Economic Cycle(经济周期)
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需特别加以说明的是,熊波特在他的两卷本《经济 周期》(1939年版)中对前三种经济周期作了高度综 合与概括。他认为前三种周期尽管划分方法不一样, 但并不矛盾。每个长周期中套有中周期,每个中周期 中套有短周期。每个长周期包括6个中周期,每个中周 期包括3个短周期。熊波特还把不同的技术创新与不同 的周期联系起来,以三次重大创新为标志,划分了三 个长周期:第一个周期,从18世纪代到1842年,是 “产业革命时期”;第二个周期,从1842~1897年, 是“蒸汽和钢铁时期”;第三个周期,1897年以后, 是“电气、化学和汽车时期”。
Related impacts---Ⅰ
When the recession began, the company's products unmarketable, deterioration in operating conditions, dividends, bonuses and reduce the decline in stock prices.
Recession real GDP of at least two consecutive quarters of decline衰退 指实际GDP至少连续两个季度下降。 Depression refers to a wide scale and long duration of the recession. 萧条指规模广且持续时间长的衰退
Related impacts---Ⅲ
When the economy to achieve prosperity, good corporate profits, dividends and bonuses increase, the stock price rose sharply.
5月上旬与投资密切螺纹钢及水泥价格依旧低迷。螺 纹钢库存依旧处于高位,回落速度十分缓慢,上游焦炭价 格有震荡上升的趋势,但幅度较小,各地焦化厂开工率仍 在持续下降中。全国水泥均价较4月近小幅回升约2元, 东部涨幅略高。 乐观的迹象是在房地产相关链条上的PVC、纯碱、 玻璃等中游化工品价格在5月初出现较快上升,这主要 受益于地产投资持续较快的回升。但这些行业普遍存 在产能严重过剩的问题,当下库存较高,行业普遍预期未 来价格回升幅度有限,并对之后的产出提振效用较弱。
Economic Cycle
Rising phase is also known as prosperity, highest point is called the peak.
Economic Cycle
Two-stage Method
Expansion Stage is the macro economic
1.朱格拉周期 法国经济学家朱格拉(C Juglar)于1862年出版了 《法国、英国及美国的商业危机及其周期》一书中, 提出了资本主义经济存在着9~10年的周期波动,一般 称为“朱格拉周期”。熊彼特把这种周期称为中周期, 或朱格拉周期。汉森则把这种周期称为“主要经济周 期”。 2.基钦周期 英国经济学家约瑟夫· 基钦(J· Kitchen)于1923年 提出了存在着一种40个月(3~4年)左右的小周期, 而一个大周期则包括两个或三个小周期,故称为“基 钦周期”。基钦提到,这种小周期是心理原因所引起 的有节奏的运动的结果,而这种心理原因又是受农业 丰歉影响食物价格所造成的。
Economic Cycle
It was divided it into four prosperity, recession, depression and recovery stages, now generally called recession, trough, expansion and the top four stages.
environment and market environment has become increasingly active season. Market demand, orders, products, best-selling production trending up, mobility of capital turnover by now. Enterprise supply, production, sales and people, wealth, thing is good
Related impacts---Ⅱ
Economic recovery, sales of enterprise products begin to rise, business conditions improved, corporate dividends, bonuses, stock prices rose gradually.
3.康德拉季耶夫周期 俄国经济学家康德拉季耶夫(N· Codrulieff)于 D· 1925年提出资本主义经济中存在着50~60年一个的周 期,故称“康德拉季耶夫”周期,也称长周期。 4.库兹涅茨周期 1930年,美国经济学家库兹涅茨(S· Kuznets)提 出了存在一种与房屋建筑相关的经济周期,这种周期 平均长度为20年。这也是一种长周期,被称为“库兹 涅茨”周期,也称建筑业周期。
arrangement. Enterprise in the looser favorable external environment.
Economic Cycle
Contraction Stage
is macro economic environment and market environment has become increasingly tight season. Market demand is weak, lack of order, unsalable goods, production fell, the turnover of funds by now. Enterprises in the supply, production, sales, goods and people will meet many difficulties and physical aspects. It is in relatively poor external environment.
Economic Cycle
Business cycle
Zhang Zhuoran Zhang Lin
Economic Cycle
Leabharlann Baidu
It is to point to in the operation of the economic cyclical economic expansion and contraction, alternate cycles of a phenomenon. It is total revenue and total national output and employment fluctuations, overall economic activity is national income or alternate or cyclical fluctuations of expansion and contraction.
Economic Cycle
Four-stage Method
Boom Recession Stagnation Resuscitation
The economic cycle is characterized by gross national output, fluctuations in the amount of total revenue, total employment, it is marked by the expansion and contraction of most sectors of the economy.经济周期的特点 是国民总产出、总收入、总就业量的波 动,它以大多数经济部门的扩张与收缩 为标志。
经济分析:经济周期波动规 律的原因–人性的弱点
经济增长,劳动效率的提高,带动了经济的快速增长; 农村剩余劳动力大量转移到工业与服务业,成功地压制了通货膨胀(恶性通 货膨胀是资产泡沫的天敌); 长期的低利率,使得增长速度更加“炫目”,人心变得过度乐观。 最后,过度的乐观受到“突如其来”的危机的惩罚(其实这并不突如其然,因 为原材料,油价粮价的暴涨导致货币政策紧缩,就是撤退的信号),最终,杠杆过 高,过度乐观的投资者受到流动性和资产价格下跌的惩罚; 但信用危机也催生了过度的悲观; 很自然地,过度的悲观和过低的资产价格,孕育了新的投资机会,如此周而 复始。 从人性的角度说,人们对于经济,股市,楼市的信心的建立需要时间,所以, 一个大升浪需要有3到5次的小波段,让人们一步步建立信心,而对市场丧失信心 却很容易,往往几个月就失去信心,如1997年的香港股市与楼市。 这就是经济周期循环背后的人性因素。
cause of formation 成因
external cause 外因论Cycle stems from factors outside the economic system - sunspots, war, revolution, elections, gold, or the discovery of new resources, scientific breakthroughs or technological innovation. Sunspot theory太阳黑子理论 Innovation theory 创新理论 Political theory 政治性理论 Internal cause 内因论Cycle comes from within the economy revenue, cost, investment in the market mechanism inevitable phenomenon. Pure monetary theory纯货币理论 Excessive investment theory投资过度理论 Theory of consumption of less than消费不足理论 Theory of Psychology 心理理论 Integrate cause 综合论
经济周期的成因理论 The theory of the causes of the economic cycle
Monetarist view货币学派的观点 Multiplier - theoretical model乘数—加速数理论模型 The political theory of the economic cycle经济周期的 政治理论 Balanced economic cycle theory均衡经济周期理论 Real Business Cycle Theory...真实经济周期理论 The theory of supply shocks供给冲击理论 Combined effects of theory综合作用理论
A general feature of the recession 经济衰退的普遍特征
Consumer demand, investment declined sharply; demand for labor, the decline in output, a sharp decline in corporate profits, stock prices and interest rates generally will decline.消费者需求、投资 急剧下降;对劳动的需求、产出下降、 企业利润急剧下滑、股票价格和利率一 般也会下降。
5月上旬经济周期跟踪:东部省份投资 增速上升
从5月上旬高频工业数据来看,经济回升延续疲弱态 势。按电监会日均发电量测算,即便剔除五一假期影 响,5月上旬日均发电量同比增速较4月份出现回落,上 游动力煤价格持续低迷。山西煤炭产量及库存量环比 下降,出现主动去库存的迹象。 4月重点品牌挖机开机小时数环比增长,符合往年的 季节趋势,但同比下滑,预示着开工旺季的投资启动依旧 较弱,这与刚公布的4月基建投资增速回落的走势一致。 不同区域间的投资增速分化,东部地区投资增速回 升。西部及中部部分省份投资增速明显回落,东部投资 增速从年初以来上了一个台阶,特别是北京、上海、浙 江和广东四个地区的投资增速发力明显,将对接下来宏 观经济形势的前景起到重要的作用。