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Prentice Hall Inc.
Insurance Needs你需要多少保險
Co-insurance and the “80% rule ”:共同保險與 “80%法則”:

Additional living expenses額外的生活費用 Fair rental value一般出租價值 Prohibited use禁止使用
Prentice Hall Inc.
Section II: Personal Liability Coverage 第二部份:個人責任保險項目
Property and Liability Insurance 財產及責任保險
Homeowner‟s Insurance Policies房屋保 險
Cover multiple perils (e.g., fire, theft, storms, faulty household systems or appliances, riot, volcanoes, vehicles, aircraft)保障各 種不同的保險(例如:火 災、竊盜、暴風、房屋 或是家電, 冰雹、龍捲 風、汽車或行飛行器) Sold in six basic versions 有六種型態出售 Prentice Hall Inc.
Prentice Hall Inc.
Umbrella Policies個人庇護保險
Cover liability costs after the underlying homeowner‟s or auto policies have been exhausted在耗盡你的汽車和 房屋責任保險後所提供的額 外責任保險 Up to $10 million最高到一千 萬美元 Exclusions for business, aircraft, and watercraft activities商業使用航空和航
Prentice Hall Inc.
Section I – Coverage A: Dwelling第一部份–範圍A: 住宅
Protects the dwelling and any attachments房屋與 任何附屬物的保障
Does not cover any damage to the land不包 括土地的損害
Prentice Hall Inc.
Section I – Coverage C: Personal Property Limits第 一部份–範圍C:個人財產的限制
Limited to 50% of the home‟s coverage最高限制 為房屋保險的50% $200 limit on cash, gold, and silver現金,黃金, 和銀的限制為$200 $1,000 limit on securities, tickets, and stamps有價 證券,入場券及郵票的限制為$1,000 $2,500 limit on silverware銀器的限制為$2,500 Animals, birds, and fish are excluded不包括動物, 鳥,和魚
Prentice Hall Inc.
Section I – Coverage B: Other Structures第一部份– 範圍B:其他建築物
Protects other, unattached, dwellings on the property其他建物,不屬於房屋的部份 Covers landscaping as well as buildings, but not the land造景及建物,但不包括土地 Limited to 10% of the home‟s coverage限制在房 屋保險總額的10% Does not cover other structures used for business purposes額外之建物為商業用途者亦不包括
Prentice Hall Inc.
HO-8: Older Homes Homeowner‟s Insurance修繕保險-舊屋所有人保險
Similar to HO-1 insurance, or named perils與HO1保險箱類似,或是列舉危險 Insures the dwelling for the repair cost or market value, instead of the replacement value承保住宅 的修繕成本或實際現金價值的保險,以替代修 繕價值 Designed specifically for older homes專為老舊房 屋而設計
Prentice Hall Inc.
HO-2: Broad Form Homeowner‟s Insurance一般式房屋保險
Covers only named perils僅承 保列舉的危險
Costs about 5% to 10% more than HO-1 coverage保險項目 成本比HO-1的多出5% - 10%
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HO-4: Renter‟s or Tenant‟s Insurance承 租人或租屋保險
Coverage is equivalent to HO-2 perils for personal property承保範圍與HO-2的相同皆為個人的財 產 Available only to renters and tenants承保的對象 為租屋人 Covers personal property rather than the dwelling 承保範圍涵蓋財產但並無保護實際的住宅 Provides liability coverage in case an accident, causing damage to the structure, is your fault提供 責任保險,當因你的過錯或意外導致房屋結構 Prentice Hall Inc. 毀損時
Prentice Hall Inc. 15
Section I – Coverage D: Loss of Use第一部份–範 圍D:使用的損失
Covers losses incurred as a result of your home being uninhabitable投保範圍為房屋因不堪使用 的損失 Limited to 20% of the amount of coverage on the home損失金額限定在保險房屋的20% Three benefits of coverage:保險範圍提供三個好 處:
Prentice Hall Inc.
HO-3: Special Form Homeowner‟s Insurance特殊房屋保險
Covers all direct physical losses to your home – open perils protection 承保範圍涵蓋了所有直接 實體房屋損失─提供所有開放風險的保護 Exceptions include floods, wars, earthquakes, and nuclear accidents被排除的危險有水災、地震、 戰爭與核子意外 Costs approximately 10% to 15% more than HO-1 coverage保險項目成本約比HO-1的保險成本多 出10% - 15%
Prentice Hall Inc.
Supplemental Coverage (Endorsements) 追加的保險範圍(簽署)
Personal article floaters流動性個人保險條款 Earthquake coverage地震保護 Flood protection洪水保護 Inflation guard通貨膨脹保護 Personal property replacement cost coverage個人 財產重置成本的保險範圍
Six Basic Packaged Homeowner„s Policies六種基本的房屋保單
HO-1: Basic form homeowner‟s insurance基本式 房屋保險 HO-2: Broad form homeowner‟s insurance一般 式房屋保險 HO-3: Special form homeowner‟s insurance特殊 房屋保險 HO-4: Renter‟s or tenant‟s insurance承租人或租 屋保險 HO-6: Condominium owner‟s insurance共同管轄 公寓所有人保險
Prentice Hall Inc. 3
HO-1: Basic Form Homeowner‟s Insurance 基本是房屋保險
Provides the most limited coverage提供非常少的 保險項目 Not available in most states大部分的州皆無提供 此保險
Prentice Hall Inc.
Policy Coverage Sections保險範圍
Section I: Property coverage保險範圍I: 財產保險
Section II: Personal liability coverage保險 範圍II: 個人責任保險
Prentice Hall Inc.
HO-6: Condominium Owner‟s Insurance共同管轄公寓所有人保險
Similar to HO-4 coverage, same perils for personal property as HO-2保險範圍與HO-4類似, 同時其列舉危險與HO-2相同 Available to co-op and condo owners適用於合作 公寓和共同管轄公寓所有人的保險 Also covers improvements you‟ve made to the dwelling unit此外,還涵蓋建築上任何的改良或 改變
Protects the policyholder in case someone is injured on their property保障當有人因為投保人的財產所導致的傷 害 Minimum level of coverage is $100,000責任線最低水準 為$100,000 Medical payments to others covers small medical expenses up to $1,000 per person對第三者小型的醫療給付為每人 $1,000 Does not cover business or professional liability or negligence對於因商業損產生或者疏忽所產生的損失不 包括在內
Section I: Property Coverage第一部份: 財產保險範圍
Coverage A: Dwelling範圍A:住宅。 Coverage B: Other structures範圍B:其他建築 物。 Coverage C: Personal property範圍C:個人財產 Coverage D: Loss of use範圍D:使用的損失
Prentice Hall Inc.
Section I – Coverage C: Personal Property第一部份 –範圍C:個人財產
Covers all personal property owned or used by the policyholder投保人所擁有或使用的個人財產 Covers personal property regardless of location不 管財產的落座地 Covers property of guests in your home賓客在你 的房屋內的個人財產