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自由平等是人的天性; 社会契约论;“主权在 民”学说。
French Revolution American Declaration of Independence Encourage Asian people to reform the old society
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Author of The Spirit of the Laws. In this political treatise (专题论 文) Montesquieu advocates constitutionalism and the separation of powers, the abolition of slavery, the preservation of civil liberties and the rule of law, and the idea that political and legal institutions ought to reflect the social and geographical character of each particular community.
The Enlightenment usually refers to a period between the early 18th century and the French Revolution in1789, in which new thougts were emerging . The Age of Enlightenment (or Age of Reason) was an elite cultural movement of intellectuals in 18th century Europe that sought to use the power of reason in order to reform society and advance knowledge. It promoted intellectual interchange and opposed intolerance and abuses in Church and state.
共同主张:天赋人权、社会契约、主权在民、自由 代表人物及其思想主张 平等(理性主义) 国家 人物 思想主张
法国 (中 心) 伏尔 泰 孟德 斯鸠 狄德 罗(百
科全书 派) 自然权利说(不反对财产不 平等);反君主专制(但赞 成“开明君主制”) 三权分立说(立法—人民 代表、行政—民选临时机 构、司法独立;三者相互 独立又监督) 人具有与生俱来的自然权 利;通过契约组成国家保 障人的自然权利。
1. Feudalism(封建主义) suppressed the bourgeois(资产阶级) political rights, so they carry out anti-feudal and antichurch propaganda ( 宣 传 ) ideologically, to prepare for the struggle for power.
The first Encyclopedia (百科全书) is considered to be the pinnacle (顶点) of the Enlightenment period. It was compiled by Denis Diderot in 1751-1772.
② With the development of modern science, rationalism, as an asset Anti-feudal class provides the ideological and theoretical weapon.
Representative figures
Rousseau Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a philosopher, writer, and composer. His political philosophy heavily influenced the French Revolution, as well as the overall development of modern political, sociological, and educational thought.
Denis Diderot
He was a French philosopher, art critic, and writer. He was a prominent person during the Enlightenment and is best known for serving as co-founder and chief editor of the Encyclopedie.
He was famous for his wit and for his advocacy (提倡) of civil liberties (公民自由), including freedom of religion, free trade, and separation of church and state. Voltaire was a prolific(多产的) writer, producing works in almost every literary form, including plays, poetry, novels, essays, and historical and scientific works. He wrote more than 20,000 letters and more than 2,000 books and pamphlets.
The Enlightenment
The Enlightenment is mankind‘s final coming of age, the emancipation ( 解 脱 ) of the human consciousness from an immature state of ignorance and error. -Immanuel Kant
是法国启蒙运动的泰斗, 但具有局限性。 体现了人民主权的原则,为 近代资本主义国家政治体制 的建立奠定了理论基础。
体现了科学与民主的时代精神, 成为法国启蒙运动的中坚力量, 为大革命做了有力的思想准备。 否定封建王权,描绘了资产阶 级共和政体的蓝图,成为法国 大革命的先导,并直接影响了 美国政治制度的建立。
With the Capitalist economic development, the bourgeoisie‘s economic strengபைடு நூலகம்h surges , so they required their own interests ideologically.
3. ① The Renaissance(文艺复兴) and religious reform promoted the people's ideological emancipation;
The enlightenment originated in England in 17th century,it was sparked by philosophers such as John Locke (1632-1704), mathematician Newton (1643-1727) and others. The Enlightenment flourished in late 18th century. The enlightenment met its climax(顶点) in France. After that, it extended to Germany, the Netherland and North America.
He was an outspoken (直言, 坦率的) supporter of social reform, despite strict censorship (审查) laws and harsh penalties for those who broke them. As a satirical polemicist (辩论 者), he frequently made use of his works to criticize intolerance, religious dogma and the French institutions of his day. His most famous work is Candide(老实人).