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连续梁悬臂浇筑挂篮设计与计算Continuous beam cantilever pouring Cradle design and calculation

2016 届土木工程学院





完成日期 2016年 6 月 14 日





此处设计的挂篮结构是一个菱形挂篮,采用容许应力法进行设计。用Midas软件建立整体模型对主桁杆件、侧模外导梁、内导梁、顶横梁、底模纵梁以及前后底横梁的应力和挠度进行了计算,同时结合手算根据钢结构设计原理对挂篮细部进行计算包括压杆稳定、抗倾覆系数、螺栓连接、节点板连接等的计算,还有用Midas 建立外导梁和内导梁走形时的受力模型,对其刚度和强度进行计算。经过反复的设计检算,使挂篮结构的强度、刚度、稳定性均达到规范的要求。设计方案完成后,用Tekla structure(Xsteel)软件将设计方案的模型建立出来,并用其生成结构各构件和零件的图纸,对于细部的构件可以采用AutoCAD辅助绘图,最终得到详细的施工图。

关键词:悬臂浇筑法;挂篮;Midas;Tekla structures


The cantilever construction method is a common method of construction process of continuous girder bridge, and the hanging basket is the main equipment in cantilever construction, composed of bearing system, anchorage system, running system, template system, suspension system,zhang la operation platform system. Subject to the 36m+2

64m+36m span prestressed concrete continuous beam bridge as the background, research and design of the hanging basket for construction.

The hanging basket structure designed here is a diamond shaped hanging basket, which is designed by the allowable stress method. Midas software is used to build a model of main truss bar, side die hanging beam, the inner guide beam, a top beam, a bottom die stringers, and before and after the bottom beam should force and deflection are calculated. At the same time, the combination of hand calculation according to the design principles of steel structure of hanging basket detail calculation include pressure bar stability and anti overturning calculation of the coefficient, bolt connection, gusset plate connections. After repeated design, the strength, rigidity and stability of the hanging basket structure meet the requirements of the specification. After the completion of design scheme, using Tekla structure (Xsteel) software design model, and generate the components of structure and component drawings, details of the component can be used for AutoCAD mapping, finally draw detailed construction drawings.

Key words: cantilever casting method ; hanging basket;Midas ; Tekla tructures


目录 (8)

第1章绪论 (1)

1.1研究背景和意义 (1)

1.2国内外研究现状 (1)

1.3 悬臂施工法的施工工艺 (1)

1.4挂篮结构 (2)

1.4.1挂篮分类 (2)

1.4.2挂篮承重结构形式分析 (3)

1.4.4 安装挂篮 (3)

1.4.5校正与安装模板 (4)

1.5菱形挂篮 (4)

1.5.1 菱形挂篮的结构及构造 (4)

1.5.2 菱形挂篮受力分析 (6)

1.6主要研究内容 (7)

第2章挂篮设计计算说明 (8)

2.1 工程概况 (8)

2.2 挂篮设计思路 (11)

2.3 计算依据 (12)

2.4 计算参数 (12)

第3章模板计算 (14)

3.1 底模板计算 (14)

3.1.1面板计算 (14)

3.1.2横肋计算 (15)

3.2 外侧模板计算 (15)

3.3 内侧模板计算 (17)

第4章主结构计算 (19)

4.1 荷载分析 (19)

4.1.1底篮普通纵梁处荷载分析 (19)

4.1.2 底篮加强纵梁处荷载分析 (20)

4.1.3 侧模纵梁荷载分析 (21)

4.1.4 内模托梁荷载分析 (21)

4.2 结构计算模型 (22)

4.2.1 建立模型 (22)

4.2.2 荷载施加 (23)

4.2.3各个部分结构计算结果 (24)

4.2.4计算结果分析 (33)
