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• The reason ____he hasn’t come is that he has been ill. why
Don’t believe the reason ________ he gave
• 当表时间,地点,原因的名词,如day, time ,place factory, reason等作先行词, 在定语从句中作状语时,用where, when 和why 引导定语从句,在从句中作主语或 宾语时,用that 或which.
• 1. The prize will go to the writer ________ story shows the most imagination.
• A. that
B. which
C. whose
not pass the exam.
• 5. I will remember the day forever. • I worked on the farm on the day. • I will remember the day when I worked
on the farm.
• This is the factory __w_h_e_re__I once worked.
先行词+ 关系词+ 从句
1.分类:a.关系代词 b.关系副词 2.选择:a.先行词——指人、物?
前看看(指人,指物,指时间、地点、原因) 后看看(从句中所作成分) 合起来再算算(确定引导词)
I have lost the watch (_t_h_a_t_/ _w_h_i_c_h_) my father gave me. Do you remember the day _w__h_e_n_/_o_n__w_h_i_c_h_ Beijing was liberated.
the library last week is very interesting.
• 2. The school is a big one. • The school stands near the river. • The school which / that stands near the
river is a big one.
• 指代人 who,whom,that • 指代事物 which,that • 所属关系 whose,of which • 指地点 where • 指时间 when • 指原因 why • 一.在从句开头引导定语从句。 • 二.替代先行词。且先行词绝不可省,引导词有时
engineer? • The train that/ which has just left is for Hong
• 关系代词引导定语从句修饰人并在 从句中作主语时用who/that, 在从 句中作宾语时用who, whom, that
或省略关系词,但在介词后只能用 whom 引导从句并修饰物时用 which ; 在从句中作定语指人或物 表“……的”时用whose.
• but there is something left in my head 但我的心中总 留存着一种感觉
• You’re the one who set it up 是你带给我这种感觉
• now you’re the one to make it stop又是你将它浇灭
• I’m the one whose feeling lost right now现在我的心早 已迷失方向
• This is the factory_(_t_ha_t_/w__h_ic_h)I’ve visited.
• The day _(t_h_a_t/_w_h_ic_h_) I always remember is Oct.1.
• The day _w_h_e_n_Nanjing was liberated is Sep.11.
• 3. TΒιβλιοθήκη Baidue house was built last year. • Its windows face south. • The house whose windows face south
was built last year.
• 4. The students will not pass the exam. • They don’t study hard. • The students who don’t study hard will
• 三.在定语从句中充当成分。
• Rewrite each pair of sentences,using the attributive clause.
• 1.The book is very interesting. • I borrowed it from the library last week. • The book (that / which) I borrowed from
• 2. Do you know the student who/that left a moment ago?
• Do you know the student about whom he’s talking?
• He’s the man(that/whom)you can depend on. • Do you know the student whose father is an
Baby won’t you tell me why there is sadness in your eyes 宝贝不要告诉我为什么你的眼底写着悲伤
I don’t wanna say goodbye to you我不想就此和你告 别
Love is one big illusion I should try to forget爱上一场 幻灭 ,我该尽力将其忘却