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Shanghai Songjiang District Grade 5 First Semester Final Exam Paper


Full marks: 100 points Time: 100 minutes)

I。Basic Knowledge (30 points)

1.Choose the correct n for the underlined words。(3 points)

Correct answers: ① answer ② towards ③ confront。hostile

④ treat ⑤ correct。normal ⑥ compare two things to see if they match ⑦ make two things come into contact or cooperate ⑧ agree。suitable ⑨ in pairs

1) Anyway。she is really good to me。( )

2) This time。Mr。Liu met his match。( )

3) I can tell from his n that he is hiding something from me。( )

2.Vocabulary n。(3 points)

1) Words to describe waterfalls:

2) Words to describe crowded places:

3.Rewrite the sentences according to the requirements。(8 points)

1) The microwave-like sea surface was suddenly covered with silver light。(Shorten the sentence)

2) There was no longer that kind and pleasant n on his face。(Reword the sentence without changing its meaning)

3) Reading can help us acquire a lot of knowledge。We should read more。(Combine the two sentences into one)

4) In his reply。Lu Xun said。"If your letter is to be published and there is a place to publish it。I can agree." (Change

to indirect speech)

4.Fill in the blanks。(16 points)

1) The author of "题西林壁" is Dai Shijie。As the poem says。there are different gains from looking at things from different perspectives。The two lines in the poem can be used to describe

the saying "Those involved are blinded while bystanders see clearly": "The wall stands apart from the world。and the world is

reflected in it." (2) In "My Uncle Lu Xun," one of the four great classics discussed by Uncle and "I" is "Dream of the Red Chamber." (3) The greatest enjoyment and pleasure in life is to feel that one is needed by others and to make people feel close。Ba Jin believed that the greatest enjoyment and pleasure in life is to feel that one is needed by others and to make people feel close。(4) To establish oneself。one must establish oneself through n。The author is Confucius。(5) The moon in the Qin Dynasty and the pass in the Han Dynasty。if only the Flying General of the Dragon City is here。This poem was written by a poet of the Tang Dynasty.

II。Reading (40 points)

1) Mother's Love is a Thread (22 points)

① When the mother was tidying up her son's clothes。she found that the button on the sleeve of his shirt was loose.

② She decided to sew it on for him.

③ Although her son was young。he was already a well-known writer。His talent and hard work had led to his success today。His mother was proud of him。She was the mother of a writer!
