1974年英国科学家悉尼·布雷内(Sydney Brenner)第一次把秀丽隐杆线虫作为模式生物,成功地分离出线虫的各种突变体,发现了在器官发育过程中的基因规则而获得了2002年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。
与悉尼·布雷内共同分享诺贝尔奖的有两名科学家,其中一位科学家是英国约翰·苏尔斯顿(John E. Sulston),通过显微镜活体观察线虫的胚胎发育和细胞迁移途径,于1983年完成线虫从受精卵到成体的细胞谱系。
另一位科学家是美国的罗伯特·霍维茨(H. Robert Horvitz),是利用秀丽隐杆线虫作为研究对象进行了“细胞程序性死亡”研究。
克雷格·梅洛(Craig C. Mello)和安德鲁·菲尔和(Andrew Z. Fire)利用秀丽隐杆线虫实验发现一种全新的基因调控方式—RNA干扰(RNAi)而获得2006年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。
此外,Martin Chalfie证明了GFP(绿色荧光蛋白)作为多种生物学现象的发光遗传标记的价值。
究竟什么原因使秀丽隐杆线虫成为如此富有盛名的实验材料?1.秀丽隐杆线虫一般特征秀丽隐杆线虫是一种食细菌的线形动物,学名是Caenorhabditis elegans,通常缩写成C.elegans其成体长仅1mm,全身透明,以细菌为食,居住在土壤中,被称为“自由生活线虫”。
1.1分类地位秀丽隐杆线虫属于线虫门(Phylum nematoda)、侧尾腺纲(Secernentea)、小杆线虫目(Rhabditida)小杆线虫科(Rhabditidae)小杆线虫属(Caenorhabditis)。
秀丽隐杆线虫研究综述一、本文概述秀丽隐杆线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans,简称C. elegans)是一种微小的、透明的、生活在土壤中的线虫,自20世纪60年代以来,它已成为生物学研究的重要模型生物之一。
二、秀丽隐杆线虫的基本生物学特性秀丽隐杆线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans,简称C. elegans)是一种具有独特生物学特性的小型线虫,其身体长度仅约1毫米,属于线虫动物门、无尾感器纲、小杆目、小杆科。
自1974年被悉尼·布伦纳(Sydney Brenner)选为遗传学研究的模式生物以来,秀丽隐杆线虫已成为生物学和医学领域广泛研究的对象。
它们通常以细菌为食,尤其是大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli),并通过摄取这些细菌来获取所需的营养。
制。目前,以 犆.犲犾犲犵犪狀狊 为 模 式 宿 主 进 行 研 究 的 病 原菌有真菌、细菌、病 毒 等,有 50 多 种(表 1)。 其 中
模式生物用于 研 究 动 物 发 育 和 行 为 的 模 式 动 物,现 研究较深入的 主 要 是 一 些 人 类 病 原 菌,如 铜 绿 假 单
已经发展成为研究动物发育、神经、衰 老、毒 理学、脂 肪沉积和天然免疫等方面 重 要 的 模 式 生 物 。 [1] 近 些 年来,以 犆.犲犾犲犵犪狀狊 作 为 病 原 菌 宿 主 模 型 来 研 究 病 原菌与宿主的相互作用逐渐成为了一个新的热点, 犆.犲犾犲犵犪狀狊作为 病 原 菌 宿 主 模 型 有 很 多 优 势,个 体 小 ,成 虫 的 长 度 大 约 1.5 mm;生 长 快 ,3d~3.5d 就
可以长成 成 虫;繁 殖 快,成 熟 的 线 虫 每 次 可 以 获 得 300个~350个 子 代 个 体;培 养 简 单,可 以 直 接 以 要 研究的细菌为食物[1];基因组 测 序 已 经 完 成;基 因 操 作系统完善,突变 体 数 量 齐 备,转 基 因 线 虫 和 RNAi 技 术 成 熟;表 型 易 观 察 等 特 征 。 [2] 目 前,犆.犲犾犲犵犪狀狊 作为病原菌宿 主 模 型,在 病 原 菌 的 致 病 机 制 和 宿 主 防御病原菌天然免疫等方面取得了一系列的进展。 本文就近些年 来 利 用 线 虫 作 为 宿 主 模 型,在 重 要 病 原菌的致病机制和线虫天然免疫信号通路取得的进 展进行综述。
鞠 守 勇 等 :秀 丽 隐 杆 线 虫 作 为 病 原 菌 宿 主 模 型 的 研 究 概 述
铜绿假 单 胞 菌 (犘狊犲狌犱狅犿狅狀犪狊犪犲狉狌犵犻狀狅狊犪,PA) 在自然界分布 广 泛,是 医 院 内 感 染 的 主 要 病 原 菌 之
秀丽隐杆线虫脂肪染色的方法比较冯婉娟;黄文明;许想平;吴政星【摘要】Obesity and its related diseases are affecting an increasing number of people.Many key fat regulatory genes and fat metabolism pathways found in mammals are conserved inC.elegans.Therefore,C.elegans is a powerful genetic model for fat biology research.Different methods were used to quantitate the fat stores,and the results turn out different.According to the test in fixed worms during fasting or gene mutation,the dye such as Oil Red O,Sudan Black B,Nile Red and C1-BODIPY-C12 could quantitate fat stores correctly.%肥胖及其相关的疾病影响了越来越多的人.在哺乳动物中调节脂肪代谢的因子和脂肪代谢途径在线虫中也是保守存在的,因此线虫是脂肪研究的良好动物模型.在研究线虫脂肪代谢中,存在多种脂肪染色方法,而不同方法所表征的脂肪含量存在一定的差异,通过各种染色方法检测基因突变或者饥饿引起的脂肪含量变化.实验结果表明,采用油红、苏丹黑、尼罗红染料的固定染色法均能够正确地表征线虫的贮存脂肪.【期刊名称】《生命科学研究》【年(卷),期】2012(016)001【总页数】6页(P9-14)【关键词】线虫;脂肪染色;荧光染料;油红;苏丹黑【作者】冯婉娟;黄文明;许想平;吴政星【作者单位】华中科技大学生命科学与技术学院中国湖北武汉430074;华中科技大学生命科学与技术学院中国湖北武汉430074;华中科技大学生命科学与技术学院中国湖北武汉430074;华中科技大学生命科学与技术学院中国湖北武汉430074【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q504Fat metabolic pathways are conserved between C.elegans and mammals.These pathways include fatty acid synthesis,fatty acid elongation and desaturation,mitochondrial and peroxisomal β-oxidation of fatty acids,and amino acid metabolism[1~5].In addition,C.elegans store fat in droplets in their intestinal cells and hypodermal cells[4],and these fat stores can be directly visualised by microscopy in intact animals due to the transparent bodies of C.elegans.Thus,C.elegans is a powerful system for analyzing the mechanisms of fat storage.There are several methods for examining fat storage and metabolism in C.elegans.An early method for visualising fat storage is using a classic lipophilic dye,Sudan Black B,to stain fixed animals[6,7].In using this stain,lipid droplets become visiible in intestinal and hypodermal tissues.Oil Red O is also a classic lipophilic dye that stains lipid droplets red[8].Aside from colourimetric dyes,another way to stain fat is through the use of lipophilic fluorescent dyes.For example,Nile Red and C1-BODIPY-C12 both fluoresce when in hydrophobicenvironments and thus are used to stain intracellular lipid droplets and can be used to examine fat content in intactliving animals[9,10].When fed C1BODIPY-C12,worms show fluorescence not only fat stores but also other organelles containing lipids.Though these mentioned dyes label fat storage compartments,there is controversy surrounding them,mainly that their results are inconsistent[9,11].An alternative dye-labelling assay for quantifying fat stores is coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering(CARS)microscopy[12,13],which is a label-free chemicalimagingtechniquethatrelieson intrinsic molecular vibration as a contrast mechanism.Both hypodermal and intestinal fat stores are visualized using this technique.However,the disadvantage of CARS microscopy is that specialised equipment is required and that the assay is very expensive.In this paper,we confirmed that Nile Red and C1-BODIPY-C12 could stain fat storage as efficiently as Oil Red O in fixed worms.Then,we used fixed staining with different dyes to label fat stores in well-fed and fastingC.elegans,where fat stores are present orconsumed,respectively.Finally,using different dyes we tested several mutants which are insulin pathway related or a nuclear hormone receptor of stly,we compared the use of different dyes in fat storage quantification to facilitate researchers who could benefit from such analysis.Nematode strains were obtained from the C.elegans geneticcentre(CGC)unless otherwise stated.All strains were maintained at20℃us ing standard methods[14].The strains used in this study were as follows:wild-type(N2),daf-2(e1370),nhr-49(gk405)and ZXW3 hkdEx3[sur-5::atgl-1::gfp;Rol-6].Oil Red O staining was performed as previously described[9].To permeabilize the cuticle,worms were suspended and washed twice with PBS(phosphate buffered saline)and then suspended in 120 μL ofPBS.Next,an equal volume of 2× MRWB(Modified Ruvkun’s witches brew)buffer containing 2%paraformaldehyde was added,and animals in suspension were rocked for an hour(composition:160 mmol/L KCl,40 mmol/L NaCl,14 mmol/L Na2EGTA,1 mmol/L spermidine HCl,0.4 mmol/L spermine,30 mmol/L Na PIPES at pH 7.4,0.2%βmercaptoethanol).After permeabilizing,worms were re-suspended and dehydrated in60%isopropanol for 15 min at room temperature.After allowing worms to settle,isopropanol was removed,and approximately 1 mL of 60%Oil Red O solution(Cat.No.09755,Sigma-Aldrich,St.Louis,MO,USA)was added to each sample.Samples were incubated overnight while rocking.Oil Red O was prepared as follows:0.5 g of Oil Red O powder was dissolved in 100 mL of isopropanol and equilibrated for several days.Animals were mounted and imaged using an Olympus microscope outfitted with DIC optics.For Sudan Black staining,young adult animals were fixed in2%paraformaldehyde in M9 buffer(3 g KH2PO4,6 g Na2HPO4,5 g NaCl,1 mL 1 mol/L MgSO4,adding H2O to 1 L)with rocking for an hour.Fixed worms were then washed with M9 and dehydrated through an ethanol series (25%,50%,and 70%ethanol).Staining was performed overnight in a 50%saturated solution of Sudan black B in 70%ethanol[15].Stained animals were visualised with an Olympus microscope outfitted with DIC optics.Approximately 500~1 000 nematodes were suspended in 1 mL of water,and 50 μL of freshlyprepared 10% paraformal dehyde solution was then added.Animals and paraformaldehyde solutions were mixed and rocked for an hour.Afterward,rocking was stopped,and worm solutions were allowed to settle.Then,1 mL of 100 μg/L Nile Red in M9 was added to the worm pellet,and the entire solution was incubated for 6 h at room temperature with occasional gentle agitation.Worms were allowed to settle again and then were washed once with M9 buffer.After most of the staining solution had been removed,the fixed worms were mounted onto 2%agarose pads for microscopic observation and photography[15].A stock solution (2 g/L)was made by dissolving C1-BODIPY-C12 in DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide).The stock solution was then diluted in 1X PBS to a final concentration of 100 μg/L C1-BODIPYC12,and fixed worms were incubated 6 h in the working solution.After most of the staining solution had been removed,the fixed worms were mounted onto 2%agarose pads for microscopic observation and photography[16].Fixe d Nile Red and C1-BODIPY-C12 stained worms were visualised using an Olympus IX 71 inverted microscope (Olympus,Japan)using a 40x objective(Olympus UPlanSApo series).Fourteen bit images were taken with a CCD camera(Andor DV885).Nile Red yellow (referred to as Nile Red 580)was visualised with 586/20 nm emission filters with excitation light of 491 nm.Image analysis was performed using Image J software(Wayne Rasband,USA).A recent study claimed that Nile Red and C1-BODIPY-C12 did not show fatstorage staining[12].When C.elegans are fed Nile Red,the dye accumulates in lysosome-related organelles[17].Therefore,it was concluded that fixed Nile Red is a better proxy for fat storage visualisation than fed Nile Red.To confirm that fixed C1-BODIPY-C12 and fixed Nile Red are both good indicators of fat stores,we co-localised fixed Nile Red and fixed C1-BODIPY-C12 images.As shown in Fig.1a,we found that fixed Nile Red and fixed C1-BODIPY-C12 co-labelled a population of structures in gut epithelial organelles.Additionally,fixed Nile Red co-localised with Oil Red O and ATGL-1::GFP (Fig.1b and 1c).ATGL-1 encodes a homology of mammalian adipose triglyceride lipase,which is a lipid dropletmarker[18].So fixed Oil Red O staining is a reliable method to measure fat stores.Thus fixed Nile Red and fixed C1-BODIPY-C12 are sufficient dyes to visualise fat stores properly in C.elegans models.We also conducted similar assays which fed Nile Red and ATGL-1::GFP were assessed for co-localisation.According to Fig.1d,fed Nile Red was not co-localised with ATGL-1::GFP,it suggested a poor indicator of fat stores did fed Nile Red act. Mammals consume fat stores to fulfil their energy requirements upon starvation.We used different dyes to examine fat storage changes between well-fed and starved worms.After 12 h of starvation,worms were fixed and stained using Sudan Black B,Oil Red O,Nile Red and C1-BODIPYC12,respectively.In Oil Red O stained worms,well-fed animals had notable staining,while starved animals exhibited reduced staining(Fig.2).Sudan Black-stained worms show similar results(Fig.2).As for fixed Nile Red worms,the fluorescence intensity was brighter in well-fed wormsthan in 12 h starved worms (Fig.2).The situation was the same in fixed C1-BODIPY-C12-stained worms (Fig.2).Taken together,fasting caused fat storage consumption in C.elegans just as in mammals,and different dye-labelled assays showed the reflected fat store consumption in starved worms compared to well-fed worms.The insulin pathway is an important signal pathway to control lipid metabolism.The gene daf-2 encodes an insulin-receptor.Mutation of this gene results in a temperature-sensitive and constitutive dauer(a diapause stage of nematode worms whereby the larva can survive harsh conditions)formation.When daf-2 mutants are grown at permissive temperatures,the adults exhibit increased lifespan and enhanced fat storage[15].To test if the different fat staining assays can reflect the role of DAF-2 in neutral fat mass regulation,we examined daf-2(e1370)mutants using different dye-labelled assays.According to Fig.3,fat content stained by Oil Red O and Sudan Black B in daf-2 loss-of-function mutants were much higher than that of the wild type.Fluorescence dye assays with Nile Red and C1-BODIPY-C12 were performed and fluorescence intensities of fat stores were then quantitated.Results in Fig.4 showed that fluorescence intensity increased in daf-2 mutants compared to that of wild-type worms in both fluorescence dye assays.This increase suggested that the lack of functional daf-2 caused accumulation of fat stores as previously described[15].Taken together,these results suggest that different assays can represent fat masses in C.elegans.The gene nhr-49 encodes a nuclear hormone receptor (NHR),and a recent study indicated that nhr-49 acts as akey regulator of fat usage by modulating fat consumption and fatty acid composition in C.elegans[3,19,20].However,this conclusion rested on the Nile Red live fed staining and was later proven to be a poor indicator of fat content.Therefore,we tested the fat stores of nhr-49 mutants in several assays.Our data showed that Oil Red O and Sudan Black-labelled nhr-49 mutants exhibited normal fat stores as in wild-type animals.We also labelled wild-type and nhr-49 mutants with Nile Red and C1-BODIPY-C12.Results were similar to Oil Red O and Sudan Black staining.This similarity might be due to the fact that NHR-49 protein regulates fatty acid metabolism and only negligibly affects fat stores.Different assays using dye labels could be used to monitor fat storage changes caused by fasting or gene mutation[17].In this paper,we compared fat stores in well-fed and starved worms and specific genetic mutants.As anticipated,fat stores were consumed when wormsfasted.Additionally,all dye-labelled assays used in this study showed increases in fat stores in daf-2 mutants.It is universally acknowledged that daf-2 mutants show this phenotype.For nhr-49 mutants,some research has suggested that nhr-49 animals display abnormally high fatcontent[3,19].However,this conclusion depends on the Nile Red staining in which the dye was fed to animals,which has been proven to be a poor indicator of fat content[17].We tested the fat stores of nhr-49 mutants in several assays and concluded that nhr-49(gk405)mutants exhibit normal abilities to store fat.We summarised different assays of fat labelling with dyes in Table 1.Generally,Oil Red O,Sudan Black B,fixed Nile Red,and fixed C1-BODIPY-C12 are successful in accurately representing fat stores.However,classical fixed Sudan black dye has been shown easily to unsuccessfully label fat stores in C.elegans due to the ethanol-based wash-ing steps during the fixing procedure[15].Oil Red O was supported as an appropriate method to stain and quantify the main fat stores in C.elegans[9].The limitation of this method is that fixation can be variable and difficult to quantify.Certain studies in-dicated that fluorescent dyes,such as Nile Red and C1-BODIPY-C12,could be used to examine fat content in intact living animals.The advantage of Nile Red is the ability to use it in high-throughput screens designed to identify gene inactivations as-sociated with fat reduction or accumulation.Howev-er,more recent research has suggested that fluores-cent dyes fed to worms could not represent neutral lipid content in live worms[12].Therefore,we chose C1-BODIPY-C12 and Nile Red to stain fat stores when used in fixative assays.Both fixed Nile Red and fixed C1-BODIPY-C12 staining performed with short incubation times led to very efficient staining of lipid droplets.Additionally,C1-BODIPY-C12 is more specific than Nile Red staining of lipid droplets,and this method may be suitable for screening assays.Acknowledgement:We thank Caenorhabditis Genetic Centre for wild-type,nhr-49(gk405),and daf-2(e1370)stains and Roy R for sur-5::atgl-1::gfp construct.[1]MCKAY R M,MCKAY J P,AVERY L,et al.C elegans:a model for exploring the genetics of fat storage[J].Developmental Cell,2003,4(1):131-142.[2]WANG J,KIM S K.Global analysis of dauer gene expression in Caenorhabditis elegans[J].Development,2003,130(8):1621-1634.[3]Van GILST M R,HADJIVASSILIOU H,JOLLY A,et al.Nuclear hormone receptor NHR-49 controls fat consumption and fatty acid composition inC.elegans[J].PLoS Biology,2005,3(2):e53.[4]ASHRAFI K.Obesity and the regulation of fatmetabolism[J].WormBook,2007,1-20.[5]HOLT S J,RIDDLE D L.SAGE surveys C.elegans carbohydrate metabolism:evidence for an anaerobic shift in the long-lived dauerlarva[J].Mechanisms of Ageing and 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四川省绵阳市绵阳中学2024-2025学年高三上学期高考适应性月考卷 (一) 生物学试题(含答案)
2.每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
1. 淀粉肠是一种常见的夜市小吃。
下列相关叙述正确的是( )A. 淀粉肠中有机化合物的共有元素为C 、H 、O 、NB. 淀粉肠的制作原料多为鸡肉,富含不饱和脂肪酸C. 油炸淀粉肠时,会破坏蛋白质中的肽键D. 与普通火腿肠相比,淀粉肠食用后更容易引起血糖上升2. 下列有关同位素标记技术的实验描述,正确的是( )A. 人和小鼠细胞膜蛋白融合实验使用同位素标记技术证明细胞膜具有流动性B. 赫尔希和蔡斯使用32P 、35S 同时标记T2噬菌体,证明DNA 是噬菌体的遗传物质C. 用3H 标记亮氨酸的R 基,可以追踪分泌蛋白的合成、加工、运输路径D. 鲁宾和卡门使用18O 分别标记H 2O 和CO 2,通过检测放射性研究光合作用中氧气的来源3. 黑藻是沉水草本植物,其叶肉细胞中含有丰富的叶绿体和中央大液泡,是一种易获得的理想实验材料。
下列相关叙述错误的是( )A. 用显微镜观察黑藻细胞质的流动时,视野内细胞中叶绿体的流动方向不一定相同B. 用黑藻做质壁分离和复原实验时,可以同时观察到液泡体积和颜色的变化C. 用黑藻提取和分离光合色素时,加入碳酸钙有利于滤纸条上出现4条色素带D. 用黑藻测定叶绿体产生O 2的最大速率时,需要先测出黑暗条件下的呼吸速率4. 古核生物是一类特殊的生物,在细胞结构和新陈代谢方面与细菌相似,而转录的过程则更接近真核生物。
注射时将 将琼脂糖固定垫放
线虫挑至 琼脂糖固 定垫上, 调整线虫 使性腺暴 露,滴加 注射油覆
在载物台上,40x物 镜下找到线虫,使 性腺聚焦在正确的 平面. 操作微操或 轻移滑动载物台, 将注射针尖刺入性
盖整个虫 体. 固定 好后的操 作要迅速, 否则线虫 容易脱水 而死
腺. 启动微量加压 器进行注射,能观 察到注射液在性腺 中快速流动,注射 后的性腺被液体充 满.
•目前常用的整合方法有:用 y射线和 X射线照射,或用光敏剂补骨脂素 加长波紫外线照射整合(TMP/UV integration). 基本策略是大量筛选经 •射线照射过的转基因线虫,一般挑取数百只 F1 代繁殖,筛选 F4 代, 检测是否有 100%的转基因表达,若是则说明整合成功. 一般一次整合 能得到若干个独立种系,可选择最好的一个进行实验.
Hale Waihona Puke By 王 传杰介绍
• 秀丽隐杆线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans),属于线形动 物门、线虫纲。体形非常小,成虫只有1mm左右。 线 虫 是 细 胞 定 数 动 物 , 两性 成虫 只有 9 5 9 个 体 细 胞 , 雄 性 成 虫 只 有 1 0 3 1 个 体细 胞 , 其 中 1 3 1个 细 胞 注 定 要 接 一 定 的发 育 程 序 陆续 死 亡 。 神 经 系统解 剖结 构 十 分 简 单 , 仅有 3 0 2个细 胞 , 约 占整 个 动 物 体 细 胞 总 数 的 三 分 之 一 。它身体透明,能感知气味和味道 ,对光线、温度有反应。研究者很容易在显微镜下对其细 胞和组织进行跟踪观察
在体视显微镜下, 滴加恢复缓冲液至 注射后的线虫正上 方,由于与油互不 相溶,缓冲液会渗 入油下使线虫浮起 . 一般等待 2~ 5 min,线虫活力恢复 ,身体开始游动, 即可挑至培养板上 ,20℃ 常规培养.
关键词:三七秀丽隐杆线虫降脂doi:10.11842/wst.20190710010中图分类号:R284文献标识码:A三七[Panax notoginseng(Burk.)F.H.Chen]为五加科多年生草本植物,是我国传统名贵的中药材,药用部分主要为根茎,至今已有六百多年的用药历史。
线虫脂肪模型研究徐蔓玲;赵阳;贾熙华;季宇彬【摘要】Obesity is a kind of chronic disease with the fatty acid accumulation increased . Studying on the model of organism can discover the obesity disease -causing genes or related pathogenic factors , and find potential drug targets .The progress of research on Caenorhabdi-tis elegans as a model for fatty was summarized in this paper .The key genes and core path-ways in fatty acid metabolism was involved .The data obtained in Caenorhabditis elegans on fatty storage control will contribute largely to the study on metabolism related diseases , such as obesity in human beings .C.elegans may be invaluable in the development of reducing fat and body weightdrugs in the future .%肥胖是一种脂肪酸积累增加的慢性疾病,采用研究模式生物的方法可以有助于探明肥胖产生的致病基因或致病相关因子,进而寻找可能的药物靶点。
摘 要: 目的: 探索丙醇二酸对秀丽隐杆线虫体内脂肪的影响及调节机制ꎮ 方法: 在 NGM 培养基中加入不同浓
度丙醇二酸饲养线虫ꎬ 油红 O 和尼罗红染色法展示线虫体内脂肪颗粒大小、 数量和相对脂肪含量ꎬ 测定线虫身体摆
动频率、 吞咽频率、 48 h 存活率、 身宽、 体长等指标ꎮ QPCR 检测 fat ̄1 至 fat ̄7、 sbp ̄1 和 nhr ̄49 基因相对表达量ꎬ 荧
酸处理ꎬ 线 虫 体 长 无 明 显 差 异ꎬ 身 宽 分 别 降 至 53 1、
57 01、 56 03 μm (P<0 05ꎬ 表 2)ꎮ 综上表明ꎬ 丙醇二酸
对线虫无明显毒性ꎬ 不影响线虫的运动和吞咽ꎮ 不同浓度
丙醇二酸不影响线虫的身长ꎬ 但均显著降低体宽ꎬ 这可能
实验重复 3 次ꎮ
2 2 丙醇二酸处理线虫部分指标变化
RNAꎬ 并测定其含量ꎮ 根据 RNA 含量ꎬ 按逆转录试剂
率分别为 60 42、 150 25 次/ minꎮ 各剂量组与对照组相比ꎬ
转录水平测定ꎮ 以 act ̄1 为内参基因ꎬ 用 2
并列第一作者: 刘晓颖 (2000— )ꎬ 女ꎬ 在读硕士研究生ꎬ 研究方向: 营养及食品安全检测ꎻ 王润圆 (1995— )ꎬ 女ꎬ 在读硕士研究生ꎬ 研究方向: 营养及
Mylonakis等研究发现,一些对哺乳动物起作用的新生隐球菌毒力因子在杀死秀丽隐杆线虫的过程中同样有效,这些基因包括信号转导途径GPA1、PKA1、PKR1、 RAS1和漆酶等;而那些对哺乳动物毒力较低的因子在秀丽隐杆线虫模型中致病性亦较弱。
方法:银、镉、铬、铜、汞、锰和锌作为测试重金属,Nile Red荧光探针染色分析重金属暴露线虫肠道的脂肪酸含量变化,并测定重金属暴露线虫中脂肪酸代谢相关基因的转录水平变化。
【关键词】脂肪积累; 金属暴露; 代谢途径; Nile Red染色; 秀丽线虫Bioassays, usually used in monitoring scheme in toxicological studies, can be explored to monitor the acute toxicity of aquatic effluents according to the guideline set by regulatory authority. Physical and chemical methods can also beused for such monitoring by employing sophisticated equipment. However, considering the facts that field samples often contain unidentified components, and referencing of all toxicants may not be available, whole sample analysis with bioindicator animals was proposed by the U.S. Environment Protection Agency to circumvent such a limitation[1]. A free living nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, a nonparasitic bacterial feeder that lives in soil interstitial, satisfies all the criteria for bioindicator[2]. Because of its convenient handling in the laboratory, its sensitivity to different kinds of stresses, and its abundance in soil ecosystems, C. elegans is widely used in ecotoxicological studies using different exposure media, including soil and water[3-4].The ability of an organism to regulate the production, storage, and release of energy is crucial for health and survival, and a major source of energy is stored as fat, which is required for the life cycle of organisms[5]. Fat storage regulation is a fundamental process, and abnormalities in fat storage will underline important human diseases[6]. The alarming worldwide increase in obesity has intensified the research to identify genes that control the differentiation and function of fat storing tissues, and to examine environmental clues thatinduce the severe abnormalities in fat accumulation[5]. Previous studies have suggested that the lipid metabolism can be altered in acute and chronic lead(Pb) exposed humans and animals[7], and cadmium(Cd) exposure can result in the impaired lipid storage in European eel[8]. Model organisms are a powerful resource for the discovery of genes and environmental clues critical to human health and disease. So far, it has been proven that the C. elegans is an excellent model to analyze the mechanisms of fat storage[5]. Worms have homologs of many mammalian lipogenic and lipolytic enzymes, and genes of encompassing a wide range of components of the mammalian fat regulation cascade[5,9].Thus, the current literature regarding C. elegans provides insight concerning the relative sensitivity of the fat storage endpoint. In the present study, the toxicological effects of metal exposure on fat storage were examined in nematodes. Silver(Ag), Cd, chromium(Cr), copper(Cu), mercury(Hg), manganese(Mn), and zinc(Zn) were chosen as test metals both because of the availability of toxicological data in the literature regarding nematodes and other organisms and because of their abundance in the environment. The aims of the present study were to evaluate the acute toxicity of metalexposure on fat storage of nematodes, and to identify the sensitive genes required for the metabolism of fatty acid in metal exposed nematodes.1 Materials and methods1.1 ChemicalsThe metal concentrations used in this study were selected as previously described[10-13]. Three concentration levels of AgNO3, CdCl2, CrCl2, CuSO4, HgCl2, MnCl2, and ZnCl2 solutions were used in the current study, and they were 2.5, 75, and 200 μmol·L-1, respectively. All the chemicals were obtained from Sigma Aldrich(St. Louis, MO, USA).1.2 StrainsAll nematodes used were wild type Bristol strain N2, originally obtained from the Caenorhabditis Genetics Center(CGC). They were maintained on nematode growth medium(NGM) plates seeded with Escherichia coli OP50 at 20 ℃as described[14]. Gravid nematodes were washed off the plates into centrifuge tubes and were lysed with a bleaching mixture(0.45 mol·L-1 NaOH, 2% HOCl). Age synchronous populations of N2(L4larvae stage) were obtained by the collection as described[15]. The L4larvae stage nematodes were washed with double distilled water twice, followed by washing withmodified K medium once(50 mmol·L-1 NaCl, 30 mmol·L-1 KCl, 10 mmol·L-1 NaOAc, pH 5.5)[16]. Exposures were performed in 12well sterile tissue culture plates. All exposures were 24 h, and were carried out in 20 ℃ incubator in the presence of food.1.3 Nile Red stainingThe method was performed as described[17]. Nile Red(5H benzo[α]phenoxazine5one, 9diethylamino) powder(N1142 Molecular Probes) was dissolved in acetone at 500 μg·ml-1, diluted in phosphate buffered saline(PBS) and added on top of NGM plates already seeded with OP50 bacteria, to a final concentration of 0.05 μg·ml-1. Nematodes were then grown on plates with Nile Red as eggs, and photographed with epifluorescence(rhodamine channel). Their staining phenotypes were assessed prior to starvation at the young adult stages. Fat content was monitored and evaluated using ImageJ Software(NIH Image) by determining average intensity in each animal s intestine. More than 30 nematodes were counted for the statistical analysis.1.4 Analysis of gene expression in metal exposed nematodesPoly(A)+RNA of nematodes was prepared and analyzed asdescribed[18-19]. The frozen nematodes pellets were harvested from 1 liter of mixed stage liquid cultures. A total of 1 μg of poly(A)+RNA per lane was separated by electrophoresis on a 1.2% agarose gel containing 2 mol·L-1 formaldehyde and 0.02 mol·L-1 MOPS, and transferred onto a nylon membrane by a mild alkaline transfer method. Northern hybridizations of transferred poly(A)+RNA were performed using PCR product probes labeled with32P dCTP at 65 ℃overnight. Gene specific primers were designed for gpd3(gpd3f, 5′ATGACCA AGCCAAGTGTC3′; gpd3r, 5′TAGGCCTTGGTAGCAATG3′), for W05G11.6(W05G11.6f, 5′GAGTGTCGTTCTCTGCG3′; W05G11.6r, 5′CCTGGCCACAAGAACTTG3′), for C03H5.4(C03H5.4f, 5′GCCAGAAACTCTGAATAC3′; C03H5.4r, 5′CTCAACATCTTCTTCTGC3′), for C07E3.9(C07E3.9f, 5′TTCTAGTGTTTCTAGCCG3′; C07E3.9r, 5′CAATGTTGGAAATGTTTC3′), for acs 2 (acs2f, 5′CCTCGCTCTACACTCTCG3′; acs2r, 5′GACGACATGAGCATCAGC3′), for ech1(ech1f, 5′GATTCTTGACGTTGTCCG3′; ech1r, 5′ACAGATTCGTACACTCCG3′), for gei7(gei7f, 5′CTATTGCACACTGAGCCA3′; gei7r, 5′GGCTCCAGAGTTCATAGC3′), for fat5(fat5f, 5′GAGATCCGACAAATGCAG3′; fat5r, 5′CGAACTTCTTGCACTGTC3′), for fat6(fat6f, 5′CTCTTCACTTCGCTGCAG3′; fat6r, 5′GGCCGATAATCTCATCAC3′), for fat7(fat7f, 5′GCATTGCCAAGAAGATTG3′; fat7r, 5′CAAGACCAAGAACAGCTG3′), for pod 2 (pod2f, 5′GGAGCAGTTCATTCACTC3′; pod2r, 5′GTCGAGCACATCGTATTC3′), for lbp 1 (lbp1f, 5′TCGCTCTTCTCCTGGTTC3′; lbp1r, 5′GTCGTTTGTAGAATCGGC3′), and for lbp8 (lbp8f, 5′ATGGTTTCCATGAAAGAG3′; lbp8r, 5′TCTAATTTTGAAAGCGAG3′). act 1 was used to determine the equal loading for each sample, and primers specific for act 1 were used in control reactions(act1f, 5′CGAAGCTTACCGTCCCAATCTACGAAG3′; act1r, 5′TGAGAATTCGAAGCACTTGCGGTGAAC3′). Amplification of all DNA fragments for RT PCR was performed for 30 cycles in a Perkin Elmer 480 thermal cycler(Perkin Elmer, Waltham, USA) using a 55 ℃ annealing temperature and a 1min extension.1.5 Statistical analysisAll data in this article were expressed as means ± S.D. Graphs were generated using Microsoft Excel(Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA). One way analysis of variance(ANOVA) followed bya Dunnett s t test was used to determine the significance of the differences between the groups. The probability levels of 0.05 and 0.01 were considered statistically significant.2 Results2.1 Alterations of fatty acid in intestine of metal exposed nematodes In nematodes, the intestine is the major site of energy stores, and the principal site of fat storage. Addition of Nile Red to E. coli OP50, the laboratory diet of C. elegans, can cause uptake and incorporation of the dye Nile Red into lipid droplets in intestinal cells[17,20]. We explored the vital dye Nile Red to visualize fat storage droplets in intestinal cells in control and metal exposed living nematodes. As shown in Fig 1, exposure to all examined seven metals at the concentration of 2.5 μmol·L-1 for 24 h in the presence of food did not obviously influence the fat storage in intestine of nematodes. Exposure to metals of Hg, Mn, and Zn at higher concentrations(75 μmol·L-1 and 200 μmol·L-1) also did not noticeably affect the fat storage in intestine of nematodes. Similarly, exposure to metals of Cd and Cu at the concentration of 75 μmol·L-1 could not alter fat storage in nematodes. In contrast to these, exposure to Ag and Cr at the concentrations of 75 μmol·L-1 and 200 μmol·L-1 and exposure to Cu at the concentration of 75 μmol·L-1 significantly(P<0.01) increased the fat storage in intestine of nematodes. Different from the increased fat storage phenotype observed in Ag, Cr, and Cu exposed nematodes, exposure to Cd at the concentration of 200 μmol·L-1 moderately but significantly(P<0.01) decreased the fat storage in intestine of nematodes. Therefore, exposure to Ag, Cr, Cu, and Cd at high concentrations will influence the fat storage to different degrees in exposed nematodes.A. Pictures of Nile Red staining.B. Quantification of Nile Red fluorescence in control and metal exposed nematodes. Control, without metal exposure. Bars represent mean ±S.D. a. P<0.01 vs 0 μmol·L-1(control)Fig 1 Fat storage in control and metal exposed nematodes as monitored by Nile Red staining 2.2 Expression patterns of gene required for the fatty acid metabolism in Ag and Cr exposed nematodes Next, we examined the expression patterns of genes required for the fatty acid metabolism in control and metal(Ag and Cr) exposed nematodes by analyzing the transcription levels of genes. pod 2 encodes an acetyl CoA carboxylase, and by sequence similarity, POD 2 is predicted to catalyze the first step in fatty acid biosynthesis. gei7 encodes a predicted isocitrate lyase/malate synthase, an enzyme known to functionin the glyoxylate cycle. As shown in Fig 2A, exposure to Ag and Cr at the concentration of 200 μmol·L-1 did not affect the expression levels of genes of pod 2 and gei7 compared with control. Inhibition of fat5, fat6, and fat7 genes encoding delta9 fatty acid desaturation enzymes is associated with reduced fat levels in nematodes[21]. In contrast, as shown in Fig 2B, the fat5, fat6, and fat7 expression was dramatically(P<0.01) increased in 200 μmol·L-1 Ag and Cr exposed nematodes compared with control. The genes of lbp 1 and lbp8 regulate the fatty acid binding and transportation in nematodes[22]. As shown in Fig 2C, exposure to Ag and Cr at the concentration of 200 μmol·L-1 did not influence the expression of lbp8, whereas the expression of lbp 1 was significantly(P<0.01) decreased by the Ag and Cr exposure at the concentration of 200 μmol·L-1 compared with control. gpd3 encodes a predicted glyceraldehyde 3phosphate dehydrogenase, and its function is involved in the glycolysis regulation[22]. W05G11.6 encodes a phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, and its function is involved in the gluconeogenesis regulation in nematodes[22]. As shown in Fig 2D, no obvious alteration of gpd 3 and W05G11.6 expression was observed in 200 μmol·L-1 Ag and Cr exposed nematodes comparedwith control. Genes of C03H5.4 and C07E3.9 encode secreted phospholipase A2, and they regulate the phospholipids biosynthesis in nematodes[22]. As shown in Fig 2E, exposure to Ag and Cr at the concentration of 200 μmol·L-1 did not noticeably alter the C03H5.4 and C07E3.9 expression compared with control. Down regulation of acs 2 and ech1, mitochondrial βoxidation genes, causes fat accumulation[22]. As shown in Fig 2F, the expression of acs2 and ech 1 were all significantly(P<0.01) suppressed by Ag and Cr exposure at the concentration of 200 μmol·L-1 compared with control. Therefore, our results suggest that the observed formation of increased fat storage in Ag and Cr exposed nematodes was largely due to the abnormalities of fatty acid desaturation, mitochondrial βoxidation, and fatty acid binding.A. Expression patterns of pod 2 and gei7 in control and metal exposed nematodes.B. Expression patterns of fat5, fat 6 and fat7 in control and metal exposed nematodes.C. Expression patterns of lbp 1 and lbp8 in control and metal exposed nematodes.D. Expression patterns of gpd 3 and W05G11.6 in control and metal exposed nematodes.E. Expression patterns of C03H5.4 and C07E3.9 in control and metal exposed nematodes.F.Expression patterns of acs 2 and ech 1 in control and metal exposed nematodes. Control, without metal exposure. Bars represent mean ±S.D. a. P<0.01 vs 0 μmol·L-1(control) Fig 2 Expression patterns of genes required for the fat storage in 200 μmol·L-1 metal(Ag and Cr) exposed nematodes 3 DiscussionIn the present study, we investigated the acute toxicity on fat storage from metal exposure. Our data demonstrated that exposure to low concentration, such as 2.5 μmol·L-1, of examined metals(Ag, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, and Zn) can not induce the severe abnormality of fat storage in nematodes. Considering the fact that the concentrations of examined metals in our surviving environment are usually not more than the value of 2.5 μmol·L-1, the metals in the normal environment can not cause the severe impairment on the fat storage in human beings. However, our data further suggest that exposure to 200 μmol·L-1 of Ag, Cr, and Cu can result in the severe increase of fat storage, and exposure to 200 μmol·L-1 of Cd can cause the severe decrease of fat storage in exposed nematodes. Especially, the noticeable increase of fat storage can also be observed in nematodes exposed to 75 μmol·L-1 of Ag and Cr. These observations using the Nile Red staining method were confirmed by the Sudan Black stainingmethod(data not shown). Therefore, these data suggest that exposure to high concentrations of metals, including Ag, Cr, Cu, and Cd, will result in the abnormality of fat storage in intestine of nematodes. Previous study has suggested that eels contaminated by Cd showed a lower body weight growth with a lower efficiency of lipid storage compared to control, which is mainly explained by an increased utilization of triglycerides since Cd exposure did not trigger a reduced fatty acid synthesis[8].More interestingly, different metals will have different adverse effects on the fat storage in exposed organisms. For example, exposure to Ag, Cr, and Cu will induce the increased fat storage, whereas exposure to Cd will induce the reduced fat storage. In C. elegans, the synergistic, additive, or neutralizing toxicity of multiple heavy metals has been revealed by a biological assay using a transgenic derivative nematode[2]. In addition, the combinational toxicity from multiple metals can also be detected in a paper recycling industrial waste water[23]. Our data strongly imply that the similar synergistic, additive, or neutralizing toxicity on fat storage from metal exposure may be also formed in nematodes.C. elegans is an attractive animal model for the study of the ecotoxicological relevance of chemical induced, genelevel responses[3]. In the current work, we further examined the expression patterns of genes required for fatty acid metabolism in Ag and Cr exposed nematodes. The reason to select the meals of Ag and Cr was that the sharp increase of fat storage can be observed in nematodes exposed to high concentrations of Ag and Cr; however, only moderate defects of fat storage can be formed in Cu and Cd exposed nematodes. The expression patterns of genes required for the fatty acid metabolism suggest that exposure to Ag and Cr at the concentration of 200 μmol·L-1 will not obviously influence the expression of pod2, gei7, lbp 8, gpd3, W05G11.6, C03H5.4 and C07E3.9 compared with control, which suggests that at least the metabolic pathways of fatty acid synthesis, phospholipids synthesis, glycolysis, and gluconeogenesis can not be severely altered by exposure to Ag and Cr. In contrast, the increased expression of fat5, fat 6, and fat7 can be observed in Ag and Cr exposed nematodes at the concentration of 200 μmol·L-1 compared with control, indicating the alteration of delta9 fatty acid desaturation by exposure to Ag and Cr. In addition, the decreased expression of acs 2 and ech 1 can be observed in Ag and Cr exposed nematodes at the concentration of 200 μmol·L-1 compared with control, indicating the disruption of mitochondrial βoxidation from Ag and Cr exposure. These data suggest that the observed increased fat storage in Ag and Cr exposed nematodes is the combinational effect of delta9 fatty acid desaturation with mitochondrial βoxidation. That is, exposure to Ag and Cr will influence both the desaturation and the breakdown processes of fatty acid in nematodes.Acknowledgements Strain used in this work was provided by the Caenorhabdits Genetics Center(funded by the NIH, National Center for Research Resource). This work was supported by the grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. ) and the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University.【参考文献】[1] WEBER C I. Methods for measuring the acute toxicity of effluents to freshwater and marine organisms [M]. 4th ed. Cincinnati: Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, OH. EPA/600/490/027F, 1993.[2] CHU K W, CHOW K L. 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染色法鉴别秀丽隐杆线虫生命状态探究高学娟;尹文彦;陆娟;屈长青【摘要】利用0.5%的曙红、10%的番红花、0.5%的亚甲基蓝和红墨水,分别对死伤秀丽隐杆线虫进行染色观察,进而找出一种清晰可见、简单易行的鉴别死伤线虫的方法.【期刊名称】《广东农业科学》【年(卷),期】2010(037)009【总页数】2页(P189,195)【关键词】秀丽隐杆线虫;解冻复苏;死活鉴定【作者】高学娟;尹文彦;陆娟;屈长青【作者单位】阜阳师范学院生命科学学院,安徽,阜阳,236041;阜阳师范学院生命科学学院,安徽,阜阳,236041;阜阳师范学院生命科学学院,安徽,阜阳,236041;阜阳师范学院生命科学学院,安徽,阜阳,236041;抗衰老中草药安徽省工程技术研究中心,安徽,阜阳,236041【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q959.17秀丽隐杆线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans)属于线形动物门、线虫纲动物。
个体非常小,成虫只有1 mm 左右[1]。
1 材料与方法1.1 试验材料供试秀丽隐杆线虫由中科院等离子体物理研究所吴李君研究员惠赠;大肠杆菌作为秀丽隐杆线虫的食饵。
秀丽隐杆线虫体内脂滴的油红O染色观察姬云涛;王亦舒;李星辰;屈长青【摘要】目的通过油红O染色对秀丽隐线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans)肠道脂类物质沉积的形态学变化进行观察.方法在NGM培养基中加入油红O染液,对正常生理状态中的秀丽隐杆线虫体内的脂滴进行染色.结果 72 h后发现线虫的肠道普遍被染成红色.结论油红O染液可以对活体线虫的脂滴进行染色,为后续研究线虫脂肪沉积的调控机制奠定基础.【期刊名称】《中国生化药物杂志》【年(卷),期】2011(032)002【总页数】2页(P141-142)【关键词】秀丽隐杆线虫;油红O;脂滴;染色【作者】姬云涛;王亦舒;李星辰;屈长青【作者单位】抗衰老中草药安徽省工程技术研究中心,安徽,阜阳,236041;安徽师范大学生命科学学院,安徽,芜湖,241000;抗衰老中草药安徽省工程技术研究中心,安徽,阜阳,236041;抗衰老中草药安徽省工程技术研究中心,安徽,阜阳,236041【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R965.1秀丽隐杆线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans)属于线虫动物门、线虫纲动物,是研究发育生物学、神经生物学和老年衰老学的理想模型生物[1]。
两性成虫只有959个体细胞,雄性成虫只有1 031个体细胞。
结果:外源添加200、500、1000μg/mL L-苹果酸,秀丽隐杆线虫体内脂肪降至83.33%、87.67%、76.67%,甘油三酯(TG)降至0.49、0.61、0.82倍。
1000μg/mL L-苹果酸饲养线虫,fat-5、fat-6、fat-7、sbp-1 mRNAs下调为0.46、0.57、0.63、0.50倍;fat-6:GFP和fat-7:GFP荧光强度减弱至0.36和0.28倍。
不同浓度亳菊水提物对秀丽隐杆线虫脂滴凝聚影响观察屈长青;宫雯珺;常好才;姬云涛【摘要】Objective To explore the influence of the aqueous extract from Flos Chrysanthemi (the flower of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. ) Boju on lipidosis of Caenorhabditis elegans. Methods Different concentrations of the aqueous extract from Boju were used to prepared NGM media for nematodes. After oil red O staining and isopropyl alcohol extraction, OD values were detected by spectrophotometer. Results The absorbency value showed a certain curve which changed with the increase in the concentration, and its mechanism needs to be studied further.%目的探讨亳菊对秀丽隐杆线虫脂肪沉积的影响.方法用不同浓度亳菊水提取液配制NGM培养基,培养同步化秀丽隐杆线虫,成虫经油红O染色,异丙醇萃取,测定OD值,并与普通NGM培养基培养的同步化线虫相比较.结果随着浓度的提高,线虫体内的脂肪沉积量呈现出一定的曲线变化,其具体机制有待于进一步研究.【期刊名称】《中国组织化学与细胞化学杂志》【年(卷),期】2012(021)006【总页数】3页(P528-530)【关键词】亳菊;水提物;秀丽隐杆线虫;同步化;油红O【作者】屈长青;宫雯珺;常好才;姬云涛【作者单位】抗衰老中草药安徽省工程技术研究中心;阜阳师范学院生命科学学院,安徽阜阳236041;阜阳师范学院生命科学学院,安徽阜阳236041;阜阳师范学院生命科学学院,安徽阜阳236041;阜阳师范学院生命科学学院,安徽阜阳236041【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R917肥胖已经成为危害人类健康的一个重要的危险因素,给人类社会造成日益沉重的经济负担[1]。
【摘要】目的研究罗勒水提物对秀丽隐杆线虫脂肪沉积的影响.方法用罗勒水提物配制NGM培养基培养同步化秀丽隐杆线虫,经油红0染色后,裂解虫体,在490 nm波长处测定吸光度值.结果在罗勒水提物配制的培养基生长的线虫吸光度值较小,与对照组相比差异显著.结论罗勒水提物可减少线虫体内脂质含量,但其机制有待于进一步研究.
1.罗勒水提取物对ADP、凝血酶诱导的大鼠血小板聚集的影响 [J], 依巴代提·托合提;玛依努尔·吐尔逊;毛新民;苏巴提·吐尔地
2.不同浓度亳菊水提物对秀丽隐杆线虫脂滴凝聚影响观察 [J], 屈长青;宫雯珺;常好
3.罗勒水提取物涂膜对珍珠番石榴耐藏性的影响 [J], 许银冰; 肖智丽; 马晓敏; 曾健浩; 陈晓琪; 李运生; 张福平
4.罗勒水提取物涂膜对珍珠番石榴耐藏性的影响 [J], 许银冰; 肖智丽; 马晓敏; 曾健浩; 陈晓琪; 李运生; 张福平
5.罗勒水提物对阿霉素引起的大鼠心肌毒性的影响 [J], 依巴代提.托乎提;玛依努尔.吐尔逊;苏巴提.吐尔地;艾尼瓦尔.吾买尔
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秀 丽 隐 杆 线 虫 , 由 抗 衰 老 中 草 药 安
徽 省工程 技术 研 究 中心 提 供 ;大 肠 杆 菌 OP 0 S ,作 为 秀丽 隐杆线 虫 的食饵 。
拍 照 ( 图 1 图 2和 图 3 , 相 比之 下 ,图 3可 显 如 、 ) 示 出 明 显 的 红 色 脂 滴 ,表 明 1 T i n X 1 0和 油 r o 一0 t 红 。 浸 泡 3 mi 处 理 染 色 效 果 较 好 ,便 于 观 察 。 0 n的
讨 论
1 .材 料
结 果
虫成 体 的染 色便 于对 其镜 下观 察 ,利用 特异性 染 色 试剂 对各种 组织 成分 着色 ,可 以对组 织 成分准 确定 位 ,为许 多 实 验 研 究 提 供 了 便 利 。油 红 0 ( l Oi R dO )是 一种 油溶 性偶 氮染料 ,易溶 于苯 ,溶 于 e
抗 衰 老 和 基 因 组 学 研 究 的 重 要 模 式 生 物 l 。 对 线 3 ]
用 P S冲洗 3次 。弃 去 P S B B ,用 1 Tr o 一∞ i nX 1 t
异 丙 醇 油 红 O 溶 液 浸 泡 3 mi 。 用 P S 冲 洗 3 0 n B
次 。用 异 丙 醇 镜 下 分 化 至 清 晰 ,观 察 拍 照 。
[ 图分类号] 中 R3 9 2 [ 献标识码) 文 A DOI 1 . 8 0 z zh . 0 0 0 . 1 : 0 3 7 /g z x 2 1 . 6 0 7
秀 丽 隐 杆 线 虫 ( . lg n ) 属 于 线 形 动 物 门 、 C e as e 线 虫 纲 动 物 ,其 成 虫 体 长 1 mm , 身 体 透 明 , 生 活
探 索性 的使 用 了 1 Tr o 一 0 ,利 用 其 透 过 作 i nX 10 t 用 使油 红 0 更 好 的对 虫 体 着 色 ,得 到 了较 好 的效
果 ,为 以 后 研 究 线 虫 脂 肪 调 控 奠 定 了 基 础 。
材 料 和 方 法
X 1 0和油 红 O共 同染 色 3 mi ,P S冲洗后 观察 0 0 n B
乙 醇 和 丙 酮 , 目前 被 认 为 是 最 优 良 的 脂 肪 染 色 染
经过 多次 试验 探索 发现 ,在 油 红 O 染 色 之前 ,
需 要 将 l 多 聚 甲 醛 固 定 液 和 P S 冲 洗 液 离 心 弃 B 去 ,否 则 会 产 生 沉 淀 杂 质 而 影 响 镜 下 观 察 。通 过 分 别设 计对 照 组 :① 不 用 1 T i nX 10 r o 一0 ,仅 用 油 t
红 O 处 理 ,染 色 3 mi 0 n、② 用 1 Trt n X 0 i 1 0处 o
料 ] ,在 脂 肪 内能 高 度 溶 解 ,从 而 染 色 ,能 保 存
组 织 中 的 脂 肪 滴 ,染 色 效 果 好 ,颜 色 鲜 红 。本 实 验
理 1 mi ,再 用 油 红 。 染 色 3 mi 5 n 0 n和 ③ 1 T i n r o t
秀 丽 隐 杆 线 虫 体 内脂 肪 染 色 方 法 的 探 究
徐林 丽 高 学娟 屈 长 青
( 阜 阳师 范 学 院生 命 科 学 学 院 ,安 徽 ; 抗 衰 老 中草 药 安 徽 省 工 程 技 术 研 究 中心 ,安 徽 2 6 4 ) 30 1
[ 要] 近几 十年 来 ,秀丽 隐杆 线 虫 ( a n r a dt l a s 因其 结 构 简单 、通 体 透 明 、 生命 周 期 短 和 易 于 培 养 , 摘 C e oh b i see n ) i g 常 作 为 一种 模 式 生 物 被 广 泛用 于 现 代 发 育 生 物 学 、遗 传 学 、抗 衰 老 和 及 脂 肪 调 控 等 方 面 的 研 究 。本 文 探 索 了一 种 对 秀 丽 隐 杆线 虫 体 内脂 肪 的油 红 O 染 色 方 法 ,利 用 1 Tr o 一0 i n X 1 0的 透 过 作 用 ,线 虫 体 内脂 滴 可 被 油 红 0更 好 的着 色 ,镜 下 观 察 t 颜 色鲜 红 ,染 色 效 果 较 好 ,为 以后 研 究 线 虫 脂 肪 调 控 奠定 了 基 础 。 [ 键词] 秀丽隐杆线虫 ; 关 成 体 ;染 色
第 1 9卷 第 6期 2l O 0年 1 2月
中 国 组 织 化 学 与 细 胞 化 学 杂 志
V01 9. O .1 N .6 De e b r 2 0 c m e . 01
油 红 o 、异 丙 醇 、 1 Trtn X一 。 。 % i 1 O o
3 .方法 用 M 9缓 冲 液将 秀丽 隐杆线 虫 洗至
1 5 l的பைடு நூலகம் 心 管 中 ,在 1 多 聚 甲醛 室 温 或 4 固 定 .肚 ℃
在 世界各 地 的泥土 中,以大肠 杆 菌为食 饵 ,容易 人 工 养殖 ,生命 周期 (i y l) 短l ,对 人 、动 物 1ecce f 】 ]
和 植 物 没 有 危 害 l 。 C ee a s成 体 内 每 一 个 细 胞 2 ] . lg n
1-0 n 53 mi,然 后 置 于 8 ℃ 冰 箱 中 冷 冻 1 ri, 于 0 5 n a 4 ℃水 浴 中迅 速 解 冻 。低 速 离 心 1 n 3 mi ,弃 上 清 。
的形 成都 可 以被追踪 ,而且其 胚胎 发育 过程 中细 胞 分裂 、分 化 以及 细胞 的死 亡具 有 高度 的程序 性 , 因 此 C ee a s已经 成 为 现代 发 育 生 物 学 、遗 传 学 、 .l n g