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I.Set Phrase Translation(20 scores in total)

穿越剧: time-travel TV drama; time-travel TV series

春晚: Spring Festival gala

计划生育: family planning; birth control; Planned

Parenthood; One-Child Policy

外来务工人员: Migrant Worker

年夜饭: Chinese New Year’s Eve dinner, family reunion dinner on Chinese New Year’s Eve

发展体育运动,增强人民体质: Promote physical culture and build up the people’s health;the development of sport to enhance people’s health

消除皱纹: eliminate/get rid of/remove wrinkles

回家养病:go home to recuperate;return home to recover from an illness

培养道德意识: cultivate/foster/train moral consciousness

发展是硬道理: Development is of overriding importance.; Development is the absolute principle.

非居民用水: Non-Residential Water Usage; the water demand of non-residential users

潜规则:casting couch ;hidden rules;unspoken rules;Unwritten rules

Better Cities, Better Life. 城市, 让生活更美好

吃团圆饭:have a family reunion dinner; have a…meal; family gatherings

中国能源的困局:The dilemma of China’s energy

特大地震:the great earthquake

倡导学术诚信:advocate academic integrity

三公经费:the three public expenses;the three public consumption 择校:School Choice; choosing school

社会事业:social undertaking;social programs; social enterprise; Social Business

II.Blank Filling(fill in each blank with English, 1 score for each blank, 20 scores in total)

1. It is believed that the earliest translated Bible in translation history of the West is called ________.

2. ______ is believed to be the first theorist in the West to discuss theoretical issues in translation.

3. Prior to the Tang Dynasty, ______ was widely translated majorly from _____ into Chinese.

4. The Latin Vulgate was translated by _______.

5. The first English version of whole Bible was translated by a group of people led by _____.

6. The most important and influential of English Bible is the

______ version.

7. The Reformation in the West is largely initiated by _____ who translated Bible from its original languages into ______.

8. Nida believes that there are fundamentally two different types of equivalence, one which may be called ____, and another which is primarily _____.

9. In his theoretical construction, Peter Newmark puts forward two diametrically different translation methods, one of which is

______ translation and another ______ translation.

10. Yan Fu, a famous modern Chinese thinker and reformer, was at the same time well-known for his proposal of tri-principles of translation, i.e. _____, ______ and _______.

11. The seminal paper ____________ written by ______ was called the Independence Declaration of Translation Studies as a discipline.

12. Literary translation in late-Qing China was started by ______, who translated a romance story originally written in _____ into Chinese in cooperation with his interpreter Wei Yi.

III.Simple Sentence Translation (2 scores for each,20 scores in total)

1. 像这种情况,医院就是没考虑到一些特殊病人的需要,没能为患者提供一种人性化的服务。

2. 在“老龄化社会”里,两口之家赡养四个老人,压力之重不言自明。

3. 女演员赵薇几年前因主演电视连续剧《还珠格格》一炮走红中国内地及港台,成为无数青少年心中的偶像和明星。

4. We arrived just in time for their Water Splashing Festival.
