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The countries’ names as euphemism

In English, there is another special euphemistic expression. That is to use other countries’ names instead of some harsher or more offensive words. The appearance of these euphemisms is mostly because of the historic and cultural reasons. For instance, because French had ruled Britain, British people like to make fun of the French. They called “syphilis” “the French disease”. “French letter” is a euphemism for “condom”; “abortive pill” is called “French lunar pill”; “pornographic novels/prints” is called “French novels (prints)”. It seems that the French does all the bad things. In 17th century, the war between Britain and Dutch also led to a lot of anti-Dutch words, including euphemisms. “Prostitute”is called “Dutch widow”; “commit suicide” is called “Dutch act/cure”; “Dutch courage” is an “artificial courage”; “Dutch cheer” is a euphemism for “liquor”. It was said that the Dutch often drank some liquor to build up their courage. Besides French and D utch, Britain also makes fun of other countries. “Condom” has other euphemistic expressions in terms of country’s name, such as Spanish letter, American letter, and Italian letter. “Abortive pill” is also called “Portuguese female pill”; “Russian roulette”is a euphemism for “to intend to commit suicide”; “Mexican raise. Irish promotion” means “to be dismissed”; “Egyptian physical training” means “to sleep at daytime”; “Chinese” is also included in this usage, and it refers to a kind of “heroin”. “Chinese white” is a euphemism for “spirited heroin”; “Chinese red” also refers to “heroin”. In a word, the British and the American relate a lot of offensive things with other countries’ names. That is why “exotic” has the meaning of “erotic”. “Exotic club” became the “striptease night club”; “exotic dancer” became the “go-go dancer”. Besides English, other western countries also have such euphemistic phenomena. In fact, it is Linguistic Chauvinism.


After three days in Japan, the spinal column becomes extraordinarily flexible.

lesson 2 Hiroshima-- the Liveliest City in Japan 高级英语1


委婉语的使用可以使人类的语言妙趣横生、诙谐幽默,把残酷的事实寓于幽默中。委婉语中这类的用法非常之多。例如:“battle of the bulge”是二次世界大战后出现的一种幽默说法,而现在用于描绘为保持体形而进行的反肥持久战。把女士们为了苗条而进行减肥的行为夸张到如同打仗,幽默的说明众减肥女士的决心和毅力。又如:在东西方家庭中夫妻二人的关系是平等的,就如朋友一样,不分层次,遇事商量,共同决定,但也有主从式(也称主仆式),即以一方为主,有的妻子比较强硬,丈夫软弱,这样丈夫常被称为“妻管严”(戏称“气管炎”谐音)。英语中却形象的把这样的丈夫称作“hen-pecked husband”(被母鸡啄的丈夫),幽默有加。

The use of humor is another feature of euphemism for “being pregnant”. American people are likely to say “to have a watermelon on the vine”, or “to swallow a watermelon seed”. British people are likely to say “to have a bun in the oven” or “to have an Irish toothache” (to make fun
