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氨氮是引起水体富营养化和环境污染的重要物质,采用沸石去除水中氨氮是水污染控制领域的研究热点之一。沸石是一种廉价的非金属矿物,具有独特的吸附和离子交换性能。天然沸石在改性过程中, 硅的质量分数显著减少,而钠的质量分数增多. 这样有利于









+)is an important contaminant for eutrophication of water Ammonia-nitrogen(NH


bodies and environmental pollution. Zeolite is a cheap non-metallic minerals,with unique adsorption and ion -exchange performance。 After natural zeolite is modified quality score of silicon significantly reduces,And quality score of Sodium increases。It helps in ammonium-ion exchange, so dsorption performance of modified zeolite strengthens。

At first the natural zeolite was modified by chemical approaches in the research,and choose the best modifying condition of zeolite.Then study its treatment effect of low concentration NH4+in column reactor and draw breakthrough curve, investigating such factors as pellet size, velocity of flow and nitial ammonia concentration etc. The main results of this research were as follows:ⅠUnder these circumstances:,c=3mol/l,T=70~75℃,the modification time3hours,we can get the the right modified zeolite; Ⅱ removal efficiency of zeolite modified with for ammonia nitrogen is significantly higher than unmodified 。In contrast to ,removal rate of ammonia nitrogen increases by 8%;ⅢThe smaller the modified zeolite particle size, the higher the modification ;Ⅴthe water velocity is smaller, removal of ammonia nitrogen is higher;Ⅳwastewater concentration is lower, the modified zeolite of removal rate of ammonia nitrogen is higher . The highest removal rate can reach 74 percent .

Key words:modified zeolite NaCl ammonia nitroge wastewater adsorption


1 绪论 (1)

1.1 水体中氨氮污染现状概况 (1)

1.1.1 水体中氨氮污染的现状 (1)

1.1.2各国水质中氨氮的标准 (1)

1.1.3氨氮的来源 (1)

1.1.4 氨氮的危害 (2)

1.2 水中氨氮污染物的处理技术及进展 (2)

1.2.1 物理技术 (2)

1.2.2 化学技术 (4)

1.2.3 生物法 (6)

1.3沸石矿物简介 (7)

1.3.1沸石的资源分布 (7)

1.3.2沸石的矿物学特征 (8)

1.3.3 沸石的物理化学性能 (8)

1.3.4沸石的用途 (9)

1.4.5沸石改性的方法 (10)

1.4 沸石在水处理中的应用研究 (12)

1.4.1沸石在水处理中的应用 (12)

1.4.2沸石的应用前景 (16)

1.4.3沸石的应用中存在的问题 (17)

1.5本课题研究的目的及意义 (17)

2.1实验内容和技术路线 (19)

2.1.1实验研究内容 (19)

2.1.2实验的技术路线 (19)

2.2实验材料与方法 (19)

2.2.1实验材料 (19)

2.2.2 实验药品 (19)

2.2.3 实验仪器及设备 (20)

2.2.4 实验方法 (20)

3实验结果与分析 (21)

3.1氨氮校准曲线 (21)

3.1.1 氨标准适用溶液 (21)

3.1.2校准曲线的绘制 (21)

3.1.3水样的测定 (21)

3.2沸石最佳改性条件的确定 (22)

3.2.1沸石吸附氨氮的机理 (22)

3.2.2 沸石最佳改性条件的确定………………………………………………………………

3. 3改性沸石吸附柱去除氨氮的研究 (25)

3. 3.1动态吸附实验 (25)

3. 3.2结果与讨论 (26)

3.4小结 (31)
