


, is, her, family, Mille

2.think, I, pencil, it, his, is,

3.blue, is, pencil, case, my

4.English, your, is, what, name (?)

5. in, the, that, your, and, lost, found, case, key, is, (?)

6.his, here, is, photo, family,

7.your, the, for, of, thanks, photo, family,

8.are, not, these, grandparents, his,

9. ruler can to the bring me you(? )

10. friend's,your,name ,what is

11. books,are,my,the chair,on

12. is the my bed watch under




puter games,play, let's

17. to play I footballwant.

18.sell we for pants only 10 dollars

19. is mother’s when your birthday

20. wants, a, to, she, be, musician

21. to, I, join, art, want, the, club

22. know, may, your, I, name

23. you, to, about, do, learn, art, want





28. after,he,guita,the,breakfast,plays,goes,then,work,to,he







35.is, green, ruler, that, her ?

36.call, please, at, Tina, 3407586

37.English, what, in, is, that ?

38.hat, I, think, your, is, mother’s, her, on, desk .

39.she, is, friend, your ?


连词成句归纳和练 一、看清标点符号。 仁如果是句号,则是陈述语句。陈述句的基本结构就是主语+谓语+宾语而构成的。 例:driver, father, a, is, bus, her 2. 如果是问号,则是疑问语句。要先看是特殊疑问句还是由情态动词引导的疑问句。 ①女口果有where\what\who\whose\when\how 等疑问词,那么它就是特殊 疑问句, 将where、what、how 放句首+ be 动词(am, is, are 或者其过去式was, were)例:the, i n, woma n, who, white, is, ______________________ ? you, this, old, in, are, photo, how ________________________ ? ②如果题目中有can、may、shall、would 等情态动词,那么它就是由情 态动词引导的疑问句 将may, can等情态动词放在句首+句子主语(人或物)例: “ haveI a may new bike (?)”。 ______________________________________________ ?这道题目中有一个情态动词may,很显然这就是由情态动词may引导的疑问句。 ③如果题目中没有任何的特殊疑问词,也没有任何情态动词,那么它就是一 般疑问句了。 将be 动词或者助动词(do, does, did )放在句首+ 句子主语例如: “youa are student⑺”. ________________________________________________ ? 3. 如果 ①由what引导的感叹句。我们知道有what引导的感叹句,其基本结构是 What + a + adj. + n.。例如:“ Whata nice book ! ”(多漂亮的一本书啊!) ②由how引导的感叹句。与what引导的感叹句相似,how引导的感叹句的结构是“How+ adj. (+n. /名词短语+ be动词)!”。 二、注意特殊句型 有这样一个题目:“to time to go it ' school (.)” 句型“it time to do sth. ”的运用和词组“goto school (去上学)”,这是一条交际运用题。 还有一类句型叫做祈使句。这样的句型往往没有主语。例如:“Goto the playground ,please.(请去操场。)这样的句子就省略了主语,完整的应该是我请你去操场。”需要掌握。 有这样一条题目,“breakfast ,have Mike (. )”。很显然这是一句祈使句。 答案:“Havebreakfast ,Mike. ”。有很多像这样的题目,没有明确的主 语、谓语等。


七上连词成句总复习 , my, Li Daming, is, (. ) ______________________________________________________________________________ 2.you, can, it, spell, please, (? ) ______________________________________________________________________________ , is, what, your, (? ) ______________________________________________________________________________ 4.you, nice, to, see.(.) ______________________________________________________________________________ 5.go, to, it’s, time,now, (.) ______________________________________________________________________________ 6.Jack, this, my, is, friend,(.) ______________________________________________________________________________ 7.how, do, spell, word, the, you,(?) ______________________________________________________________________________ 8.you, see, tomorrow, (.) ______________________________________________________________________________ 9.Class 5, Grade7, is, he, in(.) ______________________________________________________________________________ 10.number, telephone, is, what, your(?) ______________________________________________________________________________ 11.thirteen, old, years, I, am,(.) ______________________________________________________________________________ 12.you, can, me, help,(?) ______________________________________________________________________________ 13.color, what, the, flower, is,(?) ______________________________________________________________________________ 14.today, what, it, is, day,(?) ______________________________________________________________________________ 15.autumn, in, what, the , weather, is, like, (?) ______________________________________________________________________________ 16.sport, your, favorite, is, what, (?) ______________________________________________________________________________ 17.school, after, let’s, football, play,(.) ______________________________________________________________________________ 18.school, welcome, to, our,(.) ______________________________________________________________________________ 19.where, from, does, he, come,(?) ______________________________________________________________________________ , David, is, his, English,(.) ______________________________________________________________________________ 21.from, you, are, the USA,(?) ______________________________________________________________________________ 22.Beijing, city, a, big, very, is,(.)


连词成句专项练习 1.是 我 小学生 ————————————————————————-- 2.上 高高兴兴 学校 我们 ————————————————————————-- 3.同学 学校 里 啊 真多 ————————————————————————-- 4.语文 我们 教 张老师 ————————————————————————-- 5.操场上 同学们 玩 在 一群 游戏 ————————————————————————-- 6.教室里 同学们 在 读书写字 认真地 ————————————————————————-- 7.儿歌 在 语文课上 小朋友们 认真地 读 ————————————————————————-- 8.真快乐 英语课上 同学们 你问我答 ————————————————————————-- 9.唱歌 在校园里 和 我们 开心地 做游戏 ————————————————————————-- 10.阿姨 看 天鹅湖边 带我到 白天鹅 美丽的 ————————————————————————--

11.大萝卜 娃娃 抱回家 把 两位 开心的 ————————————————————————-- 12.数 认真地 小弟弟 鱼池边 在 金鱼 ————————————————————————-- 13.穿过草地 蘑菇 小白兔 采 到森林里 ————————————————————————-- 14.变出 田伯伯 会变魔术的 从衣服里 小松鼠 三只 ————————————————————————-- 15.小娃娃 打电话 在家里 相互 ————————————————————————-- 16.电视塔上 小朋友 一群 游玩 在 东方明珠 一年级的 快乐地 ————————————————————————-— 17.柳树 要发芽了 下雨啦 要开花 桃树 ————————————————————————-- 18.小花鼓 弟弟 一面 敲破了 不小心 ————————————————————————-- 19.帮弟弟 小花鼓 补好了 敲破的 哥哥 ————————————————————————-- 20.小茶杯 拿着 在 小明 漱口 认真地


连词成句 1. you, meet, nice, to (!) 2. is, name, her, his, Gina, is, name, Jim, and(.) 3. your, what’s, name, first(?) 4. number, what’s, her, telephone(?) 5. last, is, Barnes, name, his(.) 6. keys, where, are, the(?) 7. under, the, girls, tree, five, big, are(.) 8. books, are, my, the, chair, on(.) 9. the, about, video, how, tapes(?) 10. the, can, bring, notebook, you, here(?) 11. she, volleyball, does, a, have(?) 12. don’t, ball, they, a, soccer, have(.) 13. sports, you, don, like(?) 14. every, Tom, sports, day, plays(.) 15. us, computer, play, let, games(.) 16. eggs, oranges and bananas, likes, Liz, for, supper(.) 17. like, chicken, does, Lucy(?) 18. French, fries, they, like(.) 19. salad, don’t, I, like, but, I, broccoli, like(.) 20. ice, Tom, cream, likes, for, dessert(.) 21. how, is, blue, T-shirt, much, this(?) 22. red, are, each, those, sweaters, 20 dollars(.) 23. you, like, small, do, bags, ones, or, big(?) 24. pants, are, how, these, black, much(?) 25. what, you, do, color, want(?) 26. have, we in all colors, sweaters, 80 yuan, for, each(.) 27. Clothes, at, have, look, Mr Cools’, a, Store(!)


汉语复习 (连词成句,用指定的词语完成句子) 姓名:______________ _______年级_____班 ?连词成句?(不要忘记标点符号哟!) 1.都是无论接班永远谁以后来十一位第 _________________________________________________________________ 2.洋溢那天里欢乐学校的这气氛 _________________________________________________________________ 3.光荣教师这是工作能的所有在这里的 _________________________________________________________________ 4.里一个朋友西部被小山村安置到甘肃的 ________________________________________________________________ 5.想法发生但后来了一件事改变的他的 ________________________________________________________________ 6.我妈妈礼物要生日一件给送 _________________________________________________________________ 7.刚落雷动掌声他的台下语音 _________________________________________________________________ 8.早晨他办事要去说村子

_________________________________________________________________ 9.父亲我而迟到因为生气特别 _________________________________________________________________ 10.把推到摊前我那辆赶忙车 _________________________________________________________________ 11.钢柱脚蹬了里面都快的掉完 _________________________________________________________________ 12.心上一个我们光辉形象的铭刻在 _________________________________________________________________ 13.犹如巨大一座全城亭子的 _________________________________________________________________ 14.大多性能灰尘具有吸湿 _________________________________________________________________ 15.正在“争当雏鹰少年”开展我校活动 _________________________________________________________________ 16.托人蛇回来一批外地买了他们去 _________________________________________________________________ 17.多少密切如此猫的和收获竟有苜蓿的 _________________________________________________________________


小学二年级排列句子连词成句综合练习题1、圆圆的小猫眼睛一条线在阳光下眯成 2、辛辛苦苦我们农民伯伯种出来的粮食吃的是 3、奶奶马路红红穿过沿不慌不忙地领着人行横道线 4、英勇的大门守卫着日夜祖国的解放军战士 5、多么一只这云小白兔朵像 6、小朋友们老师来到不知不觉和说说笑笑一路上公园 7、挨挨挤挤的像一个个大圆盘荷叶碧绿的 .8、沿着海鸥海岸妈妈几圈转了 9、休育馆一同到王小林和同学打篮球星期日 10、国家凶恶的一级动物蟒蛇保护是 11、一个关于灭绝恐龙是科学上的谜的 12、血小板迅速帮助可以人们血液凝固 13、迅速救援能水上飞机海上船只遇难的 14、有不会老师我题目做就去请教道

15、白鲸努力得救经过了大家的 16、争先恐后回答举手问题小朋友们地 17、石榴慢慢地树上一排排露出笑了牙齿 18、一个个柿子树上红灯笼柿子秋天到了似的挂满了 19、红灯笼柿子树大柿子上挂着上一个个像 20、院子里大树下奶奶故事我们在听雷锋的讲 21、题目亲自思考大家出了让老师 22、羽毛漂亮多么绚丽多彩的啊那孔雀 23、到才能哪里波斯猫快乐呢找到 24、海洋马路国庆节的灯成了的晚上 25、小口袋里鲜花的插满了小袋鼠五彩缤纷

连词成句 姓名班级学号 1.①今天②的③好④天气⑤多么⑥呀 2.①学校②我们③学习④上⑤高高兴兴 3.①小明②关心③同学④非常 4.①花②公园③开得④里的⑤美丽⑥很 5. ①排球②叔叔③打④爱 6.①浇浇②你③多给④要⑤水⑥花儿 7.①这支②爷爷③送给④铅笔⑤我⑥是⑦的8.①看见②你③王老师④了⑤吗 9.①妈妈②姐姐③帮助④常常⑤干活

10. ①是②的③真④学习⑤好⑥爱⑦他⑧孩子⑨个 11. ①刻苦②应该③你④练功⑤也 12. ①学校②我们③美丽④真⑤的 连词成句 姓名班级学号 13. ①认真②小英③学习④都⑤和⑥小红⑦非常 14. ①听见②哥哥③他④人⑤有⑥叫 15. ①出来②怎么③你④呀⑤今天⑥有空 16. ①的②太阳③刚刚④火红⑤升起 17. ①小朋友②早上③上学④高高兴兴⑤去 18. ①一吹②小草③春风④长出来


期末复习单词填空与连词成句专练 姓名:________________ 班别:________________ 学号:______________ 家长签名:________________ M1 ——1 一.根据句意及所给汉语提示语写出所缺单词。 1. _____________to your teacher and take notes(记笔记). 2.——How _____________ boys are there? ——There are fifteen. 3. Daming is Chinese so Daming ___________ (来自)China. 4. What’s this in English? Can you ______________(拼写)it please? 5. ______________ is the fifth day of a week. 6. Basketball is my ____________ (喜欢的)sport. I often play it after school. 7. Boys like __________________ (打篮球) very much but girls don’t. 8. ___________________(…怎么样) going for a walk in the park? 9. Jack can speak English well. Is he ____________________(美国人)? 10.Is _________________(每个人)in the classroom now? Let’s begin our lesson! 二.连词成句 1.Class, I, in, Grade, Ten, One, am._________________________________________________________ 2. name, Smith, my, first, and, is ,is, last, Tony, name, my.________________________________________ 3. you, are, where, from? ________________________________________________________________ 4. name, English, her, she ,and, Lucy, is, is, teacher, my.________________________________________ 5.English, England, from, he, but, is, not, is, he._________________________________________________ M1 ——2 一.根据句意及所给汉语提示语写出所缺单词。 1 Tom is from London. He is ________________(英国人). 2 ——What’s your father’s ____________?—— He is a policeman. 3 ——How old are you? ——I’m thirteen _______________(岁). 4 Washington D.C. is the ________________ (首都) of America. 5 Her name is Linda Green. Her __________________(姓氏) is Green. 6 David is my friend _________________ he isn’t in my class. 7 Beijing and Shanghai are two ____________________(大城市) in China. 8 We _________________(不是)from Hong Kong. 9. ___________________ (多少岁) are you? I am twelve. 10. What’s your name? —— Jack Smith. Jack is my __________________(名字). 二.连词成句 1. England, is, a, it, in, small, city. _________________________________________________________ 2. all, meet, nice, to, is it. _______________________________________________________________ 3. Henry, is, my, friend, this. _____________________________________________________________ 4. thirteen, old, are, Tony, Lingling, years, and ?______________________________________________ 5.teacher, students, a, and, am, are, I, you, my. ________________________________________________


连词成句专项训练 te, class, be, don’t, again, for. (.) Don’t be late for class again. 2.this, a, beautiful, is, pencil.(?) Is this a beautiful pencil? 3.are, how, you, old.(?) How old are you? 4.lovely, a, toy, what, bird.(!) What a lovely toy bird ! 5.is, that, over, what ,there.(?) What is that over there? 6.the, it, time, for, is, cake, big.(.) It is time for the big cake. 7.is, my, where, rubber? Where is my rubber? 8.desk, is, on, crayon, the, my.(?) Is my crayon on the desk? 9.please, the, open, window.(,.) Open the window,please. 10.blackboard, at, the, look, please.(.) Please look at the blackboard. 11.do,classroom,sleep,the,in,not.(.)Don’t sleep in the classroom. 12.schoolbag, is, the, behind, it.(.) It is behind the schoolbag. 13.sister, pies, two, has, my, big.(.) My sister has two big pies. 14.a,has.red,a,ruler,a,and,rubber,robot.(.) A red robot has a ruler and a rubber. 15.this, book, your, English, is.(.) This is your English book. 16.like, egg, you, an, would.(?) Would you like an egg? 17.girl, to, the, little, don’t, listen (.) Don’t listen to the little girl. 18.down, up, Paul ,and .is, walking.(.) Paul is walking up and down. 19.little, the, bird, is, on, the, chair.(?)Is the little bird on the chair? 20.your, in, it, pencil, is, case.(?) Is it in your pencil case? 21.your,English,close,please,book.(,.) Close your English book,please. 22.I, milk, to, drink, my, want.(.) I want to drink my milk. 23.isn’t, a, crayon, this(.) This isn’t a crayon. 24.that, book, is, your(?) Is that your book? k, don’t, drink, my(.) Don’t drink my milk.


七年级英语连词成句(基础篇), is, her, family, Mille , I, pencil, it, his, is, , is, pencil, case, my , your, is, what, name () 5. in, the, that, your, and, lost, found, case, key, is, (), here, is, photo, family, , the, for, of, thanks, photo, family, 8.are, not, these, grandparents, his, 9. ruler can to the bring me you( ) 10. friend's,your,name ,what is 11. books,are,my,the chair,on 12. is the my bed watch under ,does,a,volleyball,have 't,they,a,soccer,ball,have ,that,interesting games,play, let's 17. to play I footballwant. we for pants only 10 dollars 19. is mother’s when your birthday 20. wants, a, to, she, be, musician 21. to, I, join, art, want, the, club

22. know, may, your, I, name 23. you, to, about, do, learn, art, want ,some,musicians,our,we,rock,good,for,band ,what,want,club,does,join,to ,the,time,LeiHao,does,get,in,home,afternoon ,what,do,eat,dinner,for 28. after,he,guita,the,breakfast,plays,goes,then,work,to,he ,an,play,what,time,to,soccer ,tell,can,about,life,write,and,me,your,school,at ,do,want,you,to,about,know,morning. ,but,is,interesting,difficult,math 33.,he,with,likes,his,playing,dog ,she,not,subject,does,like , green, ruler, that, her , please, at, Tina, 3407586 , what, in, is, that , I, think, your, is, mother’s, her, on, desk . , is, friend, your


专项练习----连词成句 一、连词成句。 1、风儿说话跟树 _____________________________________ 2、我一把有花伞 _____________________________________ 3、3、吃小羊在青草 _____________________________________ 4、画了绿色的我一条金鱼 _____________________________________ 5、几个花园里小朋友玩儿在 _____________________________________ 6、水升高瓶子里的渐渐 _____________________________________ 7、小白兔跑去往湖边的雪地里 _____________________________________ 二、用序号把这些词语连成一句话并抄下来。记得加上标点。 1、学校公共汽车坐我去 _____________________________________ 2、西瓜的长大了地里 _____________________________________ 3、爸爸看书在沙发上 _____________________________________ 4、放进把石子瓶子里乌鸦

5、小狗的外婆家爱我 _____________________________________ 6、草地小河边有青青的一片 _____________________________________ 7、小马有草地一匹上 _____________________________________ 8、司马光有古时候叫一个孩子 _____________________________________ 9、小狗可爱的一只走来向我正在 _____________________________________ 10、大树有门前我家一棵 _____________________________________ 小学一年级上语文连词成句练习题 (1)是(2)我(3)小学生 (1)上(2)高高兴兴(3)学校(4)我们 (1)同学(2)学校(3)里(4)啊(5)真多 (1)语文(2)我们(3)教(4)张老师 (1)操场上(2)同学们(3)玩(4)在(5)一群(6)游戏(1)教室里(2)同学们(3)在(4)读书写字(5)认真地


连词成句专项练习117 1. is, that, his, mother ( ) 2. green, my, here, ruler, is (.) 3. three, these, cousins, are, my (.) 4. for, family, your, thanks, photo (.) 5. those, uncle, and, are, aunt, your (?) 6. is, Tony, name, his (.) 7. is, number, her, telephone, what (?) 8. meet, to, nice, you (.) 9. is, what, color, the, ruler (?) 10. in, what, is, this, English? 11. pen, your, that, is (?) 12. it, how, you, spell, do (?) 13. card, is, school, this, ID, my (.) 14. is, pencil, not, this, his (.) 15. is, what, your, backpack, color (?) 16. baseball, have, your, a, bat, does, sister 17. has, sports, Smith, great, collection, a 18. don’t, games, I, computer, play 19, play, let’s, basketball 20, on, football, we, TV, watching, matches, like 21. this, pencil, your, is (?) 22. backpack, is, that, his


连词成句专项练习 1. is, that, his, mother ( ) ________________________________ 2. green, my, here, ruler, is (.) _______________________________ 3. three, these, cousins, are, my (.) ________________________________ 4. for, family, your, thanks, photo (.) ________________________________ 5. those, uncle, and, are, aunt, your (?) ________________________________ 6. is, Tony, name, his (.) ________________________________ 7. is, number, her, telephone, what (?) _______________________________ 8. meet, to, nice, you (.) ________________________________ 9. is, what, color, the, ruler (?) ________________________________ 10. in, what, is, this, English? ________________________________ 11. pen, your, that, is (?) ________________________________ 12. it, how, you, spell, do (?) ________________________________ 13. card, is, school, this, ID, my (.) ________________________________ 14. is, pencil, not, this, his (.) ________________________________ 15. is, what, your, backpack, color (?) _______________________________ 16. baseball, have, your, a, bat, does, sister _______________________________ 17. has, sports, Smith, great, collection, a ________________________________ 18. don’t, games, I, computer, play ________________________________ 19, play, let’s, basketball ________________________________ 20, on, football, we, TV, watching, matches, like ________________________________ 21. this, pencil, your, is (?) ________________________________ 22. backpack, is, that, his ________________________________ 23. her, what, is, name ________________________________ 24. spell, how, you, do, it ________________________________ 25. nice, a, it, pencil case, is ________________________________ 26. name, his, Peter, is (.) ________________________________ 27. do, have, volleyball, a, you ________________________________ 28. don’t, computer, play, I, games ________________________________ 29. Ed Smith, collection, have, a, doesn’t ________________________________ 30, does, have, Mike, a, car ________________________________ 1


一年级连词成句专项练习 一、连词成句。 1、风儿说话跟树 _____________________________________ 2、我一把有花伞 _____________________________________ 3、3、吃小羊在青草 _____________________________________ 4、画了绿色的我一条金鱼 _____________________________________ 5、几个花园里小朋友玩儿在 _____________________________________ 6、水升高瓶子里的渐渐 _____________________________________ 7、小白兔跑去往湖边的雪地里 _____________________________________ 二、用序号把这些词语连成一句话并抄下来。记得加上标点。 1、学校公共汽车坐我去 _____________________________________ 2、西瓜的长大了地里 _____________________________________ 3、爸爸看书在沙发上 _____________________________________ 4、放进把石子瓶子里乌鸦 _____________________________________ 5、小狗的外婆家爱我 _____________________________________ 6、草地小河边有青青的一片 _____________________________________ 7、小马有草地一匹上 _____________________________________ 8、司马光有古时候叫一个孩子 _____________________________________ 9、小狗可爱的一只走来向我正在 _____________________________________ 10、大树有门前我家一棵 _____________________________________ 小学一年级上语文连词成句练习题(1)是(2)我(3)小学生 (1)上(2)高高兴兴(3)学校(4)我们
