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选修7 单选训练Unit1-- 3

1.Mr. Smith is very kind and friendly________his students, but he is also very strict________them.

A.with; to B.to; with C.to; to D.with; with

2.—Are you satisfied with the result?

—Not at all. It couldn't be________.

A.any better B.any worse C.so bad D.the worst

3.I can still remember the sitting­room________my mother and I used to sit in the evening.

A.that B.which C.where D.wherever

4.It is reported that the________of the fire in the bookstore was that the manager was too careless.

A.excuse B.reason C.cause D.question

5.When you finish reading the book, you'll have______better understanding of________life.

A.a; the B.the; a C./; the D.a; /

6.No matter what you say, I shall________my own position on this question.

A.insist on B.get on with C.keep up D.stick to 7.He tried many times to sneak across the boarder to a neighboring country, ________each time.

A.having been caught B.unluckily caught

C.always being caught D.only to be caught

8.—Who would you rather________the office?

—Joyce, of course.

A.have cleaned B.get cleaned C.get clean D.have clean 9.—Hi, haven't seen you for ages! You look fine.

—________. You look well, too.

A.Not at all B.Oh, no C.Great D.Thanks

10.The accused had many________to prove that he was not guilty.

A.judges B.witnesses C.lawyers D.passers­by 11.—I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her.

—________. It was her fault.

A.No way B.Not possible C.No chance D.Not at all 12.He is the only person who saw the accident________. So he is the most important witness.

A.happen B.to happen C.having happened D.happened 13.I often log on the website, because it's_____with much useful information.

A.pleased B.packed C.burdened D.covered 14.We had a picnic last term and it was full of fun, so let's have________one this month.

A.the other B.some C.another D.other

15.They________drinking although they are drivers.

A.give up B.devote themselves to C.quit D.abandon themselves to 21. The lost minibus of Mr. Jones which was found ______ in the woods off

the highway was still in good condition.

A. vanished

B. abandoned

C. scattered

D. rejected

22. Many traffic accidents happened at this ______ turn of the road.

A. sharp

B. urgent

C. immediate

D. quick

23. I thought the measures would work,but it had the ______ effect—more

rivers being polluted.

A. better

B. practical

C. opposite

D. basic

24. It’s typical of him to speak almost without ______ for breath;he had better listen to others’opinions.

A. pausing

B. standing

C. predicting

D. opposing

25. The police always take advantage of dogs’____ sense of smell to search
