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屈 航1,刘 晨2,楚光华2

(1.西安医学院,陕西西安 710068;2.西北妇女儿童医院,陕西西安 710061)

【摘要】近年来,剖宫产手术在处理难产、妊娠合并症和并发症,降低母儿死亡率和病率中起了重要作用。我国的剖宫产率从20世纪60年代的5%左右上升到90年代的20%,且近20年来,呈持续上升的状态。随着我国二孩政策的放开,国内多数医院的剖宫产率在40%~60%之间,个别医院甚至高达70%以上[1]。与此同时,剖宫产术后相关并发症的发生率亦处于上升趋势。子宫瘢痕憩室(previous cesarean scar defect,PCSD),剖宫产术后的远期并发症之一,临床表现以月经淋漓不尽为主,严重影响了患者的身心健康及生活质量,引起了临床医生的高度重视。目前,临床上对于子宫瘢痕憩室的诊断、治疗并无统一标准,发病原因也无确切定论。本文通过整理相关文献,对子宫瘢痕憩室的发病原因及诊治进展进行综述,以便为临床处理瘢痕憩室及后期研究提供参考。


【中图分类号】R719.8 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】ISSN.2095-8803.2019.14.9.05

the pathogenesis ,diagnosis and treatment

of previous cesarean scar defect

Qu Hang1, Liu Chen2, Chu Guang-hua2

(1.Xi’an Medical University,Shanxi xian 710068,China;

2.Northwest women’s and children’s hospital,Shanxi xian 710061, China)

【Abstract】In recent years,Cesarean section plays an important role in many aspects, such as management of dystocia,pregnancy complications and complications,and the reduction of maternal and child mortality and disease rates.The cesarean section rate in China increased from about 5% in 1960s to 20% in 1990s.In the past 20 years,it has been on the rise.With the implementation of the two-child policy in China,the rate of cesarean section is between 40%-60% in most hospitals in China. The rate of a few hospitals is even as hign as 70% . Meanwhile,the incidence of complications after cesarean section is also on the rise.Previous cesarean scar defect, one of the long-term complications after cesarean section, the clinical manifestations were mainiy menstrual dripping, seriously affecting the patients’physical and mental health and quality of life, has caused the clinician's high attention. At present, there is no uniform standard for the diagnosis and treatment of uterine scar diverticulum, and the cause of the disease has not been determined.This paper summarizes the pathogenesis and progress of uterine scar diverticulum by collecting relevant literatures,in order to provide reference for clinical treatment of scar diverticulum and later research.

【Key words】Cesarean section; Previous cesarean scar defect; the cause of the disease ; Diagnose; Treatment

剖宫产后子宫瘢痕憩室[2](previous cesarean scar defect,PCSD) 又称为子宫切口瘢痕缺损(cesarean scar defect or diverticulum,CSD)是指子宫下段剖宫产术后的子宫切口处由于愈合缺陷,局部浆肌层缺损形成一个与宫腔相通的憩室,多数位于子宫下段或峡部,少数位于宫颈上段。由于憩室下端瘢痕的活瓣作用阻碍了经血的引流,经血聚集于凹陷内,从而出现一系列的临床相关症状。然而,由于一部分患者并未表现出任何临床相关症状,而是在剖宫产术后复查盆腔超声时意外发现瘢痕憩室的存在,故不同的研究及文献中剖宫产子宫瘢痕憩室的发生率存在较大差异,预测为20%~86%,平均56%。

1 PCSD分类

剖宫产子宫瘢痕憩室的分类方法众多,按形状可分为囊状憩室和细线状憩室;按位置可分为宫腔下段、子宫峡部和宫颈上段憩室;按大小可分为肌层缺损小于80%的龛影和肌层缺损大于80%的切口裂开。目前,剖宫产子宫瘢痕憩室尚无统一的分型标准[3],最新的剖宫产子宫瘢痕憩室的分级研究结合临床症状和憩室大小等将其分为3度:2~3分为轻度,4~6分为中度,7~9分为重度。其中根据残存子宫肌层的厚度及百分比评分情况分别为:阴道超声检查残存子宫肌层的厚度>2.5 mm,残存子宫肌层百分比>50%评1分;残存子宫肌层百分比20%~50%评2分;超声检查残存子宫肌层的厚度≤2.5 mm,残存子宫肌层百分比<20%评3分。

2 发病原因


2.1 子宫切口位置

