



详细说明循环方式:复合循环安装方式:快装锅炉品牌:曼驰烈骑富士特型号:变频数字全预混纯铜燃气热水机组,富士特真空锅炉适用范围:供暖,供热水燃烧方式:室燃炉出口压力:低压结构形式:立式适用燃料:天然气锅炉用途:工业锅炉铜翼热水锅炉技术分析铜翼热水锅炉是美国Lochinvar (烈骑)公司于1954年开发出-纯铜翼片整体式换热管,应用于锅炉内的换热。

美国Lochinvar Corporation 创建于1919年,是全球最大的专业水暖制造企业之一。



现在每年在美国国内市场上销售的燃气、电热水器(锅炉)超过40万台,其中燃气锅炉所占的市场份额超过 30%,电热水器所占的市场份额接近20%。












节油炸炉(OCF30) 电炸炉系列 安装与操作手册说明书

节油炸炉(OCF30)  电炸炉系列 安装与操作手册说明书

作为商业食品设备服务协会(Commercial Food Equipment Service Association)会员,08/2022*8197348*注意在保修期内,如果客户在此FRYMASTER DEAN 公司设备中使用了非直接从FRYMASTER DEAN或者其授权服务中心购买的新零件或者返修件,会损坏设备原始设计,本保修将无效.此外,对于直接或者间接,全部或者部分由于安装任何改造零部件或未经授权的服务商提供的零部件而产生的任何损坏而顾客索赔或者相关费用,FRYMASTER DEAN 及其附属机构概不负责.注意本设备仅供专业从员使用,并只能由合格人员进行操作。

应由FRYMASTER DEAN厂家授权服务中心(FAS)或其他合格的专业人员执行安装、保养和修理。








节油炸炉(OCF30)™电炸炉系列安装与操作手册目錄第1章: 简介1.1 概述.......................................................................................................................................... 1-11.2 安全信息.................................................................................................................................. 1-11.3 计算机信息.............................................................................................................................. 1-21.4 欧共体(CE)特定信息......................................................................................................... 1-21.5 安装、操作和维修人员.......................................................................................................... 1-21.6 定义.......................................................................................................................................... 1-21.7 装运损坏索赔程序.................................................................................................................. 1-31.8 服務信息.................................................................................................................................. 1-3 第2章: 安装说明2.1 安装要求概述.......................................................................................................................... 2-12.1.1 清洁和通风.................................................................................................................. 2-22.1.2 电气接地要求.............................................................................................................. 2-22.1.3 澳大利亚要求.............................................................................................................. 2-32.2 电源要求.................................................................................................................................. 2-32.3 炸炉的安装位置...................................................................................................................... 2-42.4 安装JIB 支承架 ....................................................................................................................... 2-4 第3章: 操作说明3.1 设备设置及关闭程序.............................................................................................................. 3-23.2 操作.......................................................................................................................................... 3-23.3 可选配置上部自动补油系统.................................................................................................. 3-33.3.1 安装桶装油.................................................................................................................. 3-33.3.2 日常更换储油桶.......................................................................................................... 3-33.3.3 散装油补油系统.......................................................................................................... 3-4 第4章: 过滤说明4.1 准备好内置过滤系统以便使用.............................................................................................. 4-14.1.1 内置滤油系统的过滤纸或过滤垫准备....................................................................... 4-14.1.2 Magnasol过滤器组件的使用准备............................................................................... 4-24.2 过滤.......................................................................................................................................... 4-34.2.1 过滤器的操作............................................................................................................... 4-34.3 Magnasol过滤器的拆卸和重新组装....................................................................................... 4-54.4 排放和处理废油....................................................................................................................... 4-6 第 5章: 预防性保养5.1 清洁炸炉.................................................................................................................................. 5-15.2 每天检查和维护...................................................................................................................... 5-1iv5.2.1 检查炸炉和附件有无损坏-第天 .............................................................................. 5-15.2.2 清洁炉柜内外部-每天 .............................................................................................. 5-15.2.3 清洁内置过滤系统-每天 .......................................................................................... 5-15.3 每周检查和维修 ..................................................................................................................... 5-25.3.1 清洁炸锅和发热元件-每周 ...................................................................................... 5-25.3.2 将炸锅煮沸 .................................................................................................................. 5-25.3.3 清洁可拆卸零部件和附件-每周 .............................................................................. 5-35.4 每月检查和维修 ..................................................................................................................... 5-35.4.1 清洁可拆卸零部件和附件-每周 .............................................................................. 5-35.5 年度/定期系统检查 ................................................................................................................ 5-35.5.1 炸炉 .............................................................................................................................. 5-35.5.2 内置过滤系统 .............................................................................................................. 5-4 第6章: 操作员故障排除6.1 简介 ......................................................................................................................................... 6-16.2 故障排除 ................................................................................................................................. 6-26.2.1 控制器和加热问题 ...................................................................................................... 6-26.2.2 错误信息和问题显示 .................................................................................................. 6-26.2.3 提篮问题 ...................................................................................................................... 6-36.2.4 过滤问题 ...................................................................................................................... 6-46.2.5 自动补油系统问题 ...................................................................................................... 6-46.2.6 错误日志代码 (仅限于 3000控制器) .......................................................................... 6-5接線圖請參閱8197224 OCF電氣接線圖手冊附录 A: JIB 使用固态油的准备附录 B: 固态油融油器应用附录C: 散装油补油系统指引vOCF30™系列电炸炉第1章: 简介1.1 概述尝试操作作设备前,请通读本手册中的说明,本手册介绍了FPEL14、FPEL17型号的所有配置。



锅炉安装使用说明书Instruction For BoilerInstallationGA-SM7一、钢架和平台安装Installation for steel frame and platform 本篇适用于工作压力≤2.45Mpa(25kgf/cm2),蒸发量≤35t/h 的现场组装的工业锅炉的安装。

This paper is suitable to the boiler, which is going to be installed at site, with the working pressure less and equal to 2.45Mpa(25kgf/cm2)and steam capacity less and equal to 35t/h.1、基础的划线和验收以设计院提供的基础图为准,同时检查基础的标高尺寸、基础的表面和质量,以下表所示允差进行验收:The boiler foundation lineation acceptable shall be as per the foundation from designing institute. Check the elevation size and surface of foundation, allowable deviation for acceptance as below锅炉基础中心线与厂方基础中心线偏差20mmBoiler foundation centerline and user real foundationcenterline锅炉基础各不同标高的平面与设计标高差All different elevations for boiler foundation and designelevation+5-15mm锅炉基础外形几何尺寸±20mmBoiler foundation dimension2、基础上之垫铁不得超过三层。



锅炉安装流程锅炉安装一、概述130t/h锅炉为中压、中型煤矿粉锅炉,露天装置,全钢悬吊式结构,锅炉前部为炉膛,四周布置水冷壁,水平烟道内布置二级对流过热器,二级对流过热器间设一面式减温器,尾部烟道交*布置两级省煤器和空气预热器,锅筒、水冷壁、过热器全部悬吊于炉顶大板梁上,省煤器、空气预热器支承于尾部横梁上,锅炉钢架由六根立柱、大板梁、横梁组成,柱与柱之间,梁与梁之间由斜拉条连接,组成一个桁架结构,角置直流式浓氮燃烧器在水冷壁正四角布置,锅炉运行时整个炉镗一起向下膨胀,燃烧后的煤灰采用侧向水力除渣,冲入沉渣池.二、施工工艺和操作要点㈠工艺程序炉管校正→设备材料检查验收→基础验收→钢架的组对安装→汽包安装→下降管安装→护板组焊→顶部连接管安装→燃烧器安装→刚性梁安装→水冷壁安装→集箱安装→门类及密封安装→省煤器安装→空气预热器安装→炉墙安装→过热器安装→本体管路安装→水压试验㈡工艺方法和操作要点1、钢梁安装(1)钢架的拼装锅炉钢架立柱一般为二段到货,为便于质量控制和减少高空作业难度,6片划分以最小跨度为原则,一般将前墙及侧尾分成上下2片在地面组对,组对应在找平的枕木上进行,以柱顶标高为基准,向柱脚处确定立柱的1M标高线,上下立柱划出纵向中心线,并应注意焊接顺序,和留有适当焊接收缩量,以免焊接后组合尺寸超差,组合后误差见表1,组对顺序与安装顺序相反,组对好的钢架不许叠放,以防变形,及时移出组对场地.表1序号检查项目允许偏差1各立柱间距离间距的1/1000,最大不大于10 2各立柱间平行度长度的1/1000,最大不大于10 3横梁标高±54横梁间平行度长度的1/1000,最大不大于5 5组合件相应对角线长度的1.5/1000,最大不大于156横梁与立柱中心线相对错位±5(2)钢架的安装1)安装顺序及方法钢架安装前柱头绑扎好钢丝张线,用50t吊车进行吊装就位,吊装顺序为Z1-Z1反,Z2-Z3,Z2反-Z3反,六根立柱找正好后,拉上就线,安装两侧横梁和拉条及尾前、尾后横梁,尾部横梁安装时,须考虑水冷壁管的安装通道,安装过程中用线锤监视,经纬仪复测,然后用同样方法安装钢架上段.2)安装要求a、安装找正时,以厂房的基准标高点,测定各立柱上的1M标高点,立柱标高用底部垫铁进行调整;b、钢架安装一件,找正一件,严禁在未找正好的构架上进行下道工序;c、钢架安装时,先找正点焊固定,经复核尺寸符合表2要求后正式施焊;d、整体找正焊接完毕,复查符合表2规范要求后,将钢筋加热,弯在柱脚底板上,并尽量*近立筋板,进行双面施焊,焊缝长度不小于钢筋直径的6-8倍,然后进行二次灌浆.表2序号检查项目1柱脚中心与基础划线中心±52立柱标高与设计标高±53各立柱相互间标高差34各立柱间距离间距的1/1000,最大不大于10 5立柱垂直度长度的1/1000,最大不大于15 6各立柱上、下两平面相应对角线长度的1.5/1000,最大不大于15 7横梁标高±58横梁水平度59护板框或桁架与立柱中心线距离±5 010顶板的各横梁间距±311顶板标高±512大板梁的垂直度立板高度的1.5/1000,最大不大于152、锅筒(汽包)和集箱(1)安装前的检查a、锅筒检查:锅筒是本体中体积和重量最大的部件,它的安装质量直接影响锅炉的运行,为此在安装过程中,必须做好检查验收工作.首先对锅筒的外观质量检查,有无因运输过程中发生缺陷深度和损坏现象,并校正锅筒的中心线,作为安装依据,其次检查汽包的弯曲度,误差≤7,长度误差±10,管接头的数量与图纸相符、相对位置误差小于±3MM、与锅筒纵向或横向中心线垂直度误差小于1.5MM,第三检查与支座或吊架的接触情况,对于支座式安装形式,将支座紧扣在锅筒上,其接触面积不小于80%,个别间隙不大于2MM,对吊架式安装形式,链片组装好后,将链片组贴合在锅筒上,接触面就达80%以上,最大局部不贴合长度不超过150MM,且缝隙不大于2MM,销轴附近贴合良好,达不到上述情况应修磨支座或链片,直到符合要求,并划出支座或链片的纵横中心线.b 、集箱的检查:联箱不得有径向划痕,允许有轻微的环向划痕,集箱的长度偏差为△L±3,直线度误差每米不大于1MM,管接头垂直度误差不大于1MM,成排短管接头相邻两管接头中心节距△P为±2MM,与膜式屏相接的集箱纵向两端管接头管端中心距偏差△P为±3,与蛇形管相接的集箱纵向两端管接头管端中心距偏差为±6MM,管接头高度偏差±2MM;成排长管接头相邻两管接头纵向中心距偏差±3,横向中心距偏差±3MM,横向纵向两端管接头管端中心距偏差均为±3MM,高度偏差±2MM,否则应进行火焰矫正,管口修磨或做出标记用管子进行补救,使之达到对口间隙要求.(2)锅筒和集箱的安装1)锅筒(汽包)的安装a、锅筒的吊装130t/h锅炉安装中的大件吊装主要有三个:锅筒、粗粉分离器和细粉分离器.对锅筒的吊装不论何种安装方式,均可制安临时吊点用卷扬机和滑轮组进行倾斜吊装到位,倾斜角度以投影长度小于钢架内壁尺寸为准,三件的安装主要根据现场条件确定合理的安装顺序,否则加大粗细粉分离器的吊装费用和施工难度.b、锅筒的安装安装时用拉对角线方法确定两支座或吊架的平行度,对角线差小于2MM,用V型水平仪检查两支座间高差小于2MM,对于悬吊式锅筒,先粗调四个吊杆,待锅筒就位后借助卷扬机进行微调到设计标高和水平度符合表3要求,汽包找正好后,四个方向进行临时固定,待水压试验后拆除.2)联箱的安装a、对水冷壁联箱,当炉管为膜式壁时,可将上下联箱与炉管在地面组合架上组焊后,整体进行安装,当炉管为单根管子时,需分别安装上下联箱,然后用快速卷扬机单根安装炉管,上下联箱安装好后,纵向热膨胀间隙满足图纸要求.b、过热器、省煤器联箱,不论为悬吊式或支架式,均应先安装好后,前后或上下同时安装过热器或省煤器管子,安装过热器联箱时,对单向或双向膨胀的预留间隙必须符合图纸要求,并注意安装的联箱不要阻碍先安装的联箱膨胀.省煤器联箱的V形卡不能把死,保证纵向双向膨胀.c、锅筒联箱安装标准见表表3名称标高误差MM水平误差MM锅筒±52联箱±533、受热面管的安装(1)受热面管的检查受热面管包括水冷壁管,过热器管,省煤管,是本体的重要组成部份,其安装焊接质量直接影响锅炉的使用寿命,组焊安装前均应不小于0.59MPA压缩空气,进行通球检查,以清除内部杂物,保证畅通,过热器合金管光谱复验,为了保证水冷管组焊工作的顺利进行和整个炉膛的外形尺寸,必须对水冷壁管进行单独校正工作.1)通球用钢球的制造直径偏差为-0.2MM,球径见表管子外径弯曲半径D1≥6032<D1<60D1≤32R≥3.5D10.85D00.8D00.7D02.5D1<R<3.5D1 0.85D00.8D00.7D01.8D1<R<2.5D1 0.75D00.75D00.7D01.4D1<R<1.8D10.70D00.7D00.7D02)水冷壁管的检查校正组焊对单根供货的水冷壁管的校正工作在牢固、平整度不大于5M的平台上进行,按设计图纸放大样,大样的尺寸误差不大于1MM,用∠50*50*5的角钢制成多个角钢*座,点焊在平台上,两*座间距稍大于或等于被校管外径,校正时,炉管与大样不符时,用火焰加热局部校正,管端长度偏差+6MM,端面倾斜f≤0.5MM,校正好的管子再分段组焊,然后进行吹扫和通球试验;对于膜式水冷壁管屏中形状复杂带成片弯头的管屏,如折焰角、冷灰斗处等,也必须用放大样的办法进行检查校正,其它形状简单的管屏进行复测检查,对检查合格组焊的管子或管屏,分别编号,分开排放.a、管屏相邻两管中心距偏差为±1.8MM,外相邻两管中心距偏差为±3.2MM,b、管屏中任意扁钢中心线相对管子中心线,偏差f不大于2MM,c、管屏垂度允许偏差为±3MM/每米,宽度为+4MM,-8MM,d、水平横向弯曲度允许偏差H,符合表5规定,水平纵向弯曲度允差为每米不大于2MM,总长度不大于20MM,e、管屏长度L的允差为+3MM ,f、旁弯度f的允许偏差为当单向旁弯时f≤6MM,当双向旁弯时,|f1|+|f2|≤g、平组件对角线之差|L1-L2|≤5MM,对带成片弯头的组件对角线之差|L1-L2|≤10MM,h、管屏的管口端面平面度偏差为±1MM,表5管屏宽度M水平横弯MMW≤1.55W>1.58W>215(2)受热面管的安装1)水冷壁的安装:不论水冷壁管的单管或膜式壁,均采用屋部开口方式,四面安顺序为侧水冷壁→前水冷壁→后水冷壁,这样一是便于炉管就位,二是临时不能安装的钢架少,三是无需投入大型机具.在吊装过程中,为防止变形,单根管子应至少设三个吊点,管屏应用型钢进行局部加固后,整体吊装.由于管子和管屏数量较多,外型相似,一定注意其相对位置,否则整个炉膛无法成形,找正工作的重点是调整管子或管屏的相对位置,保证联箱的标高、水平度和水冷壁的平台度,对膜式壁必要时可切割管屏鳍片误差要求见表6,水冷壁找正好后时,安装刚性梁进行固定,使炉膛成为一个整体.在安装刚性梁时应注意两点,一是保证角部结构能自由热位移,销轴与连接板不能施焊,二是垂直刚性梁与水平钢性梁连接时,螺栓必须处于垂直长条孔的最底部,保证水平钢性梁自由向下移动,三是炉膛底部水平刚性梁上连接螺栓处于长条孔最外侧,保证水平梁的热伸长,具体安装误差见表7.全部刚性梁安装好后,膜式壁四角用扁钢焊封,各管屏之间的鳍片也及时焊封,四面成为一个封密的整体,即可安装四角的燃烧器.表6序号项目允许误差光管鳍片管1组件对角线差10102组件垂直度重复≤3000±3±5重复>3000 ±52/1000≤15 3组件长度±104组件平台度±5±55吊挂装置标高±2错位±36联箱间中心线垂直距离±3±3序号项目允许偏差1标高±52与受热管中心距±53弯曲或扭曲≤104连接装置膨胀自由2)过热器管安装过热器管均为单片供货,低温过热管为20#,高温管部分为15CrMo 或12CrMoV,安装时先安装低温部分后安装高温部分,安装时应用专用工具将蛇形管与联箱对口,单片蛇形管两端同时组焊完后再焊下一片,安装过程中要同时安装梳形板,并不断测量蛇形管间距和总体外形尺寸,偏差符合表8要求。

Frymaster DEAN Pro H55 系列燃气炸炉安装与操作手册说明书

Frymaster DEAN Pro H55 系列燃气炸炉安装与操作手册说明书

Frymaster 是商用食品设备服务协会 CFESA 成员,推荐使用 CFESA 认证技师。

24 小时服务热线 1-800-551-86332005 年9月 *8196129*Pro H55系列燃气炸炉 安装与操作手册声明如果在产品质保期内,客户未能在本 ENODIS 设备上使用从FRYMASTER DEAN 及其授权服务中心直接购买的不经改造的新部件或回收部件;或者客户使用了经过原配制改造的部件,则本产品质保将会失效。

此外,FRYMASTER DEAN及其附属机构对于因安装任何经过改造的部件以及从未授权服务中心取得部件,而直接或间接、整体或部分引起的任何索赔、损害或费用,都不承担任何责任。


安装、保养和维修应由Frymaster DEAN 工厂授权维修中心 (FASC) 或其他合格的专业人员完成。


参阅本手册的第 1 章获取合格人员的定义。


参阅本手册中第 2 章的“国家法规要求”获取特定详细信息。



配备计算机的设备所有者注意事项美国本设备符合 FCC 设备第 15部分的要求。

相应操作应该符合以下两个条件:1) 本设备不会导致有伤害的干扰,且 2) 本设备必须可以接受任意收到的干扰,包括可能导致意外操作的干扰。

尽管本设备是认证合格的 A 级设备,但是其同时也符合 B 级限制条件。

加拿大本数字设备不违反加拿大通讯部的 ICES-003 标准所设定的无线电噪声排放 A 或 B 级限制。

Cet appareil numerique n’emet pas de bruits radioelectriques depassany les limites de classe A et B prescrites dans la norme NMB-003 edictee par le Ministre des Communcations du Canada.PRO H55 系列燃气炸炉安装与操作手册目录第 1 章:概述1.1 适用性和合法性............................................................................................................................1-11.2 零件定购和服务信息....................................................................................................................1-11.3 安全信息........................................................................................................................................1-21.4 欧盟 (CE) 特定信息......................................................................................................................1-21.5 设备说明........................................................................................................................................1-31.6 安装、操作和服务人员................................................................................................................1-31.7 名词释义........................................................................................................................................1-31.8 货运损坏索赔步骤........................................................................................................................1-4 第 2 章:安装说明2.1 常规安装要求................................................................................................................................2-12.2 脚轮/支腿的安装..........................................................................................................................2-32.3 连接前的准备................................................................................................................................2-32.4 连接到燃气管路............................................................................................................................2-52.5 连接到其他燃气类型....................................................................................................................2-8 第 3 章:操作说明3.1 控制器操作和编程........................................................................................................................3-13.2 启动程序........................................................................................................................................3-13.3 炸盆试用........................................................................................................................................3-33.4 关闭炸炉........................................................................................................................................3-3 第 4 章:过滤说明4.1 排放和手工过滤............................................................................................................................4-14.2 内置过滤系统的准备....................................................................................................................4-24.3 过滤器操作....................................................................................................................................4-5过滤器的拆解和组装...................................................................................................4-84.4 Magnasol4.5 废油的排放和处理........................................................................................................................4-94.6 使用可选的后排油处理设备......................................................................................................4-10 第 5 章:预防性维护5.1 炸炉的预防性维护检查和维修....................................................................................................5-1日常检查和维修............................................................................................................................5-1每周的检查和维修........................................................................................................................5-1每月的检查和维修........................................................................................................................5-3每季度的检查和维修....................................................................................................................5-4每半年检查和维修........................................................................................................................5-65.2 内置过滤系统预防性维护检查和维修........................................................................................5-65.3 年度/定期系统检查......................................................................................................................5-7 第 6 章:操作人员故障诊断6.1 简介................................................................................................................................................6-16.2 使用 Computer Magic III.5、提篮定时器或数字控制器诊断炸炉故障....................................6-26.3 使用固态(模拟)控制器诊断炸炉故障....................................................................................6-46.4 内置过滤系统故障诊断................................................................................................................6-66.5 提篮故障诊断................................................................................................................................6-86.6 更换控制器或控制器线束............................................................................................................6-8我PRO H55 系列燃气炸炉第 1 章:概述1.1 适用性和合法性Pro H55系列燃气炸炉已经得到欧盟核准在以下欧盟成员国内销售和安装:AT、BE、DE、DK、ES、FI、FR、GB、IE、IT、LU、NL、NO、PT和SE。










1.水冷壁垂直段1.1 概况水冷壁垂直段是以膜式管屏形式出厂。






1.2 安装前提1.2.1 刚架各平面及立面内的水平支撑及垂直支撑均需安装完成(除缓装件外),主钢架必须安装到顶,大板梁及炉顶支吊平面安装完毕,钢柱上1m标高线及各层标高线已标定,炉顶刚架十字划线完成,吊装区域各层平台扶梯已通畅,钢架已完成承载的技术及质量监督检查工作。

1.2.2 待装的水冷壁已通过各项检查。

1.2.3 在锅炉钢结构具备条件的情况下,炉膛外侧所有集箱临抛,临抛位置避开垂直水冷壁刚性梁位置。

1.2.4 垂直水冷壁区域刚性梁吊装结束,作为垂直段水冷壁安装的操作平台。

Vulcan-Hart MGG SERIES MEDIUM DUTY 气炉安装与操作手册说明书

Vulcan-Hart MGG SERIES MEDIUM DUTY 气炉安装与操作手册说明书

MGG SERIES MEDIUM DUTYGAS GRIDDLESMODELMGG24ML-103818MGG36ML-103819MGG48ML-103820VULCAN-HART COMPANY, P.O. BOX 696, LOUISVILLE, K Y 40201-0696, TEL.(502)778-2791INSTALLATION &OPERATION MANUALMGG24IMPORTANT FOR YOUR SAFETYTHIS MANUAL HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR PERSONNEL QUALIFIED TO INSTALL GAS EQUIPMENT, WHO S HOULD PERFORM THE INITIAL FIELD S TART-UP AND ADJUSTMENTS OF THE EQUIPMENT COVERED BY THIS MANUAL.POST IN A PROMINENT LOCATION THE INSTRUCTIONS TO BE FOLLOWED IN THE EVENT THE SMELL OF GAS IS DETECTED. THIS INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE LOCAL GAS SUPPLIER.IMPORTANTIN THE EVENT A GAS ODOR IS DETECTED, SHUTDOWN UNITS AT MAIN S HUTOFF VALVE ANDCONTACT THE LOCAL GAS COMPANY OR GASSUPPLIER FOR SERVICE.FOR YOUR SAFETYDO NOT STORE OR USE GASOLINE OR OTHERFLAMMABLE VAPORS OR LIQUIDS IN THEVICINITY OF THIS OR ANY OTHER APPLIANCE.WARNINGIMPROPER INS TALLATION, ADJUS TMENT,ALTERATION, SERVICE OR MAINTENANCE CANCAUS E PROPERTY DAMAGE, INJURY OR DEATH.READ THE INS TALLATION, OPERATING ANDMAINTENANCE INS TRUCTIONS THOROUGHLYBEFORE INS TALLING OR S ERVICING THISEQUIPMENT.IN THE EVENT OF A POWER FAILURE, DO NOTATTEMPT TO OPERATE THIS DEVICE.TABLE OF CONTENTSGENERAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4INSTALLATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Unpacking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Location. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Installation Codes and Standards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Leveling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Gas Connections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Testing the Gas Supply System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Flue Connections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Electrical Connections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6OPERATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Controls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Before First Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Lighting Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Turning the Griddle On and Off. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Using the Griddle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Cleaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Suggested Temperatures and Times for Griddling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11MAINTENANCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Lubrication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Vent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Service and Parts Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11TROUBLESHOOTING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Installation, Operation and Care ofMGG SERIES GAS GRIDDLESPLEASE KEEP THIS MANUAL FOR FUTURE USEGENERALVulcan griddles are produced with quality workmanship and material. Proper installation, usage and maintenance of your griddle will result in many years of satisfactory performance.It is suggested that you thoroughly read this entire manual and carefully follow all of the instructions provided.INSTALLATIONBefore installing, verify that the electrical service and type of gas supply (natural or propane) agree with the specifications on the rating plate located inside the griddle door panel. If the supply and equipment requirements do not agree, do not proceed with the installation. Contact your dealer or Vulcan-Hart Company immediately.UNPACKINGThis griddle was inspected before leaving the factory. The transportation company assumes full responsibility for safe delivery upon acceptance of the shipment. Immediately after unpacking, check for possible shipping damage. If the griddle is found to be damaged, save the packaging material and contact the carrier within 15 days of delivery.Carefully unpack griddle. Make sure no parts are discarded with crating material. Place griddle in its final installed position.LOCATIONThe equipment area must be kept free and clear of combustible substances.The griddle may be installed on a combustible countertop.When installed, minimum clearance from combustible construction must be 3" at the sides and 3" at the rear. Minimum clearance from non-combustible construction is 0" at the sides and rear.The installation location must allow adequate clearances for servicing and proper operation. A minimum front clearance of 32" is required.Do not obstruct the flow of combustion and ventilation air. Adequate clearance for air openings into the combustion chamber must be provided. Make sure there is an adequate supply of air in the room to replace air taken out by the ventilating system.Do not permit fans to blow directly at the griddle. Wherever possible, avoid open windows next to the griddle. Avoid wall-type fans which create air cross currents within the room.INSTALLATION CODES AND STANDARDSThe griddle must be installed in accordance with:In the United States of America:1.State and local codes.2.National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI-Z223.1 (latest edition). Copies may be obtained from The AmericanGas Association, Inc., 1515 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22209.3.National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA-70 (latest edition). Copies may be obtained from TheNational Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.In Canada:1.Local codes.2.CAN/CGA-B149.1 Installation for Natural Gas Burning Appliances and Equipment (latest edition).3.CAN/CGA-B149.2 Installation for Propane Burning Appliances and Equipment (latest edition),available from the Canadian Gas Association, 55 Scarsdale Road, Don Mills, Ontario, Canada M3B2R3.4.Canadian Electrical Code, Part 2, CSA Standard C22.1 (latest edition). Copies may be obtainedfrom The Canadian Standard Association, 178 Rexdale Blvd., Rexdale, Ontario, Canada M9W1R3. ASSEMBLYThe griddle is shipped as a complete unit and does not require field assembly except for the supporting legs. Screw the legs into permanently fastened nuts on the four corners of the griddle bottom. Hand tighten the legs and set the griddle in place.LEVELINGPlace a carpenter's level on top of the griddle. Level the griddle front to back and side to side by turning the adjustment screw at the bottom of each leg.GAS CONNECTIONSCAUTION: Gas supply connections and any pipe joint compound must be resistant to the action of propane gases.Location of the gas inlet is at the rear of the griddle. Codes require that a gas shutoff valve must be installed in the gas line ahead of the griddle.Connect gas supply. Make sure the pipes are clean and free of obstructions.Griddles are equipped with fixed burner orifices for use with natural or propane gas and no adjustment is necessary.Natural gas pressure regulators are preset for 4" W.C. (Water Column) supply; propane gas pressure regulators are preset for 10" W.C. supply. No further adjustment should be required.WARNING: PRIOR TO LIGHTING, CHECK ALL JOINTS IN THE GAS SUPPLY LINE FOR LEAKS. USE SOAP AND WATER SOLUTION. DO NOT USE AN OPEN FLAME.After piping has been checked for leaks, all piping receiving gas should be fully purged to remove air. TESTING THE GAS SUPPLY SYSTEMWhen gas supply pressure exceeds 1/2 psig (3.45 kPa), the griddle and its individual shutoff valve must be disconnected from the gas supply piping system.When gas supply pressure is 1/2 psig (3.45 kPa) or less, the griddle should be isolated from the gas supply system by closing its individual manual shutoff valve.FLUE CONNECTIONSDO NOT obstruct the flow of flue gases from the flue located on the rear of the griddle. It is recommended that the flue gases be ventilated to the outside of the building through a ventilation system installed by qualified personnel.From the termination of the flue to the filters of the hood venting system, a minimum clearance of 18" must be maintained.Information on the construction and installation of ventilating hoods may be obtained from the standard for "Vapor Removal from Cooking Equipment," NFPA No. 96 (latest edition), available from the National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSWARNING: ELECTRICAL AND GROUNDING CONNECTIONS MUST COMPLY WITH THE APPLICABLE PORTIONS OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AND/OR OTHER LOCAL ELECTRICAL CODES.WARNING: DISCONNECT ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY AND PLACE A TAG AT THE DISCONNECT SWITCH INDICATING THAT YOU ARE WORKING ON THE CIRCUIT.WARNING: APPLIANCES EQUIPPED WITH A FLEXIBLE ELECTRIC SUPPLY CORD ARE PROVIDED WITH A THREE-PRONG GROUNDING PLUG. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THIS PLUG BE CONNECTED INTO A PROPERLY GROUNDED THREE-PRONG RECEPTACLE. IF THE RECEPTACLE IS NOT THE PROPER GROUNDING TYPE, CONTACT AN ELECTRICIAN. DO NOT REMOVE THE GROUNDING PRONG FROM THIS PLUG.Power supply for electric thermostats is 120 volts, 50/60 Hertz, 1 phase, 5 amperes.Do not connect the griddle to electrical supply until after gas connections have been made.OPERATIONWARNING: THE GRIDDLE AND ITS PARTS ARE HOT. USE CARE WHEN OPERATING, CLEANING OR SERVICING THE GRIDDLE.CONTROLSTHERMOSTAT—Each thermostat controls the gas flow to the burner to bring that area of the griddle plate up to the set temperature.BEFORE FIRST USEThe griddle is shipped covered with a protective coating of grease. Remove this film only when the griddle plate is being cleaned prior to its first cooking use. Use a non-corrosive, grease dissolving commercial cleaner, following manufacturer's directions. Rinse thoroughly and wipe dry with a soft clean cloth. Clean all accessories. Rinse thoroughly and wipe dry.Season the griddle to avoid possible surface corrosion. Heat griddle to a low (300-350°F) temperature and pour on a small amount of cooking oil (about one ounce per square foot of surface). Use a soft lint-free cloth to spread the oil over the entire griddle surface to create a thin film. Wipe off any excess oil with a cloth. Repeat the procedure two to three times until the griddle has a slick, mirror-like surface. This should also be done after every cleaning.LIGHTING INSTRUCTIONSLighting instructions are also inside the front panel. To open the front panel, remove two screws from upper front panel. Lift the upper front panel until it clears the lower front panel.To reinstall the upper front panel, place panel above lower front panel, slip upper panel down so it engages the lower front panel and install screws.1.Turn manual shutoff valve OFF.2.Turn thermostat to OFF. Wait five minutes to allow gas which may have accumulated in the burnercompartment to escape.3.Turn manual shutoff valve ON.4.Depress and hold in on the red button (Fig. 1) on the automatic pilot shutoff valve while lighting thepilot burner with a lit taper.5.When gas at pilot has been burning for about 45 seconds, release the red button. If pilot does notremain lit, repeat Steps 1 through 4, allowing more time before releasing red reset button.TURNING THE GRIDDLE ON AND OFFSince all burners are lit from constantly burning pilots, turning the thermostats as desired is all that is required to put the griddle into service. To turn the griddle off, turn thermostats to OFF.Extended Shutdown1.Turn all thermostats to OFF.2.Extinguish pilot flame by turning the adjusting screw on the pilot shutoff valve (Fig. 1).3.Turn manual shutoff valve OFF.USING THE GRIDDLEEach 12" section of the griddle is independently controlled by a thermostat. Turn the thermostat(s) to the desired setting. If different temperature settings are to be used, adjoining areas should be set at progressively higher temperatures, the lowest temperature being adjacent to one side. CAUTION:DO NOT overheat the griddle plate by setting thermostats well above recommended temperatures.Overheating the plate may cause plate warpage and will carbonize the grease on the plate,causing sticking. See SUGGESTED TEMPERATURES AND TIMES FOR GRIDDLING in this manual.Turn the burners on about 15-20 minutes before cooking to preheat.A uniform and systematic approach to the loading of the griddle will produce the most consistent product results.Fig. 1PILOT SHUTOFF VALVE PILOT SCREWPL-52472This griddle plate is steel, but the surface is relatively soft and can be scored or dented by carelessly using a spatula. Be careful not to dent, scratch, or gouge the plate surface. Do not try to knock off loose food that may be on the spatula by tapping the corner or the edge of the spatula on the griddle surface. CLEANINGWARNING: DISCONNECT ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY BEFORE CLEANING.Empty and clean the grease drawer daily.Clean the griddle regularly. A clean griddle looks better, lasts longer and performs better. To produce evenly cooked, perfectly browned griddle products, keep the griddle plate clean and free of carbonized grease. Carbonized grease on the surface hinders the transfer of heat from the griddle surface to food. This results in spotty browning and loss of cooking efficiency. Worst of all, carbonized grease tends to cling to the griddled foods, giving them a highly unsatisfactory and unappetizing appearance.To keep the griddle clean and operating at peak efficiency, follow these procedures:After Each UseClean the griddle with a wire brush or flexible spatula.Once a DayThoroughly clean splash back, sides and front. Remove the grease drawer, empty it and wash it out in the same manner as any ordinary cooking utensil.Once a WeekClean the griddle surface thoroughly. If necessary, use a griddle stone, wire brush or use steel wool on the surface. Rub with the grain of the metal while the griddle is still warm. A detergent may be used on the plate surface to help clean it, but be sure the detergent is thoroughly removed. After removal of the detergent, the surface of the plate should be covered with a thin film of oil to prevent rusting.Clean stainless steel surfaces with a damp cloth and polish with a soft dry cloth. To remove discolorations, use a non-abrasive cleaner.After each weekly cleaning, the griddle must be reseasoned.If the griddle usage is very high, consider going through the "weekly" cleaning procedures more often than once a week.Keep burner air shutter openings clean.SUGGESTED TEMPERATURES AND TIMES FOR GRIDDLINGThese are only suggested griddle temperatures and cooking times. You may want to try others. For example, some restaurants are cooking hamburgers at 300°F and under.CONTROL SETTING TIME IN FOOD(°F)MINUTES American Fried Potatoes375 3 to 4Bacon3506Boiled Ham3752Beef Tenderloin400 5 to 7 Canadian Bacon350 3 to 4 Hamburgers350 3 to 4Club Steak450 3 to 5Ham Steak40010 Sausage Links or Patties350 3 to 4 French Toast400 4 to 5 Pancakes3752 Scrambled Eggs300 3 to 4Hard Fried Eggs225-300 3 to 4Soft Fried Eggs250-300 2 to 3Sunny Side Up Eggs225-300 3 to 4MAINTENANCEWARNING: THE GRIDDLE AND ITS PARTS ARE HOT. USE CARE WHEN OPERATING, CLEANING OR SERVICING THE GRIDDLE.WARNING: DISCONNECT ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY BEFORE PERFORMING ANY MAINTENANCE ON THE GRIDDLE.LUBRICATIONAll valves and thermostats must be checked and lubricated periodically. Check with your Vulcan-authorized servicer.VENTAnnually, when the griddle is cool, check the flue and clear any obstructions.SERVICE AND PARTS INFORMATIONTo obtain service and parts information concerning this griddle, contact the Vulcan-Hart Service Agency in your area (refer to listing supplied with the griddle), or Vulcan-Hart Company Service Department at the address or phone number shown on the front cover of this manual.TROUBLESHOOTINGPROBLEMHeat does not come on when thermostat is turned on.Pilot burner will not light.Pilot burner will not stay lit.Fat appears to smoke excessively.Food sticks to griddle.Food burned around edges or contains dark specks.Food undercooked inside.Food tastes greasy or has objectionable off-flavor.Noticeable build-up of gum on griddle.POSSIBLE CAUSES1.Not plugged in.2.Problem with thermostat.3.Circuit breaker tripped.4.Loose wiring connection.5.Pilot burner not lit.6.Problem with gas valve.1.Manual gas valve not turned on.2.Obstructed pilot orifice.3.Pilot gas turned off at automatic pilot.4.Problem with automatic pilot valve.1.Problem with thermocouple.2.Thermocouple not hot enough.3.Obstructed or wrong size pilot orifice.4.Gas supply not purged of air.5.Air blowing pilot out.6.Problem with automatic pilot valve.1.Heat set too high.2.Moisture in food may be turning into steam.1.Heat set too high.2.Griddle surface needs cleaning and/orseasoning.3.Surface under food not covered with enoughcooking oil.1.Heat set too high.2.Griddle surface needs cleaning and/orseasoning.3.Surface under food not covered with enoughcooking oil.1.Heat set too high.2.Food not cooked for long enough time.1.Food itself may have off-flavor.2.Food stored improperly before cooking.3.Too much griddle fat used.4.Heat set too low.1.Heat set too high.2.Griddle surface needs cleaning and/orseasoning.3.Too much griddle fat used.。



锅炉的安装调试步骤及流程解析Boiler Installation and Commissioning ProcessInstalling and commissioning a boiler is a crucial step to ensure its proper functioning and safety. The process involves several steps that need to be followed carefully. Here is a general outline of the boiler installation and commissioning process:1. Pre-installation preparations:- Determine the suitable location for the boiler installation, considering factors such as ventilation, accessibility, and safety.- Ensure that all necessary permits and approvals are obtained.- Prepare the site by clearing any obstructions and making necessary arrangements for utility connections.2. Boiler installation:- Carefully position the boiler at the designated location, ensuring it is level and stable.- Connect the necessary pipes, valves, and fittings according to the manufacturer's instructions.- Install the flue system properly, ensuring it meets the required standards and regulations.- Make electrical connections and ensure proper grounding.3. Boiler water and fuel system:- Fill the boiler with the appropriate amount of water, following the manufacturer's guidelines.- Install and connect the fuel supply system, ensuring proper functioning and safety measures.4. Boiler startup and commissioning:- Perform a thorough inspection of the entire system, checking for any leaks, loose connections, or abnormalities.- Ensure all safety devices, controls, and interlocks are functioning correctly.- Gradually start the boiler, following the recommended startup procedure.- Monitor and adjust the boiler parameters, such as water level, pressure, and combustion efficiency, to ensure optimal performance.- Conduct performance tests to verify the boiler's efficiency and compliance with regulations.5. Documentation and handover:- Maintain detailed records of the installation and commissioning process, including any adjustments or modifications made.- Provide the necessary documentation, such as operation manuals, maintenance schedules, and certificates of compliance.- Conduct a final inspection and handover of the boiler to the owner or operator.中文回答:锅炉安装调试流程锅炉的安装和调试是确保其正常运行和安全性的关键步骤。

Lynx Sedona 炉锅车架装配说明书

Lynx Sedona 炉锅车架装配说明书

Assembly Instructions: SEDONA L400CARTL500CART & L600CARTSedona Freestanding CartModel L400CART, L500CART &L600CARTLynx Grills, Inc., 6023 E. Bandini Blvd. Commerce, CA 90040 Phone: (323)838‐1770 Fax: (323)838‐1778 | Document 33807 Rev C 02/08/13Step 1.Step 2.Step 3.Step 1.After opening and identifying the components, select the back panel assembly and either the right or left side panel assembly. Orient the parts as shown in the illustration for step 1.Note that these parts are upside down with the shelves at the floor. Hook the right or left side to the back into the four keyways located on the edge. When attached all four keyways should be engaged and the back and side flush to the top. Repeat this step for the opposite side panel.Step 2.With the cart oriented upside down, locate the 4 - #8 screws and nuts and mount the electrical transformer to the access plateshown in the illustration for this step. It may be done at the end of the assembly but is somewhat easier to access at this stage.Step 3.Refer to the figure for step 3 and insert the base assembly into the cavity at the back corners of the cabinet. Check that the tank hole is positioned as shown and the magnet is located on the open side. Splay the two sides out slightly and enclose them over the front of the base. The sides and back have pockets that fit over the casters for clearance. Use 4 of the ¼-20 x ½ screw at each corner to lockthe assembly in place.Access Platemagnettank holeScrew 4 placesIntroduction:Your Freestanding Cart comes with all of the components necessary to assemble a cart for the SEDONA Series of Lynx Grills.The SEDONA CART series is comprised of 8 sub assemblies:1.Back Panel Assembly2.Right Side Panel Assembly with Shelf3.Left Side Panel Assembly with Shelf4.Base Assembly with Wheels5.Inner Shelf Assembly6.Cross Brace Assembly7.Right Door8.Left DoorIn addition there are 14 screws (1/4 -20 x ½) to assemble the cart and grill and 4 screws with nuts (#8-32 x 3/8) to attach the transformer assembly supplied with the Grill.TMStep 4.Step 5.To begin step 4 turn the cabinet upright to secure the Inner Shelf Assembly. The L400 and L500 shelf will only assemble as shown at the right with the electrical hole to the rear and the screws mounting at the back and left side. The shelf is not only useful but necessary for the proper stability of the cart. DO NOT omit the inner shelf or any part in these instructions.The inner shelf is secured by 4 of the ¼-20 x ½ screws. Two through the back and two through the left side.The L600 shelf as shown here will assemble the same as above.Step 5 is the last assembly on the L400/L500 cart before installing the Grill to the cart. The cross brace fits into recesses located at the front edge of the cart above the hinge brackets. Orient the brace with the center magnet facing forward and positioned such that the magnet ishigher than center rather than lower. Install the brace from the backside of the flanges and align the nutcerts at each end with the holes provided for the screws. The brace is secured by 2 of the ¼-20 x ½ screws.The L600 door frame is attached along with the cross brace . Support the cross brace from the backside of the front flanges. Align the nutcerts at each end with the holes provided for the screws. Position the door frame over the nutcerts and cross brace , and secure them both with the ¼-20 x ½ screws.Step 4. L400 L500Step 4. L600Step 5. L400 L500Step 5. L600With assistance, remove all packing materials from the grill. Also remove the grates and warming racks to lighten the assembly. The grill will be placed onto the cart asillustrated in this step. The back edge will engage first and the front will slide down into position until horizontal.Using at least two people – with gloves - grasp the front and side of the Grill at points A and B. Place the unit on the cart and lower it slowly until horizontal.You may need to loosen the Screws inside the firebox. (See Step 7)Do not grip grill by the control knobs as damage may occurStep 6.Four screws remain in the package for assembly.To secure the grill to the cart locate 4 screws at the inside corners of the firebox. Remove and discard the 4 screws at these locations. Replace them one at a time with the ¼-20 x ½ screws from the kit.Refer to the installation manual provided with the grill for the proper electrical and gas connections.BAStep 7.241 3Drop the door hinge pins into thecorresponding door hinge on the frame.Step 6.Step 7.。

usboiler series2系列燃气锅炉安装、操作和维护指南说明书

usboiler series2系列燃气锅炉安装、操作和维护指南说明书

o y l l a cr u,r e l i obs s r i ae ho tng n i t aWe ho c.r o t c a r t nad nSr el a i r euNl eNmbmnoRn i t aunwbr es ao h sb r er eSr e l i oB s n Ibl a i r eNmuP r h2NOTE: The equipment shall be installed in accordance with those installation regulations in force in the area where theinstallation is to be made. These shall be carefully followed in all cases. Authorities having jurisdiction shall be consulted before installations are made.All wiring on boilers installed in the USA shall be made in accordance with the National Electrical Code and/or local regulations.All wiring on boilers installed in Canada shall be made in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code and/or local regulations.The City of New York requires a Licensed Master Plumber supervise the installation of this product.The Massachusetts Board of Plumbers and Gas Fitters has approved the Series 2 boiler. See the Massachusetts Board of Plumbers and Gas Fitters website, /pubLic/pl_products/pb_pre_form.asp for the latest Approval Code or ask your local Sales Representative.The Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires this product to be installed by a Licensed Plumber or Gas Fitter.The following defined terms are used throughout this manual to bring attention to the presence of hazards of various risk levels, orto important information concerning the life of the product.34The Series 2 boilers are low pressure cast iron gas fired hot water boilers designed for use in closed hot water heating systems. These boilers are Category I draft hood equipped appliances, which must beI. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION, SPECIFICATIONS AND DImENSIONAL DATAvented by natural draft using a lined masonry or listed metal chimney system. An adequate supply of air for combustion, ventilation and dilution of flue gases must be available in the boiler room.5I. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION, SPECIFICATIONS AND DImENSIONAL DATA(CONTINUED)Figure 1: Line DrawingBoiler Model NumberDimensions [Inches]Gas Connection For Automatic Gas Valve Water Content [gallons]RecommendedVent Size[2]Approx.ShippingWeight[lb.]ABCDEFG20218-3/410-3/46-3/8445-5/88-1/210 [1]1/2 2.53" dia.212202X 20126445-5/88-1/24-3/41/2 3.24” dia.26220320126445-5/88-1/24-3/41/2 3.24” dia.26220423-1/415-1/47-5/8547-1/89-1/84-3/41/245" dia.30620526-1/218-1/29-1/4648-1/29-3/45-1/41/2 4.76" dia.35420629-3/421-3/410-7/8648-1/29-3/45-1/41/2 5.56" dia.414207332512-1/2750-1/810-3/86-5/83/4 6.27" dia.45820836-1/428-1/414-1/8750-1/810-3/86-5/83/477" dia.51420939-1/231-1/215-3/4852117-1/43/47.78" dia.55021042-3/434-3/417-3/8852117-1/43/48.58" dia.608[1] 202 only. Dimension 'G' includes allowance for 4" x 3" reducer furnished with boiler. See Figure 12.[2] Refer to the National Fuel Gas Code for equivalent areas of circular and rectangular flue linings . Maximum Allowable Working Pressure, Water - 50 PSISafety Relief Valve Pressure, Water - 30 PSI shipped from factory (std.); 50 PSI - optional6II. PRE-INSTALLATION AND BOILER mOUNTING A. INSPECT ShIPMENT carefully for any signs ofdamage. All equipment is carefully manufactured, inspected and packed. Our responsibility ceases upon delivery of Boiler to the carrier in good condition. Any claims for damage or shortage in shipment must be filed immediately against the carrier by the consignee. No claims for variances or shortages will be allowed by Boiler Manufacturer unless presented within sixty (60) days after receipt of equipment.B . BOILER INSTALLATION must conform to therequirements of the authority having jurisdiction, or in the absence of such requirements, to:U.S.A. - National Fuel Gas Code , ANSI Z223.1. When required by the authority having juris-diction, the installation must conform to ANSI/ASME No. CSD-1.CANADA - I nstallation Codes for Natural and LP GasBurning Appliances and Equipment, CAN/ CSA-B149.1.C. These Gas Boilers are DESIGN CERTIFIED FORINSTALLATION ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. DO NOT INSTALL ThESE BOILERS ONCARPETING.D. LOCATE BOILER in front of or behind installationposition before removing Crate. Locate on a level floor as close to chimney as possible. For basementinstallations, provide a solid base such as concrete, if floor is not level or if water may be encountered on floor around Boiler.The boiler shall be installed such that the gas ignition system components are protected from water (dripping, spraying, rain, etc.) during boiler operation and service(circulator replacement, control replacement, etc.).E. REMOvE CRATE -1. Remove all crate fasteners. Lift off outside container.2. Remove all screws and brackets securing boiler to skid.3. Save two of the wooden slats from the container sleeve for use in Steps 4, 5 and 6.4. Tilt the boiler to one side and slide a wooden slat under the two raised feet.5. Tilt the boiler to the other side and slide another wooden slat under the two raised feet.6. Slide the boiler forward or backward off the skid using the two wooden slats as runners.F. Move boiler to permanent position.G. PROvIDE CLEARANCE and AIR forCOMBUSTION and vENTILATION.1. CLEARANCESa. ALL INSTALLATIONS - Practical service clearances must be considered (see Figure 2). A minimum of 24" (6.0cm) from the left side and front jacket panels is recommended for servicing but may be reduced to minimum shown in Figure 2. Subject to boiler and system piping, right side clearance may be reduced to 1"(2.5cm) if left side clearance is increased to 9" (22.9cm).b. ALCOvE INSTALLATIONS - An alcove is considered a closet as shown in Figure 2 less front. height clearance may be reduced to 27" (68.6cm).c. UNCONFINED SPACE (see definition,paragraph (2) below) - height clearance may be reduced to 27" (68.6cm).2. PROvIDE COMBUSTION AND vENTILATION AIR in accordance with applicable provisions of local building codes, or: U.S.A. - National Fuel Gas Code , NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.1, Canada -Natural and Propane Gas Installation Code , CAN/CSA-B149.1.7a. CLOSET INSTALLATIONS (confined space) in a building of other than unusually tight construction (see definition below), provide combustion and ventilation air as shown in Figure 2.b. Installations other than closet in paragraph (a) :i. Determine volume of space (boiler room).Rooms communicating directly with space (through openings not furnished with doors) are considered part of space. v olume [ft³](m 3) = Length [ft](m) x Width [ft](m) x height [ft](m)ii. Determine Total Input of all appliances inspace. Round result to nearest 1,000 Btu per hour (Btuh).iii. Determine type of space. Divide v olume byTotal Input.• If result is greater than or equal to 50 ft³(1.4m3) per 1,000 Btuh, space is considered an unconfined space .• If result is less than 50 ft³ (1.4m3) per 1,000Btuh, space is considered a confined space .iv. Determine building type. A building ofunusually tight construction has the following characteristics:• Walls and ceiling exposed to outsideatmosphere have a continuous water vapor retarder with a rating of 1 perm or less with openings gasketed and sealed, andFigure 2: minimum Clearances• Weather-stripping has been added onopenable windows and doors, and• Caulking or sealants applied in joints aroundwindow and door frames, between sole plates and floors, between wall-ceiling joints, between wall panels, at plumbing and electrical penetrations, and at other openings.v. For boiler located in a building of other thanunusually tight construction , adequate combustion and ventilation air is normally provided by fresh air infiltration through cracks around windows and doors.vi. For boiler located in building of unusuallytight construction , provide outdoor air through two permanent openings which communicate directly or by duct with the outdoors or spaces (crawl or attic) freely communicating with the outdoors. Locate one opening within 12 inches (30.5cm) of top of space. Locate remaining opening within 12 inches (30.5cm) of bottom ofspace. Minimum dimension of air opening is 3 inches (7.6cm). Size each opening per following:• Direct communication with outdoors.Minimum free area of 1 square inch (6.5cm 2) per 4,000 Btu per hour input of all equipment in space.• vertical ducts. Minimum free area of 1square inch (6.5cm 2) per 4,000 Btu per hour input of all equipment in space. Duct cross-sectional area shall be same as opening free area.• Horizontal ducts. Minimum free area of 1square inch (6.5cm 2) per 2,000 Btu per hour input of all equipment in space. Duct cross-sectional area shall be same as opening free area.vii. ventilation Duct Louvers and Grilles. Equipoutside openings with louvers to prevent entrance of rain and snow, and screens to prevent entrance of insects and rodents. Louvers and grilles must be fixed in open position or interlocked with equipment to open automatically before burner operation. Screens must not be smaller than ¼ inch mesh. Consider the blocking effect of louvers,grilles and screens when calculating the opening size to provide the required free area. If free area of louver or grille is not known, assume wood louvers have 20-25 percent free area and metal louvers and grilles have 60-75 percent free area.II. PRE-INSTALLATION AND BOILER mOUNTING (continued)BOILER MODEL‘W’20210¾” (27.3cm)202X 12” (30.5cm)20312” (30.5cm)20415¼” (38.7cm)20518½” (47.0cm)20621¾” (55.2cm)20725” (63.5cm)20828¼” (71.8cm)20931½” (80.0cm)21034¾” (88.3cm)III. GAS PIPINGA.CONNECT GAS SERvICE from Meter to gas controlassembly in accordance with Local Piping Codes andrequirements of Gas Company. They may requirepiping of larger size than Control AssemblyConnection, especially if run from meter is long orincludes several elbows. See Figure 1 for size of GasConnection to gas control assembly.This piping is to be supplied by the installer and mustinclude a trap, a ground joint union and a manualshutoff valve upstream of the gas control assemblyoutside of the jacket when codes require, see Figure 3.A pipe thread compound resistant to the action ofliquefied petroleum gases should be applied to allthreaded joints in the gas piping. Pressure testing of the Gas Supply Piping Boiler and its connections isrequired before placing the boiler in operation.The boiler and shutoff valve must be disconnected from the gas supply piping system during any pressuretesting at pressures greater than ½ psig (3.5kPa).The boiler must be isolated from the gas supply piping system by closing its individual manual shutoff valve during any pressure testing of the gas supply piping system at pressures equal to or less than ½ psig (3.5kPa).RECOMMENDED SIZING OF GAS SUPPLY PIPING TO BOILER FOR NATURAL GAS - shall be such as to provide the required supply of gas without undue loss of pressure between meter and the boiler. Gas supply piping should be sized in accordance with the Tables 1, 2 and 3. The following shall be taken into account:1. Allowable loss of pressure to assure a burnermanifold pressure of 3½" (8.9cm) water for natural gas.2. Supply of gas to be provided in cubic feet.3. Length of piping and number of fittings.4. Specific gravity of gas.5. Correction factor for specific gravity.Table 1: maximum Capacity of Schedule 40 Pipe in CFH for Natural Gas Pressures of ½ psig or LessLength [Feet]0.3 Inch w.c. Pressure Drop0.5 Inch w.c. Pressure Drop½¾11¼½¾11¼101322785201,0501753606801,400 2092190350730120250465950 307315228559097200375770 406313024550082170320660 505611521544073151285580 605010519540066138260530 70469618037061125240490 80439017035057118220460 90408416032053110205430 100387915030550103195400Table 2: Equivalent Length of FittingsFittingNominal Pipe Size½¾11¼45° Ell0.71 1.2 1.690° Ell 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.5 Tee (As Elbow) 3.1 4.1 5.2 6.9 Table 3: Specific Gravity Correction Factors forNatural GasSpecific Gravity CorrectionFactorSpecificGravityCorrectionFactor0.50 1.10 1.30 1.070.55 1.04 1.40 1.040.60 1.00 1.50 1.000.650.96 1.600.970.700.93 1.700.940.750.90------0.800.87------Figure 3: Recommended Gas Piping89A.BOILER WATER PIPINGclearance from combustible construction.2. Install drain valve and safety relief valve as shown in Figures 1 and 4. Note - Safety relief valve must be in vertical position.3.Pipe safety relief valve discharge to floor.4. Install Temperature and Pressure gauge externally in boiler supply piping. All required components are included at factory supplied Miscellaneous Parts Bag (P/N 103669-01). See Figure 4 ‘Near Boiler Piping’.5. Install circulator with flanges, gaskets and bolts and circulator harness provided.6. F or recommended water piping, see Figures 5 and 6. Also, consult Residential hydronic heating Installation and Design I=B=R Guide.7. If this boiler is used in connection with refrigeration systems, the boiler must be installed so that the chilled medium is piped in parallel with the heating boiler using appropriate valves to prevent the chilled medium from entering the boiler, see Figure 7. Also consult Residential hydronic heating Installation and Design I=B=R Guide.If this Boiler is connected to heating coils located in air handling units where they may be exposed to refrigerated air, the boiler piping must be equipped with flow control valves to prevent gravitycirculation of boiler water during the operation of the cooling system.8. Use a boiler bypass if the boiler is to be operated in a system which has a large volume or excessive radiation where low boiler water temperatures may be encountered (i.e. converted gravity circulation system, etc.).Install a pipe tee at the boiler return along with a second tee in the supply piping as shown in Figures 5 and 6. The bypass should be the same size as the supply and return lines with valves located in theIV. BOILER WATER PIPINGFigure 4: Near Boiler Pipingbypass and supply outlet as illustrated in Figures 5 and 6 in order to regulate water flow to maintain higher boiler water temperatures.Set the boiler supply valve to fully open position, and the boiler bypass valve to half throttle. Operate the boiler and adjust the bypass valve to achieve 180°F to 200°F supply water temperature by closing the bypass valve to decrease supply temperature or opening the bypass valve to increase watertemperature. If the bypass valve is fully opened and the boiler water temperature is still below 180°F, slowly begin closing the boiler supply valve to achieve 180°F to 200°F supply water temperature. Caution: Never fully close the boiler supply valve.10. If it is required to perform a long term pressure testof the hydronic system, the boiler should first be isolated to avoid a pressure loss due to the escape of air trapped in the boiler. To perform a long term pressure test including theboiler, ALL trapped air must first be removed from the boiler. A loss of pressure during such a test, with no visiblewater leakage, is an indication that the boiler contained trapped air.11. OxYGEN CORROSION: Oxygen contamination of the boiler water will causecorrosion of the iron and steel boiler components, which can lead to failure. As such, any system must be designed to prevent oxygen absorption in the first place or prevent it from reaching the boiler.Problems caused by oxygen contamination of boiler water are not covered by U.S. Boiler Company's standard warranty.10I V . B O I L E R W A T E R P I P I N G (c o n t i n u e d )F i g u r e 5: R e c o m m e n d e d W a t e r P i p i n g f o r Z o n e V a l v e Z o n e d H e a t i n g S y s t e m s11I V . B O I L E R W A T E R P I P I N G (c o n t i n u e d )F i g u r e 6: R e c o m m e n d e d W a t e r P i p i n g f o r C i r c u l a t o r Z o n e d H e a t i n g S y s t e m s12IV. BOILER WATER PIPING (continued)There are many possible causes of oxygen contamination such as:a. Addition of excessive make-up water as a result of system leaks.b. Absorption through open tanks and fittings.c. Oxygen permeable materials in the distribution system.In order to insure long product life, oxygen sources should be eliminated. This can beaccomplished by taking the following measures:a. Repairing system leaks to eliminate the need for addition of make-up water.b. Eliminating open tanks from the system.c. Eliminating and/or repairing fittings which allow oxygen absorption.d. Use of non-permeable materials in the distribution system.e. Isolating the boiler from the system water by installing a heat exchanger.B.OPTIONAL PROBE LWCO INSTALLATION1. A low water cutoff is required to protect a gas-fired hot water boiler when any connected heat distributor (radiation) is installed below the top of the hot water boiler (i.e. baseboard on the same floor level as the boiler). In addition, some jurisdictions require the use of a LWCO with a hot water boiler as a redundant safety control.It is recommended that the LWCO control is installed above the boiler to provide the highest level of protection. however, where the LWCO control is approved by the LWCO controlmanufacturer for installation in a high boiler tapping of a water boiler, the use of the listed LWCO control is permitted when it is installed according to the LWCO manufacturer's instructions.2. The recommended location for a LWCO on gas hot water boilers is above the boiler, in the supply piping. The minimum safe water level of a water boiler is at the uppermost top of the boiler; that is, it must be full of water to operate safely.3. Typically, in residential applications, a probe type LWCO is used instead of a float type, due to their relative costs and the simplicity of piping for aprobe LWCO.Figure 7: Recommended Piping for CombinationHeating & Cooling (Refrigeration) Systems Figure 8: Recommended Probe LWCO Location134. Piping and fittings required to install LWCO are field supplied .5. When constructing a piping tree to install LWCO select fittings (tees, elbows etc) and nipples to have the same size (NPT) as boiler supply connection. At minimum, 1-1/4” tee with ¾” branch outlet isrequired to connect the probe LWCO to the supply piping. See Figure 8. DO NOT REDUCE THE SIZE OF NEAR BOILER SUPPLY FITTINGS AND NIPPLES .6. Installation of manual shutoff valve located above the LWCO and the boiler is recommended to allow servicing. Thus LWCO probe can be removed for inspection without draining the heating system. An annual inspection of the probe is recommended.7. The presence of water covering properly installed LWCO probe will cause the normally open contact of the LWCO to close, thus providing continuity of the 24 v AC service to the boiler gas valve. When water level drops below probe, LWCO contact opens up breaking 24v supply to gas valve and preventing the boiler to fire.8. 2012 compliant Series 2 gas hot water boilers have a “plug-in” provision in factory wiring that will accept optional 24v AC probe LWCO harness connector. The optional LWCO kit (P/N 104083-01) includes 24v AC probe LWCO, harness and Instructions addressing piping, wiring and testing after installation.IV. BOILER WATER PIPING (continued)Figure 9: Recommended Auxiliary Limit LocationC. OPTIONAL AUxILIARY LIMIT INSTALLATION1. Some jurisdictions may require the use of anAuxiliary Limit control with a hot water boiler as a redundant safety control.2. The recommended location for an Auxiliary Limit on gas hot water boilers is in the supply piping. See Figure 9 for recommended location.3. Piping and fittings required to install an Auxiliary Limit are field supplied .4. When constructing a piping tree to install anAuxiliary Limit select fittings (tees, elbows etc) and nipples to have the same size (NPT) as boiler supply connection. At minimum, 1-1/4” tee with 1/2”branch outlet is required to install the limit well into the supply piping. See Figure 9. DO NOT REDUCE THE SIZE OF NEAR BOILER SUPPLY FITTINGS AND NIPPLES .5. When boiler water temperature reaches or exceeds Auxiliary Limit setting, the limit normally closed contact will open, thus interrupting the 24 v AC service to the boiler gas valve. When boiler water temperature drops below limit differential, limit contact closes restoring 24v supply to gas valve and allowing the boiler to fire.6. Gas hot water boilers equipped with Intelligent hydronic Control have a “plug-in” provision in factory wiring that will accept optional 24v AC Auxiliary Limit harness connector. The optional Auxiliary Limit kit (P/N 103696-01) includes 24v AC Auxiliary Limit, Well, harness and Instructions addressing wiring and testing after installation.14Figure 10: Blocked Vent SwitchInstallation DiagramA. INSTALL DRAFT hOOD without modification onoutlet of flue collector (See Figure 1). Secure with sheetB. INSTALL BLOCkED vENT SWITChThe blocked vent switch assembly shipped taped to the top of the boiler includes a power cord and a switch attached to a mounting bracket. The mounting bracket has a three tooth staggered comb stamping at one end with a #10 sheet metal screw in the center tooth.1. Untape the blocked vent switch assembly from the top of the boiler and uncoil the power cord.2. Blocked vent switch power cord (black and black with white stripe wires) is attached to vent damper harness with wire ties. The length of the cord is sufficient to reach the blocked vent switch installed at the left side of the draft hood skirt (see Figure 10). However, if required, use flat blade screwdriver to dislodge black strain relief bushing, securing the harness to boiler left side jacket, to adjust the length as needed.3. Position the mounting bracket (with switch attached) onto the lower edge of the draft hood skirt by locating the center tooth (with the #10 sheet metal screw) on the outside and the other two teeth inside the draft hood skirt. See Figure 10.4. Slide the mounting bracket up tight against the lower edge of the draft hood skirt, so that the #10 sheet metal screw is above the skirt's stiffening rib.5. Secure the bracket in this position by tightening the #10 sheet metal screw against the outer surface of the draft hood skirt.6. If required, reinsert the excess power cord through the jacket side panel hole to take the slack out of the wires running to up to the switch and vent damper.7. Reposition the strain relief bushing around the power cord at the jacket side panel, pinch the two halves of the bushing together, and snap it back into the hole in the jacket side panel to secure the power cord to the jacket.8. Be sure the power cord, mounting bracket, andswitch are secure and located as shown in Figure 10.V. VENTINGC . INSTALL vENT DAMPEROPEN ThE vENT DAMPER CARTON and remove the Installation Instructions. READ ThE INSTALLA-TION INSTRUCTIONS ThOROUGhLY before proceeding.The automatic gas control valve supplied on each Series 2® boiler provides the redundancy referenced inthe vent damper Installation Instructions.15Figure 11: Plug-in Damper Installation1. The vent damper must be the same size as the outlet of the Draft hood supplied with the boiler (see Figure 1). Unpack the damper carefully - DO NOT FORCE IT CLOSED! Forcing the damper may damage the gear train and void the warranty.2. Mount the vent damper assembly after the draft hood, as close to the draft hood as practicable without modification to the draft hood or vent damper. (Refer to Figure 11 and to instructions packed with the vent damper for specificinstructions). This is a must for the wiring harness to fit and the damper position indicator to be visible to3. Plug the factory harness vent damper connector into damper motor polarized receptacle and secure the harness to the damper motor bracket with providedstrain relief bushing.D. INSTALL vENT CONNECTOR1. Size 202 only - Install provided 4" x 3" vent reducer into vent damper outlet, then, install vent connector from reducer outlet to chimney.2. All other sizes - Install vent connector from vent damper oulet to chimney.3. vent installation shall be in accordance with local building codes; or the local authority havingjurisdiction; or the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54; or the Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, vents, and Solid Fuel Burning Appliances, ANSI/NFPA 211. Both of theaforementioned standards, ANSI Z223.1 and ANSI/NFPA 211, specify Type B and Type L double wall metal vents and fire clay tile lined masonry chimneys as suitable chimney constructions for Category I, draft hood equipped appliances, such as this Series 2® boiler. Both standards prohibit the use of unlined masonry construction as a chimney, with the exception in ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 that "Where permitted by the authority having jurisdiction, existing chimneys shall be permitted to have their use continued when an appliance is replaced by an appliance of similar type, input rating, andefficiency." ANSI/NFPA 211 prohibits the use of single wall metal vent as a chimney, while ANSI Z223.1 allows it under very restrictive conditions. In Canada refer to the Natural Gas and LP Installation Code, CAN/CSA-B149.1.4. Do not connect into same leg of chimney serving an open fireplace.5. Inspect chimney for obstructions or restrictions and remove. Clean chimney if necessary.V. VENTING (continued)Figure 12: Typical Vent Installation6. vent pipe to chimney must not be smaller than outleton draft hood or damper. Although single wall ventpipe may be used, Type B is recommended. Theventing system must be arranged so that only theboiler is served by the damper device. Installationper paragraph (C) complies with this provision.7. Where two or more appliances vent into a commonvent, the area of the common vent should at leastequal the area of the largest vent plus 50% of thearea in the additional vents. Do not connect the vent of this appliance into any portion of mechanicaldraft system operating under positive pressure.8. vent pipe should have the greatest possible initialrise above the draft hood consistent with the headroom available and the required clearance fromadjacent combustible building structure. vent Pipeshould be installed above the bottom of chimney toprevent blockage.9. vent pipe should slope upward from draft hood tochimney not less than one inch in four feet. Doivent présenter des tronçons horizontaux dont la pentemontante est d’au moins ¼ po par pied (21 mm/m)entre la chaudière et l’évent. No portion of ventpipe should run downward or have dips or sags.vent pipe must be securely supported. Les sections horizontales doivent être supportées pour prévenir le fléchissement.10. vent pipe must be inserted into but not beyondinside wall of chimney liner. Seal tight between vent pipe and chimney.11. Do not install non-listed (AGA, CGA, CSA, ETL orUL) vent damper or other obstruction in vent pipe.V. VENTING (continued)IF AN ExISTING BOILER IS REMOvED -When an existing boiler is removed from a commonventing system, the common venting system is likely tobe too large for proper venting of the appliancesremaining to it.At the time of removal of an existing boiler, thefollowing steps shall be followed with eachappliance remaining connected to the commonventing system placed in operation, while the otherappliances remaining connected to the commonventing system are not in operation:1. Seal any unused openings in the common ventingsystem.2. Visually inspect the venting system for proper sizeand horizontal pitch and determine there is noblockage or restriction, leakage, corrosion, and otherdeficiencies which could cause an unsafe condition.3. Insofar as is practical, close all building doors andwindows and all doors between the space in whichthe appliances remaining connected to the commonventing system are located and other spaces of thebuilding. Turn on clothes dryers and any appliancenot connected to the common venting system. Turnon any exhaust fans, such as range-hoods andbathroom exhausts, so they will operate at maxi m umspeed. Do not operate a summer exhaust fan. Closefireplace dampers.4. Place in operation the appliance being inspected.Follow the Lighting (or Operating) Instructions.Adjust thermo s tat so appliance will operatecontinuously.5. Test for spillage at the draft hood relief openingafter 5 minutes of main burner operation. Use theflame of a match or candle, or smoke from acigarette, cigar or pipe.6. After it has been determined that each applianceremain i ng connected to the common venting systemproperly vents when tested as outlined above, returndoors, win d ows, exhaust fans, fireplace dampers andany other gas burning appliance to their previousconditions of use.7. Any improper operation of the common ventingsystem should be corrected so the installationconforms with the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSIZ223.1 and/or CAN/CSA B149.1, InstallationCodes. When resizing any portion of the commonventing system, the common venting systemshould be resized to approach the minimum size asdetermined using the National Fuel Gas Code,ANSI Z223.1 and/or CAN/CSA B149.1, InstallationCodes.16。

美国布鲁夫(GE)品牌手册- KFDC506JBK01 36英寸双燃料挂架炉手册说明书

美国布鲁夫(GE)品牌手册- KFDC506JBK01 36英寸双燃料挂架炉手册说明书

36"DUAL-FUEL FREESTANDING RANGE WITH6BURNERS MODELS:KFDC506JBK01(Imperial Black)Illus.No.Part No.Description1Literature PartsW11114331Guide,Use And CareW11114334Instructions,InstallationW11184759Guide,InternetConnectivityW11202391Diagram,Wiring(Cooktop)W11202385Diagram,Wiring(Oven)W11202289Sheet,TechW11114332Guide,Quick Start Illus.No.Part No.Description2W10892995Assembly,ValveManifold(Left Front,Left Rear,Center Rear)W10893005Assembly,ValveManifold(Center Front,RightFront,Right Rear)3W10903729Switch,Harness4W11121194Bracket,Manifold5W11121317Module,Spark64453116Adapter,Male77101P426-60Screw8W10892073Tube,Manifold Supply(Left)W10892334Tube,Manifold Supply(Right)9Box,Burner(NotServiced)Illus.No.Part No.Description10W10115843Cover,IgnitionFOLLOWING PARTSNOT ILLUSTRATEDW11200303Harness,Main(36")W11200332Harness,CooktopW10780278Harness,Door LockW11200325Harness,CommunicationW11242785Harness,WIFIW11212216Cord,Power9759877Retainer,Strain Relief4450800Screw,GroundingW10253333Bracket,Anti-Tip7101P485-60Screw,Anti-Tip KitW11238042Kit,LP ConversionIllus.No.Part No.Description1W11106881Panel,Cabinet Side(Left)W11106880Panel,Cabinet Side(Right)2W10892774Assembly,OrificeHolder(Left Front)W10892492Assembly,OrificeHolder(Left Rear)W11159467Assembly,OrificeHolder(Center Front)W10892725Assembly,OrificeHolder(Center Rear)W10892731Assembly,OrificeHolder(Right Front)W10892477Assembly,OrificeHolder(Right Rear)3W10892422Orifice,Main(17.4K)(Left Front,RightFront)W10892435Orifice,Simmer(2.6K)(Left Front,RightFront)W10892419Orifice,Main(15K)(Left Rear,CenterFront,Right Rear)W10892438Orifice,Simmer(5K)(Center Rear)4W11238757Igniter(Left Front,RightFront)W10892340Igniter(Center Front,CenterRear)W11114379Igniter(Left Rear,Right Rear)Illus.No.Part No.Description5W11291183Burner,Grate(WithWok Ring)6W11291179Burner,Grate7W11323261Screw(8-18X1")W11323309Screw(8-18X1/2")8W11281269Barrier,ApplianceManager9W11436332Interface,User10W11205795Cover,WIFI Outer11W10883433Bezel(Rear Burners)12W10881642Bezel(Front Burners)13Cap,BurnerW11121390Black(Includes6)14W10891746Spreader,Flame(High)(Left Front,RightFront)W10891974Spreader,Flame(Low)(Left Rear,CenterFront,Right Rear)W10891978Spreader,Flame(AUX)(Center Rear)15W11036559Spring Clip,Range16Knob,Oven ModeW11249667Stainless17W11100280Manager,Appliance(Powermax)18Panel,CooktopW11038235Black(Left)W11038257Black(Center)W11038248Black(Right)19W11130078Antenna,WIFI207101P338-60ScrewIllus.No.Part No.Description21W10130760Bracket,MovingConsole(Left)W10130759Bracket,MovingConsole(Right)22W11328357Screw23W10877950Panel,Console24Knob,SingleW10912166Stainless25Knob,DualW10883172Stainless26W10896366Assembly,Light Pipe27Bezel,OvenW10913810Stainless28Knob,OvenTemperatureW11429269Stainless29W11205794Cover,WIFI Inner30W11241511Button Assembly,Oven Light31W11156416Trim,Island32Trim,T-StripW10271524Black337101P426-60Screw34W11241510Button Assembly,Oven Start353400814Screw367101P624-60Screw37W11042504Bumper,Grate38W11110768Assembly,WIFIModule39W10568405Assembly,SpeakerIllus.No.Part No.Description1W11394784Kickplate2W11324988Back,Chassis3W10138054Assembly,Roller4W11095572Duct,Bottom(36")57101P426-60Screw69760860Leveler7W10908710Base,Leveling Leg84449743Screw9W11369237Cabinet,ApplianceManager10W10115869Shaft,Long11W10115793Shaft,Short12489504E-Ring Illus.No.Part No.Description13W11106963Tube,PressureRegulator14W11087493Support,Channel15W11115330Gasket,Oven(36")16W11050145Duct-Chassis,Rear17W11368831Channel,Wire18W11362015Retainer,Gasket(9"Long)19W11324985Top,Chassis20W11040801Chassis,Bottom21W11103333Panel,Back Top22W11034133Panel,Back BottomIllus.No.Part No.Description23W11096823Bracket,PressureRegulator24W10449140Regulator,Pressure25W11036559Spring Clip,Range26W11106341Drawer,ApplianceManager27W11199181Cover,Foot(Left)W11199178Cover,Foot(Right)28W11192749Frame,Front29W10351278Bumper&Screw303196560ScrewIllus.No.Part No.Description14449751Thermostat(TOD)2W10622170Probe,Sensor33196176Screw4W10830016Latch,Motorized5W11290663Tube,Vent6W10169756Lens,Light7W11223932Assembly,Oven Light8W10169757Bulb,Light9W11096294Receiver,Hinge(Left)Illus.No.Part No.Description10W11096293Receiver,Hinge(Right)11Liner,Oven(NotServiced)12W11102297Chassis,Side(Left)W11102296Chassis,Side(Right)137101P426-60ScrewIllus.No.Part No.Description14W10160858Cover,LatchFOLLOWING PARTSNOT ILLUSTRATEDW10282811Insulation,WrapW10282813Insulation,Back,36"3400968NutVENTING PARTSVENTING PARTSIllus.No.Part No.Description1W10818234Slope,Exhaust Vent(30")2W11105223Vent,Cooling Top(30")3W11200129Blower4W11105222Vent,Cooling Bottom(30")5W11109518Plate,Cooling Latch Illus.No.Part No.Description6W11353392Box,Terminal77101P426-60Screw8W11047754Bracket,Blower Mount9W10270397Seal,Vent Slope(30")10W10270396Seal,Chimney119761958Block,Terminal12112432Nut,HexIllus.No.Part No.Description13W11106956Cover,Channel14W10919715GasketIllus.No.Part No.Description1W11036772Liner,Door2W10884823Insulation,Door3W11036791Glass,Inner4W11194820Retainer,Glass5W11096978Hinge,Door(Left)6W10607120Screw7W11194814Frame,Glass Illus.No.Part No.Description8W10898280Screw9W10656499Screw10W11389309Assembly,Outer Door(Includes Handle)11W11362709Handle Assembly12W11197830Bracket,Handle13W10518672BadgeIllus.No.Part No.Description14W10276043Screw15W11361074Medallion,Handle16W10162096Screw17W11096977Hinge,Door(Right)Illus.No.Part No.Description1W10115994Element,Broil2W10282821Insulation,ConvectionCover3W10822069Rack,Oven4W11108464Rack,Sliding Oven5W10160856Shield,Element Broil6W11212180Baffle,Convection7W10722667Fan,Convection8W10631503Blade,Fan Illus.No.Part No.Description9W10261523Plate,Fan10W10631504Nut,Acorn(LH)119762242Element,ConvectionSteam12W11106922Tray,Hidden Bake139755542Probe,Temperature144449154Screw159755543Jack,Meat Probe16W11033111Nut,LockingIllus.No.Part No.Description17W10739592Screw18W10115992Element,Hidden Bake19W10720084ScrewOPTIONAL PARTS(NOT INCLUDED) Illus.No.Part No.DescriptionACCESSORY PARTS4396920Stainless SteelCleaner&PolishW10160195Cover,Grill/GriddleW10216179Ring,WokBacksplashW1028544948"With Shelves31464Cleaner,CooktopW10123240Rack,Broiler Pan&Roasting8284755Backsplash(Adjustable)JXA9001CDPStainless SteelWallsplashW11238043Kit,High AltitudeMedallion,HandleW11368841SI.SilverW11368841BO.Black ANOW11368841RE.Red ANOW11368841MP.Marscapone(Cream)W11368841NE.New GoldW11368841CF.CopperW11368841BN.BronzeW11368841DD.Dark Blue。



GAS LOGWARNING: If the information in this manual is not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result causing property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.—Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.—WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS •Do not try to light any appliance.•Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any phone in your building.•Immediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor’s phone. Follow the gas supplier’s instructions.•If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department.—Installation and service must be performed by a qualified installer, service agency, or the gas supplier.WARNING: Improper installa-tion, adjustment, alteration, ser-vice, or maintenance can cause injury or property damage. Re-fer to this manual for correct installation and operational procedures. For assistance or additional information consult a qualified installer, service agency, or the gas supplier.WARNING: This appliance is for installation only in a solid-fuel burning masonry or UL127factory-built fireplace, con-structed of noncombustible material, and connected to a working flue. (See page 7 for minimum flue opening.)WARNING: This is a gas-fired appliance. It uses air (oxygen) from the room in which it is installed. Provisions for adequate combustion and ventilation air must be provided. Refer to Air for Combustion and Ventilation section on page 4 of this manual.VENTED DECORATIVE APPLIANCESOWNER’S OPERATION AND INSTALLATION MANUALConvertible from Natural Gas to Propane/LP GasSave this manual for future reference.Z21.60-1996CGA 2.26-M96APPROVED®Models CVSA18M,CVSA24M, CPVSA18M,CPVSA24M, CVDA18M,CVDA24M, and CVDA30MVENTED GAS LOGS2901051OWNER’S MANUAL3901051VENTED GAS LOGS4901051OWNER’S MANUAL5901051VENTED GAS LOGS6901051OWNER’S MANUAL7901051VENTED GAS LOGS8901051OWNER’S MANUAL9901051VENTED GAS LOGS10901051119010511290105113901051OBSERVED PROBLEMWhen ignitor button is pressed, there is no spark at pilotWhen ignitor button is pressed, there is spark at pilot but no ignitionPilot lights but flame goes out when control knob is releasedBurner does not light after pilot is lit Delayed ignition burner REMEDY1.Reconnect ignitor cable2.Free ignitor cable if pinched by anymetal or tubing. Keep ignitor cable dry 3.Scrape away paint on bracket for bettercontact with ground on piezo ignitor4.Replace ignitor cable5.Replace piezo ignitor6.Replace electrode7.Reposition electrode1.Turn on gas supply or open manualshutoff valve2.Turn control knob to PILOT position3.Press in control knob while in PILOTposition4.Continue holding down control knob.Repeat igniting operation until air is re-moved5.Adjust pilot flame for approximately2" blue flame6.Clean pilot (see Cleaning and Mainte-nance, page 20) or replace pilot assembly 7.Replace gas control1.Press in control knob fully2.After pilot lights, keep control knobpressed in 30 seconds3.Fully open manual shutoff valve4.A) Contact local natural gas companyB) Clean pilot (see Cleaning and Mainte-nance, page 20) or replace pilot assembly 5.Hand tighten until snug, then tighten1/4 turn more6.Replace thermocouple7.Replace control valve1.Clean burner orifice2.Contact local natural or propane/LP gascompany3.Replace burner orifice4.Reconnect leads1.Adjust pilot flame for approximately2" blue flame2.Replace pilot orifice setTROUBLESHOOTINGContinuedPOSSIBLE CAUSE1.Ignitor electrode not connected to igni-tor cable2.Ignitor cable pinched or wet3.Bad ground on piezo ignitor4.Broken ignitor cable5.Bad piezo ignitor6.Ignitor electrode broken7.Ignitor electrode positioned wrong1.Gas supply turned off or manual shutoffvalve closed2.Control knob not in PILOT position3.Control knob not pressed in while inPILOT position4.Air in gas lines when installed5.Pilot adjustment screw closed6.Pilot is clogged7.Low gas pressure1.Control knob not fully pressed in2.Control knob not pressed in long enough3.Manual shutoff valve not fully open4.Pilot flame not touching thermocouple,which allows thermocouple to cool,causing pilot flame to go out. This prob-lem could be caused by one or both ofthe following:A) Low gas pressureB) Dirty or partially clogged pilot5.Thermocouple connection loose at con-trol valve6.Thermocouple damaged7.Control valve damaged1.Burner orifice clogged2.Inlet gas pressure is too low3.Burner orifice diameter is too small4.Thermocouple leads disconnected or im-properly connected1.Pilot flame needs adjusting2.Wrong pilot orifice14901051159010511690105117901051189010511990105120901051OWNER’S MANUALBaltimore Electric1348 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 065141-800-397-7553203-248-7553Parts Department Portable Heater Parts 342 N. County Rd. 400 E. Valparaiso, IN 46383All States219-462-74411-800-362-6951Parts DepartmentFBD1349 Adams St.Bowling Green, KY 42103 270-846-11991-800-654-8534Fax: 1-800-846-0090East Coast Energy Products707 BroadwayW. Long Branch, NJ 07764732-870-88091-800-755-8809Parts DepartmentTarantin Tank Co.P.O. Box 6129Freehold, NJ 07728908-780-93401-800-922-0724Parts DepartmentDayton HardwareP.O. Box 275North Dayton StationDayton, OH 45404All States513-258-3721OH 1-800-762-3426Parts DepartmentFour Flags Power Products1115 Stateline RoadNiles, MI 49120616-684-26971-800-268-4983Parts OnlyMaster Parts Distributor1251 Mound Ave. NWGrand Rapids , MI 49504-2672616-791-05051-800-446-1446Fax: 1-616-791-8270Parts DepartmentWasher Equipment Co.1715 Main StreetKansas City, MO 64108-2195KS, MO, AR816-842-3911Parts DepartmentPARTS CENTRALS These Parts Centrals are privately-owned businesses. They have agreed to support ourcustomer’s needs by providing original replacement parts and accessories.Halco Enterprises208 Carter Drive, Unit 21West Chester, PA 19382-4500610-430-77171-800-368-0803Parts DepartmentLaPorte’s Parts and Service2444 North 5th StreetHartsville, SC 29550-7704803-332-0191Parts DepartmentCans Unlimited, Inc.P.O. Box 645Taylor, SC 29687All States803-879-30091-800-845-5301Parts DepartmentHeater and Fireplace Store1922 N. Route 9Cape May Court, NJ 08210-1110609-624-0678Parts DepartmentNOTES_______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________NOTES_______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________LIMITED WARRANTYCOMFORT GLOW VENTED GAS LOGSDESA International warrants this product to be free from defects on burner system for three (3) years, gas control for one (1) year, and logs for a lifetime from the date of first purchase, provided that the product has been properly installed, operated and maintained in accordance with all applicable instructions. To make a claim under this warranty the Bill of Sale or cancelled check must be presented.This warranty is extended only to the original retail purchaser. This warranty covers the cost of part(s) required to restore this log set to proper operating condition and an allowance for labor when provided by a DESA Authorized Service Center. Warranty part(s) MUST be obtained through authorized dealers of this product and/or DESA International who will provide original factory replacement parts.Failure to use original factory replacement parts voids this warranty. The log set MUST be installed by a qualified installer in accordance with all local codes and instructions furnished with the unit.This warranty does not apply to parts that are not in original condition because of normal wear and tear, or parts that fail or become damaged as a result of misuse, accidents, lack of proper maintenance or defects caused by improper installation. Travel, diagnostic cost,labor, transportation and any and all such other costs related to repairing a defective log set will be the responsibility of the owner.TO THE FULL EXTENT ALLOWED BY THE LAW OF THE JURISDICTION THAT GOVERNS THE SALE OF THE PRODUCT;THIS EXPRESS WARRANTY EXCLUDES ANY AND ALL OTHER EXPRESSED WARRANTIES AND LIMITS THE DURA-TION OF ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE TO THREE (3) YEARS ON BURNER SYSTEM AND A LIFETIME ON LOGS FROM THE DATE OF FIRST PURCHASE; AND DESA INTERNATIONAL’S LIABILITY IS HEREBY LIMITED TO THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT AND DESA INTERNATIONAL SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY OTHER DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.Some states do not allow a limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts or an exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation on implied warranties, or exclusion or limitation on damages may not apply to you.This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights that vary from state to state.For information about this warranty write:2701 Industrial DriveP.O. Box 90004Bowling Green, KY 42102-9004KEEP THIS WARRANTYWARRANTY INFORMATIONModelSerial No.Date PurchasedAlways specify model and serial numbers when communicating with the factory.We reserve the right to amend these specifications at any time without notice. The only warranty applicable is our standard written warranty. We make no other warranty, expressed or implied.901051-01INTERNATIONAL901051 01。



DZL系列单锅筒卧式快装链条炉排锅炉安装使用阐明书×××××××××××企业目录一、构造简介 (5)二、性能特点 (5)三、出厂简介 (6)四、安装前旳准备工作 (7)五、锅炉大件旳安装 (9)六、省煤器旳安装 (10)七、烟道旳安装 (11)八、除尘器旳安装 (11)九、引风机旳安装 (8)十、烟囱旳安装 (12)十一、鼓风机旳安装 (9)十二、调速箱旳安装 (9)十三、出渣机旳安装 (14)十四、锅炉控制柜旳安装 (15)十五、水处理设备旳安装 (15)十六、管道、阀门、仪表及附件旳安装 (15)十七、水压试验 (17)十八、烘炉和煮炉前旳检查 (18)十九、烘炉和煮炉 (19)二十、升火 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

二十一、调整安全阀.. (24)二十二、供汽 (26)二十三、正常运行 (27)二十四、排污 (35)二十五、停炉 (37)二十六、维护保养 (40)二十七、水质管理 (43)二十八、受压元件旳检查和水压试验环节 (45)二十九、锅炉经济运行 (49)前言锅炉是工矿企业生产和各事业单位生活中不可缺乏旳热力设备, 由于其量大面广, 在国民经济中占有重要地位。

锅炉长期安全经济旳运行与锅炉安装质量、合理使用等有很大关系, 因此对锅炉旳安装、使用工作应有足够旳重视。

对于安装不能简朴认为是制造厂已作好零件旳装配工作, 实际上在安装工地还需要进行某些补充工作, 由于运送等原因还必须对某些部件再校正, 因此对安装质量旳规定也是非常重要旳。

为了便于安装工作旳顺利进行及合理使用好锅炉, 特将锅炉有关部件、设备、辅机安装使用旳技术规定和注意事项论述如后。




Operation / Installation ManualBuilt-In Hob (LPG / NG)RB-72S RB-72G RB-73TS RB-73TG RB-92G RB-93TS RB-93US RB-93TG RB-93UGRinnai CorporationE n g l i s h252741警告!只有合格的人员才能转换此设备. 从灶具主体上拆下锅架支架,燃烧器和旋钮。

. 使用十字螺丝刀拆下不锈钢顶板。

小心不要在拆卸钢制顶板 时损坏电极和热电偶。

. 使用附带的钥匙拧松文丘里管的支架,如图1所示。

. 使用#12&#14型固定扳手拆下铜针上的螺母和文丘里管上 的喷嘴,如图2所示。

. 从文丘里管中取出所有喷嘴,并放回正确的喷嘴。


. 将螺母和喷嘴拧紧到铜管上。

. 如果使用城镇煤气,使用扳手卸下LPG 适配器, 如果使用LPG ,则使用扳手安装。


. 进行所有接头的泄漏试验,以确保没有发现泄漏。

. 将所有部件重新放回到炉盘上。

. 更改标签以显示气体类型更改。

Pic 2Pic 1气种置换NG 换LPG & LPG 换NGRB70-021-4130317• 切勿使用超大的炊具或超负荷使用 烹饪器具。

• 不要取下锅架,并用锅架围住燃烧 器,因为这会使热量集中并偏转到 燃气灶上。

• 不要在锅和锅支架之间放置任何东西,例如火焰温度计, 石棉垫,否则可能会对器具造成严重损坏。

• 不要将炊具盘放在锅架支撑面 上,否则可能不稳并翻侧。

• 只能使用设备制造商提供或推 荐的锅支架。

警示强化玻璃ContentGuide to Appliances RB-72S / RB-72G / RB-73TS / RB-73TG / RB-92G / RB-93TS Guide to Appliances RB-93TG / RB-93US / RB-93UGGuide to the AppliancesSpecificationSafety InstructionsUsing for the first timeInstallation GuideOperationSuitable PansCleaning and CareTrouble Shooting GuideRinnai Customer Care CentersConversion from NG to LPG & LPG to NGCaution For the Tempered Glass 123468913151619202121Rinnai Customer Care CentersChina |中国Guangzhou Rinnai Gas & ElectricRoom 2805, No.31 Jianghe Building,Tianshou Road, Guangzhou, China广州林内燃具电器有限公司中国广州天河区天寿路31号江河大厦2805室Tel 电话: (86) 20 3821 7976Email 邮箱:*******************.cnURL 网址: IndonesiaCustomer Care of PT. Rinnai IndonesiaJl. Raya Pejuangan No.21,Komp. Ruko Sastra Graha No.11 -13Jakarta 11530Tel:(62************(Customercare)*************(SMS Center)E mail :**************************URL : www.rinnai.co.idMacau |澳門Rinnai Appliance Service CenterEdificio Industrial, 3andar F.A da Zona Macau林內爐具服務中心澳門青洲跨境工業大廈3樓F座Phone電話 :+853 2852-7799Fax 傳真 : +853 2827-0572URL 网址: /moPhilippinesMitsui Industia Corporation10 Buenaventura St., Cor MacArthurHighway, Dalandan Valenzuela City,PhilippinesTel : (63) 2 292 9177 / 292 9179Fax : (63) 2 292 8187SingaporeRinnai Holdings (Pacific) Pte Ltd 61 Ubi Road 1#02-20 & 21Oxley BizhubSin gap ore 408727Tel : (65) 6748 9478 Fax : (65) 6745 9240Email:********************:www.rinnai.sgThailand | ประเทศไทยRinnai (Thailand) Co., Ltd. / Lucky Flame Co., Ltd.61/1 Soi Kingkaew 9, Kingkaew Rd.Racha Thewa, Bangphli, Samutprakarn 10540,Thailandเลขที่ 61/1 ซอยก่่งแกว9 ถนนก่่งแกประเทศไทย10540Tel : (66) 2 3124330 -40Email:*********************.thURL : www.luckyflame.co.thVietnam | Việt NamRong Viet Commerce Company Limited120 3/2 Street, Ward 12, District 10,Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamCông Ty TNHH Th ngươM i ạRôồn g Vi t ệ120 Đngườ3/2, Ph ngườ12, Qu nậ10,TP. H ôồChí Minh, Vi t ệNamTel : (84) 8 3862 3409 Fax : (84) 8 5404 1964Email:************************URL : www. 40MalaysiaRinnai (M) Sdn BhdD2-3-G & D2-3-1, BlockD2, Pusat PerdaganganDana 1, Jalan PJU 1A/46, 47301 Petaling Jaya,Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.Tel: (60) 3 7832 0037 / 7832 0038 / 7832 0039Fax: (60) 3 7832 0036 Toll Free : 1800-88-3180Email:***********************.myURL: .myGuide to the AppliancesRB-72SRB-73TS1SmallBurnerLeft Control Right ControlBig BurnerBig BurnerBig Burner Big BurnerBig BurnerRB-72GLeft Control Right ControlExtra Small BurnerLeft Control Right ControlRear RightControlLeft Control Right ControlRear RightControlBig Burner Extra Small BurnerRB-73TGSmallBurnerRB-92GBig Burner Big BurnerLeft Control Right ControlLeft Control Right ControlRear RightControlBig Burner Small BurnerRB-93TSMediumBurner常见问题与解决方法问题可能导致的原因解决方法无点火(DC)自动点火功能不工作燃烧器火焰不均匀。

MiniMax CH燃气炉操作和安装手册(中文)

MiniMax CH燃气炉操作和安装手册(中文)

P/N 472128
Rev. C1-22-04
的障碍即可,不得深钻。然后把 3/4 NPT PRV(需单独购买)穿入孔中。
1. 如有可能,在不使用游泳池或水疗池的时候将其遮盖起来。这将不仅减少供热成本,而且可以防止灰尘和 杂物落入池中和保存化学物质。
2. 将游泳池温度调节装置设置调节至 78℉或更低。 这被美国红十字会认定为最有益于健康的游泳池温度。 3. 使用精确的温度计。 4. 确定了适当的温度调节装置最大温度后,拧紧温度调节装置旋钮制动器。 5. 对时钟进行设置,使其不早于天亮之前启动循环系统。 游泳池在此时散热较少。 6. 对于仅在周末使用的游泳池,则没有必要将温度调节装置设定为 78℉。降低温度,使其易于在一天内恢
P/N 472128
Rev. C1-22-04
重要事项:本安装说明仅供合格的技术人员使用,特别用于安装此类加热装置和相关元件培训。有些国家要求 安装和维修由许可人员来完成。如果您的国家属于这种情况,应确保您的承包人拥有相关许可证。
室外安装 — 无烟囱 型号 150 200 250 300 350 400



警告:如果不遵守本 手册的规定,可能会 引起火灾、爆炸,财 物损坏和人身伤亡。
• 不得进行锅炉点火操作
警告:如果锅炉有任何 部分被水浸,其可能引 起很大的损坏程度和范 围,构成安全隐患, 此种情况下,锅炉必须 整机更换。
与易燃物的间距. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .6 易燃地板安装基座. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 防冻保护. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
泵运行. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
设置温度控制 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
供暖锅炉系统的防冻保护. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .8
温控传感器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

传感器的远程安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
排风扇. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
热表面点火系统 . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
传感器的安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
助燃空气过滤器. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 助燃空气选择. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
点火指引 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 切断燃气供应 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
通用信息. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
热水器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
安装位置. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
运行 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
温度控制的位置 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 温度控制的设置 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 室外温度补偿 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
烟囱系统选择. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
水化学 . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
安装手~1.pdf 2006-6-5 15:50:09 ÉÏÎç
热水锅炉及热水器 495,000 - 2,065,000 Btu/hr 型号
警告:如果不遵守本 手册的规定,可能会 引起火灾、爆炸,财 物损坏和人身伤亡。
汽油或其他. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
特别指引. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 开 启 包 装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 规范.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
• 不得进行锅炉点火操作
警告:如果锅炉有任何 部分被水浸,其可能引 起很大的损坏程度和范 围,构成安全隐患, 此种情况下,锅炉必须 整机更换。
警告:不适当的安装, 更改,调试和维护会 导致财产损失、人身 伤亡和有害物排放。 锅炉的安装请参考此 安装手册,并且必须 由获得许可的技术人 员,燃气公司或许可 代理商的技术人员完 成。此锅炉含有对人 体有害的致癌物料。
燃气管道连接 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
最低泵性能参数 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
燃气压力测试 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
温度/压力表 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 锅炉运行准备 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
保用. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 安全信息. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 产品鉴别. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
热水系统温度控制 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
与易燃物的间距. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .6 易燃地板安装基座. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 防冻保护. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
• 不得接触电气开关和使 用电话
• 前往附近地方找电话报 告燃气公司,并遵循燃 气公司的指引
• 如果无法联系燃气公司, 则尽快向消防单位报警
– 安装和维护必须由获得许 可的技术人员进行。
复件CB~2.pdf 2006-5-29 17:46:17 ÉÏÎç
通用产品信息 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
热交换器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
燃气管安排 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
供暖锅炉系统的防冻保护. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .8
温控传感器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
助燃空气和通风. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
烟囱支撑. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 垂直烟从末端安装位置. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
水流速控制 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
安装. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
在冷冻水系统中的安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 锅炉运行温度控制 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 水处理 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
排烟. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10