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Behavioural Processing, 1998,2000. Helga Lejeune
Prospective timing, attention and the switch:A response to ‘Gating or switching? gating is a better model of prospective timing’ by Zakay
Switching or gating? The atttential challenge in cognitive models of psychological time. Dan Zakay
Gating or switching? Gating is a better: model of prospective timing (a response to ‘switching or gating? ’ by Lejeune )
---李约瑟“中国与西方的时间观和历史观” 载《李约瑟文集》
Temporal Cognition Temporal Perspective Time-related Individual Difference
Temporal Cognition
Behavioral research Macro-level
Temporal cognition : Macro-level
Factors influencing temporal cognition 1. Age-related difference
Block,R.A.,Zakay,D.,& Hancock,P.A.(1998).Human aging and duration judgments: A metaanalytic review. Psychology & Aging, 13,584-596. Block,R.A.,Zakay,D.,& Hancock,P.A.(1999). Developmental changes in human duration judgments: A meta-annalistic review. Developmental Review, 19,183-211 2. Gender Block,R.A., Hancock,P.A. ,& Zakay,D. (2000). Sex difference in duration judgments: A metaanalytic review. Memory & Cognition, 28, 1333-1346.
1. Internal Clock
2. Resource allocation model
3. Temporal Information Processing
4. Attentional Gate
Models of Remembered Duration - Retrospective Timing
Neural Bases of Temporal Behavior Micro -level
Temporal Cognition : Macro-level
Research paradigm - prospective vs. retrospective
Models of Experienced Duration - Prospective Timing
1. Memory-Based Models:
- Storage Size Hypothesis
- Cognitive Change Hypothesis
2. Shortcomings and Limitations
Rrange-Synthetic Model
Neural Bases of Temporal Behavior: Micro -level
Rammsayer, T.H. (1993). On dopaminergic modulation of temporal information processing. Biological Psychology, 36, 209-222.
individual differences, 23, 739-744 4. Mental illness ADHD, Parkinson's disease , Amnesia , Alzheimer's disease,Schizophrenia, Stutter, Emotion 5. Notemporal task Modality effect notemporal task
“时间究竟是什么?谁能轻易概括地说明它?谁对此有明确的概念,能用言语表达出来?可是 在谈话之中,有什么比时间更常见,更熟悉呢?我们谈到时间,当然了解,听别人谈到时间,我们 也领会。那么时间究竟是什么?没有人问我,我倒清楚,有人问我,我想说明,便茫然不解了。”
Temporal Cognition: Macro-level
Factors influencing temporal cognition 3. Personality Rammsayer, T.H. (1997). On the relationship between personality and time estimation. Personality and
“中国和西方所特有的时间概念和历史概念的差别(若有的话),与近 代科学技术仅仅产生于西方文明的事实,这两者之间,是否存在某种联 系呢?由许多哲学家所提出的论点,是由两部分组成的:第一,试图论 证基督教文化比任何其他文化更加重视历史;第二,这种对于历史的重 视在意识形态上有利于文艺复兴和科学革命时期近代自然科学的发展”
Meck, W.H. (1996). Neuropharmacology of timing and time perception. Cognitiv e Brain Research, 3,227-242.