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新人教高一英语必修一短语汇总Welcome Unit 短语记忆

01. 千里之行,始于足下。A thousand-mile journey begins with the first step.

02. 学生证a student ID card

03. 一名来自...的交换生an exchange student from...

04. 与某人交流(思想;意见;经验...)exchange (ideas

/views/experience...) with sb

05. 相互扫了一眼exchange glances

06. 换取...in exchange for...

07. 给某人讲课give a lecture to sb

08. 教训、训斥某人give sb a lecture about.../lecture sb about/on sth

09. 在演讲厅in the lecture hall

10. 在登记办公室in the registration office

11. 在登记/报名处register at the school

12. 报名学习这些课程register for these courses

13. 女/男学生a female/male student

14. 一名时装设计师a fashion designer

15. 目的是(做)...be designed to do sth

16. 为...设计的be designed for...

17. 在校园on campus

18. 在正式场合in formal situations

19. 担心某事be/feel anxious about sth

20. 为某人担心be anxious for sb

21. 非常想/渴望做...sb be anxious to do sth

22. 因为...对某人感到恼火be/get annoyed with sb about sth

23. 不敢做某事be frightened to do sth

24. (美国)初中/高中junior/senior high school

25. 老年人(委婉说法)senior citizens

26. 终于;最后at last

27. 给...留下好印象make a good impression on...

28. 对...印象深刻be impressed by...

29. 要是...会怎么样呢?What if...?

30. 集中精力于...concentrate on...

31. 做实验do an experiment

32. 不打扰;不惊动...leave...alone

33. 觉得很别扭/不好意思feel awkward

34. 探索新事物explore new things

35. 对...有信心feel/be confident about... have confidence in...

36. 有所把握be confident that 从句

37. 盼望;期待(做)某事look forward to (doing) sth

38. 做笔记take notes

39. 使用单词卡use flash cards

40. 猛然想起...;闪过某人的脑海

(idea/ thought/memories...) flash through one's mind

41. 转眼间in a flash

42. 看英语电影watch movies in English

43. 制作思维导图make mind maps

44. 学习方法learning methods/ the methods of learning

45. 制订英语学习计划make plans for English studies

46. 记学习日记keep a learning diary

47. 组织筹备会议organize a meeting

48. 设定/有学习目标set/have learning goals

49. 和你的搭档分享你的想法share your ideas with your partner

50. 提高阅读技巧improve reading skills

51. 对...好奇be curious about...

52. 创办IT公司start an IT company

53. 外向型性格an outgoing personality

54. 反思你的学习风格和策略reflect on your learning styles and strategies

55. 复习生词review new words

56. 一个学校顾问a school adviser

57. 在休息时during a break

58. 迎接一个师生参观团

meet a visiting group of teachers and students

59. 你好!怎么啦?出什么事啦?What's up?

60. 你好!How's it going? How are things going?

61. 变成现实e true

62. 开始(逐渐)知道/明白/意识到...get to


必修一 Unit 1 短语记忆

1. 少时养成的好习惯使人受益终身。Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.

02. 只学习,不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

03. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。The early bird catches the worm.

04. 行动胜于语言。Actions speak louder than words.

05. 未雨绸缪Always prepare for a rain day.

06. 选择一个学校社团choose a school club

07. 学习新动作learn new movements

08. 青少年问题teenage problems

09. 十几岁时as a teenager

10. 成立学校社团set up/create a school club

11. 芭蕾社团Ballet Club
