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A:沿着走道直走,在左边。 B:好的,能给我一杯水好吗? A:好的,您还有其他的要求吗? B:没有了,谢谢你。 A:如果您有其他要求,请不要犹豫呼叫我。
is the toilet? Go straight ahead along the aisle,on your left. Ok,would you like to give me a cup of water? Ok ,anything else? If you have any requirments,please don't hesitate to contact me.
A big rucksack is put on the aisle next to the emergency exit.A flight attendant named lily comes up.

L:whose is it? P1:Um, it's not mine, It's George's. He is sits in the front row. L: 恐怕你不能把包放在走廊上 G: 我不知道放在哪里。 L: ____________.为什么不放在行李架上? G: it's so full that I can't put anything in. L: how about the ____(储藏柜) located in front of your seat? G: Well, I've tried,too. but it's too big to go in the stowage comepartment,so what can I do? L: I think you may find there is enough room to put it under your seat. G: Well, I've tried too. but it does't fit.what's more,I hope to have more legroom to ______(放松休息)。 L: Well,..er...let me see.____________如果你想让我替你保管,I‘ll put it in some other place and look after it for you with care. G:It sounds good. that's very kind of you.
民航客舱服务实用英 语 Arranging the baggage
Main idea:
words and expressions: Dialogues: Sentence patterns: Act out:
are the cabin attendants doing in the picture? Can you guess what the cabin attendants say to the Passengers?
Dialogue three a passenger puts her baggage on an emergency exit
A:女士,不好意思打搅您!这是你的行李吗? B:是的,有什么事吗? A:这是紧急出口,为了您的安全,你可以把 行李放在行李架上吗? B:好的,你可以帮我吗? A:好的。
flight attendant is arranging the passenger's baggage. please take a seat and have a rest.
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu

A:欢迎登机! B:谢谢,请问我的座位在哪? A:请给我您的登机卡。请沿着走道直走,你的位置 是右边中间位置。 B:谢谢! B:劳驾,我的包放在哪?你能帮我一下吗? A:好的,我帮您放到行李架上吧!

Dialogue six
A:我的包不见了。 B:你放在哪里了?放在行李架上或其他什么 地方了吗? A:我放在座位旁边了。可能掉到地上了,但 我找不到了。 B:不要急,我保证你能找到的。找到了吗? A:哦,找到了。它就在凳子的下面,多谢了 、

Sentence patterns Hello! Welcome aboard! What ‘s up? What’s happening? I'm afraid you can't..... would you like to place your .......
welcome aboard. Thank you ,could you tell me where is my seat? please give me your boarding card. Go straight ahead, your seat is on your right in the middle. excuse me , where to put my bag?can you tell me? ok, I'll put it on the overhead compartment.
A :劳驾,你能帮我放一下我的行李吗? B:好的,但恐怕你的行李太大,放不进去。 要我帮你办理托运吗? A:好的,你真是太好了。 B:不客气。
me,could you help me to put this baggage? Ok, I am afraid your bag is too big to put in. would you like to have your baggage checked? ok, you are so kind.
Sentence patterns Asking for help Please help me I wonder if you can help
Act out

During boarding, there is an old lady coming and carrying heavy hand luggage.