





always, usually, often, sometimes, every week (day, year, month…), once a week, on Sundays,


be动词;am/is/are 行为动词 :动词原形、第三人称单数。


am/is/are not; don’t /doesn’t动词原形……


把be动词放于句首;Do/Does …动词原形…?





ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week(year, night, month…), in 1989, just now, at the age of 5, one day, long long ago, once upon a time, this morning


be动词;was/were …

行为动词 :动词的过去式


was/were not; didn’t动词原形


was或were放于句首;Did …动词原形……?





now, at this time, these days, look,listen ,can you see? Can’t you see ?之类的暗示语。

3.基本结构:am/is/are doing

4.否定形式:am/is/are not doing.

5.一般疑问句:Is /Are … doing sth ?





at this/that time yesterday, at that time ,at sixyesterday evening ,from eight o’clock to nine o’clock last night 或以when/while引导的时间状语(过去进行时when一般过去时/一般过去时while过去进行时/过去进行


3.基本结构:was/were doing

4.否定形式:was/were not doing.






recently, lately, since…for…,in the past few years, already ,yet ,never ,ever, just, before, so far ,once, twice etc.

3.基本结构:have/has done

4.否定形式:have/has not done.


6.反义疑问句:直接用has /have进行反问


1).have been to /have gone to /have been in的区别

have been to地点表示曾经去过某地,现人已返回。(once ,twice ….)

have gone to地点表示人已去了某地,人还未返回。(where is sb ?)

have been in地点表示在某地呆多长时间。(for…../ since …..)


Come/go to ------ be at /in leave ----be away from buy ----have borrow /lend -----keep open ---be

open close---be closed die---dead start/begin ----be on join—--be in /be a member of /be a soldier become –be make friend ---be friend get up ---be up

fall asleep ---be asleep catch a cold – have a cold reach/get/arrive---stay/be



B).主语have/has延续性动词的过去分词for…./since …. ago .


D).时间段has passed since短暂性动词的过去式

His grandfather died two years ago .

His grandfather has ____ ____ for two years.

_____two years _____ his grandfather ____.

Two years ____ ____ ____ his grandfather _____.



Has he returned the library book ? Yes, he has.

When ____ he _____(return) it ?He ____ (return)it yesterday afternoon .





1).before过去时间,by过去时间, by the end of last year(term, month…)

2).by the time从句(一般过去时),主句(过去完成时)

3).用于由when ,after , before引导的时间状语从句中,前后两动作都发生在过去。





had done.


had not done.







tomorrow, next day(week, month, year ) ,soon, in一段时间, by…,the day after tomorrow, this evening ,tonight


1).am/is/are/going to do;

2).will/shall do.

3).用现在进行时表示将来,动词come, go ,start,leave ,fly,move ,begin ,get ….

4).当主句为一般将来时,由if ,as soon as ,until, when ,before, after, unless引导的状语从句中用一般现在时代替一般将来时。


was/were not;在行为动词前加didn't,同时还原行为动词。







the next day(morning, year…),the following month(week…), by then ,


was/were/going to do;

would/should do.


was/were/not going to do;

would/should not do.






1) “辅y”结尾,变y为i加es

2) “以s; sh; ch; x; o结尾,加es




1)去e加ing (e不发音)

2)双写加ing (“辅元辅”结尾且重读,y;w列外)




e ________


4.open _______


6.drop ______

7.prefer________8.fix_______ 9.relax ______

10.die _______11.tie _______12.lie _______




1) “辅y”结尾,变y为i加ed




1.drop ______ _______

2.stop ______ ______

3.prefer ________ _________

4.study ______ ______

5.try ______ ____

6.fix _____ ______

7.relax ______ ______

附——情态动词(can/ could; may/ might; must; should)动原


1. can用法

1)表示能力,与be able to同义,但can只用于现在时和过去时,be able to可用于各种时态。Two eyes can see more than one.

注:Can you … ? Yes, I can / No,I can’t.


用could比can语气更加委婉客气,常用于could I /you …..?句型中,若表示同意时,用can回答而不用could . Could I borrow the book ? No, you can’t .


It can’t be true .

Can it be true ?

2. may用法

1)表允许,请求= can


注:May I ….? Yes ,you may No, you can’t / mustn’t .

在回答以may引起的问句时,多避免用这个词,而用其它方式,如Yes, please. / Certainly.


Maybe he knows the news .=

He _____ _____ the news.

3. must


We must do everything step by step.

注:Must I ….? Yes, you must / No,you needn’t(don’t have to ).

--Must we hand in our exercise—books now?

--No, you needn’t. / No, you don’t have to.


You mustn’t talk to her like that.

3)表示揣测。意为“想必、准是、一定”等,只用于肯定句。否定、疑问句中must改为can .

He must be ill. He looks so pale.

She’s wearing a diamond necklace. She must have a lot of money.


There must be something wrong ,____ ____?




a).Need I ….? Yes , you must / No, you needn’t .

Need we finish the work today ?Yes you __?



C. may


b).need do sth .变否定句:needn’t do sth

变疑问句:Need sb do sth ?


a).need to do sth . We need _______(buy) some school things .

变否定句:don’t /doesn’t /didn’t need to do sth .

变疑问句:Do / Does /Did sb need to sth ?

Yes , … do/ does / did No, sb don’t / doesn’t /didn’t .

You don’t need to do it yourself.

b).当主语是物时。Sth need doing sth = Sth need to be done .

The table needs painting . =The table needs _____ _____ _____ .

5.had better的用法

1). had better动词原形= It’s best to do sth .

You had better ______ (stay )at home . = _____ ______ ______ stay at home .

2). Had better not动词原形

We had better ________(not play ) the computer games .

6.must与have to

1).一般情况下,两者可互换。 must = have to


have to “必须,不得不”强调客观需要,即外界因素迫使某人不得不干某事。(外界原因)

I can’t stop playing the computer games . For your health ,I’m afraid you ______.




D.had to



I should have finished the work earlier.

He isn’t here. He must have missed the train.

2.情态动词后跟进行式,表示“想必正在……”,“可能正在……”,“应当正在”等意。It’s twelve o’clock. They must be having lunch.

They may be discussing this problem.

He can’t be telling the truth.

She shouldn’t be working like that. She’s still so weak.


1.can = be able to

2.must = have to

3.needn’t = don’t have to

4.need do sth = need to do sth .




1)—May I go with you?

—No, you _________.

2)—Must I turn off the light now?

—Yes, you ______/ No, you _________




1)在动词want ,hope,would like,decide,wish,

choose,try ,need等后常用动词不定式作宾语。

I hope ______(hear)from you soon .

2)think/find /feel /make it adj to do sth

He found it difficult _______(get) to sleep.

3).stop to do sth / stop doing sth

stop to do sth停下来去做某事 stop doing sth停止正在做的事。

After working for a long time , He has to stop _______(have ) a rest .

He was very tired , so he had to stop ______(work).


1).带to的不定式作宾补的动词有:ask / like /would like /teach /tell /want /help sb to do sth Please ask him _________(come) quickly.

2).省掉to的不定式作宾补的动词有:let /make / hear /see /notice /have/watch sb do sth 注:省掉to的不定式的句子变被动语态时,需要还原to .

He made the baby _______(stop) crying .

The baby was made ______ _____ crying.




To do sth谓语动词adj /n =

It谓语动词adj / n to do sth

To get an injection is a little painful .

_____ a little painful ____ ____ an injection



名词或代词to do(介词)


I want a pen to write ______.

I want a piece of paper to write ______.


疑问词to do sth

注:在宾语从句中,若主从句的主语一致时,宾语从句可简化为“疑问词to do sth”. Can you tell me how I can get to the hospital ?

Can you tell me _____ ____ ____ the hospital.



在come / go / leave后面接动词不定式作目的状语。

He came here ______(get)his book.


表语形容词(sorry/sad/happy/ glad /afraid/ pleased)后与动词不定式连用作原因状语

He was glad _______(see) his wife.


在too…to …, not …enough to …句型中的动词不定式作结果状语。

He was too tired _______(walk) on .


be to do sth


Her wish is _______(become) a doctor .

_____ _____ is her wish .


在动词不定式的前面加not .

He told me _______(not stay) here .



若两个或两个以上的不定式并列时,第一个不定式符号不能省略,其余的省掉to .但两者有对比关系时,to 都不能省略。

Edison’s mother taught him to write and read .

I haven’t decided to go home or to go to the cinema.


Will you take a walk with me ? I’m glad to .

Would you like to join my birthday party ?

I would love to .



Reading in bed ______(be) bad for your eyes.



1.现在分词常放在see, hear ,watch ,notice等之后作宾补。

I saw the boy____(play)in the street just now .


A sleeping baby = a baby who is sleeping .

Did you know the man talking to Mr Li?=

Did you know the man who was talking to Mr Li?


He came into the classroom ,carrying a book.



have /get sth done表示请别人干某事

I had my TV repaired last night .



Have you ever read any books written by Luxun?

Have you ever read any books _____ _____ written by Luxun?


My cup is broken .

一.接动词不定式( to do/ do sth)

1.like to do sth

2.like sb to do sth

3.Let’s (not ) do sth

4.want to do sth

5.want sb to do sth

6.love to do sth

7.ask sb (not ) to do sth

8.stop to do sth

9.tell sb (not ) to do sth 10.watch sb do sth 11.It’s time (for sb) to do sth 12.help sb (to ) do sth 13.help do

sth 14.make sb do sth 15.decide (not ) to do sth 16.find it adj to do sth 17.have to do

sth 18.try (not ) to do sth 19.try one’s best to do sth 20.It’s adj (for)of sb to do sth 21.plan to do sth 22.S.p. be a good place to do sth 23.It takes sb some time to do sth 24.send sb to do sth 25.invite sb to do sth 26.forget to do sth 27.live to be时间 28.be able to do sth 29.have sth to do 30.seem to do sth 31.get sb /sth to do sth 32.疑问词to do sth 33.need sth to do sth e sth to do sth 35.follow sb to sth 36.need to do sth 37.a good time to do sth

38.the best time to do sth 39.the best way to do sth 40.be the first / last one to do

sth 41.would like to do sth 42.be excited /surprised to do sth 43.be useful to do sth 44.be allowed to do sth 45.allow sb to do sth 46.It’s better to do sth 47.It’s best to do st h 48.take care (not) to do sth 49.see sb do sth 50.why not do sth ?51.have enough time to do sth 52.too… to do sth 53.not… enough to do sth 54.encourage sb to do sth 55.choose to sth 56.wait to do sth 57.be happy/glad/pleased to do sth 58.make it adj to do sth

59.be careful to do sth 60.be afraid to do sth 61.It’s our duty to do sth ed to do

sth 63.can’t afford to do sth 64.make a decision to do sth 65.have an opportunity(机会) to do sth 66.wait for sb to do sth 67.would do sth rather than do sth 68.would rather do sth than do sth 69.hurry to do sth 70.refuse to do sth 71.agree to do sth 72.pretend(假装)to do

sth 73.pretend to be doing sth(假装正在干某事) 74.prefer to do sth 75.prefer not to do

sth 76.prefer to do sth raher than do sth 77.be willing to do sth 78.volunteer时间/钱 to do sth 79.volunteer to do sth 80.offer(主动) to do sth 81.rush(匆忙) to do sth 82.in order (not ) to do sth 83.be certain(肯定) to do sth 84.be sure(确信)to do sth 85.make plans to do sth 86.go out of their way to do sth(故意去做某事) 87.lead sb to do sth 88.It’s one’s job(职责) to do sth 89.It’s one’s turn to do sth 90.urge(催促,敦促) sb to do sth 91.Could /Would you please (not) do sth ? 92.be supposed to do sth 93.warn(警告) sb to do sth

二、接动名词(doing sth)

1.like doing sth

2.enjoy doing sth

3.have fun doing sth

4.be interested in doing sth

5.Thanks for doing sth

6.look at sb doing sth

7.stop sb doing sth

8.stop sb from doing sth


v-ing 10.do the (some ) v-ing 11.What/How doing sth ? 12.practice doing sth 13.watch sb doing sth 14.find sb doing sth 15.mind (one’s ) doing sth 16.can’t stand doing sth 17.think about doing sth 18.spend … (in)doing sth 19.finish doing sth 20.be busy doing sth 21.keep doing sth 22.keep sb from doing sth 23.keep sb doing sth 24.be good at doing sth 25.hate doing sth 26.There be名词doing sth 27.make a living by doing sth 28.have a difficult time doing sth 29.feel like doing sth 30.allow doing sth 31.see sb doing sth 32.by doing sth 33.end up doing sth 34.do a survey about doing sth 35.be afraid of doing sth 36.be used to doing sth 37.be terrified(害怕) of doing sth 38.give up doing sth 39.instead of doing sth 40.have nothing against doing sth 41.be serious about doing sth 42.have a chance of doing sth 43.before/ when /while doing sth 44.start doing sth 45.have a lot of experience doing sth 46.prefer doing sth 47.consider (考虑) doing sth 48.dream of / about doing sth 49.continue(继续) doing sth 50.put off(推迟)doing sth 51.be used for doing sth =be used to do sth 52.prefer doing sth to doing sth(喜欢干某事胜过干某事) 53.without doing sth 54.be comfortable doing sth 55.can’t stop/help doing sth(情不自禁干某事) 56.look forward to doing sth(盼望去做某事)

57.be against doing sth 58.have trouble/problems/difficulty (in) doing sth 59.suggest doing

sth 60.be busy doing sth 61.be worth(值得) doing sth



1)tell / ask / want sb to do ______________

否定式:tell/ask/want sb not to do __________



即:(l, m, n, 3h, 2看, 1f) sb do

l—let; m—make; n—notice; 3h—hear, have, help; 2看—see, watch; 1f—feel

但注意:1)help sb (to) do (to可省、可不省)


eg. Someone heard him sing in the room.

He was heard to sing in the room.


1.(hope; learn; want=would like; decide) to do

2.(enjoy; finish; keep; mind; practise) doing


eg. 1)What/ How about doing

2)be good at doing


buy—have ; borrow—keep ; die—be dead ; leave—be away (from); come back—be back; fall asleep—be asleep ; open—be open ;

catch a cold—have a cold; go /get out—be out;

arrive (reach / get to / come to)地点—be in地点;join—be in集体(或be 成员);

turn on—be on; turn off—be off ;

get a letter from—have a letter from.

end /finish—be over ; get up—be up ;

1) He has (A) bought (B) the fridge (C) for (D) two years. _________

2)How long (A) may (B) I borrow (C) the (D) book? _________

3)The film (A) has begun (B) for five minutes(C). _________

4)Tom has got (A) the letter (B) from (C) Jim for two days (D). __________

5)I have (A) caught (B) a cold since two years ago (C). ____________

6)He has (A) come to (B) Beijing for ten years(C) ___________

7)My brother (A) has joined (B) the army (C) for (D) five years. ___________



1、一般现在时:__________ _________

时间状语 _______________________

2、一般过去时 _________________


3、一般将来时:___________ __________










since she came in B. in two days

when she came in D. next week

often F. five days ago G. sometimes

last year I. look之后的句子 J. just

at 4:30 yesterday L. so far

M. for ten years N. since two years ago


1.Mother ________ (watch) TV every evening.

2.We________(talk) when the teacher came in.

3.He ________(go) to Beijing two days ago.

4.He ________(leave) Chengdu in two days.

5.Look! The boy________(play) football on the playground.

6.My uncle ______(live) here for ten years.

7.He often helps the old woman _______ (carry) water.

8.Would you like to make a contribution to ________ (improve) our living conditions?

9.Don’t forget ________(turn) off the lights before you go out.

10.Please let the girls _____(go) first.

11.They had great fun ________(play) football this afternoon.

12.Do you enjoy ________(watch) TV?

13.Would you like ______(have) a cup of tea?

14.You can ______(go) there tomorrow.

15.Would you mind my _____(open) the door?

16.Please ask him _______(speak) more loudly

17.I’ll go fishing if it ____(be) fine tomorrow.

18.He said his grandpa ________(be) dead for ten years.

19.Tell the children __________(not play) in the street.

20.Mr Zhu spent much time _________(help) me with my English.

21.I’ll tell you as soon as he ____ (come) back.

22.Each of us _____(want) to go to college.

23.Thank you for ______(help) me.

24.The teacher told us the earth ____(go) round the sun.

25.My father is good at _____(fish).

26.You’d better______(not talk) in class.

27.The teacher stopped_______(talk) to us when we went into the office.

28.I saw her _______(cook) when I got home.

29.Look! A woman with two children _____ (be) coming towards us.

30.His family ___ not big, but the family ____ (be) interested in music.

31.Two months _____(be) quite a long time.

32.He asked if Tom ______(come) in two days

33.One of our teachers _____(be) a foreigner.

34.The Greens ______(have) been to the Great Wall twice.

35.He is practicing _______(speak) English with Mr. Green.

36.This pair of glasses ___ mine. The glasses on the table ____ his (be).

37.There ____ an apple, a pear and some bananas on the table. (be)

38.______(read) in bed ___(be)bad your eyes.

39.Hello, Jim! I ________ (not know) you were in Chengdu. I ______ (tell) you were still in London.

40.It _______(say) that another bridge_______ (build) over the river next year.

41. He left the room without _______ (say) goodbye.

42. Many trees ________ (plant) in our school yard these years.

43. The police _____ (be) trying to catch the thief.

44. The family _____(be) spending the weekend together.

Key: 1.watches 2.were talking 3.went 4.is leaving 5.is playing 6.has lived 7.carry 8.improving 9.to turn 10.go

11.playing 12.watching 13.to have 14.go 15.opening 16 to speak 17.is 18. had been 19.not to play 20.helping es 22.wants 23.helping 24.goes 25.fishing 26. not talk 27.to talk 28.cooking 29.is 30.is/are31.is32.would

come 33.is 34. have 35.speaking 36.is/are 37.is 38.reading/ is39.didn't know/have been told40.is said/ will be build 41.saying 42.have been planted 43.are 44.is


( )1.—Must I turn off the light now?

---No, you _______

A. needn’t

B. mustn’t

C. can’t

( )2.Our teacher told us the sun ____ in the east. A. rose B. rises C. is rising

( )3.He ___ back in a month.

A. will come

B. come

C. came

( )4.I ___ him before.

A. met

B. had met

C. have met

( )5.The teacher ____ to Japan this year. She’s now telling her pupils about it.

A. went

B. has been

C. has gone

( )6.It ____ hard when I got home yesterday.

A. rained

B. is raining

C. was raining

( )7.Why not ____ again?

A. to try

B. try

C. trying

( )8.He has finished ____ the letter.

A. writing

B. to write

C. wrote

( )9.It _____ every night.

A. happens

B. is happened

C. happened

( )10.The policeman told the children ____ in the street.

A. not play

B. not to play

C. don’t play

( )11.The box is too heavy for me ____.

A. to carry it

B. to carry

C. carrying it

( )12.Stop ____and listen to the teacher.

A. to read

B. read

C. reading

( )13.He is still looking for a house ____.

A. to live

B. to live in

C. to live in it

( )14.I heard her ___ when I passed her room just now. A. sing B. singing C. to sing ( )15.—May I go with you ?

---No, you ______.

A. may not

B. can not

C. mustn’t

( )16.There are some ____ in the river.

A. air

B. fish

C. water.

( )17.Sheep __ white and milk ___white, too.

A. is ; is

B. is ; are

C. are ; is

( )18.The class ___ going to see a film this afternoon.

A. am

B. is

C. are

( )19.Jim’s shoes ____ under the bed.

A. are

B. is

C. was

( )20.Three years ____ quite a long time.

A. is

B. are

C. were

( )21.The clothes are mine. Yours ____ under the bed.

A. is

B. are

C. were

( )22.There ___ a lot of news in today’s newspaper.

A. is

B. are

C. were

( )23.--Can you answer this question in English? No, I _____.

A. needn't

B. mustn't

C. may not

D. can't

( )24. The teacher wanted us _____ Exercise 1, but you let me ______ Exercise 2.

A.to do, do

B. to do, to do

C. do, to do

D. do, do

( )25. Miss Green saw a wallet ______on the ground when she walked past the school gate.

A. lie

B. lying

C. lies

D. to lie

( )26.What have you done _____ the milk? I've just _____ it.

A. with, eaten

B.for, eaten

C. with, drunk

D. for, drunk

( )27.The radio _______ it will get warmer later.

A. says

B. speaks


D. tells

( )28. You must be very tired. Why not _____ a rest?

A. stop having

B.stop to have

C.to stop having

D. to stop to have

( )29. Li Ping is young, but he _____ many places of interest in South China.

A.went to

B. has been in

C.has gone to

D. has been to

( )30. Mother told me _____ in the sun.

A. not read

B. don't read

C. read not

D. not to read

( )31.Do you often see her ______ volleyball on the playground?

A. play

B. played

C. plays

D. to play

( )32.Alice didn't hear what the teacher said just now,so she doesn't know how _______ the problem.

A. do

B. did

C. to do

D. doing

( )33.When the little boy ____someone coming upstairs,he stopped _____.

A. heard…crying

B. listened…to cry

C. heard…to cry

D. listened…cry

( )34.I ______ my ruler at home.Can I use yours,please?

A. forgot

B. have forgotten

C. left

D. have left

( )34.Jim _____ the good news to his classmates this morning.

A. spoke

B. told

C. said

D. talked

K ey:


中考英语第二轮复习专题-----动词的时态 Ⅰ.单项选择 1.Yesterday Mom me some money to buy a dictionary. A. gives B. gave C. has given D. was giving 2.—What's that noise, Sam? —My little brother with his toy car now. A. will play B. is playing C. plays D. played 3.—I to Hainan on vacation with my parents this coming summer holiday. —That's great! A. go B. went C. will go D. have gone 4.Lucy to Shanghai with her parents. No doubt you can't find her. A. goes B. will go C. is going D. has gone 5.I on the computer when Frank called me last night. A. work B. will work C. was working D. am working 6.—Your old computer can work again. —Yeah, my brother it for me. A. repairs B. has repaired C. will repair D. had repaired 7.Be quiet. Your grandmother in the room. A. sleeps B. is sleeping C. slept D. was sleeping 8.When my father made the phone call, my grandmother her flowers in the garden. A. waters B. watered C. was watering D. has watered 9.Jim will call me as soon as he to Xiamen tomorrow. A. got B. gets C. will get D. has got 10.Han Mei, a good friend of mine, me a lot with my English in the past three years. A. helps B. helped C. has helped D. will help 11.Tina usually late at night. It is a bad habit. A. is staying up B. will stay up C. stayed up D. stays up 12.Tony will come to see us this weekend. He me that on the phone.


2021年九年级中考英语复习案【动词时态】及考点练 考点九:动词时态 一、一般现在时: 1.概念:经常、反复发生的动作或行为及现在的某种状况。也可表客观规律以及在时间,条件状语从句中表将来时(主将从现) 2.时间状语: always, usually, often, sometimes, every week (day, year, month…), once a week, on Sundays, 3.基本结构: be动词;am/is/are 行为动词 :动词原形、第三人称单数。 4.否定形式: am/is/are not; don’t /doesn’t动词原形…… 5.一般疑问句: 把be动词放于句首;Do/Does …动词原形…? 二、一般过去时: 1.概念: 过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为。 2.时间状语: ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week(year, night, month…), in 1989, just now, at the age of 5, one day, long long ago, once upon a time, this morning 3.基本结构: be动词;was/were … 行为动词 :动词的过去式 4.否定形式: was/were not; didn’t动词原形 5.一般疑问句: was或were放于句首;Did …动词原形……? 三、现在进行时: 1.概念: 表示现阶段或说话时正在进行的动作及行为。

2.时间状语: now, at this time, these days, look,listen ,can you see? Can’t you see ?之类的暗示语。 3.基本结构:am/is/are doing 4.否定形式:am/is/are not doing. 5.一般疑问句:Is /Are … doing sth ? 四、过去进行时: 1.概念: 表示过去某段时间或某一时刻正在发生或进行的行为或动作。 2.时间状语: at this/that time yesterday, at that time ,at sixyesterday evening ,from eight o’clock to nine o’clock last night 或以when/while引导的时间状语(过去进行时when一般过去时/一般过去时while过去进行时/过去进行 时while过去进行时)。 3.基本结构:was/were doing 4.否定形式:was/were not doing. 5.一般疑问句:把was或were放于句首。 五、现在完成时: 1.概念: 过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,或从过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态。 2.时间状语: recently, lately, since…for…,in the past few years, already ,yet ,never ,ever, just, before, so far ,once, twice etc. 3.基本结构:have/has done 4.否定形式:have/has not done. 5.一般疑问句:把have或has放于句首。 6.反义疑问句:直接用has /have进行反问 7.注意: 1).have been to /have gone to /have been in的区别 have been to地点表示曾经去过某地,现人已返回。(once ,twice ….) have gone to地点表示人已去了某地,人还未返回。(where is sb ?)


中考英语动词时态、语态及情态动词专练100题 1.—May I have a word with Miss Anna? —Sorry, she ____ to her friend on the phone. A. is talking B. has talked C. talked D. talks 2. When Nancy was at college, she ____ three foreign languages, but I am surprised to find that she ____ allexcept a few words of each. A. spoke; had forgotten B. had spoken; had forgotten C. spoke; has forgotten D. had spoken; has forgotten 3. By the end of next July this building ____. A. will be completed B. will have completed C. will have been completed D. has been completed 4.—Hurry, Mary! You ____ on the phone. —Oh, I ____. Thank you, Mom. A. have wanted; have come B. will be wanted; will come C. are being wanted; come D. are wanted; am coming 5. Because farmland ____ quickly, the government are considering starting a program to solve the problem. A. is being lostB. is lostC. is losingD. loses 6.—What were you doing when I phoned you yesterday evening? —I ____ just finished my homework and I ____ to watch TV.


中考英语动词时态填空专项练习题及答案 中考英语动词时态填空专项练题及答案 一、写出下列单词的第三人称单数形式并总结规律: talks。ets。hopes。s。performs。plays。says。buys。worries。flies。studies。likes。makes。takes。loves。recites。es。comes。drives。shines。leaves。wakes。rides。writes。hikes。gives。sees。swims。s。shops。plans。gets。sits。lets。cuts。runs。ets。begins。washes。watches。finishes。XXX。fishes。reaches。goes. 规律:一般情况下,动词加-s或-es。 二、写出下列单词的现在分词形式并总结规律: talking。etting。hoping。ping。performing。playing。saying。buying。worrying。flying。studying。liking。making。taking。loving。reciting。ing。coming。driving。shining。

leaving。waking。riding。writing。hiking。giving。seeing。swimming。ping。shopping。planning。getting。sitting。letting. 规律:一般情况下,动词加-ing。 XXX. 2.She always _______ (et) her keys at home. She always ets her keys at home. 3.I _______ (hope) to see you soon. I hope to XXX. 4.Please _______ () talking and listen to me. XXX and listen to me. 5.The band _______ (perform) their XXX.


一、选择题 1.—I can’t find Peter. Where is he? — He ______ tea in the living room. A.drinks B.drinking C.is drinking D.drink 2.—Look, Tom's parents look so sad. —Maybe they what's happened. A.knew B.have known C.has known D.will know 3.—How long can I _____ the English workbook? —For two weeks. A.borrow B.to borrow C.keep D.to keep 4.—Listen!Who in the music room? —It must be Sally. She there every day. A.sings, sings B.is singing, sings C.sings, is singing 5.Come on, John! You are too slow! Look, the parade _________ for fifteen minutes! A.started B.has started C.has been on D.has been open 6.My mother _____ dinner when I got home yesterday. A.has cooked B.was cooking C.will cook D.cooks 7.I like this dress very much. It soft and smooth. A.feels B.touches C.is felt D.is touched 8.Which of the following sentences is correct? A.He came in and sat down. B.We all like . C.When we met. He didn't say hello. D.We went out, headed for the bus stop. 9.Doctor Ray, as well as other scientists __________ trees for nearly 15 years, but they know only a little about them. A.study B.studies C.has studied D.have studied 10.Alice always________her notebooks. She is not tidy. A.lose B.lost C.loses D.found 11.—How much is the ticket (票) to Central Park? —One ticket $40, and you can $80 for two persons. A.costs; pay B.cost; spend C.pay; spend D.spends; pay 12.—How long have you________? —For 10 years, we got married in 2005. A.married B.got married C.been married D.were married 13.—Remember the first time we met, Jim? —Of course I do. You ________ in the library. A.were reading B.have read C.will read D.read 14.—I can’t stand such loud music!


一、选择题 1.My mother when I got home yesterday. A.will cook B.cooks C.has cooked D.was cooking 2.Becky took a photo of her friends while they _________ computer games. A.play B.are playing C.were playing D.have played 3.— Where can I find Jack? — He __________ to the post office. A.goes B.has gone C.has been D.will go 4.— How about going for a drive, Mike? — One moment, please! I __________ cleaning our room soon. A.will finish B.have finished C.finish D.finishes 5.—Mom, can you teach me how to pronounce the words? —Wait a minute. I ________. A.am cooking B.cook C.cooked D.will cook 6.Boys and girls, there ________an English speech competition in two weeks. A.will have B.has C.is going to be D.are going to be 7.My mother _____ dinner when I got home yesterday. A.has cooked B.was cooking C.will cook D.cooks 8.Which of the following is right? A.He is used to live there. B.My main job is spreading the message about protecting the environment. C.I have borrowed the book from the library for two weeks. D.Kids under 18 are not allowed to drive. 9.My mother will be very angry with me when she out where I have been. A.finds B.found C.will find D.has found 10.— Morning, Mike! Did you sleep well last night? — Yes. I went to bed at 9:30 because there ______ a math test this afternoon. A.was B.will be C.is going to have 11.—I don’t understand why you didn’t go to the lecture yesterday afternoon. —I’m so sorry. But I my homework. A.had done B.was doing C.would do D.am doing 12.Mr Hu a ________ to Japan. He’ll come back in two weeks. A.goes B.went C.has gone D.will go 13.—I'm sorry. There was too much traffic on the road. —Never mind. The meeting________for only 5 minutes. A.has begun B.has stopped C.has been on 14.It only __________ him 20 minutes __________ to his office every day.


中考英语第二轮复习专题-------:动词时态 I.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1Whether she wins or whether she (lose), this is her last game. 2.Our school (invite) several heroes to the graduation ceremony last year. 3. -Where is your mother? -She (cook) dinner in the kitchen. 4. Some climbers (dream) of getting to the top of Mount Qomolangma for a long time. 5. Lucy ( dance) while her sister (sing) at that time. 6. Bob and his parents ( not have)dinner at home next Sunday. 7 My grandfather often (repeat) that he wants to go back and live in the countryside. 8Although his parents didn't want him to work abroad, Li Yang (stick) to his own decision. 9. By the end of last month, we ( hold)tour football matches. 10. Just go down this road and you ( see) the library next to the bank. II.单项选择。 ( )1.The air here is much fresher than before. -Exactly! We a lot of trees in the past few years. A. planted B.were planting C. have planted D. will plant ( )2.I don’t know the words to a lot of songs, but I do know some folk songs that my grandma me at an early age. A. teaches B. taught C. will teach D. has taught ( )3. -Be quick, Sara!The taxi is waiting for us outside. -A moment, please. I some visitors our products. A. shower B. am showing C. was showing D. show ( )4.(河北中考)He me his name, but I can't remember it now. A. tells B. will tell C. told D. is telling ( )5I’ve never seen Mr. Taylor before. -Don’t worry. I him to you before the meeting. A. will introduce B. introduced C. have introduced D. had introduced ( )6.What is your plan for next weekend, Lingling? -I volunteer work in the museum. A. was doing B. did C. have done D. am going to do ( )7.- Linda is not coming for the party tonight. -But she . A. promises B. promised C. will promise D. had promised ( )8.-Your new watch is so nice! When did you buy it? -In October. I it for two months. A. had B. bought C. have had D. have bought ( )9. Linda,Dad has finished his work and we to the gym to pick you up. - Thank you, Mum. A. drive B. drove C. have driven D.are driving ( )10In the past 70 years, China historic changes and made great achievements. A.experienced B. has experienced C. experiences D. would experience ( )11. -You'd better take an umbrella. The weather report says it


一、选择题 1.Miss Smith in our school since five years ago. A.teaches B.taught C.has taught D.is teaching 2.John and Mary ________ good eating habits but Eric ________. A.have; don’t B.has; doesn’t C.have; doesn’t D.has; don’t 3.—Surprise! Cindy is singing in the concert. —But she ______. A.will refuse B.refused C.refuses D.has refuse 4.We’re not sure _______ there’ll be _______ or not tomorrow. A.if; rains B.if; rainy C.whether; raining D.whether; rain 5.Miss Brown, we ______ cleaning our classroom. Can we go home now? A.finish B.finishing C.are finished D.have finished 6.I________ cleaning my room.It’s clean now. A.have finished B.finished C.finish D.will finish 7.Wang Wei often ________ TV on Sunday evenings, but now he is _______ stories. A.watches; reading B.watching; reads C.looks; reading D.watches; looking 8.My mother _____ dinner when I got home yesterday. A.has cooked B.was cooking C.will cook D.cooks 9.Sorry, Jenny isn’t here. She________ up some lights in the garden. A.put B.puts C.is putting D.has put 10.Doctor Ray, as well as other scientists __________ trees for nearly 15 years, but they know only a little about them. A.study B.studies C.has studied D.have studied 11.—I called you at three yesterday afternoon, but you weren’t in. —I ________ a meeting at that time. A.had B.was having C.have had D.would have 12.—How long have you________? —For 10 years, we got married in 2005. A.married B.got married C.been married D.were married 13.The Great Wall (长城) ________ long and it ________ a long history (历史). A.has; is B.is; is C.is; has D.have; has 14.The restaurant ________ many complaints because of the terrible service since last month. A.receives B.is receiving C.has received D.will receive 15.They the English role play for the show last night. A.will practice B.practiced C.is practicing D.have practiced 16.— Could you please tell me yesterday?


一、单项选择 (一)实义动词 1.It's good for us to _______ a good habit of reading. A.develop B.choose C.accept D.pick 2.Developing good reading habits can _______ our reading speed. A.review B.receive C.spread D.increase 3. China's efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 will_______ the world's ability to limit the harm in the near future. A.imagine B.invent C.insist D.improve st Thursday when I got to the railway station,I_______ I left my ID card at home. A.realized B.believed C.thought D.considered 5.-Look,Cindy. The flowers in our classroom come out in one night. -That's fantastic!They are beautiful and colorful.They _______ nice. A.smells B.smell C.sounds D.sound 6.I was busy this morning and didn't have time to _______ my e-mail. A.waste B.punish C.believe D.check 7.The boy likes reading.He often _______ books from the library. A.borrow B.borrows C.lend D.lends 8.The government _______ us with free education. A.provide B.offer C.give D.keep 9. You can't change who you are by reading a book or change the way you act by watching a video. What_______ is what you do,not what you know. A.includes B.decides C.means D.matters 10.How long will it _______ you to fly to Beijing from your hometown? A.spend B.take C.pay e 11.We should _______ making a noise in the library. A.avoid B.prefer C.practice D.enjoy 12.Frank is an honest boy and he never tells a lie.We all_______ him. A.miss B.mind C.doubt D.trust 13.The cover of the book _______ comfortable.It's made of silk. A.tastes B.feels C.looks D.sounds (二)动词短语


中考英语动词时态选择题专练 一、单选题 1.(2021九上·吉安期末)— Where is your dad? — He __________ outside. He exercises for an hour every day. A.run B.is running C.wash D.is washing 2.(2021九上·吉安期末)—Dad. I am back. Where is Mom? —She ________in the kitchen. A.is cooking B.cooks C.cooked D.was cooking 3.(2021九上·吉安期末)She with her friends ________ TV now. A.watch B.are watching C.is watching D.watches 4.(2021九上·吉安期末)It's 10 a.m., Tom ________ in his room now. A.studies B.is studying C.are studying 5.(2021九上·吉安期末)Look! Some of the children ________ football on the playground. A.played B.are playing C.play D.plays 6.(2021九上·襄州期末)Great changes ____ in my hometown in the past few years. A.took place B.were happened C.have taken place D.have happened 7.(2022九下·期末)Hangzhou is a beautiful city. I _______________ there twice. A.have gone B.have been C.have gone to D.have been to 8.If it ___________________, we will change our plan. A.rain B.rains C.will rain D.rained 9.I'll go fishing with my father tomorrow. But if it _________________, I'll stay at home and help my mother with housework. A.will rain B.is raining C.rains D.rain 10.Nobody knows if he _________________. If he _________________ here, I'll call you at once. A.will come; will arrive B.will come; arrives C.comes; will arrive D.comes; arrives 11.— Look at the sign! It says “No Smoking". — Oh, sorry. I _________________ it. A.don't see B.haven't seen C.wasn't seen D.didn't see


2021年中考英语考纲动词的时态专练 学员: A卷 1.Betty can’t join us the card game. She ___ the classroom. A, has cleaned B, was cleaning C, had cleaned D, is cleaning 2.A: Did you hear someone shouting? B: No, I didn’t. I ___ to the music. A, listened B, have listened C, was listening D, had listened 3.She ___Shanghai to attend an important conference in Japan the week after next. A, leaves B, left C, will leave D, has left 4.My friends ___ some foreigners around the ancient church this time yesterday. A, are showing B, were showing C, showed D, had shown 5. By the end of last year, they ___ five tunnels under the Huangpu River. A, built B, have built C, had built D, were built 6. By the end of last month, the students ______ all the subjects they learned. A, have reviewed B, had reviewed C. reviewed D. were reviewing 7. John and I are good friends. We ______ each other for ten years. A, knew B, had known C, know D, have known 8. Don't turn on the radio. Grandpa ______. A, sleeps B, is sleeping C, has slept D, was sleeping 9. We ______ a physics lesson when the fire ______ out. A, are having, broke B, have, breaks C, had, broke D, were having, broke 10. Dick would rather __________ a vocational school than a high school. A, enter B, entering C, to enter D, enter into 11. When I got to the cinema, the film ___________ for five minutes. A, has begun B, had begun C, has been on D, had been on 12.He ___ films in Asia for more than twenty years . A, has made B, had made C, made D, would make 13.Shanghai government ___ many international art festivals since last year. A, has organized B, organized C, is organizing D, would organize 14.Hurry up! The editor ___ for us at the gate for a long time. A, is waiting B, waits C, has waited D, had waited 15. A: It’s said all the hotels are f ull of tourists. B: Don’t worry! I ______ a room in Garden Hotel A, will book B, have booked C, booked D, had booked 16. As a very quiet boy, Eddie _______ anything to you unless you ask him a question. A, said B, will say C, didn’t say D, won’t say 17.While I ______ dinner in the kitchen, the bell ______. A, have, rings B, had, was ringing C, was having, rang D, am having, is ringing 18.When I saw Dick yesterday, he ___ to the music with an earphone. A, listened B, has listened C, was listening D, had listened 19.A: What did your son say in the letter? B: He told me that he ___ the Disney World the next day. A, will visit B, has visited C, is going to visit D, would visit


2022年英语中考真题专项训练——时态(含答案解析)时态重点知识梳理——一般现在时 一、含义及用法: 1.表示经常性、习惯性的动作或经常存在的状态; eg:I do my homework in the evening. 2.表示主语的特征、性格或能力等 eg: We love sports. 3.表述客观真理、客观存在及自然现象; eg: The earth goes around the sun. 4.有些表示短暂动作的动词如begin,come,leave,start等常用一般现在时表示按计划或安排要发生的动作。 eg:The train leaves at 12:30. 二、构成: 1.含be动词: 2.含行为动词: 指除动词be外,一切可以单独作谓语的动词。动词be一般表示状态,而行为动词大都用来表示动作,如work,study,swim等。 行为动词的一般现在时的结构为:

3.主语+be动词/do(主语为第三人称单数时,谓语动词也要变为相应 的第三人称单数形式)

三、含频度副词一般疑问句 词义辨析:always (总是=100%),usually (通常≈90%),often (经常≈60%),sometimes (有时≈30%),seldom (很少≈20%),hardly (几乎不≈10%),never (从不= 0%)。 频度副词位置:一般位于be动词、助动词或情态动词之后,实义动词之前;sometimes可放在句首、句中或句尾。 eg:I usually go to school by bike.我通常骑自行车去上学。 对频度副词提问,用how often“多久一次” 真题演练 (2021四川凉山)1. —I often see Peter's father play basketball on my way to school. —That's not strange. Not only Peter but also his father____sports. A. enjoy B. enjoys C. enjoyed D. was enjoyed (2021年牡丹江)2. Fresh water ________ more important than anything else. A. is B. are C. was (2021湖北武汉)3. — We ____ very simply and do not spend much money on food. — That's why you're called the Greens. A.eat B. ate C. will eat D. had eaten
