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“So you want to be a rock and roll star?” asked the musician, Bob Dylan. You have decided to seek fame’s spotlight. And you will not be persuaded otherwise. What is it that lures you? Is it the worshipping fans? Or is it simply to be recognized for being truly fantastic at something? This is all quite understandable. I should warn you, though. It is difficult to sustain the public’s favor. These people will grow bored so easily. Even if you should succeed, you might not be happy. Once you win in your conquest of fame, complaints will follow. For example, people will say that your work fails to show continuity in its appeal. You see, their enthusiasm will soon dissolve. I should also tell you that there will be plenty of people who will want to exploit you during your brief stay at the top. Friends? Sure, as long as you have money you’ll have friends who will suck everything you have out of you. And don’t forget to watch your agent closely. You might need a good lawyer and an accountant, but they too will want their piece of the pie-making money out if you.

I see, you understand the cruelty of the situation. However, your chase for fame can’t be discouraged by my pessimistic outlook. Go ahead then. Don’t let me stop you. But when you fail or fall right back where you started and you’re miserable, don’t accuse me of not having warned you. I’ve done all that I can for you. "所以你想成为摇滚明星?"问音乐家,鲍勃· 迪伦。您已决定寻求名利的聚光灯。你不会被说服否则。是什么吸引你的?它是雍容华贵的粉丝吗?还是只是为了得到承认被某种东西真正了不起吗?这是都很可以理解的。我应该警告你,不过。它很难维持市民的青睐。这些人这么容易长钻孔。即使你成功了,你可能会不会幸福。一旦你赢了你的名声的征服,将按照投诉。例如,人们会说你的工作未能在上诉中显示缺乏连续性。你看,他们的热情很快就会溶解。我也应该告诉你会有很多人会想要利用你在你在顶部的短暂逗留期间。朋友吗?肯定的是,只要你有钱,会吸你拥有你的一切的朋友。也不要忘记密切注视你的代理人。您可能需要一个好律师和会计师,但他们也会想要他们一块馅饼赚钱如果你。




It is doubtful that there was a more successful comedy team in the 20th century than Three Stooges. Larry, Moe, and Curly became famous for their many short movies featuring extraordinary comedy. In their movies, they found many ways of showing off funny actions. They attracted large audience and received a lot of applause. However, their movies also sparked criticism. Some people who didn't like the Three Stooges claimed they were too violent. In a TV interview Moe and Larry were roused to defend themselves. Their coarse brand, they said, shouldn't be taken seriously. It was just "cartoon violence".

The Stooges got their name and their start in an act called Ted Healy and his Stooges. This act began paving the way for their exceedingly successful career. Originally, the team was composed of Larry, Moe and Shemp. However, Shemp left for a career in more serious movies. When Shemp left, Curly took his place. Shemp's clumsy character returned in 1946 after Curly suffered a stroke.

Moe was the heart and soul of the team, acting as both their main comic force and their director. He was responsible for scripting many of the jokes. He'd also spend time providing his services as their business manager. In 1934 the team began a series of comedy shorts that numbered more than 200 when they ceased in 1958, which won them numerous fans. Despite all the criticism, the Three Stooges are undoubtedly the most famous comedy team that history ever invented.

值得怀疑的是,三个傀儡比 20 世纪更成功的喜剧团队。拉里、教育部和 Curly 成为著名的他们很多的短电影,具有非同寻常的喜剧。在他们的电影,他们发现许多滑稽动作炫耀的方式。他们吸引了大批观众,收到了很多的掌声。然而,他们的电影也引发了批评。有些人不喜欢三个傀儡声称他们只是太暴力了。在一次电视采访中激起教育部和拉里为自己辩护。他们粗的品牌,他们说,不应该严肃对待。这是只是"卡通暴力"。
