
【方法】以6个中国兰品种为材料,采集其叶片样品,分别用研钵法和研磨仪法进行破碎研磨,比较两种方法提取DNA的效果,利用L25(53)正交试验和单因素试验对DNA模板量、引物浓度、2×Taq Master Mix添加量、循环数和退火温度进行优化,建立最佳ISSR-PCR 反应体系,并从ISSR分子标记通用引物中筛选适用于中国兰的ISSR分析候选引物。
对ISSR-PCR反应体系扩增结果的影响程度排序为DNA模板量>引物浓度>2×Taq Master Mix添加量。
综合考虑成本和DNA模板量,最佳ISSR-PCR反应体系(20.0 μL):DNA模板10.0 ng、引物0.8 μmol/L和2×Taq Master Mix 9.0 μL。
最佳循环数为35,最佳退火温度为49.6 ℃。
关键词:中国兰;ISSR;分子标记;反应;引物筛选中图分类号: S682.310.36 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-1191(2018)07-1282-070 引言【研究意义】中国兰又称国兰,是中国传统兰花的统称,为兰科(Orchidaceae)兰属(Cymbidium)植物,其味幽香,花色淡雅,素有花中君子和天下第一香之美称,且具有独特的内涵和意境,观赏和经济价值很高(陈心启,2011)。


通过直接分析遗传物质的多态性来诊断生物内在基因排布规律及其 外在性状表现规律的技术。任何生物种或个体都具有特定的DNA 多态性,通过直接诊断分析DNA 的多态性,便能避开遗传特性表 现过程中的环境因素、数量性状遗传或部分与完全显性的干扰,快
变性 退火 延伸
(3)PCR反应引物的设计 引物的设计在整个PCR扩增中占有十分重要的地位 特异性,扩增性 ①引物的序列应位于基因组DNA的高度保守区,且与非扩增区无同源序列。这样 可以减少引物与基因组的非特异性结合,提高反应的特异性 ②引物长度:15-30nt为宜。引物过短或过长均可使反应的特异性下降。 ③引物的碱基尽可能随机发布,避免出现数个嘌呤或嘧啶的连续排列,G+C碱基
Mg2+ 模板:PCR对模板的要求不高,单、双链DNA均可,但
及能与 DNA结合的蛋白质。 添加剂:DMSO(二甲基亚枫),提高扩增效率及特异性
(1) 理论上PCR合成产物的数量经过每轮循环都将增加一倍,应按2n-2n 的指数方式递增,PCR反应30轮循环后,PCR扩增应达到230个拷贝,约109个拷 贝。但由于DNA聚合酶的质量、待扩增片段的序列及反应系统的条件等各种因素 的影响,实际扩增效率比预期的要低,一般可达106-107个拷贝。 “平台效应”:PCR反应中,当引物-模板与DNA聚合酶达到一定比值时, DNA聚合酶催化反应趋于饱和,即PCR反应不再增加。 平台效应在PCR反应中是不可避免的,但一般在平台效应出现前,PCR产物 的数量足以满足实验的需要。 (2)PCR反应条件的优化 PCR方法操作简便,但影响因素颇多,因此需要根据不同的DNA模板,摸索最 适条件。主要从: 反应的特异性、敏感性、忠实性、扩增效率等四个方面衡量

Euphytica128:9–17,2002.©2002Kluwer Academic Publishers.Printed in the Netherlands.9Inter simple sequence repeat(ISSR)polymorphism and its application in plant breedingM.Pradeep Reddy,N.Sarla∗&E.A.SiddiqDirectorate of Rice Research,Rajendranagar,Hyderabad–500030,India;(∗author for correspondence,e-mail: nsarla@)Received3July2001;accepted6March2002Key words:anchored primer,DNA marker,genome mapping,gene tagging,genetic diversity,ISSR-PCR SummaryInter simple sequence repeat(ISSR)-PCR is a technique,which involves the use of microsatellite sequences as primers in a polymerase chain reaction to generate multilocus markers.It is a simple and quick method that combines most of the advantages of microsatellites(SSRs)and amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP) to the universality of random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD).ISSR markers are highly polymorphic and are useful in studies on genetic diversity,phylogeny,gene tagging,genome mapping and evolutionary biology.This review provides an overview of the details of the technique and its application in genetics and plant breeding in a wide range of crop plants.IntroductionDNA markers have proved valuable in crop breed-ing,especially in studies on genetic diversity and gene mapping.The commonly used polymerase chain reaction(PCR)-based DNA marker systems are ran-dom amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD),amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP)and more re-cently simple sequence repeats(SSRs)or microsatel-lites(Staub et al.,1996;Gupta&Varshney,2000).The major limitations of these methods are low reprodu-cibility of RAPD,high cost of AFLP and the need to know theflanking sequences to develop species spe-cific primers for SSR polymorphism.ISSR-PCR is a technique that overcomes most of these limitations (Zietkiewicz et al.,1994;Gupta et al.,1994;Wu et al.,1994;Meyer et al.,1993).It is rapidly being used by the research community in variousfields of plant improvement(Godwin et al.,1997).The technique is useful in areas of genetic diversity,phylogenetic stud-ies,gene tagging,genome mapping and evolutionary biology in a wide range of crop species.In this method SSRs are used as primers to amplify mainly the inter-SSR regions.SSRs or microsatellites are short tandem repeats(STRs)or variable number of tandem repeats (VNTRs)of1–4bases of DNA ubiquitously present in eukaryote genomes(Tautz&Renz,1984).They are dispersed throughout the genome and vary in the number of repeat units.The details of the technique and its major applications are discussed in this review. The techniqueInter simple sequence repeat(ISSR)technique is a PCR based method,which involves amplification of DNA segment present at an amplifiable distance in between two identical microsatellite repeat regions oriented in opposite direction.The technique uses mi-crosatellites,usually16–25bp long,as primers in a single primer PCR reaction targeting multiple gen-omic loci to amplify mainly the inter-SSR sequences of different sizes.The microsatellite repeats used as primers can be di-nucleotide,tri-nucleotide,tetra-nucleotide or penta-nucleotide.The primers used can be either unanchored(Gupta et al.,1994;Meyer et al., 1993;Wu et al.,1994)or more usually anchored at3’or5’end with1to4degenerate bases extended into theflanking sequences(Zietkiewicz et al.,1994)(Fig-ure1).The technique combines most of the benefits of10Figure1.ISSR-PCR:A schematic representation of a single primer(AG)8,unanchored(a),3’-anchored(b)and5’-anchored(c)targeting a (TC)n repeat used to amplify inter simple sequence repeat regionflanked by two inversely oriented(TC)n sequences.(a)Unanchored(AG)n primer can anneal anywhere in the(TC)n repeat region on the template DNA leading to slippage and ultimately smear formation(b)(AG)n primer anchored with2nucleotides(NN)at the3’end anneals at specific regions on the template DNA and produces clear bands(c)(AG)n primer anchored with2nucleotides(NN)at the5’end anneals at specific regions and amplifies part of the repeat region also leading to larger bands.11AFLP and microsatellite analysis with the universality of RAPD.ISSRs have high reproducibility possibly due to the use of longer primers(16–25mers)as com-pared to RAPD primers(10-mers)which permits the subsequent use of high annealing temperature(45–60◦C)leading to higher stringency.The studies on reproducibility show that it is only the faintest bands that are not reproducible.About92–95%of the scored fragments could be repeated across DNA samples of the same cultivar and across separate PCR runs when detected using polyacrylamide(Fang&Roose,1997; Moreno et al.,1998).10ng template DNA yielded the same amplification products as did25or50ng per20µl PCR reaction.The annealing temperature depends on the GC content of the primer used and usually ranges from45to65◦C.ISSRs segregate mostly as dominant markers fol-lowing simple Mendelian inheritance(Gupta et al., 1994;Tsumura et al.,1996;Ratnaparkhe et al.,1998; Wang et al.,1998).However,they have also been shown to segregate as co-dominant markers in some cases thus enabling distinction between homozygotes and heterozygotes(Wu et al.,1994;Akagi et al.,1996; Wang et al.,1998;Sankar&Moore,2001).Source of variability/polymorphismThe evolutionary rate of change within microsatellites is considerably higher than most other types of DNA, so the likelihood of polymorphism in these sequences is greater.The source of variability in the ISSRs can be attributed to any one of the following reasons or any combination of these.(a)Template DNASlippage of DNA polymerase during DNA replica-tion and failure to repair mismatches is considered as a mechanism for creation and hypervariability of SSRs(Levinson&Gutman,1987).Mutations at the priming site i.e.SSR could prevent amplifica-tion of a fragment,as also in RAPD markers and thus give a presence/absence polymorphism.An in-sertion/deletion event within the SSR region or the amplified region would result in the absence of a product or length polymorphism,depending on the amplifiability of the resulting fragment size.Variab-ility in number of nucleotides within a microsatellite repeat would result in length polymorphisms when using a5’-anchored primer.(b)Nature of primer usedThe extent of polymorphism also varies with the nature(unachored,3’-anchored,or5’-anchored)and sequence of the repeats(motif)in the primer em-ployed.When unanchored i.e only the SSRs are used as primers,the primer tends to slip within the repeat units during amplification leading to smears instead of clear bands(Figure1a).Extending the primer(an-choring)with1to4degenerate nucleotides at the3’end(Figure1b)or5’end(Figure1c)assures anneal-ing only to the ends of a microsatellite in template DNA thus obviating internal priming and smear form-ation.Secondly,the anchor allows only a subset of the microsatellites to serve as priming sites.When 5’anchored primers are used,the amplified products include the microsatellite sequences and their length variations across a genome and therefore give more number of bands and a higher degree of ually di-nucleotide repeats,anchored either at3’or5’end reveal high polymorphism(Blair et al.,1999;Joshi et al.,2000;Nagaoka&Ogihara, 1997).The primers anchored at3’end(Figure1b) give clearer banding pattern as compared to those anchored at5’end(Tsumura et al.,1996;Blair et al., 1999;Nagaoka&Ogihara,1997).Since the primer is a SSR motif the frequency and distribution of the microsatellite repeat motifs in different species also influence the generation of bands.There is a difference of abundance of SSRs between nuclear and organ-elle DNA sequences.Taking di-and tri-nucleotides together,one SSR was found every33Kb in nuclear DNA compared to every423-Kb of organelle DNA sequence(Wang et al.,1994).In general,primers with(AG),(GA),(CT),(TC),(AC),(CA)repeats show higher polymorphism than primers with other di-,tri-or tetra-nucleotide repeats.(AT)repeats are the most abundant di-nucleotides in plants but the primers based on(AT)would self-anneal and not amplify.Tri-and tetra-nucleotides are less frequent and their use in ISSRs is lesser than the di-nucleotides.The(AG)and (GA)based primers have been shown to amplify clear bands in rice(Blair et al.,1999;Joshi et al.,2000; Reddy et al.,2000;Sarla et al.,2000),trifoliate orange (Fang et al.,1997),Douglasfir and sugi(Tsumura et al.,1996)and chickpea(Ratnaparkhe et al.,1998), whereas primers based on(AC)di-nucleotide repeats were found more useful in wheat(Nagaoka&Ogihara, 1997;Kojima et al.,1998)and potato(McGregor et al.,2000).Resolving power Rp is an index developed to compare the value of different primers in terms12of the informative bands obtained in a given set of germplasm(Prevost&Wilkinson,1999).(c)Detection methodThe level of polymorphism detected has been shown to vary with the detection method used.Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(PAGE)in combination with ra-dioactivity(labelled nucleotide in PCR reaction)was shown to be most sensitive,followed by PAGE with silver staining and then agarose-ethidium bromide sys-tem of detection.Markedly higher number of bands were resolved per primer when polyacrylamide was used compared to agarose(Moreno et al.,1998).In a study on trifoliate orange germplasm,silver stain-ing using high quality chemicals could detect all the bands detected by autoradiography(Fang et al.,1997). However,high levels of polymorphism have been detected even when products of ISSR amplification are resolved on agarose gels without radiolabelling (Tsumura et al.,1996;Arcade et al.,2000;Kojima et al.,1998;Wolff&Morgan-Richards,1998;Sankar &Moore,2001)Thus,the need for radioactivity can be avoided when many samples have to be screened as in germplasm characterization.ISSR-PCR is a simple,quick,and efficient tech-nique.It has high reproducibility.The use of radio-activity is not essential.The primers are not proprietary (as in SSR-PCR)and can be synthesized by any-one.Variations in primer length,motif and anchor are possible.The primers are long(16–25bp)resulting in higher stringency.The amplified products(ISSR markers)are usually200–2000bp long and amenable to detection by both agarose and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.In the literature this technique and its variations have been referred to by different names (Table1).ApplicationThe potential for integrating ISSR-PCR into programs of plant improvement is enormous(Table2).The ma-jor areas of the application of ISSR-PCR in different crops are discussed below.GenomicfingerprintingDNAfingerprinting is an important tool for character-ization of germplasm and establishment of the iden-tity of varieties/hybrids/parental sources etc.in plant breeding and germplasm management.Di-nucleotide based ISSR primers anchored at5’or3’end have been used infingerprinting studies with high reprodu-cibility for maintenance of cocoa collection(Charters &Wilkinson,2000).ISSRs showed sufficient poly-morphism to distinguish between various cultivars of chrysanthemum(Wolff et al.,1995).Microspore de-rived plants could be distinguished from those derived from somatic tissues in anther culture offlax at an early seedling stage(Chen et al.,1998).Genetic diversity and phylogenetic analysisISSRs have been successfully used to estimate the extent of genetic diversity at inter-and intra-specific level in a wide range of crop species which include rice (Joshi et al.,2000),wheat(Nagaoka&Ogihara,1997),fingermillet(Salimath et al.,1995),Vigna(Ajibade et al.,2000),sweet potato(Huang&Sun,2000)and Plantago(Wolff&Morgan-Richards,1998).Superi-ority of ISSR-PCR over other marker techniques has been brought out in such investigations by various workers.Anchored SSR primers for instance,have been found to be more useful and reproducible than isozymes,RFLPs and RAPDs in the diversity analysis of trifoliate orange germplasm(Fang et al.,1997). ISSRs were more useful for the analysis of diversity in the genus Eleusine in terms of quality and quant-ity of data output as compared to RFLP and RAPD (Salimath et al.,1995).Significantly,the efficiency of the technique was evident in characterization even at the varietal level of a species.For instance,three5’anchored primers together could distinguish20cul-tivars of Brassica napus(Charters et al.,1996).ISSR is the marker of choice for assessment of genetic diversity in cocoa(Charters&Wilkinson,2000),gym-nosperms such as Douglasfir and sugi(Tsumura et al., 1996)and even fungi(Hantula et al.,1996).In a study on white lupin it has been demonstrated that among 10primers used any two were sufficient to distinguish all the37accessions studied(Gilbert et al.,1999). Similarly,4primers were sufficient to distinguish34 cultivars of potato(Prevost&Wilkinson,1999)and3 primers could distinguish16genotypes of redcurrant (Lanham&Brennan,1998).The use of such highly informative primers lowers the cost,time and labour for diversity analysis.Various marker techniques have been used in phylogenetic investigations based on relative simil-arity.Inspite of their higher efficiency and repro-ducibility ISSR markers have as yet not been used extensively.It has however been found effective in13 Table1.Synonyms of the ISSR-PCR technique and its variantsS.No Terms used Reference1MP-PCR,Microsatellite primed PCR(refers to unanchored primer)Meyer et al.(1993)2SSR-anchored PCR,Inter-SSR amplification Zietkiewicz et al.(1994)3SPAR(single primer amplification reaction)Gupta et al.(1994)4RAMPs(random amplified microsatellite polymorphisms)Wu et al.(1994)5RAMs(randomly amplified microsatellites)Hantula et al.(1996)6AMP-PCR(anchored microsatellite primed PCR)Weising et al.(1998)7ASSR(anchored simple sequence repeats)Wang et al.(1998)resolving problems relating to the phylogeny of Asian cultivated rice Oryza sativa(Joshi et al.,2000),wheat (Nagaoka&Ogihara,1997),finger millet(Salimath et al.,1995),Vigna(Ajibade et al.,2000)and Dip-lotaxis species(Martin&Sanchez-Yelamo,2000). There is immense scope to use this powerful tech-nique in resolving species/inter-species status in many a genus and in deciding the distinctness of different genera within a family.Significantly,genome/species specific ISSR markers have been reported in four gen-era Oryza(Joshi et al.,2000),Lolium and Festuca (Pasakinskiene et al.,2000)and Diplotaxis(Mar-tin&Sanchez-Yelamo,2000)which are useful in delineating species.Genome mappingISSR markers are unmapped but can be used to sat-urate RFLP and SSR linkage maps.The RFLP map of barley was saturated with60ISSRs(referred as RAMPs in the study)which mapped to all chromo-somes(Becker&Heun,1995).Many of these markers are mapped in between clustered RFLPs,flanking RFLP clusters,at the tips of chromosomes and more importantly in areas of low RFLP marker density. In Einkorn wheats,however,the nine ISSR mark-ers mapped at or close to the RFLP marker positions (Kojima et al.,1998).ISSRs have also been used along with AFLP and RAPD markers in the mapping of Ja-panese and European larch genomes(Arcade et al., 2000).The genetic linkage map of Citrus was fur-ther saturated using75ISSR markers,which were dispersed among all the linkage groups(Sankar& Moore,2001).Also it was shown that the level of segregation distortion of ISSRs is lower compared to RAPDs.In soybean,58ISSR markers were mapped onto18RAPD/RFLP linkage groups(Wang et al.,1998).CA polymorphisms had a biased distribution and GA polymorphisms were randomly dispersed. Gene tagging and marker assisted selectionDNA markers closely linked to important agronomic traits greatly contribute to practical crop improvement programs.In rice,an ISSR marker generated by primer (AG)8YC was converted to a sequence tagged site (STS)marker to identify the fertility restoration gene, Rf-1(Akagi et al.,1996).This co-dominant marker can be used in management of genetic purity of hy-brid seed.In chickpea,ISSR markers UBC855500 generated by primer(AG)8YT and UBC8251200us-ing primer(AG)8T were linked to the gene conferring resistance to race4of Fusarium wilt(Ratnaparkhe et al.,1998).Markers closer to a given gene are gener-ated by altering5’or3’anchors.Recently,ISSR-PCR was used in identifying two allelic dominant DNA markers,one linked in coupling and the other in re-pulsion phase to a major locus Fgr,which modulates fructose to glucose ratio in tomatoes(Levin et al., 2000).These PCR products were obtained from two ISSR-PCR reactions using(TC)8CC and(TC)8CG as primers.Another trait of value in hybrid seed produc-tion viz.,temperature-sensitive genic male sterility has been tagged with an ISSR marker UBC8551060in rice (Hussain et al.,2000).ISSRs have also been used to generate species spe-cific,gene specific and trait specific markers.While delineating the phylogenetic relationship among dif-ferent species of the genus Oryza,87putative gen-ome/species specific markers were identified(Joshi et al.,2000).The582bp inter-SSR Festuca specific sequence and1350bp F.arundinacea specific se-quence have potential as markers to confirm presence of closely linked Festuca genes(Pasakinskiene et al., 2000).Likewise,race specific markers have been de-14Table2.Applications of ISSR-PCR techniqueS.No Application Reference1GenomicfingerprintingCocoa germplasm Charters&Wilkinson,2000Potato cultivars Prevost&Wilkinson,1999Chrysanthemum cultivars Wolff et al.,1995 2Genetic diversity and phylogenetic analysisRice cultivars Virk et al.,2000Oryza granulata Qian et al.,2001Wheat(Triticum sp.)Nagaoka&Ogihara,1997Barley(Hordeum vulgare)Sanchez et al.,1996Maize inbred lines(Zea mays)Kantety et al.,1995Fingermillet(Eleusine sp)Salimath et al.,1995Sorghum(Chinese)(Sorghum bicolor)Yang et al.,1996White lupin germplasm(Lupinus albus)Gilbert et al.,1999Vigna sp Ajibade et al.,2000Pea germplasm(Pisum sativum)Lu et al.,1996Soybean(Glycine max)Wang et al.,1998Oilseed rape cultivars(Brassica napus)Charters et al.,1996Sweet potato,wild relatives(Ipomoea sp)Huang&Sun,2000Potato cultivars(Solanum tuberosum)McGregor et al.,2000Redcurrant germplasm(Ribes sp)Lanham&Brennan,1998Grapevine germplasm(Vitis vinifera)Moreno et al.,1998Citrus cultivars(Citrus sp)Fang&Roose,1997Trifoliate orange germplasm(Poncirus trifoliata)Fang et al.,1997Plantago major subspecies Wolff&Morgan-Richards,1998Gymnosperms,Douglasfir and sugi Tsumura et al.,1996 3Genome mappingSaturating RFLP linkage map in barley Becker&Heun,1995Construction of a genetic linkage map in Einkorn wheat Kojima et al.,1998Genetic mapping of Japanese and European types of larch Arcade et al.,2000Saturating genetic linkage map in citrus Sankar&Moore,2001Saturating RFLP/RAPD linkage map in soybean Wang et al.,1998 4Determining SSR motif frequencyRecovery of microsatellite sequences in the mustard genome Varghese et al.,2000Distribution pattern of microsatellites across eukaryotic genomes Gupta et al.,1994Analysis of microsatellite frequency in rice cultivars Blair et al.,19995Gene tagging and use in marker assisted selectionRf-1gene for fertility restoration in rice Akagi et al.,1996Gene for resistance to Fusarium wilt Race4in chickpea Ratnaparkhe et al.,1998Temperature sensitive genic male sterility in rice Hussain et al.,2000Fgr gene for modulating fructose to glucose ratio in tomato Levin et al.,2000Genome/species specific markers in Lolium and Festuca Pasakinskiene et al.,2000Putative genome/species specific markers in Oryza.Joshi et al.,2000Race specific markers in fungi Hantula et al.,1996 6Evolutionary biologyDiplotaxis species Martin&Sanchez-Yelamo,2000Diploid hybrid speciation in Penstemon Wolfe et al.,199815veloped in various fungi groups using ISSRs(Hantula et al.,1996).Determining SSR motif frequencyISSR analysis provides insights into the organization (clustered or not),frequency and levels of polymorph-ism of different simple sequence repeats in a genome. In rice and wheat,di-nucleotide simple sequence re-peats used as primers gave the maximum number of bands and are,therefore,more common than any SSRs with larger units(Blair et al.,1999;Nagaoka&Ogi-hara,1997).Poly(GA)based3’-anchored primers pro-duced5times as many bands as those with poly(GT) motif indicating low frequency or lack of cluster-ing of(GT)motif(Blair et al.,1999).Using ISSRs it has been shown that tetra-nucleotide repeats were abundant across eukaryotic genomes(Gupta et al., 1994)and that tetramers of tetra-nucleotides AGAC and GACA are scattered within the genome of grasses (Pasakinskiene et al.,2000).It has been demonstrated in Brassica that enhanced recovery of microsatellite markers is possible using ISSR primers(Varghese et al.,2000).Studies on natural populations/speciationThe hypervariable nuclear ISSR markers have proved useful in testing hypotheses of speciation,introgres-sion and systematics(Wolfe et al.,1998).The hybrid origin of Penstemon clevelandi was clearly brought out by the use of just8ISSR markers.Population of P. clevelandi has been found to have an additive profile of bands of the two proposed progenitor species viz.P. centranthifolius and P.spectabilis.On the other hand the population of P.spectabilis lacked the additive profile of bands of its proposed putative parents.The hybrid origin of P.spectabilis was thus negated and its origin was attributed instead to introgression of genes and not the genome of a related species.The util-ity of the technique has been demonstrated in a wide range of applications in molecular ecology in plant families which include Asteraceae,Brassicaceae, Hippocastanaceae,Orchidaceae,Poaceae,Scro-phulariaceae and Violaceae(/∼awolfe/issri.issr.html).Variation within and between populations can be compared using dis-persed multilocus markers such as ISSR.It was shown that the amount of variation between O.granulata populations from different regions(49.2%)was higher than that between populations within a region(38%)or within a population(12%)using ISSR markers (Qian et al.,2001).PerspectivesAs the need to protect proprietary germplasm is likely to increase in the future,ISSRs will have an import-ant role in securing plant variety rights by virtue of its unique efficiency in distinguishing even closely re-lated germplasm.To date,more polymorphism has been detected with the use of ISSRs than with any other assay procedure(Gupta et al.,1994;Salimath et al.,1995;Virk et al.,2000).In many of the studies for determining the extent of polymorphism or com-paring marker systems only one family of SSRs,eg. tri-nucleotides or tetra-nucleotides had been used as primers.Such repeats are infrequent as compared to di-nucleotides and their use may not help arrive at precise classification.As more data on the occurrence and distribution of SSR motifs becomes available,it should be possible to use primers that give more ac-curate span of the whole genome.Also,different com-binations of the motif,anchor and length of primers can be used.Strategies to detect additonal polymorph-ism could include use of ISSRs in combination with RAPD(Joshi et al.,2000;Becker&Heun,1995;Wu et al.,1994)or AFLP primers in the same reaction or restriction digestion of ISSR products(Becker& Heun,1995).Unlimited combinations of motif and length of both primers and use of different restriction enzymes are thus possible.Well chosen primers can provide reasonably accuratefingerprinting and thereby quick estimate of genetic diversity especially in large sized accessions to identify core sets and the pattern of geographical distribution.The technique is not without limitations.For in-stance,there is the possibility as in RAPD,that fragments with the same mobility originate from non-homologous regions,which can contribute to some distortion in the estimates of genetic similarities (Sanchez et al.,1996).The molecular nature of the polymorphisms can be known only if the fragments extracted from the gel are sequenced.ISSR mark-ers linked to the traits of agronomic importance have been sequenced and used as STS markers in marker aided selection.An attractive possibility is thus the use of ISSRs as probes for in-situ hybridization for physical mapping of homologous chromosome sites (Pasakinskiene et al.,2000).Another advantage in the use of ISSR markers lies in their linkage to SSR loci.16Although microsatellites themselves are probably non-functional and selectively neutral,they are known to be linked to coding regions,so that ISSRs are likely to mark gene rich regions(Kojima et al.,1998). ReferencesAjibade,S.R.,N.F.Weeden&S.M.Chite,2000.Inter-simple sequence repeat analysis of genetic relationships in the genus Vigna.Euphytica111:47–55.Akagi,H.,Y.Yokozeki,A.Inagaki,A.Nakamura&T.Fujimura, 1996.A co-dominant DNA marker closely linked to the rice nuc-lear restorer gene,Rf-1,identified with inter-SSRfingerprinting.Genome39:1205–1209.Arcade,A.,F.Anselin,P.F.Rampant,M.C.Lesage,L.E.Paques&D.Prat,2000.Application of AFLP,RAPD and ISSR markersto genetic mapping of European and Japanese larch.Theor Appl Genet100:299–307.Becker,J.&M.Heun,1995.Mapping of digested and undiges-ted random amplified microsatellite polymorphisms in barley.Genome38:991–998.Blair,M.W.,O.Panaud&S.R.McCouch,1999.Inter-simple se-quence repeat(ISSR)amplification for analysis of microsatellite motif frequency andfingerprinting in rice(Oryza sativa L).Theor Appl Genet98:780–792.Charters,Y.M., A.Robertson,M.J.Wilkinson&G.Ramsay, 1996.PCR analysis of oilseed rape cultivars(Brassica napus L.ssp.oleifera)using5’-anchored simple sequence repeat(SSR) primers.Theor Appl Genet92:442–447.Charters,Y.M.&M.J.Wilkinson,2000.The use of self-pollinated progenies as‘in-groups’for the genetic characterization of cocoa germplasm.Theor Appl Genet100:160–166.Chen,Y.,G.Hausner,E.Kenaschuk,D.Procunier,P.Dribnenki&G.Penner,1998.Identification of microspore-derived plants inanther culture offlax(Linum usitatissimum L.)using molecular markers.Plant Cell Reports18:44–48.Fang, D.Q.,M.L.Roose,R.R.Krueger&C.T.Federici,1997.Fingerprinting trifoliate orange germplasm accessions with isozymes,RFLPs and inter-simple sequence repeat markers.Theor Appl Genet95:211–219.Fang,D.Q&M.L.Roose,1997.Identification of closely related citrus cultivars with inter-simple sequence repeat markers.Theor Appl Genet95:408–417.Gilbert,J.E.,R.V.Lewis,M.J.Wilkinson&P.D.S.Caligari,1999.Developing an appropriate strategy to assess genetic variab-ility in plant germplasm collections.Theor Appl Genet98: 1125–1131.Godwin,I.D.,E.A.B.Aitken&L.W.Smith,1997.Application of inter-simple sequence repeat(ISSR)markers to plant genetics.Electrophoresis18:1524–1528.Gupta,M.,Y-S.Chyi,J.Romero-Severson&J.L.Owen,1994.Amplification of DNA markers from evolutionarily diverse gen-omes using single primers of simple-sequence repeats.Theor Appl Genet89:998–1006.Gupta,P.K.&R.K.Varshney,2000.The development and use of microsatellite markers for genetic analysis and plant breeding with emphasis on bread wheat.Euphytica113:163–185. 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三角梅ISSR反应体系的建立和优化李房英;黄彦晶;吴少华【摘要】对影响三角梅ISSR-PCR扩增反应的各个参数进行优化,建立适合三角梅的ISSR反应体系:PCR反应体积为20μL,其中10×buffer(含Mg2+)2.0μL,dNTP 250 μmol/L,Taq酶1.0U,引物0.3μmol/L,模板DNA20ng.扩增程序为:94℃预变性5min;94℃变性1min,51.6℃退火1min,72℃延伸2min,34个循环;最后72℃延伸7min.该反应体系标记点位清晰、稳定、重复性好,适宜三角梅ISSR分析,为应用ISSR技术鉴定三角梅种质资源、分子标记辅助选择育种及其遗传多样性研究奠定了基础.【期刊名称】《海峡科学》【年(卷),期】2010(000)010【总页数】4页(P216-219)【关键词】三角梅;ISSR;体系建立;优化【作者】李房英;黄彦晶;吴少华【作者单位】福建农林大学园林学院;福建农林大学园艺学院;福建农林大学园艺学院【正文语种】中文三角梅(Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd)又名九重葛、毛宝巾、勒杜鹃,在我国已有100多年的栽培历史,品种丰富。
ISSR(简单重复序列间隔区,Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat)是由Zietkiewicz等于1994年创建的一种简单序列重复区间扩增多态性的分子标记[2]。

麻栗坡兜兰ISSR引物筛选及反应体系的优化高丽霞【摘要】[目的]对麻栗坡兜兰ISSR引物进行筛选,并建立一个稳定性高、重现性好、适合麻栗坡兜兰ISSR反应体系.[方法]以麻栗坡兜兰DNA为模板,分别对Mg2+、dNTP、引物、Taq DNA聚合酶、DNA等PCR反应成分进行优化,并用优化的体系对25条兰科中报道的ISSR引物进行筛选.[结果]确立了麻栗坡兜兰最适ISSR-PCR反应体系:在25μl反应体系中,Mg2+2 mmol/L、引物0.4 mmoL/L、dNTP 0.20 mmol/L、DNA 1.5μl、Taq酶1.4U.利用该体系,共筛选得到10条ISSR引物用于麻栗坡兜兰分析,并对21份麻栗坡兜兰材料进行扩增,获得了较好的扩增效果.[结论]该体系稳定可靠,为今后ISSR标记在兜兰属植物的种质鉴定、遗传多样性等方面的广泛应用奠定了重要基础.【期刊名称】《安徽农业科学》【年(卷),期】2014(000)020【总页数】3页(P6553-6555)【关键词】麻栗坡兜兰;ISSR-PCR;体系优化【作者】高丽霞【作者单位】河池学院化学与生物工程学院,广西宜州546300【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S188麻栗坡兜兰(Paphiopedilum malipoense)属兰科(Orchidaceae)兜兰属(Paphiopedilum)地生兰或半附生兰。

虉草ISSR-PCR反应体系优化与引物筛选张永亮;刘鹏;骆秀梅;刘杨【摘要】22个虉草基因组DNA为ISSR-PCR扩增模板,采用单因素试验方法,对影响PCR扩增体系中dNTP、引物浓度、Taq酶和模板DNA用量4个因素及引物退火温度进行梯度试验,优化得到最佳的ISSR-PCR反应体系,即20μL反应体系中分别加入0.3μL Taq DNA聚合酶(5 U/μL),2μL 10×PCRBuffer(mg2+ plus),1.5 μL dNTP (2.5 mmol/L),1.5 μL引物(10 pmol/μL),50 ng模板DNA,ddH2O补足体积.以此体系对24条引物进行筛选,最终获得了多态性高,重复性好的引物12条.引物UBC808、809、811、815、818、820、826的适宜退火温度为55℃,引物835,841和842的适宜退火温度为56℃,而引物810和834的适且退火温度分别为52℃和54℃.12条引物共扩增总条带数192条,其中,多态性条带数173条,多态位点百分率89.81%.【期刊名称】《草原与草坪》【年(卷),期】2016(036)003【总页数】7页(P1-6,11)【关键词】虉草;ISSR-PCR反应体系;引物筛选【作者】张永亮;刘鹏;骆秀梅;刘杨【作者单位】内蒙古民族大学,内蒙古通辽028042;内蒙古民族大学,内蒙古通辽028042;内蒙古民族大学,内蒙古通辽028042;内蒙古民族大学,内蒙古通辽028042【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S543;Q786虉草(Phalaris arundinacea),属于禾本科(Gramineae)、虉草属植物,别名草芦、园草芦。

安佰义,王 迦,王 ?,等.李种质资源ISSR反应体系引物筛选[J].江苏农业科学,2019,47(10):63-65.doi:10.15889/j.issn.1002-1302.2019.10.014李种质资源ISSR反应体系引物筛选安佰义1,王 迦1,王 ?1,于慧颖1,范爱淇1,张艳波2,张 艳3,李 锋2(1.吉林农业大学园艺学院,吉林长春130118;2.吉林省农业科学院果树研究所,吉林长春130033;3.吉林省农业科学院,吉林长春130124) 摘要:以李18个品种种质资源为试验材料,对其开展ISSR反应体系引物筛选,结果表明,从41个随机引物中筛选出25个多态性引物用于PCR扩增,每个多态性引物扩增出的条带数在8~23条之间,扩增出的DNA片段长度大多在150~2400bp之间;共扩增出条带数为385条,其中,样品间相同的条带数有53条;所选引物的多态位点百分率为86.23%。
关键词:李;种质资源;ISSR;引物;多态位点 中图分类号:S662.302.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-1302(2019)10-0063-03收稿日期:2018-01-31基金项目:吉林省重点科技攻关项目(编号:20160204031NY)。
ISSR(inter-simple sequence repeat)分子标记的实验原理及操作流程

ISSR(inter-simple sequence repeat)分子标记的实验原理及操作流程ISSR(inter-simple sequence repeat)标记是一种类似RAPD,但利用包含重复序列并在3’或5’锚定的单寡聚核酸引物对基因组进行扩增的标记系统,即用SSR引物来扩增重复序列之间的区域。
其原理具体是,ISSR 标记根据生物广泛存在 SSR的特点,利用在生物基因组常出现的SSR本身设计引物,无需预先克隆和测序。
关键词:标记分子ISSRinter-simplesequencerepeatSSR引物RAPD分子标记单寡聚核酸ISSR标记ISSR(inter-simple sequence repeat)标记是一种类似RAPD,但利用包含重复序列并在3’或5’锚定的单寡聚核酸引物对基因组进行扩增的标记系统,即用SSR引物来扩增重复序列之间的区域。
用于扩增的引物一般为16-18个碱基序列,由1-4个碱基组成的串联重复和几个非重复的锚定碱基组成,从而保证了引物与基因组DNA 中SSR的5’或3’末端结合,导致位于反向排列、间隔不太大的重复序列间的基因组节段进行PCR扩增。
二、实验设备PCR仪,PCR管或硅化的0.5ml eppendorf管,电泳装置,凝胶成像仪。
三、试剂1、ISSR引物:购买成品或根据加拿大British Columbia大学设计的ISSR引物序列(见附录)自己合成。
2、Taq酶3、10xPCR 缓冲液4、MgCl2:25mmol/L。
四、操作步骤:1. 在25ul反应体系中,加入模板DNA 1ul (30-50ng)ISSR引物1ul (约5pmol)10xPCR Buffer 2.5ulMgCl22uldNTP 2ulTaq酶1单位(U)加ddH2O 至25ul混匀稍离心, 加一滴(约20 ul)矿物油。

2 t x L 1 0 x B u f e r , 1 . 4 L M ( 2 5 mmo l / L ) , 1 . 5 t x L d NT P s ( 2 . 5 mmo l / L ) , 1 . 5 I x L p r i me r ( 1 0 p mo l / I x L ) , 0 . 2 l x L p o l y me r a s e( 5 U / L , 1 . 2 t x L t e mp l a t e ( 3 o n g / t x L ) , a n d d d H 2 O t o 2 0 L a t l a s t . A c c o r d i n g t o t h i s P C R s y s t e m, 1 1 0
1 . 5 L引物( 1 0 p m o l / t x L ) , 0 . 2 t x L 酶( 5 U / p . L ) , 1 . 2 L模板( 3 0 n g / I x L ) , d d H O补足体积。 并以此体系对 1 1 0 条 引物 进行 筛选 , 最 终获 得 了多态 性高 , 重复 性好 的 引物 1 2条 。
Hy a c i n t h
Hu F e n g r o n g 。 ’ Wa n g F e i Wa n g Z h i q i a n g Re n Cu i Ba o Re n l e i
1 B e i j i n g F o r e s t r y U n i v e r s i t y , B e i j i n g , 1 0 0 0 8 3 ; 2 N a n j i n g F o r e s t y r U n i v e r s i t y , N a m i n g , 2 1 0 0 3 7


李金梅,王一婷,潘丽梅,等.鸡血藤ISSR 体系优化及引物筛选[J ].湖北农业科学,2024,63(1):206-211.鸡血藤为豆科植物密花豆(Spatholobus suberec⁃tus Dunn.)的干燥藤茎,具有活血补血、调经止痛、舒经活络的功能,广泛用于月经不调、痛经、经闭、风湿痹痛、麻木瘫痪、血虚萎黄等症[1]。
ISSR (Inter-simple sequence repeat )即简单重复序列区间扩增,由Zietkiewicz 等[5]于1994年提出,是基于PCR 的一种分子标记技术。
关于优化ISSR-PCR 反应体系的研究也越来越多,如淫羊藿[8]、藜芦[9]等。
因此,本研究采用L 16(45)正交试验和单因素试验对ISSR-PCR 体系中的主要成分进行优化,建立鸡血藤最佳ISSR-PCR 反应体系,并利用该体系筛选100条ISSR 引物,选出扩增条带清晰、稳定,适合鸡血藤的ISSR 引物。

龙头鱼ISSR-PCR多态性引物最佳退火温度的筛选1. 引言1.1 研究背景龙头鱼(Siniperca chuatsi)是一种重要的淡水经济鱼类,具有重要的经济价值和科研意义。
1.2 研究意义龙头鱼是一种重要的商业性淡水鱼类,具有很高的经济价值和研究意义。
2. 正文2.1 实验材料与方法龙头鱼样品:从实验室保存的龙头鱼个体中随机选择10个个体作为实验样本。
PCR试剂盒:包括Taq DNA聚合酶、引物、dNTPs、PCR缓冲液等。
1. DNA提取:采用CTAB法从龙头鱼尾鳍组织中提取总DNA。
真藓(Bryum argenteum)ISSR-PCR反应体系优化及引物筛选

真藓(Bryum argenteum)ISSR-PCR反应体系优化及引物筛选马晓英;韦伟;臧程;于晶【摘要】In order to determine optimum ISSR-PCR reaction system for moss Bryum argenteum,the concentrations of template DNAprimers,dNTPs,Mg2 + and Taq DNA polymerase were optimized in four levels by PCR orthogonal experimental method.The appropriate primers were screened from 100 primers by temperature gradient PCR,and the optimal anneal temperature of the screened primers were determined.The results showed that the optimized 20 μL ISSR-PCR reaction system was as follows:template DNA 20 ng/20 μL,primers 0.45 μmol/L,Mg2 + 2.65 mmol/L,Taq DNA polymerase 0.4 U/20 μL,dNTPs 0.45 mmol/ing this system,50 primers with clear bands,repeatability well and polymorphism highly were selected from 100 primers.The establishment of this system,the screened primers and the annealing temperature could provide a theoretical basis for further research on the genetic diversity of bryophytes using ISSR molecular markers.%为了确定真藓最佳ISSR-PCR反应体系,采用PCR正交实验设计方法,对影响ISSR-PCR试验的模板DNA、引物、dNTPs、Mg2+、和TaqDNA聚合酶5个因素在4个水平上进行优化,并对100条引物逐一进行温度梯度PCR,筛选合适的引物并确定每个引物的最佳退火温度.结果显示优化的20 μL ISSR-PCR反应体系中包括20 ng /20 μL DNA模板、0.45 μmol/L引物、2.65 mmol/L Mg2+、0.4 U/20 μL Taq DNA聚合酶、0.45 mmol/LdNTPs.利用该体系最终筛选出50条扩增条带清晰,重复性好,多态性高的引物并确定其退火温度.这一体系的建立、引物的筛选及退火温度的确立为进一步利用ISSR分子标记技术对苔藓遗传多样性的研究提供理论基础.【期刊名称】《上海师范大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2017(046)005【总页数】7页(P668-674)【关键词】真藓;ISSR;正交设计;引物筛选;退火温度【作者】马晓英;韦伟;臧程;于晶【作者单位】上海师范大学生命与环境科学学院植物种质资源开发协同创新中心,上海200234;上海师范大学生命与环境科学学院植物种质资源开发协同创新中心,上海200234;上海师范大学生命与环境科学学院植物种质资源开发协同创新中心,上海200234;上海师范大学生命与环境科学学院植物种质资源开发协同创新中心,上海200234【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q949真藓(Bryum argenteum Hedw.)为真藓科真藓属植物,属世界广布种,中国各地均有分布,在薄土岩面,石缝,屋顶,以及阴沟边缘等多种生境下均可生长[1].具有清热解毒,止血,治疗鼻窦炎、细菌性痢疾、灼伤、心绞痛等功效[2-4].目前,国内外用于苔藓植物遗传关系的分子标记技术,主要有inter-simple sequence repeat(ISSR)和random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD)两种.ISSR是一种简单序列重复区间扩增多态性DNA分子标记技术,是1994年由加拿大蒙特利尔大学的Zietkiewicz等[5-6]基于微卫星技术上创建起来的.该技术具有操作简单,成本低,有较好的重复性和稳定性的优点[7-10],但其结果易受反应体系中各个因素的影响[11-13],因此要建立适合研究材料,条带清晰,重复性好的反应体系.不同种植物适用不同的ISSR引物,且相同引物应用于不同种植物退火温度也会有差异,ISSR引物退火温度对扩增结果影响较大,且与其退火温度(Tm)值没有明显的规律性[14],根据目前国内已发表的相关报道可知,苔藓植物相对于其他很多植物筛得的ISSR引物数目较少,且退火温度多集中于48~55 ℃之间[15-20].本研究采用正交试验法对反应体系中的5种因素进行优化以得到最优的ISSR-PCR 反应体系,并利用最佳PCR扩增体系对哥伦比亚大学公布的100条引物进行筛选,对已筛得引物的退火温度进行总结,旨在为进一步利用ISSR分子标记技术对苔藓遗传多样性研究提供理论基础.1.1 实验材料所用的10×LA PCR Buffer II(Mg2+ free)、MgCl2、dNTP Mixture、LA Taq聚合酶购自宝生物工程(大连)有限公司;所用的哥伦比亚大学公布的100条引物由上海生工生物工程技术服务有限公司合成.1.2 实验方法1.2.1 DNA提取采用改良的十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)法提取真藓基因组DNA.采用岛津Uv1800微量分光光度计测定所提DNA的浓度和纯度,OD260/OD280比值皆在1.9左右,说明DNA样品纯度较高,适合进一步PCR扩增反应.样品DNA存于-20 ℃作为后续的PCR扩增反应模板.1.2.2 ISSR-PCR反应体系优化用L16(45)正交试验设计方法,选择引物UBC825,在20 μL的反应体系中,参照汪琛颖等[20]的研究报道,对影响ISSR-PCR试验的模板DNA质量浓度,引物、dNTPs、Mg2+的物质的量浓度,和Taq DNA聚合酶生物量浓度5个因素在4个水平上进行优化(表1),共16个处理(表2)每个处理包含2 μL10×LA PCR Buffer II(Mg2+ free),用ddH2O补足.扩增反应程序94 ℃预变性4 min;94 ℃变性1 min,退火2 min,72 ℃延伸1 min,40个循环;最后72 ℃延伸7 min;4 ℃保存.PCR扩增产物用含有溴化乙锭(EB)核酸染料的2%琼脂糖凝胶电泳分离,电压100 V,60 min.并用全自动数码凝胶成像分析系统(Tanon 2500)进行观察和拍照.1.2.3 细调性正交试验为了最终获得清晰,可重复性好,亮度适宜,条带多态性丰富的扩增条带,在L16(45)正交试验结果的基础上,缩小各个因素的浓度梯度进行细调性正交试验.对影响ISSR-PCR试验的引物、Mg2+、dNTPs和Taq DNA聚合酶4个因素在3个水平上进行筛选(表3),共9个处理(表4).1.2.4 引物及其最佳退火温度筛选试验所用的哥伦比亚大学公布的100条引物,扩增条带稳定性且多态性各有不同,所以为选取背景清晰,条带稳定性好且多态性丰富的引物,对100条引物进行筛选.退火温度对扩增结果有十分关键的影响[21],在最佳反应体系基础上,利用PCR仪自动生成10个温度梯度,对所有引物逐一进行温度梯度PCR,以确定每个引物的最佳退火温度.2.1 L16(45)ISSR-PCR反应体系的正交试验结果分析图1为L16(45)正交试验电泳结果.由图1可知,16个处理的扩增产物凝胶电泳结果具有一定的差异性.其中6、8、11、12、15、16无扩增条带,1、2、5有微弱条带,9、10、13背景较亮条带模糊,7、14条带清晰但条带数较少,3、4条带清晰丰富且4较3扩增结果更好.说明最优组合偏差不大,为得到最适扩增体系,以此为基点,缩小各因素的浓度梯度进行细调正交试验.2.2 L9(34)细调性正交试验电泳结果图2为L9(34)细调性正交试验电泳结果.由图2可知,由于在L16(45)正交试验的基础上进行细调,所以各条带之间差异不大,除了1号处理之外均有明显条带,其中6号处理条带数较其他处理少,8、9号处理虽然条带数较多但条带模糊,亮度较弱,其余2、3、4、5、7扩增效果差异不大,综合条带数、亮度、清晰度、扩增特异性等方面,确定组合3为最优反应体系.即20 μL最优反应体系中,五因素最佳水平为:20ng/20 μLDNA 模板,0.45 μmol/L引物,2.65 mmol/L Mg2+,0.4 U/20 μL Taq DNA 聚合酶,0.45 mmol/L dNTPs.2.3 引物的筛选和退火温度的确立利用梯度PCR仪自动生成10个温度梯度,根据不同退火温度下各引物的扩增效果确定退火温度,从而对100条ISSR引物进行筛选和各引物最佳退火温度的确立.图3为引物840的退火温度梯度优化结果.图4为引物888、890、834退火温度梯度优化结果.由图3、4可知,4、16、23、32泳道的PCR扩增条带数量多且清晰.因此引物840、888、890、834的最佳退火温度分别为49.1、53.9、51.6、51.0 ℃.已筛得ISSR引物及其退火温度见表5.由表5可知,不同引物的最适退火温度差异较大,为验证所筛得引物可以区分不同地区真藓的差异性以及引物的有效性,选择来自云南省大理州剑川县(N26°32′29.784″,E99°53′12.905″)、云南省丽江市玉龙县白沙镇文海村(N27°00′48.24″,E100°09′23.92″)和浙江省杭州市龙岗镇仙人塘村(N30°17′32″,E119°2′47″)、舟山市岱山蓬莱公园(N30°14′40.465″,E122°12′17.238″)4个地点的8份真藓标本,提取DNA,对已筛得的引物进行PCR扩增(图5),不同地点的真藓DNA扩增结果有明显差异,且条带清晰明亮.说明所筛得的引物和优化的体系可用于不同地区真藓的遗传多样性的研究. ISSR-PCR扩增体系中的模板DNA、引物、dNTPs、Mg2+、和Taq DNA聚合酶的浓度均会对扩增结果产生影响,引物的浓度与条带清晰度和背景亮度有关,引物浓度过高会导致背景明亮条带模糊,引物浓度过低则会导致扩增不充分[20].Mg2+的浓度会影响聚合酶的活性,从而影响扩增效果[21],dNTPs浓度过高会影响聚合酶活性,过低会使扩增量降低,Taq DNA聚合酶与扩增的条带数目有关[22],模板DNA 对扩增结果影响较小,一般仅需微量的模板DNA,模板DNA浓度过大会使条带变得弥散[20].所以通过正交实验法检测各个因素的同时找到最优反应体系,正交试验结果表明,在20 μL ISSR-PCR反应体系中包括20 ng/20 μL DNA模板、0.45μmol/L引物、2.65 mmol/L Mg2+、0.4 U /20 μLTaq DNA聚合酶、0.45 mmol/L dNTPs.对于不同植物,适用的ISSR引物不同,同一ISSR引物应用于不同植物,其退火温度不同,退火温度对扩增效果起着至关重要的作用,退火温度会影响扩增条带的清晰度[22-23].所以本实验对引物设置温度梯度进行最适退火温度的筛选,从100条ISSR 引物中筛选出50条条带清晰,多态性丰富,稳定性好的ISSR引物.说明真藓具有丰富的遗传背景,可为今后真藓科植物遗传多样性及分类学研究提供科学依据.【相关文献】[1] 黎兴江.中国苔藓志(第四卷) [M].北京:科学出版社,2006:72.Li X J.Flora bryophytorum sinicorum (Vol.4) [M].Beijing:Science Press,2006:72.[2] 衣艳君.中国药用苔藓植物资源 [J].中草药,2000,31(8):624-628.Yi Y J.Resource of medicinal bryophytes in China [J].Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs,2000,31(8):624-628.[3] 袁志良,叶永忠,李孝伟.河南省药用苔藓植物的初步研究 [J].河南科学,2003,21(2):176-178. 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植物生理学通讯 第42卷 第2期,2006年4月268一种利用ISSR开发SSR引物的方法郭大龙 罗正荣*华中农业大学园艺植物生物学教育部重点实验室,武汉430070A Method for Development of SSR Primers from ISSRGUO Da-Long, LUO Zheng-Rong *Key Laboratory of MOE for Horticultural Plant Biology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China提要 介绍从简单序列重复间区(ISSR)开发微卫星(SSR)引物的方法。
该方法分两步: (1)正向引物的分离,即试材ISSR扩增,产物纯化回收并克隆至T载体,测序后设计正向引物(引物1)和巢式引物(引物2); (2)反向引物的分离,即基因组DNA酶切并连接接头,结合抑制PCR技术,对产物克隆测序后设计反向引物。
关键词 引物开发;ISSR;SSR微卫星(simple sequence repeat, SSR)以1 ̄6 bp短核苷酸为基本单位,呈串联重复状广布于整个基因组,具有多态性丰富、易于检测、进化所受选择压小、以孟德尔方式分离、共显性遗传等特点。
SSR标记检测的位点多态性水平明显高于RFLP(限制性酶切片段长度多态性),而且重复性优于RAPD(随机扩增多态性DNA), 与AFLP(扩增片段长度多态性)相比,不同试材所获结论有差异(Powell等1996)。
但SSR分析时引物的获得需要预知核酸序列,其广泛应用常受限于从特定物种中分离SSR位点的难度和耗费(Hakki和Akkaya 2000)。

利用正价设计方法对小叶章SSR反应体系中的DNA 模板和引物2个反应因素进行了9个水平的优化,并通过温度梯度优化引物退火温度。
%A orthogonal design was used to optimize SSR amplification for Deyeuxia angustifolia in 9 levels of two factors (DNA template and primer). 51 pairs of SSR primers were developed independently. The screened 12 pairs of polymorphic SSR primers were suitable for studying on genetic diversity of Deyeuxia angustifolia.【期刊名称】《国土与自然资源研究》【年(卷),期】2016(000)003【总页数】5页(P88-92)【关键词】小叶章;SSR分子标记;引物筛选【作者】徐明怡;王丽媛;冷海楠;张玉;倪红伟【作者单位】湿地与生态保育国家地方联合工程实验室,哈尔滨150040;湿地与生态保育国家地方联合工程实验室,哈尔滨150040;湿地与生态保育国家地方联合工程实验室,哈尔滨150040;湿地与生态保育国家地方联合工程实验室,哈尔滨150040;湿地与生态保育国家地方联合工程实验室,哈尔滨150040【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S722小叶章(Deyeuxia angustifolia)是禾本科野青茅属植物。

采用PCR-RFLP方法,对提取出的总DNA用10对叶绿体通用引物进行扩增,对PCR产物用限制性内切酶AluI,HaeIII,HinfI,Hin6I,RsaI,MvaI 和TaqI进行酶切,对19种梨(包括新疆梨系统、白梨系统、西洋梨系统、秋子梨系统、杜梨、沙梨系统)的叶绿体基因组trnS-trnfM非编码区进行克隆、测序。
应用DPS v7.05和DNAMAN、DNAStar、ClustalX-1.83、PHYLIP -3.68软件进行分析。
结果显示:10对引物中只有7对(cp01,cp 02,cp 03,cp 04,cp 06,cp 09,cp 10)能在梨属植物上扩增出一条特异性谱带,这说明梨属植物叶绿体基因组序列十分保守,3个引物对(cp05,cp07,cp08)不能在梨属植物上扩增出谱带。
931份引物对/酶切组合中,cp09/MvaI,cp03/Hin6I 的酶切位点有显著差异。
对梨属植物的cpDNA trnS-trnfM区域进行克隆、测序,所得的序列长度为:库尔勒香梨和鸭梨的序列最长(1642bp),苹果梨、早酥梨、慈梨、象牙、翠伏的序列最短(1272bp)。
根据ClustalX软件完全比对的结果,用PHYLIP -3.68软件的邻接法对cpDNA trnS-trnfM区域序列变异位点构建系统进化树。