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Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines 2010, 8(3): 0202 0207

doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1009.2010.00202


Journal of



Analysis of Flavonoids and Phenolic Acids in Iris

tectorum by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS n

SHU Pan 1,2, HONG Jun-Li 1,2, WU Gang 1,2, YU Bo-Yang3, QIN Min-Jian 1,2*

1Department of Resources Science of Traditional Chinese Medicines, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing 210009;

2Key Laboratory of Modern Traditional Chinese Medicines (Ministry of Education),China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing 210009; 3Department of Complex Prescription of Traditional Chinese Medicines, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing 210009, China

Available online May 2010

[ABSTRACT]AIM: To develop high performance liquid chromatography combined with photodiode-array detection and electrospray ionization multiple-stage mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS n) for the analysis and identification of flavonoids and phenolic acids in the rhizome of Iris tectorum Maxim.. METHOD: The structures of flavonoids and phenolic acids were identified by chroma-tographic retention times, UV spectra as well as ESI-MS n spectra. RESULTS: Ten isoflavones were identified as tectori-genin-7-O-ȕ-glucosyl-4'-O-ȕ-glucoside (3), tectoridin (5), iristectorin B (6), iristectorin A (7), iridin (8), genistein (11),tectorigenin (12), iristectorigenin A (14), iristectorigenin B (16), i and rigenin (17). Two flavanones, one flavonol and one flavanonol were tenta-tively identified as hesperetin (9), 5, 7, 3'-trihydroxy-6, 4'-dimethoxyflavanone (10), rhamnocitrin (13) and dihydrokaempferide (15), respectively. The three phenolic acids were tectoruside (1), androsin (2) and apocynin (4). CONCLUSION: The developed simple and rapid method is useful to rapidly identify the bioactive constituents in the rhizome of Iris tectorum. Two flavanones, hesperetin (9)and 5,7,3'-trihydroxy-6, 4'-dimethoxyflavanone (10) were identified from this species for the first time.

[KEY WORDS]Iris tectorum Maxim.; HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS n; Flavonoids; Phenolic acids

[CLC Number]R917 [Document code] A [Article ID] 1672-3651(2010)03-0202-06

1 Introduction

Iris tectorum Maxim. (Iridaceae) is a perennial herb

widely distributed in China, called Yuan Wei in Chinese. It is

also known as Japanese Roof Iris in some literature, because

it was first observed growing on roofs in Japan by the Rus-

sian botanist, Carl Maximowicz (1827–1891) [1]. Its rhizome

has been used in traditional Japanese medicine as an emetic

and laxative [2]. In traditional Chinese medicine, it was used

as a bitter medicine to treat disorders described as Zheng Jia

Jie Ju, which are similar to modern descriptions of tumors

[3-4]. According to the latest edition of the Chinese Pharma-

copoeia, the rhizome of I. tectorum is referred to as “Chuan

She Gan” (Rhizoma Iridis Tectori), which is used as a tradi-

tional herbal medicine to treat sore throat, disperse phlegm

and for heat-clearing as well as detoxifying [5]. Previous phy-

[Received on] 18-Mar-2009

[Research Funding] This project was supported by National Natural

Science Foundation of China (No. 30170103)

[ Corresponding author] QIN Min-Jian: Prof., Tel: 86-025-********,

Fax: 86-025-********, E-mail: minjianqin@

Copyright © 2010, China Pharmaceutical University.

Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

tochemical investigations resulted in the isolation of several

flavonoids [6-11], iridal-type triterpenoids [2, 12-14] and quinones

[15]. Some isoflavones and phenolic acids were found to have

high content in I. tectorum, and exhibit considerable

anti-infective, antitussive, expectorant, antibacterial, cyto-

toxic and hepatoprotective effects [3, 16-20]. Those compounds

were considered as the main active components of I. tectorum.

However, in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, only tectoridin has

been used as the chemical marker for the quality control of

the rhizome of I. tectorum. Therefore, qualitative evaluation

of these main components of I. tectorum is significant for the

quality control of this medicinal herb.

With the soft ionization source such as atmospheric

pressure chemical ionization (APCI) and electrospray ioniza-

tion (ESI), MS combined with chromatographic techniques

has become a powerful approach in the identification, quanti-

fication and structural confirmation of active components in

medicinal plants. Nowadays, HPLC with photodiode array

detection–electrospray ionization multiple-stage mass spec-

trometry (HPLC-DAD–ESI-MS n) has grown into one of the

most powerful analytical techniques available for analyzing

complex herbal extracts [21-23]. It can simultaneously provide

UV and multiple-stage mass spectra, which can be applied to
