特殊 肝素与鱼精蛋白VS比伐







低分子肝素是由普通肝素经亚硝酸裂解等方法制备而得的小分子量部分,主要通过抑制Xa活性起抗凝作用,而对a作用较弱肝素的用法:1 肝素首剂量0.5mg/Kg,追加量0.6mg/h,透析结束前30停用肝素2. 肝素开始血透时泵推肝素8mg,每小时追加肝素8mg,血透停止前30min停用肝素"3 传统肝素液按患者平时个体用量给予首剂肝素20~40mg,于透析前一次性静脉推注,以后采用肝素泵每小时追加肝素5~10mg,透析结束前30min停用肝素"LMWH的用法1. LMWH:速避凝0. 4 ml/次,或海普宁5000U/次,透析开始时静脉端一次性注射。

2 血透前一次性静脉注射LMWH(Fraxiparine,法国Sanofl公司)0.4mL(100000U 或4100AFXa),不用追加量"3低分子肝素--吉派林5000U/2ml;透析开始时从动脉端一次注入5000U,整个透析期间不另追加"无肝素的用法1 血透前用1500~2500mL生理盐水冲洗管路透析器,血透中每30min用100mL盐水冲洗透析器,冲入体内盐水亦通过增大跨膜压除去,即在原设定UFR基础上增加0.2L/h"2 无肝素血透前用1500ml生理盐水冲洗管路透析器,然后用5%白蛋白50ml灌流透析器中空纤维内侧壁保留5~10分钟,血透中每30分钟用100ml盐水冲洗透析器,冲入体内盐水亦通过增大跨膜压除去,即在原设定UFR基础上增加012L/h"应用定时盐水冲管的方法抗凝,但需要准确地控制容量,对伴有高度浮肿,心衰的患者不宜,另外透析器复用效果也差,即使有固定的专职护士守护,透析中发生凝血、堵管等也相当常见。



抗凝血酶-III(AT-III) 由肝细胞与内皮细胞合成,分子量5.8万d,作为丝氨酶蛋白酶 抑制物,还能抑制凝血酶、 IXa、Xa、XIa及XIIa等丝氨酸蛋白 酶。
肝素辅因子II(HC-II) 由肝脏产生,主要灭活IIa,肝素可加速其作用1000倍。
肝脏合成的Vit k依赖因子。以酶原形式存在血浆中,其被激活 后,在蛋白S协同下,灭活Va、VIIIa,增强纤溶酶活性。
每次更换输液部位或管路后1 – 2小时内应监 测离子钙
若因病情需要停止血滤(如诊断, 更换导管, 手 术, 凝血或更换管路), 应在重新开始血滤时按 照停止前的速度设置ACD-A及葡萄糖酸钙泵 速
葡萄 糖酸 钙
heater BLD
将输液管路与血滤管 路的动脉端相连接
根据患者病情, 设置 血滤机的常规参数
葡萄 糖酸 钙
heater BLD
ACD-A初始泵速为 血液流速(BFR)的 2.0 – 2.5%
凝血机制与抗凝机制 体外循环促进凝血 理想的抗凝剂 抗凝剂的选择
肝素 低分子肝素 枸橼酸钠抗凝
低血容量 高血细胞比容 高超滤率 透析中血液或血液制品的输注 透析中脂肪制剂的输注 透析管路复用 使用动静脉壶(空气暴露,气泡形成,血液振





用量:最后1 次肝素使用量相当,每次不超过5 mL。


一般以每分钟0.5 mL 的速度静注,在10 min 内注入量不超过50 mL 为度。


严重过量应用鱼精蛋白缓慢静注予以中和,如果肝素注射后已超过30 分钟,鱼精蛋白用量需减半。

2、鱼精蛋白自身具有抗凝作用,2h内不宜超过100 mg。







替罗非班 n=70
B组 替罗非班+抑 肽酶n=110 C组 替罗非班+氨 甲环酸n=52
术前未用替罗 非班n=200
International Journal of Cardiology ,2005,127(2): 73– 78
1.术前停止使用GPIIb/IIIa抑制剂 2.手术至少于停用阿昔单抗12h后,替罗非班和依 替巴肽至少停药2-4h后进行(推荐级别:IB), 以减少术中失血量及血小板的输注。
简化用药 方便手术 呼之即来挥之则去
优点 血栓 风险 出血
泰加宁 - 比伐芦定
肾功能衰竭 住院时间
D: 14.6±3.4天
急诊CABG术前使用替罗非班(无论有无合用抑肽 酶或氨甲环酸)与未使用者相比
更易发生肾功能衰竭 住院时间延长 进一步的临床观察发现在术前4h(相比<2h,2-4h)停用替罗 非班的患者行急诊CABG术,临床事件得到一定改善

















1. 鱼精蛋白与肝素结合:鱼精蛋白可以与肝素结合,形成鱼精蛋白-肝素复合物。

这种结合能够阻止肝素与血液中的凝血酶抑制剂抗凝血酶Ⅲ(Antithrombin III,简称AT-III)结合,从而阻止肝素发挥其抗凝作用。

2. 鱼精蛋白拮抗肝素的抗凝作用:鱼精蛋白与肝素结合后,可以发挥其拮抗肝素的抗凝作用。


3. 改变血液流变学:鱼精蛋白可以改变血液的流变学特性,减少红细胞的聚集,促进血液的流动性,从而减少血栓形成的倾向。



PCI 抗凝之争 肝素 VS 比伐卢定

PCI 抗凝之争 肝素 VS 比伐卢定

PCI 抗凝之争: 肝素 VS 比伐卢定比伐卢定是一种静脉内使用的直接凝血酶抑制剂,对于接受经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)的患者,比伐卢定可用于替代肝素。

大多数比伐卢定的 III 期试验均使用缺血和出血结局的主要复合终点比较比伐卢定和肝素,这些试验发现比伐卢定优于或不劣于肝素。


要特别指出的是,大部分的这些试验均发现,使用比伐卢定的患者出现过多的心肌梗死和支架内血栓形成,尽管这在统计学上经常无统计学意义;同样,在这些试验中,比伐卢定为基础的抗凝方案持续显著地降低了出血的风险,但大部分试验均在肝素组中常规使用血小板膜糖蛋白 IIb/IIIa 受体抑制剂,而只在比伐卢定组中临时使用GPI。

由于 GPIs 会增加出血,比伐卢定为基础的抗凝方案与肝素为基础的抗凝之间的出血差异有可能是 GPIs 使用的不同所造成的。

除此之外,P2Y12 受体抑制剂已成为标准的做法,相关数据支持其用于急性冠脉综合征(ACS)的发病初,并且推荐 ACS 使用更强效的抑制剂。

因此,常规增加 GPI 的使用或许没有获益,而临床上这种用法也不多见。

临床上的这种转变促进了在两组间短暂使用 GPI 的情况下比较比伐卢定和肝素新试验的进展。

基于上述研究背景,来自哈佛大学布莱根妇女医院的 Matthew A Cavender 等(TIMI 研究组)进行了一项 Meta 分析,以评估比伐卢定为基础的抗凝方案与肝素为基础的抗凝方案对缺血和出血结局的影响。

全文在线发表于 8 月 14 日的《柳叶刀》。

研究者检索了比较比伐卢定和肝素对计划行 PCI 患者影响的随机试验,最终纳入 16 项试验共 33958 例患者,其中部分试验尚未发表。

主要的有效性终点为 30 天主要心脏不良事件(MACE),次要有效性终点为死亡、心肌梗死、缺血导致的血运重建及支架内血栓形成。






(4)选择鱼精蛋白与肝素的质量比例在1 : 1以下的小剂量鱼精蛋白方案止血效果较好。

2、维生素K抑制剂类抗凝药物拮抗剂-维生素K的选择和使用(1)小剂量给予维生素K (Img)皮下注射与静脉注射均难以快速有效纠正INR值,需要更高剂量才能够快速、完全逆转华法林(VKA) 的抗凝作用。

推荐选择大剂量维生素K (中位剂量15mg,四分位间距: 10-50mg)逆转VKA过量。

(2)有研究显示:对于门诊INR>10的未出血患者,小剂量口服维生素K (2mg)同时停用VKA,能够安全有效地逆转VKA引起的凝血障碍。

另外一项研究发现:口服维生素K (IOmg)可安全、有效地部分逆转过量VKA引起的INR升高(5<INR<10)o(3)对于服用VKA严重出血的患者,停药的同时给予肌注或静脉缓慢注射(临床用药评价公众号提示:静脉注射可能会不耐受)维生素K(2.5-10mg),可逆转VKA过量,降低出血事件发生率。

3、抗凝药物非特异性拮抗剂-凝血酶原复合物(PCC)选择和使用(1)凝血酶原复合物单独应用或联合维生素K,能够逆转维生素K 抑制剂类抗凝药物的抗凝作用以及相关性出血。


(3)PCC根据初始INR值和体重进行个体化剂量调整(若2WIN R <4,剂量为25U∕kg;若 4WINRV6,剂量为35U∕kg;若 IN R >6, 剂量为50U∕kg,若患者体重>100kg,按照IOokg进行计算),或联合不同剂量维生素K方案(5-10mg),能够有效快速逆转维生素K抑制剂类口服抗凝药物引起的出血,恢复INR值至正常水平。



➢CRRT中的抗凝简介 ➢CRRT的无肝素抗凝适应症和禁忌症 ➢CRRT无肝素抗凝的具体方法 ➢特殊病例介绍 ➢无肝素抗凝的注意事项 ➢无肝素抗凝评述
Page 9
适应症: 1、对肝素过敏的患者 2、凝血机制障碍 3、血小板减少症 4、各种新近手术伴有出血并发症或有术后出
血危险的患者 5、有活动性出血或出血倾向(如:活动期消化
在有出血倾向的患者中并不是所有方 法都适用,其中小剂量肝素法、鱼精蛋白 中和的局部肝素法,低分子量肝素、前列 环素、重组水蛭素等,均有不同程度的全 身抗凝作用,从而增加了出血的危险。此 次主要介绍CRRT的无肝素抗凝。
Page 8
Oudemans HM;etc.Intensive Care Medicine.2006,32(2),188.
大,最小100~200ml/min,血流量最 大
可达400ml/min,但总体来说血流量 大于
200ml/min为好,可以尽量避免凝血 的发
Page 20
置换液量大多4000ml/h,我们推荐 4000ml/h-6000ml/h置换液行前稀释, 前稀 释法以高血流量降低血液粘滞度和血流阻 力延长滤器的使用寿命,并且供血流量是 防止凝血的关键。
道溃疡出血、严重脑外伤、脑出血、严重 鼻衄、其他部位出血)
Page 10
禁忌症: 无绝对禁忌症,相对禁忌症:高凝
Page 11
➢CRRT中的抗凝简介 ➢CRRT的无肝素抗凝适应症和禁忌症 ➢CRRT无肝素抗凝的具体方法 ➢特殊病例介绍 ➢无肝素抗凝的注意事项 ➢无肝素抗凝评述
一,肝素的不良反应有出血的风险、血栓性血 小板减少症等。



CRRT中抗凝方法大致有以下几种: 中抗凝方法大致有以下几种: 中抗凝方法大致有以下几种
1、常规全身肝素抗凝法 、 普通肝素抗凝是CRRT最常用的抗凝方法之 普通肝素抗凝是CRRT最常用的抗凝方法之 CRRT 肝素的不良反应有出血的风险、 一,肝素的不良反应有出血的风险、血栓性血 小板减少症等。 小板减少症等。
在常规方法和白蛋白涂布法中: 在常规方法和白蛋白涂布法中: 白蛋白涂布法中 每15min~30min,用100ml~ 15min~30min, 100ml~ 200ml0.9%生理盐水快速冲洗血滤器 200ml0.9%生理盐水快速冲洗血滤器 生理盐水快速冲洗 和血路。 和血路。
Page 19
4、血流量: 、血流量:
Page 10
禁忌症: 禁忌症: 无绝对禁忌症,相对禁忌症: 无绝对禁忌症,相对禁忌症:高凝 状态、血流动力学不稳定的患者。 状态、血流动力学不稳定的患者。
Page 11
CRRT中的抗凝简介 中的抗凝简介 CRRT的无肝素抗凝适应症和禁忌症 的无肝素抗凝适应症和禁忌症 CRRT无肝素抗凝的具体方法 无肝素抗凝的具体方法 特殊病例介绍 无肝素抗凝的注意事项 无肝素抗凝评述
Page 20
5、置换液: 、置换液:
置换液量大多4000ml/h 置换液量大多4000ml/h,我们推荐 量大多4000ml/h, 4000ml/h-6000ml/h置换液行前稀释,前 4000ml/h-6000ml/h置换液行前稀释, 置换液行前稀释 稀 释法以高血流量降低血液粘滞度和血流阻 力延长滤器的使用寿命, 力延长滤器的使用寿命,并且供血流量是 防止凝血的关键。 防止凝血的关键。
张竞葳, 张竞葳,等.现代医药卫生.2006,22(20):3175-3176. 现代医药卫生.2006,22(20):3175.2006,22(20):3175 安徽卫生职业技术学院学报.2005,4(2):54. 任 霞.安徽卫生职业技术学院学报.2005,4(2):54.







它通过与抗凝血酶III(AT III)结合,让凝血过程变得混乱不堪,凝血酶原无法顺利变成凝血酶,血小板也聚集不起来,纤维蛋白原更是无法变成纤维蛋白,这样一来,出血可就止不住了。




这个过程就像是两个高手在比武,鱼精蛋白以迅雷不及掩耳之势,解离了肝素与AT III的复合物,让肝素失去了抗凝的活性,就像是把反派的魔法给破了。





















在没有肝素存在时,ATIII的功能位点没有充分暴露,其结合凝血因子(Xa IIa)的速度很缓慢。








CRRT之抗凝选择1. 全身肝素抗凝法:是CRRT最常用的方法:常规首剂负荷量为20U/kg,维持量5-15U/(kg.h)或500U/h,不必因血流量而改变,否则有可能出现凝血并发症,大部分患者效果较好。








① ICU患者常见的低AT-Ⅲ水平限制了肝素的抗凝效果;②局部肝素化抗凝并不推荐,大量鱼精蛋白输注导致血小板功能异常,炎症反应加重及低血压事件。


出血危险性小,使用方便,生物利用度高;首次负荷量15-20U/kg,维持量1-10 U/(kg.h),抗Xa因子活性维持在0.4-0.5/ml;监测:每4小时监测APTT,2倍正常值为抗凝充分。



百草枯中毒血液灌流后不同剂量鱼精蛋白拮抗肝素的效果何顶秀;刘小琴;姜伟【摘要】目的在百草枯中毒患者血液灌流治疗中,使用肝素进行抗凝后,比较不同剂量鱼精蛋白拮抗肝素的效果及安全性.方法 2014年1月~2015年4月我院共收治百草枯中毒患者34例,将其中完成3次血液灌流治疗的18例患者作为研究对象,采用自身配对设计方案,根据使用不同鱼精蛋白剂量的前后顺序随机分为鱼精蛋白0 mg组,鱼精蛋白25 mg组和鱼精蛋白50 mg组.监测患者每次血液灌流前和使用鱼精蛋白1h和6h后的活化部分凝血酶时间(APTT)、出血情况和预后.结果每组血液灌流前APTT水平无统计学差异(P>0.05).在血液灌流后1h,鱼精蛋白0 mg 组APTT值明显高于其他两组(P<0.01);而鱼精蛋白25 mg和50 mg两组间用药前和用药后1、6h的APTT值无统计学差异(P>0.05).结论百草枯中毒患者血液灌流后,建议常规使用鱼精蛋白拮抗肝素,推荐首次鱼精蛋白剂量为25 mg.【期刊名称】《西南国防医药》【年(卷),期】2015(025)012【总页数】3页(P1334-1336)【关键词】百草枯;血液灌流;鱼精蛋白;凝血酶时间【作者】何顶秀;刘小琴;姜伟【作者单位】618000四川德阳,德阳市人民医院急诊科;618000四川德阳,德阳市人民医院急诊科;618000四川德阳,德阳市人民医院急诊科【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R595.9百草枯(paraquat,PQ)是目前使用广泛、毒性极强的除草剂,经口服人致死剂量为20%水溶液约5~15 ml 或30~40 mg/kg。





Figure 3 Acute and subacute stent thrombosis in trials with predominantly patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
The Lancet, Volume 384, Issue 9943, 2014, 599 - 606
Bivalirudin versus heparin in patients planned for percutaneous coronary intervention: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
缺血性事件 %(n) 4.8(13)
出血 %(n) 14.1(38)
0.894(0.89) 0.543(1.18)
Stefanie Schulz (Deutsches Herzzentrum,
Munich, Germany), ACC 2014
TCT 2014
Stent Thrombosis at 30 Days
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Comparison of Bivalirudin and Unfractionated Heparin Plus Protamine in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention(from the Antithrombotic Regimens aNd Outcome[ARNO]Trial)Guido Parodi,MD,PhD,Angela Migliorini,MD,Renato Valenti,MD,Benedetta Bellandi,MD, Umberto Signorini,MD,Guia Moschi,MD,Piergiovanni Buonamici,MD,Giampaolo Cerisano,MD,and David Antoniucci,MD*Previous studies have compared bivalirudin and unfractionated heparin(UFH)plus theroutine use of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors.They have demonstrated that bivalirudin candecrease bleeding complications without a significant increase in ischemic complications,resulting in a better net clinical outcome,as defined by the efficacy(ischemic complications)or safety(bleeding complications)end point.The aim of the present study was to comparebivalirudin and UFH plus protamine in patients undergoing elective percutaneous coro-nary intervention and pretreated with clopidogrel and aspirin.We randomly assigned850patients with stable or unstable coronary artery disease to bivalirudin or UFH followed byprotamine at the end of the percutaneous coronary intervention.The primary end pointwas in-hospital major bleeding.The main secondary end points were the1-month com-posite of death,myocardial infarction,unplanned target vessel revascularization;and the1-month net clinical outcome.The rate of major bleeding(primary end point)was0.5%inpatients randomized to bivalirudin and2.1%in patients randomized to UFH(p؍0.033).At30days,the rate of major bleeding was0.9%in the bivalirudin arm and2.8%in the UFHarm(p؍0.043).The composite of death,myocardial infarction,and target vessel revas-cularization rate and the net clinical outcome rate was2.8%and6.4%(p؍0.014)and3.3%and7.8%(p؍0.004),respectively,in the bivalirudin and UFH arms.In conclusion,inpercutaneous coronary intervention patients pretreated with clopidogrel and aspirin,biva-lirudin was associated with less major bleeding and fewer ischemic complications and abetter net clinical outcome than UFH.©2010Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.(Am JCardiol2010;105:1053–1059)Compared to unfractionated heparin(UFH),bivalirudin has2major advantages in terms of bleeding risk,a highly predictable anticoagulant effect at a standardized dose and a short duration of the anticoagulant effect(drug plasma half-life25minutes).The latter can be canceled by the neutral-ization of heparin by protamine at the end of the proce-dure.1,2The aim of the present randomized study was to determine whether bivalirudin remains superior to UFH plus protamine in patients undergoing percutaneous coro-nary intervention(PCI)who have been pretreated with as-pirin and clopidogrel.MethodsAll patients undergoing PCI and pretreated with aspirin(325mg)and a600-mg loading dose of clopidogrelՆ6hours before PCI were considered eligible for enrollment.The exclusion criteria were acute ST-segment elevationmyocardial infarction;PCI for chronic total occlusion;renalinsufficiency(creatinine clearance rateϽ30ml/min or se-rum creatinineϾ3mg/dl)or dependence on renal dialysis;co-morbid conditions with a life expectancy ofϽ1year;active bleeding,bleeding diathesis,or recent major surgery(Ͻ15days);gastrointestinal or genitourinary bleedingwithin the previous6weeks;pretreatment with UFH orlow-molecular-weight heparin or bivalirudin before PCI;uncontrolled hypertensionϾ180/110mm Hg unresponsiveto therapy;relevant hematologic abnormalities(hemoglobin Ͻ10g/dl or platelet countϽ100ϫ109/L);allergy to the study medications;a history of heparin-induced thrombo-cytopenia;and ageϽ18years.The institutional ethics com-mittee approved the study,and all patients provided writteninformed consent.Allocation to treatment was done using acomputer-generated sequence.The patients were assignedequally in an open-label fashion to UFH or bivalirudin,which were started immediately before PCI.UFH was ad-Division of Cardiology,Careggi Hospital,Florence,Italy.Manuscriptreceived September30,2009;revised manuscript received and acceptedDecember1,2009.This study was supported by the investigators,and no company pro-vided anyfinancial support or drugs free of charge;we have no conflicts ofinterest to declare.*Corresponding author:Tel:(39)055-794-7966;fax:(39)055-794-9303.E-mail address:david.antoniucci@virgilio.it(D.Antoniucci).0002-9149/10/$–see front matter©2010Elsevier Inc.All rights doi:10.1016/j.amjcard.2009.12.001ministered as an intravenous bolus of 100IU/kg body weight;additional boluses were administered to achieve an activated clotting time of 250to 300seconds during the entire procedure.At the end of the procedure,protamine sulfate was administered at a dose of 0.5mg/100IU of UFH used.1,2Bivalirudin was administered as an intravenous bolus dose of 0.75mg/kg,followed by infusion of 1.75mg/kg/hour for the duration of the procedure.The use of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors (GPIs)was at discretion of the operator,and abciximab was the only GPI allowed.All patients underwent femoral sheath removal immediately after PCI,and closure devices were used routinely.After PCI,dual antiplatelet treatment,including clopidogrel 75mg/day and aspirin 325mg/day was recommended for Ն1year in all patients.The primary end point of the present study was in-hospital major bleeding,defined according to the Random-ized Evaluation of PCI Linking Angiomax to Reduced Clin-ical Events (REPLACE)2trial criteria.3The diagnosis of major bleeding required the presence of intracranial,in-traocular,or retroperitoneal hemorrhage,clinically overt blood loss resulting in a decrease in hemoglobin of Ͼ3g/dl,any decrease in hemoglobin of Ͼ4g/dl,or the transfusion of Ն2units of packed red blood cells or whole blood.Other prespecified end points were (1)the 30-day composite of ischemia (death from any cause,myocardial infarction,un-planned revascularization for ischemia);(2)the 30-day net clinical outcome,defined as the 30-day composite ischemia or 30-day major bleeding;(3)30-day minor bleeding;(4)30-day entry site vascular complications;(5)6-month mor-tality;(6)the 6-month composite of death and myocardial infarction;and (7)6-month unplanned target vessel revas-cularization.Definite and probable stent thrombosis were defined according the Academic Research Consortium cri-teria.4The myocardial infarction definition included the following criteria:electrocardiographic changes consistent with myocardial infarction or cardiac biomarker elevation (creatine kinase-MB or troponin I at one measurement 3times greater than the upper normal limit)5or cardiac bi-omarker re-elevation in patients with pre-PCI values greater than the upper normal limit (Ն50%more than the previous nadir with documentation that the cardiac biomarker levels were decreasing before PCI).Minor bleeding was defined according to the REPLACE 2criteria as clinical overt bleeding that did not meet the criteria for major bleeding.3Entry site vascular complications included all complications requiring percutaneous or surgical intervention or blood transfusion.All events were adjudicated by an event adju-dication committee whose members were unaware of the treatment assignments.The study was designed on the basis of the superiority principle:the primary end point rate for patients allocated to the UFH group would be greater than for patients allocated to bivalirudin.We assumed that the primary end point would occur in 6%of the UFH group and in 2%of the bivalirudin group,for a 66%risk reduction with bivalirudin.The planned enrollment of 850patients provided 91%power for detecting this reduction at an ␣level of 0.05.Categorical variables are expressed as frequencies and pro-portions and were compared using the chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test,as appropriate.Continuous data are sum-marized as the mean ϮSD and were compared using Student’s t test.The Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate the 6-month event rates,and comparisons between the 2treatment groups were performed using the log-rank statistic.Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to evaluate the independent con-tribution of the clinical,angiographic,and procedural vari-ables to the 30-day end points.Variables with p Ͻ0.10were entered into the multivariate model.The interactiontermsFigure 1.Study flow chart.1054The American Journal of Cardiology ()for subgroup analysis(abciximab use vs no abciximab use) were tested in a logistic regression model.All analyses were performed in a blinded manner regarding the randomly assigned treatment and on an intention-to-treat basis.An␣level of0.05was considered statistically significant.All tests were2sided.The analyses were performed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences,version11.5(SPSS, Chicago,Illinois).This trial was registered with Clinical Trials gov(num-ber NCT00448461).ResultsFrom October2006to July2008,850patients were enrolled in the present study(Figure1).Table1lists the baseline characteristics.The2groups were well-matched in all baseline characteristics.Among patients with unstable angina,a Thrombolysis In Myocar-dial Infarction risk score ofՆ5was revealed in19%of cases.Table2lists the procedural characteristics.Abcix-imab was used in179patients(21.1%),and its use was more frequent in the UFH arm than in the bivalirudin arm (27.6%vs14.6%,pϭ0.0001).The abciximab-treated pa-tients more frequently had a greater risk profile than to the patients who did not receive the drug(Table3).Among theTable1Baseline characteristicsVariable Bivalirudin(nϭ425)Heparin(nϭ425)p ValueAge(years)68.7Ϯ10.669.1Ϯ10.60.544 Men329(77%)319(75%)0.420 Hypertension249(59%)254(61%)0.489 Diabetes mellitus91(21%)92(22%)0.818 Total cholesterolϾ200mg/dl204(48%)210(51%)0.492 Current smoker76(18%)70(17%)0.675 Body mass index(kg/m2)26.50Ϯ3.0726.13Ϯ3.390.957 Previous myocardial infarction172(41%)158(38%)0.443 Myocardial infarctionՅ30days50(12%)38(9%)0.213 Previous percutaneous coronaryintervention234(55%)233(56%)0.780 Previous coronary surgery42(10%)32(8%)0.267 Serum creatinine(mg/dl)0.99Ϯ0.62 1.02Ϯ0.760.529 Indication for procedureStable angina pectoris190(45%)171(40%)0.291 Unstable angina pectoris117(27%)112(26%)0.844 Positive stress result or other118(28%)142(33%)0.074 Increased baseline troponin I62(15%)79(19%)0.109 Left ventricular ejectionfraction(%)48Ϯ1246Ϯ120.125 Multivessel coronary disease224(53%)242(58%)0.118 Data are expressed as meanϮSD or n(%).Table2Procedural characteristicsVariable Bivalirudin(nϭ425)Heparin(nϭ425)p ValueRotational atherectomy7(2%)10(2%)0.435 Intra-aortic balloon pump3(1%)2(1%)0.654 Stenting360(85%)373(88%)0.196 Bare-metal stent38(9%)45(11%)0.419 Drug-eluting stent322(76%)328(77%)0.628 Abciximab62(15%)117(28%)0.0001 Activated clotting time(seconds)327Ϯ36297Ϯ410.0001 Fluoroscopic time(minutes)10.6Ϯ10.310.7Ϯ9.10.779 Femoral arterial access418(98%)415(98%)0.462 Femoral hemostasis0.516 Closure device380(91%)374(91%)Manual compression45(9%)51(10%)Treated coronary vessels(n)595589Vessel location0.277 Left main28(5%)31(5%)Left anterior descending259(43%)257(44%)Right134(23%)148(25%)Left circumflex156(26%)141(24%)Venous bypass graft18(3%)12(2%)Data are expressed as meanϮSD or n(%).Table3Baseline characteristics stratified by abciximab useVariable Abciximab p ValueNo(nϭ671)Yes(nϭ179)Age(years)69Ϯ1269Ϯ110.985 Diabetes mellitus137(21%)46(26%)0.162 Previous myocardial infarction281(43%)48(27%)0.0001 Unstable angina pectoris149(23%)80(45%)0.0001 Raised baseline troponin I88(14%)53(30%)0.0001 Multivessel coronary disease349(53%)116(65%)0.004 Left main intervention27(4%)20(11%)0.0001 Data are presented as meanϮSD or n of patients(%).Table4One-month clinical outcomesVariable Bivalirudin(nϭ425)Heparin(nϭ425)p ValueMajor bleedingIn-hospital2(0.5%)9(2.1%)0.033 1Month4(0.9%)12(2.8%)0.043 Composite end point*12(2.8%)27(6.4%)0.014 Death1(0.2%)6(1.4%)0.069†Myocardial infarction11(2.4%)20(4.5%)0.098 Q-wave11Non–Q-wave1019Definite stent thrombosis2(0.5%)1(0.2%)0.563 Acute10Subacute11Target vessel revascularization2(0.4%)3(0.7%)0.686†Net clinical outcome14(3.3%)33(7.8%)0.004 Minor bleeding10(2.4%)10(2.4%)0.997 Vascular access complications5(1.2%)8(1.9%)0.399 Abciximab-treated patients(nϭ179)62117Major bleeding1(1.6%)4(3.4%)0.660†Composite end point*4(6.5%)7(6.0%)0.901 Net clinical outcome5(8.1%)11(9.4%)0.765 Non–abciximab-treated patients(nϭ671)363308Major bleeding3(0.8%)8(2.6%)0.072 Composite end point*8(2.2%)21(6.8%)0.003 Net clinical outcome9(2.5%)23(7.5%)0.003 Data are expressed as n(%).*Death,myocardial infarction,target vessel revascularization.†Fisher’s exact test.1055Coronary Artery Disease/ARNO Trialpatients who received abciximab,no differences were found between those randomized to UFH or bivalirudin.Most patients in both arms had immediate successful entry site hemostasis using closure devices.No patient in the UFH arm experienced negative reactions,including no allergic reactions,after protamine administration.The in-hospital bleeding and 30-day clinical outcomes are listed in Table 4.The 1-month follow-up rate was 100%.The rate of major bleeding (primary end point)was 0.5%in the bivalirudin arm and 2.1%in the UFH arm (p ϭ0.033).In-hospital major bleeding events included 1case of peri-cardial bleeding and 1case of gastrointestinal bleeding in the bivalirudin arm and 1case each of fatal rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm,retroperitoneal hematoma,and pericardial bleeding and 6blood transfusions in the UFH arm.At 30days,the major bleeding rate had increased to 0.9%in the bivalirudin arm and 2.8%in the UFH arm (p ϭ0.043).The difference between the 2arms did not result from the more frequent use of abciximab in the UFH arm because among the patients who did not receive GPI treat-ment,the major bleeding rate was more than threefold greater in the UFH arm than in the bivalirudin arm (2.6%and 0.8%,respectively).No major bleeding occurred from the vascular access site after sheath removal.No patient with major bleeding required discontinuation of clopidogrel treatment.In both arms,1/2of the patients with major bleeding had had an adverse ischemic event at 30days of follow-up.The rate of the 30-day composite ischemic end point was greater in the UFH arm than in the bivalirudin arm.The difference between the 2arms was driven mainly by death and periprocedural non–Q-wave myocardial infarction.The only death in the bivalirudin arm occurred in 1patient with distal left main disease and chronic occlusion of the right coronary artery.That patient died from refractory cardiac arrest during the PCI procedure.In the UFH arm,6patients died.Death was due to fatal bleeding in 1patient,conges-tive heart failure in 1patient (Killip class 3on admission,with successful multivessel PCI of venous graft and native vessel lesions),and probable stent thrombosis in 4patients (4sudden deaths after discharge).Three definite stent thromboses occurred.Acute stent thrombosis occurred in 1patient randomized to bivalirudin.Subacute stent thrombo-sis occurred in 1patient in the bivalirudin arm (5days after PCI)and 1patient in the UFH arm (10days after PCI).All 3definite stent thromboses were complicated by myocardial infarction despite successful emergency repeat PCI.No differences were found between the 2groups in minor bleeding and vascular entry site complications.The net clinical outcome was better in the bivalirudin arm than in the UFH arm.On multivariable analysis,the independent predictors of 30-day ischemic events were in-hospital major bleeding (odds ratio 22.0,95%confidence interval 7.5to 65.0,p ϭ0.0001),multivessel disease (odds ratio 2.4,95%confi-18015012090603020181614121086420Days after randomizationI n c i d e n c e (%)HeparinBivalirudinp= 0.008Randomization Number at risk Bivalirudin 425414413412411410408Heparin425400395394393393391Six-Month Major Bleeding18015012090603020181614121086420Days after randomizationI n c i d e n c e (%)HeparinBivalirudinp= 0.021Six-Month Composite Ischemic End PointRandomization Number at risk Bivalirudin 425406404397393392387Heparin42539138838338137837218015012090603020181614121086420Days after randomizationI n c i d e n c e (%)HeparinBivalirudinp= 0.003Six-Month Net Clinical OutcomeRandomization Number at risk Bivalirudin 425404402395391390384Heparin425386380374372368362ABCFigure 2.Kaplan-Meier analysis of major bleeding (A),composite of death,myocardial infarction,and target vessel revascularization (B),and net clinical outcome (C)for patients randomized to bivalirudin or UFH plus protamine.1056The American Journal of Cardiology ()dence interval1.1to5.3,pϭ0.031),and age(odds ratio 1.04,95%confidence interval1.00to1.07,pϭ0.049).The effect of abciximab did not differ according to ran-domization(pϭNS for all outcome measures).The6-month clinical outcomes are summarized in Figure 2and Table5.The follow-up rate was98.5%.The differ-ences between the2arms in the primary and secondary end point were maintained at6months,with a major bleeding rate of4.5%in the UFH arm and1.4%in the bivalirudin arm(pϭ0.008)and a composite ischemic rate of12.4% and7.6%(pϭ0.021),respectively.The net clinical out-come was better in the bivalirudin arm than in the UFH arm (8.4%and14.8%,respectively;pϭ0.003).DiscussionThe present study compared bivalirudin and UFH plus protamine in patients undergoing PCI and pretreated with aspirin and a600-mg loading dose of clopidogrel.Our results have shown that bivalirudin is superior to UFH in terms of both major bleeding complications and ischemic complications and provides a better net clinical outcome at 30days.Also,this benefit was maintained at6months.The only trial comparing the2anticoagulant agents, UFH and bivalirudin,in patients undergoing elective PCI in the modern stent era without the use of GPIs was the Intracoronary Stenting and Antithrombotic Regimen:Rapid Early Action for Coronary Treatment(ISAR-REACT)-3 trial,which excluded patients with increased troponin lev-els.The REPLACE-2and Acute Catheterization and Urgent Intervention Triage strategY(ACUITY)-PCI trials com-pared2different antithrombotic strategies with the routine use of GPIs in patients randomized to UFH.3,6,7The Anti-thrombotic Regimens aNd Outcome(ARNO)trial,in con-trast to these studies,directly compared the2anticoagulant agents,heparin and bivalirudin,allowed the liberal use of a unique GPI(abciximab),included neutralization of UFH with protamine to reduce bleeding complications,and used, as the only eligibility criterion,PCI in patients pretreated with600mg of clopidogrelՆ6hours before the interven-tion,whatever the risk of the procedure.Major bleeding complications occurred at a lower than expected rate in both arms and were less than the rates reported by the REPLACE-2trial,the ACUITY-PCI sub-study,and the ISAR-REACT-3trial.3,6,7The REPLACE-2 trial,which included mostly patients with stable angina or low-risk unstable angina,reported a rate of major bleeding in the bivalirudin-alone arm of2.4%and4.1%in the hep-arin plus GPI arm.3In the ACUITY-PCI substudy,which included patients with acute coronary syndromes(69%of patients had a Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction risk score ofϽ5),the rate of major hemorrhagic complications according to the REPLACE-2definition was3%in the bivalirudin-alone arm and4%in the heparin plus GPI arm.7 The ISAR-REACT-3trial reported major bleeding rates similar to those reported by the REPLACE2trial(3.1%in the bivalirudin arm and4.6%in the UFH arm).6 The routine use of closure devices in the ARNO study could explain,in part,the low rate of major bleeding.The use of closure devices achieved successful immediate he-mostasis after the procedure in most patients,resulting in no major bleeding from vascular access in either arm.In con-trast,vascular access hemorrhage accounted for60%and 35%of the major bleeding reported by the REPLACE-2 trial in the heparin and bivalirudin arms,respectively.3In that study,closure devices were used in only23%of pa-tients,and delayed sheath removal was an independent predictor of major bleeding.8The rate of major bleeding complicating vascular access hemorrhage was not reported by the ACUITY-PCI substudy or the ISAR-REACT-3trial. In the latter study,closure devices were used in only10%of the patients.6The neutralization of UFH with protamine at the end of PCI could explain the relatively low rate of bleeding in the patients randomized to heparin.Nevertheless,the in-hospi-tal major bleeding rate was more than fourfold greater in the UFH arm than in to the bivalirudin arm,suggesting that the superiority of bivalirudin in terms of bleeding hazard is not related to its short half-life.Thisfinding is even more relevant considering that the more frequent use in the UFH arm of abciximab did not have a signif-icant effect on the revealed difference in the major bleed-ing rate between the2arms.With regard to the secondary efficacy composite end point of death,myocardial infarction,and unplanned revas-cularization,in the present study,fewer ischemic complica-tions occurred in the bivalirudin arm than in the UFH arm. Thisfinding could be considered unexpected for2reasons. First,previous studies showed that bivalirudin was not as-sociated with a decrease in the hazard of30-day ischemic events compared with heparin with or without a GPI.Sec-ond,in the present trial,the patients randomized to UFH more frequently received abciximab,which has a strong protective effect against ischemic complications.9–12How-ever,in the REPLACE-2trial and the heparin plus GPI arm of the ACUITY trial,bivalirudin resulted in ischemic rates comparable to those in the control arm,despite the use of a GPI in all patients randomized to UFH,which is known to reduce adverse ischemic event.Bivalirudin also did not reduce the incidence of ischemia in the ISAR-REACT-3 trial.However,the lack of a protective effect against isch-emic complications might have resulted from the much greater dose of heparin used in that study than was used in the ARNO trial,as well as the use of protamine in theTable5Six-month clinical outcomesVariable Bivalirudin(nϭ419)Heparin(nϭ418)p ValueMajor bleeding6(1.4%)19(4.5%)0.008 Composite end point*32(7.6%)52(12.4%)0.021 Death5(1.2%)10(2.4%)0.193 Myocardial infarction14(3.3%)24(5.7%)0.095 Q-wave33Non–Q-wave1121Peak creatine-kinase(U/L)864Ϯ806953Ϯ14290.832 Death and myocardial infarction18(4.2%)31(7.3%)0.055 Target vessel revascularization17(4.1%)24(5.7%)0.259 Net clinical outcome35(8.4%)62(14.8%)0.003 Data are expressed as number(%).*Death,myocardial infarction,target vessel revascularization.1057Coronary Artery Disease/ARNO TrialARNO trial,which further shortened any potential protec-tive effect of heparin.Moreover,in contrast to the ISAR-REACT3trial,the ARNO trial also included troponin-positive patients,who are at a greater risk of ischemic complications.Similar to the incidence of major bleeding complications,in the present study,the number of ischemic events was lower than those reported by the REPLACE2, ACUITY-PCI substudy,and ISAR-REACT3trials.3,6,7It cannot be excluded that the low rate of ischemic events in both arms was the result of the liberal use of abciximab, which was far more frequent than in previous studies.We could not definitely exclude a possible relation be-tween the excess number of deaths in the protamine arm and the use of the drug.However,previous randomized studies have shown the safety of protamine administration imme-diately after PCI.1,2Moreover,it is unlikely that in the present study the excess number of ischemic complications in the UFH arm was related to protamine administration. First,no thrombotic event occurred in thefirst24hours after the procedure.Second,the only definite stent thrombosis occurred10days after PCI.Third,the4probable stent thromboses(sudden deaths)occurred several days after hos-pital discharge.Fourth,none of the periprocedural myocar-dial infarctions were associated with ST-segment elevation or abrupt closure of the target vessel.Fifth,it is unlikely that neutralization of UFH by protamine at the end of the procedure would result in an ischemic event in the sub-sequent days.Sixth,a prothrombotic rebound effect of protamine has not been proved.In contrast,in pharma-cologic terms,the rebound effect of protamine would mean a recurrent state of anticoagulation owing to the late release of UFH bounded to albumin,and this is a well-known phenomenon in cardiac surgery.A recent study has shown that protamine reduces plasma thrombin generation and that this effect is mediated through the inhibition of factor V activation.13Finally,the ischemic complication rate in the UFH arm of the ARNO trial was lower than the ischemic complication rates reported in previous studies comparing bivalirudin and UFH.3,6,7 The differing results of the cited studies cannot be easily explained,because the comparison of the present study with the previous3trials was difficult owing to the differences in criteria used for enrollment and in the assigned treatments. The hypothesis that our study cohort of patients was at a lower risk of periprocedural ischemic events than the pop-ulations of the other trials seems unlikely.Advanced age is a strong predictor of a poor outcome,and our trial popula-tion was several years older than the REPLACE2and ACUITY populations.3,7The ISAR-REACT-3population was2years younger than the population of the present study and those with increased baseline troponin levels were ex-cluded from the trial.6A possible explanation of the small number of ischemic events in the present study is the very low rate of major bleeding.One half of the patients with major bleeding experienced an ischemic event,and multi-variate analysis showed major bleeding to be an indepen-dent predictor of the1-month ischemic events.Thesefind-ings are consistent with those reported from the REPLACE 2and ACUITY trials,which have shown major bleeding to be a strong independent predictor of cardiac ischemic events at30days.8,14It has been hypothesized that in patients with bleeding,the ischemic event could have been precipitated by platelet activation secondary to the bleeding or by the need for antithrombotic treatment discontinuation.15 In addition to the very low bleeding rate in the bivaliru-din group,the difference in the ischemic event rate between the bivalirudin and UFH groups could also have resulted because bivalirudin administration during PCI in patients pretreated with600mg clopidogrel provides additional in vitro suppression of platelet inhibition.In contrast,UFH does not have significant influence on in vitro platelet ag-gregation.16Because of the fewer major bleeding events and isch-emic events in patients randomized to bivalirudin,the 1-month net clinical outcome was much better in the bivalirudin arm than in the UFH arm,and this benefit was maintained at6months.The open-label design might have introduced a potential bias in the decision to administer abciximab before PCI. 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