
翻译为《七》?其实seven指的是“seven sins”。在西 方宗教中采用“七”来规范人的道德行为或宗教仪式。 影片讲述的是用七种罪行来杀人,故翻译为《七宗罪》 更为合适。Lust 色慾Gluttony 貪食Greed 貪婪Sloth 懶惰Wrath 暴怒Envy 妒忌Pride 傲慢
Bathing Beauty
《出水芙蓉》。“出水”指bathing在影片中的真正含 义,而“芙蓉”指举止文雅的女子。
当气势磅礴的音乐响起,数十个女孩在水中翩翩起舞, 突然音乐转为柔和,人群渐散,一颗新星从水中冉冉 升起,身上滴滴水珠晶莹剔透。影片题目的翻译展现 了这样的一种美景。
Music of the Heart
D. 直译+意译 Home Alone Sleepless in Seattle Pretty Woman
《小鬼当家》 《西雅图不眠夜》 《风月俏佳人》
Shakespeare in Love 《莎翁情史》
Rain Man
Pearl Harbor
The Brave Heart
B.音译 Troy Jane Eyre Romeo and Juliet
《特洛伊》 《简爱》 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》
My Best Friend’s Wedding 《新娘不是我》
Gone with the Wind

2、Lovetotalkaboutabitofasurprisetopeopletolearnthetotalpatien tinjury。
3、Wordscannotexpresstruelove,loyaltybehavioristhebestexplana tion真正的爱情是不能用言语表达的,行为才是忠心的最好说明Thetimeoflifeisshort;tospendthatshortnessbasely,itwouldbeto olong.人生苦短,若虚度年华,则短暂的人生就太长了。
5、Thetimeoflifeisshort;tospendthatshortnebasely,itwouldbetool ong.人生苦短,若虚度年华,则短暂的人生就太长了。

英语表白句子简短的1.英语表白句子,来一些doyouhavethemap?becauseijustlostmyselfinyoureyes翻译:你有地图吗?因为我刚刚在你眼里秘失了自己Iloveyounotbecauseofwhoyouare,butbecauseofwhoIamwhenIamwith you.翻译:我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉.nomanorwomanisworthyourtears,andtheonewhois,won'tmakeyou cry.翻译:没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。
2、“Thegreatestthingyou'lleverlearnisjusttolove,andbelovedinr eturn.”—MoulinRouge《红磨坊》最伟大的事情,莫过于去爱,同时也被爱。
5、“Iwillreturn.Iwillfindyou.Loveyou.Marryyou.Andlivewithouts hame.”—Atonement《赎罪》我要回去,找到你,爱你,和你结婚,毫无羞耻地去生活。
”7、“Buttheheart'snotlikeaboxtha tgetsfilledup.Itexpandsinsizet hemoreyoulove.”—Her《她》人的心啊,不是一个可以填满的盒子。

Moonstruck 月色撩人 Sand and Blood 碧血黄沙 Music of the Heart 弦动我心 My Fair Lady 窈窕淑女 Steal Happiness 没事偷着乐 Days Touched by Love 花样年华 My Best Friend’s Wedding 新娘不是 我
(一)直译法 (Transliteration) (二)音译法(Literal translation) (三)意译法(Liberal translation) (四)直意结合法
(一) 直译
直译是指在片名浅显易懂, 不会产生误解的情况 下, 按照片名的字面意思或发音直接翻译。如: 直译: Beauty and The Beast 美女和野兽 Brave Heart 勇敢的心 Qiuju Goes to Court 秋菊打官司 Raise the Red Lantern 大红灯笼高高挂 Turn left, Turn Right 向左走, 向右 走 Love of May 五月之恋
(二) 音译
在音译英语电影片名中一些姓名时, 应该遵从 简略原则。 例如:Annien 译为“安妮”, 不是“安妮恩” Schindler 译为“辛德勒”,而非“斯辛 德勒” 音译采用译音表中所规定的汉字 例如: Jurassik 译为“侏罗纪”, 却不能译成“侏儒纪”
(三) 意译
在全面深刻地了解影片的内容的基础 上, 充分发挥自己的主观能动性, 对原 片名作些加工, 使译名既忠实于原文, 又能传达出影片的内容或基调, 真正做 到传神达意.
这个译名意味深长, 无论你是东邪还是 西毒,武功再高还 不是最后都成了时 间的灰烬?
(四)直意结合法 Robinson Crusoe《鲁宾逊漂流记》 Shakespeare in Love《莎翁情史》 Notting Hill《诺丁山情缘》 Philladelphia《费城故事》 Shrek《怪物史莱克》 The Island《神秘岛》 The Ring《午夜凶铃》 The Year of the Yao《姚明年》

6. There's the Rub: 这就是问题所在
How Shakespeare used it:
In Hamlet's famous "To be or not to be" soliloquy, "ay, there's the rub" is the tormented prince's acknowledgement that death may not end his difficulties because the dead may perhaps still be troubled by dreams. (Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1)
".... if jealousy wasn't a factor, three out of every four married people were highly satisfied with the emotional facets of their marriage. However, when the 'green-eyed monster' entered the mix, levels of satisfaction dropped to less than half for married folk." — Michelle Lodge, , Feb. 12, 2010
The translation of movie title 电影名翻译

The translation of movie title 电影名翻译音译《Jane Eyre》《简. 爱》《Casablanca》《卡萨布兰卡》《Billy Elliot 》《比利.艾略特》《Evelyn 》《伊芙琳》《Garfield 》《加菲猫》《Harry Potter 》《哈里.波特》《Hannibal 》《汉尼拔》《King Kong》《金刚》直译《The Godfather》《教父》《Mr. and Mrs. Smith》《史密斯夫妇》《史密斯夫决战史密斯妇》《Fahrenheit 9/11》《华氏911》《Gosford Park》《高斯福德庄园》《Gladiator》《角斗士》《Hotel Rwanda》《卢旺达饭店》《Kill Bill》《杀死比尔》《Basic Instinct》《本能》意译《The Waterloo Bridge》《魂断蓝桥》《The Bridges of Madison Country》《廊桥遗梦》《Lolita》《一树梨花压海棠》《Leon the Professional》《这个杀手不太冷》《Lethal Weapon》《轰天炮》《Impossible Mission 》《碟中谍》《E.T》《外星人》《Bridget Jones》《BJ单身日记》《Bruce Almighty》《冒牌天神》《The Matrix》(1999) 《黑客帝国》《The Matrix Reloaded 》(2003) (重装上阵) 《The Matrix Revolutions 》(2003) (矩阵革命)《Going On 30》《女孩梦三十》《Holes》《别有洞天》《The Interpreter》《翻译风波》《Home Alone 》《小鬼当家》混译《Schindl er’s List》《辛德勒的名单》《Sissi》《西西公主》《Elizabeth》《伊丽莎白女王》《Forrest Gump》《阿甘正传》《Joe Dirt》《乔-德特历险记》《Kangaroo Jack》《抢钱袋鼠》《Lost in Translation》《迷失东京》《Shakespeare In Love 》《莎翁情史》中国电影的英文译名《Farewell My Concubine》《霸王别姬》《Be There or Be Square》《不见不散》《Seventeen Years》《回家过年》《Ashes of Time》《东邪西毒》《All Men Are Brothers: Blood of the Leopard》《水浒传》《Chinese Odyssey 1: Pandora‘s Box》中国的奥德赛1:潘多拉宝盒(《大话西游之月光宝盒》《Chinese Odyssey 2: Cinderella 》灰姑娘(《大话西游之仙履奇缘》《Funeral of the Famous Star》《大腕》明星的葬礼港台电影译名《Legally Blonde》台湾翻译:金法尤物香港翻译:律政可人儿《Moulin Rouge 》台湾翻译:红磨坊香港翻译:情陷红磨坊《The One》宇宙追缉令台湾翻译:救世主香港翻译:最后一强《Pay It Forward 》《浮世因缘》台湾翻译:让爱传出去香港翻译:拉阔爱的人《Amelie》艾梅丽台湾翻译:艾蜜莉的异想世界香港翻译:天使爱美丽《Rush Hour》台湾翻译:尖峰时刻香港翻译:火并时速《Chocolate》台湾翻译:浓情巧克力香港翻译:情迷朱古力《Tomb Raider》古墓丽影台湾翻译:古墓奇兵香港翻译:盗墓者罗拉《Cats &Dogs 》台湾翻译:猫狗大战香港翻译:猫狗斗一番《Dr. Dolittle》台湾翻译:怪医杜立德香港翻译:D老笃日记American Sweethearts》台湾翻译:美国甜心香港翻译:甜心人《Billy Elliot》芭蕾之梦台湾翻译:舞动人生香港翻译:跳出我天地On Translating English Film Titles from the CulturalPerspective IntroductionAs an audiovisual art, film is one of the most influential mass media, it follows and reflects people’s life and it is a product of particular culture. Over the past decades, with the increase in cultural exchanges, the western movies have gradually entered the Chinese market and held an important position in Chinese people’s recreational life.The film title, being short in form but rich in meaning, has its own cultural, linguistic, aesthetic features. A properly-translated English movie title should be concise, condensed and compact, which can grip the attention of the audience at their first sight and stimulate their association with the plot, reveal the theme or offer some clue. So they deserve careful investigation and consideration from the translator. However, as a branch of non-literary translation, it has not yet received due attention despite their importance.Therefore, in this thesis, I will introduce the general features and functions of English film titles, analyzing the translation techniques largely employed in film title translation. Furthermore, I will examine from the cultural perspective the different versions in Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and analyze the relevant strategies adopted and the effectiveness of these strategies. The social-cultural context of each region will be explored to find the factors resulting in this disunity in versions作为一种视听艺术,电影是最有影响力的大众媒体,它遵循并反映人民群众的生命,它也是一种特别的文化产品。

Shakespeare In LovePart ⅠBasic information of the film(by :霍婷婷)Shakespeare in Love is a 1998 British-American romantic comedy-drama film directed by John Madden, written by Marc Norman and playwright Tom Stoppard. The film depicts a love affair involving playwright William Shakespeare(Joseph Fiennes) at the time that he was writing the play Romeo and Juliet. The story is fiction, though several of the characters are based on real people. In addition, many of the characters, lines, and plot devices are references to Shakespeare's plays. Shakespeare in Love won seven Oscars, including Best Picture, Best Actress (Gwyneth Paltrow) and Best Supporting Actress(Judi Dench).Introduction of the filmChinese name:《恋爱中的莎士比亚》或《莎翁情史》English name:Shakespeare in loveProduction area:the United StatesDirector:John MaddenWriter:Marc Norman Tom StoppardStyle:romance,gut,comedy,historyLength:123minRelease time:12/03/98Grade:USA:RLanguage:EnglishTint:multi-coloredCast∙Joseph Fiennes as William Shakespeare∙Gwyneth Paltrow as Viola de Lesseps∙Colin Firth as Lord Wessex∙Ben Affleck as Ned Alleyn∙Geoffrey Rush as Philip Henslowe∙Judi Dench as Queen Elizabeth I.∙Tom Wilkinson as Hugh Fennyman∙Rupert Everett as Christopher 'Kit' Marlowe∙Imelda Staunton as Nurse∙Daniel Brocklebank as Sam Gosse|Juliet∙Antony Sher as Dr. Moth∙Martin Clunes as Richard Burbage∙Simon Callow as Edmund Tilney∙Jim Carter as Ralph Bashford∙Jill Baker as Lady de Lesseps∙Patrick Barlow as Will Kempe∙Mark Williams as Wabash∙Simon Day as First Boatsman∙Joe Roberts as John WebsterProductionThe original idea for Shakespeare in Love came to screenwriter Marc Norman in the late 1980s. He pitched a draft screenplay to director Edward Zwick. The screenplay attracted Julia Roberts who agreed to play Viola. However, Zwick disliked Norman's screenplay and hired the playwright Tom Stoppard to improve it (Stoppard's first major success had been with the Shakespeare-themed play Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead).The film went into production in 1991 at Universal Pictures, with Zwick as director, but although sets and costumes were in construction, Shakespeare had not yet been cast, because Julia Roberts insisted that only Daniel Day-Lewis could play the role. Day-Lewis was uninterested, and when Roberts failed to persuade him, she withdrew from the film, six weeks before shooting was due to begin. The production went into turnaround, and Zwick was unable to persuade other studios to take up the screenplay. Eventually, Zwick got Miramax interested in the screenplay, but Miramax chose John Madden as director. Miramax boss Harvey Weinstein acted as producer, and successfully persuaded Ben Affleck to take a small role as Ned Alleyn.The film was considerably reworked after the first test screenings. The scene with Shakespeare and Viola in the punt was re-shot, to make it more emotional, and some lines were re-recorded to clarify the reasons why Viola had to marry Wessex. The ending was re-shot several times, until Stoppard eventually came up with the idea of Viola suggesting to Shakespeare that their parting could inspire his next play. References to Shakespeare's workThe main source for much of the action in the film is Romeo and Juliet.Will and Viola play out the famous balcony and bedroom scenes; like Juliet, Viola has a witty nurse, and is separated from Will by a gulf of duty . In addition, the two lovers are equally "star-crossed" — they are not ultimately destined to be together (since Viola is of rich and socially ambitious merchant stock and is promised to marry Lord Wessex, while Shakespeare himself is poor and already married). There is also a Rosaline, with whom Will is in love at the beginning of the film.Many other plot devices used in the film are common in various Shakespearean comedies and in the works of the other playwrights of the Elizabethan era: the Queen disguised as a commoner, the cross-dressing disguises, mistaken identities, the sword fight, the suspicion of adultery, the appearance of a "ghost", and the "play within a play".The film also has sequences in which Shakespeare and the other characters utter words that will later appear in his plays:∙On the street, Shakespeare hears a Puritan preaching against the two London stages: "The Rose smells thusly rank, by any name! I say, a plague on both their houses!" Two references in one, both to Romeo and Juliet; first, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" (Act II, scene ii, lines 1 and 2); second, "a plague on both your houses" (Act III, scene I, line 94).∙Backstage of a performance of The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Shakespeare sees William Kempe in full make-up, silently contemplating a skull, a reference to Hamlet.∙Shakespeare utters the lines "Doubt thou the stars are fire, / Doubt that the sun doth move" (from Hamlet) to Philip Henslowe.∙As Shakespeare's writer's block is introduced, he is seen crumpling balls of paper and throwing them around his room. They land near props which represent scenes in his several plays: a skull (Hamlet), and an open chest (The Merchant of Venice).∙Viola, as well as being Paltrow's character in the film, is the lead character in Twelfth Night who dresses as a man after the supposed death of her brother.∙At the end of the film, Shakespeare imagines a shipwreck overtaking Viola on her way to America, inspiring the second scene of his next play, Twelfth Night, and perhaps also The Tempest.∙Shakespeare writes a sonnet to Viola which begins: "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" (from Sonnet 18).∙Shakespeare tells Henslowe that he still owes him for "one gentleman of Verona", a reference to Two Gentlemen of Verona, part of which we also see being acted before the Queen later in the film.∙In the boat, when Shakespeare tells Viola, disguised as Thomas Kent, of his lady‘s beauty and charms, she dismisses his praise, as no real woman could live up to the ideal. This is a set up for Sonnet 130, ―My mistress‘ eyes are nothing like the sun‖.Christopher Marlowe appears in the film as the master playwright whom the characters within the film consider the greatest English dramatist of that time — this is accurate, yet also humorous, since everyone in the film's audience knows what will eventually happen to Shakespeare.A reference is also made to Marlowe's final, unfinished play The Massacre at Paris in a scene wherein Marlowe (Rupert Everett) seeks payment for the final act of the play from Richard Burbage (Martin Clunes). Burbage promises the payment the next day, so Marlowe refuses to part with the pages and departs for Deptford, where Marlowe was killed. The only surviving text of The Massacre at Paris is an undated quarto that is too short to represent the complete original play and in all probability it is a memorial reconstruction by the actors who performed the work.The child John Webster who plays with mice is a reference to the leading figure in the Jacobean generation of playwrights. His plays (The Duchess of Malfi, The White Devil) are known for their blood and gore, which is why[citation needed] he says that he enjoys Titus Andronicus, and why he says of Romeo and Juliet when asked by the Queen "I liked it when she stabbed herself."When the clown Will Kempe (Patrick Barlow) says to Shakespeare that he would like to play in a drama, he is told that "they would laugh at Seneca if you played it," a reference to the Roman tragedian renowned for his sombre and bloody plot lines which were a major influence on the development of English tragedy.Will is shown signing a paper repeatedly, with many relatively illegible signatures visible. This is a reference to the fact that several versions of Shakespeare's signature exist, and in each one he spelled his name differently.InaccuraciesThe film is "not constrained by worries about literary or historical accuracy" andincludes anachronisms such as a reference to Virginia tobacco plantations, when therewas no Virginia.[8] The most apparent deviation from the actual literary history is themade-up play title "Romeo and Ethel" allegedly preceding the present version. In fact,the story of Romeo and Juliet had been invented before Shakespeare (for instance,Arthur Brooke employed it).ReceptionJanet Maslin made the film an "NYT Critics' Pick", calling it "pure enchantment";according to Maslin, the film is "far richer and more deft than the other Elizabethanfilm in town (Elizabeth); she notes "Gwyneth Paltrow, in her first great, fully realizedstarring performance, makes a heroine so breathtaking that she seems utterly plausibleas the playwright's guiding light."[8] According to Roger Ebert, who gave the film fourstars."The contemporary feel of the humor (like Shakespeare's coffee mug, inscribed"Souvenir of Stratford-Upon-Avon") makes the movie play like a contest between"Masterpiece Theatre" and Mel Brooks. Then the movie stirs in a sweet love story,juicy court intrigue, backstage politics and some lovely moments from "Romeo andJuliet"... Is this a movie or an anthology? I didn't care. I was carried along by the wit,the energy and a surprising sweetness."Shakespeare in Love was among 1999's box office number-one films in the UnitedKingdom. The U.S. box office reached over $100 million; including the box officefrom the rest of the world, the film took in over $289 million.AccoladesAward Category Recipient(s) Outcome71st Academy Awards[9]Best PictureDavid Parfitt, Donna Gigliotti,Marc Norman, Harvey Weinsteinand Edward ZwickWonBest Actress Gwyneth Paltrow WonBest Supporting Actress Judi Dench WonBest Art Direction Martin Childs and Jill Quertier WonBest Costume Design Sandy Powell WonBest Original Musical orComedy ScoreStephen Warbeck WonBest Original Screenplay Marc Norman and Tom Stoppard WonBest Director John Madden Nominated Best Supporting Actor Geoffrey Rush Nominated Best Cinematography Richard Greatrex Nominated Best Film Editing David Gamble NominatedBest Makeup Lisa Westcott and VeronicaBrebnerNominatedBest Sound Robin O'Donoghue, DominicLester and Peter GlossopNominated52nd British Academy Film Awards BAFTA Award for Best Film Won BAFTA Award for BestActress in a Supporting RoleJudi Dench Won BAFTA Award for BestEditingDavid Gamble Won BAFTA Award for BestDirectionJohn Madden Nominated BAFTA Award for BestActress in a Leading RoleGwyneth Paltrow Nominated BAFTA Award for Best Actorin a Leading RoleJoseph Fiennes Nominated BAFTA Award for Best Actorin a Supporting RoleGeoffrey Rush Nominated BAFTA Award for Best Actorin a Supporting RoleTom Wilkinson Nominated BAFTA Award for BestCinematographyRichard Greatrex Nominated BAFTA Award for BestOriginal ScreenplayMarc Norman and Tom Stoppard Nominated BAFTA Award for BestMakeup and HairLisa Westcott NominatedBAFTA Award for BestSoundRobin O'Donoghue, DominicLester, Peter Glossop, and JohnDownerNominatedAnthony Asquith Award forFilm MusicStephen Warbeck NominatedBAFTA Award for BestCostume DesignSandy Powell NominatedBAFTA Award for BestProduction DesignMartin Childs Nominated49th Berlin International Film Festival[10]Golden Bear Nominated Silver Bear Marc Norman and Tom Stoppard WonDirectors Guild Outstanding Directorial John Madden NominatedImpact It has been reported by The Sunday Telegraph that the film had an impact on the British Royal Family in prompting the revival of the title of Earl of Wessex , which had been extinct since the 11th century. Prince Edward was originally to have been titled Duke of Cambridge following his marriage to Sophie Rhys-Jones in 1999, the year after the film's release. However, after watching Shakespeare in Love , he reportedly became attracted to the title of the character played by Colin Firth, and asked Queen Elizabeth II to be given the title of Earl of Wessex instead.of America Awards 1998 Achievementin MotionPictures 56thGolden Globe Awards Golden Globe Award for BestMotion Picture – Musical or ComedyWon Golden Globe Award for BestActress – Motion Picture Musical or ComedyGwyneth PaltrowWon Golden Globe Award for Best Screenplay Marc Norman and Tom Stoppard Won Golden Globe Award for Best DirectorJohn Madden Nominated Golden Globe Award for BestSupporting Actor – Motion PictureGeoffrey RushNominated Golden Globe Award for BestSupporting Actress – Motion PictureJudi DenchNominated 5th Screen Actors Guild Awards Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture WonOutstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role Joseph Fiennes Nominated Outstanding Performance bya Female Actor in a Leading RoleGwyneth PaltrowWon Writers Guild ofAmerica Awards 1998Best Original ScreenplayMarc Norman and Tom Stoppard Won 1998 New YorkFilm Critics Circle AwardsBest ScreenplayMarc Norman and Tom Stoppard WonThe writers of Shakespeare in Love were sued in 1999 by Faye Kellerman, author of the book The Quality of Mercy. Kellerman claimed that the story was lifted from her book, a detective novel in which Shakespeare and a cross-dressing Jewish woman attempt to solve a murder. Miramax Films derided the claim of similarity as an "absurd...publicity stunt".After the film's release, certain publications, including Private Eye, noted strong similarities between the film and the 1941 novel No Bed for Bacon, by Caryl Brahms and S. J. Simon, which also features Shakespeare falling in love and finding inspiration for his later plays. In a foreword to a subsequent edition of No Bed for Bacon (which traded on the association by declaring itself "A Story of Shakespeare and Lady Viola in Love") Ned Sherrin, Private Eye insider and former writing partner of Brahms', confirmed that he had lent a copy of the novel to Stoppard after he joined the writing team,but that the basic plot of the film had been independently developed by Marc Norman, who was unaware of the earlier work.The film's plot also bears a resemblance to Alexandre Duval's "Shakespeare amoureux ou la Piece a l'Etude" (1804),[citation needed] in which Shakespeare falls in love with an actress who is playing Richard III.Cultural influence▪The film was spoofed and homaged, along with Star Wars, in the 1999 short film George Lucas in Love.▪The film was seen and frequently interrupted by Brenda Meeks in Scary Movie.Stage adaptationIn October 2011 the show-business paper Variety reported that Disney Theatrical Productions, linked to Miramax through former owners Disney Corporation, intend to mount a stage version of the movie in London. Co-producer will be Sonia Friedmann Productions. The writer will again be Stoppard and he will be joined by director Jack O'Brien and designer Bob Crowley, who worked with Stoppard on his Coast of Utopia trilogy and The Invention of Love.References1^ a b c"Shakespeare in Love (1998)". Box Office Mojo. IMDb. Retrieved 2012-02-19.2^ a b Peter Biskind, "Down and Dirty Pictures: Miramax, Sundance and the Rise of Independent Film" (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004), p. 327.3^ Peter Biskind, "Down and Dirty Pictures: Miramax, Sundance and the Rise of Independent Film" (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004), p. 328-30.4^ Peter Biskind, "Down and Dirty Pictures: Miramax, Sundance and the Rise of Independent Film" (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004), p. 330-1.5^ a b Ebert, Roger (December 25, 1998). "Shakespeare in Love". Chicago Sun-Times. Retrieved 2012-02-16.6^Greenwich 2000 (2010-01-05). "Greenwich England: Deptford".. Retrieved 2010-07-05.7^Probes, Christine McCall (2008). "Senses, signs, symbols and theological allusion in Marlowe's The Massacre at Paris". In Deats, Sara Munson; Logan, Robert A.. Placing the plays of Christopher Marlowe: Fresh Cultural Contexts.Aldershot, England: Ashgate. pp. 149. ISBN0754662047.8^ a b Maslin, Janet (December 11, 1998). "Shakespeare Saw a Therapist?". The New York Times. Retrieved 2012-02-16.9^"The 71st Academy Awards (1999) Nominees and Winners". .Retrieved 2011-11-19.10^"Berlinale: 1999 Prize Winners". Berlinale.de. Retrieved 2012-02-04.11^"AFI's 100 Years... 100 Passions" (web). Retrieved 2012-03-30.12^"AFI's 100 Years...100 Laughs Nominees" (PDF). Retrieved 2012-02-16.13^Richard Eden (12 December 2010). "Royal wedding: Prince William asks the Queen not to make him a duke". The Telegraph. Retrieved 12 December 2010.14^"Novelist sues Shakespeare makers". BBC News. 1999-03-23. Retrieved 2008-06-30.15^"Writer sues makers of 'Shakespeare in Love'".CNN. 1999-03-23. Archived from the original on 2008-04-04. Retrieved 2008-06-30.16^"Closed government". The Spectator. 6 February 1999. Retrieved 2009-04-13.17^Gordon Cox (21 October 2011). "'Shakespeare' to take stage". Variety (London). Retrieved 25 October 2011.External links▪Shakespeare in Love at the Internet Movie Database▪Shakespeare in Love at AllRovi▪Shakespeare in Love at Box Office Mojo▪Shakespeare in Love at Rotten TomatoesOther information1.About the companiesManufacturing company :Bedford Falls Production,USA ;Miramax Films ,USA;Universal Pictures ,USA;Publisher:Alliance Atlantis Communications,CanadaArgentina Video Home (A VH) (Argentina) (VHS)CIC Vídeo(Brazil) (VHS)CIC-Taft Home Video(Australia) (VHS)Columbia Home Video(Brazil) (DVD)Filmes Lusomundo(Portugal)LK-TEL(Argentina) (DVD)United International Pictures (UIP)(2006) (Germany) (theatrical)United International Pictures (UIP) (2006) (Argentina) (theatrical)United International Pictures (UIP) (Argentina)Special design companyThe Magic Camera Company,eng.(visual effects)United Special Effects ,USA (visual effects)Other companies2020 Casting Ltd.eng,extras castingAJM Systems computersARRI Mediacamera rentalAeroshoot Film Services ..... transport managementAir-Edel Associates Ltd. music supervisionAngels & Bermans costumesAnimals Okay animalsAnvil Post Productionfoley mixed atAon Entertainment Risk Services Ltd, production insuranceBBC Wig Store,wigsCheck In for Business ,travel arrangementsChoir of St. George's School, Windsor,group cast membersCine Image Film Opticals Ltd.,(digital front and end titles) (subtitles) Cornejo S.A. ,costumesCostumi d'Arte,costumesFeasible Films,electronic press kitGamba , shoesGioielli L.A.B.A. Roma ,jewelleryHyperactive,editing equipmentLee Lighting Ltd,lightingLondon Editing Machines Ltd,editing equipmentMarquees Over London, marqueesMidnight Transfer,transfersOlswang,legal advisorPompei Vidéo,shoesRay Marston Wig Studio,wigsSapex Scripts,post-production scriptsSet Meal,cateringShaun Webb Design,titlesShepperton Sound , sound re-recording mixingSony Classical,soundtrack published byStudios CTS,music recorded and mixed atSylvia Wheeler Film Services,negative cuttingTelefilm,transfersThe Machine Room,transfersTurk Film Services Ltd,boatsWitney Marquees,marquees2,About the film makingBreadth :35mm film deformation widescreenaudio mixing:Dolby Digital surround soundRating number:Rated R for sexuality.Grade:Portugal:M/12 Canada:G Argentina:13 Australia:M UK:15 France:U Peru:14 USA:R Canada:PG Sweden:7 Italy:T Hong Kong:IIB Chile:14 Canada:14 Finland:K-12/9 South Korea:18 Singapore:R Canada:AA Ireland:15 Germany:6 Netherlands:AL Singapore:M18 Canada:14A New Zealand:M Hungary:14 Switzerland:12 Denmark:7All right reserved:Miramax Films Corp. and Universal StudiosShooting date:March,1998Camera:Arriflex CamerasPanaflex Cameras and Lenses by Panavision:35 mm (Kodak)3.About Joseph FiennesHis full name is Joseph Twisleton Wykeham Fiennes.He is an English film and stage actor. He is perhaps best known for his portrayals of William Shakespeare in Shakespeare in Love, Sir Robert Dudley in Elizabeth, Commisar Danilov in Enemy at the Gates, Martin Luther in Luther, Merlin in Camelot, and his portrayal of Mark Benford in the 2009 TV series FlashForward.CareerStage and filmHis first professional stage appearance was in the West End in The Woman in Black, followed by A Month in the Country opposite Helen Mirren. Fiennes then became a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company for two seasons.He made his television debut as Willy in The Vacillations of Poppy Carew. His first feature film was 1996's Stealing Beauty, co-starring Liv Tyler. In 1998, Fiennes appeared in two films that were nominated at the Academy Awards: he played Robert Dudley opposite Cate Blanchett in Elizabeth and he portrayed William Shakespeare opposite Gwyneth Paltrow in Shakespeare in Love, which won the Academy Award for Best Picture. He and Paltrow were reunited onscreen in Running with Scissors (2006). In 2002 he starred in the independent film, Killing Me Softly.In 2003 he lent his voice as Proteus in the DreamWorks animated film Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas opposite Brad Pitt. The same year he starred in the limited-release film Luther, playing Martin Luther, and he also appeared in The Merchant of Venice, in which he portrayed Bassanio. Fiennes returned to the theatre in 2006 to perform in the one-man play Unicorns, Almost about World War II poet Keith Douglas at the Old Vic.In 2006, he appeared in the films The Darwin Awards and Goodbye Bafana. Goodbye Bafana was filmed by director Bille August in South Africa, and released in 2007. Fiennes portrayed James Gregory, author of the book Goodbye Bafana: Nelson Mandela, My Prisoner, My Friend.TelevisionFiennes starred in the ABC science fiction series FlashForward, which debuted on 24 September 2009 and ran through 27 May 2010, as Mark Benford. Fiennes stars inStarz's 10-part series, Camelot, as the wizard Merlin.4.About Gwyneth PaltrowGwyneth Kate Paltrow is an American actress and singer. She made her acting debut on stage in 1990 and started appearing in films in 1991. After appearing in several films throughout the decade, Paltrow gained early notice for her work in films such as Seven(1995) and Emma(1996) (in which she played the title role). Following the films Sliding Doors (1998) and A Perfect Murder (1998), Paltrow garnered worldwide recognition through her performance in Shakespeare in Love(1998), for which she won an Academy Award for Best Actress, a Golden Globe Award and two Screen Actors Guild Awards, for Outstanding Lead Actress and as a member of the Outstanding Cast. She also won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series in 2011 for her role as Holly Holliday on the Fox hit TV show Glee in the episode "The Substitute".Paltrow has portrayed supporting as well as lead roles in films such as The Talented Mr. Ripley(1999), Shallow Hal(2001), and Proof(2005), for which she earned a Golden Globe nomination as Best Actress in Motion Picture Drama. Since 2008, she has portrayed Pepper Potts in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, starring in Iron Man and its sequel, Iron Man 2 (2010), and also appearing in The Avengers (2012). Paltrow has been the face of Estée Lauder's Pleasures perfume since 2005. She is married to Chris Martin, the lead vocalist of Coldplay. They have two children together, Apple and Moses. She is also the face of American fashion brand Coach, owner of the lifestyle company and author of the cookbook My Father's Daughter: Delicious, Easy Recipes Celebrating Family & Togetherness.CareerAfter spending several summers watching her mother perform at the Williamstown Theatre Festival in Massachusetts, Paltrow made her professional stage debut there in 1990. Her film debut followed with Shout (1991), starring John Travolta, and she was cast by Steven Spielberg in his film Hook(1991), as the young Wendy Darling. Paltrow's next roles were in two made-for-television films: Cruel Doubt (1992) and Deadly Relations (1993). Her first plum supporting role in a big-screen film was in the 1993 drama Flesh and Bone, where she played the much-younger girlfriend of James Caan. In the hit thriller Seven(1995), she played Brad Pitt's wife. Paltrow's character was the high school sweetheart of Pitt's, even though she is nine years younger than him in real life. Her performance earned her a Satellite Award nomination. Also in 1995, she appeared in Moonlight and Valentino and Jefferson in Paris.1996–2001: Breakthrough and film stardomPaltrow's first role as the central lead was the title role in Emma (1996), for which she received critical acclaim. She had leading roles in several films throughout 1998, including Sliding Doors and the adaptation of the Charles Dickens novel Great Expectations with Ethan Hawke, Robert De Niro, Anne Bancroft and Chris Cooper. She also appeared in two thrillers, Hush opposite Jessica Lange and A Perfect Murderinspired by Alfred Hitchcock's 1954 film, Dial M for Murder. Paltrow appeared opposite Michael Douglas as Emily Taylor, based on Grace Kelly's character from the original film, though the film was met with mixed reviews.In 1998, Paltrow starred in Shakespeare in Love, portraying the fictional lover of William Shakespeare, played by Joseph Fiennes. The film earned more than US$100 million in box office receipts in the United States, and Paltrow gained critical acclaim for her portrayal. Entertainment Weekly commented, "Best of all is Gwyneth Paltrow, who, at long last, has a movie to star in that's as radiant as she is." The New York Times summed up her turn as Viola as such: "Gwyneth Paltrow, in her first great, fully realized starring performance, makes a heroine so breathtaking that she seems utterly plausible as the playwright's guiding light." The award-winning Shakespeare in Love earned Paltrow the award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role from the Screen Actors Guild, the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress[24] and the Academy Award for Best Actress, among other honors.[23] Her Pink Ralph Lauren dress worn at the 71st Academy Awards in collecting her Oscar was extremely popular and was credited for bringing pink back into fashion.In 1999, Paltrow co-starred alongside Jude Law, Matt Damon and Cate Blanchett in The Talented Mr. Ripley, which earned $80 million domestically and received positive reviews.She showcased her singing ability in 2000's Duets, which was directed by her father and co-starred singer Huey Lewis. The same year, Paltrow co-starred with Ben Affleck in the romantic drama Bounce as Abby Janello. In 2001, she played Margot Tenenbaum as part of an ensemble cast in the Wes Anderson film The Royal Tenenbaums and starred with Jack Black in the comedy Shallow Hal, where she had to wear a specially designed 25-pound fatsuit and heavy make-up.2002–2007: Career downSince the Oscar for Shakespeare in Love, Paltrow's film success has been less noteworthy. She said she was unequipped for the pressure, leading to several bad movie choices,agreeing with peers who believe the win is, in some ways, a curse.During this time, Paltrow rarely appeared in films, having taken a career hiatus to raise her family.In The Guardian, she said she divided her career into movies for love and films for money: The Royal Tenenbaums, Proof, and Sylvia fell into the former category, while she did View from the Top and Shallow Hal for the latter. In 2004, she appeared in the science-fiction film Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow opposite Jude Law. The same year, she was recognized as an outstanding woman in entertainment by Women in Film Los Angeles with the Crystal Award. In 2005, she appeared in the film Proof as the depressed daughter of a brilliant, eccentric mathematician. The movie is based on the play of the same name, in which Paltrow also played the same character at London's Donmar Warehouse in 2002. For her performance Paltrow earned her second Golden Globe nomination for Best Actress –Motion Picture Drama. In 2006, she had small roles in Running With Scissors and Infamous, in which she sang Cole Porter's "What Is This Thing Called Love?". 2008–present: Career comeback。

莎士比亚语录以下是莎士比亚的一些著名语录和经典台词的中文翻译:1. "To be, or not to be: that is the question." - Hamlet“生存还是毁灭,这是个问题。
” -《哈姆雷特》2. "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players." - As You Like It“整个世界是个舞台,男男女女都只是演员。
” -《皆大欢喜》3. "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind." - A Midsummer Night's Dream“爱情并非眼睛所见,而是心灵所感。
” -《仲夏夜之梦》4. "The course of true love never did run smooth." - A Midsummer Night's Dream“真爱的道路从来都不平坦。
” -《仲夏夜之梦》5. "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." - Romeo and Juliet“名字有什么重要?无论玫瑰叫什么名字,芬芳依旧。
” -《罗密欧与朱丽叶》6. "All that glitters is not gold." - The Merchant of Venice“闪光的东西未必都是黄金。
” -《威尼斯商人》7. "The better part of valor is discretion." - Henry IV, Part 1“勇气的更好部分是谨慎。

浅谈英语电影片名的翻译作者:田原来源:《文学教育》 2017年第15期内容摘要:随着中外交流的日益增多,文化尤其是电影的交流也在不断加深。

I would like to thank the Academy from the bottom of my heart!I would like to thank Emily Watson and Fernanda Montenegro, and my friend Cate Blancett and the greatest one who ever was, Meryl Streep. I don’t feel very deserving of this in your presence, but I would like to thank Harvey Weinstein and everybody at Miramax Films for their undying support.I wouldn’t be in this auditorium, let alone up here, if it wasn’t for two incredibly talented men; our director John Madden, thank you so much for all that you gave me, you are so inspiring, and to my soulful partner, Joseph Fiennes who I share this with. (starts crying)《莎翁情史》(Shakespeare in Love)I would like to thank the rest of our miraculous cast and crew. Our producers Donna Gigliotti and David Parfitt…I didn’t forget you this time! (starts to laugh and sob). Especially, Jim McGill and Sophie Shant and my friend Ben Affleck. I would like to thank my wonderful agent Rick Kurtzman, who is a beautiful man and a wonderful agent. And in his case that is not an oxymoron! I would like to thank Harold Brown, Stuart Gelwarg and Steven Huvane.I would not have been able to play this role had I not understood love with a tremendous magnitude, and for that I thank my family; (more tears) my mother Blythe Danner, who I love more than anything, and my brother Jake Paltrow who is just the dearest person in the whole world.My earthly guardian angel Mary Wigmore. (crying loudly now) and especially to my father Bruce Paltrow (more tears) who has surmounted any surmountable obstacles this year. I love you more than anything in the world. And to my grandpaBuster, who almost made it here tonight, but couldn’t quite get here. Grandpa, I want you to know that you have created a beautiful family who loves you and loves each other more than anything (bored now) and we thank you for that. I would like to dedicate this to two young men who lost their lives very early; Harrison Kravis and my cousin Keith Paltrow. We miss you very much and I thank you. Thank you so much everybody!(finally leaves the stage with a river of tears flowing behind her) 中文翻译:在此,我要向对委员会表示最诚挚的感谢。

莎士比亚汉英互译经典语录莎士比亚汉英互译经典语录1.Love is the season Yizhenyin sigh; The eyes have it purified the lovers of Mars; Love it aroused waves of tears. It is the wisdom of madness, choking bitterness, it does not tip of honey.爱情是叹息吹起的一阵烟;恋人的眼中有它净化了的火星;恋人的眼泪是它激起的波涛。
2.Sweet love you, precious, I disdained the situation with regard emperors swap你甜蜜的爱,就是珍宝,我不屑把处境跟帝王对调3.Love to talk about a bit of a surprise to people to learn the total patient injury谈一场恋爱学会了忍耐总有些意外会让人受伤害4.Since the little wit that fools have was silenc’d, the little foolery that wise men have makes a great show. (As You Like It, 2)自从傻子小小的聪明被压制得无声无息,聪明人小小的傻气显得更吸引眼球了。
——《皆大欢喜》5.Love to talk about a bit of a surprise to people to learn the total patient injury谈一场恋爱学会了忍耐总有些意外会让人受伤害6.O, she dothe teach the torches to burn bright! (Romeo and Juliet 5)啊!火炬不及她那么明亮。

下面是店铺为大家带来莎翁优美英文诗歌带翻译,欢迎大家阅读欣赏!莎翁优美英文诗歌1As fast as thou shalt wane, so fast thou grow'st你衰败得快,但你将同样迅捷In one of thine, from that which thou departest;在你出生的孩子身上生长;And that fresh blood which youngly thou bestow'st你趁年轻时灌注的新鲜血液,Thou mayst call thine, when thou from youth convertest.依然是属于你的,不怕你衰亡。
Herein lives wisdom, beauty, and increase;这里存在着智慧,美,繁滋;Without this, folly, age, and cold decay.否则是愚笨,衰老,寒冷的腐朽:If all were minded so, the times should cease,如果大家不这样,时代会停止,And threescore year would make the world away.把世界结束也只消六十个年头。
Let those whom Nature hath not made for store,有些东西,造化不准备保留,Harsh, featureless, and rude, barrenly perish.尽可以丑陋粗糙,没果实就死掉:Look whom she best endowed, she gave the more;谁得天独厚,她让你更胜一筹;Which bounteous gift thou shouldst in bounty cherish.你就该抚育那恩赐,把它保存好;She carved thee for her seal, and meant thereby造化刻你做她的图章,只希望Thou shouldst print more, not let that copy die.你多留印鉴,也不让原印消亡。

一、直译Artificial Intelligence《人工智能》Air Force One《空军一号》Batman 《蝙蝠侠》Brave Heart 《勇敢的心》/《惊世未了情》Casablanca《卡萨布兰卡》/《北非谍影》Cat People《豹妹》City of Angels 《天使之城》Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon《卧虎藏龙》Dances with Wolves 《与狼共舞》First Blood 《第一滴血》The Godfather 《教父》High Crime《极度重罪》The Horse Whisperer《马语者》Ice Age《冰河纪》Jane Eyre《简爱》Lady Chatterley’s Lover《查泰莱夫人的情人》The Lion King《狮子王》Marco Polo《马可·波罗》The Modern Times《摩登时代》Mulan《花木兰》The Mummy《木乃伊归来》Next Friday《下星期五》Notre Dame de Paris《巴黎圣母院》On Golden Pond《金色池塘》Pearl Harbor《珍珠港》Roman Holiday《罗马假日》/《金枝玉叶》The Schindler’s List《辛德勒的名单》Saving Private Ryan《拯救大兵瑞恩》Shakespeare in Love《莎翁情史》Singing in the Rain《雨中曲》/《万花嬉春》The Silence of the Lambs《沉默的羔羊》The Sound of Music《音乐之声》Speechless《尽在不言中》Star Wars《星球大战》Tess 《苔丝》Titanic《泰坦尼克》/《冰海沉船》True Lie《真实的谎言》Yellow Handkerchief《黄手绢》二、根据内容情节意译Abatjour 《浪漫的挑逗》About Last Night《邂逅》Absolute Power 《一触即发》Accidental Hero 《无名英雄》The Accused 《暴劫梨花》Addicted to Love《为你疯狂/不知不觉爱上你》All American Girl 《二八年华寂寞心》All Night Long 《风骚俏佳人》The Ambassador 《乱世风云》American President《白宫夜未眠》Another Woman 《缘尽半生》Awakening《无语问苍天》Baby Game 《凌空娇子》Baby Love《一见痴情》Back Roads 《天涯路》Bathing Beauty《出水芙蓉》Betty Blue 《巴黎野玫瑰》The Bridges of Madison County《廊桥遗梦》Butterflies 《狂蜂浪蝶》Carve Her Name with Pride 《女英烈传》Charlie’s Angels 《霹雳娇娃》Charlie and Louise《相逢自有缘》Comeback 《湄公河》Crash《欲望号街车》Die Hard 《虎胆龙威》Dynasty《中国风云》The English Patient 《别问我是谁》/《英伦情人》Free and Easy《潇洒先生》Gone with the Wind《乱世佳人》Great Expectations 《孤星血泪》Hamlet 《王子复仇记》/《哈姆莱特High Point《最高密令》It Could Happen to You《倾城佳话》It Happened One Night 《一夜风流》Kramer vs Kramer 《克莱默夫妇》Lisa《爱在生命终结时》A Long Way Home《万水千山》The Mexican《危险情人》Les Miserables 《孤星泪》/《悲惨世界》My Fair Lady《窈窕淑女》The Object of Beauty《美丽的谎言》Never Been Kissed《一吻定江山》Paradise《金童玉女》Plenty《谁可相依》The Punisher 《特警威龙》Quiz Show《幕后游戏》Rebecca 《蝴蝶梦》Rebel without a Cause《养子不教谁之过》Salt on Our Skin《有情不悔》Saturday, Sunday and Friday《消魂梦中人》Scandal《凤舞英伦》Sex Dream《幻彩年华》Someone Like You《似曾相识》Somewhere in Time 《时光倒流七十年》Top Gun 《壮志凌云》Touch and Go《情浓再相逢》Truly, Madly, Deeply《一屋一鬼一情人》Us Two《感官天使》Waterloo Bridge 《魂断蓝桥》※Welcome Home《情归何处》Where the Heart Is 《芳心天涯》Zoolander《超级模特》。

莎士比亚爱情名言中英文1、What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet. 名字代表什么?我们所称的玫瑰换个名字还是一样芳香。
——莎士比亚《罗密欧与茱丽叶》2、"to be or not to be,this is a question. 生存还是毁灭,这是个问题——莎士比亚《哈姆雷特》"3、"Don't argue and determination of people, because they may change the fact! 别和意志坚定的人争辩,因为他们可以改变事实!——莎士比亚"4、生命中令人悲伤的一件事是你遇到了一个对你来说很重要的人,但却最终发现你们有缘无份,因此你不得不放手。
------ A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you,only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go. ——莎士比亚5、"You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains. You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines. You say that you love the wind, but you close yourwindows when wind blows. This is why I am afraid, you ——莎士比亚"6、"You say that you love the rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains. You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when it shines. You say that you love the wind, but you close the windows when it blows. This is why I'm afraid, you said that you love me too. ——William Shakespeare"7、For thy sweet love remember'd such wealth brings That then I scorn to change my state with kings 一想起你的爱使我那么富有,和帝王换位我也不屑于屈就。

今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些莎翁十四行诗的译文,欢迎大家阅读!莎翁十四行诗译文篇1Sin of self-love possesseth all mine eye自爱这罪恶占据着我的眼睛,And all my soul and all my every part;我整个的灵魂和我身体各部;And for this sin there is no remedy,而对这罪恶什么药石都无灵,It is so grounded inward in my heart.在我心内扎根扎得那么深固。
Methinks no face so gracious is as mine,我相信我自己的眉目最秀丽,No shape so true, no truth of such account;态度最率真,胸怀又那么俊伟;And for myself mine own worth do define,我的优点对我这样估计自己:As I all other in all worths surmount.不管哪一方面我都出类拔萃。
But when my glass shows me myself indeed,但当我的镜子照出我的真相,Beated and chopp'd with tann'd antiquity,全被那焦黑的老年剁得稀烂,Mine own self-love quite contrary I read;我对于自爱又有相反的感想:Self so self-loving were iniquity.这样溺爱着自己实在是罪愆。
'Tis thee, myself, that for myself I praise,我歌颂自己就等于把你歌颂,Painting my age with beauty of thy days.用你的青春来粉刷我的隆冬。

电影片名翻译 的成功与否, 无论对于 中国电影走 向世界 , 还是 对于英文 电影进 军中国, 以及 对 中外文 化交流, 其作用至关重要。一个好的电影片名翻译不 仅能增加票房 , 更能对其 内涵进行本土化的诠释。而 个 失败 的电影片名翻译则往往画蛇 添足 ,捕风捉 影, 与 电影 貌合 神 离 , 让观 众 一 头雾 水 , 最 终连 商 业 目 的也无法实现 , 更别提传 播异域文化 内涵 , 激发观众 审美情趣 ; 糟糕 的译名往往令人大跌眼镜 , 而且是对 原作不尊重, 本文就 此阐述英文 电影片名翻译特点及 技巧。
2 . 1 追求商业价值导致滥译 ( 1 )跟风译 名
1 . 英 文 电影 片名翻 译 经济 效 益 , 通过 观 众对 电 影的观赏, 赚取票房, 从而维持电影的持续创作。因此 电影片名翻译时必须考虑到商业价值 , 要求电影译名 能让观众产生观看欲望,从而达到增加票房 的 目的。 如影片” S e 7 e n ” ( 1 9 9 5 ) 是一部犯罪心理剧和宗教剧, 如 果直译 片名《 七》 观众往往不能立刻理解影 片内涵而 译片人 巧妙地把 片名译 为《 七宗罪》 这就使相应 的观 众理解 了影片类型 , 从而产生观影欲 望。
1 . 2艺术价值
翻译前辈严复早在 1 9 世纪末就提 出“ 信、 达、 雅” 的翻译标准, 其 中的“ 雅” 就是指译文要典雅、 优美 , 也 就 是 翻 译 要 有 一定 的 艺术 价 值 。 1 9 9 0年 的 影 片 “ G h o s t ” 译名为《 人鬼情未 了》 , 则很好 的做 到了雅俗共 赏。首先“ g h o s t ” 的直译是“ 鬼” 、 “ 幽灵” 等如果 以此作 为片名, 观众定会断定这是一部恐怖片。而影片讲述 的是一个超越生死 的爱情故事, 译为《 人鬼情未 了》 涵 盖 了艺术性 , 也 突出了影片的爱情主 旨, 因此更 为合

[日期:2007-10-28] 来源:三人行英语 作者: [字体:大 中 小]
[划词翻译已开启]1. 无处为家[Nowhere in Africa] (德国/2003年出品/彩色/有声) 2. 魔戒3:王者无敌[The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King] (美国/2003年出品/彩色/有声) 3. 科伦拜恩的保龄[Bowling For Columbine] (美国/2002年出品/彩色/有声) 4. 对她说[Hable con ella/Talk to Her] (西班牙/2002年出品/彩色/有声) 5. 弗里达[Frida] (美国/2002年出品/彩色/有声) 6. 毁灭之路[Road to Perdition] (美国/2002年出品/彩色/有声)] 7. 8英里[8 Mile] (美国/2002年出品/彩色/有声) 8. 改编剧本[Adaptation] (美国/2002年出品/彩色/有声) 9. 指环王2[THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS] (美国/新西兰/2002年出品/彩色/有声) 10. 美丽心灵[A Beautiful Mind] (美国/2001年出品/彩色/有声) 11. 千与千寻[Spirited Away] (日本/2001年出品/彩色/有声) 12. 格林奇大闹圣诞节[How The Grinch Stole Christmas] (美国/2001年出品/彩色/有声) 13. 卧虎藏龙[Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon] (中国台湾/2001年出品/彩色/有声) 14. 成名之路[Almost Famous] (美国/2000年出品/彩色/有声) 15. 角斗士[Gladiator] (美国/2000

莎士比亚英文情诗精选阅读带翻译有许多英文的爱情诗,既浪漫动人,又能提高自己的英语水平,今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些莎士比亚英文情诗精选,希望大家会喜欢这些浪漫的英文情诗!莎士比亚英文情诗篇一Weary with toil, I haste me to my bed,The dear repose for limbs with travel tired;But then begins a journey in my head,To work my mind, when body's work's expired:For then my thoughts, from far where I abide,Intend a zealous pilgrimage to thee,And keep my drooping eyelids open wide,Looking on darkness which the blind do seeSave that my soul's imaginary sightPresents thy shadow to my sightless view,Which, like a jewel hung in ghastly night,Makes black night beauteous and her old face new.Lo! thus, by day my limbs, by night my mind,For thee and for myself no quiet find.精疲力竭,我赶快到床上躺下,去歇息我那整天劳顿的四肢;但马上我的头脑又整装出发,以劳我的心,当我身已得休息。

SONNET 106 十四行诗第106首[英] 莎士比亚When in the chronicle of wasted time 我看到往昔年代的史书-I see descriptions of the fairest wights, 对风流人物的详尽绘述,And beauty making beautiful old rhyme 美艳成就了古老的诗赋-In praise of ladies dead, and lovely knights, 赞翩翩骑士和绝代尤物;Then in the blazon of sweet beauty's best, 那么,这些对绝色的夸耀,Of hand, of foot, of lip, of eye, of brow, 手足与朱唇、靓眸与眉毛,I see their antique pen would have express'd 依稀这表述之古风笔调-Even such a beauty as you master now. 宛然你而今的潇洒风貌。
So all their praises are but prophecies 故所有的赞词,仅在预示-Of this our time, all you prefiguring; 预述你的一切,且系此时;And, for they look'd but with divining eyes, 而他们只是以慧眼瞩视,They had not skill enough your worth to sing: 却无力去歌颂你的价值。
For we, which now behold these present days, 而我们,见到了当今时代,Have eyes to wonder, but lack tongues to praise. 不由惊艳失语,目瞪口呆。
-by William Shakespeare (1564-1616)附1]:卞之琳译本-过往世代的记载里常常见到前人把最俊俏人物描摹尽致,美貌如何使古老的诗句也美妙,配得上歌颂美女和风流骑士,看人家夸赞美貌是怎样的无比,什么手,什么脚,什么嘴,什么眼,什么眉,我总是看出来他们古雅的手笔差不多恰好表现了你的秀美。
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You say that you love rain,
but you open your umbrella when it rains.
You say that you love the sun,
but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines.
You say that you love the wind,
but you close your windows when wind blows.
This is why I am afraid,
you say that you love me too.