高中英语 Unit 4 Sharing 第4课时同步检测 新人教版选修7

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高中英语 Unit 4 Sharing 第4课时同步检测新人教版选




1.All money raised by the activity will be donated________the children's fund.

A.for B.with

C.to D.from

答案:C donate sth. to... 表示“向……捐献/捐赠某物”,为固定搭配。

2.Flows of personal income are not equally________in any country in the world.

A.contributed B.thrown

C.attributed D.distributed

答案:D 本题题意:在任何一个国家里,个人收入量都不是平均分配的。distribute“分发;分配”,符合题意。contribute“投稿;贡献”;throw“扔”;attribute“归于;属于”。

3.After he retired, he began to do________work for the community without any pay.

A.voluntary B.reluctant

C.generous D.selective

答案:A 本题题意:他退休后便开始为社区做志愿工作,不要任何回报。voluntary“自愿的;志愿的”,符合题意。reluctant“不情愿的”;generous“慷慨的;大方的”;selective“有选择的”。

4.Many people in this poor village suffered a lot in winter, so we should do something for those who are________.

A.in time B.in need

C.in place D.in store

答案:B 本题题意:这个贫穷村庄里的许多人在冬天都饱受煎熬,因此我们应当为处于困难中的人们做些什么。in need“在困难中;在危急中”,符合题意。in time“及时”;in place“在合适的位置”;in store“准备着;就要到来”。

5.Customers actually vote for products and companies when they make a________.

A.persuasion B.chase

C.purchase D.bargain


6.He was glad to find his son keeping his business________well.

A.operating B.operated

C.operated on D.being operated

答案:B 本题考查keep的复合结构。operate与business是动宾关系,故用过去分词表被动。

7.Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV;there are pictures ________ in your mind instead of before your eyes.

A.to form B.form

C.forming D.having formed

答案:C 首先判断所填的词作pictures的定语,B选项为动词原形,不能作定语;A 项表示将来形式;having formed 表明在此之前形成,不合乎逻辑;forming作定语强调动作与reading同时进行。根据句意应当是读书时,图画在脑海中形成。

8.The strongest people are not always the people who win,________the people who don't give up when they lose.

A.or B.nor

C.and D.but

答案:D 本题题意:最坚强的人并非总是赢方,而是那些当失败时也不放弃的人们。此处为句型not...but...,重点在but之后。

9.On their arrival,they found the people suffering the quake were ________ food and water supplies.

A.want of B.in want

C.wanted D.in want of

答案:D in want of相当于in need of,表示“需要”。

10.If most breadwinners ________ a day's pay to the Hope Project,then it will be hopeful.

A.gift B.present

C.donate D.give

答案:C 本题题意:如果大多数养家人都为希望工程捐献他一天的所得,那么希望工程大有希望。gift指赋予某人才能,通常用于被动语态;give为一般用语;present是正式颁给某人,通常附有仪式,着重强调赠者与接受方的关系;donate 所赠的对象一般是慈善事业或机构。

11.As I watched him, he________himself a little, visibly.

A.arranged B.adjusted

C.admitted D.avoided

答案:B 本题题意:我注视着他的时候,看得出他在悄悄使自己适应眼前的现实。adjust oneself表示“使自己适应(新环境等)”。

12.The doctors performed a liver transplant________on him.

A.opposition B.operation

C.direction D.reaction

答案:B 本题题意:医生们给他做了个肝脏移植手术。opposition“反对”;operation“手术,操作”;direction“方向,指示”;reaction“反应”。

13.The listening test is________to show your ability at listening for specific information.

A.operated B.referred

C.intended D.requested

答案:C 本题句意:这个听力测试就是检验你听细节信息的能力。sb. intend sth. to do 意为“打算让……起某种作用”。

14.When the train________, the waiting band started to play music to greet the guests.

A.pulled out B.pulled in

C.pulled off D.pulled on

答案:B 本题题意:当火车到站时,等候的乐队开始演奏音乐欢迎客人。pull out“(火车)离站,撤离,离开”;pull in“(火车)进站,到站,停站,(船)靠岸”;pull off “(指机动车辆)驶离(道路)(至路侧停车处停下)”;pull on“拉某物一下”。

15.—We now should be more concerned about the quality of the products.________ —Definitely.

A.Do you understand me?

B.I've said several times.

C.I think so.

D.Let's have a discussion about it.

答案:A 在英语口语当中,definitely作为简略答语时的含义是“完全是,绝对是,非常正确”,所以前一句应该是一个疑问句,询问对方“你听明白我的话了吗?”。


