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1. 简介


2. 表示原因


- She was ill, so she couldn't attend the meeting.(她生病了,所以没办法参加会议。)

- He didn't study for the test, so he failed.(他没为考试学习,所以失败了。)

3. 强调程度


- The movie was so boring that I fell asleep halfway through.(那部电影太无聊了,我中途睡着了。)

- They were so excited about the news that they started jumping up and down.(他


4. 引导结果从句

"so that"后面接一个结果从句,表示目的或结果。例如:

- She studied hard so that she could pass the exam.(她努力学习,以便能通过考试。)

- He saved money so that he could buy a new car.(他存钱是为了能买辆新车。)

5. 相似性比较


- He is not so tall as his brother.(他没他哥哥那么高。)

- The second book wasn't so interesting as the first one.(第二本书没有第一本那么有趣。)

6. 后接形容词或副词


- I am so glad to see you!(见到你真开心!)

- The dog barked so loudly that it woke up the whole neighborhood.(狗叫得太大声了,把整个街区都吵醒了。)

7. 引导结果状语从句


- She left early, so she arrived at the airport in time.(她提前离开,所以及时到达了机场。)

- He forgot his passport, so he couldn't travel abroad.(他忘记带护照,所以无法出国旅行。)

8. 与"that"连用


- The rain was so heavy that we had to cancel our outdoor plans.(雨下得太大,我们只好取消户外计划。)

- He was so tired that he fell asleep as soon as he got home.(他太累了,回到家后就睡着了。)

9. 表示希望或建议


- I hope you can come to my party, so we can celebrate together.(希望你能来我的聚会,这样我们可以一起庆祝。)

- Why don't you take a break? You've been working so hard.(你为什么不休息一下呢?你一直都工作得这么辛苦。)



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