A.too undeveloped to be understoodB.more civilized than Western languagesC.derived from their own remote systemD.able to distinguish more degrees of remoteness20.What is implied in this passage is that the study of languages________.A.has challenged anthropological studiesB.has reinforced the view of the anthropologistsC.is the same as the study of anthropologyD.has contradicted the result of the study of anthropology(2)The Concorde,plane of the rich and famous,is also probably the world’s safest.The fireball outside Paris Tuesday was the supersonic jet’s first fatal accident ever in 24 years of regular operation.And Air France officials said their current fleet was fit to fly safely until 2007.Yet the plane had been having mishaps—little things.In October a piece of tail fell off in mid-flight.Last January, within a span of 24 hours,two British Airways Concordes had to make emergency landings for technical reasons—one engine failure,one mysterious false alarm.A few months ago,small cracks,said to be“microscopic”in size,were detected in all seven British Concordes,a British Airways spokeswoman said Monday;one of them was grounded because the cracks had gotten wider.Has the Concorde hit old age ahead of schedule? Only 20 of the supersonic passenger jets were ever built,of which 13 are still in service,operated by British Airways and Air France.They were all built between 1975 and 1980.Both companies hope to keep the planes flying for another 14 or 15 years,and in fact both have recently upped their estimate of the number of“cycles”—roughly one transatlantic flight—the plane could stand,to 8,500.By this calculation,the planes are cleared for takeoff until 2006 at least.This view is supported by the fact that although its flights are high-stress and its takeoff and landing more labored than other planes,the Concorde makes only about a fifth of the trips more popular.After the crash,Air France asserted,perhaps prematurely, that the crash was due not to any wing problem,like sneaking cracks,but to an exploding engine.That makes it the fastest investigation on record.They have not grounded the fleet beyond a thorough maintenance check,which on these delicate birds,with their 30-year-old technology, will be expensive.British Airways says its Concordes gave the company prestige,shuttling the swells on their surprisingly cramped,1,336-mph passage at $10,000 a head.Take a trip aboard and one must have been like joining an exclusive but rather cramped and uncomfortable club.But part of its charm—to the small number of people who flew it—was that it was superior to the other planes,safer.For the price of aticket,you were buying a guarantee.If British and French industry officials,who built the Concorde together in the 60s as a kind of supersonic dove,decide that feeling is gone forever with Tuesday’s catastrophe,then it’s not hardto imagine that they will seriously consider retiring this distinctive,one-of-a-kind aircraft.21.The reason why the Concorde crashed is that___________.A.one engine failed B.its engine explodedC.a piece of tail fell off D.the cracks had gotten wider22.Concordes are expected to fly ___________8,500 times in the coming 14 or 15 years.A.from Paris to London B.from London to New York CityC.from Paris to New York City D.across the Atlantic Ocean23.British Airways has got prestige from its Concordes because ___________.A.it is superior to other planesB.it offers a safer though expensive flightC.it provides cozy and comfortable seats aboardD.it is the fastest planes in the world24.The word“one-of-a-kind”in the last paragraph probably means“ ___________”.A.unique B.complicated C.delicate D.modern25.It can be seen that the writer’s attitude to the future of Concordes is ___________ .A.biased B.objective C.optimistic D.pessimisticⅢ.Cloze:(1×15=15)Directions:Choose the one from the given A,B,C and D to complete the passage properly.The Great Exhibition held in London in 1851 was probably the first show to be called a world fair.Sincethen there have been 31 universal exhibitions and many cities 26 to have a world fair.In 1928 the International Bureau of Expositions was founded in Paris to co-ordinate these events and ensure thatthere is only one each year.There are various and interlinked objectives 27 holding a world fair.The stated objectives include encouraging trade,increasing the visibility of a city and country, developing tourism, 28 economic development and increasing employment,stimulating the re-use of land and 29 improvements,the celebration of a past event,and the entertainment of the masses, 30 the often unstatedone of obtaining 31 funds from the higher levels of government.The 32 motive for holding a worldfair is to 33 the city ,but as well as selling the city ,there is also the selling of ideas.Most exposare linked in some way to the notion of the progress of civilization or modernity.Not 34 ,Expo 92 in Seville,Spain,had the 35 of discovery.Other themes include education and international understanding.The 36 city usually prepares a special site for the event 37 new buildings and structures of hoped-for architectural distinction and image changing ability are erected.Early examples38 London’s Crystal Palace and Paris’s Eiffel Tower and a more recent one is Seattle’s Space Needle.These structures will remain a 39 legacy to the area,as will any general infrastructure put in place.The fair itself usually contains exhibitions of both arts and manufactures,with pavilions 40 also by foreign nations.World fairs usually last between five and seven months,but sometimes they last for a whole year.26.A.sought B.have sought C.seek D.has sought27.A.about.B.at C.of D.for28.A.altering B.switching C.attracting D.modifying29.A.basic B.infrastructure C.welfare D.quality30.A.as well as B.include C.plus D.add31.A.exact B.identical C.extra D.distinct32.A.prime B.big C.large D.potential33.A.boom B.lift C.increase D.boost34.A.surprised B.surprisingly C.surprising D.surprise35.A.purpose B.slogan C.title D.theme36.A.host B.guest C.hospitable D.hostile37.A.that B.which C.where D.whose38.A.is B.were C.was D.are39.A.temporary B.better C.last D.permanent40.A.provided B.required C.confronted D.acquiredⅣ.Phrasal verbs:(1×10=10)Directions:Fill in the blanks with the proper phrasal verbs given below.Make some changesif necessary.41.Education should______________ the children’s needs and abilities.42.This regulation ______________every hotel in this country.43.A word from his teacher ______________a great ______________my son.44.His stories______________ popular tastes.45.I always ______________this piece of music______________ Haweii folk dance.46.The open-and-reform policy has______________ miraculous changes in our country.47.Television sets ______________widely ______________price and quality.48.Both companies have ______________the agreement of technical cooperation.49.Nothing can ______________me ______________doing what I think right.50.Mr.Green ______________his good health ______________careful living.Ⅴ.Phrase translation:(1×20=20)Part OneDirections:Translate the following into Chinese.51.cross trait charter flights 52.the modern service industry53.net discretionary incomes 54.air fare quotations55.Green Flag International 56.in the capacity of a diplomat57.inadequate air conditioning 58.enjoy the spectacular scenery59.give full exposure to China’s tourism resources60.accommodations...left much to be desiredPart TwoDirections:Translate the following into English.61.重要的第三产业62.旅游业对经济的影响63.定期客运服务64.心理承受力65.需求不足66.签约国67.永久移民68.旅游保险69.国家级“旅游度假区”70.保护世界文化遗产Ⅵ.Passage translation:(10×2=20)Directions:Translate the following passages into Chinese.71.Tourism was brought sharply into international focus at the end of the Second World War.Within a mere 20 years of the industry’s take-off, international tourism displayed nearly all the characteristics of its manufacturing counterpart—it was mass,standardized and rigidly packaged.By the mid-1970s,tourism was being produced along assembly-line principles,similar to the automobile industry, with tourists consuming travel and leisure services in a similar robot-like and routine manner.Understanding the evolution of mass tourism,and the factors that created it,are key to understanding the industry’s transformation.72.Travel,whether for business or pleasure,requires arrangements.The traveler usually faces a variety of choices regarding transportation and accommodations;and if the trip is for pleasure,there area variety of choices regarding destinations,attractions,and activities.The traveler may gatherinformation on prices,value,schedules,characteristics of the destination,and available activities directly, investing a considerable amount of time on the Internet or possibly money on long-distance telephone calls to complete the trip arrangements.Alternatively, the traveler may use the services of a travel agency, obtaining these arrangements.。
