









MNLR 是衡量声品质的一个重要指标,它反映了人们在特定频率范围内对声音的感知敏感程度。





1. 电动汽车的发展现状及市场前景随着全球能源危机和环境污染问题日益严重,电动汽车作为一种清洁、高效的交通工具,受到了越来越多国家和地区的关注。







日接振时间限制 (h) 5 6 7 8 9 10 >10
频率计权振动加速度有 效值(m/s2)标准限值
4.0 2.8 2.0 1.6 1. 2 1. 0 <0 .5
振动性白指又称职业性雷诺现象,即局部振动所引起 的手指的间歇性发白或发绀,是诊断本病的主要临床依据。 其发作具有一过性和时相性特点。
X线检查可见骨质增生,骨皮质增厚,爪粗隆肥厚, 骨质疏松,空泡形成,囊样变,骨岛形成,骨关节变形的 影像。可见手部骨间肌和大、小鱼际肌萎缩。
振动 (Vibration)
1. 频率(Vibration frequency) 2.位移(Displacement)
有效值(rms ) 平均值= F弹, f
x ox
1 250
Ki值 0.16 0.125 0.1 0.08 0.063 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.016 0.0125
使用风动工具:风铲、气锤、凿岩机、捣固机、铆钉机等 使用电动工具:电钻、电锯、电刨等 其他高速转动工具:油锯,抛光机等 在交通工具或作业台上工作:驾驶飞机、火车、汽车等 使用其他可产生振动的机械:碎石机、制鞋机和缝纫机等
我国“职业性手臂振动病诊断标准 ”(GBZ7— 2002)对手臂振动病的诊断标准作了具体规定。


按振动的 规律分
按振动系统 结构参数的
按振动系统 的自由度分
名称 自由振动 受迫振动 自激振动 简谐振动 周期振动 非周期振动 随机振动 线性振动 非线性振动 单自由度振动 多自由度振动
当振动系统偏离其平衡位置时,仅依靠其弹性恢复力维持的振动。其振动的频率即为系统的固 有频率。当存在有阻尼时,其振动将逐渐减弱
vibration often includes the force or accelerate
sensor, amplifier and other transact circuits
such as A/D changer, modem and electricity
bridge etc.
电荷 Q
Useful vibration Bad vibration
Knead chair
Rolling axis
Vibration road roller
Measurement of Vibration 振动测试
Vibration State(振动的状态)
Displacement(位移/振幅)、Velocity(速度)、 Acceleration(加速度)、Frequency(频率)、 Phases (相位)etc.
比较传感器拾取信号和激振信号间的关系 相关分析、快速傅立叶变换分析、功率谱密度分析
振动包括机械振动、土木结构振动、运输工具振动、武器、 爆炸引起的冲击振动等。
ELF 极低频 SLF 超低频 UHF 特低频 VLF 甚低频 LF 低频 MF 中频 HF 高频 VHF 甚高频 UHF 特高频 SHF 超高频 EHF 极高频



滚动轴承失效的冲击脉冲诊断法(S P M)冲击脉冲法(英文称SPM,即Shock??ulse Method),是由瑞典SPM Instrument AB 公司在上世纪70年代最先提出的一套系统监测方法,专门用于滚动轴承多种失效的诊断,尤其对疲劳失效、磨损失效、润滑不良等失效的诊断准确率相当高,是滚动轴承失效诊断的主要方法。

1、什么是冲击脉冲:两个物体相互碰撞会产生一定能量的震动,这种震动不是呈连续状态而是以压力波的形式传递并呈脉冲状态,这种由于接触面上的物体发生碰撞而产生的震动为冲击脉冲2、冲击脉冲与振动不同,两者的区别可用一个金属球下落撞击金属来描述:①、振动是连续的(图2)b②、冲击脉冲是断续的(图2)a3、冲击脉冲能量的大小取决于两方面:①? ?? ? 物体碰撞时的冲击速度②? ?? ? 物体表面凹凸不平度4、冲击脉冲值与滚动轴承状态的关系我们知道,滚动轴承的滚动体与滚道表面并不是绝对光滑的,在轴承转动时,“粗糙”的表面使两者之间的润滑油产生波动,并对外滚道产生能量较小但频率较高的冲击;同时滚动体滚过某一缺陷位置时则会产生一个相对能量较大,但频率较低的冲击,这种冲击会随着滚动体或滚道表面产生的缺陷而明显增大。




用分贝(dB)表示时,轴承寿命终点的冲击震动值为60 dB,即:20lg1000/1=20lg103=20*3=60 (dB)(2)、几个状态评定参数的含义:dBsv:冲击脉冲值的绝对分贝,是用来衡量冲击脉冲能量强度的绝对值。



拟合,运用参数识别技术得到结构的动态特性参数 。

电容器系统可以离散为一种具有n 个不同激励方式对电力电容器振动特性研究崔鑫,李志远,程金英(合肥工业大学噪声振动工程研究所)51015摘要:采用试验模态分析方法研究了电力电容器的振动特性。

在实验室搭建了一套电容器试 验模态分析测试系统,分别采用三种不同激励方式对电容器进行测试。

模态参数表明,正弦 扫频和随机噪声激励的测试结果比脉冲激励精确。

从而为电力电容器振动特性的研究提出了 一种可靠的测试方式。

关键词:试验模态分析;激励方式;振动特性; 模态参数 中图分类号:TB535Research on Capacitor Vibration Characteristics forDifferent Excitation SignalsCui Xin, Li Zhiyuan, Cheng Jinying(Institute of Sound & Vibration Research, HeFei University of Technology)Abstract: Using experimental modal analysis(EMA) studied capacitor ’s vibration characteristics. A set of EMA testing system was constructed in the laboratory,the capacitor was tested by adopting three kinds of exciation signals.Modal parameters showed ,sine sweep and random 20noise excitation are more accuracy than impulse excitation.Thus,It provides a reliable test method to research capacitor’s vibration characterstics.Key words: 0 引言EMA ;Excitation signals ;Vibration characteristics ;Modal parameters25电容器装置是电力系统无功功率补偿装置的基本元件,广泛应用于高压直流换流站中, 但近年来,由于用户装设的电容器的台数的增加,单台容量的增大以及电网中高次谐波电流 的侵入等因素,使得电容器的振动已成为一个不可忽视的问题[1-2。

新能源汽车 电池系统抗振动冲击能力 rms指标

新能源汽车 电池系统抗振动冲击能力 rms指标

新能源汽车电池系统抗振动冲击能力rms指标1. 引言1.1 概述近年来,随着环境保护意识的增强和传统燃料资源的日益枯竭,新能源汽车成为全球范围内关注的焦点。




1.2 研究背景电池系统在新能源汽车中担任着储存和释放电能的重要任务,并承受着道路行驶过程中产生的各种多轴向振动与冲击负载。



1.3 问题陈述在实际应用中,新能源汽车电池系统的抗振动冲击能力是一个极具挑战性的问题。




2. 电池系统抗振动冲击能力及其重要性2.1 抗振动冲击能力概述在新能源汽车的电池系统中,抗振动冲击能力是一个至关重要的指标。



2.2 RMS指标介绍在衡量电池系统抗振动冲击能力时,我们常常使用RMS(Root Mean Square)指标。


Current methods are expensive
Industry Efforts and Metrics
NVH involves both objective and subjective development
Part of process can be quantified with analytical tools
ADAMS/Vibration Walk-Through
Step 1
Create input channels, output channels, and actuators
Actuator associated with an input
Spline defines
ADAMS/Vibration Walk-Through
This shift affects railcar stability and running comfort
Include Effects of Hydraulics and Controls on System Behavior
Hydraulics Example:
Apply input vibration to control valve and see effect at cylinder pressure and boom movement in frequency response function plots and animations
How Does It Work? Simplified/Unified Approach
Motion or Vibration Simulation Process





一、引言随着无线通信技术的快速发展,信号的到达方向(Direction of Arrival, DOA)估计在雷达、声纳、无线通信等领域中具有越来越重要的地位。







三、算法描述针对上述问题,本文提出了一种基于循环平稳特性的DOA 估计方法。









振动方面的专业英语及词汇振动方面的专业英语及词汇参见《工程振动名词术语》1 振动信号的时域、频域描述振动过程 (Vibration Process)简谐振动 (Harmonic Vibration)周期振动 (Periodic Vibration)准周期振动 (Ouasi-periodic Vibration)瞬态过程 (Transient Process)随机振动过程 (Random Vibration Process)各态历经过程 (Ergodic Process)确定性过程 (Deterministic Process)振幅 (Amplitude)相位 (Phase)初相位 (Initial Phase)频率 (Frequency)角频率 (Angular Frequency)周期 (Period)复数振动 (Complex Vibration)复数振幅 (Complex Amplitude)峰值 (Peak-value)平均绝对值 (Average Absolute Value)有效值 (Effective Value,RMS Value)均值 (Mean Value,Average Value)傅里叶级数 (FS,Fourier Series)傅里叶变换 (FT,Fourier Transform)傅里叶逆变换 (IFT,Inverse Fourier Transform)离散谱 (Discrete Spectrum)连续谱 (Continuous Spectrum)傅里叶谱 (Fourier Spectrum)线性谱 (Linear Spectrum)幅值谱 (Amplitude Spectrum)相位谱 (Phase Spectrum)均方值 (Mean Square Value)方差 (Variance)协方差 (Covariance)自协方差函数 (Auto-covariance Function)互协方差函数 (Cross-covariance Function)自相关函数 (Auto-correlation Function)互相关函数 (Cross-correlation Function)标准偏差 (Standard Deviation)相对标准偏差 (Relative Standard Deviation)概率 (Probability)概率分布 (Probability Distribution)高斯概率分布 (Gaussian Probability Distribution) 概率密度 (Probability Density)集合平均 (Ensemble Average)时间平均 (Time Average)功率谱密度 (PSD,Power Spectrum Density)自功率谱密度 (Auto-spectral Density)互功率谱密度 (Cross-spectral Density)均方根谱密度 (RMS Spectral Density)能量谱密度 (ESD,Energy Spectrum Density)相干函数 (Coherence Function)帕斯瓦尔定理 (Parseval''''s Theorem)维纳,辛钦公式 (Wiener-Khinchin Formula2 振动系统的固有特性、激励与响应振动系统 (Vibration System)激励 (Excitation)响应 (Response)单自由度系统 (Single Degree-Of-Freedom System) 多自由度系统 (Multi-Degree-Of- Freedom System) 离散化系统 (Discrete System)连续体系统 (Continuous System)刚度系数 (Stiffness Coefficient)自由振动 (Free Vibration)自由响应 (Free Response)强迫振动 (Forced Vibration)强迫响应 (Forced Response)初始条件 (Initial Condition)固有频率 (Natural Frequency)阻尼比 (Damping Ratio)衰减指数 (Damping Exponent)阻尼固有频率 (Damped Natural Frequency)对数减幅系数 (Logarithmic Decrement)主频率 (Principal Frequency)无阻尼模态频率 (Undamped Modal Frequency)模态 (Mode)主振动 (Principal Vibration)振型 (Mode Shape)振型矢量 (Vector Of Mode Shape)模态矢量 (Modal Vector)正交性 (Orthogonality)展开定理 (Expansion Theorem)主质量 (Principal Mass)模态质量 (Modal Mass)主刚度 (Principal Stiffness)模态刚度 (Modal Stiffness)正则化 (Normalization)振型矩阵 (Matrix Of Modal Shape)模态矩阵 (Modal Matrix)主坐标 (Principal Coordinates)模态坐标 (Modal Coordinates)模态分析 (Modal Analysis)模态阻尼比 (Modal Damping Ratio)频响函数 (Frequency Response Function)幅频特性 (Amplitude-frequency Characteristics)相频特性 (Phase frequency Characteristics)共振 (Resonance)半功率点 (Half power Points)波德图 (Bodé Plot)动力放大系数 (Dynamical Magnification Factor)单位脉冲 (Unit Impulse)冲激响应函数 (Impulse Response Function)杜哈美积分 (Duhamel’s Integral)卷积积分 (Convolution Integral)卷积定理 (Convolution Theorem)特征矩阵 (Characteristic Matrix)阻抗矩阵 (Impedance Matrix)频响函数矩阵 (Matrix Of Frequency Response Function) 导纳矩阵 (Mobility Matrix)冲击响应谱 (Shock Response Spectrum)冲击激励 (Shock Excitation)冲击响应 (Shock Response)冲击初始响应谱 (Initial Shock Response Spectrum) 冲击剩余响应谱 (Residual Shock Response Spectrum) 冲击最大响应谱 (Maximum Shock Response Spectrum) 冲击响应谱分析 (Shock Response Spectrum Analysis 3 模态试验分析模态试验 (Modal Testing)机械阻抗 (Mechanical Impedance)位移阻抗 (Displacement Impedance)速度阻抗 (Velocity Impedance)加速度阻抗 (Acceleration Impedance)机械导纳 (Mechanical Mobility)位移导纳 (Displacement Mobility)速度导纳 (Velocity Mobility)加速度导纳 (Acceleration Mobility)驱动点导纳 (Driving Point Mobility)跨点导纳 (Cross Mobility)传递函数 (Transfer Function)拉普拉斯变换 (Laplace Transform)传递函数矩阵 (Matrix Of Transfer Function)频响函数 (FRF,Frequency Response Function)频响函数矩阵 (Matrix Of FRF)实模态 (Normal Mode)复模态 (Complex Mode)模态参数 (Modal Parameter)模态频率 (Modal Frequency)模态阻尼比 (Modal Damping Ratio)模态振型 (Modal Shape)模态质量 (Modal Mass)模态刚度 (Modal Stiffness)模态阻力系数 (Modal Damping Coefficient)模态阻抗 (Modal Impedance)模态导纳 (Modal Mobility)模态损耗因子 (Modal Loss Factor)比例粘性阻尼 (Proportional Viscous Damping)非比例粘性阻尼 (Non-proportional Viscous Damping) 结构阻尼 (Structural Damping,Hysteretic Damping) 复频率 (Complex Frequency)复振型 (Complex Modal Shape)留数 (Residue)极点 (Pole)零点 (Zero)复留数 (Complex Residue)随机激励 (Random Excitation)伪随机激励 (Pseudo Random Excitation)猝发随机激励 (Burst Random Excitation)稳态正弦激励 (Steady State Sine Excitation)正弦扫描激励 (Sweeping Sine Excitation)锤击激励 (Impact Excitation)频响函数的H1 估计 (FRF Estimate by H1)频响函数的H2 估计 (FRF Estimate by H2)频响函数的H3 估计 (FRF Estimate by H3)单模态曲线拟合法 (Single-mode Curve Fitting Method)多模态曲线拟合法 (Multi-mode Curve Fitting Method)模态圆 (Mode Circle)剩余模态 (Residual Mode)幅频峰值法 (Peak Value Method)实频-虚频峰值法 (Peak Real/Imaginary Method)圆拟合法 (Circle Fitting Method)加权最小二乘拟合法 (Weighting Least Squares Fitting method) 复指数拟合法 (Complex Exponential Fitting method)1.2 振动测试的名词术语1 传感器测量系统传感器测量系统 (Transducer Measuring System)传感器 (Transducer)振动传感器 (Vibration Transducer)机械接收 (Mechanical Reception)机电变换 (Electro-mechanical Conversion)测量电路 (Measuring Circuit)惯性式传感器 (Inertial Transducer,Seismic Transducer)相对式传感器 (Relative Transducer)电感式传感器 (Inductive Transducer)应变式传感器 (Strain Gauge Transducer)电动力传感器 (Electro-dynamic Transducer)压电式传感器 (Piezoelectric Transducer)压阻式传感器 (Piezoresistive Transducer)电涡流式传感器 (Eddy Current Transducer)伺服式传感器 (Servo Transducer)灵敏度 (Sensitivity)复数灵敏度 (Complex Sensitivity)分辨率 (Resolution)频率范围 (Frequency Range)线性范围 (Linear Range)频率上限 (Upper Limit Frequency)频率下限 (Lower Limit Frequency)静态响应 (Static Response)零频率响应 (Zero Frequency Response)动态范围 (Dynamic Range)幅值上限 Upper Limit Amplitude)幅值下限 (Lower Limit Amplitude)最大可测振级 (Max.Detectable Vibration Level)最小可测振级 (Min.Detectable Vibration Level)信噪比 (S/N Ratio)振动诺模图 (Vibration Nomogram)相移 (Phase Shift)波形畸变 (Wave-shape Distortion)比例相移 (Proportional Phase Shift)惯性传感器的稳态响应 (Steady Response Of Inertial Transducer)惯性传感器的稳击响应 (Shock Response Of Inertial Transducer)位移计型的频响特性 (Frequency Response Characteristics Vibrometer)加速度计型的频响特性 (Frequency Response Characteristics Accelerometer) 幅频特性曲线 (Amplitude-frequency Curve)相频特性曲线 (Phase-frequency Curve)固定安装共振频率 (Mounted Resonance Frequency)安装刚度 (Mounted Stiffness)有限高频效应 (Effect Of Limited High Frequency)有限低频效应 (Effect Of Limited Low Frequency)电动式变换 (Electro-dynamic Conversion)磁感应强度 (Magnetic Induction, Magnetic Flux Density)磁通 (Magnetic Flux)磁隙 (Magnetic Gap)电磁力 (Electro-magnetic Force)相对式速度传 (Relative Velocity Transducer)惯性式速度传感器 (Inertial Velocity Transducer)速度灵敏度 (Velocity Sensitivity)电涡流阻尼 (Eddy-current Damping)无源微(积)分电路 (Passive Differential (Integrate) Circuit) 有源微(积)分电路 (Active Differential (Integrate) Circuit) 运算放大器 (Operational Amplifier)时间常数 (Time Constant)比例运算 (Scaling)积分运算 (Integration)微分运算 (Differentiation)高通滤波电路 (High-pass Filter Circuit)低通滤波电路 (Low-pass Filter Circuit)截止频率 (Cut-off Frequency)压电效应 (Piezoelectric Effect)压电陶瓷 (Piezoelectric Ceramic)压电常数 (Piezoelectric Constant)极化 (Polarization)压电式加速度传感器 (Piezoelectric Acceleration Transducer) 中心压缩式 (Center Compression Accelerometer)三角剪切式 (Delta Shear Accelerometer)压电方程 (Piezoelectric Equation)压电石英 (Piezoelectric Quartz)电荷等效电路 (Charge Equivalent Circuit)电压等效电路 (Voltage Equivalent Circuit)电荷灵敏度 (Charge Sensitivity)电压灵敏度 (Voltage Sensitivity)电荷放大器 (Charge Amplifier)适调放大环节 (Conditional Amplifier Section)归一化 (Uniformization)电荷放大器增益 (Gain Of Charge Amplifier)测量系统灵敏度 (Sensitivity Of Measuring System)底部应变灵敏度 (Base Strain Sensitivity)横向灵敏度 (Transverse Sensitivity)地回路 (Ground Loop)力传感器 (Force Transducer)力传感器灵敏度 (Sensitivity Of Force Transducer)电涡流 (Eddy Current)前置器 (Proximitor)间隙-电压曲线 (Voltage vs Gap Curve)间隙-电压灵敏度 (Voltage vs Gap Sensitivity)压阻效应 (Piezoresistive Effect)轴向压阻系数 (Axial Piezoresistive Coefficient)横向压阻系数 (Transverse Piezoresistive Coefficient)压阻常数 (Piezoresistive Constant)单晶硅 (Monocrystalline Silicon)应变灵敏度 (Strain Sensitivity)固态压阻式加速度传感器 (Solid State Piezoresistive Accelerometer) 体型压阻式加速度传感器 (Bulk Type Piezoresistive Accelerometer) 力平衡式传感器 (Force Balance Transducer)电动力常数 (Electro-dynamic Constant)机电耦合系统 (Electro-mechanical Coupling System)2 检测仪表、激励设备及校准装置时间基准信号 (Time Base Signal)李萨茹图 (Lissojous Curve)数字频率计 (Digital Frequency Meter)便携式测振表 (Portable Vibrometer)有效值电压表 (RMS Value Voltmeter)峰值电压表 (Peak-value Voltmeter)平均绝对值检波电路 (Average Absolute Value Detector)峰值检波电路 (Peak-value Detector)准有效值检波电路 (Quasi RMS Value Detector)真有效值检波电路 (True RMS Value Detector)直流数字电压表 (DVM,DC Digital Voltmeter)数字式测振表 (Digital Vibrometer)A/D 转换器 (A/D Converter)D/A 转换器 (D/A Converter)相位计 (Phase Meter)电子记录仪 (Lever Recorder)光线示波器 (Oscillograph)振子 (Galvonometer)磁带记录仪 (Magnetic Tape Recorder)DR 方式(直接记录式) (Direct Recorder)FM 方式(频率调制式) (Frequency Modulation)失真度 (Distortion)机械式激振器 (Mechanical Exciter)机械式振动台 (Mechanical Shaker)离心式激振器 (Centrifugal Exciter)电动力式振动台 (Electro-dynamic Shaker)电动力式激振器 (Electro-dynamic Exciter)液压式振动台 (Hydraulic Shaker)液压式激振器 (Hydraulic Exciter)电液放大器 (Electro-hydraulic Amplifier)磁吸式激振器 (Magnetic Pulling Exciter)涡流式激振器 (Eddy Current Exciter)压电激振片 (Piezoelectric Exciting Elements)冲击力锤 (Impact Hammer)冲击试验台 (Shock Testing Machine)激振控制技术 (Excitation Control Technique)波形再现 (Wave Reproduction)压缩技术 (Compression Technique)均衡技术 (Equalization Technique)交越频率 (Crossover Frequency)综合技术 (Synthesis Technique)校准 (Calibration)分部校准 (Calibration for Components in system)系统校准 (Calibration for Over-all System)模拟传感器 (Simulated Transducer)静态校准 (Static Calibration)简谐激励校准 (Harmonic Excitation Calibration)绝对校准 (Absolute Calibration)相对校准 (Relative Calibration)比较校准 (Comparison Calibration)标准振动台 (Standard Vibration Exciter)读数显微镜法 (Microscope-streak Method)光栅板法 (Ronchi Ruling Method)光学干涉条纹计数法 (Optical Interferometer Fringe Counting Method)光学干涉条纹消失法 (Optical Interferometer Fringe Disappearance Method) 背靠背安装 (Back-to-back Mounting)互易校准法 (Reciprocity Calibration)共振梁 (Resonant Bar)冲击校准 (Impact Exciting Calibration)摆锤冲击校准 (Ballistic Pendulum Calibration)落锤冲击校准 (Drop Test Calibration)振动和冲击标准 (Vibration and Shock Standard)迈克尔逊干涉仪 (Michelson Interferometer)摩尔干涉图象 (Moire Fringe)参考传感器 (Reference Transducer)3 频率分析及数字信号处理带通滤波器 (Band-pass Filter)半功率带宽 (Half-power Bandwidth)3 dB 带宽 (3 dB Bandwidth)等效噪声带宽 (Effective Noise Bandwidth)恒带宽 (Constant Bandwidth)恒百分比带宽 (Constant Percentage Bandwidth)1/N 倍频程滤波器 (1/N Octave Filter)形状因子 (Shape Factor)截止频率 (Cut-off Frequency)中心频率 (Centre Frequency)模拟滤波器 (Analog Filter)数字滤波器 (Digital Filter)跟踪滤波器 (Tracking Filter)外差式频率分析仪 (Heterodyne Frequency Analyzer) 逐级式频率分析仪 (Stepped Frequency Analyzer)扫描式频率分析仪 (Sweeping Filter Analyzer)混频器 (Mixer)RC 平均 (RC Averaging)平均时间 (Averaging Time)扫描速度 (Sweeping Speed)滤波器响应时间 (Filter Response Time)离散傅里叶变换 (DFT,Discrete Fourier Transform) 快速傅里叶变换 (FFT,Fast Fourier Transform)抽样频率 (Sampling Frequency)抽样间隔 (Sampling Interval)抽样定理 (Sampling Theorem)抗混滤波 (Anti-aliasing Filter)泄漏 (Leakage)加窗 (Windowing)窗函数 (Window Function)截断 (Truncation)频率混淆 (Frequency Aliasing)乃奎斯特频率 (Nyquist Frequency)矩形窗 (Rectangular Window)汉宁窗 (Hanning Window)凯塞-贝塞尔窗 (Kaiser-Bessel Window)平顶窗 (Flat-top Window)平均 (Averaging)线性平均 (Linear Averaging)指数平均 (Exponential Averaging)峰值保持平均 (Peak-hold Averaging)时域平均 (Time-domain Averaging)谱平均 (Spectrum Averaging)重叠平均 (Overlap Averaging)栅栏效应 (Picket Fence Effect)吉卜斯效应 (Gibbs Effect)基带频谱分析 (Base-band Spectral Analysis)选带频谱分析 (Band Selectable Sp4ctralAnalysis)细化 (Zoom)数字移频 (Digital Frequency Shift)抽样率缩减 (Sampling Rate Reduction)功率谱估计 (Power Spectrum Estimate)相关函数估计 (Correlation Estimate)频响函数估计 (Frequency Response Function Estimate) 相干函数估计 (Coherence Function Estimate)冲激响应函数估计 (Impulse Response Function Estimate) 倒频谱 (Cepstrum)功率倒频谱 (Power Cepstrum)幅值倒频谱 (Amplitude Cepstrum)倒频率 (Quefrency)4 旋转机械的振动测试及状态监测状态监测 (Condition Monitoring)故障诊断 (Fault Diagnosis)转子 (Rotor)转手支承系统 (Rotor-Support System)振动故障 (Vibration Fault)轴振动 (Shaft Vibration)径向振动 (Radial Vibration)基频振动 (Fundamental Frequency Vibration)基频检测 (Fundamental Frequency Component Detecting) 键相信号 (Key-phase Signal)正峰相位 (+Peak Phase)高点 (High Spot)光电传感器 (Optical Transducer)同相分量 (In-phase Component)正交分量 (Quadrature Component)跟踪滤波 (Tracking Filter)波德图 (Bode Plot)极坐标图 (Polar Plot)临界转速 (Critical Speed)不平衡响应 (Unbalance Response)残余振幅 (Residual Amplitude)方位角 (Attitude Angle)轴心轨迹 (Shaft Centerline Orbit)正进动 (Forward Precession)同步正进动 (Synchronous Forward Precession)反进动 (Backward Precession)正向涡动 (Forward Whirl)反向涡动 (Backward Whirl)油膜涡动 (Oil Whirl)油膜振荡 (Oil Whip)轴心平均位置 (Average Shaft Centerline Position) 复合探头 (Dual Probe)振摆信号 (Runout Signal)电学振摆 (Electrical Runout)机械振摆 (Mechanical Runout)慢滚动向量 (Slow Roll Vector)振摆补偿 (Runout Compensation)故障频率特征 (Frequency Characteristics Of Fault) 重力临界 (Gravity Critical)对中 (Alignment)双刚度转子 (Dual Stiffness Rotor)啮合频率 (Gear-mesh Frequency)间入简谐分量 (Interharmonic Component)边带振动 (Side-band Vibration)三维频谱图 (Three Dimensional Spectral Plot)瀑布图 (Waterfall Plot)级联图 (Cascade Plot)阶次跟踪 (Order Tracking)阶次跟踪倍乘器 (Order Tracking Multiplier)监测系统 (Monitoring System)适调放大器 (Conditional Amplifier)趋势分析 (Trend Analysis)倒频谱分析 (Cepstrum Analysis) 直方图 (Histogram)确认矩阵 (Confirmation Matrix) 通频幅值 (Over-all Amplitude) 幅值谱 (Amplitude Spectrum)相位谱 (Phase Spectrum)报警限 (Alarm Level)。



介绍传统阻尼动力振动减振器简称DVA 或调谐质量阻尼器简称TMD ,其基本原理是在通过在主系统上增加一个附加子结构,即吸振器,来这是一种在辅助弹簧质点系统之间添加了一个阻尼减震器在质量m 和主要质量M 如图1所示。


这是Frahm 在1911年发明的。

同时在1928年,Ormondroyd 和Den Hartog 指出,DVA 的阻尼有一个最佳值的最小化应用系统共振的振幅响应。

像这样的优化准则被称为∞H 优化。

Den Hartog 的不动点理论是常用来确定最优调谐的频率和阻尼比的DVA 附加到应用振动系统。

为了增加DVA 的应用, Crandall and Mark 提出的另一个优化原则当随机激励作用到主系统时,安装了吸振器主系统整个频响曲线下的面积最小,即输入主系统的能量最小,被称为2H 动力减振器的优化。

当振动系统受到随机激励,比如风荷载代替谐波激励时, 2H 动力减振器的优化比∞H 优化效果更好。

The exact solution of the H2 optimization for the traditional DVA attached to an undamped primary system was derived by Warburton [5] and Asami et al. [6].H2的精确解的优化传统DVA 附加到一个主系统无阻尼被Warburton 派生[5]和Asami et al 。


Asami also derived with other researchers [7] the analytical solutionsto HN and H2 optimization problems of the traditional DVA attached to damped sdof systems.Asami 还与其他研究人员[7]导出的分析solutionsto HN 和H2优化问题传统DVA 附加阻尼应用系统。

中英对照-位置比较脉冲调制输出(Position-Compare Pulse-Modulated Output)

中英对照-位置比较脉冲调制输出(Position-Compare Pulse-Modulated Output)

f counter f output
比较输出的占空比是 A 和 B 比较寄存器之间的距离和自动增加值的比例。根据给定的占 空比(表示成百分比)和自动增加值得到这个距离的等式是:
ABcomp Pcomp
DutyCycle% 100
注意的是当写 A 和 B 比较寄存器时,它们必须是在当前计数值的两侧;否则自动增加功 能将不能正确工作。
每个伺服周期的增量 当前计数器值 C 寄存器 PFM 输出 定义寄存器高 16 位 比较 A 寄存器 比较 B 寄存器 比较自动增加 比较初始状态 比较初始化使能
当前伺服计数器 计数频率为 Hz 输出频率为 Hz %接通时间(0 – 100)
; 计数频率,常数
; 用指令来实现特定的频率和占空比,这些可以在运动程序,PLC 程序,或作为一个在 ; 线指令(包括 WHILE/ENDWHILE,不能以任何方式作为在线指令使用) SIC2Ch1OutC=0 ; 冻结计数器用于设置 ; 记录当前时间 Now=ServoCycCtr WHILE (ServoCycCtr=Now) ; 为冻结提供延时 ENDWHILE SIC2Ch1CompInitSta=0 ; 设置输出关闭 SIC2Ch1CompInitEna=1 ; 强制初始的输出状态 SIC2Ch1CompIncr=InternalFreq/PulseFreq ; 设置输出频率 SIC2Ch1CompPosA=SIC2Ch1EncPos+SIC2Ch1CompIncr*(100-DutyCycle)/200 SIC2Ch1CompPosB=SIC2Ch1EncPos-SIC2Ch1CompIncr*(100-DutyCycle)/200 SIC2Ch1OutC=CounterFreq*65536/98304000 ; 输出频率的 PFM 值


The displacement from the center point (3) x
其运动必为简谐振动 推广 若物体受合力 f kx
of the motion (离开平衡位置的位移) -minus 负号 The acceleration is always (4) directed toward the center point (5) The dynamics of SHM f kx k d 2x 2 f m 2 f ma
x A cos( t ) v A sin(t )
t 0
x0 A cos v 0 A sin
x0 A cos v 0 / A sin
A x0 v 0 /
v0 tan x0
(3) Period Frequency angular frequency
★Period 周期T The period is the time taken for a complete vibration 物体作一次完全振动所需要的时间 Acost t: x1 A cos( t ) t+T: x2 A cos (t T )
§1 The dynamics of SHM 简谐振动动力学
1 Spring oscillator 弹簧振子 0 System k m Thespring force
t 0
t T /4 t 2T / 4 t 3T / 4 t 4T / 4
f kx (1)Force f kx
§5 The composition of SHM in the straight line beat §6 The composition of SHM in the perpendicular direction




针对多自由度压电结构振动主动控制,提出一种改进VSSFxLMS 振动控制算法,通过利用反余切函数的特性优化算法步长的迭代规律,有效提升算法对于噪声干扰的鲁棒性,并给出该算法的动态性能与稳态性能分析。



关键词:微振动主动控制;变步长(VSS);LMS算法;多输入多输出(MIMO);压电结构中图分类号:TB535;TH113.1文献标志码:A 文章编号:1004-4523(2020)03-0467-10DOI:10.16385/ki.issn.1004-4523.2020.03.004引言近些年,航天事业及精密制造技术得到迅速发展,涉及到一些精密设备的微振动控制问题,引起了广泛关注。







地球物理勘探3D geophysical survey 三维地球物理测量4D geophysical survey 四维地球物理测量Aabnormal events 异常波absolute measuring method 绝对测量法absorption 吸收absorption coefficient 衰减系数accelerometer 加速度检波器accumulative electric charge 积累电荷acoustic amplitude logging 声波幅度测井acoustic dipole logging 偶极源声波测井acoustic full wave logging 声波全波测井acoustic logging,sonic logging 声波测井acoustic wave,sonic wave 声波acquisition system 数据采集系统activation logging 活化测井active navigation and positioning 自主式导航定位active source methods 主动源法additional base point 辅助基点adjustment of base station net 基点网平差aerial magnetometer 航空磁力仪aero geophysical prospecting 航空地球物理勘探aerogravity survey,airborne gravity survey 航空重力测量aeromagnetic gradiometer system 航空磁力梯度系统aeromagnetic horizontal gradient survey 航空水平磁力梯度测量aeromagnetic horizontal gradiometer system 航空水平磁力梯度系统aeromagnetic survey 航空磁力测量aeromagnetic triaxial gradiometer system 航空全轴磁力梯度系统aeromagnetic vertical gradient survey 航空垂直磁力梯度测量aeromagnetic vertical gradiometer system 航空垂直磁力梯度系统AFMAG method 阿夫麦格法air gun 空气枪震源air radon background correction 大气氡本底校正air shooting 空中激发airborne apparent resistivity mapping 航空视电阻率填图airborne electromagnetic survey 航空电磁测量airborne electromagnetic system 航空电磁系统airborne electromagnetic system in fixed wing aircraft 固定翼航空电磁系统airborne gamma ray spectrometer 航空伽马能谱仪airborne gamma ray spectrometry standard model 航空伽马能谱测量标准模型airborne gamma ray spectrometry survey 航空伽马能谱测量airborne gasoloid survey 航空气溶胶测量airborne geochemical survey 航空气体测量airborne geophysical data acquisition system 航空物探数据收录系统airborne geophysical data preprocessing system 航空物探数据预处理系统airborne geophysical data processing system 航空物探数据处理系统airborne gravimeter 航空重力仪airborne gravimetric gradiometer system 航空重力梯度系统airborne gravitational acceleration correction 航空重力加速度校正airborne gravitational gradient survey 航空重力梯度测量airborne mercury vapor survey 航空汞蒸气测量airborne pulse transient electromagnetic method 航空脉冲瞬变电磁法airborne radioactive survey 航空放射性测量airborne sensitivity 空中灵敏度airborne very low frequency EM instrument 航空甚低频仪airborne videorecorder positioning system 航空录像定位系统airplane background correction 飞机本底校正alias 假频alias filter 假频滤波器alternating current electric method 交流电法alternating current induced polarization method 交流激发极化法amplitude frequency response 振幅频率响应amplitude of magnetic anomaly 磁异常幅度amplitude phase method 振幅相位法amplitude spectrum 振幅谱amplitude variation with offset 振幅随偏移距变化analog modeling experiment 磁测模拟实验analogical conditions of simulation 模拟相似条件analogical principle of simulation 模拟相似原理analogue acquisition 模拟采集analytical continuation of potential fields 位场解析延拓anisotropic medium 各向异性介质anisotropy(seismic) 地震波各向异性annulus 环带anomalies of the same source 同源异常anomalous body 异常体anomalous electric field 异常电场anomalous field 异常场anomaly 异常anomaly decomposition 异常分解apparent charging rate 视充电率apparent frequency dispersivity 视频散率apparent magnetization 视磁化强度apparent magnetization mapping 视磁化强度填图apparent polarizability 视极化率apparent polarizability sounding section 视极化率测深断面图apparent resistivity 视电阻率apparent resistivity logging 视电阻率法测井apparent susceptibility 视磁化率apparent velocity 视速度apparent wavelength 视波长Archie's formulas 阿尔奇公式area geophysical survey 面积地球物理测量areic magnetic charge 面磁荷Argand diagram 相位矢量图arithmetic average 算术平均array induction logging 阵列感应测井array mode 组合法array processor 阵列处理机array sonic tool 阵列声波测井仪artificial neural network 人工神经网络artificial seismic source 人工震源artificial step by step approximation leve ling method 人工逐次逼近调平法astatic magnetometer 无定向磁力仪attenuation 衰减audiomagnetotelluric method(AMT) 音频大地电磁法autoconvolution 自褶积autocorrelation function 地震波自相关函数automatic gain control 自动增益控制automatic tracing perforation 自动跟踪射孔average velocity 平均速度azimuth dipole array 方位偶极排列azimuth frequency diagram 方位频率图azimuth laterolog 方位侧向测井azimuth observation 方位观测法azimuthal influence 方位影响Bback propagation neural network 反传播神经网络background 背景background value 背景值Backus filter 巴克斯滤波器band pass filtering 带通滤波barometric altimeter 气压高度计base line flying 基线飞行base station 基点base station net 基点网Baumgarte ray stretching method 鲍姆加特射线延伸法beacon navigation and positioning 信标台导航定位Bessel transform 贝塞尔变换binary gain 二进制增益blind zone 盲区Blondeau method 布朗多法boomer 轰鸣器borehole acoustic televiewing 声波电视测井borehole borehole system 跨井系统borehole compensated sonic tool 井眼补偿声波测井仪borehole electromagnetic method 井中电磁法borehole electromagnetic wave penetration meter 钻孔电磁波透视仪borehole geophysical prospecting 钻孔地球物理勘探borehole geophysics 井中物探borehole gravimeter 井中重力仪borehole gravimetry 井中重力测量borehole radio wave penetration method 井中无线电波透视法borehole resistivity meter 井内流体电阻计borehole surface system 井地系统borehole televiewer(BHTV) 井下电视borehole thermometer 井温仪bottom wave 底波Bouguer correction 布格改正Bouguer gravity anomaly 布格重力异常bright spot, hot spot 亮点broadside spread 非纵排列bubble pulse 气泡脉冲bulk relaxation 体积弛豫buried pipeline detector 地下管线探测仪butterfly filter 蝶形滤波器Butterworth filter 巴特沃思滤波器Ccable 电缆cablebreak 电缆波Cagniard impedance 卡尼亚阻抗Cagniard resistivity 卡尼亚电阻率calculation on tri component of magnetic field 磁场三分量运算calibration of gravimeter scale value 重力仪格值标定caliper 井径仪carbon oxygen ratio logging 碳氧比测井cellular automat 细胞自动机cement bond logging 水泥胶结测井cementation index 胶结指数central induced sounding 中心感应测深法central loop system 中心回线系统centralizer 扶正器channel wave 槽波channel wave seismic method 槽波地震法chaos theory 混沌理论charge characteristic 充电特性charged conductive body 充电体charging rate 充电率Chebychev array 切比雪夫组合chlorine logging 氯测井Christoffel equation 克里斯托弗尔方程circular average 圆周平均circular profiling map 环形剖面极形图coaxial loop system 同轴线圈系统coefficient of stripping 剥离系数coherence emphasis 相干加强coherent filtering 相干滤波coherent noise 规则干扰coincident loop system 重合回线系统Cole Cole diagram柯尔柯尔图common device resistivity logging 普通电极系电阻率测井common midpoint stack 共中心点叠加compaction correction 压实校正compensated formation density logger 补偿地层密度测井仪compensated neutron logging 补偿中子测井compensation for airplane s magnetization noise 飞机磁干扰补偿competition learning 竞争学习complete Bouguer anomaly 完全布格异常complex correction 混合改正complex resistivity 复电阻率complex seismic trace 复地震记录道composite frequency characteristic 综合频率特性曲线composite profiling method 联合剖面法composite time distance curve 合成时距曲线compound drift correction of gravimeter 重力仪混合零点位移改正compound drift of gravimeter 重力仪混合零点位移compressional wave 压缩波computerized log 计算机处理测井曲线computerized logging unit 数控测井仪concentration polarization 浓差极化conducting paper analogy 导电纸模拟法conductive electrical method 传导类电法conductivity 电导率constrainted inversion 约束反演contact polarization curve method 接触极化曲线法continuation of magnetic anomaly 磁异常延拓continuous stratification profiler 连续地层剖面仪contour map 平面等值线图contours of apparent resistivity section 视电阻率(ρS)等值线断面图control gravimetric base 重力总基点control network flying 控制网飞行controlled source audio magnetotelluric method (CSAMT) 可控源音频大地电磁法conversion of units systems adopted in magnetic prospecting 磁法勘探单位制换算converted 转换波convolution 褶积convolution model 褶积模型convolver 褶积器correction 改正correction for diurnal variation 日变改正correction for drift 零点改正correction for normal gradient 正常梯度改正correction for object near gravimeter 近仪物体改正correction for removal of stripe 去条带校正correlation 对比correlation ghost 相关伴随波correlative method of induced pulse transint system,correlative method INPUT system 相关对比法感应脉冲瞬变系统cosmic rays background correction 宇宙射线本底校正coupled wave 耦合波CPMG method CPMG法critical angle 临界角critical distance 临界距离cross coupling effect 交叉耦合效应cross equalization 互均化cross hole electromagnetic tomography 井间电磁层析成像cross hole resistivity method 跨井电阻率法cross hole resistivity tomography 井间电阻率层析成像cross line 切割线cross line flying 切割线飞行cross plot 交会图法cross spread 相交排列crosscorrelation function 地震波互相关函数crossover distance 超前距离crosstalk, crossfeed 串音current electrode 供电电极curvature anomaly of gravity equipotential surface 重力等位面曲率异常curvature of gravity equipotential surface 重力等位面曲率curvature vector 曲率向量curved path method 曲射线法curves matching method 选择法cylindrical divergence 柱面扩散Ddata acquisition system of airborne geophysical survey 航空物探数据采集系统data acquisition, data collection 数据采集data preprocessing 数据预处理data processing 数据处理data stacking 数据叠加decay time 衰减时declination flying 偏向飞行deconvolution 反褶积deep geophysical prospecting 深部地球物理勘探deep seismic sounding 深地震测深deformation of double layer 双电层形变Delaware effect 德雷伏效应delay time 延迟时间demagnetization 消磁作用demagnetization correction 消磁校正demagnetized field 消磁磁场demagnetizing coefficient 消磁系数demigration 反偏移density 密度density logging 密度测井density surface inversion 密度界面反演depth of investigation 电法探测深度depth of investigation 测井探测深度depth resolution 深度分辨率depth section 深度剖面depth to Curie point 居里深度deterministic deconvolution 确定性反褶积development seismology 开发地震学diamagnetic material 逆磁性物质dielectric logging 介电测井different altitude flying 不同高度飞行differential caliper curve 微差井径曲线differential global positioning system(DGPS) 差分全球定位系统differential induced polarization method 差异激发极化法diffraction 绕射波diffraction curve 绕射曲线diffraction stacking 绕射叠加diffusion adsorption(membrane) electromagnetic force 扩散吸附电动势diffusion method 扩散法diffusion relaxation 扩散弛豫digital acquisition 数字采集digital filtering 数字滤波dip angle method 倾角法dipmeter sonde 地层倾角测井仪dipmetry,dip log 地层倾角测井dipole 偶极子dipole dipole array 偶极剖面法dipole electrode array 偶极排列dipole electrode sounding 偶极测深dipole field 偶极场dipole imaginary real component method 偶极式虚实分量法direct current electric method 直流电法direct current induced polarization method 直流激发极化法direct wave 直达波directional filtering 定向滤波directivity graph,directional property 方向特性discharge characteristic 放电特性dispersion 波散dispersive filter 频散滤波器distorted electric field 畸变电场distributed acquisition system 分布式数据采集系统distributed processing 分布式处理disturbance 干扰disturbed acceleration 干扰加速度diurnal variation 日变divergence 发散diversity stacking 差异叠加diving waves 潜水波Dix formula 迪克斯公式DMO(dip moveout)processing 倾角时差处理Doppler radar navigation and positioning 多普勒雷达导航定位double nuclear resonance magnetometer 双重核共振磁力仪doublet filter 双极滤波器downward continuation 向下延拓downward looking detector 下置晶体drape flying 起伏飞行drawing method 提捞法drift correction of gravimeter 重力仪零点改正drift of gravimeter 重力仪零点位移dual constellation global positioning system 双星座全球定位系统dual frequency induced polarization 双频激发极化法dual induction logging 双感应测井dual laterolog 双侧向测井dual water model 双水模型dynamic correction 动校正dynamic equalization 道内平衡dynamic properties of wave 波动力学特点dynamic range 动态范围EE phase method 电场相位法E polarization wave E型极化波early characteristic 早期特性Earth tide correction 固体潮改正eccentering arm 推靠器effective anomaly 有效异常effective magnetization 有效磁化强度effective velocity 有效速度effective wave 有效波elastic constants 弹性常数electric energy source 电能震源electric reflectance 电反射系数electrical anisotropy 电各向异性electrical indicator horizon 电性标准层electrical multi function receiver 多功能电法接收机electrical multi function transmitter 多功能电法发送机electrical property contrast 电性差异electrical prospecting 电法勘探electrical sounding 电测深法electro chemical polarization 电化学极化electrode array 电极排列electrode polarization 电极极化electrode potential logging 电极电位法测井electrodynamic geophone 电动式地震检波器electrofiltration electromagnetic force 过滤电动势electrofiltration potential field 过滤电场electromagnetic analogy 电磁类比法electromagnetic array profiling 电磁阵列剖面法electromagnetic migration 电磁偏移electromagnetic response 电磁响应electromagnetic static correction 电磁静校正electromagnetic vibration exciter 电磁脉冲震源electron density index 电子密度指数electronic compensator 电子补偿器elemental logging 元素测井energy spectrum logging,spectral logging 能谱测井engineering geophysical prospecting 工程地球物理勘探envelope 包络envelope 包络线environment correction 环境校正environmental geophysical prospecting 环境地球物理勘查environmental noise 环境干扰equalelevation flying 等高飞行equalization 均衡equatorial dipole array 赤道偶极排列equipotential surface of gravity 重力等位面equivalence phenomenon 等值现象equivalent resistivity method 等效电阻率法equivalent source method 等效源法Etvs 厄缶Etvs correction 厄缶改正Etvs effect 厄缶效应Euler deconvolution 欧拉反褶积excavation effect 挖掘效应exciter, causative body 激励体exciting condition 激发条件expanding spread 展开排列exploitation geophysical prospecting 开发地球物理勘探explosive source 炸药震源extended acquisition system 扩展式数据采集系统extended Bouguer anomaly 扩展布格异常external correction of gravimeter observation value 重力观测值外部改正Ffalse anomaly 假异常fan shooting 扇形勘探far source zone 远源区Faust’s equation 福斯特方程feedback neural network 反馈神经网络fence diagram 栅状图Fermat’s principle 费马原理ferromagnetic material 铁磁性物质field potentiometer 野外电位计filtering of magnetic anomaly 磁异常滤波finite difference 有限差分finite element method 有限元法first arrival 初至first arrival refraction survey 初至折射法fixed source field 定源场fixed source imaginary real componentmethod 定源式虚实分量法fixed source method 固定点电源法fixed source methods 定源法Flexotir 爆炸笼flight declination correction 飞行方向差校正flight height 飞行高度flight height correction 航高校正flight track photograph fix 航迹摄影定位flight track recovery 航迹恢复flight track video fix 航迹录像定位flow regime of drilling hole 井孔流态flowmeter 井下流量计fluid yield profile logging 产出剖面测井flushed zone 冲洗带flux gate magnetometer 磁通门磁力仪flyer 小线formation factor 地层因数formation microelectrical scanner logging 地层微电阻率扫描测井formation tester 地层测试器forward modelling 正演模拟forward problem 正演问题four properties 四性fourth order difference 四阶差分fractal deconvolution 分形反褶积fractal dimension model 分维模型fracture logging 裂缝测井free air anomaly 自由空间异常free fluid index log 自由流体指数测井free precession method 自由进动法frequency characteristic 频率特性frequency dispersivity 频散率frequency domain 频率域frequency domain aeroelectromagnetic survey 频率域航空电磁测量frequency histogram 频率直方图frequency sounding method 频率测深法frequency spectrum 频谱frequency spectrum induced polarization method 频谱激发极化法Ggain control 增益控制gain trace 增益曲线Gal 伽gallery gravity survey 坑道重力测量gamma 伽马gamma neutron logging 伽马中子测井gamma ray source 伽马源ganged gain control 公共增益控制gapped deconvolution 间隙反褶积gas exploder 气爆震源gas logging 气测井Gassman equation 加斯曼方程gather 选排gauss 高斯Gauss's system 高斯单位制generalized linear inversion 广义线性反演generalized pulse spectrum technique 广义脉冲谱技术generalized Radon transform 广义拉东变换generalized terrain correction 广义地形改正geoelectric cross section 地电断面Geoflex 爆炸索geologic body 地质体geological interpretation of gravity anomaly 重力异常地质解释geological noise 地质噪声geomagnetic field 地磁场geomagnetic micropulsation variation 微磁变geometric average 几何平均geometric factor 几何因子geometric factor of electrode array K 电极排列系数(K)geometric sounding 几何测深法geophone 地震检波器geophysical computerized tomography 地球物理层析成像geophysical forward calculation在地球物理正演geophysical geological interpretation 地球物理地质解释geophysical indicator horizon 地球物理标准层geophysical inversion 地球物理反演geophysical medium 地球物理介质geophysical monitoring 地球物理监测geophysical prospecting for archaeology 考古地球物理勘探geophysical prospecting,exploration geophysics,geophysics survey 地球物理勘探geophysical shielding effect 地球物理屏蔽效应georadar,ground penetration radar 探地雷达geothermal geophysical exploration 地热地球物理勘探ghost 虚反射gimbal 常平架global optimization inversion 全局寻优反演global positioning system(GPS) 全球定位系统global satellites navigation and positioning 全球卫星导航定位gradient array 中间梯度排列gradient method 梯度法gradient of magnetic anomaly 磁异常梯度gradient zone of gravity anomaly 重力异常梯度带gravimeter 重力仪gravimeter light sensitivity 重力仪光线灵敏度gravimeter scale value 重力仪格值gravimeter water level curve 重力仪水泡曲线gravimetric network 重力测网gravitational acceleration 重力加速度gravitational vector of horizontal gradient 重力场水平梯度向量gravity anomaly 重力异常gravity base station 重力基点gravity base station net 重力基点网gravity basement 重力基底gravity diurnal variation 重力日变gravity elevation correction 重力高度改正gravity gradient anomaly 重力梯度异常gravity gradiometer 重力梯度仪gravity high 重力高gravity horizontal gradient 重力水平梯度gravity logging 重力测井gravity low 重力低gravity potential 重力位gravity prospecting 重力勘探gravity unit of SI 国际重力单位gravity vertical gradient 重力垂直梯度gray scale image 灰度图ground check on aeromagnetic anomaly 航磁异常地面查证ground check on airborne geophysical anomaly 航空物探结果地面检查验证ground electromagnetic method 地面电磁法ground geophysical prospecting 地面地球物理勘探ground gravity survey 地面重力测量ground resistance 接地电阻ground roll 地滚波ground sensitivity 地面灵敏度guided wave 导波gyromagnetic ratio 磁旋比gyrostabilization unit 陀螺稳定平台HH polarization wave H型极化波Hales method 黑尔斯法half aeroelectromagnetic survey 半航空电磁测量Hankel transform 汉克尔变换hardware compensation 硬补偿helicopter borne electromagnetic system 直升机电磁系统hidden layer 隐蔽层high frequency seismic survey 高频地震high order derivative method 高阶导数法high order derivative of gravity potential 重力位高阶导数high pass filtering 高通滤波high resistivity shielding 高阻屏蔽high resolution seismic survey 高分辨率地震勘探Hilbert transform 希尔伯特变换hodograph 矢端曲线hodograph, time distance curve, t-x curve 时距曲线homomorphic deconvolution 同态反褶积horizontal coils system 水平线圈系统horizontal component of geomagnetic field 地磁场水平分量horizontal loop method 水平线圈法horizontal magnetic anomaly 水平磁异常human noise 人文噪声Huygens‘s principle 惠更斯原理hydro geophysical prospecting 水文地球物理勘探hydrodynamic wave,H wave 水力波hydrogen bearing index 含氢指数hydrogeological logging 水文测井Iimaginary real component method 虚实分量法imaging logging 成像测井impedance 阻抗in line spread 纵排列inclinometer 井斜仪induced gamma ray spectral logging 次生伽马能谱测井induced magnetization 感应磁化强度induced polarization effect 激发极化效应induced polarization effect of electronic conductor 电子导体激发极化效应induced polarization effect of ionic conductor 离子导体激发极化效应induced polarization log 激发极化测井induced polarization method 激发极化法induced polarization method in borehole,in hole IP method 井中激发极化法induced polarization receiver 激发极化接收机induced polarization sender 激发极化发送机induced pulse transient method (INPUT) 感应脉冲瞬变法induction logging 感应测井inductive electrical method 感应类电法inductive induced polarization method 感应激发极化法inelastic scattering gamma ray spectrometry logging 非弹性散射伽马能谱测井infinite electrode 无穷远极inflexion point 激发极化拐点法influence depth 影响深度influence of ship body 船体影响injection method 注入法injection profile logging 注入剖面测井inspection flying 视察飞行instantaneous floating point gain control 瞬时浮点增益控制instrumental noise 仪器噪声integral method 积分法integral transform 积分变换integrated airborne geophysical survey system 航空地球物理综合站integrated geophysical prospecting 综合地球物理勘探intensity of gravity field 重力场强度intensity of magnetic anomaly 磁异常强度interactive interpretation 人机交互解释interactive processing 人机交互处理intercept time 交叉时interface velocity 界面速度interlocking point 互换点international geomagnetic reference field 国际地磁参考场international geomagnetic reference field correction,IGRF correction 地球正常磁场校正interpretation map of magnetic anomalies 磁异常解释推断图interpretation of magnetic anomaly 磁异常解释推断interpretationofelectricalsoundingcurve 电测深曲线解释interval velocity 层速度inverse problem 反演问题inversion of Curie interface 居里面反演inversion with artificial intelligence 人工智能反演ionic absorption layer 吸附层isobath map of magnetic bodies 磁性体等深度图isopotential by charging body 充电等位线isostatic correction 均衡改正isostatic gravity anomaly 均衡重力异常isotropic medium 各向同性介质iterative inversion 迭代反演Jjoint inversion 联合反演jug line, spread cable 大线KKalman filter 卡尔曼滤波器Kappameter 卡帕仪kinematic characteristics of wave 波运动学特点knife edge magnetometer 刃口式磁力仪Koenigsberger ratio 科尼斯贝格比Llaser filtering 激光滤波lateral device 梯度电极系lateral electrical sounding 横向测井lateral reflection 侧波lateral resolution 横向分辨率laterolog 侧向测井laterolog 3 三侧向测井laterolog 7 七侧向测井laterolog 8 八侧向测井latitude correction 纬度改正layer stripping 剥层处理layout chart 观测系统least square deconvolution 最小方差反褶积Lee partitioning method 李氏五极排列法limestone sonde,limestone device 石灰岩电极系line flying 测线飞行line, survey line 测线linear inversion 线性反演linear phase filter 线性相位滤波器lineic magnetic charge 线磁荷lineups 同相轴litho density logging 岩性密度测井local anomaly 局部异常local gravity anomaly 局部重力异常logging series 测井系列logging,log,well logging 测井long offset transient electromagnetic method 长偏移距瞬变电磁法long spaced sonic tool 长源距声波测井仪longitudinal conductance S 纵向电导(S) longitudinal conductance(S) 纵向电导(S)断面图longitudinal conductance(S)plan 纵向电导(S)平面图longitudinal conductivity 纵向电导率longitudinal resistivity 纵向电阻率longitudinal restoration time 纵向恢复时间loop shaped sounding 环形测深low pass filtering 低通滤波low resistivity shielding 低阻屏蔽low velocity layer 低速带MM N plot M N交会图macroscopic effective cross section 宏观有效截面magnetic analogy trial and error method 类磁选择法magnetic anisotropy 磁各向异性magnetic anomaly 地磁异常magnetic basement 磁性基底magnetic contour map 磁异常平面等值线图magnetic dipole moment 磁偶极矩magnetic field leveling 磁场水平调整magnetic field strength 磁场强度magnetic gradient survey 磁场梯度测量magnetic gradiometer 磁力梯度仪magnetic induced polarization method 磁激发极化法magnetic induction 磁感应强度magnetic interface inversion 磁性界面反演magnetic locator 磁定位器magnetic moment 面磁矩magnetic polarization 磁极化强度magnetic prospecting 磁法勘探magnetic susceptibility 磁化率magnetic susceptibility logging 磁化率测井magnetic susceptibility of rocks 岩石磁化率magnetization 磁化强度magneto meter method 磁秤法magnetometer,magnetic balance 磁力仪magnetometric charging method 磁测充电法magnetometric resistivity method (MMR) 磁测电阻率法magnetotelluric method 磁大地电流法magnetotelluric variation method 大地磁变法marine and airborne magnetometer 海空磁力仪marine geomagnetic survey 海洋磁测marine geophysical prospecting 海洋地球物理勘探marine gravimeter 海洋重力仪marine gravity survey 海洋重力测量marine seismic survey 海洋地震勘探massic magnetic moment 质量磁矩massic magnetic susceptibility 质量磁化率matched filtering 匹配滤波mathematical filtering 数学滤波matrix identification plot(MID) 骨架识别图maximum entropy filtering 最大熵滤波maximum minimum coupling method 极大极小耦合法maximum phase 最大相位maximum total energy filter 最大总能量滤波器mean square error of gravity anomaly 重力异常均方误差mean square error of gravity observation 重力观测均方误差mean square error of magnetic measurement 磁测均方差measurement of magnetic properties 磁性测定measurement of physical properties 物性测定measuring injecting measuring mode 测注测方式mechanical magnetometer 机械式磁力仪membrane polarization 薄膜极化metal factor 金属因数metal spring gravimeter 金属弹簧重力仪method of artificial magnetization 人工磁化法method of characteristic points 特征点法method of diurnal variation 日变法method of residual anomaly 剩余磁异常法method of saturation point 饱和值点法method of tangential lines 切线法micro spherically focused logging 微球形聚焦测井microGal 微伽microgravity survey 微重力测量microlaterolog 微侧向测井microlog,microresistivity logging 微电极测井micromagnetic survey 微磁测量microscopic effective cross section 微观有效截面mid layer correction,stone slab correction 中间层改正migrate 偏移校正migration 偏移milliGal,mGal 毫伽mineral anomaly 矿异常mineral geophysical prospecting, mineral exploration geophysics 矿产地球物理勘探mini four electrode array on outcrops 露头小四极法minimum delay filter 最小延迟滤波器minimum entropy filtering 最小熵滤波minimum phase 最小相位minimum phase filter 最小相位滤波器mining geophysical prospecting, metalliferous deposits geophysical prospecting 金属矿地球物理勘探Mintrop wave 明储普波mise a la masse method 充电法mixing 混波model experiment 磁测模型实验monitor record 监视记录monoelectrode logging 记录电流法测井mountain potential field 山地电场movable oil plot 可动油图movable water method 可动水法moving average 滑动平均moving compensation disturbance 动补干扰moving source electromagnetic method 动源电磁法moving source system 动源系统mud cake 泥饼mud invaded zone 泥浆侵入带multi channel logging truck 多线式测井站multi electrode electrical measurement system 高密度电法测量系统multi electrode resistivity method 高密度电阻率法multiple coverage 多次覆盖multiple detection 组合检波multiple reflection 多次反射multiple shot 组合激发multiwave seismic method 多波地震法mute 切除Nnano tesla 纳特natural aeroelectromagnetic field survey 天然场航空电磁测量natural gamma ray logging 自然伽马测井natural gamma ray spectral logging 自然伽马能谱测井navigation and positioning for airborne geophysical survey 航空物探导航定位near source effect 近源效应near source induced polarization method 近场源激发极化法near source zone 近源区near surface geophysical prospecting 近地表地球物理勘探negative anomaly 负异常negative induced polarization effect 负激发极化效应negative(point of)intersection 反交点neutron gamma logging 中子伽马测井neutron lifetime logging,thermal decay time logging 中子寿命测井neutron neutron logging 中子中子测井neutron source sort 中子源种类noise 干扰波noise analysis 干扰波调查noise level 干扰水平noise logging;audio logging 噪声测井noise of airplane's magnetization 飞机磁干扰non contact polarization curve method 非接触极化曲线法non explosive source 非炸药震源non polarizing electrode 不极化电极non uniform magnetization 非均匀磁化non uniqueness of inversion 反演多解性nonlinear inversion 非线性反演non-mineralized anomaly 非矿异常normal device 电位电极系normal electric field 正常电场normal electromagnetic field 正常电磁场normal field 正常场normal geomagnetic correction 正常地磁场校正normal gradient of geomagnetic field 地磁场正常梯度normal magnetic field 正常磁场nose stinger installation 鼻尖安装nuclear geophysical exploration 核地球物理勘查nuclear magnetic resonance imaging logging (MRIL) 核磁共振成像测井nuclear magnetism logging 核磁测井null drift 零点掉格null reading type magnetometer 零点读数式磁力仪numerical modelling 数值模拟Ooblique magnetization 斜磁化observation accuracy 观测精度oersted 奥斯特offset 偏移距omni spatial continuation 全空间延拓optical pumping magnetometer 光泵磁力仪optimization inversion 最优化反演optimum frequency 最佳频率orientated rock sample 定向标本orientation effect of magnetometer 磁力仪方位影响orthogonal sounding 正交测深orthogonal transform 正交变换output energy filtering 输出能量滤波overlapping magnetic anomaly 叠加磁异常overlay technique 重叠法overvoltage 超电压oxidation reduction electric field 氧化还原电场oxygen activation logging 氧活化测井Pparadox of anisotropy 各向异性反常parallel shot 一致性检查paramagnetic material 顺磁性物质passive navigation and positioning 被动式导航定位passive source methods通被动源法peculiarity on system of international units in electromagnetism 电磁学国际单位制特点percent frequency effect 百分频率效应permeability 磁导率phantom 假想层phase relationship 相位关系phase spectrum 相位谱phase velocity 相速度phasor induction tool 相量感应测井仪photoelectric absorption cross section index 光电吸收截面指数physical modelling 物理模拟physical modelling with solid media 固体模拟physical properties 物性physical property contrast 物性差piezoelectric geophone,hydrophone 压电式地震检波器pitch flying 俯仰飞行playback 回放polarizability 极化率polarization potential difference 极化电位差pole dipole array 三极排列portable electro automatic tool 轻便电子自动测井仪portable magnetometer 袖珍磁力仪positive and negative induced polarization method 正负激发极化法positive anomaly 正异常positive(point of)intersection 正交点post mission differential global positioning system 事后差分全球定位系统potential electrode 测量电极power transmission lines magnetotelluric method 输电线大地电磁法precisely measured profile 精测剖面precision of gravimeter 重力仪精度primary field 一次场production logging 生产测井profile contour map 断面等值线图profile map 剖面平面图profile of magnetic anomaly 磁异常剖面图profiles of magnetic anomalies in plane 磁异常剖面平面图profiling geophysical survey 剖面地球物理测量programmed gain control 程序增益控制proton precession magnetometer 质子旋进磁力仪proximity logging 邻近侧向测井pseudo cross line 虚拟切割线pseudo Rayleigh wave 伪瑞利波pseudo seismic electromagnetic inversion 拟地震电磁反演pulse frequency modulation 脉冲调频pulse response 脉冲响应pulse width modulаtion 脉冲调宽pulsed neutron capture logging 脉冲中子俘获测井pure amplitude filter 纯振幅滤波器pure phase filter 纯相位滤波器QQ factor,quality factor 品质因子qualitative interpretation 定性解释qualitative interpretation of magnetic anomaly 磁异常定性解释quantitative interpretation 定量解释quantitative interpretation of magnetic anomaly 磁异常定量解释quartz spring gravimeter 石英弹簧重力仪quasi anisotropic media 准各向异性介质quasi P wave 准纵波Rradial dipole array 径向偶极排列radiated field system 辐射场系统radio magnetotelluric method 射频大地电磁法radio navigation and positioning 无线电导航定位radio phase method 无线电相位法radio wave imaging 无线电波成像法radioactive background correction 辐射本底校正radioactivity logging 放射性测井radioisotope logging 又称同位素测井。



《脉冲噪声环境下相干循环平稳信源的DOA估计》篇一一、引言在无线通信和信号处理领域,方向到达(Direction of Arrival,DOA)估计是关键技术之一。




在传统的DOA估计方法中,如MUSIC(Multiple Signal Classification)算法和ESPRIT(Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques)算法,通常假设信号源是非相干的。











具体实现步骤如下:1. 对接收到的信号进行循环平稳预处理,以消除脉冲噪声的影响。

2. 利用空间平滑技术对协方差矩阵进行重构,以解决秩亏问题。

3. 采用MUSIC算法或ESPRIT算法对预处理后的信号进行DOA估计。



MEMS三维静动态测试系统**谢勇君**,白金鹏,史铁林,刘 胜(华中科技大学机械学院微系统研究中心,湖北武汉430074)摘要:采用集成频闪成像、计算机微视觉和显微干涉技术,研制了微机电系统(M EM S)三维静动态测试系统。

系统可进行M EM S面内刚体运动、表面形貌、垂向变形和离面运动的测量。

对于面内运动测量,提出了基于立方样条插值的亚像素步长相关模板匹配算法,从M EM S视觉图中提取面内位移,匹配精度为0.02pixe ls。

对于离面运动测量,采用Ha riharan5步相移干涉(P SI)算法和去包裹算法,离面运动测量分辨率可达1nm。


关键词:微机电系统(M EM S);显微干涉;计算机视觉;频闪成像;动态测试中图分类号:T N247 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-0086(2005)05-0570-05Measurement System for3D Static and Dynamic Characterization of MEMSXIE Yo ng-jun**,BAI Jing-peng,SH I Tie-lin,LI U Sheng(Institute of M icro sy stem,H uazhong Univ ersity of Science and T echnolog y,Wuhan430074,China)Abstract:A measurement system for3D static and dynamic characterization of microelec-trom echanical system s(MEMS),in which stroboscopic imaging,com puter microvision and microscopic interferometry were applied,was developed for measurin g in-plane-ri g id-body motions,surface shapes,out-of-plane m otions an d deform ations of microstructures.A new algorithm of sub-pixel step len gth correlation template matching based on cubic spline in-terpolation was proposed to extract the in-plane displacement from vision im ages with a resolution0.02pixel.H ariharan five-step phase-shift interferometry(PSI)algorithm and un wrapping algorithms were adopted to measure out-of-plane motions.T he out-of-plane displacement resolution is better than1nm.The practicability and reliability of system are illustrated with the study of the static characterizations of a pressure sensor and the dy-namic behavior of a microgyroscope.Key words:microelectromechanical system(MEMS);microsopic interferometry;computer microvision; stroboscopic im aging;dynam ic measurement1 引 言 微器件静动态测试方法对微机电系统(M EM S)设计、制造和可靠性具有非常重要的意义。



频率残差模态振型残差mac值应变能残差频响函数残差等及其之间的组合频率残差(Frequency Residuals)是指实际系统的实测响应与理论计算响应之间的差异。



模态振型残差(Modal Shape Residuals)是指实际结构的模态振型与理论计算模态振型之间的差异。



MAC(Modal Assurance Criterion)值是一种用于比较两个模态矢量之间相似程度的指标。



应变能残差(Strain Energy Residuals)是指实际结构的实测应变能与理论计算应变能之间的差异。



频响函数残差(Frequency Response Function Residuals)是指实际测得的结构频响函数与理论计算的频响函数之间的差异。







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李盈忠;Per Rasmussen

“人体全身振动暴露的评价指南”(ISO 2631)和其它的有关国际标准均采用a(rms)进行评价。




ISO 2631/1不适用峰值因素高于6的振动,并且,VDV不像加速度均方根值那样具有明确的物理意义。






由于VDV尚处在研究阶段,VDV 必须计算得出。



【作者】李盈忠;Per Rasmussen
1.回转式液压脉冲型振动装置振动冲击的分析研究与应用 [J], 梅怡
2.一类脉冲中立型差分方程振动性的比较结果 [J], 高丽英
3.具连续变量脉冲差分方程解的振动性(英文) [J], 魏耿平;申建华
4.具周期系数的奇阶中立型微分方程的振动与非振动结果(英文) [J], 李雪梅;申建华
5.一类含混合常数变元脉冲微分系统解的振动性(英文) [J], 李晓迪
