ISPM15 国际贸易中木质包装材料管理准则
ISPM15-2006 国际植物检疫措施标准第15号-中文版)

ISPM15-2006 国际植物检疫措施标准第15号-中文版)国际贸易中木质包装材料治理准则联合国粮食及农业组织《国际植物爱护公约》秘书处2003年,罗马本出版物中使用的名称和介绍的材料,并不意味着联合国粮食及农业组织对任何国家、领地、都市、地区或其当局的法律地位、或对其边界或国界的划分表示任何意见。
申请这种许可应致函联合国粮食及农业组织新闻司出版治理处处长,地址:意大利罗马Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100或以电子函件致copyright @。
©粮农组织2003年名目批准应用审查及修改分发引言范围参考文献定义和缩写要求概要治理要求1. 限定的依据2. 限定木质包装材料3. 关于木质包装材料的措施3.1 批准的措施3.2 待批准的措施3.3 其它措施3.4 对措施的审查业务要求4. 垫木5. 输出之前采纳的程序5.1 关于在输出之前采纳的措施的遵守情形检查5.2 过境安排6. 输入时的程序6.1 在入境口岸违规的措施6.2 处置附件I - 有关木质包装材料的批准的措施附件II - 批准的措施的标记附件III - 本标准中正在审议供批准的措施批准国际植物检疫措施标准由《国际植物爱护公约》秘书处编纂,作为联合国粮食及农业组织全球植物检疫政策和技术援助打算的一部分。

为执行植物检疫法规或程序而采取的官方行动,如检 查、检验、监视或处理[植检临委,2001 年]
植物检疫措施 (商定的解释)
旨在防治检疫性有害生物传入和/或扩散或者限制限 定非检疫性有害生物经济影响的任何法律、法规或官 方程序[粮农组织,1995 年;《国际植保公约》1997 年 修改;临时标准委员会,2001 年]
植物检疫措施一词的商定解释,说明了植物检疫措施与限定非 检疫性有害生物的关系。这种关系并未在《国际植保公约》(1997 年) 第 11 条的定义中适当反映出来。
官方规定的与限定有害生物有关的任何检查、检测、 调查或处理的方法[粮农组织,1990 年;粮农组织 1995 年修改;植检措施专家委员会,1999 年;植检临委, 2001 年]
未经加工或处理的木材[国际植检措施标准第 15 号出 版物,2002 年]
认为需要采取植物检疫措施的任何能藏带或传播有害 生物的植物、植物产品、仓储地、包装、运输工具、 集装箱、土壤和其它生物、物品和材料,特别是在涉 及国际运输的情况下[植检措施专家委员会,1996 年; 植检措施专家委员会 1999 年修改;植物临委,2001 年]
将圆木上的树皮除去(不一定全部除去)[粮农组织, 1990 年]
用于固定或支撑货物、但与货物无关的木质包装材料 [粮农组织,1990 年;国际植检措施标准第 15 号出版 物,2002 年修改]
在一种新的或意料之外的植物检疫情况下迅速采取的 一种植物检疫行动[植检临委,2001 年]
在新的或意料之外的植物检疫情况下紧急确立的一个 植物检疫条例或程序。一项紧急措施可以是或不是临 时措施[植检临委,2001 年]
国际植物检疫措施标准应定期审查和修改。本标准下次审查的时间 为2004年或粮农组织植物检疫措施委员会可能商定的其他时间。

先,应尽快收集和掌握各国或地区的木质包装处理标识 以及特殊检疫要求,加大对出口企业的宣传和解释工作。 其次,改变检疫查验方式,重点放在木质包装处
理标记的查验上,对重复使用的木质包装重点检疫,以 防二次感染。 检验检疫部门提醒:在部分国家实施 新的进境木质包装检疫要求之前,国内采用木质包
装运输货物的出口企业、木质包装生产企业以及国际货 运企业,应及时了解《国际贸易中木质包装材料管理准 则》的详细内容以及不同国家对木质包装的特殊检
质包装检疫管理规定,并在制定过程中加入了一些特殊 要求。 ISPM15标准对木质包装的检疫处理要求 ISPM15标准要求所有进境木质包装必
须进行检疫处理,并加贴国际标识。植物检疫措施国际 标准中的处理方法———1.热处理:木材中心温度至少达到 56℃,持续30分钟以上,其他方法只要
达到热处理要求,可以视为热处理。2.溴甲烷熏蒸处理: 熏蒸最低温度不低于10℃,时间不少于16小时。3.输入国 家或地区认可的其他除害处理方法
。 我国出境货物木质包装标识 IPP国家编号、000———木质
包装生产企业的三位数登记号、YY———除害处理方法、 ZZZZ———各直属检验检疫局4位数代码。 ISPM15标 准实施后的对策ISPM15使
木质包装检疫在世界范围内有了一个统一的标准,提高 了检疫查验的效率。随着该标准的逐步实施,检验检疫 部门也应适当改变检疫方式,以适应新的形势。首
疫要求,及时调整货物包装,采用新的国际标识,确保 货物顺利通过检验检疫。
国际植物保护公约组织于2002年制定了第15号植物检 疫措施国际标准———《国际贸易中木质包装材料管理准 则》(ISPM15),目的在于规范国

(Guidelines for Regulating Wood Packing Material in International Trade),简称第15号国际标准,即为国际木质包装检疫措施标准。

国际贸易中木质包装材料管理准则(ISPM 15)的全文版本THURSDAY, 28. SEPTEMBER 2006, 09:00:34商法, HANDELSR, WTO前两天的客户咨询涉及到国际贸易中的木质包装的最新规定问题,正好对技术贸易壁垒这一块做小小的学习。
先在这里把这个ISPM 15 的官方英文版本和官方中文版本连接在这里,以后再来细细探讨这个国际标准以及《国际植物保护公约》(IPPC),国际粮农组织(FAO)还有WTO的TBT,SPS两个协定的关系。
官方中文版本官方英文版本(此版本包括迄今为止所有ISPM的国际标准)《中国出境货物木质包装检疫处理管理办法》2005年3月1日起实施《中国进境货物木质包装检疫监督管理办法》2006年1月1日起实施根据2个办法和ISPM 15的国际标准,简要总结如下:1.现在世界各国普遍对于木质包装货物的进出境采用强制检验检疫制度。
对此,有一个国际标准ISPM 15。
国际植物保护公约(International Plant Protection Convention,简称IPPC)秘书处所发布的国际植物检疫措施标准第15号出版物《国际贸易中木质包装材料管理准则》(Guidelines for Regulating Wood Packing Material in International Trade),即为国际木质包装植物检疫措施标准,简称第15号国际植物检疫措施标准(ISPM15)。
各国都普遍采用或参照ISPM 15,制定有关国内法。
该国际标准的要求可以简述为,要求各国对于出入境的货物的木质包装,2.1 按规定进行检疫除害处理,包括热处理(以HT标记)和溴甲烷熏蒸处理(以BT标记);2.2 按规定加施专用标识;如我国的IPPC的专用标识样式如右,含义如下。

中澳木质包装检疫监管国际标准应用分析为有效降低国际贸易中木质包装传播检疫性有害生物的风险, 2002年3月国际植物保护公约组织( IPPC)发布了第15号国际植物检疫措施标准———国际贸易中木质包装材料管理准则( Guidelines forRegulatingWood Packaging in International Trade,以下简称ISPM15) 。
我国制定并于2005年3月1日起实施《出境货物木质包装检疫处理管理办法》(以下简称69 号局令) ; 澳大利亚于2004年12月发布了《澳大利亚木质包装认证体系》( The Australian Wood Packaging CertificationScheme,以下简称AWPCS) 。
ISPM 15标准

关于木质包装材料的措施3.1 批准的措施对于防治大多数有害生物有重大作用的任何处理方法、过程或者它们的结合,应视为对于减少与运输中使用的木质包装材料有关的有害生物风险有作用。
3.2 待批准的措施木质包装材料的其它处理方法或过程如能表明达到适当植物检疫保护水平即可得到批准(附件III)。
3.3 其它措施国家植保机构可通过与其贸易伙伴的安排,接受除附件I中所列的那些措施以外的任何措施,特别是在输入国不能采用或验证附件I中所列措施的情况下。

• 处置方法包括: •焚 烧 •埋 藏 •加 工 • 其它方法
国际贸易中木质 包装起高度重视 • 国际木质包装标准的由来 • 国际木质包装标准(ISPM No. 15) • 国际上实施国际木包装标准的情况 • 中国实施国际木包装标准的有关规定
• 入侵世界各国
• 导致严重生态破坏 • 造成巨大经济损失 • 采取各种措施防止外来有害生物入侵
– 1930s开始应用于熏蒸 – 杀虫灭菌范围广泛 – 能够穿透大多数木质包装材料 – 能够熏蒸处理包装过的货物 – 技术要求较低 – 但溴甲烷熏蒸的成功与否很大程度上取决于木材 和环境温度及木材含水量 – 由于破坏大气臭氧层,今后要被逐渐淘汰
• 辐照和微波 • 熏蒸与气调 • 化学防腐处理
• 有关定义 • 实施木质包装材料管理的依据 • 受管理的木质包装材料 • 木质包装材料管理措施 • 标记 • 垫木 • 出口前的管理程序 • 进口后的管理程序
•原 木
•木 材
带树皮或不带树皮的圆木、锯木、木 片或垫木
• 有关定义
• 去 皮:
害生物存在的迹象,可以采取行动,除非有其他 双边安排。此类行动可以采取处理、处置或拒绝 入境的形式。可通知输出国的植保机构。如木质 包装材料载有要求的标记,但发现有活的有害生 物存在的迹象,仍可采取行动。这一行动可采取 处理、处置或拒绝入境的形式。应通知输出国植 保机构
• 处置木质包装材料是输入国的国家植保机构
ISPM15 国际贸易中木质包装材料管理准则

)2.溴甲烷熏蒸处理: 熏蒸最低温度不低于10℃,时间不少于16小时。
ISPM15 Update木质包装要求

March 1, 2004
January 1, 2006
June 3, 2004
September 15, 2005 Columbia 1/4/05 communication to WTO announced revised implementation of ISPM 15 to September 15, 2005.
IPPC ISPM 15 Implementation? Enforcement?
June 1, 2005 June 1, 2005
Current Requirements for Wood Packaging
Official announcement of intentions to WTO were made on 4/27/05, stating "All wood packaging and/or support material and dunnage entering or in transit through Argentina must be treated and certified by means of the corresponding mark in accordance with ISPM 15.
Costa Rica
January 1, 2005
September 16, 2005 Costa Rica has notified the WTO of their intent to implement and enforce ISPM 15 regulations for wood packaging, setting 2005 dates for implementation and enforcement n/a Official notification from WTO on April 15, 2005 regarding the country's adoption and implementation of ISPM 15 for internal technical procedures and use of mark by facilities approved to produce wood packaging within the country. No apparent implementation of ISPM 15 for imported wood packaging at this time.

Minimum concentration (g/m3) at: 2 hrs. 36 42 4 hrs. 31 36 12 hrs. 28 32 24 hrs. 24 28
注:熏蒸温度不低于10℃,熏蒸时间不少于24小时。熏 蒸处理过程中应至少在第2、4、24小时时进行熏蒸浓度 检测。
“三、进境货物使用木质包装的,货主或其代理人应当向出入 境检验检疫机构报检,并配合出入境检验检疫机构实施检疫。对
热处理:木材中心温度至少达到56℃,并持续30 分钟以上。
注:目前我局采用的是热处理库内环境温度70℃,持续7 小时,这是参照澳大利亚的自定标准,是全球最严的技 术指标。
Dosage rate (g/m3) 48 56
Temperatu re ≥21℃ ≥16℃
1. 制定强制性技术法规: 《进境货物木质包装检疫监督管理办法》(总局84号 令) 《出境货物木质包装检疫处理管理办法》(总局69号 令) 2. 发布公告:联合海关、商务部、国家林业局 3. 宣传:履行WTO SPS透明度原则、听证会、宣贯、 培训等
三、进境货物木质包装 检验检疫操作方式
国际贸易中木质包装 管理准则及 口岸检验检疫通关实务
植检处 张建军
一、国际贸易中木质包装材料管理准则及背景 二、我国采纳《准则》情况 三、进境货物木质包装检验检疫操作方式
ISPM 15 包装标准(中文解释)

ISPM 15 系针对未经加工原木制作的木质包装材料之检疫安全制定规范,本文简介 ISPM 15 的重要内容及各国制定木质包装材料之检疫措施,并讨论对我国之影响及因应策略。
壹、前言 1996年美国农业部首度证实光肩星天牛(Asian longhorned beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis)入侵纽约州,该年为了压制此虫的蔓延危害,就花费了400余万美元;1998年伊利诺伊州的芝加哥也发现此虫入侵,其后陆续在各地有发现的报导。
美国农业部估计此虫若扩散全美国,对木材、槭糖浆、苗圃、果树及观光旅游等产业会造成超过6,500亿美元的损失,因此在纽约及芝加哥积极展开扑灭计划,将受害林木砍除销毁,迄今联邦政府和州政府已支用超过8,000万美元的扑灭经费(APHIS, 2002)。
由于光肩星天牛是经由中国输美货物的实木包装材料(solid wood packing materials,简称 SWPM)入侵美国的,因此自1998年12月起,美国要求中国及香港输美的所有 SWPM 都必须在入境前按照规定的程序予以熏蒸处理或热处理,否则便不准放行(赵,2000)或必须使用其它包装材料。
此后,许多国家对 SWPM 相继采取严格的检疫措施,此案对中国与美国的贸易,甚至全世界的贸易造成极为深远的影响。
为促进农产品贸易自由化,世界贸易组织(WTO)之食品安全检验与动植物防疫检疫措施协议(Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, 简称 SPS 协议)托付国际植物保护公约(International Plant Protection Convention, IPPC)组织制定各项国际植物检疫标准(International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, ISPMs),以规范植物及其产品之国际贸易及提供各国制定其植物防疫检疫措施之参考,迄2003年4月已批准公告19 项的 ISPMs。

2002年3月IPPC发布了国际植物检疫措施标准第15号出版物《国际贸易中木质包装材料管理准则》(Guidelines for Regulating Wood Packing Material in International Trade),简称第15号国际标准,即为国际木质包装检疫措施标准。
IPPC 将根据国家植保机构提供的信息,审查修订已批准的除害处理方法,批
ISPM15号 2009中文版 国际贸易中木质包装材料的管理

国际植物保护公约 , 1997 年。粮农组织,罗马。 限定有害生物的植物检疫处理 ,2007 年。 ISPM 第 28 号 , 罗马粮农组织。 在植物检疫措施中替代或减少溴甲烷的使用 , 2008 年。国际植保公约建议,
要 求 1. 限定的根据
来自活或死树木的木质材料可能受到有害生物的侵染。木质材料通常是由原 木制造的,可能未经足够的加工或处理而去除或杀死有害生物,因而仍然是 引入和传播检疫性有害生物的一种途径。垫木特别表现出引入和传播检疫性 有害生物的高风险性。而且,木质包装材料经常地再利用(反复使用),进 行修缮和再制造(如 4.3 节中所述)。任何一块木质包装材料的真实来源很 难确定,因而它的检疫状况也很难确定。因此,为确定有无必要采取检疫措 施以及此类措施的强度通常所采用的有害生物风险分析程序,常常不适用于 木质包装材料。有鉴于此,该标准论述了国际上所接受的措施,这些措施被
ISPM 15 国际贸易中木质包装材料管理准则

INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS FOR PHYTOSANITARY MEASURESGuidelines for regulating wood packaging material in international trade ISPM No. 15CONTENTS ENDORSEMENT (199)INTRODUCTION SCOPE (199)REFERENCES (199)DEFINITIONS (199)OUTLINE OF REQUIREMENTS (199)REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS1. Basis for Regulating (200)2. Regulated Wood Packaging Material (200)3. Measures for Wood Packaging Material (200)3.1 Approved measures (200)3.2 Measures pending approval (201)3.3 Other measures (201)3.4 Review of measures (201)OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS (201)4. Dunnage (201)5. Procedures Used Prior to Export (201)5.1 Compliance checks on procedures applied prior to export (201)5.2 Transit arrangements (201)6. Procedures upon Import (201)6.1 Measures for non-compliance at point of entry (202)6.2 Disposal (202)ANNEXESI. Approved measures associated with wood packaging material (203)II. Marking for approved measures (204)III. Measures being considered for approval under this standard (205)ENDORSEMENTThis standard was endorsed by the Interim Commission on Phytosanitary Measures in March 2002. Modifications to Annex I were endorsed by the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures in April 2006.INTRODUCTIONSCOPEThis standard describes phytosanitary measures to reduce the risk of introduction and/or spread of quarantine pests associated with wood packaging material (including dunnage), made of coniferous and non-coniferous raw wood, in use in international trade.REFERENCESAgreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, 1994. World Trade Organization, Geneva. Export certification system, 1997. ISPM No. 7, FAO, Rome.Glossary of phytosanitary terms, 2001. ISPM No. 5, FAO, Rome.Guidelines for phytosanitary certificates, 2001. ISPM No. 12, FAO, Rome.Guidelines on notification of non-compliance and emergency action, 2001. ISPM No. 13, FAO, Rome.ISO 3166-1-ALPHA-2 CODE ELEMENTS ( International Plant Protection Convention, 1997. FAO, Rome.Principles of plant quarantine as related to international trade, 1995. ISPM No. 1, FAO, Rome.DEFINITIONSDefinitions of phytosanitary terms used in the present standard can be found in ISPM No. 5 (Glossary of phytosanitary terms).OUTLINE OF REQUIREMENTSWood packaging material made of unprocessed raw wood is a pathway for the introduction and spread of pests. Because the origin of wood packaging material is often difficult to determine, globally approved measures that significantly reduce the risk of pest spread are described. NPPOs are encouraged to accept wood packaging material that has been subjected to an approved measure without further requirements. Such wood packaging material includes dunnage, but excludes processed wood packaging material.Procedures to verify that an approved measure, including the application of a globally recognized mark, has been applied should be in place in both exporting and importing countries. Other measures agreed to under a bilateral arrangement are also considered in this standard. Wood packaging material that does not comply with the requirements of this standard should be disposed of in an approved manner.REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS1. Basis for RegulatingWood packaging material is frequently made of raw wood that may not have undergone sufficient processing or treatment to remove or kill pests and therefore becomes a pathway for the introduction and spread of pests. Furthermore, wood packaging material is very often re-used, recycled or re-manufactured (in that packaging received with an imported consignment may be re-used to accompany another consignment for export). The true origin of any piece of wood packaging material is difficult to determine and thus its phytosanitary status cannot be ascertained. Therefore the normal process of undertaking risk analysis to determine if measures are necessary and the strength of such measures is frequently not possible for wood packaging material because its origin and phytosanitary status may not be known. For this reason, this standard describes globally accepted measures that are approved and that may be applied to wood packaging material by all countries to practically eliminate the risk for most quarantine pests and significantly reduce the risk from a number of other pests that may be associated with that material.Countries should have technical justification for requiring the application of the approved measures as described in this standard for imported wood packaging material. Requiring phytosanitary measures beyond an approved measure as described in this standard also requires technical justification.2. Regulated Wood Packaging MaterialThese guidelines are for coniferous and non-coniferous raw wood packaging material that may serve as a pathway for plant pests posing a threat mainly to living trees. They cover wood packaging material such as pallets, dunnage, crating, packing blocks, drums, cases, load boards, pallet collars, and skids which can be present in almost any imported consignment, including consignments which would not normally be the target of phytosanitary inspection.Wood packaging made wholly of wood-based products such as plywood, particle board, oriented strand board or veneer that have been created using glue, heat and pressure or a combination thereof should be considered sufficiently processed to have eliminated the risk associated with the raw wood. It is unlikely to be infested by raw wood pests during its use and therefore should not be regulated for these pests.Wood packaging material such as veneer peeler cores1, sawdust, wood wool, and shavings, and raw wood cut into thin2 pieces may not be pathways for introduction of quarantine pests and should not be regulated unless technically justified.3. Measures for Wood Packaging Material3.1 Approved measuresAny treatment, process, or a combination of these that is significantly effective against most pests should be considered effective in mitigating pest risks associated with wood packaging material used in transport. The choice of a measure for wood packaging material is based on consideration of:- the range of pests that may be affected- the efficacy of the measure- the technical and/or commercial feasibility.Approved measures should be accepted by all NPPOs as the basis for authorizing the entry of wood packaging material without further requirements except where it is determined through interceptions and/or PRA that specific quarantine pests associated with certain types of wood packaging material from specific sources require more rigorous measures.Approved measures are specified in Annex I.Wood packaging material subjected to these approved measures should display a specified mark shown in Annex II.The use of marks addresses the operational difficulties associated with the verification of compliance with treatment for wood packaging material. A universally recognized, non-language specific mark facilitates verification during inspection at the point of export, at the point of entry or elsewhere.References for supporting documentation on approved measures are available from the IPPC Secretariat.1Veneer peeler cores are a by-product of veneer production involving high temperatures and comprising the center of a log remaining after the peeling process.2 Thin wood is considered to be 6mm thickness or less according to the Customs Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (the Harmonized System or HS).3.2 Measures pending approvalOther treatments or processes for wood packaging material will be approved when it can be demonstrated that they provide an appropriate level of phytosanitary protection (Annex III). The currently measures identified in Annex I continue to be under review, and new research may point, for example, to other temperature/time combinations. New measures may also reduce risk by changing the character of the wood packaging material. NPPOs should be aware that measures may be added or changed and should have sufficiently flexible import requirements for wood packaging to accommodate changes as they are approved.3.3 Other measuresNPPOs may accept any measures other than those listed in Annex I by arrangement with their trading partners, especially in cases where the measures listed in Annex I cannot be applied or verified in the exporting country. Such measures should be technically justified and respect the principles of transparency, non-discrimination and equivalence.The NPPOs of importing countries should consider other arrangements for wood packaging material associated with exports from any country (or particular source) where evidence is provided which demonstrates that the pest risk is adequately managed or absent (e.g. areas with similar phytosanitary situations or pest free areas).Certain movements of wood packaging material (e.g. tropical hardwoods associated with exports to temperate countries) may be considered by the importing NPPO not to carry a phytosanitary risk and thus can be exempted from measures. Subject to technical justification, countries may require that imported wood packaging material subjected to an approved measure be made from debarked wood and display a mark as shown in Annex II.3.4 Review of measuresThe approved measures specified in Annex I and the list of measures under consideration in Annex III should be reviewed based on new information provided to the Secretariat by NPPOs. This standard should be amended appropriately by the ICPM.OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTSTo meet the objective of preventing the spread of pests, both exporting and importing countries should verify that the requirements of this standard have been met.4. DunnageIdeally, dunnage should also be marked in accordance with Annex II of this standard as having been subjected to an approved measure. If not, it requires special consideration and should, as a minimum, be made from bark-free wood that is free from pests and signs of live pests. Otherwise it should be refused entry or immediately disposed of in authorized manner (see section 6).5. Procedures Used Prior to Export5.1 Compliance checks on procedures applied prior to exportThe NPPO of the exporting country has responsibility for ensuring that systems for exports meet the requirements set out in this standard. It includes monitoring certification and marking systems that verify compliance, and establishing inspection procedures (see also ISPM No. 7: Export certification system), registration or accreditation and auditing of commercial companies that apply the measures, etc.5.2 Transit arrangementsWhere consignments moving in transit have exposed wood packaging material that has not met the requirements for approved measures, the NPPOs of the transit countries may require measures in addition to those of the importing country to ensure that wood packaging material does not present an unacceptable risk.6. Procedures upon ImportThe regulation of wood packaging material requires that NPPOs have policies and procedures for other aspects of their responsibilities related to wood packaging material.Since wood packaging materials are associated with almost all shipments, including those not normally the target of phytosanitary inspections, cooperation with agencies, organizations, etc. not normally involved with meeting phytosanitary export conditions or import requirements is important. For example, cooperation with Customsorganizations should be reviewed to ensure effectiveness in detecting potential non-compliance of wood packaging material. Cooperation with the producers of wood packaging material also needs to be developed.6.1 Measures for non-compliance at point of entryWhere wood packaging material does not carry the required mark, action may be taken unless other bilateral arrangements are in place. This action may take the form of treatment, disposal or refused entry. The NPPO of the exporting country may be notified (see ISPM No. 13: Guidelines on notification of non-compliance and emergency action). Where the wood packaging material does carry the required mark, and evidence of live pests is found, action can be taken. These actions may take the form of treatment, disposal or refused entry. The NPPO of the exporting country should be notified in cases where live pests are found, and may be notified in other cases (see ISPM No. 13: Guidelines on notification of non-compliance and emergency action).6.2 DisposalDisposal of wood packaging material is a risk management option that may be used by the NPPO of the importing country upon arrival of the wood packaging material where treatment is not available or desirable. The following methods are recommended for the disposal of wood packaging material where this is required. Wood packaging material that requires emergency action should be appropriately safeguarded prior to treatment or disposal to prevent escape of any pest between the time of the detection of the pest posing the threat and the time of treatment or disposal. IncinerationComplete burningBurialDeep burial in sites approved by appropriate authorities. (Note: not a suitable disposal option for wood infested with termites). The depth of the burial may depend on climatic conditions and the pest, but is recommended to be at least 1 metre. The material should be covered immediately after burial and should remain buried.ProcessingChipping and further processing in a manner approved by the NPPO of the importing country for the elimination of pests of concern (e.g. manufacture of oriented strand board).Other methodsProcedures endorsed by the NPPO as effective for the pests of concern.The methods should be applied with the least possible delay.ANNEX I (modified in 2006)APPROVED MEASURES ASSOCIATED WITH WOOD PACKAGING MATERIALHeat treatment (HT)Wood packaging material should be heated in accordance with a specific time-temperature schedule that achieves a minimum wood core temperature of 56°C for a minimum of 30 minutes3.Kiln-drying (KD), chemical pressure impregnation (CPI), or other treatments may be considered HT treatments to the extent that these meet the HT specifications. For example, CPI may meet the HT specification through the use of steam, hot water, or dry heat.Heat treatment is indicated by the mark HT. (see Annex II)Methyl bromide (MB) fumigation for wood packaging material (modified in 20064)The wood packaging material should be fumigated with methyl bromide. The treatment is indicated by the mark MB. The minimum standard for methyl bromide fumigation treatment for wood packaging material is as follows:Temperature DosageMinimum concentration (g/m3) at:(g/m3) 2hrs. 4hrs. 12hrs. 24hrs.21°C or above 48 36 31 28 2416°C or above 56 42 36 32 2810°C or above 64 48 42 36 32The minimum temperature should not be less than 10°C and the minimum exposure time should be 24 hours. Monitoring of concentrations should be carried out at a minimum at 2, 4 and 24 hrs.List of most significant pests targeted by HT and MBMembers of the following pest groups associated with wood packaging material are practically eliminated by HT and MB treatment in accordance with the specifications listed above:Pest groupInsectsAnobiidaeBostrichidaeBuprestidaeCerambycidaeCurculionidaeIsopteraLyctidae (with some exceptions for HT)OedemeridaeScolytidaeSiricidaeNematodesBursaphelenchus xylophilus3 A minimum core temperature of 56° C for a minimum of 30 min. is chosen in consideration of the wide range of pests for which this combination is documented to be lethal and a commercially feasible treatment. Although it is recognized that some pests are known to have a higher thermal tolerance, quarantine pests in this category are managed by NPPOs on a case by case basis.4 When a revised schedule is adopted for treatment of wood packaging, material treated under the previous treatment schedule does not need to be retreated, remarked or recertified.ANNEX IIMARKING FOR APPROVED MEASURESThe mark shown below is to certify that the wood packaging material that bears the mark has been subjected to anThe mark should at minimum include the:- symbol- ISO two letter country code followed by a unique number assigned by the NPPO to the producer of the wood packaging material, who is responsible for ensuring appropriate wood is used and properly marked- IPPC abbreviation according to Annex I for the approved measure used (e.g. HT, MB).NPPOs, producers or suppliers may at their discretion add control numbers or other information used for identifying specific lots. Where debarking is required the letters DB should be added to the abbreviation of the approved measure. Other information may also be included provided it is not confusing, misleading, or deceptive.Markings should be:- according to the model shown here- legible- permanent and not transferable- placed in a visible location, preferably on at least two opposite sides of the article being certified.The use of red or orange should be avoided since these colors are used in the labeling of dangerous goods. Recycled, remanufactured or repaired wood packaging material should be re-certified and re-marked. All components of such material should have been treated.Shippers should be encouraged to use appropriately marked wood for dunnage.Guidelines for regulating wood packaging material in international trade ISPM No. 15ANNEX III MEASURES BEING CONSIDERED FOR APPROVAL UNDER THIS STANDARD Treatments5 being considered and which may be approved when appropriate data becomes available, include but are not limited to:FumigationPhosphineSulfuryl fluorideCarbonyl sulphideCPIHigh-pressure/vacuum processDouble vacuum processHot and cold open tank processSap displacement methodIrradiationGamma radiationX-raysMicrowavesInfra redElectron beam treatmentControlled atmosphere5 Certain treatments such as phosphine fumigation and some CPI treatments are generally believed to be very effective but at present lack experimental data concerning efficacy which would allow them to be approved measures. This present lack of data is specifically in relation to the elimination of raw wood pests present at the time of application of the treatment.International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures No. 1 to 29 (2007 edition) 205。
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4、北美植保组织加拿大、美国、墨西哥、三个北美植保组织成员将协调分阶段逐步实施ISPM NO15标准,现美国和加拿大已公布实施时间,预计墨西哥将于2005年中期正式实施。
在第一阶段将向出口国官方植物保护机构通报木质包装不符合ISPM NO15号的情况。
7、欧盟最新通报时间:2003年11月10日初步实施时间:2004年7月1日完全实施时间:2005 年3月1日过渡期:部分实施过渡期至2007年6月30日旧木质包装检疫措施:(1)来自中国的木质包装不得带有树皮,直径大于3毫米的虫孔;或者木材含水量低于20%;(2)来自松线虫疫区的针叶树木质包装须进行除害处理并施加标识,并出具官方检疫机构植物检疫证书;(3)来自非松树线虫疫区的针叶树木质包装,由官方检疫机构实施检疫并出具检疫证书,证明木质包装来自非疫区。
新木质包装检疫措施: 尚未采用 ISPM15#标准。