1 传感器的安装与调试1.1轴承振动传感器探头的安装6个φ8 mm灵敏度为7.87 V/rnm 的涡流探头分别装于1号、2号、3号轴承处。
安装间隙电压应为传感器输出特性曲线确定的线形中点位而定,φ8 mm灵敏度为7.87 V/mm的探头,安装间隙电压为- 9.75 V或1.2 mm左右。
由于传感器线形电压范围大大超过测量范围,所以安装间隙允许有较大的偏差,只要保证测量范围在线形段内即可,但为了满足故障诊断和可靠性的需要,一般要求安装电压9.75土0.2 V。
两只轴向位移传感器探头安装在2号轴承处,分别装于甲乙两侧,探头朝向低压缸方向安装探头型号为7200型φ14 mm探头,灵敏度为3.937 V/mm,前置器供电电压为-24V。
轴向位移的量程范围为-2 mm一+ 2 mm,安装电压- 9.75土0.2 V 沾化电厂汽轮机膨胀相对死点在2号轴承处,高压缸转子膨胀在以2号轴承处为相对死点向前箱方向膨胀,低压缸转子膨胀在以2轴承处为相对死点向发电机方向膨胀。
高低压差胀探头为不带前置器φ25 mm涡流探头,灵敏度为0.8 V/ mm,因为高低压差胀都是朝着发电机方向安装,要使高低缸差胀测量范围均在线形范围之内,按照探头线性中点及量程范围- 2--10 mm定位。
• • • • •
2、校验 1)仪器准备 (1)TK3-2E校验仪; (2)4½ 位数字电压表; (3) 24V直流稳压电源;
• (1)将探头组成电缆与延伸电缆连接;延伸电缆另一端接到前置器上;前置器电源
• •
端(-24VDC)、公共端(common)接入-24VDC电源;公共端(common)、输出端 (output)接入数字电压表。 (2)用合适的探头夹把探头固定在探头座上,使探头顶端部接触到校验靶片。 (3)将-24VDC送到前置放大器的电源端和公共端,调节TK3-2E校验仪上的螺旋千 分尺,使示值对准0 mm处,然后将千分尺的示值增加到0.25 mm,记录数字电压表 的电压值(此值为前置器输出电压)。以每次0.25 mm的数值增加间隙,直到示值为 2.5mm为止,并记录每一次的输出电压值。(校验点不少于10点)。
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一、传感器系统 3300 XL 8 mm 电涡流传感器系统由以下几部分组成: • 3300 XL 8mm 探头 • 3300 XL 延伸电缆 • 3300 XL 前置器1 系统输出正比于探头端部与被测导体表面之间的距离的电压信 号。 • 它既能进行静态(位移)测量又能进行动态(振动)测量,主 要用于油膜轴承机械的振动和位移测量,以及键相位和转速测 量。
系统做特性曲线,看测量范围内是否符合线性特性,确认后,与机械人员共 同确认轴的位置,一要将轴推向一侧,另一要将此自由状态定为基准点,安 装传感器。调整传感器与轴的间隙,监视前置器输出,位移的基准位即零位 ,前置器输出应为-10V,定准基准位后,紧固好传感器。连接延伸电缆, 梳理线路,安装完毕。
1传感器的安装与调试1.1轴承振动传感器探头的安装6个φ8 mm灵敏度为7.87 V/rnm的涡流探头分别装于1号、2号、3号轴承处。
安装间隙电压应为传感器输出特性曲线确定的线形中点位而定,φ8 mm灵敏度为7.87 V/mm的探头,安装间隙电压为-9.75 V或1.2 mm左右。
由于传感器线形电压范围大大超过测量范围,所以安装间隙允许有较大的偏差,只要保证测量范围在线形段内即可,但为了满足故障诊断和可靠性的需要,一般要求安装电压9.75土0.2 V。
轴向位移的量程范围为-2 mm一+ 2 mm,安装电压-9.75土0.2 V沾化电厂汽轮机膨胀相对死点在2号轴承处,高压缸转子膨胀在以2号轴承处为相对死点向前箱方向膨胀,低压缸转子膨胀在以2轴承处为相对死点向发电机方向膨胀。
高低压差胀探头为不带前臵器φ25 mm涡流探头,灵敏度为0.8 V/ mm,因为高低压差胀都是朝着发电机方向安装,要使高低缸差胀测量范围均在线形范围之内,按照探头线性中点及量程范围- 2--10 mm定位。
3300 XL 8mm 本特利振动探头概述传感器系统3300 XL 8 mm 电涡流传感器系统由以下几部分组成:• 3300 XL 8mm 探头 • 3300 XL 延伸电缆 •3300 XL 前置器1系统输出正比于探头端部与被测导体表面之间的距离的电压信号。
3300 XL8mm 系统是我们性能最先进的电涡流传感器系统,100%符合美国石油学会(API )为这类传感器制定的670标准(第四版)。
所有的3300 XL 8mm 电涡流传感器系统都能达到规定的性能标准,并且探头、延伸电缆和前置器具有完全可互换性,不需要单独的匹配组件或工作台校准。
3300 XL 8mm 传感器系统的每一个组件都是向后兼容的,并且和其它的非XL 3300系列的5mm 和8mm 传感器系统组件3可互换4。
例如,当没有足够的空间安装8mm 探头时,通常使用3300 5mm 探头来代替5,6。
前置器与以前的前置器相比,3300 XL 前置器有重大的改进。
3300 XL 前置器抗无线电干扰能力强,即使安装在玻璃纤维防护罩中,也不会受到附近无线电信号的干扰。
改进的RFI/EMI 抗辐射能力使它不需要特殊的屏蔽导管或金属防护箱就可以达到欧洲电磁兼容性标准,从而减少了安装费用,降低了安装的复杂性。
上海立拓实业有限公司代理本特利振动探头联系人:段思齐13501944516 QQ:1285675908电话:021-61536361 传真:021-503521093300 XL的SpringLoc 端子带不需要特殊的安装工具即可紧固。
Specifications and Ordering InformationPart Number 141194-01Rev. T (12/12)Bently Nevada* Asset Condition Monitoring 3300 XL 8mm Proximity Transducer SystemDescription The 3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Transducer System consists of: ∙ One 3300 XL 8 mm probe,∙ One 3300 XL extension cable 1, and ∙ One 3300 XL Proximitor * Sensor 2. The system provides an output voltage that is directly proportional to thedistance between the probe tip and the observed conductive surface and can measure both static (position) and dynamic (vibration) values. The system’s primary applications are vibration and position measurements on fluid-film bearing machines, as well as Keyphasor * reference and speed measurements 3.The 3300 XL 8 mm system delivers the most advanced performance in our eddy current proximity transducer systems. The standard 3300 XL 8 mm 5-metre system also fully complies with the American Petroleum Institute’s (API) 670 Standard (4th Edition) for mechanical configuration, linear range, accuracy, and temperature stability. All 3300 XL 8 mm proximity transducer systems provide this level of performance and support complete interchangeability of probes, extension cables, and Proximitor sensors, eliminating the need to match or bench calibrate individual componentsEach 3300 XL 8 mm Transducer System component is backward-compatible and interchangeable 4 with other non-XL 3300 series 5 mm and 8 mm transducer system components 5. This compatibility includes the 3300 5 mm probe, for applications in which an 8 mm probe is too large for the available mounting space 6,7.Proximitor SensorThe 3300 XL Proximitor Sensor incorporates numerous improvements overprevious designs. Its physical packaging allows you to use it in high-density DIN-rail installations. You can also mount the sensor in a traditional panel mount configuration, where it shares an identical 4-hole mounting “footprint” with older Proximitor Sensor designs. The mounting base for either option provideselectrical isolation and eliminates the need for separate isolator plates. The 3300 XL Proximitor Sensor is highly immune to radio frequency interference, allowing you to install it in fiberglass housings without adverse effects from nearby radio frequency signals. The 3300 XL Proximitor Sensor’s improved RFI/EMI immunity satisfies European CE mark approvals without requiring special shielded conduit or metallic housings, resulting in lower installation costs and complexity. The 3300 XL’s SpringLoc terminal strips require no special installation tools and facilitate faster, more robust field wiring connections by eliminating screw-type clamping mechanisms that can loosen.Proximity Probe and Extension CableThe 3300 XL probe and extension cable also reflect improvements over previous designs. A patented TipLoc* molding method provides a more robust bond between the probe tip and the probe body. The probe’s cable incorporates a patented CableLoc* design that provides 330 N (75 lbf) pull strength to more securely attach the probe cable and probe tip. You can also order 3300 XL 8 mm probes and extension cables with an optional FluidLoc* cable option. This option prevents oil and other liquids from leaking out of the machine through the cable’s interior.ConnectorsThe 3300 XL probe, extension cable, and Proximitor sensor have corrosion-resistant, gold-plated ClickLoc* connectors. These connectors require only finger-tight torque (the connectors will "click" when tight), and the specially-engineered locking mechanism prevents the connectors from loosening. These connectors require no special tools for installation or removal.You can order the 3300 XL 8 mm probes and extension cables with connector protectors already installed. We can also supply connector protectors separately for field installations (such as when an application must run the cable through restrictive conduit). We recommend connector protectors for all installations to provide increased environmental protection8.Extended Temperature Range ApplicationsAn extended temperature range (ETR) probe and ETR extension cable are available for applications in which either the probe lead or extension cable may exceed the standard 177 ︒C (350 ︒F) temperature specification. The ETR probe has an extended temperature rating for up to 218 ︒C (425 ︒F). The ETR extension cable rating is up to 260 ︒C (500 ︒F). Both the ETR probe and cable are compatible with standard temperature probes and cables, for example, you can utilize an ETR probe with the 330130 extension cable. The ETR system uses the standard 3300 XL Proximitor Sensor. Note that when you use any ETR component as part of your system, the ETR component limits the system accuracy to the accuracy of the ETR system. Description Notes:1.1-metre systems do not use an extension cable.2.Proximitor sensors are supplied by default from thefactory calibrated to AISI 4140 steel. Calibration toother target materials is available upon request.3.Consult Bently Nevada* Applications Note,Considerations when using Eddy Current ProximityProbes for Overspeed Protection Applications, whenconsidering this transducer system for tachometer or overspeed measurements.4.3300 XL 8 mm components are both electrically andphysically interchangeable with non-XL 3300 5 mmand 8 mm components. Although the packaging ofthe 3300 XL Proximitor Sensor differs from itspredecessor, its design fits in the same 4-holemounting pattern when used with the 4-holemounting base, and will fit within the same mounting space specifications (when minimum permissiblecable bend radius is observed).5.Mixing XL and non-XL 3300-series 5 mm and 8 mmsystem components limits system performance to the specifications for the non-XL 3300 5 mm and 8 mmTransducer System.6.The 3300-series 5 mm probe (refer to Specificationsand Ordering Information p/n 141605-01) usessmaller physical packaging, but does not reduce theside view clearances or tip-to-tip spacingrequirements as compared to an 8 mm probe. It isused when physical (not electrical) constraintspreclude the use of an 8 mm probe. When yourapplication requires narrow side view probes, use the 3300 NSv* Proximity Transducer System (refer toSpecifications and Ordering Information p/n 147385-01).7.8 mm probes provide a thicker encapsulation of theprobe coil in the molded PPS plastic probe tip. Thisresults in a more rugged probe. The larger diameterof the probe body also provides a stronger, morerobust case. We recommend that you use 8 mmprobes when possible to provide optimal robustnessagainst physical abuse.8.Each 3300 XL extension cable includes silicone tapethat you can use instead of connector protectors. We do not recommend silicone tape for applications that will expose the probe-to-extension cable connectionto turbine oil.Specifications and Ordering InformationSpecificationsUnless otherwise noted, the following specifications are for a 3300 XL 8 mm Proximitor Sensor, extension cable and 8 mm probe between +18 ︒C and +27 ︒C (+64 ︒F to +80 ︒F), with a -24 Vdc power supply, a 10 kΩ load, an AISI 4140 steel target, and a probe gapped at 1.27 mm (50 mils). Performance characteristics apply to systems that consist solely of 3300 XL 8 mm components. The system accuracy and interchangeability specifications do not apply to transducer systems that are calibrated to any target other than our AISI 4140 steel target.ElectricalProximitorSensor InputAccepts one non-contacting3300-series 5 mm, 3300 8 mm or3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Probeand Extension Cable.PowerRequires -17.5 Vdc to -26 Vdcwithout barriers at 12 mAmaximum consumption, -23 Vdcto -26 Vdc with barriers.Operation at a more positivevoltage than -23.5 Vdc can resultin reduced linear range.SupplySensitivityLess than 2 mV change in outputvoltage per volt change in inputvoltage.OutputResistance50 ΩNominal ProbeDC ResistanceResistance (R PROBE) from CenterConductor to Outer ConductorProbe Length R PROBE (Ω)0.5 7.45± 0.501.0 7.59 ± 0.501.5 7.73± 0.502.0 7.88 ± 0.503.0 8.17 ± 0.605.0 8.73± 0.709.0 9.87 ± 0.90 NominalExtension CableDC ResistanceResistance (R CORE) from CenterConductor to Center ConductorLength of ExtensionCable (m)R CORE (Ω)3.0 0.66± 0.103.5 0.77 ± 0.124.0 0.88± 0.134.5 0.99 ± 0.156.0 1.32± 0.217.0 1.54± 0.237.5 1.65 ± 0.258.0 1.76± 0.268.5 1.87 ± 0.28Resistance (R JACKET) from OuterConductor to Outer ConductorLength of ExtensionCable (m)R JACKET (Ω)3.0 0.20± 0.043.5 0.23 ± 0.054.0 0.26± 0.054.5 0.30 ± 0.066.0 0.39± 0.087.0 0.46± 0.097.5 0.49 ± 0.108.0 0.53± 0.118.5 0.56 ± 0.11Specifications and Ordering InformationExtension CableCapacitance69.9 pF/m (21.3 pF/ft) typical Field Wiring0.2 to 1.5 mm2(16 to 24 AWG) .Recommend using 3-conductorshielded triad cable and tinnedfield wiring. Maximum length of305 metres (1,000 feet) betweenthe 3300 XL Proximitor Sensorand the monitor. See thefrequency response graphs inthrough Figure 13 (pages 28 and29) for signal rolloff at highfrequencies when using longerfield wiring lengths.Linear Range2 mm (80 mils). Linear rangebegins at approximately 0.25 mm(10 mils) from target and is from0.25 to 2.3 mm (10 to 90 mils)(approximately –1 to –17 Vdc). RecommendedGap Setting forRadial Vibration-9Vdc [approximately 1.27 mm(50 mils)]IncrementalScale Factor(ISF)Standard 5-or 1- metreSystem:7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil) ± 5%including interchangeability errorwhen measured in increments of0.25 mm (10 mils) over the 80 millinear range from 0 °C to +45 °C(+32 °F to +113 °F).Standard9-metreSystem:7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil) ± 6.5%including interchangeability errorwhen measured in increments of0.25 mm (10 mils) over the 80 millinear range from 0 °C to +45 °C(+32 °F to +113 °F).ExtendedTemperatureRange (ETR)for 5- and9-MetreSystems:7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil) ± 6.5%including interchangeability errorwhen measured in increments of0.25 mm (10 mils) over the 80 millinear range from 0 °C to +45 °C(+32 °F to +113 °F).Deviation from best fit straight line (DSL)Standard 5-or 1-metreSystem:Less than ±0.025 mm (±1 mil) withcomponents at 0 °C to +45 °C(+32 °F to +113 °F).Standard9-metreSystem:Less than ±0.038 mm (±1.5 mil)with components at 0 °C to +45°C (+32 °F to +113 °F).ExtendedTemperatureRange 5 and9-metreSystems:Less than ±0.038 mm (±1.5 mil)with components at 0 °C to +45°C (+32 °F to +113 °F). PerformanceOver ExtendedTemperaturesStandard 5-or 1-metreSystem:Over a probe temperature rangeof –35 °C to +120 °C (-31 °F to+248 °F) with the Proximitorsensor and extension cablebetween 0 °C to +45°C (+32 °F to+113 °F), the ISF remains within±10% of 7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil)and the DSL remains within±0.076 mm (±3 mils).Specifications and Ordering InformationOver a Proximitor sensor andextension cable temperaturerange of –35 °C to +65 °C (-31 °Fto +149 °F) with the probebetween 0 °C to +45 °C (+32 °F to+113 °F), the ISF remains within±10% of 7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil)and the DSL remains within±0.076 mm (±3 mils).Standard9-metreSystem:Over a probe temperature rangeof –35 °C to +120 °C (-31 °F to+248 °F) with the Proximitorsensor and extension cablebetween 0 °C to +45°C (+32 °F to+113 °F), the ISF remains within±18% of 7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil)and the DSL remains within±0.152 mm (±6 mils).Over a Proximitor sensor andextension cable temperaturerange of –35 °C to +65 °C (-31 °Fto +149 °F) with the probebetween 0 °C to +45 °C (+32 °F to+113 °F), the ISF remains within±18% of 7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil)and the DSL remains within±0.152 mm (±6 mils).ExtendedTemperatureRange 5 and9-metreSystems:Over a probe and extension cabletemperature range of –35 °C to+260 °C (-31 °F to +500 °F) withthe Proximitor sensor between 0°C to +45 °C (+32 °F to +113 °F),the ISF remains within ±18% of7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil) and theDSL remains within ±0.152 mm(±6 mils).FrequencyResponse(0 to 10 kHz), +0, -3 dB, with up to305 metres (1000 feet) of fieldwiring. MinimumTarget Size15.2 mm (0.6 in) diameter (flattarget)Shaft DiameterMinimum:50.8 mm (2 in)RecommendedMinimum:76.2 mm (3 in)When gapped at the center of thelinear range, the interactionbetween two separate transducersystems (cross-talk) will be lessthan 50 mV on shaft diameters ofat least 50 mm (2 in) or greater.You should take care to maintainminimum separation oftransducer tips, generally at least40 mm (1.6 in) for axial positionmeasurements or 38 mm (1.5 in)for radial vibration measurementsto limit cross-talk to 50 mV or less.Radial vibration or positionmeasurements on shaftdiameters smaller than 76.2 mm(3 in) will generally change thescale factor.Effects of 60 HzMagnetic Fieldsup to 300 GaussOutput Voltage in Mil pp/Gauss Gap(mil)5- or1-metreProximitorSensor9-metreProximitorSensorProbeExt.Cable10 0.0119 0.0247 0.0004 0.000450 0.0131 0.0323 0.0014 0.001490 0.0133 0.0348 0.0045 0.0045Specifications and Ordering InformationSpecifications and Ordering InformationCompliance and CertificationsEMCEuropean Community Directives: EMC Directive 2004/108/EC Standards:EN61000-6-2 EN61000-6-4MaritimeABS 2009 Steel Vessels Rules 1-1-4/7.7, 4-8-3/1.11.1, 4-9-7/13Hazardous Area ApprovalsNote: Multiple approvals for hazardous areas certified byCanadian Standards Association (C/US) in North America and by Baseefa for Europe and IEC Ex.Field Wiring Limitations:Type Approval: Gas GroupCapacitance(µF)Inductance (mH)L/R Ratio (μH/Ω)ATEX and IEC Zone 0/1IIC 0.078 0.99 29.2IIB 0.645 7.41 117.0IIA 2.144 15.6 234.0 CSA Div 1A &B 0.070 1.0 29.2C 0.600 5.0 117.0D 2.09 11.0 234.0CSA Div 2 All 0.460 100.0 N/A North America3300 XL Proximitor Sensor and probe, ia:Ex ia IIC T4/T5; Class I Zone 0 or Class 1; Groups A, B, C, and D, Class II, Groups E, F and G, Class III when installed with intrinsically safe zener barriers per drawing 141092 or when installed with galvanic isolators.3300 XL Proximitor Sensor and probe, nA:Ex nA IIC T4/T5 Class I Zone 2 or Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, and D, when installed without barriers per drawing 140979. T 5 @ T a = -35 ︒C to +85 ︒C. T4 @ Ta= -51 ︒C to +100 ︒C.Europe3300 XL Proximitor Sensor, ia :II 1 G EEx ia IIC T4/T5 when installed per drawing 141092.3300 XL Proximitor Sensor, nA:II 3 G Ex nA II T4/T5 when installed per drawing 140979. T5 @ Ta= -35 ︒C to +85 ︒C T4 @ Ta= -51 ︒C to +100 ︒C3300 XL 8mm probe, ia: II 1 G EEx ia IIC, Temperature Classification per Table 1 when installed per drawing 142491. 3300 XL 8mm probe, nA:II 3 G EEx nA II, Temperature Classification per Table 1 when installed per drawing 142491.Brazil3300 XLProximitorSensor, ia:BR-Ex ia IIC T4(-51°C ≤ Ta ≤ +100°C)BR-Ex ia IIC T5(-35°C ≤ Ta ≤ +85°C)Terminal J1Terminal J2Ui= -28V Ii= 140mA Pi= 0.91W Ci = 0 FLi =0 H Uα= -28V Iα= 140mA Pα= 0.91W Ci = 0 FLi =0 .7 mHApplicable for Part numbers:330180, 330980, 330780, 330850,330878.3300 XL8mm and3300 5mmEddy CurrentProbes, ia:BR-Ex ia IIC TemperatureClassification per Table 1.Ui = -28V Ci = 0 FIi = 140 mA Li = 0 HPi = 0.91 WIEC Ex3300 XLProximitorSensor, ia:Ex ia IIC T4 (-51°C ≤ Ta ≤ +100°C) /T5 (-35ºC ≤ Ta ≤ +85ºC)Ui= -28V Ci = 0Ii= 140mA Li =10µHPi= 0.84W3300 XLProximitorSensor, nA:Ex nA II T4 (-51°C ≤ Ta ≤ +100°C) /T5 (-35°C ≤ Ta ≤ +85°C)Ui = -28V3300 XL8mm and3300 5mmEddy CurrentProbes, ia:Ex ia IIC TemperatureClassification per Table 1.Ui = -28V Ci = 1.5 nFIi = 140 mA Li = 200 µHPi = 0.84 W3300 XL8mm and3300 5mmEddy CurrentProbes, nA:Ex nA II for Zone 2 TemperatureClassification per Table 1.Table 1: Probe Temperature ClassificationTemperatureClassificationAmbient Temperature(Probe Only)T1 -51ºC to +232ºCT2 -51ºC to +177ºCT3 -51ºC to +120ºCT4 -51ºC to +80ºCT5 -51ºC to +40ºCHazardous AreaConditions ofSafe Use:ATEX:Follow the conditions of safe useincluded on the Declaration ofConformance sent with eachproduct.CanadianStandardsAssociation(CSA):Division 1 (Intrinsically safe):Install per Bently Nevada drawing141092.Division 2 (non-Incendive): Installper Bently Nevada drawing140979.Specifications and Ordering InformationIECEx:Zone 0 (Intrinsically safe): TheProximitor Sensor must beinstalled to minimize the risk ofimpact or friction with othermetallic surfaces.Zone 2 (non-Incendive): Theprobe must be supplied from avoltage-limited source. MechanicalProbe TipMaterialPolyphenylene sulfide (PPS). Probe CaseMaterialAISI 303 or 304 stainless steel(SST).Probe CableSpecificationsStandardcable:75Ω triaxial, fluoroethylenepropylene (FEP) insulated probecable in the following total probelengths: 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 5, or 9metres.ExtendedTemperatureRange cable:75Ω triaxial, perfluoroalkoxy (PFA)insulated probe cable in thefollowing total probe lengths: 0.5,1, 1.5, 2, 5, or 9 metres.Armor(optional onboth):Flexible AISI 302 or 304 SST withFEP outer jacket.Tensile Strength(MaximumRated):330 N (75 lbf) probe case to probelead.270 N (60 lbf) at probe lead toextension cable connectors.ConnectorMaterial:Gold-plated brass or gold-platedberyllium copper.Probe CaseTorque:Probe TypeMaximumRatedRecommended Standardforward-mountedprobes33.9 N∙m(300 in∙lbf)11.2 N∙m(100 in∙lbf) Standard forward-mount probes -first three threads22.6 N∙m(200 in∙lbf)7.5 N∙m(66 in∙lbf)Reverse-mountprobes22.6 N∙m(200 in∙lbf)7.5 N∙m(66 in∙lbf)Extension CableMaterialStandardcable:75Ω triaxial, fluoroethylenepropylene (FEP) insulated.ExtendedTemperatureRange cable:75Ω triaxial, perfluoroalkoxy (PFA)insulated.MinimumCable BendRadius:25.4 mm (1.0 in)Note: 3300 XL 8 mm components are both electrically and physically interchangeable with non-XL 3300 5 mm and 8mm components when minimum permissible cable bendradius is observed..Specifications and Ordering InformationConnectorMaterial:Gold-plated brass or gold-platedberyllium copper.MaximumConnectorTorque:0.565 N∙m (5 in∙lbf) Connector-to-connectorrecommendedtorque:Connector Type Tightening Instructions Two 3300 XL gold"click" typeconnectorsFinger tightOne non-XL stainlesssteel connector and one 3300 XLconnector Finger tight plus 1/8 turnusing pliersProximitorSensor MaterialA308 aluminumConnectorMaterial:Gold-plated brass or gold-platedberyllium copper.System Length5 or 9 metres (including extensioncable) or 1 metre (probe only). Total SystemMass (Typical)0.7 kg (1.5 lbm)Probe:323 g (11.4 oz)ExtensionCable:34 g/m (0.4 oz/ft)ArmoredExtensionCable:103 g/m (1.5 oz/ft)ProximitorSensor:246 g (8.67 oz) Environmental LimitsProbe Temperature RangeOperating andStorageTemperatureStandardProbe:-51 °C to +177 °C (-60 °F to +350°F)ExtendedTemperatureRange Probe:-51 °C to +218 °C (-60 °F to+425°F) for the probe tip; -51 °C to+260 °C (-60 °F to +500 °F) for theprobe cable and connector. Note: Exposing the probe to temperatures below –34 ︒C (-30 ︒F) may cause premature failure of the pressure seal. Probe Pressure3300 XL 8 mm probes aredesigned to seal differentialpressure between the probe tipand case. The probe sealingmaterial consists of a Viton®O-ring. Probes are not pressuretested prior to shipment. Contactour custom design department ifyou require a test of the pressureseal for your application.Note: It is the responsibility of the customer or user to ensure that all liquids and gases are contained and safelycontrolled should leakage occur from a proximity probe.In addition, solutions with high or low pH values mayerode the tip assembly of the probe causing medialeakage into surrounding areas. Bently Nevada, Inc. willnot be held responsible for any damages resulting fromleaking 3300 XL 8 mm proximity probes. In addition, 3300XL 8 mm proximity probes will not be replaced under theservice plan due to probe leakage.Specifications and Ordering InformationExtension Cable Temperature Range Operating andStorageTemperatureStandardCable:-51 °C to +177 °C (-60 °F to +350°F)ExtendedTemperatureRange Cable:-51 °C to +260 °C (-60 °F to +500°F)Proximitor Sensor Temperature Range OperatingTemperature-51 °C to +100 °C (-60 °F to +212°F)StorageTemperature-51 °C to +105 °C (-60 °F to +221°F)RelativeHumidityLess than a 3% change inAverage Scale Factor (ASF) whentested in 93% humidity inaccordance with IEC standard68-2-3 for up to 56 days. PatentsComponents or proceduresdescribed in one or more of thefollowing patents apply to thisproduct: 5,016,343; 5,126,664;5,351,588; and 5,685,884.Specifications and Ordering InformationOrdering Information Probes3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Probes:330101 3300 XL 8 mm Probe, 3/8-24 UNF thread, without armor2330102 3300 XL 8 mm Probe, 3/8-24 UNF thread, with armor2Part Number-AXX-BXX-CXX-DXX-EXXA:Unthreaded Length OptionNote: Unthreaded length must be at least 0.8 inches less than the case length.Order in increments of 0.1 inLength configurations:Maximum unthreaded length: 8.8 inMinimum unthreaded length: 0.0 inExample:0 4 = 0.4 inB:Overall Case Length OptionOrder in increments of 0.1 inThreaded length configurations:Maximum case length: 9.6 inMinimum case length: 0.8 inExample:2 4 = 2.4 inC:Total Length Option0 50.5 metre (1.6 feet)1 0 1.0 metre (3.3 feet)1 5 1.5 metre (4.9 feet)2 0 2.0 metres (6.6 feet)3 0 3.0 metres (9.8 feet)5 0 5.0 metres (16.4 feet)9 09.0 metres (29.5 feet)Notes: 3-metre length option is only available on 330101 probes, and are designed for use with the 9-metre Proximitorsensor only.5-metre probes are designed for use with the 5-metreProximitor sensor only.D:Connector and Cable-Type Option0 1Miniature coaxial ClickLocconnector with connectorprotector, standard cable0 2 Miniature coaxial ClickLocconnector, standard cable1 1Miniature coaxial ClickLocconnector with connectorprotector, FluidLoc cable1 2Miniature coaxial ClickLocconnector, FluidLoc cable E:Agency Approval Option0 0 Notrequired0 5 MultipleApprovals 3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Probes, Metric: 330103 3300 XL 8 mm Probe, M10 x 1 thread, without armor2330104 3300 XL 8 mm Probe, M10 x 1 thread, with armor2Part Number-AXX-BXX-CXX-DXX-EXXA:Unthreaded Length OptionNote: Unthreaded length must be at least 20 mm less than the case length.Order in increments of 10 mm.Length configuration:Maximum unthreaded length: 230mmMinimum unthreaded length: 0 mmExample:0 6 = 60 mmB:Overall Case Length OptionOrder in increments of 10 mm.Metric thread configurations:Maximum length: 250 mmMinimum length: 20 mmExample:0 6 = 60 mmC:Total Length Option0 50.5 metre (1.6 feet)1 0 1.0 metre (3.3 feet)1 5 1.5 metres (4.9 feet)2 0 2.0 metres (6.6 feet)5 0 5.0 metres (16.4 feet)Note: 5-metre probes are designed for use with the 5-metre Proximitor sensor only.9 09.0 metres (29.5 feet)D: Connector and Cable-Type Option0 1 Miniature coaxial ClickLocconnector with connectorprotector, standard cable0 2 MiniaturecoaxialClickLocconnector, standard cable1 1 MiniaturecoaxialClickLocconnector with connectorprotector, FluidLoc cable1 2 MiniaturecoaxialClickLocconnector, FluidLoc cable E:Agency Approval Option0 0 Not required0 5 MultipleApprovalsSpecifications and Ordering Information3300 XL 8 mm Reverse Mount Probes330105-02-12-CXX-DXX-EXX, 3/8-24 UNF threads2 330106-05-30-CXX-DXX-EXX, M10 x 1 threads2Option DescriptionsC:Total Length Option0 50.5 metre (1.6 feet)1 0 1.0 metre (3.3 feet)1 5 1.5 metre (4.9 feet)2 0 2.0 metres (6.6 feet)5 0 5.0 metres (16.4 feet)Note: 5-metre probes are designed for use with the 5-metre Proximitor sensor only.9 09.0 metres (29.5 feet)D: Connector Option0 2 MiniatureClickLoccoaxialconnector1 2 MiniatureClickLoccoaxialconnector, FluidLoc cable Note: The FluidLoc cable option –12 is not necessary on the vast majority of 330105 and 330106 installations due to thepresence of the probe sleeve. Consider carefully theapplication before ordering the FluidLoc cable option forthese probes.E:Agency Approval Option0 0 Notrequired0 5 MultipleApprovals 3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Probes, Smooth Case: 330140 3300 XL 8 mm Probe without armor1330141 3300 XL 8 mm Probe with armor1Part Number-AXX-BXX-CXX-DXXOption DescriptionsA:Overall Case Length OptionOrder in increments of 0.1 inLength configurations:Maximum length: 9.6 inMinimum length: 0.8 inExample:2 4 = 2.4 inB:Total Length Option0 50.5 metre (1.6 feet)1 0 1.0 metre (3.3 feet)1 5 1.5 metres (4.9 feet)2 0 2.0 metres (6.6 feet)5 0 5.0 metres (16.4 feet)Note: 5-metre probes are designed for use with the 5-metre Proximitor sensor only.9 09.0 metres (29.5 feet) C:Connector and Cable-Type Option0 1 MiniaturecoaxialClickLocconnector with connectorprotector, standard cable0 2 MiniaturecoaxialClickLocconnector, standard cable1 1 MiniaturecoaxialClickLocconnector with connectorprotector, FluidLoc cable1 2 MiniaturecoaxialClickLocconnector, FluidLoc cable D:Agency Approval Option0 0 Not required0 5 MultipleApprovals 3300 XL 8 mm Extended Temperature Range (ETR) Proximity Probes:330191 3300 XL 8 mm ETR Probe, 3/8-24 UNF thread, without armor330192 3300 XL 8 mm ETR Probe, 3/8-24 UNF thread, with armorPart Number-AXX-BXX-CXX-DXXA:Unthreaded Length OptionNote: Unthreaded length must be at least 0.8 inches less than the case length.Order in increments of 0.1 inLength configurations:Maximum unthreaded length: 8.8 inMinimum unthreaded length: 0.0 inExample:1 5 = 1.5 inB:Overall Case Length OptionOrder in increments of 0.5 inThreaded length configurations:Maximum case length: 9.6 inMinimum case length: 0.8 inExample:2 5 = 2.5 inC:Total Length Option0 50.5 metre (1.6 feet)1 0 1.0 metre (3.3 feet)1 5 1.5 metre (4.9 feet)2 0 2.0 metres (6.6 feet)5 0 5.0 metres (16.4 feet)Note: 5-metre probes are designed for use with the 5-metre Proximitor sensor only.9 09.0 metres (29.5 feet)D:Agency Approval Option0 0 Notrequired0 5 MultipleApprovalsSpecifications and Ordering Information。
1传感器的安装与调试1.1轴承振动传感器探头的安装6个φ8 mm灵敏度为7.87 V/rnm的涡流探头分别装于1号、2号、3号轴承处。
安装间隙电压应为传感器输出特性曲线确定的线形中点位而定,φ8 mm灵敏度为7.87 V/mm的探头,安装间隙电压为-9.75 V或1.2 mm左右。
由于传感器线形电压范围大大超过测量范围,所以安装间隙允许有较大的偏差,只要保证测量范围在线形段内即可,但为了满足故障诊断和可靠性的需要,一般要求安装电压9.75土0.2 V。
轴向位移的量程范围为-2 mm一+ 2 mm,安装电压-9.75土0.2 V沾化电厂汽轮机膨胀相对死点在2号轴承处,高压缸转子膨胀在以2号轴承处为相对死点向前箱方向膨胀,低压缸转子膨胀在以2轴承处为相对死点向发电机方向膨胀。
高低压差胀探头为不带前臵器φ25 mm涡流探头,灵敏度为0.8 V/ mm,因为高低压差胀都是朝着发电机方向安装,要使高低缸差胀测量范围均在线形范围之内,按照探头线性中点及量程范围- 2--10 mm定位。
本特利探头检测及安装作业指导说明编号:目录1. 目的 (2)2. 范围 (2)3. 定义 (2)4. 参考文献 (2)5. 说明指导 (3)5.1 探头检查及更换. (3)5.2 探头安装 (6)6. 注意事项 (6)1. 目的此作业指导的目的是提供操作步骤对于本特利探头的检查、安装、更换在旋转设备上。
2. 适用范围此作业指导适用范围包含所有本特利探头应用于旋转设备上状态监视及仪表连锁系统含振动、位移、键相、转速3. 定义本特利探头: 本特利公司制造的电涡流传感器应用于检测振动、位移、键相、速度延长电缆: 一根同轴电缆连接在传感器和前置器之间前置器: 一个转换设备把从探头来的信号传送到3500监测系统TK3: 一种校验本特利探头静态及动态特征曲线的专用工具4. 参考文献本特利说明书:1, 3300XL 8mm 电涡流传感器2, 3300 5mm, 8mm 电涡流传感器3, 3500/25 键相卡4, 3500/40 振动卡5, 3500/42 振动及位移卡6, 3500/50 转速卡5. 说明指导5.1 探头检查及更换.5.1.1 所有探头安装前都需要做检查.5.1.2 Beside linearity verification, dynamic verification should be done for the probesused in vibration.5.1.3 在做检查前确保探头、延长电缆、前置器相互匹配(5M系统、9M系统)5.1.4 被测量探头电阻值应在本特利探头说明书规定范围内,列表如下:8mm 探头11mm 探头65.1.5被测量延长电缆电阻值应在本特利延长电缆说明书规定范围内,列表如下:8mm 延长电缆11mm延长电缆5.1.6 当使用延长电缆时在线芯与外导体测量总电阻其值应小于以下值:8 mm 探头: 8.75+/-0.7Ohms 5m系统9.87+/-0.9 Ohms 9m系统11 mm 探头: 7.2+/-0.9Ohms f5m系统8.5+/-1.2 Ohms 9m系统5.1.7 按照图5.1的方式连接探头、延长电缆、前置器、TK3 ,调整千分尺每间隔0.25mm, 记录间隙电压值在事先准备好的校验表中,绘制校验曲线如图5.25.1.8 检查测量值是否符合本特利系统要求值,如果测量值超过本特利系统要求值,此探头不合格不能被安装使用。
传感器探头内部含有一个线圈,探头的端部由聚苯撑硫(PPS )材料组成,线圈被厚实的封装到探头的端部,探头壳体材料为不锈钢,线圈与75欧姆宽带同轴电缆相连,同轴电缆中心是导体芯,有中心向外展开依次为绝缘层、内屏蔽层、外屏蔽层(网状屏蔽层)和外护套,内屏蔽层和线圈相连,外屏蔽层不和线圈相连,延伸电缆同样为同轴电缆,两端的接头分别与探头和前置放大器相连接。
前置器是一种内部装有振荡电路和调制解调器测量电路的密闭金属盒,接收电涡流传感器和延伸电缆的信号,需要给前置器的电压VT 端和公共端COM 端输入-17.5VDC ~-26VDC 的驱动电压。
前置器的VOUT 端为输出端。
图1传感器系统的结构构成图1.2本特利监测系统结构组成监测系统由电涡流传感器系统,3500监测模块组成,其中前置器接收由探头和延伸电缆传输的信号,并将其转换为3500监测模块接收的电压信号,通过内部逻辑运算,向各保护装置(DCS 和SIS )送出模拟量和数字量信号。
Specifications and Ordering InformationPart Number 141194-01Rev. T (12/12)Bently Nevada* Asset Condition Monitoring 3300 XL 8mm Proximity Transducer SystemDescription The 3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Transducer System consists of: ∙ One 3300 XL 8 mm probe,∙ One 3300 XL extension cable 1, and ∙ One 3300 XL Proximitor * Sensor 2. The system provides an output voltage that is directly proportional to thedistance between the probe tip and the observed conductive surface and can measure both static (position) and dynamic (vibration) values. The system’s primary applications are vibration and position measurements on fluid-film bearing machines, as well as Keyphasor * reference and speed measurements 3.The 3300 XL 8 mm system delivers the most advanced performance in our eddy current proximity transducer systems. The standard 3300 XL 8 mm 5-metre system also fully complies with the American Petroleum Institute’s (API) 670 Standard (4th Edition) for mechanical configuration, linear range, accuracy, and temperature stability. All 3300 XL 8 mm proximity transducer systems provide this level of performance and support complete interchangeability of probes, extension cables, and Proximitor sensors, eliminating the need to match or bench calibrate individual componentsEach 3300 XL 8 mm Transducer System component is backward-compatible and interchangeable 4 with other non-XL 3300 series 5 mm and 8 mm transducer system components 5. This compatibility includes the 3300 5 mm probe, for applications in which an 8 mm probe is too large for the available mounting space 6,7.Proximitor SensorThe 3300 XL Proximitor Sensor incorporates numerous improvements overprevious designs. Its physical packaging allows you to use it in high-density DIN-rail installations. You can also mount the sensor in a traditional panel mount configuration, where it shares an identical 4-hole mounting “footprint” with older Proximitor Sensor designs. The mounting base for either option provideselectrical isolation and eliminates the need for separate isolator plates. The 3300 XL Proximitor Sensor is highly immune to radio frequency interference, allowing you to install it in fiberglass housings without adverse effects from nearby radio frequency signals. The 3300 XL Proximitor Sensor’s improved RFI/EMI immunity satisfies European CE mark approvals without requiring special shielded conduit or metallic housings, resulting in lower installation costs and complexity. The 3300 XL’s SpringLoc terminal strips require no special installation tools and facilitate faster, more robust field wiring connections by eliminating screw-type clamping mechanisms that can loosen.Proximity Probe and Extension CableThe 3300 XL probe and extension cable also reflect improvements over previous designs. A patented TipLoc* molding method provides a more robust bond between the probe tip and the probe body. The probe’s cable incorporates a patented CableLoc* design that provides 330 N (75 lbf) pull strength to more securely attach the probe cable and probe tip. You can also order 3300 XL 8 mm probes and extension cables with an optional FluidLoc* cable option. This option prevents oil and other liquids from leaking out of the machine through the cable’s interior.ConnectorsThe 3300 XL probe, extension cable, and Proximitor sensor have corrosion-resistant, gold-plated ClickLoc* connectors. These connectors require only finger-tight torque (the connectors will "click" when tight), and the specially-engineered locking mechanism prevents the connectors from loosening. These connectors require no special tools for installation or removal.You can order the 3300 XL 8 mm probes and extension cables with connector protectors already installed. We can also supply connector protectors separately for field installations (such as when an application must run the cable through restrictive conduit). We recommend connector protectors for all installations to provide increased environmental protection8.Extended Temperature Range ApplicationsAn extended temperature range (ETR) probe and ETR extension cable are available for applications in which either the probe lead or extension cable may exceed the standard 177 ︒C (350 ︒F) temperature specification. The ETR probe has an extended temperature rating for up to 218 ︒C (425 ︒F). The ETR extension cable rating is up to 260 ︒C (500 ︒F). Both the ETR probe and cable are compatible with standard temperature probes and cables, for example, you can utilize an ETR probe with the 330130 extension cable. The ETR system uses the standard 3300 XL Proximitor Sensor. Note that when you use any ETR component as part of your system, the ETR component limits the system accuracy to the accuracy of the ETR system. Description Notes:1.1-metre systems do not use an extension cable.2.Proximitor sensors are supplied by default from thefactory calibrated to AISI 4140 steel. Calibration toother target materials is available upon request.3.Consult Bently Nevada* Applications Note,Considerations when using Eddy Current ProximityProbes for Overspeed Protection Applications, whenconsidering this transducer system for tachometer or overspeed measurements.4.3300 XL 8 mm components are both electrically andphysically interchangeable with non-XL 3300 5 mmand 8 mm components. Although the packaging ofthe 3300 XL Proximitor Sensor differs from itspredecessor, its design fits in the same 4-holemounting pattern when used with the 4-holemounting base, and will fit within the same mounting space specifications (when minimum permissiblecable bend radius is observed).5.Mixing XL and non-XL 3300-series 5 mm and 8 mmsystem components limits system performance to the specifications for the non-XL 3300 5 mm and 8 mmTransducer System.6.The 3300-series 5 mm probe (refer to Specificationsand Ordering Information p/n 141605-01) usessmaller physical packaging, but does not reduce theside view clearances or tip-to-tip spacingrequirements as compared to an 8 mm probe. It isused when physical (not electrical) constraintspreclude the use of an 8 mm probe. When yourapplication requires narrow side view probes, use the 3300 NSv* Proximity Transducer System (refer toSpecifications and Ordering Information p/n 147385-01).7.8 mm probes provide a thicker encapsulation of theprobe coil in the molded PPS plastic probe tip. Thisresults in a more rugged probe. The larger diameterof the probe body also provides a stronger, morerobust case. We recommend that you use 8 mmprobes when possible to provide optimal robustnessagainst physical abuse.8.Each 3300 XL extension cable includes silicone tapethat you can use instead of connector protectors. We do not recommend silicone tape for applications that will expose the probe-to-extension cable connectionto turbine oil.Specifications and Ordering InformationSpecificationsUnless otherwise noted, the following specifications are for a 3300 XL 8 mm Proximitor Sensor, extension cable and 8 mm probe between +18 ︒C and +27 ︒C (+64 ︒F to +80 ︒F), with a -24 Vdc power supply, a 10 kΩ load, an AISI 4140 steel target, and a probe gapped at 1.27 mm (50 mils). Performance characteristics apply to systems that consist solely of 3300 XL 8 mm components. The system accuracy and interchangeability specifications do not apply to transducer systems that are calibrated to any target other than our AISI 4140 steel target.ElectricalProximitorSensor InputAccepts one non-contacting3300-series 5 mm, 3300 8 mm or3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Probeand Extension Cable.PowerRequires -17.5 Vdc to -26 Vdcwithout barriers at 12 mAmaximum consumption, -23 Vdcto -26 Vdc with barriers.Operation at a more positivevoltage than -23.5 Vdc can resultin reduced linear range.SupplySensitivityLess than 2 mV change in outputvoltage per volt change in inputvoltage.OutputResistance50 ΩNominal ProbeDC ResistanceResistance (R PROBE) from CenterConductor to Outer ConductorProbe Length R PROBE (Ω)0.5 7.45± 0.501.0 7.59 ± 0.501.5 7.73± 0.502.0 7.88 ± 0.503.0 8.17 ± 0.605.0 8.73± 0.709.0 9.87 ± 0.90 NominalExtension CableDC ResistanceResistance (R CORE) from CenterConductor to Center ConductorLength of ExtensionCable (m)R CORE (Ω)3.0 0.66± 0.103.5 0.77 ± 0.124.0 0.88± 0.134.5 0.99 ± 0.156.0 1.32± 0.217.0 1.54± 0.237.5 1.65 ± 0.258.0 1.76± 0.268.5 1.87 ± 0.28Resistance (R JACKET) from OuterConductor to Outer ConductorLength of ExtensionCable (m)R JACKET (Ω)3.0 0.20± 0.043.5 0.23 ± 0.054.0 0.26± 0.054.5 0.30 ± 0.066.0 0.39± 0.087.0 0.46± 0.097.5 0.49 ± 0.108.0 0.53± 0.118.5 0.56 ± 0.11Specifications and Ordering InformationExtension CableCapacitance69.9 pF/m (21.3 pF/ft) typical Field Wiring0.2 to 1.5 mm2(16 to 24 AWG) .Recommend using 3-conductorshielded triad cable and tinnedfield wiring. Maximum length of305 metres (1,000 feet) betweenthe 3300 XL Proximitor Sensorand the monitor. See thefrequency response graphs inthrough Figure 13 (pages 28 and29) for signal rolloff at highfrequencies when using longerfield wiring lengths.Linear Range2 mm (80 mils). Linear rangebegins at approximately 0.25 mm(10 mils) from target and is from0.25 to 2.3 mm (10 to 90 mils)(approximately –1 to –17 Vdc). RecommendedGap Setting forRadial Vibration-9Vdc [approximately 1.27 mm(50 mils)]IncrementalScale Factor(ISF)Standard 5-or 1- metreSystem:7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil) ± 5%including interchangeability errorwhen measured in increments of0.25 mm (10 mils) over the 80 millinear range from 0 °C to +45 °C(+32 °F to +113 °F).Standard9-metreSystem:7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil) ± 6.5%including interchangeability errorwhen measured in increments of0.25 mm (10 mils) over the 80 millinear range from 0 °C to +45 °C(+32 °F to +113 °F).ExtendedTemperatureRange (ETR)for 5- and9-MetreSystems:7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil) ± 6.5%including interchangeability errorwhen measured in increments of0.25 mm (10 mils) over the 80 millinear range from 0 °C to +45 °C(+32 °F to +113 °F).Deviation from best fit straight line (DSL)Standard 5-or 1-metreSystem:Less than ±0.025 mm (±1 mil) withcomponents at 0 °C to +45 °C(+32 °F to +113 °F).Standard9-metreSystem:Less than ±0.038 mm (±1.5 mil)with components at 0 °C to +45°C (+32 °F to +113 °F).ExtendedTemperatureRange 5 and9-metreSystems:Less than ±0.038 mm (±1.5 mil)with components at 0 °C to +45°C (+32 °F to +113 °F). PerformanceOver ExtendedTemperaturesStandard 5-or 1-metreSystem:Over a probe temperature rangeof –35 °C to +120 °C (-31 °F to+248 °F) with the Proximitorsensor and extension cablebetween 0 °C to +45°C (+32 °F to+113 °F), the ISF remains within±10% of 7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil)and the DSL remains within±0.076 mm (±3 mils).Specifications and Ordering InformationOver a Proximitor sensor andextension cable temperaturerange of –35 °C to +65 °C (-31 °Fto +149 °F) with the probebetween 0 °C to +45 °C (+32 °F to+113 °F), the ISF remains within±10% of 7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil)and the DSL remains within±0.076 mm (±3 mils).Standard9-metreSystem:Over a probe temperature rangeof –35 °C to +120 °C (-31 °F to+248 °F) with the Proximitorsensor and extension cablebetween 0 °C to +45°C (+32 °F to+113 °F), the ISF remains within±18% of 7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil)and the DSL remains within±0.152 mm (±6 mils).Over a Proximitor sensor andextension cable temperaturerange of –35 °C to +65 °C (-31 °Fto +149 °F) with the probebetween 0 °C to +45 °C (+32 °F to+113 °F), the ISF remains within±18% of 7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil)and the DSL remains within±0.152 mm (±6 mils).ExtendedTemperatureRange 5 and9-metreSystems:Over a probe and extension cabletemperature range of –35 °C to+260 °C (-31 °F to +500 °F) withthe Proximitor sensor between 0°C to +45 °C (+32 °F to +113 °F),the ISF remains within ±18% of7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil) and theDSL remains within ±0.152 mm(±6 mils).FrequencyResponse(0 to 10 kHz), +0, -3 dB, with up to305 metres (1000 feet) of fieldwiring. MinimumTarget Size15.2 mm (0.6 in) diameter (flattarget)Shaft DiameterMinimum:50.8 mm (2 in)RecommendedMinimum:76.2 mm (3 in)When gapped at the center of thelinear range, the interactionbetween two separate transducersystems (cross-talk) will be lessthan 50 mV on shaft diameters ofat least 50 mm (2 in) or greater.You should take care to maintainminimum separation oftransducer tips, generally at least40 mm (1.6 in) for axial positionmeasurements or 38 mm (1.5 in)for radial vibration measurementsto limit cross-talk to 50 mV or less.Radial vibration or positionmeasurements on shaftdiameters smaller than 76.2 mm(3 in) will generally change thescale factor.Effects of 60 HzMagnetic Fieldsup to 300 GaussOutput Voltage in Mil pp/Gauss Gap(mil)5- or1-metreProximitorSensor9-metreProximitorSensorProbeExt.Cable10 0.0119 0.0247 0.0004 0.000450 0.0131 0.0323 0.0014 0.001490 0.0133 0.0348 0.0045 0.0045Specifications and Ordering InformationSpecifications and Ordering InformationCompliance and CertificationsEMCEuropean Community Directives: EMC Directive 2004/108/EC Standards:EN61000-6-2 EN61000-6-4MaritimeABS 2009 Steel Vessels Rules 1-1-4/7.7, 4-8-3/1.11.1, 4-9-7/13Hazardous Area ApprovalsNote: Multiple approvals for hazardous areas certified byCanadian Standards Association (C/US) in North America and by Baseefa for Europe and IEC Ex.Field Wiring Limitations:Type Approval: Gas GroupCapacitance(µF)Inductance (mH)L/R Ratio (μH/Ω)ATEX and IEC Zone 0/1IIC 0.078 0.99 29.2IIB 0.645 7.41 117.0IIA 2.144 15.6 234.0 CSA Div 1A &B 0.070 1.0 29.2C 0.600 5.0 117.0D 2.09 11.0 234.0CSA Div 2 All 0.460 100.0 N/A North America3300 XL Proximitor Sensor and probe, ia:Ex ia IIC T4/T5; Class I Zone 0 or Class 1; Groups A, B, C, and D, Class II, Groups E, F and G, Class III when installed with intrinsically safe zener barriers per drawing 141092 or when installed with galvanic isolators.3300 XL Proximitor Sensor and probe, nA:Ex nA IIC T4/T5 Class I Zone 2 or Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, and D, when installed without barriers per drawing 140979. T 5 @ T a = -35 ︒C to +85 ︒C. T4 @ Ta= -51 ︒C to +100 ︒C.Europe3300 XL Proximitor Sensor, ia :II 1 G EEx ia IIC T4/T5 when installed per drawing 141092.3300 XL Proximitor Sensor, nA:II 3 G Ex nA II T4/T5 when installed per drawing 140979. T5 @ Ta= -35 ︒C to +85 ︒C T4 @ Ta= -51 ︒C to +100 ︒C3300 XL 8mm probe, ia: II 1 G EEx ia IIC, Temperature Classification per Table 1 when installed per drawing 142491. 3300 XL 8mm probe, nA:II 3 G EEx nA II, Temperature Classification per Table 1 when installed per drawing 142491.Brazil3300 XLProximitorSensor, ia:BR-Ex ia IIC T4(-51°C ≤ Ta ≤ +100°C)BR-Ex ia IIC T5(-35°C ≤ Ta ≤ +85°C)Terminal J1Terminal J2Ui= -28V Ii= 140mA Pi= 0.91W Ci = 0 FLi =0 H Uα= -28V Iα= 140mA Pα= 0.91W Ci = 0 FLi =0 .7 mHApplicable for Part numbers:330180, 330980, 330780, 330850,330878.3300 XL8mm and3300 5mmEddy CurrentProbes, ia:BR-Ex ia IIC TemperatureClassification per Table 1.Ui = -28V Ci = 0 FIi = 140 mA Li = 0 HPi = 0.91 WIEC Ex3300 XLProximitorSensor, ia:Ex ia IIC T4 (-51°C ≤ Ta ≤ +100°C) /T5 (-35ºC ≤ Ta ≤ +85ºC)Ui= -28V Ci = 0Ii= 140mA Li =10µHPi= 0.84W3300 XLProximitorSensor, nA:Ex nA II T4 (-51°C ≤ Ta ≤ +100°C) /T5 (-35°C ≤ Ta ≤ +85°C)Ui = -28V3300 XL8mm and3300 5mmEddy CurrentProbes, ia:Ex ia IIC TemperatureClassification per Table 1.Ui = -28V Ci = 1.5 nFIi = 140 mA Li = 200 µHPi = 0.84 W3300 XL8mm and3300 5mmEddy CurrentProbes, nA:Ex nA II for Zone 2 TemperatureClassification per Table 1.Table 1: Probe Temperature ClassificationTemperatureClassificationAmbient Temperature(Probe Only)T1 -51ºC to +232ºCT2 -51ºC to +177ºCT3 -51ºC to +120ºCT4 -51ºC to +80ºCT5 -51ºC to +40ºCHazardous AreaConditions ofSafe Use:ATEX:Follow the conditions of safe useincluded on the Declaration ofConformance sent with eachproduct.CanadianStandardsAssociation(CSA):Division 1 (Intrinsically safe):Install per Bently Nevada drawing141092.Division 2 (non-Incendive): Installper Bently Nevada drawing140979.Specifications and Ordering InformationIECEx:Zone 0 (Intrinsically safe): TheProximitor Sensor must beinstalled to minimize the risk ofimpact or friction with othermetallic surfaces.Zone 2 (non-Incendive): Theprobe must be supplied from avoltage-limited source. MechanicalProbe TipMaterialPolyphenylene sulfide (PPS). Probe CaseMaterialAISI 303 or 304 stainless steel(SST).Probe CableSpecificationsStandardcable:75Ω triaxial, fluoroethylenepropylene (FEP) insulated probecable in the following total probelengths: 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 5, or 9metres.ExtendedTemperatureRange cable:75Ω triaxial, perfluoroalkoxy (PFA)insulated probe cable in thefollowing total probe lengths: 0.5,1, 1.5, 2, 5, or 9 metres.Armor(optional onboth):Flexible AISI 302 or 304 SST withFEP outer jacket.Tensile Strength(MaximumRated):330 N (75 lbf) probe case to probelead.270 N (60 lbf) at probe lead toextension cable connectors.ConnectorMaterial:Gold-plated brass or gold-platedberyllium copper.Probe CaseTorque:Probe TypeMaximumRatedRecommended Standardforward-mountedprobes33.9 N∙m(300 in∙lbf)11.2 N∙m(100 in∙lbf) Standard forward-mount probes -first three threads22.6 N∙m(200 in∙lbf)7.5 N∙m(66 in∙lbf)Reverse-mountprobes22.6 N∙m(200 in∙lbf)7.5 N∙m(66 in∙lbf)Extension CableMaterialStandardcable:75Ω triaxial, fluoroethylenepropylene (FEP) insulated.ExtendedTemperatureRange cable:75Ω triaxial, perfluoroalkoxy (PFA)insulated.MinimumCable BendRadius:25.4 mm (1.0 in)Note: 3300 XL 8 mm components are both electrically and physically interchangeable with non-XL 3300 5 mm and 8mm components when minimum permissible cable bendradius is observed..Specifications and Ordering InformationConnectorMaterial:Gold-plated brass or gold-platedberyllium copper.MaximumConnectorTorque:0.565 N∙m (5 in∙lbf) Connector-to-connectorrecommendedtorque:Connector Type Tightening Instructions Two 3300 XL gold"click" typeconnectorsFinger tightOne non-XL stainlesssteel connector and one 3300 XLconnector Finger tight plus 1/8 turnusing pliersProximitorSensor MaterialA308 aluminumConnectorMaterial:Gold-plated brass or gold-platedberyllium copper.System Length5 or 9 metres (including extensioncable) or 1 metre (probe only). Total SystemMass (Typical)0.7 kg (1.5 lbm)Probe:323 g (11.4 oz)ExtensionCable:34 g/m (0.4 oz/ft)ArmoredExtensionCable:103 g/m (1.5 oz/ft)ProximitorSensor:246 g (8.67 oz) Environmental LimitsProbe Temperature RangeOperating andStorageTemperatureStandardProbe:-51 °C to +177 °C (-60 °F to +350°F)ExtendedTemperatureRange Probe:-51 °C to +218 °C (-60 °F to+425°F) for the probe tip; -51 °C to+260 °C (-60 °F to +500 °F) for theprobe cable and connector. Note: Exposing the probe to temperatures below –34 ︒C (-30 ︒F) may cause premature failure of the pressure seal. Probe Pressure3300 XL 8 mm probes aredesigned to seal differentialpressure between the probe tipand case. The probe sealingmaterial consists of a Viton®O-ring. Probes are not pressuretested prior to shipment. Contactour custom design department ifyou require a test of the pressureseal for your application.Note: It is the responsibility of the customer or user to ensure that all liquids and gases are contained and safelycontrolled should leakage occur from a proximity probe.In addition, solutions with high or low pH values mayerode the tip assembly of the probe causing medialeakage into surrounding areas. Bently Nevada, Inc. willnot be held responsible for any damages resulting fromleaking 3300 XL 8 mm proximity probes. In addition, 3300XL 8 mm proximity probes will not be replaced under theservice plan due to probe leakage.Specifications and Ordering InformationExtension Cable Temperature Range Operating andStorageTemperatureStandardCable:-51 °C to +177 °C (-60 °F to +350°F)ExtendedTemperatureRange Cable:-51 °C to +260 °C (-60 °F to +500°F)Proximitor Sensor Temperature Range OperatingTemperature-51 °C to +100 °C (-60 °F to +212°F)StorageTemperature-51 °C to +105 °C (-60 °F to +221°F)RelativeHumidityLess than a 3% change inAverage Scale Factor (ASF) whentested in 93% humidity inaccordance with IEC standard68-2-3 for up to 56 days. PatentsComponents or proceduresdescribed in one or more of thefollowing patents apply to thisproduct: 5,016,343; 5,126,664;5,351,588; and 5,685,884.Specifications and Ordering InformationOrdering Information Probes3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Probes:330101 3300 XL 8 mm Probe, 3/8-24 UNF thread, without armor2330102 3300 XL 8 mm Probe, 3/8-24 UNF thread, with armor2Part Number-AXX-BXX-CXX-DXX-EXXA:Unthreaded Length OptionNote: Unthreaded length must be at least 0.8 inches less than the case length.Order in increments of 0.1 inLength configurations:Maximum unthreaded length: 8.8 inMinimum unthreaded length: 0.0 inExample:0 4 = 0.4 inB:Overall Case Length OptionOrder in increments of 0.1 inThreaded length configurations:Maximum case length: 9.6 inMinimum case length: 0.8 inExample:2 4 = 2.4 inC:Total Length Option0 50.5 metre (1.6 feet)1 0 1.0 metre (3.3 feet)1 5 1.5 metre (4.9 feet)2 0 2.0 metres (6.6 feet)3 0 3.0 metres (9.8 feet)5 0 5.0 metres (16.4 feet)9 09.0 metres (29.5 feet)Notes: 3-metre length option is only available on 330101 probes, and are designed for use with the 9-metre Proximitorsensor only.5-metre probes are designed for use with the 5-metreProximitor sensor only.D:Connector and Cable-Type Option0 1Miniature coaxial ClickLocconnector with connectorprotector, standard cable0 2 Miniature coaxial ClickLocconnector, standard cable1 1Miniature coaxial ClickLocconnector with connectorprotector, FluidLoc cable1 2Miniature coaxial ClickLocconnector, FluidLoc cable E:Agency Approval Option0 0 Notrequired0 5 MultipleApprovals 3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Probes, Metric: 330103 3300 XL 8 mm Probe, M10 x 1 thread, without armor2330104 3300 XL 8 mm Probe, M10 x 1 thread, with armor2Part Number-AXX-BXX-CXX-DXX-EXXA:Unthreaded Length OptionNote: Unthreaded length must be at least 20 mm less than the case length.Order in increments of 10 mm.Length configuration:Maximum unthreaded length: 230mmMinimum unthreaded length: 0 mmExample:0 6 = 60 mmB:Overall Case Length OptionOrder in increments of 10 mm.Metric thread configurations:Maximum length: 250 mmMinimum length: 20 mmExample:0 6 = 60 mmC:Total Length Option0 50.5 metre (1.6 feet)1 0 1.0 metre (3.3 feet)1 5 1.5 metres (4.9 feet)2 0 2.0 metres (6.6 feet)5 0 5.0 metres (16.4 feet)Note: 5-metre probes are designed for use with the 5-metre Proximitor sensor only.9 09.0 metres (29.5 feet)D: Connector and Cable-Type Option0 1 Miniature coaxial ClickLocconnector with connectorprotector, standard cable0 2 MiniaturecoaxialClickLocconnector, standard cable1 1 MiniaturecoaxialClickLocconnector with connectorprotector, FluidLoc cable1 2 MiniaturecoaxialClickLocconnector, FluidLoc cable E:Agency Approval Option0 0 Not required0 5 MultipleApprovalsSpecifications and Ordering Information3300 XL 8 mm Reverse Mount Probes330105-02-12-CXX-DXX-EXX, 3/8-24 UNF threads2 330106-05-30-CXX-DXX-EXX, M10 x 1 threads2Option DescriptionsC:Total Length Option0 50.5 metre (1.6 feet)1 0 1.0 metre (3.3 feet)1 5 1.5 metre (4.9 feet)2 0 2.0 metres (6.6 feet)5 0 5.0 metres (16.4 feet)Note: 5-metre probes are designed for use with the 5-metre Proximitor sensor only.9 09.0 metres (29.5 feet)D: Connector Option0 2 MiniatureClickLoccoaxialconnector1 2 MiniatureClickLoccoaxialconnector, FluidLoc cable Note: The FluidLoc cable option –12 is not necessary on the vast majority of 330105 and 330106 installations due to thepresence of the probe sleeve. Consider carefully theapplication before ordering the FluidLoc cable option forthese probes.E:Agency Approval Option0 0 Notrequired0 5 MultipleApprovals 3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Probes, Smooth Case: 330140 3300 XL 8 mm Probe without armor1330141 3300 XL 8 mm Probe with armor1Part Number-AXX-BXX-CXX-DXXOption DescriptionsA:Overall Case Length OptionOrder in increments of 0.1 inLength configurations:Maximum length: 9.6 inMinimum length: 0.8 inExample:2 4 = 2.4 inB:Total Length Option0 50.5 metre (1.6 feet)1 0 1.0 metre (3.3 feet)1 5 1.5 metres (4.9 feet)2 0 2.0 metres (6.6 feet)5 0 5.0 metres (16.4 feet)Note: 5-metre probes are designed for use with the 5-metre Proximitor sensor only.9 09.0 metres (29.5 feet) C:Connector and Cable-Type Option0 1 MiniaturecoaxialClickLocconnector with connectorprotector, standard cable0 2 MiniaturecoaxialClickLocconnector, standard cable1 1 MiniaturecoaxialClickLocconnector with connectorprotector, FluidLoc cable1 2 MiniaturecoaxialClickLocconnector, FluidLoc cable D:Agency Approval Option0 0 Not required0 5 MultipleApprovals 3300 XL 8 mm Extended Temperature Range (ETR) Proximity Probes:330191 3300 XL 8 mm ETR Probe, 3/8-24 UNF thread, without armor330192 3300 XL 8 mm ETR Probe, 3/8-24 UNF thread, with armorPart Number-AXX-BXX-CXX-DXXA:Unthreaded Length OptionNote: Unthreaded length must be at least 0.8 inches less than the case length.Order in increments of 0.1 inLength configurations:Maximum unthreaded length: 8.8 inMinimum unthreaded length: 0.0 inExample:1 5 = 1.5 inB:Overall Case Length OptionOrder in increments of 0.5 inThreaded length configurations:Maximum case length: 9.6 inMinimum case length: 0.8 inExample:2 5 = 2.5 inC:Total Length Option0 50.5 metre (1.6 feet)1 0 1.0 metre (3.3 feet)1 5 1.5 metre (4.9 feet)2 0 2.0 metres (6.6 feet)5 0 5.0 metres (16.4 feet)Note: 5-metre probes are designed for use with the 5-metre Proximitor sensor only.9 09.0 metres (29.5 feet)D:Agency Approval Option0 0 Notrequired0 5 MultipleApprovalsSpecifications and Ordering Information。
图1 RS232电缆连接图2 通讯连接界面一图3 通讯连接界面二模块组态以及组态下载按TSI机箱框架实际槽位布置新建一个框架配置组态(只针对同一机箱配置,不同机箱需要不同框架配置组态),该配置也可以直接从TSI框架接口模块中上传至PC上(因为出厂前,TSI在厂内已经完成调试工作),如图4。
图4 上传机箱配置到PC上右键框架中任何一个模块,即可对其进行组态,右键菜单如图5:图5 卡件组态卡件右键OPTIONS,设置卡件参数,包括传感器选型,测量类型,通道选择等;卡件右键SETPOINTS设置报警停机值;卡件右键VERIFICATION为卡件通道显示(间隙电压和间隙值),当PC与框架接口模块处于连接状态,并且传感器安装连接上时,可以在这个画面中检测传感器间隙值显示;同时在该画面中可以显示该模块OK状态,通道OK状态和传感器所处的状态(间隙值,电压值,停机报警状态变化),界面如图6。
本特利电涡流传感器的安装及常见故障处理邢艳萍;郑智明;司源;冯永海;罗刚【摘要】大型离心式压缩机组稳定运行的保护系统有:润滑油系统、轴瓦温度检测系统、真空冷凝系统、密封汽系统、防喘振系统、轴振检测系统等.该文介绍本特利内华达电涡流传感器在大型机组轴振动、轴位移以及转速检测保护中的应用,着重介绍了传感器的安装及常见故障的处理.%Large centrifugal compressor stable operation of the protection system are: lubricating oil systems, bearing temperature detection system, vacuum cooling system, sealing steam system, anti-surge system, the shaft vibration detection systems. This paper introduce Bently Nevada eddy current probe shaft vibration in a large unit, shaft displacement and the protection of speed detection. Introduces sensor installation and trouble-shooting processing.【期刊名称】《工业仪表与自动化装置》【年(卷),期】2011(000)004【总页数】3页(P87-89)【关键词】探头;应用;系统;方法【作者】邢艳萍;郑智明;司源;冯永海;罗刚【作者单位】神华神木化工有限公司,陕西神木719319;神华神木化工有限公司,陕西神木719319;神华神木化工有限公司,陕西神木719319;神华神木化工有限公司,陕西神木719319;神华神木化工有限公司,陕西神木719319【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP212.4+31 本特利监测系统结构离心压缩机组的监测系统主要由电涡流传感器探头、延伸电缆、前置器以及3500检测模块组成。
图1 RS232电缆连接图2 通讯连接界面一图3 通讯连接界面二3、模块组态以及组态下载按TSI机箱框架实际槽位布置新建一个框架配置组态(只针对同一机箱配置,不同机箱需要不同框架配置组态),该配置也可以直接从TSI框架接口模块中上传至PC上(因为出厂前,TSI在厂内已经完成调试工作),如图4。
图4 上传机箱配置到PC上右键框架中任何一个模块,即可对其进行组态,右键菜单如图5:图5 卡件组态卡件右键OPTIONS,设置卡件参数,包括传感器选型,测量类型,通道选择等;卡件右键SETPOINTS设置报警停机值;卡件右键VERIFICATION为卡件通道显示(间隙电压和间隙值),当PC与框架接口模块处于连接状态,并且传感器安装连接上时,可以在这个画面中检测传感器间隙值显示;同时在该画面中可以显示该模块OK状态,通道OK状态和传感器所处的状态(间隙值,电压值,停机报警状态变化),界面如图6。
8mm 探头的线性范围约从0.25到 2.3mm处对应电压-1到-17vdc,对应关系为7.87v/mm。
Y- f- P1 ?5 D:R+ y3、当电压在8。
其实,轴位移及轴振动调试过程中,通过测量前置器输出电压来确定零点,是有一定根据的,拿本特利3300系列5mm及8mm探头来说,一般推荐的间隙为1.27mm,灵敏度为7.87V/mm,这样便可得出零位电压7.87 X1.27 〜10V旋转机械状态监测的传感器分两种:接触传感器和非接触传感器接触传感器有速度传感器、加速度传感器等非接触传感器有很多,最常用的是永磁式趋近传感器和电涡流传感器不知道楼主指的是哪种,这里简要的介绍下美国本特利内华达公司的3300XL 电涡流传感器1 X5 P5 u% n) p0 h,_# l前置器输出电压在很宽的范围内与间隙成线性比例关系。
3300XL系列8mm涡流传感器系统,有2mm的线性测量范围,这一范围可以从距离探头表面约0.25mm 处开始,到距离探头表面约2.28mm 的地方。
线性范围从距靶面约0.25mm 处开始,0.25~2.3mm范围内,输出电压为-1~-17VDC —般零点间隙设定值为1.27mm,输出电压为-9VDC教你一个比较简单的安装方法:振动探头就安装为9V,适应范围比较广;安装位移探头时,因为涉及到轴的窜量,可以先让机械人员设法得到一个当前的窜轴量,然后让他们把轴撬到窜轴量位置,把振动探头安装到9V就可以了,免去多次撬轴的麻烦、140mv/mil200mv/mil7.87mv/um。
有关萧山电厂的3500本特利使用说明我厂于2005年5月在#1机组上安装了3500本特利表(由3300改造) BNC System Installed Date:本特利公司系统安装日期:2005年5月BNC System Construct and It’s P/N, S/N:本特利公司系统构成及编号,系列号:3500监测系统1套:3500/15 2块, 3500/22 1块, 3500/25 1块, 3500/42 3块,3500/45 1块, 3500/32 2块, 3500/33 1块, 3500/92 1块Installation/Configuration/Calibration/Inspection Procedure:安装/组态/校验/检测步骤:1, 3500系统组态1), 槽2的CH1是键相器, 1齿, 0 - 5000rpm。
键相探头的安装电压为-10Vdc,不能对准键槽.2), 槽3和槽4的8个通道组态为绝对振动,相对振动传感器为3300 8mm,瓦振传感器9200。
量程0 – 500um pp, 绝对振动报警1为125um pp, 报警2为250um pp。
槽3: ch1= VB1R, ch2= VB2R, ch3= VB1S, ch4= VB2S槽4: ch1= VB3R, ch2= VB4R, ch3= VB3S, ch4= VB4S3), 槽5的CH1和CH2组态为轴位移,7200 11mm传感器,量程为±2mm, 报警1为±1.0mm, 报警2为±1.2mm 。
Ch1=RP1, Ch2=RP24), 槽5的CH3组态为偏芯, 峰峰值量程0 – 500um pp.电名为RX. 安装零位电压为-10Vdc。
5), 槽6 CH1组态为高缸胀差, 量称为-2.0 -0- +8.0mm, 报警1为+6.0mm, -1.0mm。
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通常采用两套传感器对推力轴承端同时进行监测,这样即 使有一套传感器损坏失效,也可以通过另一套传感器有效 地对轴的轴向位移进行监测。这两个探头可以设置在轴的 同一个端面,也可以是两个不同端面进行监测,但这两个 端面应在止推法兰盘305mm以内;安装方向可以相同, 也可以不同。一般将这两套传感器的测量结果通过“与” 的逻辑关系控制机器,安装方向不同时,其逻辑关系要先 “非”再“与”。 在停机时安装传感器探头,由于轴通常都会移向工作推力 的反方向,因而探头的安装间隙应该偏大,原则是保证: 当机器启动后,轴处于其轴向窜动量的中心位置时,传感 器应工作在其线性工作范围的中点。
探头中心线应与轴心线正交,探头监测的表面(正对探头 中心线的两边1.5倍探头直径宽度的轴的整个圆周面,见 图2-3)应无刻划痕迹或其它任何不连续的表面(如油孔或 键槽等),且在这个范围内不能有喷镀金属或电镀,表面 粗糙度应在0.4μm~0.8μm之间。 除非特别说明,通常将轴的径向振动测量探头安装在传 感器的线性范围中点,对应的前置器输出电压为中点电 压(线性范围中点间隙值和中点电压值可以从校准数据单 或校准曲线中查到,一般电压输出传感器线性中点电压 为-10V左右,电流输出传感器线性中点电流为12mA)。 特别是对于大轴承机器,其最大轴承间隙接近传感器线 性工作范围时(建议选用线性工作范围更宽的传感器)。
探头 探头对正被测体表面,它能精确地探测出被测体表面相 对于探头端面间隙的变化。通常探头由线圈、头部、壳 体、高频电缆、高频接头组成,其典型结构见下图所示。
感元件,线圈的物理尺寸和电气参数决定传感 器系统的线性量程以及探头的电气参数稳定性。 探头壳体用于支撑探头头部,并作为探头安装 时的装夹结构。壳体采用不锈钢制成,一般上 面刻有标准螺纹,并备有锁紧螺母。为了能适 合不同的应用和安装场合,探头壳体具有不同 的型式和不同的螺纹及尺寸规格.
轴向位移测量 测量轴的轴向位移时,测量面应该与轴是一个整体,这 个测量面是以探头中心线为中心,宽度为1.5倍探头头部 直径的圆环(在停机时,探头只对正了这个圆环一部分, 机器启动后,整个圆环都会成为被测面),整个被测面应 该满足第四节被测体尺寸与材料的影响关于被测面的要 求。探头安装位置距离止推法兰盘不应超过 305mm(API670标准推荐值),如图2-4所示,否则测得 的结果不仅包括轴向位置的变化,而且包括胀差在内的 变化,不能真实地反映轴向位移量。
前置器 前置器是一个电子信号处理器。一方面前置器为探头线 圈提供高频交流电流;另一方面,前置器感受探头前面 由于金属导体靠近引起探头参数的变化,经过前置器的 处理,产生随探头端面与被测金属导体间隙线性变化的 输出电压或电流信号。 3300XL既可以采用紧凑的导轨安装,也可以采用传统的 面板安装。当采用面板安装时,其安装孔位置与以前四 孔安装的3300 前置器相同。两种形式的安装基板均具有 电绝缘性,不需要独立的绝缘板。3300 XL 前置器抗无 线电干扰能力强,即使安装在玻璃纤维防护罩中,也不 会受到附近无线电信号的干扰。改进的RFI/EMI 抗辐射 能力使它不需要特殊的屏蔽导管或金属防护箱就可以达 到欧洲电磁兼容性标准,从而减少了安装费用,降低了 安装的复杂性。
备进行保护及进行预测性维修。从转子动力学、轴承学的理论上分 析,大型旋转机械的运行状态主要取决于其核心——转轴,而电涡
对于机械的振动测量采用加速度传感器或速度传感器,通过测量机 壳振动,间接地测量转轴振动,测量结果的可信度不高。
探头头部与安装面的距离 探头头部发射的交变电磁场在径向和轴向上都有一定的扩散。 因此在安装时,就必须考虑安装面金属导体材料的影响,应 保证探头的头部与安装面之间不小于一定的距离,工程塑料 头部体要完全露出安装面,否则应将安装面加工成平底孔或 倒角。
探头安装间隙 安装探头时,应考虑传感器的线性测量范围和被测间隙的变 化量,当被测间隙总的变化量与传感器的线性工作范围接近 时,尤其要注意(在订货选型时应使所选的传感器线性范围大 于被测间隙的15%以上)。通常,测量振动时,将探头的安装 间隙设在传感器的线性中点;测量位移时,要根据位移往哪 个方向变化或往哪个方向的变化量较大来决定其安装间隙的 设定。当位移向远离探头端部的方向变化时,安装间隙应设 在线性近端;反之,则应设在线性远端。 调整探头安装间隙可以采用下列两种方法:在探头端面和被 测面之间塞入设定安装间隙厚度的塞尺,当探头端面和被测 面压紧塞尺时,紧固探头即可。该方法适合于探头安装孔为 螺纹孔的情况,通过旋动探头来调整安装间隙。
轴的径向振动测量 测量轴的径向振动时,每个测点应安装两个传感器探头, 两个探头分安装在轴承两边的同一平面上相隔 90°(±5°) 。由于轴承盖一般是水平剖分的,因此通常 将两个探头分别安装在垂直中心线每一侧45°,定义为X 探头 ( 水平方向 ) 和Y 探头( 垂直方向 ) 。通常从原动机端看, X探头应该在垂直中心线的右侧,Y探头应该在垂直中心 线的左侧。理论上,只要安装位置可行,两个探头可安 装在轴承圆周的任何位置,保证其90°(±5°) 的间隔, 都能够准确测量轴的径向振动。
压缩机检修期间 : 系统检查 接线端子接线是否接错; 接线是否短路或开路; 电源电压是否正确; 测量仪器是否短路或开路; 探头检修 探头高频插头和探头头部是否干净,如有脏物,请 用无水酒精,洗油,四氯化 碳,仪表清洗剂等擦洗。注 意洗油,四氯化碳有毒。 延伸电缆(如果有延伸电缆的话)是否短路或开路,如 有故障,应更换延伸电缆。
传感器系统的工作机理是电涡流效应。当接通传感器系统电源时,在前置器内会 产生一个高频电流信号,该信号通过电缆送到探头的头部,在头部周围产生交变 磁场H1。如果在磁场H1的范围内没有金属导体材料接近,则发射到这一范围内 的能量都会全部释放;反之,如果有金属导体材料接近探头头部,则交变磁场 H1将在导体的表面产生电涡流场,该电涡流场也会产生一个方向与 H1相反的交 变磁场H2。由于H2的反作用,就会改变探头头部线圈高频电流的幅度和相位,
将探头、延伸电缆(如果有的话)、前置器联接起来,给传感 器系统接上电源,用万用表监测前置器的输出,同时调节探 头与被测面的间隙,当前置器的输出等于安装间隙所对应的 电压或电流值时(该值可由校准数据表中查得)再紧固两个螺 母即可。 通过测量前置器输出来确定安装间隙,有可能会产生一种假 象,当探头头部未露出安装孔时,由于安装孔周围的金属影 响,可能使得前置器输出等于安装间隙所对应的电压或电流 值,但这时探头测量的不是需要测量的被测体。探头调整到 正确的安装位置,前置器输出应该是:首先是较大的饱和输 出(此时探头还未放进安装孔内),然后是较小的输出(此时探 头放进安装孔中),继续将探头拧进安装孔,前置器输出会变 为较大的输出(此时探头头部露出安装孔,但与被测面间隙较 大),再拧进探头,前置器输出等于安装间隙所对应的值,此 时探头才是正确的安装间隙。
检查探头是否短路或开路:先将延伸电缆脱开,然后用数 字万用表测量探头高频插头的插针与插头外壳间的电阻值, 其正常数值应在7.0~9.0Ω之间,如果电阻值很小(小于 1.0Ω),则说明此探头出现短路;如果测得的电阻值非常 大(大于100Ω),说明此探头开路或接触不良。当发现有 上述两种情况时,就得更换探头。 前置器的检修 先检查探头和延伸电缆是否与前置器配套。如果有延伸电 缆,一定要将延伸电缆接上。将判定完好的探头,与前置 器相连。当探头头部紧靠金属导体时,前置器的输出值应 该最小;当探头头部远离金属导体时,前置器的输出值应 该最大。否则就可以判定此前置器损坏,或者传感器系统 接触不良,这时应该对系统进行修理或更换前置器。
1、什么情况下应该对传感器进行重新校准? 机组检修时 排除故障后 新备件 2.校准装置与设备 位移校准器 数字万用表 直流稳压电源 千分尺
校准步骤 选择与被测材料相同的试件,按下图所示安装好后, 装好探头、千分尺(量程应大于传感器量程20%)。 将直流稳压电源的供电电压调到传感器系统所需电 压范围。分别将稳压电源、数字万用表、探头接到 前置器上旋转千分尺调节钮,使探头与试件平面紧 贴,再将探头头部与试件间隔调到传感器线性起始 距离。打开电源,旋转千分尺调节钮,以十分之一 量程为间隔,记录传感器输出电压或电流值。
安装探头时,您应注意以下几个问题: • 各探头间的距离 • 探头与安装面的距离 • 安装支架的选择 • 探头安装间隙 • 探头所带电缆的安装 • 电缆转接头的密封与绝缘 • 探头的抗腐蚀性
各探头间的距离 当探头头部线圈中通过电流时,在头部周围会产生交变电磁场, 因此在安装时要注意两个探头的安装距离不能太近,否则两探 头之间会通过电磁场互相干扰,在输出信号上迭加两探头的差 频信号,造成测量结果的失真,这种情况称之为相邻干扰。排 除相邻干扰有关的因素:被测体的形状,探头的头部直径以及 安装方式。