供应链管理试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 供应链管理的核心目标是什么?A. 成本最小化B. 服务最大化C. 客户满意度D. 以上都是答案:D2. 供应链管理的五大流程不包括以下哪一项?A. 采购B. 生产C. 销售D. 人力资源管理答案:D3. 供应链中的“牛鞭效应”是指什么?A. 供应链中信息失真的现象B. 供应链中库存积压的现象C. 供应链中物流延迟的现象D. 供应链中成本增加的现象答案:A4. 供应链管理中,以下哪个指标用于衡量库存的周转速度?A. 库存周转率B. 订单满足率C. 供应链响应时间D. 供应链总成本答案:A5. 供应链管理中,以下哪个不是供应商关系管理的关键要素?A. 供应商选择B. 供应商评估C. 供应商培训D. 供应商库存管理答案:D6. 在供应链管理中,以下哪个不是供应链网络设计的关键考虑因素?A. 成本B. 风险C. 客户服务水平D. 产品生命周期答案:D7. 供应链管理中,以下哪个不是供应链整合的潜在好处?A. 提高效率B. 降低成本C. 增加库存D. 提高客户满意度答案:C8. 供应链中的“3PL”指的是什么?A. 第三方物流B. 第三方采购C. 第三方生产D. 第三方销售答案:A9. 供应链管理中,以下哪个不是供应链风险管理的关键步骤?A. 风险识别B. 风险评估C. 风险转移D. 风险消除答案:D10. 在供应链管理中,以下哪个不是供应链战略的关键组成部分?A. 供应链结构B. 供应链流程C. 供应链技术D. 供应链文化答案:D二、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 供应链管理就是物流管理。
(×)2. 供应链管理的目的是实现供应链中所有成员的共赢。
(√)3. 供应链管理只关注内部流程,不涉及外部供应商和客户。
(×)4. 供应链管理可以提高企业的竞争力。
(√)5. 供应链管理中,供应商关系管理只关注成本控制。
(×)6. 供应链管理中的“牛鞭效应”可以通过信息共享来缓解。
采购与供应链管理习题库10第十章 习题及参考答案
![采购与供应链管理习题库10第十章 习题及参考答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/aa3b5232ad51f01dc381f14c.png)
同步测试一、单项选择题1.供应链绩效评价指标是基于( )的绩效评价指标。
AA.业务流程B.工作C.供应链D.企业2.( )是供应链管理的重要内容,对于衡量供应链目标的实现程度及提供经营决策支持都具有十分重要的意义。
AA.历史绩效标准B,预算标准C,行业平均标准D,国际最先进标准5.外部绩效衡量主要是对供应链上的( )状况的评价。
DA.企业外部B.供应链之间C.企业内部D.企业之间运行6.产销率越接近1,说明资源利用程度越( )。
CA.好B差. C.高 D.低7.采购人员的工作效率是用( )来衡量的。
DA.数量指标B.时间指标C.价格绩效指标D.采购效率指标8.采购主管必须具备对( )工作绩效进行评估的能力。
ABDA.内部绩效B.外部绩效C.供应链整体D.供应链综合绩效2.供应链绩效评价的特点( )。
ABCA.侧重于供应链的整体绩效评估B.基于业务流程的绩效评价C.供应链绩效评价难度较大D.单个企业的绩效评价3.供应链绩效评价内容包括( )。
BCDA.供应链业务衡量B.内部绩效衡量C.外部绩效衡量D.供应链综合绩效衡量4. 内部绩效的衡量包括成本、生产率和()BCA.交货期B.客户服务C.质量D.资产5.下列()是反映整个供应链业务流程的绩效评价指标。
供应链管理试题与答案第一篇:供应链管理试题与答案供应链管理试题与答案2009年05月12日星期二 21:51一、名词解释(每小题5分,共25分)1.供应链2.供应链管理3.生产延迟4.联合库存管理5.ECR二、填空题(每空3分,共30分)1.供应链是一个网链结构,由围绕核心企业的供应商、供应商的供应商和用户、用户的用户组成。
3. JIT(准时制)生产方式要求供应商与制造商之间的物流配送尽可能频繁。()
三、名词解释供应链 - --- 是围绕企业,通过对信息流、物流、资金流的控制,从采购原材料开始,制成中间产品以及最终产品,最后由销售网络把产品运送到消费者手中,将供应商、制造商、分销商、零售商、直到最终用户连成一个整体的功能网链结构模式。
吸脂性定价 --- 是建立高价位并吸收所有市场需求曲线上端顾客的策略。
独立需求 --- 是来自于外部客户或市场的需求,不能直接从其他产品需求中派生出来。
安全库存 --- 是指当不确定因素已导致更高的预期需求或导致完成周期更长时的缓冲存货,安全库存用于满足提前期需求。
有效顾客响应 --- 是应用于食品行业,分销商和供应商为消除系统中不必要的成本和费用,给客户带来更大效益而进行密切合作的一种供应链管理方法。
供应链管理--- 是同一供应链上的所有节点企业,包括供应商、分销商、零售商等,将所处的供应链中的各种资源进行集成,并对供应链中的各种动作进行同步化、集中化管理,从而形成高度竞争力,使得该供应链的产品在快速多变的市场中处于优势地们的一种管理模式。
渗透性定价 --- 是指最初以低价进入新市场而获取更大的市场占有率的策略。
派分需求 --- 是指要在发货点派分某种货物或某项服务的需求和提前期。
第三方物流 --- 是指物流的实际需求方和物流的实际供给方之外的第三方,它部分或全部利用第二方的资源,通过合约向第一方提供物流服务,它是业务外包在物流业务中的具体表现。
客户关系管理--- 是一种以客户为中心的管理思想和经营理念,目的在于改善企业与客户之间的关系,在企业的市场、销售、服务与技术支持等与客户相关的领域中广泛实施,通过为不同类型的客户定制不同的服务,吸引和保持更多的客户。
现代物流管理 -- 是指将信息、运输、库存、仓储、搬运以及包装等系列物流活动综合起来的一种新型的集成式管理,他的目的在于以最低成本为顾客提供最好的服务。
牛鞭效应 -- 由于供应链的信息流从末端向源端传递时,信息扭曲会逐级放大,导致需求信息的波动越来越大。
AA.供应链 B.合作伙伴 C.联盟组织 D.供应链管理2. 供应链管理的英文简写为:()。
CA. SSTB. SCC. SCMD. CIMS3. 供应链管理目的:()。
AA. 既提高服务水平又降低物流总成本B. 在于提高服务水平C. 在于降低物流总成本D. 以上答案都不是4. 供应链特征中不包含的因素有( C )。
A.动态性 B.面向用户需求C.静态性 D.交叉性5. 供应链不仅是一条连接供应商到用户的物料链、信息链、资金链,而且是一条( )。
DA.加工链 B.运输链C.分销链 D.增值链6. 商流是货物所有权的转移过程,是在供货商与消费者之间进行的( )流动。
AA.双向 B.价值C.单向 D.信息7. 供应链是一个网链结构,由围绕( )的供应商、供应商的供应商和用户、用户的用户组成。
DA.主要 B.最终用户C.一级 D.核心企业8. 以最低的成本将原材料转化成零部件和成品,并尽量控制供应链中的库存和运输成本,这种供应链属()。
CA. 平衡的供应链B. 反应型供应链C. 有效型供应链D. 稳定的供应链9. 选择恰当的供应链战略对企业发展非常重要,在客户市场需求稳定,且生产的产品相对成熟的情况下,哪种供应链更能发挥竞争优势:()。
DA. 响应型供应链B. 拉动式供应链C. 动态的供应链D. 效率型供应链10. 基于相对稳定、单一的市场需求而形成的供应链,我们称为()。
AA. 稳定的供应链B. 动态的供应链C. 平衡的供应链D. 倾斜的供应链11. 在市场变化加剧情况下,若供应链成本增加,库存增加、浪费增加时,企业不能在最优状态下运作,此时的供应链是:()。
DA. 稳定供应链B. 反应供应链C. 平衡供应链D. 倾斜供应链12. 当企业订购的产品数量大、竞争激烈时,合作伙伴选择最适宜的方法是()。
第十章 供应链管理方法补充习题
![第十章 供应链管理方法补充习题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ffc409d1ad51f01dc281f1ae.png)
• 19.ERP系统实施过程中难度最大的环节是()。 • A.知识更新 B.规范数据 • C.机构重组 D.理论培训 • 20.ERP应用成功的前提是()。 • A.系统运行全部模块 • B.企业必须实施业务流程重组,使企业业务处理流程 趋于合理化 • C.在财务部门和生产部门应用ERP软件 • D.领导重视
• 3.实施QR成功的条件是()。 • A.改变传统的经营方式、企业经营意识和组织结构 • B.开发和应用现代信息处理技术 • C.与供应链各方建立战略伙伴关系 • D.充分的信息共享 • E.供应方必须缩短生产周期,降低商品库存 • • 4.ECR提出供应链的四个核心要素,分别是()。 • A.有效的店铺空间安排 • B.有效的商品补货 • C.有效的商品促销 • D.有效的新产品导入 • E.有效的产品营销方式
• 13.回顾我国的MRPII/ERP的应用和发展过程,大致可划分为三个阶 段,分别是()。 • A.萌芽期 B.启动期 • C.成长期 D.发展期 • E.成熟期 • • 14.ERP实施中的风险主要有()。 • A.硬件风险 B.软件风险 • C.实施风险 D.转变风险 • E.成功风险
• 15.中国ERP管理软件市场的现状是()。 • A.国内软件厂商为主导 B.国外软件厂商 为主导 • C.国内软件企业纷纷参战 D.国外软件企业 纷纷参战 • E.国内和国外软件厂商五五分成 • • 16.在实施ERP之前,企业需要做好的准备工作是 ()。 • A.知识更新 B.规范数据 • C.机构重组 D.全体动员 • E.理论培训
• ()6.传统的ECR在实施后,只对部分企业有利,而不能达到“共 赢”。 • • ()7.QR和ECR都重视供应链的核心业务,对业务进行重新设 计,以消除资源的浪费。 • • ()8.从本质上来说,ECR是QR的第二阶段,是QR在食品行业 中的创新。 • • ()9.商品分类管理是ECR的核心组成部分。 • • ()10.原则上,在对商品进行分类时,要以是否方便企业来进 行。 • • ()11.国外的MRPII软件不适合中国的国情和厂情。
7.供给链管理理念下的库存核心价值是〔C 〕。
11.在供给链采购活动中,供给商与采购商之间的关系是〔 B 〕关系。
1、在供应链库存管理中,哪项活动涉及预测未来需求并据此制定库存计划?A. 订单履行B. 需求预测C. 库存盘点D. 物流运输(答案:B)2、以下哪种库存策略旨在通过维持较低库存水平来减少持有成本,但可能增加缺货风险?A. 安全库存策略B. 零库存策略C. 批量订购策略D. 预防性库存策略(答案:B)3、供应链中的“牛鞭效应”主要是由于哪个因素导致的?A. 客户需求稳定B. 信息在供应链中逐级放大C. 供应商生产能力过剩D. 运输效率低下(答案:B)4、在库存管理中,EOQ(经济订货批量)模型主要用于解决什么问题?A. 确定最佳订货周期B. 确定最佳库存水平C. 确定每次订货的最优数量D. 确定安全库存量(答案:C)5、以下哪项不是实施VMI(供应商管理库存)可能带来的好处?A. 减少库存成本B. 提高库存透明度C. 增加供应链复杂性D. 改善客户服务水平(答案:C)6、在供应链中,哪项技术能够实时跟踪库存状态,提高库存准确性?A. RFID(无线射频识别)B. ERP(企业资源规划)C. CRM(客户关系管理)D. SCM(供应链管理)软件本身(不包含具体技术如RFID)(答案:A)7、库存周转率是衡量什么的关键指标?A. 库存价值随时间的变化速度B. 客户满意度C. 供应商交货速度D. 产品质量(答案:A)8、以下哪种方法可以帮助企业识别并优先处理关键库存项目,以减少缺货风险?A. ABC分类法B. FIFO(先进先出)原则C. LIFO(后进先出)原则D. JIT(准时制生产)(答案:A)。
Chapter 10Managing Economies of Scale in the Supply Chain: Cycle InventoryTrue/False1. Cycle inventory exists because producing or purchasing in large lots allows astage of the supply chain to exploit economies of scale and increase cost.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate2. A lot or batch size is the quantity that a stage of the supply chain either producesor purchases at a given time.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate3. Cycle inventory is the physical inventory in the supply chain due to eitherproduction or purchases demanded by the customer.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate4. The inventory profile is a plot depicting the level of inventory over time.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy5. When demand is steady, cycle inventory and lot size are related as follows:Cycle Inventory = Lot Size x 2 = Q*2.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate6. Lot sizes and cycle inventory do not affect the flow time of material within thesupply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy7. Average flow time resulting from cycle inventory = Cycle Inventory/Demand =Q/2D.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate8. Cycle inventory is primarily held to take advantage of economies of scale andreduce profit within the supply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy9. Increasing the lot size or cycle inventory often decreases the cost incurred bydifferent stages of a supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate10. Cycle inventory exists in a supply chain because different stages exploiteconomies of scale to lower total cost.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy11. The costs considered in lot sizing decisions include material cost, fixed orderingcost, and manufacturing cost.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate12. The total annual cost is the sum of annual material cost, annual order cost, andannual holding cost, and is given as TC = CD + (D/Q)S + (Q/2)hC.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate13. The optimal lot size is referred to as the economic order quantity (EOQ). It isdenoted by Q * and is given by the equation: Q* = 2DS/hC.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate14. Total ordering and holding costs are unstable around the economic orderquantity.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate15. A firm is often better served by ordering a convenient lot size close to theeconomic order quantity rather than the precise EOQ.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate16. If demand increases by a factor of k, the optimal lot size decreases by a factor ofk.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard17. To reduce the optimal lot size by a factor of k, the fixed order cost S must bereduced by a factor of k.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate18. Aggregating across products, retailers, or suppliers in a single order allows for areduction in lot size for individual products because fixed ordering andtransportation costs are now spread across multiple products, retailers, orsuppliers.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate19. A key to reducing cycle inventory is the reduction of lot size.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy20. A key to reducing lot size without increasing costs is to reduce the holding costassociated with each lot.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate21. Reduction of fixed cost may be achieved by aggregating lots across multipleproducts, customers, or suppliers.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy22. A discount is volume-based if the pricing schedule offers discounts based on thequantity ordered in a single lot.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard23. A discount is volume-based if the discount is based on the total quantitypurchased over a given period, regardless of the number of lots purchased overthat period.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy24. Pricing schedules with all unit quantity discounts encourage retailers to increasethe size of their lots, which reduces the average inventory and flow time in asupply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate25. Marginal unit quantity discounts have also been referred to as multi-block tariffs.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate26. Quantity discounts lead to a minor buildup of cycle inventory in the supply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate27. For commodity products where price is set by the market, manufacturers can uselot size based quantity discounts to achieve coordination in the supply chain and decrease supply chain cost.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate28. The supply chain profit is higher if each stage of the supply chain independentlymakes its pricing decisions with the objective of maximizing its own profit.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate29. For products where the firm has market power, two-part tariffs can be used toachieve coordination in the supply chain and maximize supply chain profits.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate30. Discounts related to price discrimination will be lot size based.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard31. Price discrimination is the practice where a firm charges differential prices tomaximize profits.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy32. The goal of trade promotions is to influence retailers to act in a way that helps t heretailer achieve its objectives.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy33. Although a forward buy is often the retailer’s appropriate response and increasestheir own profits, it usually increases demand variability with a resulting increase in inventory and flow times within the supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate34. Trade promotions lead to a significant increase in lot size and cycle inventorybecause of forward buying by the retailer.Answer: TrueDifficulty: ModerateMultiple Choice1. Cycle inventory exists because producing or purchasing in large lots allows astage of the supply chain toa. exploit economies of scale and raise cost.b. exploit economies of scale and lower cost.c. exploit customers and lower cost.d. exploit customers and raise cost.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy2. The quantity of inventory that a stage of the supply chain either produces o rpurchases at a given time isa. an order.b. a job.c. a shipment.d. a lot or batch.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy3. The average inventory in the supply chain due to either production or purchasesin lot sizes that are larger than those demanded by the customer isa. annual inventory.b. distribution inventory.c. cycle inventory.d. physical inventory.e. b and c onlyAnswer: c Difficulty:Moderate4. A graphical plot depicting the level of inventory over time isa. an inventory graph.b. a distribution inventory.c. an inventory drawing.d. an inventory profile.e. an inventory picture.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate5. When demand is steady, cycle inventory and lot size are related asa. Cycle Inventory = Lot Size x 2.b. Cycle Inventory = Q*2.c. Cycle Inventory = Q/2.d. Cycle Inventory = Lot Size = Q.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate6. Average flow time resulting from cycle inventory is equal toa. Cycle Inventory/Demand = Q/2.b. Cycle Inventory/Demand = Q/2D.c. Cycle Inventory = Q/2.d. Cycle Inventory = Lot Size = Q.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate7. Cycle inventory is primarily held toa. take advantage of diseconomies of scale and increase cost within thesupply chain.b. take advantage of diseconomies of scale and reduce cost within thesupply chain.c. take advantage of economies of scale and increase cost within the supplychain.d. take advantage of economies of scale and reduce cost within the supplychain.e. None of the above are true.Answer: d Difficulty:Moderate8. Which of the following is not a cost that must be considered in any lot sizingdecision?a. Average price per unit purchased, $C/unitb. Fixed ordering cost incurred per lot, $S/lotc. Holding cost incurred per unit per year, $H/unit/year = hCd. Manufacturing cost per unit, $M/unite. All of the above are costs to be considered.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate9. The primary role of cycle inventory is to allow different stages in the supply chaintoa. purchase product in lot sizes that maximize the sum of the material,ordering, and holding cost.b. purchase product in lot sizes that minimize the sum of the material,ordering, and holding cost.c. sell product in lot sizes that maximize the sum of the material, ordering,and holding cost.d. sell product in lot sizes that minimize the sum of the material, ordering,and holding cost.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate10. Economies of scale in purchasing and ordering motivate a manager toa. increase the lot size and cycle inventory.b. decrease the lot size and cycle inventory.c. eliminate inventory.d. increase the lot size and reduce cycle inventory.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate11. Which of the following is not a situation in which any stage of the supply chainexploits economies of scale in its replenishment decisions?a. A fixed cost is incurred each time an order is placed or produced.b. A holding cost is incurred each period for each unit of inventory.c. The supplier offers price discounts based on the quantity purchased perlot.d. The supplier offers short-term discounts or holds trade promotions.e. all of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate12. The price paid per unit is referred to asa. the material cost and is denoted by C.b. the fixed ordering cost and is denoted by S.c. the holding cost and is denoted by H.d. the purchase price and is denoted by P.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate13. All costs that do not vary with the size of the order but are incurred each time anorder is placed are referred to asa. the material cost and is denoted by C.b. the fixed ordering cost and is denoted by S.c. the holding cost and is denoted by H.d. the purchase price and is denoted by P.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate14. The cost of carrying one unit in inventory for a specified period of time, usuallyone year, is referred to asa. the material cost and is denoted by C.b. the fixed ordering cost and is denoted by S.c. the holding cost and is denoted by H.d. the purchase price and is denoted by P.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate15. Which of the following would not be an example of a fixed ordering cost?a. administrative cost incurred to place an orderb. trucking cost incurred to transport an orderc. labor cost incurred to receive an orderd. labor cost incurred to manufacture a parte. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate16. Which of the following would not be included in holding cost?a. cost of capitalb. cost of physically storing the inventoryc. cost of manufacturingd. cost that results from the product becoming obsoletee. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate17. The total annual cost is the sum of annual material cost, annual order cost, andannual holding cost, and is given asa. TC = CD + (D/Q)S + (Q/2)hC.b. TC = CD + (Q/2)S + (D/Q)hC.c. TC = CDS + D/Q + (Q/2)hC.d. TC = Q/2 + (D/Q)S + (CD)hC.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Hard18. The optimal lot size is referred to as the economic order quantity (EOQ). It isdenoted by Q* and is given by the equationa. Q* = 2DS/hC.b. Q* = √2hC.c. Q* = √2DS.d. Q* = √2DS/hC.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate19. Total ordering and holding costsa. are relatively stable.b. are relatively stable around the economic order quantity.c. are relatively unstable around the economic order quantity.d. are unstable.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy20. If demand increases by a factor of k, the optimal lot size increases by a factor ofa. k.b. k/2.c. k + 2.d. k-squared.e. the square root of k.Answer: eDifficulty: Hard21. If demand increases by a factor of k, the number of orders placed per yearshould increase by a factor ofa. k.b. k/2.c. k + 2.d. k-squared.e. the square root of k.Answer: eDifficulty: Moderate22. To reduce the optimal lot size by a factor of k, the fixed order cost S must bea. increased by a factor of k.b. increased by a factor of k-squared.c. reduced by a factor of k-squared.d. reduced by a factor of the square root of k.e. reduced by a factor of k.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate23. Aggregating across products, retailers, or suppliers in a single order allows fora. an increase in lot size for individual products.b. an increase in customer demand.c. a reduction in holding cost per unit.d. a reduction in lot size for individual products.e. a reduction in purchase price per unit.Answer: dDifficulty: Hard24. Aggregating across products, retailers, or suppliers in a single order allows for areduction in lot size for individual products becausea. fixed ordering and transportation costs are now charged to retailers.b. fixed ordering and transportation costs are now charged to suppliers.c. fixed ordering and transportation costs are now spread across multipleproducts, retailers, or suppliers.d. holding costs are now charged to retailers or suppliers.e. holding costs are now spread across multiple products, retailers, orsuppliers.Answer: c Difficulty:Moderate25. A key to reducing cycle inventory isa. the reduction of holding cost.b. the reduction of manufacturing cost.c. the reduction of lot size.d. the reduction of warehouse space.e. all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate26. A key to reducing lot size without increasing costs is toa. reduce the holding cost associated with each lot.b. reduce the fixed cost associated with each lot.c. reduce the material cost associated with each lot.d. reduce the manufacturing cost associated with each lot.e. increase the holding cost associated with each lot.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate27. A price discount where the pricing schedule offers discounts based on thequantity ordered in a single lot isa. customer based.b. lot size based.c. supplier based.d. volume based.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy28. A price discount where the discount is based on the total quantity purchased overa given period, regardless of the number of lots purchased over that period isa. customer based.b. lot size based.c. supplier based.d. volume based.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate29. Pricing schedules with all unit quantity discounts encourage retailers toa. decrease the size of their lots.b. increase the size of their lots.c. decrease the size of their inventory.d. increase the price of their products.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy30. Marginal unit quantity discounts have also been referred to asa. all unit quantity discounts.b. basic quantity discounts.c. elevated quantity discounts.d. multi-block tariffs.e. tariffs.Answer: d Difficulty:Moderate31. In the pricing schedule for marginal unit quantity discountsa. the average cost of a unit decreases at a breakpoint.b. the average cost of a unit increases at a breakpoint.c. the marginal cost of a unit decreases at a breakpoint.d. the marginal cost of a unit increases at a breakpoint.e. the average cost and the marginal cost of a unit decrease at a breakpoint.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate32. Quantity discounts lead toa. a significant buildup of cycle inventory in the supply chain.b. a slight buildup of cycle inventory in the supply chain.c. a decrease in cycle inventory in the supply chain.d. minor fluctuations of cycle inventory in the supply chain.e. a major drop in cycle inventory in the supply chain.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate33. For commodity products where price is set by the market, manufacturers can uselot size based quantity discounts toa. achieve coordination in the supply chain and decrease supply chain cost.b. relax coordination in the supply chain and increase supply chain cost.c. relax coordination in the supply chain and decrease supply chain cost.d. achieve coordination in the supply chain and decrease supply chain cost.e. None of the above are accurate.Answer: dDifficulty: Easy34. In a supply chain where each stage of the supply chain independently makes itspricing decisions with the objective of maximizing its own profit,a. supply chain profit is lower than a coordinated solution.b. supply chain profit is higher than a coordinated solution.c. supply chain profit is about the same as a coordinated solution.d. supply chain profit will be maximized.e. None of the above are accurate.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy35. For products where the firm has market power, coordination in the supply chaincan be achieved and supply chain profits maximized through the use ofa. two-part tariffs or volume based quantity discounts.b. marginal unit quantity discounts.c. all unit quantity discounts.d. basic quantity discounts.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy36. The practice where a firm charges differential prices to maximize profits isa. lot pricing.b. marginal pricing.c. price incrimination.d. price discrimination.e. all of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate37. Discounts related to price discrimination will bea. volume based.b. unit based.c. marginally based.d. lot size based.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Hard38. The goal of trade promotions is toa. influence retailers to act in a way that helps the retailer achieve itsobjectives.b. influence retailers to act in a way that helps the manufacturer achieve itsobjectives.c. influence retailers to act in a way that will maximize supply chain profit.d. influence retailers to act in a way minimize supply chain cost.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Hard39. Which of the following is not a key goal (from the manufacturer’s perspective) ofa trade promotion?a. Induce retailers to use price discounts, displays, or advertising to spursales.b. Shift inventory from the manufacturer to the retailer and the customer.c. Shift inventory from the retailer to the customer.d. Defend a brand against competition.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate40. Which of the following is a possible response that a retailer could make to a tradepromotion?a. Pass through some or all of the promotion to customers to spur sales.b. Pass through very little of the promotion to customers but purchase ingreater quantity during the promotion period to exploit the temporaryreduction in price.c. Shift inventory from the retailer to the customer.d. a and b onlye. b and c onlyAnswer: d Difficulty:Hard41. When the retailer decides to pass through some or all of the promotion tocustomers to spur sales, the result isa. a lowering of the price of the product for the end customer.b. increased purchases and thus increased sales for the entire supply chain.c. an increase in the amount of inventory held at the retailer.d. all of the abovee. a and b onlyAnswer: e Difficulty:Hard42. When the retailer decides to pass through very little of the promotion tocustomers but purchase in greater quantity during the promotion period to exploit the temporary reduction in price, the result isa. a lowering of the price of the product for the end customer.b. increased purchases and thus increased sales for the entire supply chain.c. an increase in the amount of inventory held at the retailer.d. all of the abovee. a and b onlyAnswer: cDifficulty: Hard43. The manufacturer can justify offering trade promotions resulting in forward buyingby retailers whena. they have inadvertently built up a lot of excess inventory.b. the forward buy allows the manufacturer to smooth demand by shifting itfrom peak to low-demand periods.c. the retailer decreases his total cost.d. all of the abovee. a and b onlyAnswer: e Difficulty:Hard44. The retailer can justify the forward buying whena. they have inadvertently built up a lot of excess inventory.b. the forward buy allows the manufacturer to smooth demand by shifting it frompeak to low-demand periods.c. it decreases his total cost.d. all of the abovee. a and c onlyAnswer: cDifficulty: Hard45. Replenishment orders in multi-echelon supply chains should bea. synchronized to increase cycle inventory and order costs.b. synchronized to facilitate supplier evaluation and selection.c. synchronized to keep cycle inventory and order costs low.d. separated to increase cycle inventory and order costs.e. separated to keep cycle inventory and order costs low.Answer: cDifficulty: Hard46. When developing estimates for holding and ordering costs, it is important toa. estimate these costs to a high level of precision.b. get a good approximation quickly.c. develop estimates that will not be changed.d. both a and ce. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate47. Which cost takes into account the return demanded on the firm’s equity and theamount the firm must pay on its debt?a. cost of capitalb. obsolescence (spoilage) costc. handling costd. occupancy coste. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy48. Which cost estimates the rate at which the value of the product being storeddrops either because the market value of that product drops or because theproduct quality deteriorates?a. cost of capitalb. obsolescence (spoilage) costc. handling costd. occupancy coste. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy49. Which cost should only include receiving and storage costs that vary with thequantity of product received?a. cost of capitalb. obsolescence (spoilage) costc. handling costd. occupancy coste. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate50. Which cost should reflect the incremental change in space cost due to changingcycle inventory?a. cost of capitalb. obsolescence (spoilage) costc. handling costd. occupancy coste. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate51. Which of the following would not be a component of order cost?a. buyer timeb. transportation costc. handling costd. receiving coste. All of the above are components of order cost.Answer: cDifficulty: ModerateEssay/Problems1. Discuss the role of cycle inventory in the supply chain.Answer: The primary role of cycle inventory is to allow different stages in thesupply chain to purchase product in lot sizes that minimize the sum of thematerial, ordering, and holding cost. If a manager were considering the holdingcost alone, he or she would reduce the lot size and cycle inventory. Economiesof scale in purchasing and ordering, however, motivate a manager to increasethe lot size and cycle inventory. A manager must make the trade-off thatminimizes the total cost when making the lot sizing decision. Ideally, cycleinventory decisions should be made considering the total cost across the entiresupply chain. In practice, however, each stage often makes its cycle inventorydecisions independently. As we discuss later in the chapter, this practiceincreases the level of cycle inventory as well as the total cost in the supply chain.Any stage of the supply chain exploits economies of scale in its replenishmentdecisions in the following three typical situations:1. A fixed cost is incurred each time an order is placed or produced.2. The supplier offers price discounts based on the quantity purchasedper lot.3. The supplier offers short-term discounts or holds trade promotions.Cycle inventory exists in a supply chain because different stages exploiteconomies of scale to lower total cost. The costs considered include materialcost, fixed ordering cost, and holding cost. The supply chain operation phaseoperates on a weekly or daily time horizon and deals with decisions c oncerningindividual customer orders.Difficulty: Hard2. Describe the impact of trade promotions on cycle inventory.Answer: Manufacturers use trade promotions to offer a discounted price and atime period over which the discount is effective. The goal of trade promotions is to influence retailers to act in a way that helps the manufacturer achieve itsobjectives. A few of the key goals (from the manufacturer’s p erspective) of atrade promotion are as follows:1. Induce retailers to use price discounts, displays, or advertising to spursales.2. Shift inventory from the manufacturer to the retailer and the customer.3. Defend a brand against competition.In response to a trade promotion, the retailer has the following options:1. Pass through some or all of the promotion to customers to spur sales.2. Pass through very little of the promotion to customers but purchase ingreater quantity during the promotion period to exploit the temporaryreduction in price.The first action lowers the price of the product for the end customer, leading toincreased purchases and thus increased sales for the entire supply chain. Thesecond action does not increase purchases by the customer but increases theamount of inventory held at the retailer. As a result, the cycle inventory and flow time within the supply chain increase.Trade promotions lead to a significant increase in lot size and cycle inventorybecause of forward buying by the retailer. This generally results in reducedsupply chain profits unless the trade promotion reduces demand fluctuations.The retailer can justify the forward buying because it decreases his total cost. In contrast, the manufacturer can justify this action only if they have eitherinadvertently built up a lot of excess inventory or the forward buy allows themanufacturer to smooth demand by shifting it from peak to low-demand periods.In practice, manufacturers often build up inventory in anticipation of plannedpromotions. During the trade promotion, this inventory shifts to the retailer,primarily as a forward buy. If the forward buy during trade promotions is asignificant fraction of total sales, manufacturers end up reducing the revenuesthey earn from sales because most of the product is sold at a discount. Theincrease in inventory and the decrease in revenues often leads to a reduction in manufacturer profits as a result of trade promotions. Total supply chain profitsalso decrease because of an increase in inventory.Difficulty: Hard3. Discuss the characteristics of a successful multi-echelon supply chain.。
选择题:供应链库存管理中,哪种策略强调降低库存成本但同时可能增加缺货风险?A. 周期性检查策略B. (s, S)策略C. 最小-最大策略(正确答案)D. 经济订货量(EOQ)策略在进行供应链库存计划时,以下哪项不是必须考虑的因素?A. 市场需求预测B. 供应商交货时间C. 仓库存储容量D. 员工个人偏好(正确答案)安全库存的主要目的是什么?A. 最大化库存周转率B. 减少库存成本C. 应对不确定性并减少缺货风险(正确答案)D. 提高客户满意度哪种库存管理方法侧重于通过连续补货来保持库存水平在一个固定的范围内?A. 周期性补货策略B. (R, Q)策略(正确答案)C. 批量补货策略D. 最小库存策略在供应链库存管理中,哪种成本通常与持有过多库存相关?A. 缺货成本B. 订货成本C. 持有成本(正确答案)D. 运输成本经济订货量(EOQ)模型主要用于优化什么?A. 订货频率和订货量(正确答案)B. 库存周转率和库存成本C. 市场需求和供应商交货时间D. 运输成本和订货成本供应链中的“牛鞭效应”是指什么?A. 市场需求波动向上游放大(正确答案)B. 供应商交货时间延长C. 库存成本逐渐降低D. 订货频率减少以下哪项不是实施有效供应链库存管理的好处?A. 提高客户满意度B. 减少库存积压和浪费(正确答案)C. 增加运营成本和复杂性(此选项描述的是负面影响,非好处,正确答案应指向描述好处的选项,但在此情境下,它作为“不是”的答案)D. 更好地应对市场需求变化在多级供应链中,库存推式策略与拉式策略的主要区别是什么?A. 推式策略基于预测,拉式策略基于实际需求(正确答案)B. 推式策略适用于所有供应链阶段,拉式策略只适用于最终阶段C. 推式策略成本较低,拉式策略成本较高D. 推式策略不考虑库存水平,拉式策略考虑库存水平。
供应链管理 第十章 供应链管理环境下的库存控制
![供应链管理 第十章 供应链管理环境下的库存控制](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bb923e203186bceb18e8bb4b.png)
1、定量库存控制(Perpetual inventory control)
以数量为基础的库存管理制度,以固定的订货量和再订货点为基 础。(连续检查模型)
预先确定一个订货点和订货批量,随时检查库存,当库存下降到订货 点时就发出订货
策略 四、常见独立需求库存控制
库存是指处于存储状态的物品,广义的库存 还包括处于制造加工状态和运输状态的物品
库存是为了满足未来需要而暂时闲置的资源, 它是由于人们无法预测未来的需求变化,才 不得已采用的应付外界变化的手段
❖ 平衡供求关系,滿足顧客立即交货或短交货期的 需求
(Q, R)策略 (t, S)策略
(R, S)策略 (t, R, S)策略
1. (Q, R)策略(连续检查的固定订货量、固 定订货点策略)
对库存进行连续性检查,当库存降低到订货点水平R时, 即发出一个订货,每次的订货量保持不变,都为固定 值Q。
该策略适用于需求量大、缺货费用较高、需求波动性很大的情 形。
Bicycle(1) P/N 1000
Handle Bars (1) P/N 1001
Frame Assembly (1) P/N 1002
Wheels (2) P/N 1003
Frame (1) P/N 1004
❖ 两种不同的需求,要求不同的库存控制策略和库 存控制系统。
❖ 适用于独立需求的库存控制系统,称为库存补充系统, 它是以经常性地维持一定的库存水平并不断补充为特 征的,连续检查和定期(周期)检查是这种系统的两 种基本控制策略。
Chapter 10Managing Economies of Scale in the Supply Chain: Cycle InventoryTrue/False1. A lot or batch size is the quantity that a stage of the supply chain either producesor purchases at a given time.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate2. Cycle inventory is the physical inventory in the supply chain due to eitherproduction or purchases demanded by the customer.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate3. When demand is steady, cycle inventory and lot size are related as follows:Cycle Inventory = Lot Size x 2 = Q*2.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate4. Cycle inventory is primarily held to take advantage of economies of scale andreduce profit within the supply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy5. Increasing the lot size or cycle inventory often decreases the cost incurred bydifferent stages of a supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate6. The total annual cost is the sum of annual material cost, annual order cost, andannual holding cost, and is given as TC = CD + (D/Q)S + (Q/2)hC.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate7. The optimal lot size is referred to as the economic order quantity (EOQ). It isdenoted by Q * and is given by the equation: Q*= 2DS/hC.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate8. Total ordering and holding costs are unstable around the economic orderquantity.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate9. To reduce the optimal lot size by a factor of k, the fixed order cost S must bereduced by a factor of k.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate10. Aggregating across products, retailers, or suppliers in a single order allows for areduction in lot size for individual products because fixed ordering andtransportation costs are now spread across multiple products, retailers, orsuppliers.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate11. A key to reducing cycle inventory is the reduction of lot size.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy12. A key to reducing lot size without increasing costs is to reduce the holding costassociated with each lot.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate13. Reduction of fixed cost may be achieved by aggregating lots across multipleproducts, customers, or suppliers.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy14. A discount is volume-based if the pricing schedule offers discounts based on thequantity ordered in a single lot.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard15. Pricing schedules with all unit quantity discounts encourage retailers to increasethe size of their lots, which reduces the average inventory and flow time in asupply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate16. The supply chain profit is higher if each stage of the supply chain independentlymakes its pricing decisions with the objective of maximizing its own profit.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate17. Discounts related to price discrimination will be lot size based.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard18. Price discrimination is the practice where a firm charges differential prices tomaximize profits.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy19. Although a forward buy is often the retailer’s appropriate response and increasestheir own profits, it usually increases demand variability with a resulting increase in inventory and flow times within the supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate20. Trade promotions lead to a significant increase in lot size and cycle inventorybecause of forward buying by the retailer.Answer: TrueDifficulty: ModerateEssay/Problems1. Discuss the role of cycle inventory in the supply chain.Answer: The primary role of cycle inventory is to allow different stages in thesupply chain to purchase product in lot sizes that minimize the sum of thematerial, ordering, and holding cost. If a manager were considering the holdingcost alone, he or she would reduce the lot size and cycle inventory. Economiesof scale in purchasing and ordering, however, motivate a manager to increasethe lot size and cycle inventory. A manager must make the trade-off thatminimizes the total cost when making the lot sizing decision. Ideally, cycleinventory decisions should be made considering the total cost across the entiresupply chain. In practice, however, each stage often makes its cycle inventorydecisions independently. As we discuss later in the chapter, this practiceincreases the level of cycle inventory as well as the total cost in the supply chain.Any stage of the supply chain exploits economies of scale in its replenishmentdecisions in the following three typical situations:1.A fixed cost is incurred each time an order is placed or produced.2.The supplier offers price discounts based on the quantity purchasedper lot.3.The supplier offers short-term discounts or holds trade promotions.Cycle inventory exists in a supply chain because different stages exploiteconomies of scale to lower total cost. The costs considered include materialcost, fixed ordering cost, and holding cost. The supply chain operation phaseoperates on a weekly or daily time horizon and deals with decisions concerningindividual customer orders.Difficulty: Hard1。
Chapter 10Managing Economies of Scale in the Supply Chain: Cycle InventoryTrue/False1. Cycle inventory exists because producing or purchasing in large lots allows astage of the supply chain to exploit economies of scale and increase cost.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate2. A lot or batch size is the quantity that a stage of the supply chain either producesor purchases at a given time.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate3. Cycle inventory is the physical inventory in the supply chain due to eitherproduction or purchases demanded by the customer.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate4. The inventory profile is a plot depicting the level of inventory over time.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy5. When demand is steady, cycle inventory and lot size are related as follows:Cycle Inventory = Lot Size x 2 = Q*2.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate6. Lot sizes and cycle inventory do not affect the flow time of material within thesupply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy7. Average flow time resulting from cycle inventory = Cycle Inventory/Demand =Q/2D.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate8. Cycle inventory is primarily held to take advantage of economies of scale andreduce profit within the supply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy9. Increasing the lot size or cycle inventory often decreases the cost incurred bydifferent stages of a supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate10. Cycle inventory exists in a supply chain because different stages exploiteconomies of scale to lower total cost.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy11. The costs considered in lot sizing decisions include material cost, fixed orderingcost, and manufacturing cost.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate12. The total annual cost is the sum of annual material cost, annual order cost, andannual holding cost, and is given as TC = CD + (D/Q)S + (Q/2)hC.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate13. The optimal lot size is referred to as the economic order quantity (EOQ). It isdenoted by Q * and is given by the equation: Q* = 2DS/hC.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate14. Total ordering and holding costs are unstable around the economic orderquantity.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate15. A firm is often better served by ordering a convenient lot size close to theeconomic order quantity rather than the precise EOQ.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate16. If demand increases by a factor of k, the optimal lot size decreases by a factor ofk.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard17. To reduce the optimal lot size by a factor of k, the fixed order cost S must bereduced by a factor of k.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate18. Aggregating across products, retailers, or suppliers in a single order allows for areduction in lot size for individual products because fixed ordering andtransportation costs are now spread across multiple products, retailers, orsuppliers.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate19. A key to reducing cycle inventory is the reduction of lot size.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy20. A key to reducing lot size without increasing costs is to reduce the holding costassociated with each lot.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate21. Reduction of fixed cost may be achieved by aggregating lots across multipleproducts, customers, or suppliers.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy22. A discount is volume-based if the pricing schedule offers discounts based on thequantity ordered in a single lot.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard23. A discount is volume-based if the discount is based on the total quantitypurchased over a given period, regardless of the number of lots purchased overthat period.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy24. Pricing schedules with all unit quantity discounts encourage retailers to increasethe size of their lots, which reduces the average inventory and flow time in asupply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate25. Marginal unit quantity discounts have also been referred to as multi-block tariffs.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate26. Quantity discounts lead to a minor buildup of cycle inventory in the supply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate27. For commodity products where price is set by the market, manufacturers can uselot size based quantity discounts to achieve coordination in the supply chain and decrease supply chain cost.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate28. The supply chain profit is higher if each stage of the supply chain independentlymakes its pricing decisions with the objective of maximizing its own profit.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate29. For products where the firm has market power, two-part tariffs can be used toachieve coordination in the supply chain and maximize supply chain profits.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate30. Discounts related to price discrimination will be lot size based.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard31. Price discrimination is the practice where a firm charges differential prices tomaximize profits.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy32. The goal of trade promotions is to influence retailers to act in a way that helps t heretailer achieve its objectives.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy33. Although a forward buy is often the retailer’s appropriate response and increasestheir own profits, it usually increases demand variability with a resulting increase in inventory and flow times within the supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate34. Trade promotions lead to a significant increase in lot size and cycle inventorybecause of forward buying by the retailer.Answer: TrueDifficulty: ModerateMultiple Choice1. Cycle inventory exists because producing or purchasing in large lots allows astage of the supply chain toa. exploit economies of scale and raise cost.b. exploit economies of scale and lower cost.c. exploit customers and lower cost.d. exploit customers and raise cost.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy2. The quantity of inventory that a stage of the supply chain either produces o rpurchases at a given time isa. an order.b. a job.c. a shipment.d. a lot or batch.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy3. The average inventory in the supply chain due to either production or purchasesin lot sizes that are larger than those demanded by the customer isa. annual inventory.b. distribution inventory.c. cycle inventory.d. physical inventory.e. b and c onlyAnswer: c Difficulty:Moderate4. A graphical plot depicting the level of inventory over time isa. an inventory graph.b. a distribution inventory.c. an inventory drawing.d. an inventory profile.e. an inventory picture.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate5. When demand is steady, cycle inventory and lot size are related asa. Cycle Inventory = Lot Size x 2.b. Cycle Inventory = Q*2.c. Cycle Inventory = Q/2.d. Cycle Inventory = Lot Size = Q.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate6. Average flow time resulting from cycle inventory is equal toa. Cycle Inventory/Demand = Q/2.b. Cycle Inventory/Demand = Q/2D.c. Cycle Inventory = Q/2.d. Cycle Inventory = Lot Size = Q.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate7. Cycle inventory is primarily held toa. take advantage of diseconomies of scale and increase cost within thesupply chain.b. take advantage of diseconomies of scale and reduce cost within thesupply chain.c. take advantage of economies of scale and increase cost within the supplychain.d. take advantage of economies of scale and reduce cost within the supplychain.e. None of the above are true.Answer: d Difficulty:Moderate8. Which of the following is not a cost that must be considered in any lot sizingdecision?a. Average price per unit purchased, $C/unitb. Fixed ordering cost incurred per lot, $S/lotc. Holding cost incurred per unit per year, $H/unit/year = hCd. Manufacturing cost per unit, $M/unite. All of the above are costs to be considered.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate9. The primary role of cycle inventory is to allow different stages in the supply chaintoa. purchase product in lot sizes that maximize the sum of the material,ordering, and holding cost.b. purchase product in lot sizes that minimize the sum of the material,ordering, and holding cost.c. sell product in lot sizes that maximize the sum of the material, ordering,and holding cost.d. sell product in lot sizes that minimize the sum of the material, ordering,and holding cost.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate10. Economies of scale in purchasing and ordering motivate a manager toa. increase the lot size and cycle inventory.b. decrease the lot size and cycle inventory.c. eliminate inventory.d. increase the lot size and reduce cycle inventory.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate11. Which of the following is not a situation in which any stage of the supply chainexploits economies of scale in its replenishment decisions?a. A fixed cost is incurred each time an order is placed or produced.b. A holding cost is incurred each period for each unit of inventory.c. The supplier offers price discounts based on the quantity purchased perlot.d. The supplier offers short-term discounts or holds trade promotions.e. all of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate12. The price paid per unit is referred to asa. the material cost and is denoted by C.b. the fixed ordering cost and is denoted by S.c. the holding cost and is denoted by H.d. the purchase price and is denoted by P.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate13. All costs that do not vary with the size of the order but are incurred each time anorder is placed are referred to asa. the material cost and is denoted by C.b. the fixed ordering cost and is denoted by S.c. the holding cost and is denoted by H.d. the purchase price and is denoted by P.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate14. The cost of carrying one unit in inventory for a specified period of time, usuallyone year, is referred to asa. the material cost and is denoted by C.b. the fixed ordering cost and is denoted by S.c. the holding cost and is denoted by H.d. the purchase price and is denoted by P.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate15. Which of the following would not be an example of a fixed ordering cost?a. administrative cost incurred to place an orderb. trucking cost incurred to transport an orderc. labor cost incurred to receive an orderd. labor cost incurred to manufacture a parte. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate16. Which of the following would not be included in holding cost?a. cost of capitalb. cost of physically storing the inventoryc. cost of manufacturingd. cost that results from the product becoming obsoletee. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate17. The total annual cost is the sum of annual material cost, annual order cost, andannual holding cost, and is given asa. TC = CD + (D/Q)S + (Q/2)hC.b. TC = CD + (Q/2)S + (D/Q)hC.c. TC = CDS + D/Q + (Q/2)hC.d. TC = Q/2 + (D/Q)S + (CD)hC.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Hard18. The optimal lot size is referred to as the economic order quantity (EOQ). It isdenoted by Q* and is given by the equationa. Q* = 2DS/hC.b. Q* = √2hC.c. Q* = √2DS.d. Q* = √2DS/hC.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate19. Total ordering and holding costsa. are relatively stable.b. are relatively stable around the economic order quantity.c. are relatively unstable around the economic order quantity.d. are unstable.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy20. If demand increases by a factor of k, the optimal lot size increases by a factor ofa. k.b. k/2.c. k + 2.d. k-squared.e. the square root of k.Answer: eDifficulty: Hard21. If demand increases by a factor of k, the number of orders placed per yearshould increase by a factor ofa. k.b. k/2.c. k + 2.d. k-squared.e. the square root of k.Answer: eDifficulty: Moderate22. To reduce the optimal lot size by a factor of k, the fixed order cost S must bea. increased by a factor of k.b. increased by a factor of k-squared.c. reduced by a factor of k-squared.d. reduced by a factor of the square root of k.e. reduced by a factor of k.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate23. Aggregating across products, retailers, or suppliers in a single order allows fora. an increase in lot size for individual products.b. an increase in customer demand.c. a reduction in holding cost per unit.d. a reduction in lot size for individual products.e. a reduction in purchase price per unit.Answer: dDifficulty: Hard24. Aggregating across products, retailers, or suppliers in a single order allows for areduction in lot size for individual products becausea. fixed ordering and transportation costs are now charged to retailers.b. fixed ordering and transportation costs are now charged to suppliers.c. fixed ordering and transportation costs are now spread across multipleproducts, retailers, or suppliers.d. holding costs are now charged to retailers or suppliers.e. holding costs are now spread across multiple products, retailers, orsuppliers.Answer: c Difficulty:Moderate25. A key to reducing cycle inventory isa. the reduction of holding cost.b. the reduction of manufacturing cost.c. the reduction of lot size.d. the reduction of warehouse space.e. all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate26. A key to reducing lot size without increasing costs is toa. reduce the holding cost associated with each lot.b. reduce the fixed cost associated with each lot.c. reduce the material cost associated with each lot.d. reduce the manufacturing cost associated with each lot.e. increase the holding cost associated with each lot.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate27. A price discount where the pricing schedule offers discounts based on thequantity ordered in a single lot isa. customer based.b. lot size based.c. supplier based.d. volume based.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy28. A price discount where the discount is based on the total quantity purchased overa given period, regardless of the number of lots purchased over that period isa. customer based.b. lot size based.c. supplier based.d. volume based.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate29. Pricing schedules with all unit quantity discounts encourage retailers toa. decrease the size of their lots.b. increase the size of their lots.c. decrease the size of their inventory.d. increase the price of their products.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy30. Marginal unit quantity discounts have also been referred to asa. all unit quantity discounts.b. basic quantity discounts.c. elevated quantity discounts.d. multi-block tariffs.e. tariffs.Answer: d Difficulty:Moderate31. In the pricing schedule for marginal unit quantity discountsa. the average cost of a unit decreases at a breakpoint.b. the average cost of a unit increases at a breakpoint.c. the marginal cost of a unit decreases at a breakpoint.d. the marginal cost of a unit increases at a breakpoint.e. the average cost and the marginal cost of a unit decrease at a breakpoint.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate32. Quantity discounts lead toa. a significant buildup of cycle inventory in the supply chain.b. a slight buildup of cycle inventory in the supply chain.c. a decrease in cycle inventory in the supply chain.d. minor fluctuations of cycle inventory in the supply chain.e. a major drop in cycle inventory in the supply chain.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate33. For commodity products where price is set by the market, manufacturers can uselot size based quantity discounts toa. achieve coordination in the supply chain and decrease supply chain cost.b. relax coordination in the supply chain and increase supply chain cost.c. relax coordination in the supply chain and decrease supply chain cost.d. achieve coordination in the supply chain and decrease supply chain cost.e. None of the above are accurate.Answer: dDifficulty: Easy34. In a supply chain where each stage of the supply chain independently makes itspricing decisions with the objective of maximizing its own profit,a. supply chain profit is lower than a coordinated solution.b. supply chain profit is higher than a coordinated solution.c. supply chain profit is about the same as a coordinated solution.d. supply chain profit will be maximized.e. None of the above are accurate.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy35. For products where the firm has market power, coordination in the supply chaincan be achieved and supply chain profits maximized through the use ofa. two-part tariffs or volume based quantity discounts.b. marginal unit quantity discounts.c. all unit quantity discounts.d. basic quantity discounts.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy36. The practice where a firm charges differential prices to maximize profits isa. lot pricing.b. marginal pricing.c. price incrimination.d. price discrimination.e. all of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate37. Discounts related to price discrimination will bea. volume based.b. unit based.c. marginally based.d. lot size based.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Hard38. The goal of trade promotions is toa. influence retailers to act in a way that helps the retailer achieve itsobjectives.b. influence retailers to act in a way that helps the manufacturer achieve itsobjectives.c. influence retailers to act in a way that will maximize supply chain profit.d. influence retailers to act in a way minimize supply chain cost.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Hard39. Which of the following is not a key goal (from the manufacturer’s perspective) ofa trade promotion?a. Induce retailers to use price discounts, displays, or advertising to spursales.b. Shift inventory from the manufacturer to the retailer and the customer.c. Shift inventory from the retailer to the customer.d. Defend a brand against competition.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate40. Which of the following is a possible response that a retailer could make to a tradepromotion?a. Pass through some or all of the promotion to customers to spur sales.b. Pass through very little of the promotion to customers but purchase ingreater quantity during the promotion period to exploit the temporaryreduction in price.c. Shift inventory from the retailer to the customer.d. a and b onlye. b and c onlyAnswer: d Difficulty:Hard41. When the retailer decides to pass through some or all of the promotion tocustomers to spur sales, the result isa. a lowering of the price of the product for the end customer.b. increased purchases and thus increased sales for the entire supply chain.c. an increase in the amount of inventory held at the retailer.d. all of the abovee. a and b onlyAnswer: e Difficulty:Hard42. When the retailer decides to pass through very little of the promotion tocustomers but purchase in greater quantity during the promotion period to exploit the temporary reduction in price, the result isa. a lowering of the price of the product for the end customer.b. increased purchases and thus increased sales for the entire supply chain.c. an increase in the amount of inventory held at the retailer.d. all of the abovee. a and b onlyAnswer: cDifficulty: Hard43. The manufacturer can justify offering trade promotions resulting in forward buyingby retailers whena. they have inadvertently built up a lot of excess inventory.b. the forward buy allows the manufacturer to smooth demand by shifting itfrom peak to low-demand periods.c. the retailer decreases his total cost.d. all of the abovee. a and b onlyAnswer: e Difficulty:Hard44. The retailer can justify the forward buying whena. they have inadvertently built up a lot of excess inventory.b. the forward buy allows the manufacturer to smooth demand by shifting it frompeak to low-demand periods.c. it decreases his total cost.d. all of the abovee. a and c onlyAnswer: cDifficulty: Hard45. Replenishment orders in multi-echelon supply chains should bea. synchronized to increase cycle inventory and order costs.b. synchronized to facilitate supplier evaluation and selection.c. synchronized to keep cycle inventory and order costs low.d. separated to increase cycle inventory and order costs.e. separated to keep cycle inventory and order costs low.Answer: cDifficulty: Hard46. When developing estimates for holding and ordering costs, it is important toa. estimate these costs to a high level of precision.b. get a good approximation quickly.c. develop estimates that will not be changed.d. both a and ce. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate47. Which cost takes into account the return demanded on the firm’s equity and theamount the firm must pay on its debt?a. cost of capitalb. obsolescence (spoilage) costc. handling costd. occupancy coste. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy48. Which cost estimates the rate at which the value of the product being storeddrops either because the market value of that product drops or because theproduct quality deteriorates?a. cost of capitalb. obsolescence (spoilage) costc. handling costd. occupancy coste. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy49. Which cost should only include receiving and storage costs that vary with thequantity of product received?a. cost of capitalb. obsolescence (spoilage) costc. handling costd. occupancy coste. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate50. Which cost should reflect the incremental change in space cost due to changingcycle inventory?a. cost of capitalb. obsolescence (spoilage) costc. handling costd. occupancy coste. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate51. Which of the following would not be a component of order cost?a. buyer timeb. transportation costc. handling costd. receiving coste. All of the above are components of order cost.Answer: cDifficulty: ModerateEssay/Problems1. Discuss the role of cycle inventory in the supply chain.Answer: The primary role of cycle inventory is to allow different stages in thesupply chain to purchase product in lot sizes that minimize the sum of thematerial, ordering, and holding cost. If a manager were considering the holdingcost alone, he or she would reduce the lot size and cycle inventory. Economiesof scale in purchasing and ordering, however, motivate a manager to increasethe lot size and cycle inventory. A manager must make the trade-off thatminimizes the total cost when making the lot sizing decision. Ideally, cycleinventory decisions should be made considering the total cost across the entiresupply chain. In practice, however, each stage often makes its cycle inventorydecisions independently. As we discuss later in the chapter, this practiceincreases the level of cycle inventory as well as the total cost in the supply chain.Any stage of the supply chain exploits economies of scale in its replenishmentdecisions in the following three typical situations:1. A fixed cost is incurred each time an order is placed or produced.2. The supplier offers price discounts based on the quantity purchasedper lot.3. The supplier offers short-term discounts or holds trade promotions.Cycle inventory exists in a supply chain because different stages exploiteconomies of scale to lower total cost. The costs considered include materialcost, fixed ordering cost, and holding cost. The supply chain operation phaseoperates on a weekly or daily time horizon and deals with decisions c oncerningindividual customer orders.Difficulty: Hard2. Describe the impact of trade promotions on cycle inventory.Answer: Manufacturers use trade promotions to offer a discounted price and atime period over which the discount is effective. The goal of trade promotions is to influence retailers to act in a way that helps the manufacturer achieve itsobjectives. A few of the key goals (from the manufacturer’s p erspective) of atrade promotion are as follows:1. Induce retailers to use price discounts, displays, or advertising to spursales.2. Shift inventory from the manufacturer to the retailer and the customer.3. Defend a brand against competition.In response to a trade promotion, the retailer has the following options:1. Pass through some or all of the promotion to customers to spur sales.2. Pass through very little of the promotion to customers but purchase ingreater quantity during the promotion period to exploit the temporaryreduction in price.The first action lowers the price of the product for the end customer, leading toincreased purchases and thus increased sales for the entire supply chain. Thesecond action does not increase purchases by the customer but increases theamount of inventory held at the retailer. As a result, the cycle inventory and flow time within the supply chain increase.Trade promotions lead to a significant increase in lot size and cycle inventorybecause of forward buying by the retailer. This generally results in reducedsupply chain profits unless the trade promotion reduces demand fluctuations.The retailer can justify the forward buying because it decreases his total cost. In contrast, the manufacturer can justify this action only if they have eitherinadvertently built up a lot of excess inventory or the forward buy allows themanufacturer to smooth demand by shifting it from peak to low-demand periods.In practice, manufacturers often build up inventory in anticipation of plannedpromotions. During the trade promotion, this inventory shifts to the retailer,primarily as a forward buy. If the forward buy during trade promotions is asignificant fraction of total sales, manufacturers end up reducing the revenuesthey earn from sales because most of the product is sold at a discount. Theincrease in inventory and the decrease in revenues often leads to a reduction in manufacturer profits as a result of trade promotions. Total supply chain profitsalso decrease because of an increase in inventory.Difficulty: Hard3. Discuss the characteristics of a successful multi-echelon supply chain.。
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1、( C )是指对库存物料和仓库设施及其布局等进行规划、控制的活动,衔接供应与需求。
2 、( A )可以为企业树立良好形象
A自有仓库仓储B租赁仓库仓储C第三方仓储 D 联合库存管理
3、( C )对物流活动失去直接控制
A自有仓库仓储B租赁仓库仓储C第三方仓储 D 联合库存管理
4、( B )可以根据市场需求变化选择仓库的租用面积与地点
A自有仓库仓储B租赁仓库仓储C第三方仓储 D 联合库存管理
5、以下不属于库存缺点的是(C )
6、( B )强调在准时生产方式下,上下游工序之间的原材料在时间、数量等方面的
A零库存B准时制库存 C 供应商管理库存D联合库存
7、一般来讲,对于( A )需要重点管理,严格控制其库存量。
8、某仓库某种商品年需求量为16000箱,单位商品年保管费2元,每次订货成本为40元,则其经济订货批量Q*为( D )
A 、200
B 、400
C 、600
D 、800
9、某仓库A商品年需求量为16000箱,单位商品年保管费用为20元,每次订货成本为400元,假设一年的工作日为360天则经济订货周期T*为( B )天。
10、某仓库A商品订货周期18天,平均订货提前期3天,平均库存需求量为每天120箱,安全库存量360箱,则该仓库A商品最高库存量为( C )
11、上题中的仓库,在某次订货时在途到货量600箱,实际库存量1500箱,待出库货物数量500箱,则该次订货时的订货批量( A )。
12、( C )是指供应链成员企业共同制定库存计划,并实施库存控制的供应链库存管理方式,它是一种风险共担的库存管理模式。
13、( A )的实施要求供应链上下游供需双方建立信任的战略伙伴关系。
A 安全库存
B 季节性库存
C 投机库存
D 积压库存
15、( A )的实践者是宝洁和沃尔玛之间的“帮宝适”尿不湿的库存管理。
1、现代物流的两大支柱是(BD )
2、我国仓储业目前存在的主要问题有(ABCDE )
B 对于自动化仓库技术的引进缺乏必要的经济论证和可行性研究
C 仓库设备状况相差悬殊,各仓库作业效率不均衡
D 大部分仓储业人员素质较低,管理水平不能适应现代话的要求
3 仓储管理的内容有(ABCDE )
4 按仓储活动的运作方式分,仓储管理的模式有(ABC )
C 第三方仓储
D 供应商管理仓储
5现代仓储管理系统的建立的原因(ABCD )
A. 降低运输-生产成本
B. 协调供求关系
C. 辅助生产
D. 支持市场营销
E 应对突发事件
6库存优点有(ABCDE )
7、过高的库存可能会掩盖管理上的哪些问题?(ABCDE )
8、库存合理化的体现包括(ABCD )
A合理储存量B合理储存结构C合理储存时间D仓库网点E合理储存状态9、以下属于储存合理化实施要点的是(ABCDE )
10、定量订货法的实施主要取决于两个控制参数是(AB )
A订货点B订货批量C订货周期D最高库存量E 订货提前期
11、定期订货法的实施主要取决于三个控制参数是(BCD ):
A订货点B订货批量C订货周期D最高库存量E 订货提前期
12、定期订货法的最高库存量通常由(ABCD )共同决定。
13、大量库存存在时会掩盖很多管理不到位的问题,以下属于这类问题的是(ABCDE )A计划不周 B 采购不力 C 生产不均衡 D 产品质量不稳定E市场销售不力
14 实施库存管理要考虑的因素( A C )
A成本B交通C服务水平D交易 E 通信
15、下列不是为了满足特定季节出现的特定需要而建立的库存是(ACDE )。
A 安全库存
B 季节性库存
C 投机库存
D 积压库存
E 在途库存
1 准时制库存就等于零库存。
2 库存合理化就是用最经济的方法和手段从事库存活动,并能发挥其作用。
2 阐述定量订货法和定期订货法的基本原理。
定量订货法:预先确定一个订货点Q k 和订货批量Q*,在销售过程中,随时检查库存,当库存下降到Q k 时,就发出一个订货批量Q*,一般取经济批量EOQ ( Economic Order Quantity)。
定期订货法:预先确定一个订货周期T和最高库存量Q max,周期性的检查库存,根据最高库存量、实际库存、在途订货量和待出库商品数量,计算出每次订货批量,发出订货指令,组织订货。
Q=(2DS/H)1/2 =(2*4900*500/1000) 1/2=70(个)
识别代码编号单价(美元)年需求量%%年费用(美元)%%类别474.54110417 17 82292.1681.9 81.9A
1 5.84120019
36 70087.0
2 5.4111017 5994 6.0 B
46 2220 2.2
6 2.0896115 1998.88 2.0 C
3 1.128961
4 1003.52 1.0 C