大学英语语法 第二十讲 倒装

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1 . 虚拟条件句中的倒装

如果虚拟条件句中的谓语部分含有were, had 或should, 可以把它们放在句首, 省去连词if, 变成倒装句。例如:

Were it not for your help, I wouldn..t have got what I have today . 要是没有你的帮助, 我


Had I known it earlier, I wouldn..t have lent him the money . 要是早知道这件事, 我就


Should he act like that again, he would be punished . 要是他再这样干,他就要受到惩罚。

2 . 当句首为here, there, now, then, such 等副词, 谓语动词为be, go, come 等时, 句子的主谓要求倒装

Here is the book you want . 你要的书在这儿。

There goes the bell . 铃响了。

Now comes your turn . 现在轮到你了。

Then came the order to take off . 起飞的命令到了。

Now is the hour when they say goodbye . 他们告别的时候到了。

Note: ①若主语为人称代词, 则不用倒装。例如:

There he comes ! 他来了!

Here they are . 他们在这儿。

A:Where is the key ?

B: Here it is .

Behind the counter she stood , beautiful and pale .

②副词或介词+ with + 其他成分是一种表示祈使命令的倒装结构, 句中省略了动


In with you ! 你进来!

Up with the wallet !捡起那个钱包!

On with your clothes ! 穿上你的衣服!

Down with it ! 撕下它! ( = Take it down !)

Off with your caps ! 脱去你们的帽子! ( = Take off your caps !)

Out with it ! 说出来! ( = Speak it out !)

3 . so can we 和so he is

如果前面句子中所说的情况也适合后面的句子, 后面的句子常用so(肯定句) , nor, either , no more(否定句)引导构成倒装句, 并且用do( does , did)代替实义动词。例如:

They can leave now, so can we . 他们现在可以离开了, 我们也能。

You have helped her, and so has she you . 你帮助过她, 她也帮助过你。( = and she has helped you)

He loves the girl . So does she him . 他爱这个女孩, 这个女孩也爱他。

She respected me and so did I her . 她尊重我, 我也尊重她。

新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书

788 第二十讲

You can..t do it , nor can I . 你不能做这件事, 我也不能。

He didn..t see the film last night , neither did she . 他昨晚没看电影, 她也没看。

She can..t understand his lecture, no more can I . 她听不懂他的演讲, 我也听不懂。

.. 但如果不是表示情况的适合, 而是表示对前面句子内容的同意或肯定, 则不能用倒装句。例如:

He is a good student , so he is . 他是个好学生, 他的确是。

A:“Did Jack tell you to go there ?”“杰克告诉你去那里了吗?”

B:“He did . And so I did .”“他告诉了, 我也去了。”(不可说And so did I)

Note: 倒装结构中的nor 也可换为and nor 或but nor; 表示另一人或物“也不”时, 也可用and neither。例如:

She did not do it , and nor(but nor ) did she try to .

You are not wrong, and neither is she .

4. 感叹句中的倒装

How happy the children are ! (表语前置)孩子们多幸福啊!

What a lovely birthday present the old lady has received ! (宾语前置)这位老太太收到


5. the more . . ., the more 结构中的倒装

The harder you work , the hap pier you feel . (状语前置、表语前置)你工作越努力, 就越


The more you study, the more you know . 你学得越多, 就知道得越多。(宾语前置)

6. 从句中关系代词或关系副词的倒装

He couldn..t tell where his home was . (宾语从句中表语前置)

Whatever I have is at your service . (主语从句中宾语前置)我所有的东西请随便使用。However fast he may run, he will never catch up with Jim . (状语从句中状语前置)

7 .many a time 和next 等表示时间、次数或顺序的副词位于句首时常要倒装

Many a time have I seen her taking a walk alone . 我许多次看见她独自散步。(也可说

Many a time I have . . .)

Many a time in college years have we wandered in the hills . 在大学时代, 我们有许多次

在山中漫游。(也可说Many a time in college years we have . . .)

Of ten did she come to my home in the past . 她过去常常到我家来。(也可说She often

came . . .)

Of ten have I heard it said that it is a good book . 我常听人说这是一本好书。(也可说I

have often heard . . .) (也可说Very (或Quite) often I have heard . . .)

Twice within her li f etime has she been to England . 她一生中已两次到过英国。

Next came a man in his forties . 下一个来的是一个四十几岁的人。

Long did we wait before hearing from her . 我们等了很久才收到她的信。

Long did the hours seem while I waited there . 我在那里等的时候, 时间似乎过得特别


8 .well, so, gladly 等表示方式、程度的副词位于句首时常倒装
