






e.g. Do be careful when (you are) crossing the street.

When/While (I was) on my way to work, I met her.


e.g. If (it is) properly treated, waste will do no harm to the environment.

I’ll not go to the party unless (I am) invited.

Once (you are) caught stealing in a supermarket, you will be punished.

3、though,although,whether,no matter whether/what/how/who等引导的让步状


e.g. He was happy, though/although (he was) poor.

Whether (she is) sick or well, she is always cheerful.

No matter how/However hard the task (is), we must fulfill it in time.(注:从句的主语和主句的主语不一致时,只省略从句中的be动词形式)

4、as if,as though引导的方式状语从句

e.g. He rubbed his eyes and yawned as if/though (he was) waking up after a long


He stood up as if/though (he wanted) to leave.(as if/though + to do表示一个将来的动作)



e.g. He is taller than his brother (is).

I have as much as confidence in you as (I have confidence) in him.

三、以if从句为代表的状语从句中的特殊省略用法:通常省略了it is,that is,there


e.g. If (it is) possible/necessary, this old temple will be rebuilt.

If (that is) so, I will call you back at 5:00 pm.

There are only a few books in our school library, if (there are) any.


关系词的省略关系代词that,which,whom等在限制性定语从句中充当宾语且不位于介词之后时,可以省略;in which或that在先行词way后作方式状语从句时可省略。

e.g. The man (that/who/whom) you visited last night is my grandpa.

I don’t like the way (in which/that) you treat the girl.




e.g. If I were a teacher, I would be strict with my students.

= Were I a teacher, I would be strict with my students.



e.g. The doctor suggested that he (should) try to lose weight.



语时,不定式省略to。(一感feel,二听hear, listen to, 三让have, let, make,四看see, look at, observe, watch)

2、do nothing but,can’t help but等结构常接省略to的不定式。

E.g. We didn’t do anything but stay at home watching TV yesterday.

Hearing the news, she couldn’t help but cry.



E.g. My parents encouraged me to go to college, but I didn’t want to.


用于避免重复前面所说过的内容,替代词so/not替代肯定或否定的名词性从句。可与believe,do,expect,fear,guess,hope,say,speak,suppose,think,I’m afraid等连用

e.g. – Do you suppose he is going to attend the meeting? – I suppose not.



e.g. – How many copies do you want? -- (I want) Three copies, please.

-- Have you ever been to the Great Wall? -- No, (I have) never (been to the Great Wall).

随讲随练1、—Lucy,could you please spare me a few minutes?

???? —____,but I hope "a few minutes" won't turn into a few hours.

A. It doesn't matter???

B. That's kind of you????

C. I'm afraid not????

D. I guess so


???? —_____

???? —I want to go to the dentist's.

A. Good morning, sir.????

B. Nice to see you, sir.????

C. Where to, sir????

D. What are you going to do, sir?

3、The doctor expresses his strong desire that the patient _____ immediately.

A. be operated on??

B. operated on??

C. was operated on???

D. would be operated on

4、When he came back, he found the bag he had ____ over the seat was gone.

A. left to hang??

B. left hanging??

C. left hung???

D. to leave hanging

5、Liu Xiang spoke slowly to the Special Olympic competitors so as to have them____.

A. understand him???

B. to be understood???

C. be understood???

D. to understand him

6、—Are there any English story books for us students in the library?

???? —There are only a few, ____.

A. if any???

B. if have???

C. if some????

D. if has

8、—Does Betty know where her violin is?

???? —She saw somebody walking off with one, but she doesn't know____.

A. whose???

B. it?????

C. whom????

D. which

9、—Aren't you the manager?

???? —No, and I ____.

A. don't want????

B. don't want to??????

C. don't want to be?????

D. don't

10、—How are you getting on with your work?

?????? —Oh, I'm sorry. Things aren't going so well as____.

A. plans???

B. planning???

C. planned?????

D. to plan

11、—What's the matter with you?

?????? —I didn't pass the test, but I still____.

A. hope so???

B. hope to????

C. hope it????

D. hope that

12、The doctor did what he could ___ the boy, but in vain.

A. save???

B. to save????

C. saving?????

D. saved

13、—You look happy today, Mary.

?????? —I like my new dress and Mother ___, too.

A. likes????

B. does?????

C. is??????

D. do

14、—What happened to the boy? He was making so much noise. ?????? —He wanted to play football, but his mother warned him ____.

A. not????

B. to?????

C. not to????


15、____ for your brother, I would not have gone to see Mr. Wang.

A. If it is not?????

B. Were it not?????

C. Had it not been?????

D. If they were not


1. When first ________ to the market, these products enjoyed great success. (NMET 2004全国卷II)

A. introducing

B. introduced

C. introduce

D. being introduced

2. It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when ________ at the meeting by my boss. (NMET 2004全国卷IV)

A. questioning

B. having questioned

C. questioned

D. to be questioned

3. The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if ________ whether he was going in the right direction. (NMET 2003 安徽春)

A. seeing

B. having seen

C. to have seen

D. to see

4. Generally speaking, ________ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect. (NMET2003上海卷)

A. when taking

B. when taken

C. when to take

D. when to be taken

5. Unless ________ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference. (NMET 2003上海春)

A. invited

B. inviting

C. being invited

D. having invited

6. When ________ , the museum will be open to the public next year. (NMET 2002上海春)

A. completed

B. completing

C. being completed

D. to be completed

7. Though ________ money, his parents man-aged to send him to university. (NMET 2002上海卷)

A. lacked

B. lacking of

C. lacking

D. lacked in

8. The research is so designed that once ________ nothing can be done to change it. (NMET 2002)

A. begins

B. having begun

C. beginning

D. begun

9. —You 're always working. Come on, let's go shopping.

— ________ you ever want to do is going shopping. (NMET 2002北京、安徽、内蒙古春)

A. Anything

B. Something

C. All

D. That

10. Is this the reason ________ at the meeting for his carelessness in his

work?(NMET 2002上海春)

A. he explained

B. what he explained

C. how he explained

D. why he explained

11. What surprised me was not what he said but ________ he said it. (NMET 2004湖北卷)

A. the way

B. in the way that

C. in the way

D. the way which

12. It is easy to do the repair. ________ you need is a hammer and some nails. (NMET 2004天津卷)

A. Something

B. All

C. Both

D. Everything

13. That's an unpleasant thing to say about your father after ________ he's done for you. (NMET 2004全国卷)

A. something

B. anything

C. all

D. that

14. As you've never been there before, I'll have someone ________ you the way. (MET 1990上海卷)

A. to show

B. show

C. showing

D. showed

15. —I'll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat?

—Not at all, ________ . (NMET 1995)

A. I have no time

B. I'd rather not

C. I'd like it

D. I'd be happy to

16. —Does your brother intend to study German?

—Yes, he intends ________ . (NMET 1998上海卷)

A. /

B. to

C. so

D. that

17. —Would you like to go to the Grand Theatre with me tonight?

— ________ . (NMET 1999上海卷)

A. Yes, I'd like to go to the Grand Theatre

B. I'd like to, but I have an exam tomorrow

C. No, I won't

D. That's right

18. —You should have thanked her before you left.

—I meant ________ , but when I was leaving I couldn't find her anywhere. (NMET 2000北京春招卷)

A. to do

B. to

C. doing

D. doing to

19. ________ it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu Bridge. (NMET 1994上海卷)

A. Were

B. Should

C. Would

D. Will

20. ________ for the free tickets, I would not have gone to the films so often. (NMET 1995上海卷)

A. If it is not

B. Were

C. Had it not been

D. If they were not

21. I will know what was on his mind at the time, nor will ________ . (NMET 2004 江苏卷)

A. anyone

B. anyone else

C. no one

D. no one else

22. Of the making of good books there is no end; neither ________ any end to their influence on man's lives. (NMET 2004 广东卷)

A. there is

B. there are

C. is there

D. are there

23. —I would never come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible!

— ________ . (NMET 2004全国卷III)

A. Nor am I

B. Neither would I

C. Same with me

D. So do I


1—5 BCDBA 6—10 AADCA 11—15 AACBD 16—20 BBBBC 21—23 BCB


省略句 为了使话说得简明扼要,英语句子中某个单词、短语甚至从句或主句都可以省去。 这种省去句子某些成分而保持句子意思不变的现象,称为省略(ellipsis)

Ⅰ、状语从句中的省略用法 一、如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且从句的谓语含有be动词的某种形式 (am/is/are/was/were),可同时省略从句的主语和be动词的某种形式。 1、when,while引导的时间状语从句 e.g. Do be careful when (you are) crossing the street. When/While (I was) on my way to work, I met her. 2、if,unless,once引导的条件状语从句 e.g. If (it is) properly treated, waste will do no harm to the environment. I’ll not go to the party unless (I am) invited. Once (you are) caught stealing in a supermarket, you will be punished. 3、though,although,whether,no matter whether/what/how/who等引导的 让步状语从句 e.g. He was happy, though/although (he was) poor. Whether (she is) sick or well, she is always cheerful. No matter how/However hard the task (is), we must fulfill it in time. (注:从句的主语和主句的主语不一致时,只省略从句中的be动词形式) 4、as if,as though引导的方式状语从句 e.g. He rubbed his eyes and yawned as if/though (he was) waking up after a long sleep. He stood up as if/though (he wanted) to leave.(as if/though + to do表示一个将来的动作) 二、than,as引导的比较状语从句中的省略用法:当不同的主语进行比较时, 一般省略从句中的谓语;当从句中的主语与谓语(be动词除外)和主句中的主语与谓语相同时,通常省略从句中的主语和谓语,只保留比较部分。 e.g. He is taller than his brother (is). I have as much as confidence in you as (I have confidence) in him.


高考英语省略句解析 省略是英语语法中的一个重要现象,尤其在高考英语中经常会出现 省略句。省略句的出现不仅能够简化句子结构,使语言更加简练流畅,还有助于提高语言的表达效果。本文将详细解析高考英语中常见的省 略句,帮助考生更好地理解和应对这一题型。 1. 省略主语 省略主语是英语中最常见的省略形式之一。当主语在上文中已经明 确指代或暗示时,可以在下文中省略主语,使句子结构简洁明了。例如: 原句:Tom is good at playing basketball. He often wins the game. 省略主语:Tom is good at playing basketball. Often wins the game. 2. 省略谓语 谓语的省略在高考英语中也较为常见。当句子的主语为it, this, that, these, those等指示代词时,常常可以省略谓语动词,简化句子结构。 例如: 原句:He knows a lot about computers, but I don't know. 省略谓语:He knows a lot about computers, but I don't. 3. 省略宾语

宾语的省略是一种语言表达的简化方式。当句子中的宾语是人称代词时,常常可以省略宾语,使句子更加简洁。例如: 原句:I saw him yesterday, but he didn't see me. 省略宾语:I saw him yesterday, but he didn't see. 4. 省略定语从句 定语从句的省略在高考英语中也颇为常见。当定语从句的主语和谓语与主句中的一致时,可以将定语从句中的主语和谓语省略,只保留从句中的关系词和其他修饰成分。例如: 原句:The book that I borrowed from the library yesterday is very interesting. 省略定语从句:The book I borrowed from the library yesterday is very interesting. 5. 省略介词短语 在高考英语中,介词短语的省略也是一种常见现象。当句子中的介词短语与上文中的介词短语一致时,可以将介词短语省略,使句子更加简练。例如: 原句:She went to school by bus, and I went to school by bike. 省略介词短语:She went to school by bus, and I went by bike. 综上所述,省略句是高考英语中常见的一种语法现象,其出现能够简化句子结构,使语言更加简洁流畅。我们需要根据上下文来准确理

高中英语语法省略句与there be句型知识点讲解练习

高中英语语法省略句与there be句型知识点讲解练习考点清单 1.省略句 ★宾语从句中的省略 在两个或两个以上的并列宾语从句中,第一个连词that可省略,其余的则不可省略;在形容词sure,glad,certain,happy等后所接的宾语从句中,连词that可省略。 He said (that) he felt happy and that he decided to stay here another week. I am very happy (that) I have passed the driving test. ★定语从句中的省略 可以省略作宾语的关系代词。 The first thing (that) I’m going to do is take a long vacation! ★状语从句中的省略 在表示时间、条件、地点、比较、方式或让步的状语从句中,如果谓语动词是be,从句的主语和主句的主语一致,或主语是it时,常省略主语和部分谓语。 Once (they are) injured,they must be sent to hospital. Make some changes when (it is) necessary. The host of the meeting hurried away as if (he was) angry. 2.there be句型 ★there be句型的时态变化 There is a tall tree in front of the classroom.(一般现在时) There was a concert at the National Theatre last night.(一般过去时) There will be a meeting in the lecture room tomorrow morning.(一般将来时) He said that there was going to be an English contest the next Friday.(过去将来时)


高中英语省略句 莎士比亚曾经说过:Brevity is the soul of wit. (言以简为贵)。为了使话说得简明扼要,英语句子中某个单词、短语甚至从句或主句都可以省去。这种省去句子某些成分而保持句子意思不变的现象,称为省略(ellipsis)。一、省略的目的 省略多见于非正式的文体,尤其在对话中,省略是一种十分普遍的现象。英语中的省略一般说来有三个目的: A.避免重复,减少累赘。 省略的主要目的是避免重复,去掉不必要的累赘和繁琐。 Mike said that he would come to school to see me the next day, but he didn't come to school to see me the next day. 迈克说他第二天要来学校看我,但是第二天他并没有来学校看我。 -- Mike said that he would come to school to see me the next day, but he didn't. 迈克说他第二天要来学校看我,但是他并没有来。(省掉最后九个词,句子简洁多了) — What did he want yesterday 他昨天要了什么? — An apple. 一个苹果。(如果答复时说出全文“He wanted an apple yesterday”,便显得别扭,不自然) B.连接紧密,结构紧凑。 省略也是使上下文紧密连接的一种修辞手段。 John was the winner in 1994 and Bob in 2021. 约翰是1994年的获胜者,鲍勃是2021年的获胜者。(Bob后省略了was the winner,句子结构显得比拟紧凑) In some places we stopped in tents for the night, in other places in caves. 我们在有些地方住在帐篷里过夜,在有些地方住在山洞里。(in other places 后省略了主语和谓语we stopped for the night,上下文连接更加紧密)省略:答复问题要简洁,并列重复需省略。祈使主语常省略,比拟than后需省略。宾从表从that勿省略。前后出现同一词,习惯表达需省略。 C.强调重点,突出信息。省略的另一作用是突出新的信息。 Truth speaks too low, hypocrisy too loud. 真理讲话声太低,虚伪讲话声太高。(后一分句省略谓语speaks,突出了too loud) — Have you told him that 你把那告诉他了吗? — Not yet. 还没有呢。(= I have not told him that yet. 强调not yet ) 二、可省略的成分 省略大致可归纳为功能词的省略和语法结构上的省略两种。在很多情况下,这两种省略存在着交*的关系,即有时既是功能词的省略,同时又是语法结构上的省略。 A.功能词的省略 功能词指的是没有完整意义,但有语法意义的词,如冠词、介词、助动词等。英语句子结构的简洁,首先表现在功能词的省略上。 1.冠词的省略 They elected John (the) monitor of the class. 他们选约翰当班长。 A man and (a) woman are talking in the office. 办公室一男一女正在谈话。 He could not understand why there was no noise coming from the house, not even the sound of the radio or (the) television. 他不明白为什么从屋子里一点响声也没传出来,甚至连收音机和电视机的声音也没有。提示:在英语新闻标题、告示中,经常省略冠词。 Chinese President Stresses Role of Working Class 中国国家主席强调工人阶级作用(新闻标题= The Chinese President Stresses the Role of the Working Class)

高中英语语法加练习大全: 省略句

第28章省略句 一. 概念 英语中,为了避免重复,常常省略句子中的一个或几个成分,这样的句子叫省略句 二.相关知识点精讲 1. 简单句中的省略: 在对话中,交谈双方都知道谈论的对象,则可以省略句子的主语,省略主语和谓语的现象在交际用语中出现的很多。 (1)Looks like rain. (2)Hope to hear from you soon. (3)Sounds like a good idea. (4)Beg your pardon. (5)Feeling better today ? (6)This way, please. (7)—What does he want to eat ? —Some rice and vegetables. (8)Anything I can do for you ? (9)Sorry to hear that. (10)Doesn’t matter. (11)Terrible weather! (12)Pity you couldn’t come. 2. 并列句中的省略: 在并列句中,相同的成分如主语,谓语,宾语等都可以省略: (1)They learn French and we English. (2)My father planned and built all these houses. (3)John won the first race and Jimmy the second. (4)Coral is not a plant but a variety of animal life. 3. 复合句中的省略: 定语从句: (1)That’s the reason he is late for the conference. (2)I don’t like the way he talks. 状语从句: (1)If heated, water will boil. (2)Tom was attacked by cramp while swimming across the river. (3)We’ll go to help you if necessary. (4)Had I time, I would come. (5)I’ll go, should it be necessary. (6)The captain can find a boat quicker than we can. 宾语从句:如果宾语从句中的谓语部分与主句的谓语部分或上文的谓语部分相同,可将从句部分的谓语省略。 (1)We will do what we can(do)to help you. (2)—Is Mr. King in his office? —Sorry, I don’t know(whether he is in his office or not). 4. 动词不定式的省略:在动词不定式结构中,为了避免重复,常常省略不定式结构中的


新高考英语语法专题透析—省略结构 一、概念 省略句是英语的一种习惯用法。按照语法的分析,句子应该具备的成分,有时出于修辞上的需要,在句中并不出现,这种句子叫做省略句,这种语法现象称为“省略”。 二、特点 虽然省去句子语法构造所需要的组成部分,但仍能表达其完整的意义。省略形式多样,从单词、短语到分句,都可以省略。 三、简单句中的省略 1.省略主语和谓语 —Hello! Is Jack in? —(This is)Jack speaking. —How are you? —(I’m)Fine, thank you. 2.There be句型中 (Is there)Anything else that you want? 3.感叹句根据上下文的省略 How beautiful(it is)! 4.名词所有格后的名词,如果是表示住宅、店铺、教堂或上下文 已经暗示或明确指出过的事物时,常省略。 I’m going to the tailor’s(shop). 四、并列句中的省略

1.如果后面分句中有与前面相同的部分常被省略。 She is not fond of cooking, nor am I(fond of cooking). 2.有时并列句中的省略部分出现在前面的分句中时,要看完最后一 个分句才能掌握全句的完整意义。 Tom lives(in London), and John works in London. 五、复合句中的省略 1.宾语从句中的省略 (1)由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句中,若有与前面主句重复的内容,则可将重复内容省略,而只保留特殊疑问词。 You look upset. Can you tell me why? (2)在I think/I believe/I hope/I guess/I’m afraid等作答句,后面跟“so”与“not”分别等于肯定或否定时,宾语从句可省去。 —Do you believe he will pass the exam? —I believe so.(=I believe he will pass the exam.) —Do you think it will snow? —I hope not.(=I hope that it will not snow.) (3)在know/think/consider/suppose/find/believe/say/decide等动词后面所接的宾语从句中,连词that可以省略;若带有多个宾语 从句,只有第一个that可以省略,其余的则不能省略。 He said(that)the text was very important and that we should learn it by heart. 2.定语从句中的省略


高三英语省略句常见省略现象 省略和替代一样,也是一种避免重复、突出关键词并使上下文紧密连接的手段。为了避免重复,常常省略句子中的一个或几个成分,这样的句子叫省略句。高三英语省略句的几种形式有从句中It is 的省略;从句主语和主句主语一致时的省略;表语的承前省略;动词的省略[英语语法],下面请看常见的省略现象: 第一,并列句中的省略现象 (一)省略主语。如, She went to the hospital and (she) saw a doctor. 【例】— I was wondering if we could go skiing on the weekend. —________ good. A. Sound B. Sounded C. Sounding D. Sounds 【析】答案是D。省略了主语It。 (二)省略整个谓语或谓语的主要部分。如, Either Tom must be responsible for the matter or we will be (responsible for the matter). 【例】 ________ and I'll get the work finished. A. Have one more hour B. One more hour C. Given one more hour D. If I have one more hour 【析】答案是B。整个句子相当于If you give me one more hour, I'll get the work finished。 (三)省略谓语中的助动词。如, Was Jack playing the guitar and (was) Alice preparing the supper?


高中英语语法省略句 Ellipsis is a phenomenon in English sentences where a word。phrase。or even a clause or main clause can be omitted in order to make the sentence more concise while maintaining its meaning. There are different types of ellipsis。such as the n of the subject or predicate。where only the minor elements are kept. For example。"Beautiful day" can be shortened to just "day" and still convey the same meaning。Another example is "Pity we live so far from the sea," which can be shortened to "It is a pity we live so far from the sea." Predicate ellipsis can be seen in the sentence "Losing her new bicycle made Mary so upset." Here。the predicate "made Mary so upset" is used without repeating the subject "losing her new bicycle."


完整版)高中英语语法省略句 Ellipsis is XXX omitting certain words。phrases。or XXX in order to make the XXX. One type of ellipsis is the n of the subject and predicate of a sentence。XXX. For example。"Beautiful day。isn't it?" instead of "It is a beautiful day。isn't it?" Another type is the n of the predicate。XXX. For example。"Pity we live so far from the sea" instead of "It is a pity we live so far from the sea." XXX。XXX. For example。"Seen from the plane。the house looks XXX."

When the infinitive is followed by the perfect tense。the infinitive XXX. For example。"The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street。but his mother told him not to." In cases where the infinitive is followed by the verb "be," the verb "be" should be retained. For example。"Alice。why didn't you come yesterday?" "I was going to come yesterday。but I had an XXX." When ellipsis occurs。the word "have" should be retained. 可省略从句中的主语和be动词的某种形式。 e.g。She is taller than (he is). He can run as fast as (she can). 改写:省略用法是指在状语从句中,如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且从句的谓语含有be动词的某种形式,可同时省略从句的主语和be动词的某种形式。比如,when,while 引导的时间状语从句,如在穿越马路时要小心(Do be careful


高中英语的省略 为了使话说得简明扼要,英语句子中某个单词、短语甚至从句或主句都能够省去。这种省去句子某些成分而保持句子意思不变的现象,称为省略(ellipsis)。 省略多见于非正式的文体,尤其在对话中,省略一般说来有三个目的: A.避免重复,减少累赘。 — What did he want yesterday 他昨天要了什么? — An apple. 一个苹果。 B.连接紧密,结构紧凑。 John was the winner in 1994 and Bob in 1998. 约翰是1994年的获胜者,鲍勃是1998年的获胜者。(Bob后省略了was the winner,句子结构显得比较紧凑) C.强调重点,突出信息。 — Have you told him that 你把那告诉他了吗? — Not yet. 还没有呢。(= I have not told him that yet. 强调not yet ) 一、可省略的成分 省略大致可归纳为功能词的省略和语法结构上的省略两种。 A.词的省略 1.冠词的省略 They elected John (the) monitor of the class. 他们选约翰当班长。 A man and (a) woman are talking in the office. 办公室一男一女正在谈话。 提示: 在英语新闻标题、告示中,经常省略冠词。 People Rebuild Homes After Flood 洪水退后人民重建家园 2.代词的省略 I went to the market, (I) bought something useful, and (I) returned home within an hour. 我去了市场,买了点有用的东西,一小时之内就回来了。 3.连词的省略 I believe (that) you will succeed.我相信你们会成功的。 It's a pity (that) he's leaving. 他要走,真遗憾。 4.关系词的省略 I'll give you all (that) I have. 我要把我所有的一切都给你。 It wasn't I (who) let him in. 不是我放他进来的。 5.助动词的省略 (Does) Anyone want a drink 有谁要喝一杯吗? 6.不定式符号的省略 I hope to finish my job and (to) go back home. 我希望做完事回家。(当几个不定式并列时,一般只需在第一个不定式前用to) What we could do was (to) get away. (主语从句中含有do,那么作表语的动词不定式往往省略to) We did not dare (to) speak. 我们不敢说话。(dare作行为动词用时,否定式可省略to)There is nothing to do but (to) obey the orders. 除了服从命令之外,我们别无他法。(介词but前如有do,but后可省略to) 注意: 当两个并列的不定式在意义上表示对比关系时,后面的不定式一般不省略to。 To be or not to be, that is the question. 活着还是死亡,这就是问题所在。(莎士比亚) 7.介词的省略


省略句 知识详解 一、概述 在英语中,为了避免重复而省去某些重复的部分,这种现象叫省略。如: ✍B e g y o u p a r d o n. (I)B e g y o u p a r d o n ✍S o u n d s l i k e a g o o d i d e a. (I t)S o u n d s l i k e a g o o d i d e a. 二、分类详解 (一)简单句中的省略 1、省略主语祈使句中主语通常省略;其它省略主语多限于少数现成的说法。如: ✍Thank you for your help. (I)Thank you for your help. ✍Doesn’t matter. (I t)doesn’t matter. 2、省略主谓或主谓语的一部分。如: ✍(T h e r e i s)N o s m o k i n g. ✍(W i l l y o u)H a v e a s m o k e ✍What/How (do you think) about a cup of tea ? ✍Why (do you) not say hello to him ? 3、省略作宾语的不定式短语,只保留t o,但如果该宾语是动词b e或完成时态,则须在之后加上b e或h a v e。如: –A r e y o u g o i n g t h e r e? –Y e s,I’d l i k e t o. ✍He didn’t give me the chance, though he had promised t o . –A r e y o u a n e n g i n e e r? –N o,b u t I w a n t t o b e. –H e h a s n’t f i n i s h e d t h e t a s k y e t. –W e l l,h e o u g h t t o h a v e. 4、省略表语。如: ✍–A r e y o u t h i r s t y?–Y e s,I a m(t h i r s t y). ✍His brother isn’t lazy, nor is his sister (l a z y). 5、同时省略几个成分。如: ✍L e t’s m e e t a t t h e s a m e p l a c e a s(w e m e t)y e s t e r d a y. ✍–H a v e y o u f i n i s h e d y o u r w o r k? –N o t y e t. I h a v e n o t f i n i s h e d m y h o m e w o r k y e t. (二)复合句中的省略


英语中省略现象 高中英语语法之省略 英语中省略现象较为普遍,对省略的考查已成为高考中的热点。句子成分的省略,可分为以下几种情况: 为了使话说得简明扼要,英语句子中某个单词、短语甚至从句或主句都可以省去。Ⅰ、状语从句中的省略用法 一、如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且从句的谓语含有be动词的某种形式 (am/is/are/was/were),可同时省略从句的主语和be动词的某种形式。 1、when,while引导的时间状语从句 e.g. Do be careful when (you are) crossing the street. When/While (I was) on my way to work, I met her. 2、if,unless,once引导的条件状语从句 e.g. If (it is) properly treated, waste will do no harm to the environment. I’ll not go to the party unless (I am) invited. Once (you are) caught stealing in a supermarket, you will be punished. 3、though,although,whether,no matter whether/what/how/who等引导的 让步状语从句 e.g. He was happy, though/although (he was) poor. Whether (she is) sick or well, she is always cheerful. No matter how/However hard the task (is), we must fulfill it in time. (注:从句的主语和主句的主语不一致时,只省略从句中的be动词形式) 4、as if,as though引导的方式状语从句


【英语知识点】英语省略句语法总结及例句 英语中的省略是为了避免重复、突出新信息并使上下文紧密连接的一种语法修辞手段。省略在英语语言中,尤其在对话中,是一种十分普遍的现象。省略句是英语的一种习惯用法。 1.省略介词:I've studied English (for) five years.我已学五年英语了。 2.省略连词that:I believe (that) you will succeed.我相信你们会成功的。 3.省略关系代词:I'll give you all (that) I have.我要把我所有的一切都给你。 1.省略主语:(You) Open the door,please.请开一下门。 2.省略谓语:Who (es) next?该谁了? 3.省略主谓语或主谓语的一部分:(There is) No smoking.禁止抽烟。 4.省略表语:Are you thirsty ? 你30岁了吗?Yes,I am (thirsty).是的,我是。 5.省略宾语:Let's do the dishes. I'll wash and you'll dry(dishes). 让我们 洗碗吧,我来洗,你来揩干。 6.省略状语:He was not hurt. (how)Strange! 他没有受伤,真奇怪! 7.同时省略几个成分:(I wish) Good luck (to you) .祝你好运/祝你顺利。 1.为避免重复而进行的省略。当一个句子中有两个或更多相同的词、短语出现时,其 中的第一个须保留,其余的往往省略,以达到避免重复、使句子简练的目的。高考中尤其 要注意的情况是:当时间状语从句、地点状语从句、方式状语从句、让步状语从句、条件 状语从句等状语从句中的主语与主句的主语一致并含有be时,往往将该状语从句中的主 语和be一同省略。 2.语法上的省略。有些成分的省略是出于语法上的原因——使表述更为简明,例如:He got up at six (o’clock).他六点钟起床。 3.习惯用法上的省略。有些省略句的情况是出于习惯用法,尤其是在口语中。例如, 在问句中be常常省略,有时连主语一起省略:Very easy?很简单吗? 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


高中英语语法讲解与练习之省略 高中英语语法之省略 “省略”在汉英词典中的解释: 1.to omit; to abridge; to abbreviate; to leave out 2.[Grammar] ellipsis; abbreviation 为了使语言简洁或避免重复,省略句中的一个或几个句子成分,这种语法现象称为省略。 被省略的部分: 1 主语 例句: 1 Beg your pardon. 2 (It)Sounds like a good idea. 2谓语或谓语的一部分 例句: 1(Is there)Anything I can do for you? 2(Is) Anybody here? 3宾语例句: A:Where has Mr Smith gone? B:(I want)Orangy juice,please. 4不定式to后省略动词 例句: 1 A:Would you like to come to the paety? B:I'd love to(come to the party.) 2 They do not visit their parentys as much as they ought to(visit their parents). 练习 1.The boy wanted to ride his bike in the street, but his mother told him _____. A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to 2.The traditional goal of science is to discover how things are, not how they ought ____. A. to


【高中英语】英语语法顺口溜:省略句口诀英语语法顺口溜:省略句口诀 回答问题要简洁,并列重复须省略。 祁并使主语必省略,比较than后须省略。 宾从表从that省略,主从that勿省略。 前后发生同一词,惯用习语常省略。 省略句英语语法详解; 1.省略句可以同时省去句子几个成份 whatexcitingnews!(=whatexcitingnewsitis!)多么令人激动的消息啊! pityhe'sfailed.(=itisapitythathe'sfailed.)很惋惜,他失利了。 ilikehimmorethanher.(=ilikehimmorethanilikeher.)我喜欢他更甚于喜欢她。 2.英语中存有一些紧固的省略结构: a)在以if,when,though,asif(好像)等连词引导的从句中,如从句中的主要动词是be,常将主语和动词be省略。 ifnecessary,weshallsendatelegramhome.如有必要,我们就往家里发电报。 whilecycling,don'tforgetthetrafficlights.骑车时,不要忘记看红绿灯。 b)由紧固词组鼓励的疑问句: whatabouthavingagameofchess?下盘棋怎么样? whatifit'sraining?如果天下雨怎么办? whynottryagain?为什么不再试试呢? c)在口语中,为了防止重复,不定式可以省却和句子前部重复的动词原形而只遗留下不定式符号to。 hemayleaveifhewishesto.他可以走,如果他愿意的话。 don'tgotillitellyouto.等我叫做你跑你再跑。


省略句的基本情况总结 省略句的基本情况分为以下三个方面: 1.为避免重复而进行的省略。 当一个句子中有两个或更多相同的词、短语出现时,其中的第一个须保留,其余的往往省略,以达到避免重复、使句子简练的目的。高考中尤其要注意的情况是:当时间状语从句、地点状语从句、方式状语从句、让步状语从句、条件状语从句等状语从句中的主语与主句的主语一致并含有be时,往往将该状语从句中的主语和be一同省略。例如:He hurt himself while (he was) playing basketball.他在打篮球时受了伤。// He works very hard though (he is) still rather weak.他虽然身体还很虚弱,但他非常努力地工作。 2.语法上的省略。 有些成分的省略是出于语法上的原因——使表述更为简明,例如:He got up at six (o’clock).他六点钟起床。// He is twelve (years old).他十二岁。// I walked (for) ten miles.我走了十英里路。 3.习惯用法上的省略。 有些省略句的情况是出于习惯用法,尤其是在口语中。例如,在问句中be常常省略,有时连主语一起省略:Very easy?很简单吗?// Feeling unwell? 感觉不舒服吗? 又如以what, how或why开头的某些问句:What (happened) next?下面要发生什么?// Why not?为什么不?// Why so?为什么这样? [考题1]He has made a lot of films, but ____ good ones. A. any B. some C. few D. many [答案]C [解析]下划线处之前的but决定了只能选择具有否定含义的选项C。题干中的“few good ones”为省略句形式,单独看起来不好理解,应联系上文理解为“He has made few good films.” 1. ____ and I’ll get the work finished. A. Have one more hour B. One more hour C. Given one more hour D. If I have one more hour
