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1.No one enjoys _______ at.

A. laughing

B. to laugh

C. being laughed

D. to be laughed

2.You must do something to prevent your house _______.

A. to be broken in

B. from being broken in

C. to break in

D. from breaking in

3.They insisted on _______ another chance to try.

A. given

B. giving

C. being given

D. to be given

4. --- Where is my passport? I remember _______ it here.

--- You shouldn't have left it here. Remember _____it with you all the time.

A. to put;to take

B. putting;taking

C. putting;to take

D. to put;taking

5.His room needs _______, so he must have it _______.

A. painting;painted

B. painted;painting

C. painting;painting

D. painted;painted

6.After finishing his homework he went on _______ a letter to his parents.

A. write

B. writing

C. wrote

D. to write

7.The young trees we planted last week require _______ with great care.

A. looking after

B. to look after

C. to be looked after

D. taken good care of

8.Only _______ English doesn't mean _______ the language.

A. to learn;to learn

B. learning;learning

C. learning about;learn

D. learning about;learning

9.She returned home only to find the door open and something _______.

A. missed

B. to be missing

C. missing

D. to be missed

10.She decided to devote herself _______ the problem of old age.

A. to study

B. studying

C. to studying

D. study

11.Remember _______ the newspaper when you have finished it.

A. putting back

B. put back

C. to put back

D. be put back

12.As she is looking forward to ___ from me, please remember __ this letter on your way to school.

A. hear;post

B. hearing;to post

C. be heard;posting

D. be hearing;to posting

13.Grandma said that she had a lot of trouble _______ your handwriting.

A. to read

B. to see

C. reading C. in seeing

14.Writing stories and articles _______ what I enjoy most.

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. were

15.We appreciate _______ us to the ball.

A. them to invite

B. to invite

C. their inviting

D. being invited

16.Would you mind _______ quiet for a moment? I'm trying _______ a form.

A. keeping;filling out

B. to keep;to fill out

C. keeping;to fill out

D. to keep;filling out

17.He was afraid _______ for being late.

A. of seeing

B. of being seen

C. to be seen

D. to have seen

18.I'd like to suggest _______ the meeting till next week.

A. to put off

B. putting off

C. put off

D. to be put off

19.I don't see how I could possibly manage _______ the work without _______.

A. finish;helping

B. to finish;being helped

C. finishing;helping

D. finishing;being helped

20. Anything worth _______ is worthy of _______ well.

A. doing;being done

B. doing;doing

C. to be done;to be done

D. to be done;being done

21. We advised them to take a re 159 st, but they insisted _______ the work.

A. finish

B. to finish

C. in finishing

D. on finishing

22. I delayed _______ your letter because I had been away for a week.

A. answe 1ab1 r

B. answering

C. writing

D. to post

23. The thief drove as fast as he could to escape _______ by the police.

A. to be caught

B. be caught

C. being caught

D. catching

24. I searched for my wallet and it wasn't there. At first, I thought I _______ it at home. Then I remembered _______ it out to pay for the taxi.

A. must have left;to take

B. may leave;taking

C. might leave;to take

D. could have left;taking

25. _______ the news of his father's death, he burst into tears.

A. After hearing

B. On hearing

C. While hearing

D. Having heard

26. _______ his mother, the baby could not help _______.

A. To see;to laugh

B. Seeing;to laugh

C. Seeing;laughing

D. To see;laughing

27.It's no use _______ so much money on clothes.

A. spend

B. spent

C. spending

D. being spent

28.The sentence needs _______.

A. improve

B. a improvement

C. improving

D. improved

29.If he succeeded _______ a job, his children wouldn't be suffering from hunger now.

A. to find

B. to look for

C. in finding

D. in looking for

30.I still remember _______ to my home town when I was young.

A. taking

B. taken

C. being taken

D. to take

1.Can you imagine yourself _______ in a lonely island? (stay)

2.I can't understand your _______ at that poor child. (laugh)

3.She didn't mind _______ overtime. (work)
