



九二,见龙在田,利见大人。 ——《周易》乾
进一步强调园林景色的画意和浪漫主义意 境
文化作品: 先浪漫主 义思潮
哥特风 格建筑
以中国园林 压倒古典主 义园林
William Chambers 1723~1796
Pagoda in Surrey,designed by Chambers
总长200米,高差15米24组1000级阶梯 最终由地下管引入“海马喷泉”
崇高必定总是伟大的,而优 美却也可以是渺小的。 崇高必定是纯朴的,而优美 则可以是着意打扮和装饰的。
——伊曼努尔· 康德 《论优美感和崇高感》
They gradually ascended for half a mile, and then found themselves at the top of a considerable eminence, where the wood ceased, and the eye was instantly caught by Pemberley House, situated on the opposite side of a valley, into which the road with some abruptness wound. It was a large, handsome, stone building, standing
It is located near the fictional town of Lambton, and believed by some to be based on Chatsworth House, near Bakewell in Derbyshire.



---文档均为word文档,下载后可直接编辑使用亦可打印--- 摘要:《曼斯菲尔德庄园》是英国作家简·奥斯汀的代表作之一。




《曼斯菲尔德庄园》写于1812 年,是简·奥斯汀众多小说作品中最具争议的作品。



有所不同的是, 时间在这部小说中被简·奥斯丁划成三等份。

如果故从沃德家的三个小姐的婚姻算起, 那么整个故事的发展一共经历了三十年。


三十年前, 沃德家的三个小姐到了婚嫁年龄。

玛丽亚·沃德单凭手中的七千英镑就嫁给了托马斯·伯特伦爵士,她的两个姐妹就没有这么好的运气, 姐姐沃德小姐六年后一个嫁给了没什么家财的牧师, 妹妹弗兰西斯小姐则应该是在姐姐嫁给牧师后的几年之内轻率的嫁给了一个粗鄙的海军中尉, 由于这桩婚姻并不符合家人的期望, 且弗兰西斯小姐并不听家人的劝告, 和两个姐姐们吵翻了, 从此断绝了来往, 这第一个十年的故事便告一段落。

接下来的十年在小说中是闲置的十年, 故事中两方面的人物没有任何交集, 但是我们能够从小说的前因后果中推断出她们的动向。

她们各过各的生活, 诺里斯太太俨然成为伯特伦爵士家的管家, 为她的妹妹打点一切, 伯特伦夫人则过着闲适的生活, 生了两个儿子两个女儿。



1.福斯特笔下的文化冲突——《霍华兹庄园》百年纪念 [J], 田歌华
2.福斯特联结观二元对立中的不对称性——再论《霍华德庄园》 [J], 田歌华
3.走进E.M.福斯特《霍华兹庄园》的金融资本主义 [J], 骆文琳
4.走进E.M.福斯特《霍华兹庄园》的金融资本主义 [J], 骆文琳
5.主题与人物、情节的距离——评福斯特《霍华兹庄园》 [J], 纪康丽



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关键词:乔治·奥威尔;讽刺艺术;小说;动物庄园The Brief Analysis of Irony Art of Animal FarmAbstractAnimal Farm is a political fable style novel written by British writer George Orwell. The story describes the brewing, rising up and final transformation of an animal revolution. The novel mainly mapsthe world pattern and the development and complicated struggle between capitalism and communism in the middle of the 19th century. This article mainly analyzes the embodiment and application of irony art of the author in the Animal Farm from the view of plot of novel and the irony art technique and combining the irony art history in British. The irony analysis mainly analyzes the typical characters in the novel, such as "Napoleon", "Snowball", "Boxer", etc., and the tragic "failure" end of "animal" revolution. By writing this article, writer of this paper expresses the appreciation to George Orwell's irony, and hopes that can improve the understanding of political fable style novel and increase the cognitive of the class struggle of the Soviet Union and the communist revolution that Animal Farm referring to through the discussion of irony composition in Animal Farm.Key words: George Orwell, Irony art; Novel; Animal FarmAcknowledgementsIn the research of this selected topic, I get Hongjun Wuteacher's guidance in the process of study. Mrs Wu cares about my research, helps me to develop research ideas, and gives meinspiration and warm encouragement. During thesis writing, Mrs Wu guides me carefully in every process, helps me sort out ideas, and reads my articles carefully each time and puts forward detailed suggestions for modification. Mrs Wu’s rigorou s attitude of doing scholarly research and serious attitude to life not only bring me great help during thesis writing, also need to appreciate my life and study. Here, I want to firstly thank to my teacher Hongjun Wu.Thanks to college English teachers, in four years on the academic teaching and daily life give me much care. The four years’ education will make me benefit for life.And schoolmates, classmates for four years, thank you for the best youth with you accompany, you give me help and care. I will always remember that.Contents中文摘要…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. = 1 \* roman iAbstract……………………………………………………………………………… = 2 \* roman iiAcknowledgements……………………………………………………………… … iii TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \uHYPERLINK \l "_Toc388217196" PAGEREF _Toc388217196 \h iHYPERLINK \l "_Toc388217197" The Brief Analysis of Irony Art of Animal Farm PAGEREF _Toc388217197 \h 1HYPERLINK \l "_Toc388217198" Introduction PAGEREF_Toc388217198 \h 1HYPERLINK \l "_Toc388217199" I. The introduction of irony art PAGEREF _Toc388217199 \h 3HYPERLINK \l "_Toc388217200" A. The origin of irony art PAGEREF _Toc388217200 \h 3HYPERLINK \l "_Toc388217201" B. The core of irony PAGEREF _Toc388217201 \h 4HYPERLINK \l "_Toc388217202" II. Irony art analysis of Animal Farm PAGEREF _Toc388217202 \h 5HYPERLINK \l "_Toc388217203" A. Image browsing of the novel PAGEREF _Toc388217203 \h 5HYPERLINK \l "_Toc388217204" B. The analysis of the irony technique in the novel PAGEREF _Toc388217204 \h 6HYPERLINK \l "_Toc388217205" III. The realistic significanceof the irony art PAGEREF _Toc388217205 \h 8HYPERLINK \l "_Toc388217206" Conclusion PAGEREF_Toc388217206 \h 9HYPERLINK \l "_Toc388217207" Notes PAGEREF _Toc388217207 \h 10HYPERLINK \l "_Toc388217208" Bibliography PAGEREF_Toc388217208 \h 11The Brief Analysis of Irony Art of Animal FarmIntroduction・ George Orwell, a great British writer, he often investigates and examines social problems with rich perspective and sharp visionas social activist. The observations of these phenomena alwaysachieve the point of details and particulars. Animal Farm is writtenin 1945. It is a political fable style novel. The whole story was believed that it has a striking similarity with the Soviet Union and even the entire communist movement in the 20th century by later commentators.1 A lot of things written by the author in the book that time were verified in the later by history. The concept of totalitarianism didn't appear at that time, but Orwell had warned people about the consequences of the totalitarian might bring.Animal Farm tells the story that animals can’t stand the oppression of farm owner, then they struggle and revolt under the guidance of two pigs. Through fierce fight and struggle, they finally get rid of the planter, and establish a management of their own homes.In the farm, they pursue the principle of "all animals are equal", and put forward some slogans that criticize the evil behaviors. But the good time don’t last long , pigs in the farm gradually become high above the leadership and encroach on other animals’ fruits of their labor, and enjoy the other animals can't enjoy substance, and take this for granted, thus become the new privileged class. At the same time, another struggle is unfolding that the two leading boar -- "Napoleon" and "Snowball" have different opinions in the management. Napoleon slander Snowball was a traitor, quisling in order to keep leadership and scramble for power. In order to maintain its own rule, Napoleon conducts bloody purges to "Snowball" and its support animals and cleans up them out of the farm. As a result, "Napoleon" begins to make a cult of personality, many other animals under the oppressive rule of "Napoleon" are flattery. At last "Napoleon" alliances with people, and establish a dictatorship. The principle of farm is also changed from "all animals are equal" to "some animals are more equal than other animals2. The sad condition of the animals returns to before. The novel caricatures the totalitarian by describing animal life fable, reflects the social reality at that time already some on the international. But the meaning of Animal Farm is far more than that, Animal Farm has extremely strong ironic artistic features classic. The ironic language is hit the nail on the head, incisively and vividly. The irony methods of this book are worth our study.In Animal Farm, Orwell integrates various writing technique that he is good at, and shows a cold satirical allegory for readers. With the aid of this fable type technique, satirizes the common problems of the human society in all ages. He directly analyzes totalitarian rule with great vision and foresight, describes that the totalitarian may cause enormous destruction. This paper tries to analyze of the irony in Animal Farm, and reveal the implication behind this parable.= 1 \* ROMAN I . The introduction of irony artIrony art as a special art form, mainly comprises literature and drama, it is different from other kinds of art forms. It is different from literary criticism class. It not only exposures the habit of human or personal, folly, faults and shortcomings in direct. Ironyart is generally not directly to criticize someone or something, but uses a hint, ridicule, metaphor or personification technique to expose and condemn. It can cause more reader's attention andthinking.3The origin of irony artBritain's irony art has a long history and brilliant artistic achievements, since is known as the father of the literature, Chaucer, there has already been the irony art. In subsequent history, Shakespeare's comedy script, Pope’s satirical poetry, Swift's “Gulliver's Travels” are all classical representative of theBritish irony, followed by the novels of Dickens, George BernardShaw's drama and so on. The British seemed to have always been goodat using humor and irony. Shakespeare was called irony "humor and wit is the flash of wisdom". In numerous ironies, the writers through a variety of irony art, makes all sorts of lifelike characters. They have different characters, live in different life environment, but in somewhere they have the same sad and inherent defects. The British traditional means of irony are very rich. The most frequently used methods are as follow: such as metaphor, personification, symbol, exaggeration, and so on. Authors by skillfully using these techniques, reveal the targets that they want to satirize and make those heart covered under the surface were exposed.The core of ironyLu Xun gave a general description of the connotation of irony art in the What is Irony (1935): "I think: an author, uses the refining, or just some exaggeration ink -- but must also be natural art --writes a group of people or a true, this work is called irony."4 Lu Xun thought that the life of irony lies in its "authenticity". Perhaps the facts described by writer have not appeared now, but it will happen in the future. From this we know that the irony shouldnot be a false and also shouldn't be figment, and should not be the eye-catching blame the status quo and the so-called anecdote supposition. Irony is supposed to be a sign of real way, and should not be selfish and ridicule. Both ancient and modern Chinese and foreign, from The Scholars and Strange Stories to the High Old Man, Nose, Animal Farm and other literary classics, written by them may be illusory, never happened, but their performance of social reality and human nature.= 2 \* ROMAN II . Irony art analysis of Animal FarmImage browsing of the novelIn his Animal Farm, Orwell uses a lot of irony art techniques. That enhances the literariness of the work, and more deepens the theme of his work, highlights the irony of the works. This chapter through the analysis of different complex characters of this paper interprets that how he uses irony technique to realize the object of irony in his novel and how Orwell vividly shapes character image in order to tell the general moral critique of reality.Two pigs: in this paper the various kinds of animals, they play major roles in every event of this novel. They are the major leadersof the Animal Farm. At first the two pigs encourage all animals in heart, so that eventually they two led animals to revolt successfully, and occupy the farm, built their own homes. However, this two pigs’characters and fate are totally different. "Napoleon" is not only the leader with political views, is also more familiar with the operation of the power and rule. Eventually he breaks his original ideal, become the authoritarian leaders of Animal Farm. However the "Snowball" is an idealist, at first he has the lofty ideals, and gives his all to the so-called "animal", but due to he has the different opinions with "Napoleon", he is finally cleaned by "Napoleon". When describes the two pigs Orwell uses much Symbol technique of irony.Shrill Voice: this is a very interesting image in the novel. He can be seen in the forefront of all sorts of speech. He successfully disguises himself through the rhetoric in common animals, and states about the various public affairs, and speaks good words for each speech of the leadership. But in fact, he is the propaganda machine of "Napoleon". Orwell puts comparison irony technique into describing the Shrill Voice incisively and vividly.Boxer: boxer plays a role of grass-roots in Animal Farm. Whether it is in the leading time of farmer owner Jones, or in the leading time of later "Napoleon", animals those are similar to the boxer have been in the status being exploited. Perhaps they never stand up. They are courage, honesty and work hard, but this doesn’t change the reality that they are exploited, and finally can’t come out of the tragedy that they are completely betrayed. They symbolize the hare-working but cowardly laborers.The analysis of the irony technique in the novelIn the novel, it uses many kinds of irony techniques. These methods have the characteristics of each and appear in the novel and describe the characters of each figure. Through a lot of description techniques, the novel shows different personalities of each figurevividly, and their personalities are very different. I think this novel mainly uses those irony techniques such as: contrast, symbol, exaggeration, etc.For this part, I will focus on the symbolism of the Animal Farm. As an allegorical novel, the symbolism is the author want to convey to the reader, in the novel each animal has the different strong symbolic significance. First, the image of "Napoleon" symbolizes the dictator. In animal revolution, “Napoleon” h as shown its strong character, its arrogance, rarely speak but is very sinister. It is good at deceiving subordinate with rhetoric, for example, the pigs in the house eating apple and milk, but they are shouting:comrades!... in fact, most of us don't like milk and apples.... we eat these things only purpose is to keep our health.... our pigs are knowledge workers, all the management and organization depends on our farm, we pay close attention to your happiness day and night, it is to you, we drink milk, eat an apple.5And for those who do not support their animals such as “Snowball”, they carry out suppression and revenge and eventually clean them cruelly. The pig leaders represented by “Napoleon” shout loudly equality every day, but pleasure-seeking privately. They cultivate their underlings through various means. And they use rich to lure others to serve for their own authoritarian rule. These are all directly point to the Soviet authoritarian rule, symbolism. It discloses the international social reality baldly through a pig's words and deeds. The behaviors of “Napoleon” in animal farm suggest the behaviors of some authoritarian rulers under the authoritarian rule, and the irony is strongly.6For this part, I will focus on the comparison technique in the Animal Farm. In this paper it adopts a large number of contrastmethods, whether they are the contrast before the revolution andafter the revolution or the comparison of different characters all reflect the real meaning of animal revolution and the real purpose of authoritarian leaders under the hide in the appearance. For example from the beginning of the basic idea of "all animals are equal" to the later "all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others", from the beginning of the revolution specified by the "7 principles", to the end it is abolished or tampered. And the changes directly highlight the contradictory of the leaders from the front to the end, and the contradiction of the leadership’s theoryis essentially to tries to conceal the leadership centralization unruliness7. According to these changes of ideological of the authoritarian leaders, we can see the changes of authoritarian leaders’ thought. The contrasts reflect the process that a leader from one against authoritarian and exploitation revolutionary gradually becomes a sinister autocratic ruler full of power. By the comparison between “Napoleon” and “Snowball”, “Shrill Voice” and “Boxers”, “Napoleon” and the original farmer owner Jones, the novel discloses the psychological activities in different periods and complex relationships between them, in such a large group that each figure has different character. Finally these animals have their different destination because of their respective characteristics. Some are on high position, some are enslaved oppression and some are dead. And all this are responses and ironies to the social reality at that time.= 3 \* ROMAN III . The realistic significance of the irony art The real purpose of irony art should be criticism. Irony art as literature carrier with long history has its unique artisticcharm.8The author's description to the Animal Farm is a miniature ofreal world. There are all kinds of characters of the reality in the novel. The author's irony is pessimistic. In his works, the oppressed people have no hope to get the kind of life they dream to get and had been promised. And this also agreed with some of the social realityat that time. Through satirist in reality may not be noticed bypeople or deep understanding of social reality by people directly in front of people. Through the irony can put something not directly show display, can be understood from the seemingly plain truth of deep. Irony can better highlight the purpose of writing.9 Throughout history, we never really perfect society, human beings constantly attempt and explore the different road, and we will makeall sorts of mistakes. Irony art can better reveal our mistakes, and let us see more clearly the road ahead. Irony literature may be in a specific period of time to touch the sore spots of many persons, and may be hated and abandoned by a lot of people. But it is importantfor the human beings. Irony art reminds us the mistakes of our past like a needle. It makes us have broader wisdom and deeper thinking, and make us braver to go on.ConclusionThe author conducts a comprehensive description to a smallsociety of the animal through the Animal Farm. It enables us to see the ugliness of authoritarian rule, further make us see a lot of the weakness of human nature. The author depicts those animals, in fact,it is through the description of animals to represent the person's thoughts. There are nicety and evil of human nature, and the visionof the ideal and rights, also the simple dedication and greedy desire. These are our own inner profound analysis. Through the novel, we can see more clearly ourselves. We can only know shortcomings to correctshortcomings. Through irony, we can attack ugly, and can praisenicety by irony.This article mainly discusses the irony art applied in Animal Farm, and analyzes the main role in it, and analyzes those irony art used by the author when he describes various related roles in his novel. This paper tries to through the analysis of Animal Farm irony art, reveals the idea behind this paper. And hopes it can bring some self-examinations modern people. From another aspect, the reason why the novel Animal Farm succeeds is that the novel is not only equipped with wonderful technique of expression and innovative theme just because its expression novel subject, more is a main reason this novel reflects, the most important aspect is that the novel reflects the real phenomenon and problems of an era. So only combined withreal life or the social environment, a literature will be the excellent art.Notes1 Bloom, Harold. George Orwell. (New York: Infobase Publishing, 1987,), 126.2 Click, Bernard. George Orwell: life. (New York: Penguin Books, 1992), 133.3 http://zhidao. /link?url=lBn0n_ZABatAv9ZdL4 申丹, 第34页。

《英国自然风景园 — 查兹沃斯庄园》

《英国自然风景园 — 查兹沃斯庄园》

END Thank You
他将河流截留形成水面, 建帕拉迪奥式桥梁,将河流融入风景构图中。
查兹沃斯花园周边的整座村庄也由于布朗对于目力所及范围内极度纯净的追求, 而被迫迁移到庄园视野之外,这也是如今查兹沃斯花园领地的美丽山林范围内没有人烟的原因。
第三阶段:1811~1835 年,六世公爵掌管查兹沃斯花园
花园的发展重心开始转移到花卉的栽培上, 现代园艺的技术成果被大量引入实施。
约瑟夫·帕克斯顿JosephPaxton(1803-1865) 英国著名的园丁、作家和建筑工程师,是著 名建筑英国伦敦水晶宫的设计师。
1826年,建筑史上著名的天才园艺师约瑟夫·帕克斯顿成为查兹沃斯花园的园艺主管。此后四十多 年中帕克斯顿在园中建造了帝王喷泉、大温室、葡萄园、温室墙、岩石园等重要的景点。
这个时期,植物造景上更是崇尚疏林草地、树丛、牧场式田园风光。 英国人更欣赏植物的自然形态,孤植树作为样本植物应用于所有壮观的自然景观中。
布朗将梯式瀑布西线有喷泉点缀的几何式花园改建为索尔兹伯里草坪。草坪的单调和空洞用树丛来弥补,间或出现 的浓荫使景色富有变化。
庄园发展 Manoevelopment



《建筑与世界名园赏析》结课论文——园林2012级查茨沃斯庄园赏析姓名:***学号:**********院系:农学院班级:12级1班教师:王翠老师日期:2015年3月28日目录:摘要和简介及总述:1.Chatsworth House基本信息1.1 Chatsworth House区位1.1.1 Chatsworth House地理位置1.1.2 Chatsworth House占地面积1.1.3 Peak District National Park1.2 Chatsworth House气候与环境1.2.1 Chatsworth House气候情况1.2.2 Chatsworth House动植物情况1.3 Chatsworth House建造与重要改造时间1.3.1 Chatsworth House建造时间1.3.2 Chatsworth House重要改造时间1.4 Chatsworth House所有者基本情况1.4.1 Chatsworth House德文郡公爵家族1.4.2 Chatsworth House德文郡公爵领2. Chatsworth House建造及扩建时期背景2.1 Chatsworth House建造及扩建时期历史背景2.1.1 Chatsworth House建造时期英国政治背景2.1.2 Chatsworth House建造时期的英国贵族阶级2.1.3 Chatsworth House建造时期卡文迪许家族状况2.2 Chatsworth House建造及扩建时期文化背景2.2.1 Chatsworth House地理大发现2.2.2 Chatsworth House英国殖民扩张2.2.3 Chatsworth House16-18世纪的英国贵族思想2.3 Chatsworth House建造及扩建时期政治背景2.3.1 Chatsworth House辉格党2.4 Chatsworth House建造及扩建时期宗教背景2.4.1 Chatsworth House英国新教3. Chatsworth House建造指导思想3.1 法国古典园林3.1.1 由“朕即国家”引申3.1.2 Chatsworth House早期严格的中轴对称3.2 英国自然风致园3.1.1 殖民扩张和地理大发现带来的全球眼光3.1.2 典型的自然风致园改造4. Chatsworth House结构与布局4.1 Chatsworth House主体4.1.1 建筑与形式4.1.2 中央轴线4.1.3 温室4.1.4自然风致式改造的主体4.2 Chatsworth House水体4.2.1梯形瀑布4.2.2轴线上的主要水景4.2.3皇帝喷泉4.3 Chatsworth House后花园4.3.1小教堂4.3.2雕塑4.3.3帕克斯顿的规则复兴5 .今天的Chatsworth House6.参考文献及图片摘要:”一个时代一个民族的造园艺术,集中的反映了当时在文化上占支配地位的人们的理想,他们的情感和憧憬”,[1]从查茨沃斯所处时代出发综合英国当时的文化、政治、历史背景,再结合查茨沃斯的数次造园思想变迁,由这些作用在查茨沃斯庄园的效果从一世德文郡公爵开始到今天这一段时间,来赏析整个查茨沃斯庄园。


子 。房 子 的构 造 和他 想要 在 绿 谷 建 造 的房 子 一 样 , 一 个 阳 有
仅表现为 暗讽 的语调 , 挖苦 的文字 , 而且运 用于人物塑造 ; 不
仅 见于 个 别场 面 、 节 的处 理 , 情 还融 汇 整部 作 品 的构 思 之 中。也就是说 , 在该小 说中 , 反讽 在推动故事情 节的发展 、 塑
[ 文献标识码 ] A
[ 基金项 目] 2 1 年贵 州省教 育厅 自筹经 费课 题 “ 讽 ・ 01 反 语用 . 经文化—— 小说 《 司沃斯 先生 的房 子》文本 多重解 圣 毕 [ 作者简 介] 郭先进 ( 9 4 ,男 ,硕士 ,讲 师,研 究方 向为英国 当代 小说 和西方文论 。 1 7 一) 反讽 ( o y 是西方叙事 学的一个重要概念 , 出古希 腊 in) r 源 后 , 司沃斯先生想 自食其力 , 毕 先是在姨妈塔拉家照看酒店生 意, 本可 以轻轻松松生 活, 但是 由于遭到 喝醉酒的布罕戴德 的 诬陷, 并遭受 毒打结束 了这一切 。于是他便 开始运用 自己写
这类 荒唐幼稚 倒腾 令人捧腹 大笑 , 但正 是这种 滑稽 和
可笑 的行 为才更加 凸显 出毕司沃斯 在哈奴 曼大宅里 的卑微
地 位 和 无 奈 情 状 。在 图 尔 斯 家 族 这 个 庞 大 的堡 垒前 面 , 的 他 反 抗 就 像 与风 车搏 斗 的 堂 吉 诃 德 那 样 软弱 无 力 、 笑 。 同 样 可
而学徒生 活却使他饱受折磨 ; 接受几 年的教育和宗教训 练之
— —
1 5 — 7 —
其次, 反讽 的氛围和结构在单 个事 件的描述 中也得 到了 很好 的体 现 。在 小说 的末 尾作者 用反讽 的笔调叙 述 了毕 司














chatsworth house(查茨沃斯庄园)

chatsworth house(查茨沃斯庄园)
很多水晶都 产自德比郡。
热爱收藏的八 世公爵夫人收藏 了满满五柜的大 小矿石。
将蒙面的薄 纱都能刻画得栩栩 如生,可以看出雕 刻艺术的精湛与精 细。 拥有丰富收藏的 chatsworth house 是仅 次于皇室藏品数量最 多的府邸.
蒙 面 雕 像
面 纱 少 女
1848年,约瑟夫.帕克斯顿设计了 这个木头和玻璃材料建成的保温墙。
侧门的铸铁装饰 宫殿的一段围墙
Chatsworth House后面的花 园每年接待约 30万的游客
以修剪过的树 丛布成的“迷宫”, 走进去,一时半 会是出不来的。
庄园豪宅后是更大的天地, 面积广阔、蔚为壮观的花园里, 石雕、绿树、草坪、湖塘、喷泉、 溪流令人目不暇接 人工池 1696年,按照 法国风格设计的小 瀑布。
客厅部分约有300平方, 只见四壁都布满了内容丰 富、色彩艳丽的油画,连 高高的顶部也是一幅有众 多天使、圣女及各种神话 人物的的油画。
让人想起,电影《傲慢 与偏见》里伊丽莎白走进 这个房间,仰头惊异观看 的就是这幅油画。
宫殿内的装饰和摆设极其奢 华。 房间内都不缺乏宗教题材 的画
主楼内还有多个客房,为公 爵夫妇的来访者们使用。 一些客房对游人开放,可以 看到内部大气奢华的装饰和细致 入微的准备。难以想象在现代这 样发达的社会,还会有家族在客 人房间内准备数十条不同用途的 毛巾和五六根天然羽毛笔,令人 产生一种过于夸张的感觉。
这丰富的藏品,与六世公 爵夫妇以后流传下来的收 藏习惯分不开,尤其是十 一世公爵夫妇和目前居于 此的十二世公爵夫妇,更 是对收藏各种艺术品有着 非凡的品味和洞察力.
在电影 《傲慢与偏 见》里增加 的Mr. Darcy (达西先生) 的雕像。电 影录制完成 后并未移走。



《毕司沃斯先生的房子》的生态解读张奇才;王婷婷【摘要】文章从生态批评角度解读奈保尔的代表作《毕司沃斯先生的房子》,指出作品中反映的第三世界前殖民地国家生态破坏的具体表现:人类的各种产业活动侵犯、污染了自然的领地,影响了自然界中动植物的生存,破坏了自然的和谐与美感;生态系统中物种之一的人类在肮脏、破败的环境中孤立无助地遭受着精神和肉体的病痛.【期刊名称】《哈尔滨学院学报》【年(卷),期】2018(039)001【总页数】3页(P109-111)【关键词】生态批评;人类;自然;审美【作者】张奇才;王婷婷【作者单位】安徽理工大学外国语学院,安徽淮南 232001;淮南师范学院外国语学院,安徽淮南 232001【正文语种】中文【中图分类】I106《毕司沃斯先生的房子》是诺贝尔文学奖获得者维·苏·奈保尔所写的一部具有广泛影响力的小说。





















































































本科生毕业论文(设计)册学院XXX学院专业英语教育班级XXXX级英语教育X班学生XXX指导教师XXXXXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书XXXX大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书编号:论文(设计)题目:分析《曼斯菲尔德庄园》中的女性形象学院: XXX学院专业:英语教育班级: XXXX级英语教育X班学生姓名: XXX 学号: XXXXXX 指导教师: XXX 职称:XX1、论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务本论文的研究目标是对《曼斯菲尔德庄园》中的女性人物进行分析。





4、主要参考文献Edward, W. Said. 1994. Culture and Imperialism. Vintage Press.Jane, Austen. 1816. Mansfield Park. London: Greenwich ParkXia, Yanhua 夏延华. 《情人誓言背后的真情与假意──〈曼斯菲尔德庄园〉的复调解析》(《长春理工大学学报》2010年第6期)Zhang, Danan张丹丹.《倔强的灵魂-略论奥斯丁的女权主义思想》(《当代文坛》2001年第3期)教师:年月日教研室主任:年月注:一式三份,学院(系)、指导教师、学生各一份XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)评议书Literature reviewMansfield Park was written by Jane Austen after she had published Sense and Sensibility (1811) and Pride and Prejudice (1813). It did improve Jane’s progress.The studies of Jane Austen loom so large in west literature. As early as in 1812, when Jane first put her work in public, study about her work had sprung. At that time, Scott wrote the first counted critical paper, An Unnamed about Emma, which gave an impersonal comment. Since then studies about Jane Austen came in a throng. In the research perspective, the western scholars had a variety of opinions and constantly developed a multi-level connotation of Jane’s work. Those who from the perspective of feminism and ecological criticism, considered that Jane’s work showed a distinctive view of feminism and worry and concern of ecology; who from the perspective of post-colonialism analyses the influence of English colonial expansion upon Jane’s work and reflect in her writing; who from the perspective of psychology unscrambled Jane’s theme of the works; who from the perspective of creative techniques discussed Jane’s irony in her productions; who from the perspective of reality and nature analyses Jane’s creative techniques. All of that made contributions to a more deep understanding of Jane’s works.Attentions from Chinese Literary Translation and Foreign Literature Studies rose at about in 1980s. Before 1980s, lots of critics commented that Jane’s life was narrow and theme was trivial, so Jane didn’t get a due attention. Zhu Hong is China’s earlier attention to Austen scholar, who compiled Austen Research in 1985, which did a comprehensive introduction of Austen and her works and opened a window for Chinese scholars to understand and study of Austen. Meanwhile, Kong Haili, Jin Guojia, Lou Chenghong had also translated some foreign critics of Austen’s article in Literary Theory. All of that had made the 1980s became a little climax for study of Austen. In 1990s, especially since 2000, Jane Austen and her works had become a hotspot in the literature translation and foreign literature research. Jane Austen's work has been made into movies, TV drama,The domestic press, such as the Yilin press, Shanghai Translation Publishing House, Nanjing University press, launched the JaneAusten's novels, essays, comments set, research results are more and more.Kong Zhili seriously and comprehensively translated all the works of Jane Austen. There are also other translators who have made a great contribution to the spread of Austen's works in China. There are Zi Pei, Xiang Xingyao, Kong Zhili, Xi Yuqing, Su Dan, Li Yeyi and Zhang Yunlu who have translated Mansfield Park.The Jane Austen researchers think, Mansfield Park got a major breakthrough in the psychological description and narrative skill, and it is “a milepost” in the history of the British novel.This work was written after Jane Austen had experienced two major historical changes. In the works reflected the old aristocratic territory gradually invaded by the new bourgeoisie nobility.This is also Jane Austen’s first work reflecting the times background at that time.It makes Austen become a more mature female writer.Researches on the Mansfield Park were mainly from fine cut-in point such as the study of language features, the image of Fanny, the structure and spirit connotation, imperialist feelings, moral value judgment, connotation of location, post-colonial cultural criticism, temporal and spatial extension, drama in the novel, , social and historical connotation, polyphony performance, absence of narrative to talk about. Papers about this novel includes Fu Wenping’s ‘analyze Jane Austen’s art of fiction in Mansfield Park’, which focused on the grasp of the value of Austen characters, plot in the works, up to the whole structure, shape a perfect moral world. Lei Yun’s ‘Fanny Price’s spiritual image: woman’s self - shaping and self-realization in Mansfield Park, which adopted the perspective of feminism, through the analysis of woman’s self - shaping and self-realization in Mansfield Park, put up with that Fanny, the heroine in the novel, as a female image with rich spiritual, condensate Jane Austen’s unique insights on the value of women and female influence. Then it pointed out that this novel got enlightenment significance to the contemporary women seeking self-liberation. Song Xiaohan’s ‘the new female image in Mansfield Park’,through the analysis of Fanny,proved that Jane Austen air the voice of feminism in the works and deeply questioned that British social prejudice against women at that time. Zheng Ke’s ‘Definition and mood variation identity─the analysis of Fanny in Mansfield Park’, through the definition of Fanny's identity to analyze her mood variation,further explained that Fanny's ethics code and language expression is affected by the different identity. Lin Wenchen’s ‘as I read Mansfield Park’, by Fanny and Mary’s contradictory love and marriage consciousness,reproduced the rational and emotional consciousness in love and the extremely contradictory condition to reveal the significance and value. She thought that Jane Austen was an artist who wrote life from description of life, and her novel value lies in its perceptual representation of the contradictions of life which the writer are most concerned about.So far, feminist research on Mansfield Park is mostly on her marriage, money concept in the work, while it is still a blank about the female consciousness reflected by the female characters in Mansfield Park. In shaping the image of women, what role does female consciousness play? What areas did the unique female consciousness embody in?This article will analyze Mansfield Park from the perspective of female consciousness in order to answer the above questions.编号:本科生毕业论文题目:分析《曼斯菲尔德庄园》中的女性形象姓名:XXX班级:XXXX级X班指导老师:XXX专业:英语教育院系:XXX学院英语系完成日期:XXXX年5月8日On Female Image in Mansfield ParkBYXXXXProf. XXXX, TutorA Thesis Submitted to Department of EnglishLanguage and Literature in PartialFulfillment of theRequirements for the Degree of B.A in EnglishAt XXXXX UniversityMay 8th, XXXXAbstractMansfield Park, as a work in the transition period of Jane Austen, has a great effect. This novel had complex plots. There were a lot of unexpected events in it. It had a heavy irony in the lines. It represented the artistic thought and achievement of Jane Austen.Through a close reading of Mansfield Park, explore the female characters in the novel embodied in the female consciousness; learn about the contribution of Jane Austen to establish a tradition of female writing.Besides "Introduction" and "conclusion", the body of the paper is divided into three parts.The introdu ction part introduces Jane Austen’s status in the history of literature; the social environment and her psychological state when she wrote Mansfield Park; the purpose and significance of the research. The main part analyzes different women embodied in the female consciousness in the novel from three aspects as the image of the old orthodox comic female, the image of the young open citizen and the image of the maverick heroine. The conclusion part summarizes the analysis the female consciousness of the female image in the novel, highlight the Mansfield Park role.Key words: female image orthodox open maverick摘要《曼斯菲尔德庄园》作为简·奥斯丁转型时期的作品,有着很大的作用。



浅析查兹沃斯园中图分类号:tu986 文献标识:a 文章编号:1009-4202(2011)07-000-02摘要查兹沃斯园的发展史很重要,它见证着英国4个世纪的政治、经济、思想、文化等变化,不仅是英国园林发展的历程,也是英国社会发展的轨迹。






















1.《毕司沃斯先生的房子》中反讽的艺术 [J], 郭先进;谢贵华
2.论《探险家沃斯》的陌生化艺术 [J], 严晶晶
3.论帕特里克·怀特小说中的反讽艺术——以《人树》、《探险家沃斯》和《风暴眼》为例 [J], 张忻波;蓝叶欣
4.解读伊夫林· 沃小说《邪恶的躯体》中情境反讽艺术 [J], 李东霏
5.论莉迪亚·戴维斯短篇小说的反讽艺术 [J], 刘鹰

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《建筑与世界名园赏析》结课论文——园林2012级查茨沃斯庄园赏析姓名:***学号:**********院系:农学院班级:12级1班教师:王翠老师日期:2015年3月28日目录:摘要和简介及总述:1.Chatsworth House基本信息1.1 Chatsworth House区位1.1.1 Chatsworth House地理位置1.1.2 Chatsworth House占地面积1.1.3 Peak District National Park1.2 Chatsworth House气候与环境1.2.1 Chatsworth House气候情况1.2.2 Chatsworth House动植物情况1.3 Chatsworth House建造与重要改造时间1.3.1 Chatsworth House建造时间1.3.2 Chatsworth House重要改造时间1.4 Chatsworth House所有者基本情况1.4.1 Chatsworth House德文郡公爵家族1.4.2 Chatsworth House德文郡公爵领2. Chatsworth House建造及扩建时期背景2.1 Chatsworth House建造及扩建时期历史背景2.1.1 Chatsworth House建造时期英国政治背景2.1.2 Chatsworth House建造时期的英国贵族阶级2.1.3 Chatsworth House建造时期卡文迪许家族状况2.2 Chatsworth House建造及扩建时期文化背景2.2.1 Chatsworth House地理大发现2.2.2 Chatsworth House英国殖民扩张2.2.3 Chatsworth House16-18世纪的英国贵族思想2.3 Chatsworth House建造及扩建时期政治背景2.3.1 Chatsworth House辉格党2.4 Chatsworth House建造及扩建时期宗教背景2.4.1 Chatsworth House英国新教3. Chatsworth House建造指导思想3.1 法国古典园林3.1.1 由“朕即国家”引申3.1.2 Chatsworth House早期严格的中轴对称3.2 英国自然风致园3.1.1 殖民扩张和地理大发现带来的全球眼光3.1.2 典型的自然风致园改造4. Chatsworth House结构与布局4.1 Chatsworth House主体4.1.1 建筑与形式4.1.2 中央轴线4.1.3 温室4.1.4自然风致式改造的主体4.2 Chatsworth House水体4.2.1梯形瀑布4.2.2轴线上的主要水景4.2.3皇帝喷泉4.3 Chatsworth House后花园4.3.1小教堂4.3.2雕塑4.3.3帕克斯顿的规则复兴5 .今天的Chatsworth House6.参考文献及图片摘要:”一个时代一个民族的造园艺术,集中的反映了当时在文化上占支配地位的人们的理想,他们的情感和憧憬”,[1]从查茨沃斯所处时代出发综合英国当时的文化、政治、历史背景,再结合查茨沃斯的数次造园思想变迁,由这些作用在查茨沃斯庄园的效果从一世德文郡公爵开始到今天这一段时间,来赏析整个查茨沃斯庄园。

简介:项目名称:查茨沃斯庄园地点:英国峰区国家公园查茨沃斯庄园建成时间:尚未竣工开园时间:尚未完全开放造价:无法估价规模:占地面积:1000余英亩,其中水面面积:不详;绿地面积:不详;道路广场面积:不详设计师:欧洲数代著名造园师代表作:不详综述:查茨沃斯庄园(Chatsworth House),又称达西庄园,是英国的一处庄园,位于英格兰德比郡。





正文:1.Chatsworth House基本信息1.1 Chatsworth House区位1.1.1 Chatsworth House地理位置在英国北部,离谢菲尔德仅半个小时的车程,有一座世袭德文郡公爵(Dukes of Devonshire)的豪宅——查茨沃斯庄园(Chatsworth House)。



这便是电影《傲慢与偏见》里的Mr. Darcy的家,英国最美的庄园,Chatsworth House。

[2][图1]1.1.2 Chatsworth House占地面积在北部峰区的山区地区占有1000英亩,全盛时期占地超过5000英亩,相当于74个标准足球场的大小,经过了德文郡公爵一家十代人的经营,到今天仍然是北部峰区乃至全英国著名的景点。

1.1.3 Peak District National Park英国峰区国家公园(Peak District National Park)是英国第一家国家公园和最大的国家公园,成立于1951年,位于英格兰中部,谢菲尔德和曼彻斯特两个城市之间,靠近兰开夏郡、大曼彻斯特、柴郡、斯塔福德郡、南约克郡和西约克郡。


[3]1.2 Chatsworth House气候与环境1.2.1 Chatsworth House气候情况由于主要地区海拔都在300米以上,并且处于北纬53度,因此相比1999年平均降水量只有1025毫米的英格兰和威尔士来说,这里的降水量相对较高。






[4]1.2.2 Chatsworth House动植物情况黑峰的砂岩和页岩承载着石楠花高沼地和覆被沼泽的环境,主要用作绵羊牧场和松鸡猎场。






[5][图2]1.3 Chatsworth House建造与重要改造时间1.3.1 Chatsworth House建造时间庄园始建于1552年,在15世纪至19世纪的400多年中,经过许多著名园艺师的精心设计和建造,查茨沃思庄园成为英国最美的庄园之一,是英国文化遗产的一个重要部分。

1.3.2 Chatsworth House重要改造时间18世纪由造景天才兰洛斯布朗和第六世德文郡公爵共同改造,后经16代后裔的整建,内部装潢气派华丽。


[图3]1.4 Chatsworth House所有者基本情况1.4.1 Chatsworth House德文郡公爵家族德文郡公爵,是英格兰贵族卡文迪许家族所持有的爵位。







同时著名化学家也是Chatsworth House财产的继承人之一。

[6][图4]1.4.2 Chatsworth House德文郡公爵领这个头衔来自德文郡的萨克森伯国,萨克森伯国自古以来就是英国西南部的重要领地,在英国的封建制度下发挥了举足轻重的作用。

2. Chatsworth House建造及扩建时期背景2.1 Chatsworth House建造及扩建时期历史背景2.1.1 Chatsworth House建造时期英国政治背景1552年开始Chatsworth House的建造时,当时执政的是爱德华六世EdwardVI,是英国著名的都铎王朝第三任君主,英格兰与爱尔兰的国王。




[7]2.1.2 Chatsworth House建造时期的英国贵族阶级16到18世纪,英国的经济、政治、文化生活发生了较大的变化。




[8]2.1.3 Chatsworth House建造时期卡文迪许家族状况威廉·卡文迪许,第一世德文郡公爵,军人和政治家。


他支持光荣革命("Glorious Revolution"革命的核心在于以议会限制王权,实行君主立宪制,之后的《权利法案》是英国宪法的核心。
