PMC BB5i监听音箱





于是打算置套入门的设备专门听音乐,到器材店听了几次,最后决定先入一对书架箱PMC TB2i,前天到器材店又去听,觉得满意,一咬牙就交钱提货了。

PMC TB2i箱的技术指标就不介绍了,网搜一大堆。

直接说说我的听感吧!和我的杰士RF83箱及用了10年的德国密力HIFI箱MAGNAT VECTOR 77对比一下。

对比用的其它器材为碟机剑桥550C,前级糠MC-12HD, 后级ATI1807(用其2声道)。


TB2i表现的非常突出,非常耐听,属暖色调,而RF83的人声表现有些硬;蔡琴的《遇见》,除了蔡琴饱满有感情的歌声,晚上郊外天籁的背景声...青蛙叫,蟋蟀声,触手可及,把灯灭掉,真的以为自己就在现场,TB2i 表现的很自然、真实,RF83细节表现也不差,但对比之下,就有些不自然,密力77的表现稍好些。

《恰似你的温柔》里面琴弦的泛音RF83的有些尖、略刺耳,TB2i 好多了,密力77的表现也不尽人意。




OMOY我魅 蓝牙音箱产品参数

OMOY我魅 蓝牙音箱产品参数

OMOY我魅EM-26 智能蓝牙音箱休闲生活免提通话烤漆外壳双声道好音质输出功率:3.0W*2喇叭尺寸:40mm电源输入:5V直流USB输入,内置1000毫安锂电池充电时长:3-4小时播放时长:长达9小时蓝牙版本:V2.1+EDR支持的蓝牙协议:A2DP,V1.2,AVRCP 1.0,opp, THD总谐波失真:≤0.5%(1KHz/1W)SNR信噪比:≥90dB频率响应:150Hz-18KHz接收距离:大于10米(无障碍情况下)(接收距离的远近会受到型号和环境的影响尺寸:150(L) x 60(W) x 62(H)毫米OMOY我魅EM-28 智能蓝牙音箱休闲生活免提通话蒙特里安风格双声道重低音喇叭震撼音效输出功率:3W*2电源输入:内置1000毫安锂电池;5伏USB接口;充电时长:3小时;工作时长:高达8小时;蓝牙版本:V4.0支持的蓝牙协议:HSP,HFP,A2DP,AVRCP总谐波失真:≤0.5% (1千赫兹/1瓦)信噪比:≥90分贝频响范围:90赫兹-18000赫兹接收距离:大于10米(无障碍物的情况下)(接收距离的远近会受到型号和环境的影响)尺寸;155(L)*54(W)*59(M)毫米OMOY我魅EM-A3 便携蓝牙音箱休闲生活手机影音输出功率:2.5V;喇叭尺寸:40MM内置锂电池:3.7V 400mAh输入电流:5V支流电充电时长:2-3小时播放时长:长达5小时蓝牙版本:V3.0+EDR支持的蓝牙协议:A2DP,HFP,HSP阻抗:4Ω总谐波失真:≤1%(1Khz/1W信噪比:>80dB频响范围;160Hz-18KHz接收距离:远达10米材料:ABS,喷橡胶油音源:电脑/平板/IPOD/MP3/MP4/手机/游戏播放器等等尺寸:60(L)x60(W)x68(H)毫米重量:75克OMOY我魅EM-A5 便携蓝牙音箱休闲生活自在享受五角密封设计品牌:OMOY我魅蓝牙协议:V3.0支持协议: A2DP频率响应: 2.402GHz-2,480GHz传输距离:Class 2 (10米)播放时间:3~4小时充电时间:约2~3小时内置锂电池容量:400mAh喇叭单元:40MM输出功率:2.5W频响范围:160-18KHz信噪比:≥80dBOMOY我魅EM-A7 便携蓝牙音箱休闲生活自在享受个性手雷造型射击游戏者最爱蓝牙规范:V3.0+EDR支持多种蓝牙协议: A2DP,HFP,HSP传输距离(种类):10米(Class 2)播放时间:3~4小时充电时间:2~3小时内置锂电池容量:400mAh喇叭单元:40MM输出功率:2.5W频响范围:160-18KHz信噪比:≥80dBOMOY我魅EM-A8 智能蓝牙音箱休闲生活免提通话烤漆外壳大喇叭好音质输出功率:3W电源输入:USB 5V直流电插口,内置500mAh锂电池充电时长:2小时播放时长:长达6小时蓝牙版本:V4.0支持的蓝牙协议:HSP,HFP,A2DP,AVRCP总谐波失真:≤0.5% (1Khz/1W)信噪比:≥90dB频率响应:100Hz-18KHz接收距离:大于10米(无障碍情况下)(接收距离的远近会受到型号和环境的影响)尺寸:71(D)*74(H)毫米OMOY我魅EM-X3 智能蓝牙音箱休闲生活免提通话多功能金属外壳输出功率:3瓦喇叭单元:50毫米内置锂电池:3。



規格承認書PECIFICATION FOR APPROVAL客戶CUSTOMER:立创項目ITEM:驻极体电容咪头(ECM)型號TYPE:GMI4522P-2C46DB描述DESCRIPTION:φ4.5x H2.2mm插针 2.0V1033-46dB≤2.2KΩS/N:≥58dBA 客戶料號CUSTOMER NO.:規格書號SPECIFICATION NO.:版本EDITION NO.:V1.1日期DATE:2020-1-9客戶承認CUSTOMER CONFIRM AND SIGN檢查TESTED BY審核CHECKED BY承認APPROVED BY 東莞市赢海電子有限公司DONGUAN INGHAI ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD製作ISSUED BY審查CHECKED BY確認APPROVED BY周明刘承成地址:廣東省東莞市電話/TEL:*************傳真/FAX:*************網址:A.SCOPEThis specification applies electret condenser microphone,GMI4522P-2C46DB B.SPECIFICATION■Test condition:RL=2.2KΩVS=2.0V TEMP=25℃±2℃Related humidity=65±5% No.Item Symbol Unit Specification Condition1Directivity Omnidirectional2Sensitivity S dB-46±3f=1KHz,1Pa 0dB=1V/Pa3Standard operating voltage V s V 2.04Output impedance Z out KΩ≤2.2f=1KHz,1Pa 5Frequency Hz100-10,0006Max operating voltage V.107Sensitivity reduction△S-V s dB-3f=1KHz,1PaVs=1.5VDC to3VDC8Max.current consumption I DSS mA≤0.59Signal to noise ration S/N dBA≥58f=1KHz,P in=1Pa10Max input sound level SPL dB11011Operation temp.℃-30~+7012Storage temp.℃-40~+8513Dimension mmφ4.5xH2.2See appearance drawing14Terminal Terminal See appearance drawing15Approvals RoHs FCCWe use“Pascal(Pa)”indication of sensitivity as per the recommendation of I.E.C.(International Electro technical Commission)TheSensitivity of“Pa”will increase20dB comparing with“ubar”indicationExample:-60dB(0dB=1V/ubar)=-40dB(1V/Pa)C.TYPICAL FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVE全指向性10K5K 3K1K 500200100-50+5Frequency(Hz)R e l a t i v e R e s p o n s e (d B )Frequency R esponseD.APPEARANCE DRAWINGE.MEASUREMENT CIRCUITF:Explode DrawingNO.PARTSPCBFilm(PPS)HolderSpacerBack plate(FEP)Outer most shell(Al)Protection fleeceFETCapacitance。





一、产品特点1. 专业级音质:PA2025PII功放采用先进的放大技术,能够提供高保真度的音质。


2. 高功率输出:该功放具备强大的功率输出能力,能够满足大型活动和演出的需求。


3. 多种输入接口:PA2025PII功放提供了多种输入接口,包括XLR、RCA和TRS等,以满足用户多样化的音频输入需求。


4. 可鉴别负载:该功放具备自动负载鉴别功能,能够实时检测负载阻抗,并根据负载情况进行合适的调节。


5. 全面的保护措施:PA2025PII功放配备了全面的保护机制,包括过热保护、短路保护和过载保护等。


二、操作指南1. 连接音频源:通过选择合适的输入接口,将音频源(如混音台、CD播放器或电脑音频输出)与功放连接。


2. 设置音量:根据实际需求和场景要求,调节功放的音量。


3. 调节音质:通过音频源设备或使用自带的均衡器,对音频进行调节,以获取所需的音质效果。


4. 监控和保护:定期检查功放的工作状态,并确保其正常工作。


三、注意事项1. 请务必遵守产品使用说明书中的安全要求,并确保使用与产品性能相匹配的电源。




以下是近年陆续所购器材:音箱:燕飞利仕SM85、B&W 601S2、B&W S805 AV功放:ARTISA AV-R8100(日产冠傲)两套纯功放:1、安桥P301前级,M501后级;2、音乐传真A3.2 CR前级,A3.2 CR后级CD 机:JVC XL-GM800PTN(七碟连播)DVD机:先科AEP-826PB(支持HDCD)脚架:1、君子黑武士;2、杂牌木脚架电源滤波器:G&W 2D和3D 以上器材有部分是我弟所购,他到外地工作后全部归我。


1、音乐传真A3.2 CR前后级(130W)和安桥前后级(150W)各能推出S805几成效果?如不适合,应配什么箱子比较好?(打算以后再配一对箱子,世霸与丹拿孰好?)2、现有JVC碟机档次太低,请介绍一台性价比较高的机器(SACD、CD均可)。






浙江富阳市桂花路52-4 骆建光A你是谦虚吧,懂得关注房间的声学调性,还配了非常不错的功放和音箱,真不象是初哥。

B&W 805、音乐传真A3.2CR前后级、安桥P301/M501都是相当Hi-Fi的器材,搭配也没有任何问题,放心好了,你现有的器材完全能再现美妙的音乐。

监听的本色 PMC音箱的绝配

监听的本色 PMC音箱的绝配



一、3000元以下档1、JBL E30、ES30:2、美声M62i:3、KEF IQ30、IQ3:4、乐富豪钻石10.2:5、袋鼠(没问型号或忘记了):6、敏特声嘉年华2:7、何氏LS3/5A:8、安桥D-77,D77x:二、3000-6000元档1、乐富豪EVO2-10:2、谱诗M5i:3、猛牌铜彩BR2:4、意力BS63:5、ALR JORDAN ENTRY Si:6、ALR JORDAN ENTRY M:7、美之声监听一号:8、美之声云雀:9、惠威M1:10、惠威M3:11、微世N1:12、微世N1SC:13、B&W 685:14、美声792:15、三角铁图:16、国都11L2:17、博良时代一号:18、钟神美神一号:19、AE 200:20、欧博书架:21、金琅悠闲5号:22、惠普维真一号超值版:23、猛牌700:24、微世N2:三、6000-12000元档1、世霸toy:2、贵族Studio 110:3、贵族R8S:4、雨后初晴P3:5、意力243:6、丹拿DM2/7、X12:7、ATC SCM11:8、AE 1:9、金琅悠闲6号:10、思奔达S3/5R:11、达尼新款皇太子:12、XTZ(名韵)99.26:13、丹拿听众42:14、高度风某书架:15、丹拿听众52se:16、卓丽Reference 300:17、ATC 7老款:18、贵族T2000S:19、卓丽星座1号、2号:四、12000-24000元档:1、ALR JORDAN NOTE3:2、贵族D1:3、雨后初晴C7:4、世霸concertino 小乐琴:5、世霸mini vintage:6、JBL 4425MK2:五、24000-48000元档:1、世霸electa amator 大情人:六、48000-96000元档:1、西湖LC3W12V:七、非卖品1、黑胶一号(烧友DIY)正文本人听了几年的HIFI耳机,耳朵算有一点分辨能力吧。

















一般在 95年以前的宝马车系上如:525i、535i、745iL、750iL、850ci、740iL等车型上普遍选装。







JBL 4305P 主动演播监听器 用户手册说明书

JBL 4305P 主动演播监听器 用户手册说明书

/specialtyaudio 一直为全球各地的音乐厅、录音棚和电影院提供音频设备,已成为深受领先的唱片艺术家和录音师们信任的品牌。


要使系统发3.背面面板概览A BCD E FA XLR / ¼" 平衡输入灵敏度选择 – 选项包括 -10dB (高灵敏度模式)和 +4dB (低灵敏度/保护输入前端,避免过载) K 低音轮廓开关: 用于调整边界补偿B 左右 XLR / ¼" 平衡输入L 低音炮输出:使用低音炮时,系统会激活一个 80Hz 高通滤波器C 以太网:连接至路由器的可用端口,进行有线网络方式的流媒体播放M 主扬声器数字链接:使用 CAT5e 或更高级的电缆(最长 6m )在主和副扬声器之间建立有线连接D USB-A + 维护按钮:仅用于维护/固件更新(不可用于音频或 USB 充电)N L/R 分配选择器:根据主扬声器的摆放位置以选择 L (左)或 R (右)E 重置:出厂设置 – 按住直到前面板上的指示灯开始闪烁O 主扬声器电源开关 -F 主扬声器同步按钮:用于以无线方式连接至副扬声器P 副扬声器同步按钮:用于以无线方式连接至主扬声器G 主扬声器 IEC 电源连接 – 配备一个通用电源,以便在国内和其他国家/地区使用这些扬声器。

Q 副扬声器数字链接:使用 CAT5e 或更高级的电缆(最长 6m )在主和副扬声器之间建立有线连接H 3.5mm 模拟立体声输入R 副扬声器 IEC 电源连接 - 配备一个通用电源,以便在国内和其他国家/地区使用这些扬声器。

I Toslink /光纤数字输入S副扬声器电源开关JUSB-B 数字直接 PCM 输入4.一般摆放/设置室内摆放每个扬声器的摆放位置应与位于顶部的高音扬声器互相垂直。





丝路⾳乐:PMC⾳箱述评为什么监听⾳箱有这样的地位? 这是源⾃它的作⽤和功能。













1 监听扬声器与⾼保真扬声器的异同 PMC的⾳箱最初是⽤来作监听⾳箱,后来⼜作了⼀些⾼保真⽤⾳箱,但作为监听⾳箱还有⼀些特殊的要求。








PMC-24 产品说明书

PMC-24 产品说明书

PARTS IN PLASTIC BAG (PACKED INSIDE WINCH BOX )Item A B C D E F G H I J K L M N V W X Y Product Code #4255040550300522803235283407503526432004320052450028024204132041628025320193200672621032020Qty 614111111122211111Description 1/4-20 keps nuts 10-24 keps nut 1/4-20x3/4 carriage bolts Plate washer#10 lock washer10-32 Hex nut 10-32x1/2 self-threading screw 1/4x2 split pin 1/4x1-1/2 split pin #10 I.D. x7/16 O.D. washer 1-1/2 B clamps (2 square holes)1-3/4 clamps Links 1-1/2 B clamp modified (2 round holes)1/4-20 insert nut 1/4-20x2 hex head (HH) bolt Pulley end assembly 5/16 star washerPARTS PACKED IN POST BOXItem Q R S U 1 ProductCode #27806927808278102781227860900003Qty 111111Description 1-1/2”x74” Post (top section, 3 holes in end)1-1/2”x74” Post (center section with splice)1-3/4”x72” Post (bottom section)1-3/4”x28-1/4” House tube 2”x30” Ground socket Ground socket hardwarePARTS PACKED IN WINCH /HARDWARE BOXItem AA BB CC DD ProductCode #728000728205728040900019Qty 1111DescriptionWinch (assembled)Safety clamp (assembled)Winch cable Post and winch hardware (plastic bag)Covered by U.S. Pat. Nos: RE25,878; 3,367,632; 3,410,248;3,426,732;3,496,913; 3,563,205; D-221,090; 3,643,631; 3,986,480.BJN(reduced)CLAMP ASSEMBLY(reduced)IW [2”]X YV Form 650-2004Parts list continues on Page 2ACDEGH(reduced)Parts list continued from Page 1Parts packed in house box and winch hardware boxThis house has an opening through the center which takes a 1-3/4”O.D. tube (house tube). This tube is clamped to the top of the ceiling and to the bottom of the lower floor. The house and tube slide up and down the pole and is raised and lowered by the cable over a pulley at the top of the pole. See drawing.Page 2PMC-24 Instructions232425222130PARTS IN SMALL PLASTIC BAGItem 2122232425Product Code #3526142550352523525935288Qty 124121212Description6-32x5/16 pan head machine screws (PHMS)1/4-20 keps nuts 6-32 keps nuts#6 Sheet metal screws (SMS)6-32 acorn nutsPARTS IN PLASTIC BAGItem 3031Product Code #2730043101Qty22Description Kit wrench U bolts HOUSE PARTS PACKED IN THIS BOXItem 11a 2345678910111214Product Code #82740082740182741082742265649250408274062803427415656489250658274282624135286Qty 31616242411242412412DescriptionFloor assemblyBottom floor assembly Roof sections Ceilings6-32x25-1/2 tie rods DoorsCompartment dividersCable tube FinialDoor rods Winter door stops (in two plastic bags)Perch assembly Floor traysFlat C nuts (pre-installed on roof and ceiling)Pulley Cable (CC)Clamp and CeilingCable Tube (7)Splice 1-3/4” O.D.House Tube (U)Winch (AA)ClampPost BottomSection (S)Post Center Section (R)Post Top Section (Q)Safety Clamp (BB)17-1/2”14Page 3 PMC-24 InstructionsAssembly Instructions Read all instructions before starting assembly.This will acquaint you with each step required.3. Place bottom floor assembly [1a] on cardboard box with mounting plate between carton flaps in order that floor may be held level. Position so that about 6”extends over end of carton (for easy access to under-side of floor at Step 7). Install six door rods [9] in two holes at top of each doorway on bottom floor (do not install doors yet).4.Nest second floor. (Note: Riveted seams on this floor should be over seams on first floor.)Locate in proper position over dividers below by inserting the two round top tabs on each divider into the round holes in floor. BE SURE that round tabs are to the inside of each divider front on second floor. Door rods [9] for second floor can now be added.2. Repeat this procedure on other three floors, but do not stack floors together at this point.1. Start with bottom floor.(Note that ceiling [3] and bottom floor have mounting plate rivet-ed in place.) Place one compartment divider [6] on floor assembly [1] as shown. Ventilation holes are up.The three square tabs go into “D” holes in floor. Bend tabs against straight side of “D” on underside of floor. Place another divider [6] adjacent to first and slide flange near cen-ter into slot provided. Bend tabs to hold in place. Repeat with balance of dividers for bottomfloor. Slide last divider into slot and flange from above, interlocking all pieces around center. Wipe protective oily coating from all martin house parts surfaces prior to assembly.Page 4PMC-24 Instructions5.Proceed with third and fourth floors using samesteps as used on page 3.6. Ceiling [3] is installed over top floor in same manner.Mounting plate goes up. MAKE SURE flange onmounting plate faces in same direction as mountingplate on bottom floor.7.Install one 6-32 keps nut [23] on each of the six tierods [4]. Use kit wrench [30] after starting. On ceilinglocate six round holes between each set of “D” holes,about two inches from edge. These holes are for tierods. Insert tie rods [4] into round holes over edge ofcarton. Use nail to align holes in assembly if required.Guide rod through hole in top floor, then rotate rodslowly and it will drop through assembly. Thread 6-32keps nut [23] onto lower end of tie rod on underside ofbottom floor. Do not tighten completely at this time.Slide house to other end of carton and install tie rodsin the two holes now exposed. Rotate house and installfinal two tie rods. Assembly must be handled withcare until all tie rods are in place.Nuts can now betightened until snug.Page 5PMC-24 Instructions8. Turn house on side and inspect round end tabs and door rods for correct location. Readjust if required.9. Hook doors [5] over door rods [9]. Do not force. Doors should hinge freely and snap into door clips on floor.10. Turn house back to horizontal position, rotate until notch in mounting plate is on lower side. Insert cable tube [7] from either end through hole in center of house and drop into notch. Flange on ends of tube should be on outside of mounting plates. Seam ofcable tube is to be towards center of house.11. Assemble two U-bolts [31] with mounting plates on ceil-ing and bottom floor, using four 1/4-20 keps nuts [22] as shown.12.Cable is attached at point shown to mounting plate on ceiling using 10-32x1/2 self-threading screw [G]. Insert screw from inside mounting plate. Place plate washer [D]over screw with bevel out. Loop end of cable [CC] is now placed over screw and plate washer [D]. Add #10 washer [J], #10 lock washer [E], 10-32 hex nut [F] and tighten securely with cable in perpendicular position to ceiling.31Page 6PMC-24 InstructionsExploded viewNumbers/lettersrefer to partsidentificationnumbers/lettersmentioned inthe instructions.Page 7 PMC-24 Instructions13. Install house tube [U] through house and U-bolts. Tighten nuts with slotted end of tubetwo inches above ceiling and with slots at 90° to cable hole in ceiling as shown. This assemblyshould be quite tight but care must be taken not to distort house tube. Make sure that 1-1/2”x74” post center section [R] slips into house tube freely. The notch in house tube, wheninstallation is complete, engages with a pin below pulley on 1-1/2”x74” post top section [Q] andlimits the height to its proper position and prevents the house from turning on pole.14. Starting with two roof sections [2] and using twelve6-32x5/16 PHMS [21] and twelve 6-32 acorn nuts [25],attach six roof sections to each other as shown. Headof screw should be on outside and acorn nut on insideof smaller section. Do not tighten at this time.15. Place finial [8] over roof peak and using six #6 SMS[24] fasten in place. Tighten all screws on roof. Roof isnot attached to house until Step P9.Page 8PMC-24 InstructionsGS 1.Assemble tube clamps [2] as shown. Start 1/4-20 keps nuts [3] but do not tighten. Place assembly over slotted end of MPS galvanized tube [1] and tighten nuts until snug. GS 2. Insert 1/4-20x2-1/4 HH bolt [5] in hole near bottom of 2”O.D.x30” long galvanized tube [1]. Place 1/4-20 keps nut [3]on end of 1/4-20x2-1/4 HH bolt [5] and tighten.GS 3.Slide post bottom section (S) into ground socket 24” and tighten 1/4-20 keps nuts [3] until post section is secure.GS 4.Dig hole 8” diameter and 34” deep. Put coarse gravel in bottom of hole until top of ground socket is to ground level [30”]. GS 5. Place crumpled newspaper inside lower end of socket to prevent concrete from sealing post. This will allow any water to drain from inside post.GS 6.Place ground socket/post section assembly in center of hole. Fill with concrete mix to just below slots in upper end of the socket [approx. 4” from ground surface]. This will require approximately 80 to 90 pounds of mix. Use guy wires or rope to hold assembly in vertical position while concrete sets. BE SURE to allow sufficient clearance above concrete to use wrench on clamp.GS 7.After concrete has hardened, loosen clamps and slide post section to bottom of socket. Re-tighten clamps securely.MPS Ground Socket InstallationGround socket allows the pole and house to be moved to another locationwithout losing the post bottom section.Please use “Product Code #” when ordering replacement partsBottom postsection [S]HARDWARE PACKED IN POST BOX WITH MPSItem 12345Product Code #2786020413425503005332003Qty12321Description 2”O.D.x30” long galvanized tube Tube clamps 1/4-20 keps nuts 1/4-20x1-1/4 carriage bolts 1/4-20x2-1/4 hex head (HH) boltPage 9PMC-24 Instructions P 1. Assemble clamps as shown using 1/4-20 keps nuts [A], 1/4-20x3/4 carriage bolts [C], “B” clamps [K], 1-3/4 clamps [L], and links [M]. Place 1-3/4 clamps [L] over top end of post bottom sec-tion [S]. Top is end with four rings. Tighten nuts on 1-3/4 clamps [L] securely. Leave “B” clamp [K] nuts loose.P 2. As safety clamp [BB] will be used in assembly, adjust at this time. Slide clamp over either end of center post section [R]. Adjust by tightening nut with handle against post until snug. Handle is down when nut is adjusted and to right side of pole. Raise and lower handle a few time.P 3.If handle is not locking tight,turn nut 1/2 turn tighter; if tooP 6. Slip center post section [R] into top post section [Q] as shown. Post should be assembled on a level surface such as a sidewalk or lawn. Turn post sections until holes in splice are in accurate alignment through post; then tap 1/4x1-1/2 split pin [I] through post until flush.NOTE: This pre-alignment is essential and pin should drive through assembly with ease.Post Installation InstructionsPage 10PMC-24 InstructionsP 7. With post assembly supported in a horizontal position, slidemartin house over post from lower end. Slip safety clamp over postand lock into position 18-1/2 inches from bottom end of post tolower edge of clamp. Note:In order to support post, it is suggest-ed that two chairs be used.The safety clamp was designed for the user’s protection. Alwayskeep the safety clamp above your head when making installa-tion, raising or lowering of house.P 8.Thread cable over pulley at top end of post. Insert throughcable tube and from bottom of house pull cable until slack hasbeen taken up. Make sure cable is not twisted above house.P 9. Slip roof over top end of post and fasten to house using six #6sheet metal screws [24]. Note that flange on roof is located over flatC nut [14] on ceiling tab and screw is installed at an upward angle.Page 11PMC-24 Instructions P 10. Place 5/16 star washer [Y] over threadedstud above pulley, then add perch assembly[11]. Fasten in place using 10-24 keps nut [B].(Refer to exploded view on page 6.)P 11. House is ready to install in bottom post section [S]. Itis best to use two people on this phase of the installa-tion.Pick the house and post assembly up and with post invertical position insert into the bottom post. Allow assemblyto rest on safety clamp (installed at Step P 7) and tightennuts on “B” clamp [K].NATURE HOUSE MARTIN SAFETY SYSTEMSARE THE ONLY MARTIN HOUSES OFFEREDWITH SAFETY FEATURES FOR THE USER’SPROTECTION.P 12.Release safety clamp and raise clamp and house man-ually a few inches so that winch can be installed. Re-lockclamp.Winch [AA] is attached to center post section [R] just above“B” clamp [K]. Use 1-1/2 “B” clamp modified [N] and two1/4-20 keps nuts [A].Note: Label on winch case cover should be to the right.Align winch drum under cable hole in bottom of house andwith pulley. (Cable will be parallel to post.) Again, checkcable to make sure it is free.Winch DrumPage 12PMC-24 Instructions P 13. Loosen wing nut on winch drum, thread cable endthrough either hole in drum face from inside of drum. Windcable around stud, between plate washer and round washer,and tighten wing nut. Cable end should be at least 1/2”beyond washers. Slack cable can be wound onto drum byturning winch handle in clockwise direction. DO NOT RAISEHOUSE YET!Two safety features are designed into the winch. First, abrake mechanism to carry the weight of the house and, sec-ond, a ratchet and pawl to hold weight of house. The pawllever is on upper left of winch. In operation, it is necessaryto disengage pawl to lower house. To adjust brake, tightenspring tension by turning wing nut on lower right in clock-wise direction until brake will hold weight of house. Raisehouse an inch or two and release pawl. If house slips down,tighten brake further.Floor trays [12] can now be placed in house. Flanges on sides of floortrays go down.Use winter door stops [10] to close house during winter months. To install door stops, remove door, place door stop upside down on a flat surface and press door onto door stop then rehang door.To reduce tampering with installation, pawl and winch case can be fastened together throughholes provided. If this is desired, use bolt and nut, wire or padlock for this purpose.For replacement parts or accessories call toll-free 877-833-2478 or 800-255-2692Nature House products byERV A TOOL & MFG CO INC3100 W GRAND A VE, CHICAGO IL 60622-4324Phone800-342-3782E-mail<**********************>Fax800-342-3781Nature House — bringing the benefits of nature to your house。

PMC BB5i监听音箱

PMC BB5i监听音箱

PMC BB5i监听音箱
【摘要】@@ 对于喜爱英国PMC喇叭的支持者采说,BB5监听喇叭堪称PMC旗下最具传奇的代表之作,名声虽然响亮,但真正听过的朋友却不多,尽管在各大音响展上,我们曾经见识到BB5i的靓声和魅力,不过在音晌展上,毕竟是参展人又多,又较吵杂的环境,得见PMC旗舰扬声器的雄伟气势,也难觅BB5i声音的细腻所在.这次在广州,代理方面再度将体积庞大的传奇BB5i监听喇叭请了出来,加之一整套发烧器材,为我们奉献了一次精彩的听觉盛宴.
1.活力小钢炮PMC TB2+书架式监听音箱 [J], 程明超
2.PMC MB2监听音箱系列 [J],
3.旗舰之音——PMC BB5i音箱 [J], 子墨
4.最买得起的顶级监听音箱Barefoot Sound Footprint 02有源监听音箱 [J], 阿毕;晨光(图)
5.PMC TB2S-A-100有源监听音箱 [J],

Fame Audio MT-115B 子频音箱商品说明书

 Fame Audio MT-115B 子频音箱商品说明书

Manuals+— User Manuals Simplified.Fame Audio MT-115B Subwoofer Passive Speaker InstructionsHome » Fame Audio » Fame Audio MT-115B Subwoofer Passive Speaker InstructionsFame Audio MT-115B Subwoofer Passive SpeakerContents1 Important safety instructions! Please read before connection!2 Symbols on device and packaging3 Installation4 Congratulations on your new Fame Explorer 2.10!5 Your Fame Team6 Intended use7 Set up8 Connections and controls9 Operation10 Mono mode11 Technical data12 Troubleshooting13 Environmental protection14 Documents / Resources14.1 References15 Related PostsImportant safety instructions! Please read before connection!DANGER! (Electrical shock due to high voltages in the device)The housing must not be removed! There are no parts to be maintained in the device.Inside the unit there are components which are under high electrical voltage.Before each use, check the device for damage or the absence of components, protective devices or housing parts. If this is the case, the device must not be used!Leave maintenance and repair work to a qualified service workshop or contact your dealer. In the case of a malfunction of the device, operation must also be stopped immediately until the device has been repaired by a specialist!DANGER! (Electric shock due to short circuit)Modifications to the power cord or plug are prohibited. If the power cord is damaged in any way, it must be replaced immediately with an original spare part from the manufacturer.Always make sure that the grounding of the device is maintained. Use only the supplied power cords and always maintain the side grounded contacts. Make sure that the sockets used have a properly functioning protective earth.Failure to do so may result in fire or death due to electric shock!DANGER! (For babies and children)Dispose of or store any packaging material properly! Packaging material must be kept out of the reach of babies and children due to the risk of suffocation.Ensure that children never use the appliance unattended! In addition, make sure that children do not remove (small) parts from the device, as they could suffocate by swallowing parts!DANGER! (Hearing damage)Professional speaker systems are able to generate harmful sound levels. Even the influenceof seemingly harmless sound levels over a longer period of time can lead to permanent damage to the hearing (from approx. 95 dBA SPL).Therefore, always wear professional hearing protection (earplugs or capsule ear protectors) during operation!Hint! (Fire hazard due to overheating)The maximum permissible ambient temperature of this device is 40°C.Ensure that the unit is placed in a well-ventilated location away from direct heat sources, naked flames, combustible materials, and liquids. A minimum distance of 1 m is required.Do not tape or cover the ventilation slots of the unit, or insert objects into the unit.Hint! (Operating conditions)In advance, it must be clarified with the manufacturer whether the device is also suitable for outdoor use. Always keep a minimum distance of 20 cm from walls or other structural objects.Never expose the device to direct rain, moisture or liquids, as this can lead to damage.Vibrations, dust or sunlight can also cause damage, avoid them!Hint! (Power supply)It is essential that you check that the device voltage matches your local mains voltage. It is highly recommended that you fuse your mains socket with a residual current circuit breaker (FI).If you do not use your device for a longer period of time or carry out maintenance work,disconnect the device from the mains in order to minimize danger. The same applies to storm conditions such as thunderstorms, floods, etc.Hint! (Fuses)Replace fuses only with IEC127 type (5x20mm) and the correct rating to ensure optimum performance! It is forbidden to use short-circuited fuses or to bridge the fuse holder.Fuses may only be replaced by qualified personnel.Hint! (Condensation)To avoid condensation in the unit, the unit should adapt to the ambient temperature before commissioning.Hint! (Unwanted odours)A new product can sometimes lead to unwanted odours. This reaction is normal and disappears after a few minutes.Hint! (Possible damage due to magnetic fields)Speakers cause a static magnetic field. Ensure sufficient distance from equipment that may be affected.Symbols on device and packagingThe lightning flash symbol warns the user of uninsulated voltages and the risk of electric shock.The exclamation mark symbol draws the user’s attention to important maintains and operating instructions in the manual.The lightning warns you of dangerous voltage accessible from the outside. A connection to any terminal marked with this symbol may only be made with a ready-made cable that complies with the manufacturer’s recommendations or with cables installed by qualified personnel.This symbol warns of hot surfaces. To avoid burns – DO NOT touch!Only suitable for indoor use.Read the manualPlease read and follow the warnings and recommendations carefully to ensure safe and trouble-free use. InstallationBe sure to check the unit for damage before use. Use the original packaging or a suitable transport or storage packaging to protect the product from dust, moisture, etc. when not in use.During assembly, suitable protective equipment (in particular head protection, gloves and safety shoes) must be worn and only suitable climbing aids (ladders, scaffolding, etc.) must be used.The responsibility for this lies solely with the installation company.The installation may only be carried out by experts and only at mounting points with sufficient load-bearing capacity, if necessary taking construction requirements into account. The fixing material (screws, dowels, etc.) specified by the manufacturer in the assembly instructions must be used. Screw connections must be secured against loosening by suitable measures.Fixed or mobile installations shall be protected against falling by two independently acting devices. Loose additional parts or parts which come loose must be able to be caught by suitable devices. National regulations must be observed when using fasteners and fixing elements as well as slings. With regard to the dimensioning of the securing devices, possible dynamic loads (jerking forces) must also be taken into account.ATTENTION! (Inspection measures)After installation, check the suspension of the system consisting of bracket and loudspeaker for secure fastening. The operator of loudspeaker systems (stationary or mobile) is obliged to regularly inspect all system components or have them inspected in accordance with the relevant national regulations and to have any damage repairedATTENTION! (Load capacity)When loudspeakers are longer or permanently used outdoors, wind loads, snow and ice loads as well as thermal influences must be taken into account for the stability and loadbearing capacity of structures and surfaces.In particular, the load-bearing points of flown systems should be dimensioned with sufficient safety reserves. The national regulations must be observed.WARNING! (Risk of injury from overturning)Improper installation can cause considerable injury and damage! During transport and installation, ensure that only aids specified by the manufacturer (e.g. trolleys, stands, tripods, brackets, etc.) are used and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions!Hint! (Special measures)Special measures may also be required to prevent spectators from behaving dangerously.Tripods must not be set up in escape and rescue routes. When installing in traffic routes, the required width of the paths and proper blocking and marking must be ensured. When setting up and setting down a special hazard. Suitable aids must be used for this purpose.The national regulations must be observed.Using this device with sinusoidal, square-wave or other measuring signals at higher levels will causeScope of delivery:Content Quantity Subwoofer1Satellite2Manual1Power cable1Speaker Cable2Intended useThe product Fame Explorer 2.10 is optimized for use with music and speech signals. The device may only be used for this purpose and in accordance with the operating instructions. Other purposes as well as operation under other operating conditions are expressly not intended and can lead to damage to property or personal injury! No liability is assumed for damage resulting from improper use.It must be ensured that the device is operated exclusively by trained and competent users who are in full possession of their mental, physical and sensory abilities. The use of other persons is expressly only permitted at the request of a person responsible for their safety, who instructs or supervises the use.Set upAll connections of the device should be made before switching on. Only use high-quality and undamaged cables that are as short as possible for the connections.Configuration of the audio input connectorCH1 – CH4XLR/jack (6,35mm) – jack combo, balancedCH5 – CH6RCA/Cinch – Mono/Stereo (6,35mm)AUX, 3,5mm Stereo-JackConnections and controlsNo.Designation No.Designation1Setup Switch Left: Stereo-ModeRight: Mono-Mode12EchoControl for setting the echo effect2CH1 – CH4 InputXLR/Jack (6,35mm) mono balance Input13DelayControl for setting the delay effect3CH1 – CH4 Level – ControlVolume control for the individual inputs14Subwoofer Volume ControlControl for adjusting the volume of the subwoofer4CH1 – CH4 MIC/Line Select Switch to adjust the input level:LINE: for audio devices with line outputMIC: for microphone15Master Volume ControlVolume control for the overall volume5CH1 – CH4 Tone ControlThose switches allow you to adjust the tone effect, boost the low and high frequencyonce reduce midrange.16POWER/LIMIT LEDLED shines blue: The system is connected and switched on.LED shines red: Lights when the signal level istoo high or a current overload is detected.6CH5-CH6 InputRCA/Cinch Mono/Stereo (6,35mm)17Monitor OutputFor connection to a stereo monitor system7CH6 – CH6 Level – ControlVolume control for the individual inputs18Speaker LEDThis two-color LED indicates the status of eachspeaker output:Green – active speaker outputRed – inactive speaker output8CH7 – CH8 Input 3,5mm Stereo-jack socket for connecting MP3 or CD players, tablets, smartphones and PCs or Bluetooth-function19L/R Speaker Outputfor included satellite speakers9Bluetooth Control Pressing a key activates the pairing mode. The LED flashes during pairing and lights up constantly when aconnection is established.To reset a connection, press the key again.20Power switch10Bluetooth LED Display LED off: Bluetooth function switched offpermanent lights: Bluetooth function activatedLED flashes: Pairing mode21FuseT3.15AL/250V11Switch CH7-CH8Switch to select AUX input or Bluetooth function22Power OutletOperationThe Fame Explorer 2.10 can be operated in stereo mode as well as in mono mode. The setting is done via the setup switch (1) on the back of the subwoofer.Stereo modeIn stereo mode both outputs are active and the two satellite speakers are split to be used as a 2.1 sound system.1. Insert the pole socket in speaker stand2. Take out satellite from SUB3. Slip the satellite to comment with SUB socket4. install another satellite. 2.1 stereo system is done.Mono modeIn mono mode, only the left output is active and the two satellite speakers are connected together to concentrate their power on one output. Mono mode includes either a compact mono setup (A) or the standard mono setup (B). MONO ETUP INCLUDECOMPACTMONO ET PA D TANDARD MONO SETUP A BELOW:Notice:Please note that the tripods are not included in the scope of delivery, but must be purchased as an option. The Explorer Tripod SET from Fame (item number PAH0021771-000) is recommended as a suitable tripod.Technical dataModel Explorer 2.10Type Subwoofer SatelliteQuantity12Mono-Mode: 60 Watt RMS Power Output250 Watt RMSStereo-Mode: 120 Watt RMS Subwoofer10“WF: 4,75“SatelliteTW: 1“Power Output Total350 Watt RMSFuse T3.15AL/250VFrequency fange50 Hz – 160 Hz155 Hz – 20 kHzSystem frequency50 Hz – 20 kHz, +/-3 dBLimiter Soft LimitInput XLR/Jack-Combo, RCA/Cinch, 3,5mm Stereo-JackOutput TS Stereo Monitor OutputBluetooth-function YesPower connect IECPower supply220-240 VAC – 50/60 HzMax. SPL123 dBMono-Mode: 125 dBStereo-Mode: 130 dB Material PlasticDimensions (H x W x D)458 x 350 x 407 mm227 x 140 x 155 mmWeight14 kg 4 kgColour BlackTroubleshootingThe following overview serves as an aid for quick troubleshooting. If you are unsure, contact the manufacturer, the dealer or the corresponding specialist personnel. Never open the device on your own!Symptom TroubleshootingNo function Check the network connection and the fuseNo sound from loudspeaker, but power LED lights up Check the cable connections at the inputs and outputsThe speaker or XLR cables may be defective. Please replace themIf the specified corrections have not led to success, please contact our service staff. The contact details can be found at www.musicstore.deDisposal of packaging:Ensure that paper packaging, plastic materials, etc. are separately recycled. Observe the corresponding disposal instructions on the packaging.Disposal of batteries:Batteries do not belong in the garbage! Please keep batteries in accordance with the official collection points or disposal stations in accordance with the specifications.Disposal of your old device:Do not dispose of the device with household waste! This device is subject to the WEEE Directive (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) in its currently valid version.The device will be disposed of by an approved waste disposal company or your local waste disposal office. The regulations valid in your country must be observed!Manufacturer: MUSIC STORE professional GmbH,Istanbulstraße 22-26,51103 Cologne, GermanyDocuments / ResourcesFame Audio MT-115B Subwoofer Passive Speaker [pdf] InstructionsMT-115B Subwoofer Passive Speaker, MT-115B, Subwoofer Passive Speaker, Passive Speaker, SpeakerReferencesMusic Store Online-Shop für Musikinstrumente | MUSIC STORE professionalMusic Store Online-Shop für Musikinstrumente | MUSIC STORE professionalManuals+,。




同时作为工薪阶层他希望日后能够更换或添加某一器材来提高音质,于是笔者为他选配了美之声监听1号改良版音箱、斯巴克 Cayin-265Ai放大器,CD 音源采用山灵 CD-50。


故选用书架式音箱以避免过强的低频驻波,同时考虑到声音还原的真实性,选用了以声音真实准确著称的珠海美之声监听1号改良版书架式音箱,该音箱采用经过改良的中低音单元和高音单元,分频网络采用低通-6dB/oct、高通为更好的-18dB/oct 并增加阻抗补偿网络,使指向性更理想,低频响应的线性更平滑,中频顺滑干净,瞬态响应快捷,高频的延伸性更佳,而且灵敏度也提高到87dB,具有监听器材特性,性价比也高。

1.ONIX一套顶级音响组合 [J],
2.原来美在这里——一套音乐味表现极强的音响组合 [J], 邹宁
3.物以稀为贵追想一套早年的天龙音响组合 [J], 庄宏道
4.高档品质普罗消费——我的一套音响组合 [J], 东歌
5.一套易于升级的优秀音响组合 [J], 龙泉


Hii~i D2(A音响问答
HiFi Q&A
本期顾问/怀冰、爱徒 整理/小路
风雨过后: 怀冰老师、爱徒老师你们好!最近看了几款书架箱,
丹拿40周年、劲浪1008和西湖&4,平时一般听一些弦乐 和人声多,很少大规模的,喜欢清爽、明亮点的风格,想 请教二位老师:1、哪款箱子好些,或者说更合适;2、现 在我用的是贵族1SC箱子+naimXS2功放+naim5XSCD,如 果换以上一款箱子的话,有没有一耳朵提升;3、推荐一、 二款适合以上箱子的功放,晶体管合并机(主要是便 捷),两万元左右。谢谢!! !
线材有CD到前级平衡线、前后级平衡线、后级电源 线、前级电源线、CD电源线、音箱线一对,2米即可。电 源线3条,平衡线2对,例如:NBS蛇仔这一类就可以了。
另外,为你太太准备一个德生BT蓝牙解码,让她用手 机蓝牙连接BT50这样听歌曲吧。
88 视flRfli 坠
乐通电子: 一直以来就喜欢听怀冰老师的HIFI天地,好像所介绍
的都是几千上万,甚至几十万。但苦于囊中羞涩,有没有 几百或一两千元就可以听到比较好的音乐。
低频,500多元。这对音箱很好看,终于被朋友抢走了。 我的功放是一位DIY师傅做的,数字放大10W,电池

Philips BTM1360 超迷你音響系統用户指南说明书

Philips BTM1360 超迷你音響系統用户指南说明书
1 在待機模式中,按住 CLOCK 超過二
秒,即可進入時鐘設定模式。 »» 隨即顯示 [24H] 或 [12H]。 8 ZH-TW
重複按 SOURCE 以選擇來源。 • [DISC] :光碟插槽中的光碟 • [USB] :儲存在連接 USB 儲存裝置中
•• 請勿打開產品外殼。 •• 請勿在本產品的任何部位使用潤滑油。 •• 請勿直視本產品內的雷射光。 •• 請勿將本產品放置在其他電器上。 •• 請勿讓本產品直接曝曬於陽光下,或靠近未隔離
•• 請確認電源線、插頭或變壓器位於容易取得的地
• 請勿將裝置置於滴水或濺水的環境。 • 請勿在裝置上放置危險物品 (如盛裝液
h SLEEP/TIMER • 設定睡眠定時器。 • 設定鬧鐘定時器。
i CLOCK • 設定時鐘。 • 檢視時鐘資訊。
j PROG • 編排曲目。 • 編排廣播電台。 • 自動儲存 FM 廣播電台。
k • 靜音或還原音量。
l SOUND • 採用數位音效控制 (DSC) 讓聲音 更豐富。
m VOL +/• 調整音量。
1 連接右揚聲器時,找到主裝置背面標有
2 將紅色電線插入紅色 (+) 插孔,並將黑
色電線插入黑色 (-) 插孔。
3 連接左揚聲器時,找到主裝置上標有
4 重複步驟 2,插入左揚聲器線。
1 壓開插孔擋板。 2 完全插入揚聲器線。 3 放開插孔擋板。



宝丽昌音响与您分享英国PMCtwenty5.26落地音箱传输线(Transmission line)理论并非新事物,基于同一理论所设计的扬声器,无论是音响品牌出品还是DIY习作,可说是早已有之。



就如传输线,在英国PMC手中变成ATL(Advanced Transmission Line),效果超前市场其他采用传输线理论的扬声器。




ATL 技术之下,传输线长度不一定完全跟足低音四分一波长原则,同一时间,折叠方式、管道阔窄及形状、导管开口大小与位置,还有吸音物种类、厚薄、如何分配在声箱不同位置等等,都有独门计算方法。

展开剩余88%品牌创办人Peter Thomas成立PMC之前,就一直利用英国广播公司BBC的资源,去完善他的扬声器设计理论,故此一再与政府机构合作,那就不足为奇。

近年他们和英国国家物理实验室合作,以3D镭射测量技术RAOS(Rapid Acousto-Optic Scanning)直接记录空气变化,等同直接将声波在立体空间内的情况形像化,藉此协助扬声器设计。

导入顶级赛车技术Peter Thomas之子Oliver Thomas遗传了父亲的科学天赋,根据他在Linkedln的公开履历,早于2006年经已在PMC担任R&D工程师;2009年成为Red Bull车队的电子硬件工程师,曾参与设计一级方程式赛车;2011年于Oxford Brookes University毕业,主修赛车工程,同一年,他亦离开了Red Bull车队;2012年是他回归PMC的年份,成为了R&D主管,标志着品牌成立二十五周年的twenty5系列就是由他主导产品开发。

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成 功改救
箱体的美观 和i 系列设计的特殊意义 .
重要的是这 些成斜 体特 殊蟛状的 “ j l 样围绕在高音单元框架的外圈是具有声

m ■■“
设 计 的 考 量 的 ,这 样 的 结 构 可 以 进 一步 提 演 出 一 样 。 在 低 音 方 面 , 1 ’八 爪 低 音单 逅 .犹 如 置身 现场 .这或 许就 是 真实 中频 的
这一种在前 级扩大机上使 用的电源

蚕} 游÷ 涠 层捕 不 箱 这 毛
能够承受新改敕后更优异的动态表现 .茌 巨大的箱体中更使用全新的方法来接台 . 让音箱结构更为强 固。降f B 5 f Bi  ̄ 在高音压 震动下而有可能产生 潴摄的状 况。B 5 B 箱体采用的是三啻路分音设计 .并捂载了 P MC与S AS E 共同研发的S OL X ON E 丝质 较半球高音单元 .这只新的高音单元属于 P MC自己的专属型号 .在市面上是买不 到。在高音单元 当中的音圈采用的是轻赝 量的铝 质音 圈.可 以显 著提 升暂态的反 应和频宽 ,让高音单元 的频 率响应达至 2k z 5 H .并在上面装载了透气孔以利于单 元的散热 .也强化了功率承受能力 尤其 是扩散角度比 以锰 的PMC音箱更加开阔

●文, 摄影 锐志
B 5监 听音 箱 Bi
于 喜爱 英[ P 喇叭 的支 持者来 说 ,B 5 听喇 叭堪 称P 旗 下最 具 C 4 9 . 2 H / 4 i1.这颗DA ] MC B监 MC S 3 8 1 9 k z2 bt C拥 / 传 奇 的代 表之 作 。名声 虽然 响亮 ,但 真正 听过 的朋 友却 不多 .尽管 在 有1 8 、 2 倍超取样的性能.可以让输出的模 各大 音响 展上 , 们 曾经 见识 到 B 5 靓声 和 魅力 。不 过在 音响 展 上 .毕 拟波形更接近原音 当然了拜事通也特别 我 Bi 的 竟是 参展 人又 多 .又较 吵杂 的 环境 ,得 见P 旗舰 扬声 器的 雄伟 气 势 ,也 MC 重视B CD一 的电源电路 .为机 身特 别规 1 难觅 B 5声音 的细 腻所 在 。这次 在 广州 , 理 方面 再度将 体 积庞 大 的传 奇 Bi 代
升高 音的扩散性 .带来更 多细节的声音 元的性能已经非常强大.现场所听.在大动 厚 实魅 力 了。 表现 箱体中还捂载有知名的7 mm “ 5 馒 态时更让整对B 5 扬声器造就出威猛、强 Bi 在演示现场.B 5 Bi 在小音量时的均衢
B 5监听 喇叭 请 了出来 ,加 之一 整 套发 烧器 材 ,为 我们奉 献 了一 次 精彩 的 Bi 样可以为讯源提供纯净又充足的电源给所 听觉盛 宴。
有的组件使用 .而厂方对电路板上铜藩供 电路径对 声音 信号 的影响也不会掉 以轻 心.这样可以让B CD一1 呈现 更丰 富细腻
如 果你仔细观察一下 ,就 可以发l 在这只高音单元周围有一豳放射状 “ i
拥 有强大 的单元 搭配
第一眼看到这教PMC旗舰 扬声船 就会被它硕大的 身形所震撼。光 是单 S 5音箱的重量就重选7 k .厂方为 Bi 3g
字刻痰.这是P MC这一波i 系列升级的j 同特征.当然了这样的设计不仅仅是为
划了完全分离的数字与模拟供 电电路.这
L壹 的发烧阵窖
在延伸现场 ,摆放了一 对高达10 m的庞大音箱 .加上稳 固的 4
支槊作支撑,那一种架势 .让我醇觉犹如走进了专业级的录音室 . 这对扬声器就是本玫试听的主角P C 5改版的监听扬声器。 M BB i 现场搭配这 只旗舰 的音响器材都是发烧铭器 .推动这只扬声 器的是一对来 自加拿大拜事通2 B S T 后级功放组 .它的驱动力 8 S 2 可谓力大无穷.具备非常强劲的功率输出 ,超过1 0 W的驱动 力可 00 以足够驾驭任何一款扬声器 .无论是由最高输出至最低输出.仍然 保持音色线性曲线表现 措载这对后级扩 大机 更可 以发挥出极度细腻的分析力 .正如 本玫搭配这对P B i MC B 5扬声器如此硕大.在现 场的推动力依然游 刃有余。现场所听,带来值得赞叹的浓烈的音乐味。电源方面 .用 上柏林之声9 8 4 电源处理器和OCT V 的P we u py A E o r p l电源供给前 S 级.这样各自供应相应器材 .为本攻音 响系统提供稳定而充沛的 电量供应.让 系统声音得 以更佳 发挥 。讯源则采用拜事通BC D一1 CO播放 器 .加 上同长的BOA一' 置式解 码髂作 为解码 .连 同 外 OC A 的J be r电源分离前级扩大机控制系统.组成一整套 T VE u i e Pe l 极致发烧级的音响系统。 这一教BC D一1 内置了C y t l r sa 的复合多位Det Sg 芯片 l a— ima
的 声音 细 节 与 更 宽广 澎 湃 的 动 态 。
此 外.这款 B 一1 CD 播放器特别之处 就是舍弃一般CD g l 盘使用的OP 放大器芯 片.而采用晶体管、电阳与电容等分立元 器件组成纯甲类放大电路 .这个设计 更能 切合觳宇模拟转换芯片后端的需要.也能 有更充沛的输出.对于输入与输出阻抗的 匹配可以做得更好.分立的元器件也能与 其电源供应更契台而降低失真与噪声.为 系统的播放带来更真实而干净的讯源 值 得一 提的 是 .前级 也 是来 头不 善 .J ble P e u i r 前级扩大机德 国HiE d e —n 真空管扩大机品牌Oca e tv 的旋舰机型 . 机身采用电源分离式结构 .它的OC A E TV 的P we u py o rS p l电源供给前级部分就有 1k 2 g.而除掉电源的P e r 前级部分 更是重 达3 k 0 g.真是一歙 育份 量的前级控制扩