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International Phonetic Symbols







[i:] [ɑ:] [ə:] [u:] [ɔ:]

[i] [e] [æ] [ʌ] [ə] [u] [ɔ]

8个双元音[ei] [ai] [ɔi] [au] [əu] [iə] [ɛə] [uə]

辅音28个清辅音[p] [t] [k] [f] [θ] [s] [ʃ] [tʃ] [tr] [ts] 浊辅音[b] [d] [g] [v] [ð] [z] [ʒ] [dʒ] [dr] [dz]

3个鼻音[m] [n] [ŋ]

其它辅音[l] [r] [h] [w] [j]

Let’s learn some rules of pronunciation!

[i:] & [i]

[i:]Please keep this keys. Peter reached the ceiling.

We'll need that cup of tea. Do you feed these animals with meat? [i]His sister is ill. Give her a pill if she is sick.

She filled my dish with fish Mr Smith put his fingers to his lips

[e] & [æ]

[e] They are selling pens and pencils. East or west, home is best.

Let him ment the desk. He slept in a red and yellow tent in the desert. [æ] Don’t st and under that ladder. The crab came out the sand.

Handsome is handsome does. The black cat ran after the rat.

[ə:] & [ə]

[ə:] First come, first served He started the journey early on Thursday The nurse said she hadn’t heard a word Her purse is made of fur

[ə] He sent letter to his father The doctor says his mother will better Peter had his meal at eight o'clock They need younger brother

[u:] & [u]

[u:] Her dress was beautiful blue. I’d like to ch oose the hot food.

The teacher divided them into new groups The broom is too dirty.

[u] The lorry is full of wood. He put some sugar and milk in the coffee.

They both study in the bushes. I’m l ooking for a book about philosophy.

[ɔ:] & [ɔ]

[ɔ:] Don’t w alk on the lawn. My daughter caught a cold.

There is more room on the fourth floor. I put more salt into the water.

[ɔ] There is a good coffee shop in this area. I got a lot of chocolates on my birthday.

Tom got a lot of dots on his pocket, if he wants to wash off the dots, he will use a port of hot water.

She lost my purse in which there were almost four hundred dollars.

[ɑ:] & [ʌ]

[ɑ:] Half the class laughed loudly My aunt is a master of arts

I started to work hard That’s a r ather smart car

[ʌ] The flood that happened on Monday caused great damage

There is nothing to worry about My cou sin’s s on wears a pair of sunglasses

Your mother asks you to buy some mutton

[ei] The cake tastes strange.Please hole the handrail tightly.

She is painting a train. I have an important date today

[ai] My wife likes watching movies. The teacher repeated nine times.

Could you file the documents? The child is eating rice.

[ɔi] You should avoid being late. Hope you enjoy yourselves in the party.

What's your choice? He is annoyed by the big noise.

[au] My house is near here. This conclusion is doubtful.

We found ourselves in front of a big hole? Knowledge is power.

The crowded people shouted loudly. Mr. Brown built up fences around house.

Cow, cow, proud in Brown. Come down to be milked for the hungry town.

[əu] You know I know that you know. I know that you know that I know.

She bought that coat in roan. I have thrown the broken bone.

I went to the grocers to buy some potatoes before returning home.

[iə] He is an experienced engineer I can see a theatre and a museum in this picture The deer has small ears She is sincere and serious

[ɛə] We often share our toys with other children. He went upstairs.

Her mother was scared by the color of her hair.

[uə] Are you sure you can come tomorrow? The bull went to the town to buy a manual.

He was curious about everything. The tourists are attracted by the rare scene.

[p] & [b]

[p] A pair of apes appear. Pick up your colored pencils and draw a picture on the paper.

Did you have a happy trip to France? Please pull the petrol in the proper place.

[b]You can only borrow two books from the library at one time.

Bring us a basket of beer bottles. Bark bought some bread and butter.
