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1.The thought of France and Germany fighting each other again seems impossible and the development of European Union has greatly enhanced Europe,s attractiveness and soft power in the world.


2. But legislative -- and executive-branch integration has lagged, and, while Europe has created a President and a central figure for foreign relations, foreign and defense policy remains only partly integrated.


3. Europe does face severe demographic problems, but size of population is not highly correlated with power , and predictions of Europe,s downfall have a long history of failing to materialize.翻译:欧洲的确面临严重的人口问题,但人口规模与实力的相关度并不高,而未曾实现的欧洲衰亡的预言确由来已久。

4. The EU,s approach to sharing power, hammering out agreements, and resolving conflict by multiple committees can be frustrating and lacks drama, but it is increasingly relevant for many issues in a network and interdependent world.



5. Its lack of vision, divisions, obsession with legal frameworks, unwillingness to project military power, and sclerotic economy are contrasted with a United States more dominant even than Rome.


6. But all this potential strength may be to no avail if Europeans do not solve the immediate problems stemming from financial markets loss of confidence in the euro.



1. Here is this community which in popular vision is a community of anarchists, anti-establishment people, and yet here are so many of them actually acting as the eyes and ears, as virtual spies on behalf FBI and Secret Service.


2. As a kid, he found he had a knack for what was then called “phone

freaking”—essentially hacking phones before there were computers.


3. They can do millions of dollars of damage in terns of stealing directly force bank accounts, or going out with fraudulent credit cards that they create using this database of information.


4. When I was a hacker it was all about pursuit of knowledge, getting a bite of the forbidden apple, so to speak. Then of course the challenge and the seduction of adventure.


5.Literally in the 15 minutes that I was no the phone with the CEO of the company and one of the lead technical guys, I was able to get access that only system administrators should get access to.


6. There are things everyday Internet users can do to protect their information, like using a VPN client or more secure browser like Google Chrome.

