



四书:(Four Books)《大学》The Great Learning《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean《论语》The Analects of Confucius《孟子》The Words of Mencius五经:(Five Classics)《诗经》The Book of Songs《书经》The Book of History《易经》The Book of Changes《礼记》The Book of Rites《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals《三国演义》Three Kingdoms or Romance of The Three Kingdoms《水浒传》The Water Margin or the Outlaws of the Marsh《西游记》Story of a Journey to the West or The Pilgrimage to the West 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions or A Red-Chamber Dream《聊斋志异》Strange Stories from a Scholar's Studio《山海经》Mountain and Sea Classics《战国策》Stratagems of the Warring States《史记》Records of the Grand Historian《世纪新说》New sayings of the World《西厢记》Romance of the Western Chamber《醒世恒言》Stories to Awaken Men(觉醒者的故事)《喻世明言》Stories to Enlighten Men(开导者的故事)《警世通言》Stories to Warn Men (警告者的故事)《官场现形记》Exposure of the Official World(接触官方世界) 《本草纲目》Outline of Herb Medicine《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror(以史为镜《儒林外史》The Scholars《金瓶梅》the Golden Lotus《孙子兵法》Sun Tzu The Art Of War《道德经》Tao Te Ching《汉书》The History of the Han Dynasty《后汉书》The History of Latter Han《三国志》The History of the Three Kingdoms《二十年目睹之怪现状》Odd things witnessed over twenty years 《孽海花》A torn lily or flower in the vicious sea《老残游记》Travels of Lao Tsan or Travels of an Old Man 《孝经》Book of Filial Piety。












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中国名著的英文翻译《三国演义》Three Kingdoms or Romance of The Three Kingdoms《水浒传》The Water Margin or the Outlaws of the Marsh《西游记》Story of a Journey to the West or The Pilgrimage to the West《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions or A Red-Chamber Dream《聊斋志异》Strange Stories from a Scholar's Studio《大学》The Great Learning《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean《论语》The Analects of Confucius《孟子》The Words of Mencius《诗经》The Book of Songs《书经》The Book of History《易经》The Book of Changes《礼记》The Book of Rites《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals 《山海经》Mountain and Sea Classics《战国策》Stratagems of the Warring States 《史记》Records of the Grand Historian《世纪新说》New sayings of the World《西厢记》Romance of the Western Chamber 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone)《水浒传》Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins《本草纲目》Compendium of Material Medic 《聊斋志异》Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio《论语》Analects of Confucius《山海经》the Classic of Mountains and Rivers《围城》A Surrounded City《西厢记》The Romance of West Chamber 《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror《史记》Shi Ji/ Historical Records四书(《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》)The Four Books (The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean,The Analects of Confucius, The Mencius) 《阿Q正传》The True Story of Ah Q《春秋》Spring and Autumn Annals 《诗经> the book of odes《世说新语》essays and criticism《封神演义》the legend of deification 《金瓶梅》The golden lotus傲慢与偏见Pride and Prejudice安娜.卡列宁娜Anna Karenina安徒生童话选Andersen's Fairy Tales爱丽丝漫游奇境Alice's Adventures in Wonderland爱玛Emma八十天环游地球Around the World in 80 Days变形记Metamorphosis巴黎圣母院Notre-Dame de Paris百年孤独One Hundred Years of Solitude 查太莱夫人的情人Lady Chatterley's Lover 德伯家的苔丝Tess of the D'Urbervilles儿子与情人Sons and Lovers复活Resurrection福尔摩斯历险记The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes共产党宣言The Communist Manifesto 格列佛游记Gulliver's Travels格林童话选Grimms' Fairy Tales呼啸山庄Wuthering Heights哈姆雷特Hamlet, Prince of Denmark海底两万里Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea黑暗的心Heart of Darkness基督山伯爵The Count of Monte Cristo 简.爱Jane Eyre恋爱中的女人Women in Love罗密欧与朱丽叶Romeo and Juliet 牛虻The Gadfly物种起源On the Origin of Species 鲁宾孙飘流记Robinson Crusoe双城记 A Tale of Two Cities失去的世界The Lost World少年维特的烦恼The Sorrows of Young Werther时间机器The Time Machine神秘岛The Mysterious Island唐吉诃德Don Quixote汤姆.索亚历险The Adventures of Tom Sawyer美丽与毁灭The Beautiful and Damned 老妇人的故事The Old Wives' Tale 认真的重要性The Importance of Being Earnest野性的呼唤The Call of the Wild隐身人The Invisible Man麦琪的礼物The Gift of the Magi玩偶之家 A Doll's House瓦尔登湖Walden雾都孤儿Oliver Twist夏洛的网Charlotte's Web小妇人Little Women小王子The Little Prince远大前程Great Expectations战争与和平War and Peace罪与罚Crime and Punishment21部经典外国文学名著中英文对译合集1、战争与和平War And Peace作者:列夫•托尔斯泰(by Leo Tolstoy)2、悲惨世界Les Miserables作者:维克多•雨果(by Victor Hugo)3、双城记 A Tale of Two Cities 作者:查尔斯•狄更斯(by Charles Dickens)4、简•爱Jane Eyre 作者:夏洛特•勃朗特(by Charlotte Bronte)5、呼啸山庄Wuthering Heights 作者:艾米略•勃朗特(by Emily Bronte)6、傲慢与偏见Pride And prejudice 作者:简•奥斯汀(by Jane Austen)7、德伯家的苔丝Tess of the D'Urbervilles 作者:托马斯•哈代(by Thomas Hardy)8.基督山伯爵The Count of Monte Cristo 作者:大仲马(by Alexandre Dumas Pere)9.茶花女La Dame aux camélias (Camille) 作者:小仲马(by Alexandre Dumas fils)10、爱丽丝漫游奇境记Alice's Adventures In Wonderland作者:刘易斯•卡洛尔(by Lewis Carroll)11、鲁宾逊飘流记Robison Crusoe 作者:丹尼尔•笛福(by Daniel Defoe)12、汤姆•索亚历险记The Adventures of Tom Sawyer作者:马克•吐温(by Mark Twain )13、哈克贝里•芬历险记The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 作者:马克•吐温(by Mark Twain )14、嘉莉妹妹Sister Carrie作者:西奥多•德莱塞(by Theodore Dreiser)15、娜娜Nana作者:左拉(by Emile Zola)16、马丁•伊登Martin Eden作者:杰克•伦敦(by Jack London)17、红字The Scarlet Letter作者:霍桑(by Nathaniel Hawthorne)18、查太莱夫人的情人Lady Chatterley's Lover作者:D•H•劳伦斯(by D•H•Lawrence)19、宝岛Treasure Island作者:罗伯特•路易斯•史蒂文森(by Robert Louis Stevenson )20、八十天环游地球Around the World In 80 Days作者:儒勒•凡尔纳(by Jules Verne)21、尤利西斯Ulysses作者:乔伊斯(by James Joyce)四大名著:《红楼梦》:1、The Story of Stone《石头记》2、A Dream of Red Mansions/Chamber(红色大楼/房间的梦)3、The Cowherd and the Weaving Girl(牛郎和织女)《三国演义》:1、《Romantic of Three Kingdoms》——三个王国的罗曼史《水浒传》1、《一百零五个男人和三个女人的故事》2、《All Men Are Brothers: Blood of the Leopard》——四海之内皆兄弟:豹子的血3、美国女作家赛珍珠翻译《水浒》七十一回本,取名为《四海之内皆兄弟》4、《OUTLAWS IN THE MARSH》——沼泽地里的逃犯最早德文译名是《强盗与士兵》;法文译名是《中国的勇士们》;英文译本为《在河边发生的故事》《西游记》:Journey to the West(去西方旅游)Monkey / The Monkey King(猴王)。



中国名著经典句子中英互译1. 经典句子:“滚滚长江东逝水,浪花淘尽英雄。

”英文翻译:The boundless Yangtze River surges eastward, its waves washing away heroes through the ages.运用例子:小明和小红在讨论历史人物时,小明感慨道:“你看啊,这‘滚滚长江东逝水,浪花淘尽英雄。



”2. 经典句子:“天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来。

”英文翻译:Heaven has endowed me with talents for eventual use. I'll have a thousand gold pieces back even if I spend them all.运用例子:小李最近创业失败,心情很低落。




3. 经典句子:“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。

”英文翻译:I only wish for a long and healthy life for us all, and may we all share the beautiful moonlight, even if we are thousands of miles apart.运用例子:中秋佳节,小王和小张在异地,只能通过电话联系。





- 《红楼梦》:以贾宝玉、林黛玉等人物为主线,展现了封建社会的衰败和人生的悲欢离合。


- 《西游记》:以唐僧师徒四人西天取经的故事为主线,描绘了神奇的仙境和妖怪的形象。


- 《三国演义》:以三国时期的历史为背景,描绘了各个势力之间的斗争和英雄豪杰的形象。


- 《水浒传》:以宋朝末年的农民起义为背景,描绘了各个英雄好汉的形象和他们反抗压迫的故事。








































中国古代部分书籍名著的英文译名中国古代部分书籍名著的英文译名《本草纲目》 Compendium of Materia Medica《红楼梦》 A Deam in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《聊斋志异》 Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio《论语》 Analects of Confucius《三国演义》 The Romance of the Three Kingdoms《山海经》 the Classic of Mountains and Rivers / Mountain and Sea Classics《围城》 A Surrounded City《西厢记》 The Romance of West Chamber《西游记》 Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West《资治通鉴》 History as a Mirror《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins《大学》The Great Learning《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean《论语》The Analects of Confucius《孟子》The Words of Mencius《诗经》The Book of Songs《书经》The Book of History《易经》The Book of Changes《礼记》The Book of Rites《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals《战国策》Stratagems of the Warring States《史记》Records of the Grand Historian《世纪新说》New sayings of the World《西行漫记》Red Star over China|考试大收集整理1.四书 The Four Books2.五经 The Five Classics3.《大学》 The Great Learning4.《中庸》 The Doctrine of the Mean,The Way of Medium5.《论语》The Analects of Confucious,The Confucious Analects6.道德经 The Classic of the Virtue of the Dao,The Book of Lao Zi,Dao De Jing7.《孟子》 The Work of Mencious,Mencious8.《书经/尚书》 The Book of History9.《易经/周易》 The Book of Changes10.《礼记》The Book of Rites,The Book of Social Changes Ceremonies11.《春秋》 The Spring and Autumn Annals12.《史记》 History of Records,Records of the History13.《楚辞》 Poetry of the South14.《左传》 Zuo Commentary(Spring and Autumn of Mr.Lu)15.《孙子兵法》 The Art of War16.《墨子》 Modi17.《非攻》 Condemnation of Offensive War18.《商君书》 The Book of Lord Shang19.《更法》 The Reform of the Law20.《过秦论》 The Faults of Qin21.《完壁归赵》 Return the Jade Intact to the State of Zhao22.《毛遂自荐》 Mao Sui Recommends Himself23.《苏武牧羊》 Su Wu Tends Sheep24.《洛神赋》 The Goddess of the Luo25.《出师表》 Memorial on Going to War。
























1.《三国演义》Three Kingdoms or Romance of The Three Kingdoms2.《水浒传》The Water Margin or the Outlaws of the Marsh3.《西游记》Story of a Journey to the West or The Pilgrimage to the West 4.《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions or A Red-Chamber Dream5.《聊斋志异》Strange Stories from a Scholar's Studio6.《大学》The Great Learning7.《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean8.《论语》The Analects of Confucius9.《孟子》The Words of Mencius10.《诗经》The Book of Songs11.《书经》The Book of History12.《易经》The Book of Changes13.《礼记》The Book of Rites14.《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals15.《山海经》Mountain and Sea Classics16.《战国策》Stratagems of the Warring States17.《史记》Records of the Grand Historian18.《世纪新说》New sayings of the World19.《西厢记》Romance of the Western Chamber8. Stories to Awaken Men《醒世恒言5. The Scholars《儒林外史》9. Stories to Enlighten Men《喻世明言》10. Stories to Warn Men《警世通言》11. Exposure of the Official World《官场现形记》12. Outline of Herb Medicine《本草纲目》14. History as a Mirror《资治通鉴》《世纪新说》New sayings of the World《西行漫记》Red Star over China《三国志》History of the Three Kingdoms《三国演义》Romance of the Three Kingdom / Three Kingdoms《世说新语》New sayings of the World《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean《临川四梦》the Four Dreams of Linchuan《书经》The Book of History《二刻拍案惊奇》the Second Series of Striking the Table in Amazement at the Wondrous Storie 《倩女幽魂》Wandering Soul of a Beauty《儒林外史》The Scholars《史记》Records of the (Grand) Historian《喻世明言》Instruction Stories to Enlighten the World《喻世明言》Stories to Enlighten Men《国语》Guo Yu《大学》the Great Learning《孙子兵法》the Art of War by Master Sun《孟子》The Words of Mencius / the Book of Master Meng《官场现形记》Exposure of the Official World《封神榜》Canonization of the Gods《山海经》Mountain and Sea Classics /the Classic of Mountains and Rivers《左传》Zuo's Commentary《战国策》Intrigues of the Warring States / Stratagems of the Warring States《拍案惊奇》Striking the Table in Amazement at the Wondrous Stories《易经》The Book of Changes《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals《本草纲目》 Outline of Herb Medicine/Compendium of Materia Medica《桃花扇》the Peach Blossom Fan《水浒》Outlaws of the Marsh《水浒传》The Water Margin / the Outlaws of the Marsh /Heroes of the Marshes《永乐大典》the Great Encyclopaedia of the Emperor《汉书》History of the Han Dynasty《牡丹亭》the Peony Pavilion《礼记》The Book of Rites《窦娥冤》the Injustice of Dou E《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions / A Red-Chamber Dream/A Dream of Red Mansions/A Drea of the Stone《聊斋志异》Strange Stories from a Scholar's Studio/Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio/Tales fr Tales of the Tale-Telling Studio《西厢记》Romance of the Western Chamber/The Western Chamber《西游记》Pilgrimage of the West /Story of a Journey to the West / The Pilgrimage to the West 《警世通言》Comprehensive Stories to Admonish the World/Stories to Warn Men《论语》The Analects of Confucius《孟子》The Words of Mencius《诗经》The Book of Songs《书经》The Book of History《易经》The Book of Changes《礼记》The Book of Rites《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror《赵氏孤儿》Orphan of the Zhao Family《道德经》the Classic of the Way and Its Virtue《醒世恒言》Lasting Stories to Awaken the World《醒世恒言》Stories to Awaken Men 《金瓶梅》Jin Ping Mei《风》《雅》《颂》Songs, Odes, Hymns。



中国古典名著翻译Chinese English(一)春秋时代《诗经》The Book of Songs《尚书》Classic of History; The Book of Documents《礼记》The Book of Rites 《易经》The Book of Changes 《春秋》Spring and Autumn Annals 《乐》The Classic of Music 《论语》The Analects of Confucius The Analects《孟子》Mencius《大学》The Great Learning 《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean《左传》Zuo Zhuan ;Chronicle of Zuo;Commentary of Zuo;Zuo Tradition (二)战国时代《老子》(又名《道德经》)The Tao Te Ching;Daodejing;Dao De Jing《列子》Liezi《愚公移山》Fiaith will move mountains; How Yukong Moved Mountains 《庄子》The Zhuangzi 《荀子》The Xun-Zi 《韩非子》The Hanfeizi《吕氏春秋》The Lüshi Chunqiu;Mister Lv's Spring and Autumn Annals;Lv's Spring and Autumn;《离骚》Encountering Sorrow ; Encountering Trouble《战国策》Strategies of the Warring States 《孙子兵法》The Art of War(三)两汉《过秦论》T en Crimes of Qin; The Faults of Qin《鸿门宴》White Vengeance《毛遂自荐》Mao Sui Recommends Himself; Recommend oneself for a position as Mao Sui Did《史记》The Records of the Grand Historian ( Shi Ji)Historical Records《资治通鉴》Partial Draft of the Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government;The Zizhi Tongjian《汉书》The Book of Han;Hanshu; History of the Former Han《后汉书》The Book of Later Han;Hou Hanshu; History of the Later Han《三国志》Records of the Three Kingdoms《陌上桑》Mulberry By Road; The Roadside Mulberry《长歌行》Singing All Along;A slow Song《十五从军征》The Old Soldier's Return《孔雀东南飞》A Pair of Peacocks Southeast Fly; The Peacocks Fly to the South and the East《上邪》The Pledge(四)三国两晋南北朝《短歌行》Short Song Style;A short Song《观沧海》The Sea《七步诗》The Quatrain of Seven Steps; Written While Taking Seven《洛神赋》The Goddess of the Luo 《出师表》Memorial on Going to War 《搜神记》Sou Shen Ji《桃花源记》The Peach Blossom Spring; The Peach Blossom Land; Peach Blossom Spring Story《归去来兮辞》Home-going-and-coming Song《归园田居》Returning to My Farm;Return to Nature《饮酒》Drinking Wine《世说新语》A New Account of the T ales of the World;Essays and Criticism《木兰诗》The Ballad of Mulan; The Mulan Ballad;Song of Mulan《乐府诗集》A Collection of Yue Fu Poetry;Yuefu Poetry(五)元《窦娥冤》The Injustice to Dou E;Snow in Summer《西厢记》The Romance of the Western Bower; The Story of the Western Wing (Wang Shifu)《赵氏孤儿》Zhao the Orphan;《天净沙·秋思》翁显良:Autumn; Schlepp: Tune to ”Sand and Sky”- AutumnThoughts;丁祖馨& Burton: Tune: Tian Jing Sha;许渊冲:Autumn Thoughts (六)明《忠义水游传》简称《水浒》Water Margin; Outlaws of the Marsh; All men are brothers 《三国演义》Traditional Chinese;Simplified Chinese;The Romance of the Three Kingdoms《西游记》Journey to the West;Monkey King;Journey to the West Pilgrimage to the West;Story of the Journey to the West《金瓶梅》The Forbidden Legend Sex & Chopsticks;The Plum in the Golden Vase;The Golden Lotus;Chin P’ing Mei《牡丹亭》The Peony Pavilion《喻世明言》Clear Words to Illustrate the World;Stories to Enlighten Men《醒世恒言》lasting words to awaken the world;Stories to Awaken Men《警世通言》ordinary words to warn the world;Stories to Warn Men《初刻拍案惊奇》Amazing Tales-First Series; 《二刻拍案惊奇》Amazing Tales- Second Series(七)清《聊斋志异》Traditional Chinese; Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio《儒林外史》The Scholars (novel)《红楼梦》Dream of the Red Chamber;The Story of the Stone《己亥杂诗》Ji Hai Poem of Feeling《官场现形记》A Revelation of Official Circles Exposure of the Official World。



【中国古典文学名著百部】pdf 书 目 (全套完整版)1. 山海经(晋)郭璞注(西汉)刘歆编 509 KB2. 官场现形记(清)李宝嘉 6.04 MB3. 红楼梦(清)曹雪芹 高鄂 9.58 MB4. 东周列国志(明)冯梦龙(清)蔡元放 8.22 MB5. 宋词三百首(清)朱祖谋 1.75 MB6. 苏轼全集(宋)苏轼 14.30 MB7. 容斋随笔(宋)洪迈 17.00 MB8. 隋唐演义(清)褚人获 7.80 MB9. 三国演义(明)罗贯中 6.35 MB10. 先秦时期官训(现代)唐河 王文祥 33.58 MB11. 闲情偶寄(清)李渔 5.99 MB12. 韩愈全集(唐)韩愈 3.28 MB13. 水浒传(明)施耐庵 8.65 MB14. 中山狼(明)康海 1.25 MB15. 世说新语(南朝宋)刘义庆 5.43 MB16. 西游记(明)吴承恩 8.76 MB17. 英烈传(明)郭勋 3.66 MB18. 十八家诗抄(清)曾国藩 8.69 MB19. 诗品(梁)钟嵘 1.52 MB20. 智囊全集(明)冯梦龙 11.60 MB21. 资治通鉴(北宋)司马光等 2.29 MB22. 杜甫全集(唐)杜甫 3.82 MB23. 古文观址(清)吴楚材 吴调侯 2.02 MB24. 周易(商)姬昌 1.71 MB25. 史记(西汉)司马迁 993 KB26. 左氏春秋(先秦)左丘明 3.28 MB27. 白居易全集(唐)白居易 7.74 MB28. 史通(唐)刘知几 1.62 MB29. 唐诗三百首(清)蘅塘退士 1.02 MB30. 阅微草堂笔记(清)纪昀 14.3 MB31. 汉赋(西汉)司马相如 张衡 等 715 KB32. 李白全集(唐)李白 2.96 MB33. 二十年目睹之怪现状(清)吴研人 4.43 MB35. 三国志(西晋)陈寿 4.93 MB36. 绝妙好词(宋)周密 1.32 MB37. 诗经(东汉)郑玄 2.09 MB38. 聊斋志异(清)蒲松龄 5.94 MB39. 文心雕龙(南北朝)刘勰著 970 KB40. 陆游全集(宋)陆游 14.00 MB41. 欧阳修全集(宋)欧阳修 10.30 MB42. 长生殿(清)洪昇 1.71 MB43. 幽闺记(元)施惠 1.38 MB44. 千家诗(清)王相(宋)谢仿得 962 KB45. 尚书(先秦)孔子编选 910 KB46. 初刻拍案惊奇(明)凌氵蒙初 4.56 MB47. 二刻拍案惊奇(明)凌氵蒙初 4.68 MB48. 封神演义(明)许仲琳 7.12 MB49. 陶渊明全集(晋)陶渊明 462 KB50. 五虎平西演义(清)无名氏 3.58 MB51. 柳宗元全集(唐)柳宗元 3.73 MB52. 镜花缘(清)李汝珍 4.52 MB53. 元曲三百首(现代)任中敏 1.12 MB54. 梦溪笔谈(北宋)沈括 1.31 MB55. 汉书(东汉)班固 1.26 MB56. 古诗源(清)沈德潜 1.55 MB57. 儒林外史(清)吴敬梓 3.47 MB58. 屈原全集(先秦)屈原 804 KB59. 楚辞(西汉)刘向 964 KB60. 桃花扇(清)孔尚任 2.22 MB61. 醒世恒言(明)冯梦龙 5.78 MB62. 警世通言(明)冯梦龙 4.51 MB63. 喻世明言(明)冯梦龙 4.51 MB64. 乐府阳春白雪(清)李渔著 1.36 MB65. 西厢记(元)王实甫 2.67 MB66. 唐宋诗醇(清)爱新觉罗弘历 8.89 MB67. 唐宋文醇(清)爱新觉罗弘历 6.50 MB68. 水经(汉)桑钦撰 814 KB69. 花间集(后蜀)赵崇祚 989 KB71. 国语(先秦)左丘明 3.73 MB72. 颜氏家训(北齐)颜之推撰 3.03 MB73. 扬州十日记(清)王秀楚 669 KB74. 杨家将演义(明)熊大木 1.87 MB75. 万花楼演义(清)李雨堂 3.66 MB76. 说呼全传(清)佚名 1.26 MB77. 说岳全传(清)钱彩 4.42 MB78. 三侠五义(清)石玉昆 5.31 MB79. 老残游记(清)刘鄂 2.47 MB80. 说唐(清)佚名 3.66 MB81. 绿牡丹(明)吴炳 1.33 MB82. 精忠旗(明)冯梦龙 1.57 MB83. 清忠谱(清)李玉 1.22 MB84. 粉妆楼(清)竹溪山人 2.47 MB85. 风筝误(明)李渔 1.38 MB86. 儿女英雄传(清)文康 5.94 MB87. 飞龙全传(清)吴璿 4.25 MB88. 汉宫秋(元)马致远 495 KB89. 窦娥冤(元)关汉卿 911 KB90. 娇红记(明)孟称舜 1.58 MB91. 救风尘(元)关汉卿 767 KB92. 雷峰塔(清)方成培 1.67 MB93. 李逵负荆(元)康进之 858 KB94. 琵琶记(元)高明 1.32 MB95. 墙头马上(元)白朴 812 KB96. 阳春白雪(宋)赵闻礼 2.29 MB97. 玉台新咏(南朝)陈徐陵 1.23 MB98. 玉簪记(明)高濂 1.02 MB99. 赵氏孤儿(元)纪君祥 728 KB100 看钱奴(元)郑廷玉 1.44 MB。



四大名著英文名官方翻译四大名著的英文翻译:《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins 拓展资料例句:1、《西游记》讲唐僧往西天取经的故事。

The journey to the West tells how the Tang Monk went to the WesternHeaven to acquire scriptures. 2、这是中国的古典文学名著&小说《西游记》中的一段情节。

It's an episode from one of China's literary classics, a novel called Journey to the West. 3、毛氏父子先后合作完成了小说《三国演义》的批评和戏曲《琵琶记》的批评。

They collaborated in comment on The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and opera the Story of Lute. 4、《三国演义》中真正的强者是曹操,三家中一直居战略优势地位的是魏国。

Wei has always been in the strategic advantage in the three kingdoms. 5、《红楼梦》在中国文学史上占有重要位置。

A dream of Red Mansions occupies an important place in the history of Chinese literature. 6、《水浒传》里的英雄们都是爱“打抱不平”的好汉。



• 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。
• Learning without thinking leads to confusion; thinking without learning ends in danger. 学而不厌,诲人不倦。 • Never be contented with your study; never be impatient with your teaching. •
五经 Five Classics
• • • • • 《春秋》 《论语》 《孟子》 《大学》 《中庸》 • • • • • The Spring and Autumn Annals The Analects of Confucius The Words of Mencius The Great Learning The Doctrine of Mean
Chinese Classics and Sayings
四书Four Books
• • • • 《诗经》 《礼记》 《书经》《尚书》 《易经》
• • • •
The Book of Odes The Book of Rites The Book of History The Book of Changes
• 三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。 • Among any three people walking, I will find something to learn for sure. Their good qualities are to be followed, and their shortcomings are to be avoided. 学不可以已。青取之于蓝,而青于蓝;冰,水为之,而寒 于冰。君子博学而日参省乎己,则知明而行无过矣。 There is never an end to learning. The dye extracted from the indigo is bluer than the plant; so is the ice colder than the water. By broadly learning and constantly examining himself every day, the gentleman sharpens his awareness and makes fewer mistakes.



中国名著英语翻译,前面四个是四大名著哦:)~~《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins《本草纲目》Compendium of Materia Medica《聊斋志异》Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio《论语》Analects of Confucius《山海经》the Classic of Mountains and Rivers《围城》A Surrounded City《西厢记》The Romance of West Chamber《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror《史记》Shi Ji/ Historical Records四书(《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》)The Four Books (The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius, The Mencius)《阿Q正传》The True Story of Ah Q<春秋》Spring and Autumn Annals<论语> THE ANALCETS OF CONFUCIUS<诗经> the book of odes<世说新语> essays and criticism (shi shuo hsin yu)<封神演义> the legend of deification<金瓶梅> The golden lotus<西厢记> The west chamber。

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