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In most plants, the water is taken in by the roots and then carried through the plant by small tubes. Some of this water is used by the plant, but a large amount is given off as water vapor. In cooler parts of the earth, this vapor forms tiny drops of water in the air. These drops meet each other, become larger and finally fall as rain. In hotter regions, however, the water often rises very high into the air without forming drops. When this very wet air meets cooler air, tiny drops of water form in a kind of cloud called fog, or mist if it is near the ground.

In some deserts, the earth is usually very dry and there is not enough water for the plants. At night, however, when the temperature falls, dew(露水)often forms; and sometimes it is followed by a fog, forming so heavily that the ground may be wet in the morning as if it had rained during the night.

Why does the moisture(湿气)in the air form drops? If we cool a glass filled with a so-called invisible gas used to make the air we breathe, we shall find that the gas suddenly turns into a liquid. The moisture in the air forms drops for the same reason. The air is warmed by the central heating of houses, factories, offices and cars and by burning fuel for cooking and heating. So it contains a great deal of moisture. But when the warm air meets cooler air, some of its moisture forms drops, which we see as fog or mist close to the ground, or as rain falling from clouds.

1. Water vapor forms tiny drops of water when _____.

A. water is given off as water vapor

B. it gets too hot

C. the air becomes cooler

D. it rises very high into the air

2. The water in the air forms drops of water in _____.

A. rain

B. fog

C. mist

D. dew

3. The ground in some parts of the desert is wet in the morning because _______.

A. it has rained during the night

B. dew has fallen the previous night

C. a fog forms during the night

D. tiny drops have fallen from the rain cloud

4. The moisture in the air forms drops because of _____.

A. the warming of the air

B. the moistening of the air

C. the cooling of the air

D. the wetting of the air


Many people around the world are choosing to work from home. For example, about a fifth of American workers say they work from home at least once a week. A report in August in The Manchester Guardian says that in July 43% of British workers said they worked from home for at least some of their work time. Explanations for this trend range from inventions like the Internet to the rising costs of commuting(通勤).

A recent study by William Dilger at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, studied the work habits of Americans between 2000 and 2008. He found that "telecommuting," or working from home, increases the amount of time people actually work. In his study, people who worked from home had lower salaries. However, they also worked six more minutes per day than those who commuted to the workplace.

But is working at home always a good idea? A study in Sweden led by Petra Nilsson of Linköping University, found that people who worked at home often had a difficult time separating work from leisure. As one person said, "It is like a rubber band—sometimes it stretches too far and breaks." Another problem was that it was easy to work too long if there was no one to say, "It’s quitting time." The Swedish researchers found that people who work at home are not necessarily less stressed than those who go to the office.

5. A fifth of American workers work from home at least _____.
