






3.贵公司是从何种渠道()知道敝公司及其产品的?A.国际展会B.B2BC.中国对外发行的行业杂志D.本国同行介绍 F.到中国考察G:其他4.决定贵公司购买敝公司产品的主要因素有:()A.质量B.功能C.价格D.性价比 F.广告宣传 G.其他5.请给敝公司产品的外观质量给予评价 1-10分您的评价分6.请给敝公司产品的使用质量给予评价 1-10分您的评价分7.您认为敝公司产品的性价比是()A.很好B.好C.一般D.不好 F.差8.与其他同类产品相比()B.差不多C.差9.贵公司每个月对该产品的需求量是()10.贵公司除购买敝公司的产品外,是否还购买其他公司同类产品()A.是B.否11.贵司购买其他同类产品,该同类产品产自()A.中国B.本国C.其他国家12.对片区经理服务的满意度1-10分您的评价分13. 对公司售后服务人员的专业水平和服务态度1-10分您的评价分14.对客户信息(要求/抱怨/投诉)处理速度()A.很快B.快C.一般D.慢 F.很慢15.对公司要求的售后服务处理结果,感到( )A.很满意B.满意C.一般D.不满意16.是否愿意将我单位作为长期合作的供应商()A.是B.否17.是否愿意向其他客户推荐我公司的产品A.是18.贵公司对敝公司的整体评价 1-10分您的评价分19.如何提高敝公司服务贵司的水平,请您提出宝贵意见:再次感谢贵公司的支持与信任,无论何时,敝公司将竭诚为贵司服务!Foreign Customer Satisfaction QuestionnaireRE:ABC CompanyWe are XXX Co., Ltd from China. Sincerely thank you for your company buying our company’s products. In order to provide you with better services, in the hope that we can understand you to the true view and evaluation of our products and service quality through the following aspects of the survey , so that we continue to improve the quality of product and service quality1. What country is your company’s headquarters located in ?2. When did you know our company and products?3. Through what channels did your company know our company and its products?How do you know our company and its products?A. international exhibitionB.B2B platformC. magazine issued by China industry’s association d. introduced by domestic counterparts f. investigated in China G: others4. For what reason has your company decided to purchase our products? ( )Why did you decide to purchase our products?A. qualityB. functionC. PriceD. cost performanceE. AdvertisementF. others5. Please give evaluation to our product’s appearance quality 1-10 points, your evaluation points is6. Please give evaluation to our product’s use quality 1-10 points, your evaluation points is7. What do you think of cost performance of our products? ( )A. very goodB. goodC. General d. bad f. very bad8. How about our products compared with the other similar products? ( )A. betterB. just aboutC. worse9. How many demands of products per month for your company? ( )10. Whether your company bought similar products besides our company ?( )A. yesB. no11. Where did you buy the other similar products?( )A. China b. domestic C. the other countries12. Pls give evaluation to service satisfaction of area manager 1-10 points, your evaluation points is13. Pls give evaluation to service level and attitude towards after-sales of maintenance personnel 1-10 points ,your evaluation points is14. How about processing speed of customer information(requirement/complaints) ?( )A. so fast b. fast C. General d. slow f. quite slow15. What do you think of processing results of after-sales service for your company requirements? ( )A. very satisfied b. satisfied C. General d. unsatisfied16. Whether you will look upon our company as long term cooperation supplier of your company ( )A. yesB. no17. Would you like to recommend products of our company to other customers?A. yesB. no18. Pls give our company an overall evaluation 1-10 points, your evaluation points is19. How to improve our service to your company, please put forward valuable opinions as follows:Thanks again for your support and trust, we will be happy to serve your company at any time.。



顾客满意度调查表(英文)Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire( Document no.: )No.________ Dear customer_____________________:Thank you for ordering our products. In order to improve our products quality and service for you, we would like to know whether you are satisfactory with us in detail. Please fill in the customer satisfaction questionnaire and return to the following address at your convenient time. Your response and comments would be much appreciated.Please return to:Fax:E-mail:Date:Your InformationCompany: _______________________________Purchased Product: ________________________Contact: __________________________________Tel.: ____________________________________Fax: ____________________________________E-mail: __________________________________Products quality1. Overall□ V ery Satisfied □ Satisfied □ About Average □ Dissatisfied □ V ery Dissatisfied 2. Appearance Shape□ V ery Satisfied □ Satisfied □ About Average □ Dissatisfied □ V ery Dissatisfied 3. Performance□ V ery Satisfied □ Satisfied □ About Average □ Dissatisfied □ V ery Dissatisfied 4. Manufacturing Process□ V ery Dissatisfied 5. Finish□ V ery Satisfied □ Satisfied □ About Average □ Dissatisfied □ V ery Dissatisfied 6. Packing□ V ery Satisfied □ Satisfied □ About Average □ Dissatisfied □ V ery Dissatisfied 7. Reliability□ V ery Satisfied □ Satisfied □ About Average □ Dissatisfied □ V ery Dissa tisfied 8. Stability□ V ery Satisfied □ Satisfied □ About Average □ Dissatisfied □ V ery DissatisfiedPrice9. Pricing□ V ery Satisfied □ Satisfied □ About Average □ Dissatisfied □ V ery Dissatisfied 10. Performance -Price Ratio□ V ery Satisfied □ Satisfied □ About Average □ Dissatisfied □ V ery DissatisfiedService11. Service Attitude of Business Person□ V ery Satisfied □ Satisfied □ About Average □ Dissatisfied □ V ery Dissatisfied 12. Liability of Business Person□ V ery Satisfied □ Satisfied □ About Average □ Dissatisfied □ V ery Dissatisfied 13. Professional Knowledge of Business Person□ V ery Satisfied □ Satisfied □ About Average □ Dissatisfied □ V ery Dissatisfied14. Communication Ability of Business Person□ V ery Satisfied □ Satisfied □ About Average □ Dissatisfied □ V ery Dissatisfied 15. Speed of response to your Fax/E-mail □ V ery Satisfied □ Satisfied □ About Average □ Dissatisfied □ V ery Dissatisfied 16. Repairing quality for returned products□ V ery Dissatisfied 17. Returning Speed of Replacement □ V ery Satisfied □ Satisfied □ About Average □ Dissatisfied □ V ery Dissatisfied 18. Delivery Time□ V ery Satisfied □ Satisfied □ About Average □ Dissatisfied □ V ery Dissatisfied 19. Supply of Parts & Pieces□ V ery Satisfied □ Satisfied □ About Average □ Dissatisfied □ V ery Dissatisfied 20. Product Capacity□ V ery Satisfied □ Satisfied □ About Average □ Dissatisfied □ V ery Dissatisfied 21.FOT development speed□ V ery Satisfied □ Satisfied □ About Average □ Dissatisfied □ V ery Dissatisfied 22.Quality of sample□ V ery Satisfied □ Satisfied □ About Average □ Dissatisfied □ V ery Dissatisfied Please provide us with any additional comments or suggestions:________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________.。



承蒙贵公司长期以来对本公司业务发展的大力支持,使本公司业务日益蒸蒸日上,为感谢贵公司的厚爱敝公司特拟定本调查表请您拨冗填写,您的珍贵意见,敝公司将列入今后改善的重点,谨此致谢!Thank you for your valuable support to Sunway. In order to give you better service in the coming days, we will appreciate if you can fill this customer satisfaction survey and give us your feedbacks, and we will improve in the following days, Thank you.
公司全称Company full name:
填表人Filled by:(加盖公章Stamp) 填表日期Date: 年Y 月M 日D
谢谢您的合作,我们非常重视您的宝贵意见!(请于七个工作日内回传至:0755-********或E-mail给您对应的客服人员)Thanks for your cooperation; your comments will be valued! (Please feedback to: 0755-******** or your corresponding customer service personal within 7 working days)。



Customer Satisfaction InventoryATOP CORPORATIONDear Customer:Wish your esteem company grows increasingly stronger!Thank you so much for your support during our corporation !We would like to take this opportunity of customer Satisfaction Survey to continuously improve our products and service.Please take some time to fill out this form, and fax or email back the filled form back to us.Your advice and suggestions will be highly appreciated!Best Wishes!ATOP Corporation Marketing Department一、Quality1、What do you think of our product quality?□Very Satisfied;□Satisfied;□Dissatisfied;□Very Dissatisfied2、Are you satisfied whit our product performance?□Very Satisfied;□Satisfied;□Dissatisfied;□Very Dissatisfied3、Are you satisfied with our design?□Very Satisfied;□Satisfied;□Dissatisfied;□Very Dissatisfied4、Are you satisfied with our timely trouble-shooting solution ability?□Very Satisfied;□Satisfied;□Dissatisfied;□Very Dissatisfied二、Delivery Cycle1、How do you think of our delivered produce quantity accurate?□Very Satisfied;□Satisfied;□Dissatisfied;□Very Dissatisfied2、Are you satisfied with our company delivery cycle?□Very Satisfied;□Satisfied;□Dissatisfied;□Very Dissatisfied三、Service1、Are you satisfied with our company's after-sales service and technical support?□Very Satisfied;□Satisfied;□Dissatisfied;□Very Dissatisfied2、What do you think the comprehensive professional ability of our company sales?□Very Satisfied;□Satisfied;□Dissatisfied;□Very Dissatisfied四、Price1、Are you satisfied with the price of our products?□Very Satisfied;□Satisfied;□Dissatisfied;□Very Dissatisfied2、Are you satisfied with competitive price ratio of our products?□Very Satisfied;□Satisfied;□Dissatisfied;□Very Dissatisfied3、Are you interested in our products?□1.25G optical module;□10G optical module;□40G optical module;□DAC/AOC;□Others /please provide____五、Suggestion一、Does your company have big pending project, If you can cooperate with us, what advice?二、would you like to offer some constructive suggestions regarding future overall product line?Comprehensive Assessment:□Very Satisfied;□Satisfied;□Dissatisfied;□Very Dissatisfied Your Company Name:Customer Name:。


Your other comments and suggestions:
□brand popularity□product quality□service□price□(others)
4、What about our sale policy?
□excellent□very good□good□poor□disappointed
Your comments or suggestion on this:
□poor, comes too late
(2)dealing result:□excellent
8、What do you think of our shipment:
□excellent, shipped earlier sometimes□always on time□delays sometime
□just so so,Your comments or suggestion on this:
□not satisfied,Your comments or suggestion on this:
4、Are you satisfied with our packing?
□very satisfied
二、Product Price
1、Compared with other suppliers, what do you think of our price?
□pretty low□low□almost same□high□higher
2、Compared with other suppliers, do you think ours gains highcost-effective?



HHSN Customer Satisfaction InventoryInventory Number:Company Name Contact PersonContact Way CountryDear customer:Hello!In order to offer you better service and make our quality, shipment, and service best match your needs, we make this blank, please fill in the blank with any of your comments or suggestions; we will listen to your opinions with an open mind. Thanks for your cooperation!一、Product Quality:1. Which do you value most when you choose a company in the sanitary ware industry?□ company propaganda □ company reputation □ company strength □ company after sales service 2. Are you satisfied with our company scale and production capability?□ very satisfied □ satisfied □ not satisfied3. Which do you value most for a product?□ product brand □ product appearance □ product quality □ product utility4. Do you think our product is suitable for your market or your target customer?□ very suitable□ just so so, Y our comments or suggestion on this:□ not suitable, Y our comments or suggestion on this:5. What do you think of our technical content of Faucet series products compared with same products of other sanitary ware industry companies?□ higher □ same □lower6. Are you satisfied with our packing?□ very satisfied□ just so so□ not satisfiedY our comments or suggestion on this:7. What do you think of our quality?□ very good □ good □ poorY our comments or suggestion on this:二、Product Price1、Compared with other suppliers, what do you think of our price?□ pretty low □ almost same □higher2、Compared with other suppliers, do you think ours gains high cost-effective?□high □almost same □lower than othersY our comments or suggestion on this:三、Sevice:1、What do you thinks of our service?(1)before sale service:□ very good□ fair □ poor(2)sale service:□ very good □ fair □ poor(3)after sales service:□ very good □ fair □poorY our comments or suggestion on this:2、Do you think our products are very popular in your market?□ very popular □ fair □ noY our comments or suggestion on this:3、Which do you think affects the market most?□brand popularity □product quality □service □price □ (others)4、What about our sale policy?□ very good □ good □ poorY our comments or suggestion on this:5、Do you satisfied with our service for your feedback?(1)timeliness:□ excellent,quick response to our feedback□ good,response within one day after we feedback□ poor, comes too late(2)dealing result:□ excellent□ fair□ poor8、What do you think of our shipment:□excellent, shipped earlier sometimes □always on time □delays sometimeY our other comments and suggestions:Signature:Date:简历——智联招聘-------- 欢迎下载资料,下面是附带送个人简历资料用不了的话可以自己编辑删除,谢谢!蒋rong超男 | 已婚 | 1988 年9月生 | 户口:湖南永州 | 现居住于广东深圳-宝安区3年工作经验 | 团员 | 身份证:广东省gz市宝安区518101186****5324(手机)E-mail:****************求职意向·工作性质:全职·期望职业:销售业务、销售管理、市场·期望行业:专业服务/咨询(财会/法律/人力资源等)、教育/培训/院校、通信/电信运营、增值服务·工作地区:深圳·期望月薪:4001-6000元/月·目前状况:我目前处于离职状态,可立即上岗职业目标喜欢营销管理类工作,喜欢有挑战的工作,大学四年一直在挑战自己,挑战自己的极限,一直在做营销的兼职,坚信“也精于勤而荒于嬉”一直严于律己,在各方面都要从严要求自己。

顾客满意度调查表 Customer Satisfaction Survey

顾客满意度调查表 Customer Satisfaction Survey

Your location 您所在地区
Your Function 您的职责:
□NI 安装□EI 维保□Quality 质量□Others 其他
2/ Product and Sevice 产品及服务 (not for sales person 非销售人员填写)
4/ Do you have any comments or recommendations you would like to make regarding our products, processes, or systems? If you have an exact example, pls leave your name and contact No. , or mail address at the bottom, it will conveninet for us to contact with you for the details. )
Your name 您的姓名:Contact No. / Mail 联系方式:。


顾客满意程度调查表Customer Satisfaction Survey
编号Form No
顾客名称Customer Name
电话、传真Phone , Fax
联系人Contact Person
订购产品的时间、订购方式、产品型号、规格、数量等:Time of Order, Method of Order, Item Code, Specifications and Quantity:
对代理商的满意程度Level of satisfaction with agent□很满意Very Satisfactory□一般化Satisfactory□不满意Dis-satisfactory
售后维修、保养服务:After sales repair and maintenance□很满意Very satisfactory□一般化Satisfactory□不满意Dis-satisfactory
请分别说明原因(可另附纸)ges if required):
Other comments, requests and suggestions, including comparisons with other suppliers, industry information, recommendations for improvement(suggestions thatare applied will be rewarded) (use additional pages if required)
咨询及对顾客使用、维护培训Response and training from manufacturer:□很满意Very satisfactory□一般化Satisfactory□不满意Dis-satisfactory



FM019 ACRxxxx Company:Address:Tel:Fax:E-mail: 客户 满 意 度 调 查 表C USTOMER S ATISFACTION S URVEY F ORM尊贵的客户Dear Valued Client为提高对贵公司的服务,我们希望了解贵公司对我们的服务意见,特別是我们的服务是否达到贵公司的要求。


To serve you better, we are interested in learning about your experience with our company, in particular how your expected requirements have been met. By completing the following questionnaire, you will be helping us in assisting you better in the future. 我们非常感谢贵公司所给予的宝贵意见。

We highly appreciate your time in giving us your comments.姓名:Name: 电话:本公司之整体表现 Overall how would you rate your experience with C ompany优 Excellent 良 Good 可 Fair 劣Poor 评分标准分八级,第一级为最不满意,第八级为最满意。

Please use an eight-point scale where 1 is completely dissatisfied and 8 is very satisfied for your rating.不满意 Dissatisfied 满意S atisfied我们的职员之工作效率? ☐ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ 4 ☐ 5 ☐ 6 ☐ 7 ☐ 8 How efficient is our staff?我们的职员是否有足够专业知识? ☐ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ 4 ☐ 5 ☐ 6 ☐ 7 ☐ 8 Does our staff have sufficient professional knowledge?我们的职员是否有礼貌? ☐ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ 4 ☐ 5 ☐ 6 ☐ 7 ☐ 8 Is our staff polite?我们的职员是否有能力解决您的疑问? ☐ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ 4 ☐ 5 ☐ 6 ☐ 7 ☐ 8 Does our staff have the ability to resolve your queries?我们的职员之写作水平如何? ☐ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ 4 ☐ 5 ☐ 6 ☐ 7 ☐ 8 How is the quality of our written documentation?我们提供之顾问服务是否有用? ☐ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ 4 ☐ 5 ☐ 6 ☐ 7 ☐ 8 How useful is our consulting services?我们的报价是否清晰? ☐ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ 4 ☐ 5 ☐ 6 ☐ 7 ☐ 8 How clear is our quoting process?我们与贵公司之沟通是否足够? ☐ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ 4 ☐ 5 ☐ 6 ☐ 7 ☐ 8 Is our communication frequent enough?我们的后勤职员之服务如何? ☐ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ 4 ☐ 5 ☐ 6 ☐ 7 ☐ 8 How satisfied are you with our support staff services?您对我们的产品或服务的质量如何评价?本公司应如何改进?贵公司希望获得哪些进一步的服务?How is the quality of our product or service?How can we improve? What further services can we provide to assist you?。



客户满意度调查问卷(中英文对照)模板【注意事项】1. 请根据您的实际情况填写以下问卷,并在适当的选项上划勾。

2. 对于需要填写文字的问题,请简洁明了地作答,不必过于详细。

3. 所有个人信息将被保密,仅供内部评估使用。

【Part 1:个人信息】Personal Information1. Name(姓名): ____________________________2. Contact Number(联系电话):_______________________________3. Email Address(邮箱地址): ____________________________【Part 2:产品/服务评价】Product/Service Evaluation请根据您的实际使用经历对以下问题进行评价,评分5分制,5代表非常满意,1代表非常不满意。

1. How satisfied are you with the quality of our products/services?(您对我们产品/服务的质量满意度如何?)- 5(Very satisfied)- 4(Satisfied)- 3(Neutral)- 2(Dissatisfied)- 1(Very dissatisfied)2. How satisfied are you with the timeliness of our delivery/service?(您对我们的交付/服务速度满意度如何?)- 5(Very satisfied)- 4(Satisfied)- 3(Neutral)- 2(Dissatisfied)- 1(Very dissatisfied)3. How satisfied are you with the customer service provided by our staff?(您对我们员工的客户服务满意度如何?)- 5(Very satisfied)- 4(Satisfied)- 3(Neutral)- 2(Dissatisfied)- 1(Very dissatisfied)4. How satisfied are you with the overall experience of using our products/services?(您对使用我们产品/服务的整体体验满意度如何?)- 5(Very satisfied)- 4(Satisfied)- 3(Neutral)- 2(Dissatisfied)- 1(Very dissatisfied)【Part 3:反馈意见】Feedback请简要说明您对我们产品/服务的意见和建议,我们将不断努力改进以满足您的需求。


Customer Name
Contact Person
Thanks for your long time supporting and concerning!In order to offer you better service and make our quality, shipment, and service best match your needs, please fill in the blank with any of your comments or suggestions, we will listen to your opinions with an open mind, thanks for your cooperation!
一、Product Quality:
1、Which do you value most when you purchase a good quality product?
□product itself□company reputation□company strength□company after-sale service
□pretty high□high□almost same□lower than others□pretty lower than others
1、What do you thinks of our service?
(1)before sale service:□excellent□very good□fair□poor
二、Product Price

Customer Satisfaction Survey 顾客满意度调查表

Customer Satisfaction Survey 顾客满意度调查表

Customer Satisfaction Survey顾客满意度调查表Directions: Please rate us from Poor (1) to Excellent (10) by circling the appropriate number. If an issue falls outside your experience with Magna China, please leave it blank.方法:请通过圈定合适的数字对我们的工作进行评价(从优秀到差,分别为10分到1分)。

Please fax completed surveys to ____________ at A123 China no later than ______________ 请把完成的表格在_____________之前传真给_________________。

Thank you.谢谢!∙Customer Company Information 客户公司信息1.) The name of your company: ____________________公司名称:2.) Please provide your name and title: ____________________填写您的姓名及职位:3.) Date you completed this survey: ____________________完成此表格的时间:∙Product Quality 产品质量1.) Product appearance: 产品外观1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 102.) Incoming receiving PPM: 进货检查不合格率(10 means product excellent)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 103.) No Manufacturing Defects: (10 means excellent and no manufacturing defects.)生产报废数(10分代表表现优秀并无生产报废数)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 104.) No Warranty Claims: (10 means excellent and no warranty claims.)索赔数(10分代表表现优秀并无索赔)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 105.) Warranty Response: 索赔处理情况反馈1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 106.) Customer production line interrupt: 顾客生产线中断(10 means excellent, no interrupt, 5 means one time interrupt, 1 means two or more times interrupt.)1 5 107.) Customers’ information because of poor quality: 顾客关于质量的通知(10 means excellent, no information, 5 means one time information, 1 means two or more times information.)1 5 108.) Do you any suggestions on how we could improve our product quality?任何建议以有利于改进产品质量情况?Delivery 交付1.) Products delivered within the specified delivery window(Including premium freight): 产品在规定期限内交付(包括超额运费)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 102.) Shipping documents are delivered to the correct personnel or agent: 运输单据投递正确1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 103.) Shipping documents are accurate:运输单据内容正确1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 104.) The appropriate party pays all shipping fees: 运费支付方正确1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 105.) Appropriate packaging is used: 包装使用得当1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 106.) Product labeling and identification is correct: 产品标贴正确1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 107.) Packaging meets your specifications: 包装符合要求1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 108.) Customers’ information because of poor delivery:顾客关于交付的通知(10 means excellent, no information, 5 means one time information, 1 means two or more times information.)1 5 109.) Do you any suggestions on how we could improve our delivery?任何建议以有利于改进交付情况?∙Problem Resolution 问题解决情况1.) Clear communication: 交流表达清楚1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 102.) Timely resolution: 及时解决1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 103.) Do you any suggestions on how we could improve our problem resolution?任何建议以有利于改进问题解决情况?∙Service and Support 服务支持1.) Availability of spare parts: 零备件供应1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 102.) Speedy delivery of spare parts: 零备件运送速度1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 103.) Timely response to service request: 对于服务性要求回应迅速1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 104.) Do you any suggestions on how we could improve our service and support?任何建议以有利于改进服务支持情况?∙Engineering 技术支持1.) Product performance meets customer specifications: 产品性能符合客户规定1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 102.) Reliability meets your requirements: 产品可靠性符合客户要求1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 103.) Product is easy to use: 产品容易使用1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 104.) Product is easy to assemble at your facility: 产品容易组装1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 105.) Offer appropriate technology: 技术配套1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 106.) Do you any suggestions on how we could improve our engineering?任何建议以有利于改进技术支持情况?∙Sales and Customer Service 销售和客户服务1.) Quick Responsiveness: 信息回应迅速1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 102.) Positive Attitude: 积极的态度1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 103.) Competitive Pricing: 有竞争的价格1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 104.) Clear Communication: 表达清楚1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 105.) Detailed Explanations: 表述详细1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 106.) Do you any suggestions on how we could improve our sales and customer service?任何建议以有利于改进销售和客户服务情况?Additional Comments: 其他建议If you have any suggestions on how we could better serve you in the future, please provide your remarks below(Attached another sheet is appreciated):如果您对改进我们将来工作有任何的建议,请列出:(如空白不够,欢迎使用附页)。


Customer Name客户名称(盖章):Contact Person联系人:
Contents & Items
非常满意Very Good
Service attitude of our Sales Dept
Our one line sales(web site)
Present contact and touch
After Service
Other suggestions:
Customer Satisfaction Survey
We appreciate your valued supports and cooperation all the times, in order to improve our services and quality further, we are now taking this investigation, and your reverent appraisements and suggestions will be the important references in our consideration, please fill with following table and return to us by fax or email when you are free,. Thanks in advance.


□Excellent□Very good□good□fair□poor□very poor□Disappointing
How you find our customer services
□Excellent□Very good□good□fair□poor□very poor□Disappointing
Based on your last experience with Total products, would you purchase products again from Total?
About our services
How quickly we answer the phone
Total products that you purchase most frequently (Hold down "control" to select more than one product) *
□Jewellery packaging□Jewellery display□Watch packaging□humidor□gift box□others
□Excellent□Very good□good□fair□poor□very poor□Disappointing
How we answer the phone
□Excellent□Very good□good□fair□poor□very poor□Disappointing
The accuracy and honesty of the information we supply you with



Note: Golden Eagle appreciates your candor in this process and thus assure you that Golden Eagle will hold your responsed in confidence and will use your responses only to improve our services to you. Similarly we respectfully request that you hold this survey and its results in confidence as well.客户满意度调查表CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SURVEY FORM调查目的: 了解贵公司对XX公司所提供的服务满意程度,以改善本公司的服务素质.Purpose of Survey: To understand your company's satisfaction level of our service provided so as to improve our service standard.请阁下填写该问卷后,传真至After filling out the survey form, please fax to:客户名/Customer Name: 日期/Date:址/Address:姓名 & 职位/Name & Title of person:产品/Product:以下栏由XX公司填写/The following information are to be filled out by Golden Eagle:客户回复日期/Date of Customer reply : _______________填写项目点数/No. of the items filled :________ 得分总数/Total Score:_______客户满意度达成目标:≧85结果(合格/不合格)/Result (Pass / No Pass):______________业务部主管/Sales Manager: _________总经理/General Manager: ________________总结/Conclusion:。



若要成为贵公司最好的供应商,您认为XX需要采取哪些措施? What would PM need to do to be your best overall supplier?
2.2 您认为XX在达到贵公司要求的产量提升速度及数量方面的能力如何 What is your assessment on XX's abilities in ramping up yield 2 rate 2.3 您认为XX在按要求交期变更方面的能力如何? How would you assess XX's flexibility to change according to your request? 2.4 您认为XX总体交货和急单配合如何? How does PM perform urgent shipment or case? 交货及价格/Delivery and Pricing 3.1 您认为XX在按时交货方面表现如何? How is XX on-time delivery 3.2 您认为XX在回复交期方面表现如何? How is XX's response time in replying delivery schedule? 3 3.3 您认为XX报价准时率如何? Are you satisfied with XX's response in providing quotation? 3.4 您认为XX总体的交货配合度如何? How does PM perform on delivery? 沟通方面/communications 4.1您认为XX的电话、传真和邮件系统的性能如何? Is our telecommunication system able to meet your company's requirement? 4.2在与XX的业务人员的合作过程中,您认为他们的反应,专业度以及工作熟 练度如何? Does XX's sales department meet your expectation? 4
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