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目前我国在经济飞速发展的支撑下,铁路事业也进入了辉煌的时代,发展的力度是前所未有的。列车的运行速度、列车的运行环境、列车的载重能为有了很大的提升,这种快速的提升也带来了所有科研人员所关注的问题,那就是怎样有效地保证斤车的安全,送也成为全社会关注的问题。SS4 改进型电力机车是我国货运机车的主要车型之一,是在 SS4型电力机车的基础上研制的一种机车,具有起动平稳、速度快、运送货物量大等优点。由于它的性能好,经济效益高而得到广泛的应用与好评。劈相机是 SS4 改进型电力机车辅助系统的主要电机之一,它的性能的好坏直接影响到其它辅助电机的正常工作。异步电动机的许多故障现象都会在劈相机上发生,但劈相机又有其自己的特性。从劈相机的故障分析来看,主要是电路故障和电机机械故障,本文将主要针对SS4 改进型电力机车劈相机的电路故障来进行分析与处理,而对劈相机有一个全面的了解能够快速准确地找到劈相机的故障并及时排除。



At present, China's rapid economic development in the support of the railway industry has entered a glorious era, the development of strength is unprecedented. The operation of the train speed, train running environment, train load can have greatly improved, the rapid ascension also brought all the researchers concern, that is how to effectively ensure the pound security vehicles, also become the focus of the whole society. SS4 modified electric locomotive is one of the main models of freight locomotives in our country. It is a kind of locomotive developed on the basis of SS4 electric locomotive. It has the advantages of smooth start, high speed and large cargo delivery. Because of its good performance and high economic benefits, it has been widely used and praised. The split camera is one of the main motors of the SS4 modified electric locomotive auxiliary system, its performance directly affects the normal operation of other auxiliary motors. Many of the faults of the asynchronous motor will occur on the splitter, but the splitter has its own characteristics. From the analysis of fault splitter, main circuit fault and motor fault circuit fault, this paper will be focused on SS4 modified electric locomotive splitter for analysis and processing, and have a comprehensive understanding to quickly and accurately find the fault splitter and timely remove the split camera,

Key words:SS4 modified electric locomotive; splitter circuit fault; fault processing


第1章绪论 (26)

1.1 课题研究的目的意义 (26)

1.2 国内外研究现状 (26)

1.2.1 国内研究现状 (26)

1.2.2 国外研究现状 (27)

1.3 研究内容及方法 (27)

1.3.1 研究内容 (27)

1.3.2 研究方法 (28)

第2章 SS4G型电力机车劈相机电路特点及原理 (29)

2.1 牵引主电路的构成 (29)

2.1.1 高压电源电路 (30)

2.1.2 整流调压电路 (30)

2.1.3 主传动系统电路 (31)

2.1.4 加馈制动电路 (31)

2.2 SS4G电力机车劈相机特点及原理 (32)

2.2.1 SS4G电力机车劈相机特点 (32)

2.2.2 SS4G电力机车劈相机的原理 (32)

第3章 SS4改进型电力机车劈相机电路故障分析及处理 (34)

3.1 接触器故障分析及处理 (34)

3.2 电器元件误动作 (34)

3.3 劈相机接线错误 (35)

3.4 起动电阻值变大问题 (35)

第4章结论 (36)

参考文献 (37)

致谢 (26)

附录 ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
