高中英语必修五Unit4 Making the news课件

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2).Now please scan the passage again,try to get more detailed information about the passage. ①. Can Zhou Yang go out on a story alone immediately? Why (not)? No, because there is a lot for him to learn and he must work in a team until he is more experienced.
④ Which of the following is NOT included in Hu Xin’s list of “does” and “don’ts”? A. Don’t be rude B. Don’t talk too much yourself but make sure you listen to the interviewee carefully. C. Don’t miss your deadline. D. Don’t laugh at the people being interviewed. ⑤ The sentence “You can use a recorder to get all your facts straight” means _____ A. to make sure that the story is accurate 11
3. Good communication skills 4. Curious, active personality
5. Hard-working
6. Enthusiasm for the job 7. Prepared to work long hours 8. Ability to work in a team
1.cover a story 2.have a “nose” for a story 3.a trick of the trade 4.get the fact straight
to report on an important event be able to tell if it’s a true story
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The questions develop naturally from the answers Hu Xin, yet they form a developmental whole:
things to take things to remember things to avoid importance of listening and ensuring accuracy (n. 准确,精确度,准确性).
work? Excited and eager to go out on a story.
④.Why is listening so important?
He has to listen for detailed facts. Meanwhile he has to prepare the next question depending on what the person says.
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Now please scan the passage , try to get sΒιβλιοθήκη Baidume detailed information.
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1)Choose the correct answers: ①Zhou Yang will never forget his first assignment at the office of China Daily because______ A. his first assignment was quite a failure B. Hu Xin was very strict with him even though he was a reporter C. his new boss Hu Xin asked him to go out on a story by himself D. his discussion with his new boss ,Hu Xin, was to strongly influence his life as reporter.
⑴Can I go out on a story immediately? ⑵What do I need to take with me? ⑶ What do I need to remember when I go out to
cover a story? ⑷What should I keep in mind? ⑸Why is listening so important? ⑹ But how Can I listen carefully while taking notes? ⑺ Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?
clever ways known to experts
to present ideas fairly
5.get the wrong end of the stick 6.how the story goes 7.get a real “scoop”
not to understand properly this is the story
Generally speaking, if you want to be a good news reporter, what qualities do you think you need to have?
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1. Higher level of education 2. Work experience
interviewer: Yang Lan
Interviewee: Hillary
Lu Yu
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Unit 4 Making the news
Period Two: Reading
‘Unforgettable’, says new journalist
information from the reading passage
to help you.
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Zhou Yang’s notes
1.The skills needed
①.be able to tell if someone
is telling the truth ②.be accurate ③.do research ④.ask questions
a piece of hot news
What’s the main idea of this passage?
This passage is about Zhou Yang’s first assignment at the office of China Daily. And his discussion with his new boss, Hu Xin, was to strongly influence his life as a reporter.
1. We should master the skills to become a good reporter. 2. We should summarize the chief process for making the news.
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Now please listen to the passage and underline the questions which Zhou Yang asks. Try to look at the way the questions develop.
②. What mistakes must be avoided?
Don’t miss the deadline, don’t be rude and don’t talk too much about himself.
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③. How did Zhou Yang feel on his first day at
use research and ask witnesses
use a tape recorder for the interview
4.How to check facts
5.How to deal with accusations of lies
Now Zhou Yang would like you to help his readers understand the duties of a journalist. Read the passage again and divide it into three sections, each of which looks at one duty of a journalist. Then write down the main idea of each section.
②Zhou Yang can cover a story on his own only when_____ A. he has a nose for a story B. he listens to the answers carefully C. he is interested in photography D. he has seen what an experienced reporter does. ③Who will take the pictures when Zhou Yang goes out on a story for the first time? A. Zhou Yang himself B. A professional photographer C. Hu Xin D.A more experienced reporter 10
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Now we are going to learn a passage whose title is ‚MY FIRST WORK ASSIGNMENT ‘Unforgettable’, says new journalist‛. In the passage the writer will tell us ‚the first day at work of a new reporter called Zhou Yang.‛ After reading the passage by skimming or scanning, we should mainly achieve the following aims:
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Now imagine Zhou Yang is making notes in order to answer the questions of one student’
asking how to become a journalist. Can you
work out Zhou Yang’s notes? Use the
2.The importance of listening
①. get the detailed facts ②. prepare the next
3.Stages in researching a story
①.ask questions ②. note reactions ③.check facts ④. do research
Find out the idioms that appear in the passage and guess the meaning of these expressions.
cover a story to have a ‚nose‛ for a story a trick of the trade get all your facts straight get the wrong end of the stick a real scoop