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1._______ interested in the position are asked to see the manager tomorrow.(填上恰当的代词)

2.The most important thing for a designer to remember is that nature always provides _______(灵感).

3.In the deaf culture of North America, many listeners show _______ not by clapping their hands but by waving them in the air.

(选词填空disapproval, applause, affection, direction)

4.According to the regulations, most of our flights have a baggage _______ of 22 kilograms per passenger.

(选词填空gravity, session, punctuation, allowance)

5.David is the current holder of the 5 000-meter race world record, but there is no _______ that he will win in the Olympic Games.

(选词填空guarantee, outcome, insurance, alternative)

6.—It is quite _______ me why she gave up such a good chance.

—You can go and ask her yourself. (填上恰当的介词)

7.Considering the location _______(优先考虑)the price, many parents buy houses for their children’s education.

8.The moonlight came in _______ the windows in the roof and lit up my room.

9.Many companies make it _______ for job applicants to pass a medical examination before they are allowed to work.

(选词填空compulsory, comprehensive, controversial, contradictory)

10.All rights reserved. Above the content does not have _______ to reprint without myself-permission, thanks! (选词填空arbitrarily, randomly , offensively, optionally)

11.With millions of graduates and unemployed recent graduates hitting the job market, 2016 is _______ to be yet another year of exceedingly difficult job hunting for young Chinese.

(选词填空bound, essential, fundamental, sensitive)

12.Can Operation Mekong, a bloody and cruel and violent real-life tale, _______ an entertaining 90 minutes in the movie theater?

(选词填空account for, push for, make for , head for)

13.The fact that China was excluded from the negotiations of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) led many to believe that it was at least partially engineered to _______ China’s economic rise.

(选词填空counter, clarify, conclude, rebel)

14.Their sense of humor and ability to get along with people are two characteristics that _______ for their lack of experience.

(选词填空allow, cater, account, compensate)

15.–– Are the people optimistic about the talks between Palestine and Israel?

––It’s hard to say. Much _______ the outcome o f the current peace talks.

(选词填空counts on, takes on, catches on , turns on)

16.Florida is blessed with _______ warm climate, which makes it _______ suitable place for old people to live in. (填上恰当的冠词)

17.When he was_______(pay)the bill in the restaurant, he suddenly realized that he had left his wallet in the car.

18.—Sounds incredible! I had never thought I would meet my old classmate David at that party.

—If my memory serves me correctly, you two _______(see)each other for almost five years.

19.France has recently passed a law that says all supermarkets _______ donate all of their unsold produce to charities.

(选词填空may, should, will, shall)

20.—So boring and exhausted! I’d rather I hadn’t been invited to the party.

— Oh, no. If so, I _______(enjoy)a quiet night at home.

21.The company chose Shenzhen for its first expansion point because it’s the second largest market for

their brand, Shanghai _______(be)the first.

22.Nowadays, more and more people like to post the photos of delicious foods on their blogs, especially those

_______(bake)in the oven.

23.—What do you think it is that has contributed to his huge success?

—_______ he keeps focused on what he is doing.

24.Liao Fan, a Chinese actor, finally got to know _______ real success tastes like when he won the prize for Best Actor at the 64th Berlin International Film Festival.

25._______ there is supply and demand, there is commerce.

26.I do believe in people being able to do what they want to do, _______ they are not hurting someone else.

(选词填空unless, supposed, though, providing)

27.In modern education, I think, students should be involved in various activities, especially those _______ they can gain experience for growth.

28. The death of the closest relatives, _______ almost every one of us has experienced, always makes people feel bitter and unbearable.

(选词填空what, who, as, the one)

29.I am glad to find that on top of the mountain _______(lie)ancient ruins from the time of the Roman Empire.

30._______(base)an important decision more on emotion than on reason, and you’ll regret it sooner or later.


We all love our parents and turn to them when we’re in need, but would you like them to hear the conversations you have with your friends in the school playground or lunch queue? Social networking sites, such as micro-blog, blog and the Facebook, have actually become virtual 1 of the school hallways(走廊), so would you add your parents as “friends” and allow them to 2 your online activities and conversations with friends?

In the past the generation gap included a technology gap, where children were 3 with latest technology
