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黑胡桃walnut 樱桃木cherry 山核桃hickory 红橡/柞木oak 欧枫maple Walnut 黑胡桃杨木poplar 桦木birch

African blackwood 非洲黑木黄檀African ebony 非洲乌木

African mabogany 非洲桃花心木African padauk 非洲紫檀

Alaska fir 阿拉斯加冷杉木Beech 山毛榉木

Beech parquet 山毛榉拼花地板

Alaska yellow cedar 阿拉斯加柏木Block floor 拼花地板

Blockboard 细工木板

Alder 赤杨类American ash 美国白蜡木American beech 美国山毛榉American eim 美国榆,白榆American plane 美国悬铃木

American tulipwood美国鹅掌揪Artificial slabs人造板

Artificial timber 人造木材Brazilian mahogany 巴西桃花心木

Cedar 雪松,杉木

Ceylon ebony乌木

Cherry 樱桃木

Chile pine 智利松

Chinese chi (中国)漆树

Chip 木屑coniferous species 针叶树种

cork 软木cypress针叶树Deciduous species 阔叶树种Eastern cottonwood (美国)东部杨木

Eastern hemlock (加拿大)铁杉

Eastern larch 落叶松

Eastern white pine (美国)白松

Ebony 乌木

Elm burl 榆木树瘤薄木板

End cutting 截头

English plane 英国悬铃木

Eucalyptus 桉木,桉树(类)

Eucalyptus pom 柠檬铁皮桉木板

Europe cherry 欧洲樱桃木板

Eropean ash 欧洲白蜡木

European beech 欧洲桦木

European birch 欧洲桦木

European chestnut 欧洲栗木

European hop-hornbeam 欧洲穗子榆

European horse-chestnut 欧洲七叶树

European larch 欧洲落叶松

European lime 欧洲椴木

European spruce 欧洲云杉

European yew 欧洲紫杉

Excelsior-board 木丝板

Exotics 外来木

Exterior plywood 室外用胶合板

Hickory 山核桃木

Indian camphor 印度樟木

Indian chestnut 印度栗木

Indian cinnamon印度肉桂

Indian ebony 印度乌木


Indian “laurel” 

Khaya 非洲桃花心木

Kiln dried pine 窑干松木

plywood 夹板(三合板)

softwood 软木

poplar 白杨

alder 赤杨

maple 枫木

rubber wood 橡胶木

pine 松木

pecan 大胡桃木(皮康木)

sandalwood 白檀木.檀香木

beech 三毛榉

ebony 黑檀木(乌木)

linden 菩提树(椴木)

elm tree 榆木

peach 桃树

eaglewood 沉香木


木材wood实木柞木地板solid flooring in oak

复合柞木地板engineered flooring in oak

拉丝brushed 上油oil 白油white oil 黑纹理antique 手刮擦handscraped

倒角bevel 破坏distressed 烟熏smoke 本色natural 规格specification

尺寸dimension 等级grade 指接finger joint 地脚线skirting 线条moulding

门框doorframe 托盘pallet T&G 隼舌隼槽边缘倒角edge bevel

端头倒角end bevel 上UV漆UV lacquered 含水率moisture treatment 处理方式

误差tolerance 平均长度average length 亚光度pre-varnished gloss level

厚度thick 长度length 宽度width


Aging 老化,陈化Annual ring 年轮Burl(knot)树疤,树瘤

Kiln drying 人工窑干燥集成材即胶合木(Glued Laminated Timber 简称Glulam)

活结running knot(未确定)

死结fixed knot(未确定)

live knot, dead knot sound knot 仿古刷是" antique brushing

柜子: cabinet

衣柜: wardrobe

食柜: cupboard

书柜: bookcase

煤气: gas

煤气表:gas meter


煤气灶:gas range


家具生产与技术词汇AA h igh degree of light-fastness 高质量不褪色 A highly compressed special particle board 具有高密度的特殊粒子层的镶板Abrasion 机械磨蚀Abrasion hardness 磨损硬度Abrasive band 砂带Abrasive grain 磨粒Abrasive paper 砂纸Absolute humidity 绝对温度Absolute viscosity 绝对粘度Accelerating aging 加速老化Accomplishment 业绩Achievement 完成Air circulation 空气循环Air-dried condition 气干条件Airless spraying

无气喷涂All-in cost 总费用Allowance for finishing精加工留量,裕度Amazingly true-to-nature wood decors 具有惊人的逼真效果的木材装饰An average of … units of chairs per annum 每年平均生产。。。套座椅Angle bar 平底鱼尾板,角钢Angle bridle joint 直角啮接Angle of hook 锯齿角,齿钩角Annual outlet 年度生产Annual output 年产量Anvil 铁砧Area of bearing 支撑面积 Armrest 带扶手Artificial grain 人造花纹Artisan industry 手工业Assembly line 装配线Automation 自动化BBack bevel angle 后斜角Back boxing 里衬,内衬Back of tooth 齿背Ball bearing 滚珠轴承Banded core 封边板心Beautifully finished 加工完美Bed linens (亚麻)床上用品Bent work 弯曲加工Bevel 斜面,制成斜面Beveled tenon 斜榫Billet-sawn 分段锯切Binging 粘合,夹锯Blade straining device 带锯拉紧装置Blank 毛坯,细缝Bleach 漂白Blister 气泡Bond stress 胶接应力Bottom-board 底板,抽屉底Bovine leather 牛皮Bow d oor 弓形门Box-lock 套接Braced miter joint 联结斜接Brake drum 制动轮Brake ratchet wheel 棘轮制动器Break-even point 等值点Brush 毛刷,漆刷Buckling strength 扭压强度Buckling stress 扭曲应力Built-up area 建筑面积Butt 截头,切方Butt and butt 两头对接Butt tenon对头接榫Butt joint 对接,平接CCabinet maker’s blank 细木工坯料Cabinet work 细木工Cabriole leg 弯脚Cantilever base 伸臂底座Capable of producing…能生产。。。Carborundum 金刚砂,炭化硅Cardboard 硬纸板Carpentry 大木工,大木活Carriage 送料
