英语词汇学教程课件第6章English Lexicology 6



Common root words include "act", "bio", "geo", "photo", "psycho", etc.
Common suffixes include "ness", "- tion", "- ism", "- ment", "- ity", etc.
Root word
Root word is the basic form of vocabulary, usually a monosyllabic word that can be used independently. For example, "act" is a root word that can add different prefixes and suffixes to form other words, such as "action", "react", "activate".
The Importance of English Lexicology
English Lexicology is crucial for language learners because it helps them understand the meaning and usage of words, improving their vocabulary and language comprehension
It is a branch of linguistics that focuses on the vocabulary of a specific language, providing a systematic and comprehensive understanding of words and their meanings


Although it is very difficult to tell which form arose first, these two types of conversion do exist.
Sometimes when a word consisting of two or more syllables undergoes conversion, there is a change in the stress pattern.
Some of the most common words include
access, aim, bed, beer, brave, clean, cup, deck, e-mail, fool, impact, pension, ship, train and so on.
The formation of a noun by converting a verb,
He downed his beer and left.
The company has had its share of ups and downs.
Good binoculars a Nhomakorabeae a must for any serious birdwatcher.
Are you out to your parents?
In other words, conversion is a process by which a word belonging to one word class is transferred to another word class without any change in form.
It is a productive device for the creation of new words since there is no restriction on the form.


c. She has a sharp eye. (abstract 洞察力)
4. Literal and Figurative Meaning
Many English words can be used figuratively. They make the language quite vivid and impressive. flaw: a flaw in the china vase (literal) a flaw in one’s character (figurative)
pen→ originally from pinna (Latin),
meaning “feather”;
derived meaning “an instrument for writing”
2. General and Specific Meaning
Because of the extension and narrowdown of word’s meaning in the process of its development, some words can be used to denote either a category of things or one particular thing in such category.
• in radiation mode, each of the derived meaning is directly connected to the primary/central meaning;
•in concatenation, each of the later meaning is related only to the preceding one. Though the latest sense can be traced back to the original, there is no direct connection in between.


because the Romans wore white robes when standing for office ③ B: An applicant for office; or a person taking an examination
Analysis: ③ is far removed from ①, whose original meaning has be e obsolete. candidate:穿白袍人→身着白袍 申请职位人→候选人
Bread is a slang word when its meaning is “money”, yet it is stylistically neutral in
other senses.
Why are there many polysemic words in English?
• Concatenation describes a process where each of the later meaning is related only to the preceding one like chains.
2. Homonymy
• Homonyms are words different in meaning but either
Relationship between the primary and the central
– The two may coincide,
– e.g. hand: terminal part of the human arm beyond the wrist --both primary and central

English lexicology_英语词汇学重点讲解

English lexicology_英语词汇学重点讲解

English lexicology英语词汇学Chapter1 basic concepts of words and vocabularyClassification of wordsChapter2 the development of the english vocabularyModes of vocabulary development 1150Chapter 3 word formationMorphemes , allomorphsChapter 4 word formation21.Affixation, prefixation suffixation ,pounding (characteristics formation )3.Conversion , blending , clipping , acronymy4.Initialisms , acronyms5.Back-formation , words from proper namesChapter5 word meaning1.The meanings of ‘meaning’2.Reference ,concept ,sense3.Motivation(onomatopoeic,morphological ,semantic , etymological)4.Types of meaning < grammatical , lexical , conceptual , associative> Chapter 6 sense relations and semantic fieldPolysemy , homonymy , synonymy , antonymyChapter 7 changes in word meaningExtension , narrowing , elevation , degradationChapter 8 meaning and context1.Types of context (extra-linguistic, linguistic)2.Role of contexta.elimination of ambiguityb.indication of referencec.Provision of clues for inferring word-meaningChapter9 english idioms1.Classification of idioms(nominal , adjectival , verbal , adverbial )2.sentence and useChapter 10 english DictionariesTypes of dictionary , three good Dictionarya.Longman dictionary of contemporaryb.Collins COBUILD english Dictionaryc. A Chinese-english DictionaryUnit 1Methods of study ,there are generally two approaches to the study of words ,namely synchronic and diachronicAims and significance of the courseLanguage study involves the study of speech sounds ,grammar and vocabulary .vocabulary has proved particularly important and certainly the most difficult .Willkins asserts ‘without grammar very little can beconveyed ,without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed’ A good knowledge of morphological structure of english words and rules of word-formation will help learners develope their personal vocabulary and consciously increase their word power.V ocabularyAll the words in a language make up its vocabulary .The term vocabulary is used in different senses1.It can refers to the total number of the words in a language2.It can stands for all the words used in a particular historical period3.Also used to all the words of a given dialectClassification of wordsWords may fall into the basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary by use frequency ,into content words and function words by notion ,and into native words and borrowed words by originBasic word stock have characteristics1.All national character2.Stability3.Productivity4.Polysemy5.Collocability6 Neutral in style7 Frequent in useWords void (lack)of the stated characters ,do not belong to the common core of the language ,they include the following:Terminology 术语,专有名词JargonSlang 俚语,黑话ArgotDialectal wordsArchaismsNeologismsContent words(=notional words) and function words (=empty words) Native words and borrowed wordsApart from the characteristics mentioned of the basic word stock ,in contrast to borrowed words ,native words have two other features Neutral in styleFrequent in useBorrowing words :words taken over from foreign languages are known as borrowed words and loan words or borrowings in simple terms Loan words under four classesDenizens 同化词Aliens 异化词Translation-loans 译借词Semantic-loans 借意词The Indo-European language familyWhich can be grouped into roughly 300 language families on the basis of similarities in their basic word stock and grammar ,theIndo-Europe is one of them .it is thought to be a highly inflected language They accordingly fall into eight principle groups ,which can be grouped into an Eastern set : Balto-slavic, Indo-Iranian, American and Albanian; a Western set; Celtic , Italic, Hellenic,GermanicA historical overview of the english vocabularyThe first people known to inhabit the land were CeltsThe second major language known in England was the Latin of the Roman Legions450- < old > -1150-(Middle)-1500- <modern>-NOWModes of vocabulary developmentWe can concluded that modern english vocabulary develops through three channels < > creation , semantic change , borrowing Creation refers to the formation of new words by using the existing materials namely roots ,affixes and other elementsSemantic change means an old form which takes on a new meaning to meet the new needBorrowing has palyed a vital role in the development ofvocabulary ,particularly in earlier timesMorphemes :minimal meaningful units are known as morphemes,in other words ,the morphemes is ‘the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words ’Chapter 5Word meaningWords are but symbols , many of which have meaning only when they have acquired reference .1.reference is the relationship between language and the word .The reference a word to a thing outside the language is arbitrary <随意的>and conventional <传统的>2.Concept<概念>=notionIn many cases meaning is used in the sense of ‘concept ’meaning and concept are closely connected but not identical3.Sense :generally speaking ,the meaning of ‘meaning’is perhaps what is termed ‘sense’ . ‘sense’denotes the relationships inside the language.Motivation <理据>Motivation accounts for the connection between the linguistic symbol and its meaningOnomatopoeic motivation 拟声的理据<ha ha>Morphological motivation 形态的理据<one can figure out>Semantic motivation 语义<联想>的理据<mouth of river>Semantic motivation refers to the mental associations suggested by the conceptual meaning of a wordEtymological motivation 词源的理据The meaning if many words often related directly to their origins, Types of meaninga.Grammatical meaning an Lexical meaning语法和词汇意义b.Conceptual meaning and associative meaning 概念和联想意义Chapter 6The subjects that have long held the interest and attention ofsemanticists are ,polysemy 多义的, homonymy , synonymy ,antonymy , and hyponymyTwo approaches to polysemyDiachronic approach and synchronic approachThe meanings were acquired by extension ,narrowing ,analogy ,transfer The development of word-meaning from monosemy to polysemy follows two courses,traditionally known as radiation and concatenation Homonymy <different meaning but same sound and spelling>Based on the degree of similarity ,homonyms fall into threeclasses:perfect homonyms ,homographs and homophones1.Perfect homonyms are words identical both in sound and spelling but different meaning .Bank n. The edge of the river ,lakeBank n . An establishment for money businessBear n. A large heavy animalBear v. To put up withDate n. A kind of fruitDate n. A boy or a girl friend2.Homographs are words identical only in spelling but different in sound and meaningBow n. Bending the head as a greetingBow n. The device used for shooting arrowsSow v. To scatter seedsSow n. Female adult pig3.Homophones are words identical only in sound but different in spelling and meaningDear n. A loved personDeer n.a kind of animalRight a. correctWrite v.to put down on paper with a penRite n. Ceremonial procedureSon n. A male child of someoneSun n. The heavenly body from which the earth gets warmth and light Of three types ,homophones constitute the largest number and are most commonOrigins of homonymsChange in sound and spellingBorrowingShortingAs homonyms are identical in sound or spelling ,particularly homophones, they are often employed to create puns<双关>for desired effect of ,say, humor,sarcasm or ridicule<嘲弄>On Sunday they pray for you and on Monday they prey <折磨>on you So-called pious<虔诚的>gentleman and ladies 善男信女The sardonic tone is unmistakable 讽刺的语气是不言而喻的SynonymySynonymy is one of the characteristic features of vocabulary of natural languagesTypes of synonyms1. Absolute synonyms also known as complete synonyms are words which are identical in meaning in all its aspects,both in grammatical meaning and lexical meaning ,including conceptual and associative meanings2. Relative synonymy also called near-synonyms are similar or nearly the same in denotation,but embrace different shades of meaning or different degrees of given quality.For example .to change a thing is to put another thing in its place ;to altera thing is to alter it in different manner and at different times .’A man change his habits ,alters his conduct ,and varies his manner of speaking’Look at stagger /reel/totter.stagger implies unsteady movement characters by a loss of balance and failure to maintain a fixed course . Stagger under a heavy load ;reel suggests a swaying or lurching so as to appear on the verge of falling .Silent沉默的,无言的,寂静的/ tacit , shine闪耀,发光/ glitter华丽夺目,炫耀/sparkle闪耀,活跃,焕发活力和才智/glare强光,瞪眼,炫耀, different/ various, idle空闲的,懒惰的,无意义的/lazy/indolent , strange奇怪的/odd 古怪的/ queer,古怪的,可疑的large / huge庞大的/tremendous极大的,巨大的,惊人的,极好的/colossal Sources of synonyms1.BorrowingAs a result of the borrowing ,words of native origin form many couplets and triplets with those from other language2.Dialects and regional english3.Figurative an euphemistic4.Coincidence with idiomatic expressionsDiscrimination of synonymsThe differences between synonyms boil down to three areas: denotation , connotation ,and application1.Difference in denotation .‘I did not comprehend his arguments ,although i understood the language , and all the sentences’A lump of sugar一块糖, a slice of meat一片肉, a chunk of wood , a sheet of paper A cake of soapTypes of antonyms1.Contradictory termsThe assertion of one is the denial of the otherAnother distinctive feature of this category <类型>is that such antonyms are non-gradable2.Contrary terms3.Relative termsHolds water <站得住脚的>Characters of antonyms1.Antonyms are classified on the basis of semantic opposition.words denoting nature, quality or state of things have many antonyms2.A word which has more than one meaning can have more than one antonym3.Antonyms differ in semantic inclusion .pairs of antonyms are seen as marked and unmarked terms respectively4.Contrary terms are gradable antonymsDestitute / opulent dull / livelyHyponymyHyponymy deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion.That is the meaning of more specific word word is included in that of another more general word .For instance ,tulip and rose are hyponyms of flowerSuperordinate termsHammer , saw , screwdriver ,spanner, plaice, cod , herring ,sole Semantic field <领域>The massive word store of a language like english an be conceived of as composed around a number of meaning areas.An integrated system of lexemes interrelated in sense 语义相互关联It is general belief that.....Personal address system 个人称呼KinshipTypes of changesWord-meaning changes by modes ofExtension< 扩展>,narrowing<缩小> ,degradation< 降格>,elevation< 升格>,and transferCauses of changes: it is in response to some needExtra-linguistic factors1.Historical reason2.Class reason3.Psychological 心理学的,精神上的reasonThe role of context <语境>1.Elimination of ambiguity <消除歧义>2.Indication of referents <限定所指>3.Provision of clues for inferring word -meaning <为猜测词义提供线索>①Definition②Explanation③Example④Synonymy⑤Antonymy⑥Hyponymy⑦Relevant details⑧Word structureChapter 9Idioms consists of set phrases and short sentences ,which are peculiar to the language in question and loaded with the native cultures and ideas .therefore, idioms are colorful ,forcible and thought-provoking.For example ,fly off the handle (become excessively angry) and put up with ( tolerate)In a board sense ,idioms may included colloquialisms ,slang experience, proverbs .Character of Idioms1.Semantic unityBeing phases or sentences ,idioms each consist of more than one word ,but each is a semantic unity. Idiom have their respective literal meanings .for instance, till the cows come homeKeep in mind <remember> take off <imitate模仿>to no avail <useless> like a breeze <easily>2.Structural stability 结构稳定First the constituents of idioms cannot be replacedLip service <support only in words ,not in fact > is not to be changed into mouth service . Kick the bucket <die> bury the hatchet <come to friendly or peaceful terms>Secondly ,the word order cannot be inverted or changed ,for example ,by twos and threes and tit for tat are not to be turned into by threes and twos and tat for titThe lion share is ....最大的,份额Thirdly,the constituents of an idioms cannot be deleted or added too . Not even an articleFinally many idioms are grammatically unanalysable for exampel ,diamond cut diamond <two parties are equally matched > Sure as eggs is eggs <quite certainly>It should be pointed out that the idiomaticity of idioms is gradableand may best be thought in terms of a scaleHis promotion stepped up <improve or enhance>The boy playing in the river in the raw <naked>Turn over a new leaf <begin a new life>, as cool as a cucumber泰然自若draw the certain <end or conceal>Idioms nominal in natureIdioms of this class have a noun as the key word in each and function as a noun in sentencesWhite elephant<a+n>something useless and unwanted but big and costly 华而不实的东西Pink elephantThe Elephant in the roomBrain trust <n+n>智囊团An appel of discord <n+prep+n>祸根Jack of all trades<n+prep+det+n>万事通,三脚猫Fly in the ointment<n+prep+n>something that spoils the perfection of somethingFlesh and blood 亲情Idioms adjective in natureCut and dried <a+a>already settled and unlikely to be changedAs poor as a church mouse<as+a+as+n>having ,orearning ,barely enough money for one’s needsWide of the mark <not at all suitable ,correct>Beyond the pale <beyond the limit of proper behaviour> Up in the air <uncertain>Idioms verbal in natureThis is the largest group of all .subdivided into phrasal verbs短语动词and other verb phrases动词短语Look into <investigate>调查,研究go on <continue>Put off <discourage ...from ; cause....to ;dislike .Delay .make excuses in order to avoid a duty>Turn on 兴趣盎然get away with <get something wrong without being punished>Put down to 把.....归因于Mak it 赶上了follow one’s nose 朝相同地方走Fall flat <fail completely in its intended or expected effect> Give sb the bag 炒鱿鱼Sing a different tune <change one’s opinion or attitude> Call it a day <decide or agree to stop either temporary or for good>Chop and change 变化无常Swim against the stream 不随波逐流Come back to earth 脚踏实地Make ends meet 收支平衡Keep the pot boiling 量入为出,维持生计Let the dog see the rabbit 好狗不挡道Bite the hand that feeds one恩将仇报Tooth and nail 全力以赴Through thick and thin 同舟共济In clover or in the clover 生活安逸Sentence idiomsThey are mainly proverbs and sayings ,including colloquialisms and catchphrase ,as far as sentence types are concerned,they embracedeclarative ,interrogative , imperative, and exclamative sentences. In terms of complexity they can be further divided into simple compound and complex sentenceNever do things by halves 不要半途而废That’s the time of day <exclamative,simple>Let the sleeping dog die 别多管闲事A leopard cannot change its spotsBehind the mountains there are people to be found Upon my word 正如所言,的确Art is long , life is short ,生命短暂,艺术无涯Pepper and salt 花白的头发Bag and baggage 所有家当High and low 高低贵贱Use of idiomsWe need aware of the rhetoric characteristics of idioms such as stylistic , features , rhetoric features and their occasional variationsIn deep water 陷入困境,tide over克服Take the helm 掌权If you run after two hares , you will catch neither 脚踩两只船Have all one’s eggs in one basket 孤注一掷New brooms sweep clean 新官上任三把火Wash one’s dirty linen in public 家丑不可外扬Keep the pot boiling 维持生计Boil down 压缩Jump the bait 上钩了Hit below the belt 玩阴的play fair 公平竞争Come to pass <take place ,happen >Be it that <even though >即使,尽管In the wake of <right after, following>紧接着Give the lie to <all sb a lair >称某人是骗子Of note <notable , well-know>著名的Mishandle, mess up , 搞砸了Variations of idioms1.Replacement2.Addition or deletion3.Position-shifting4.Shortening5.Dismembering。



The massive word store of a language like English can be conceived of as composed around a number of meaning areas, some large, such as ‘philosophy’ or ‘ emotion’, others smaller, such as ‘kinship’ or ‘color’. Viewing the total meaning in this way is the basis of field theory. The German linguist Trier saw vocabulary as “an integrated system of lexemes (词位) interrelated in sense”. Therefore, the words of language can be classified into semantically related sets or fields. For example, peach, apricot, mango, pineapple, orange, lemon, etc. make up the semantic field of fruits; celery, lettuce, leek, onion, cucumber, pumpkin spinach, carrot,
e.g. There was a fine rocking-chair that his father used to sit in, a desk where he wrote letters, a nest of small tables and a dark, imposing bookcase. Now all this furniture was sold, and with it his own past. In this piece of discourse, the writer uses a set of hyponyms under furniture, which gives the writing coherence and provides the key to understanding the text. In production, knowing the semantic features of the hyponyms, and their superordinates can help us achieve vividness, exactness, and concreteness. Consider the following two pairs of sentences: (1.a) Trees surrounded the water near our summer place. (1.b) Old elms surround the lake near our summer cabin.



1) Old English

vocabulary(450—1150 AD公元)
After Romans罗马, 3 Germanic tribes called Angles , Saxons and Jutes controlled England. Their language—Anglo-Saxon also dominated 支 配 the land. Common practice : combine 2 native words to create new words. It was a highly inflected language with about 50000-60000 words.
3) Modern English 近代英语(1500---now) 2 sub-periods 子周期can be divided: a. Early Modern English (15001700) Because of the Renaissance , many Latin and Greek words entered English and English began to have a Latinate flavor拉丁味.
• C. Productivity衍生(can form new words) • D. Polysemy 一 词 多 义 (various meanings, “book”; “man”: to man a dove) • E. Collocability搭配( form idioms方 言, proverbs谚语)
It has something to do with与有关 the following subjects:

英语词汇学课件chapter 6

英语词汇学课件chapter 6

6.1.3 Two Processes of Development The development of word-meaning from monosemy to polysemy follows two courses which are called radiation and concatenation.
(3) Homophones are words identical only in sound but different in spelling and meaning, e.g. dear /diə/ n. a loved person deer /diə/ n. a kind of animal
6.2 Homonymy
They are words different in meaning but either identical both in sound and spelling or identical only in sound or spelling.
6.2.1 Types of Homonyms Based on the degree of similarity, homonyms fall into three types: perfect homonyms, homographs and homophones. (1) Perfect homonyms also known as absolute homonyms are words identical both in sound and spelling, e.g. bank n. the edge of the river, lake, etc. bank n. an establishment for money business

english lexicology (英语词汇学)

english lexicology (英语词汇学)

The Ger Germanic language that remained after the East Germanic split off developed into two new groups, North Germanic and West Germanic. The West Germanic group includes English. The North Germanic branch includes Viking Norse, which developed into Old Norse and eventually into modern Scandinavian languages such as Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish.

The Indo-European Family

Linguists have divided the Indo-European languages into several groups, or branches. For example, the Italic branch includes Latin and its descendants the Romance (‘originating in Rome’) Languages (Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian), as well as other extinct languages. Other groups important in the history of English include Celtic (e.g., Welsh, Irish, and Scots Gaelic), Hellenic (Greek), etc.



The basic vocabulary is consistently updated and expanded as new words and expressions enter the language through changes in culture, technology, and society
• The Changes and Development of English Vocabulary
• Introduction to English Lexicology
• The Composition of English Vocabulary
• The semantic relationship of English vocabulary
Middle stage: During the Middle Ages, schools begin to pay attention to the morphology and semantic changes of words, and compiled a large number of dictionaries and glossaries
English Lexicology is a branch of linguistics that focuses on the dynamics and complex nature of vocabulary It involves the study of word formation processes, semantic changes, and the use of words in context
Modern stage: With the development of linguistics in the 19th century, scholars have been systematically studying the structure and function of the English vocabulary from a linguistic perspective Since then, English Lexicology has gradually become an independent discipline

English Lexicology (Introduction) 英语词汇学 教学课件

English Lexicology (Introduction) 英语词汇学 教学课件

Its Relation to other Disciplines IV
Stylistics is the study of style. It is concerned with the user’s choices of linguistic element in a particular context for special effects, including lexis, phonology, syntax, graphology.
Lexicology focuses on the lexical level, dealing with the types of meaning and sense relations such as :Polysemy, homonymy synonymy, Antonymy, hyponymy, and semantic field, which constitute an important part of lexicology
lexicology: the form , meaning , origins and usage of words. They have pragmatic differences. A lexicographer’s task is to record the language as it is used to so as to present the genuine picture of words to the reader, providing authoritative reference . While the student of lexicology is to acquire the knowledge and information of lexis so as to increase their lexical awareness and capacity of language use.



➢Synchronic approach共时研究方法
Synchronically, polysemy is viewed as the coexistence of various meanings of the same word in a historical period of time. 从 共时的角度看,在同一个历史时期,同一个 词可以拥有许多不同的意义。
• 2) Relative synonyms
Synonyms which denote different shades of meaning or different degrees of a given quality are called relative synonyms.
3. Sources of synonyms同义词的来源
➢ The basic meaning of a word is called the central meaning 中心意义. The derived meanings are secondary in comparison.
2. Two processes of development
1) Radiation辐射型 2) Concatenation连锁型
2) Dialects and regional English 地域性语言和方言
3) Figurative and euphemistic use of words 词的比喻和委婉用法 4) Coincidence with idiomatic expressions 单词与习惯表达在意义上的偶合



exclusive and admit no possibility between them(相互反义) (non-gradable).
eg. A. like: mortal
B. Prefixes: dis-, in-, il-, ir-, im-, un-……
1) Complementaries绝对反义词 2) Contraries两极反义词 3) Conversives关系反义词 4) Semantic incompatibles多项不相容词
–These antonyms truly represent oppositeness. They are so opposed to each other that they are mutually
words ◆ d) Coincidence with idiomatic
8Leabharlann a)Borrowing.Native room foe help leave wise buy
Foreign chamber enemy aid depart sage purchase
b) Dialects and regional English,
–Antonyms of this type are best viewed in terms of a scale running between two poles or extremes. The two opposites are gradable.



2.The superordinate & the hyponym

(1) genus VS species
Genus: a class of things made up of two or more subordinate classes or species. For example, flower (genus): rose, tulip…(species).
(3) Semantically synonymous field(同 义语义场)

Base on semantic similarity, synonyms are usually arranged into synonymic groups or sets. Within this groups there is the most general term known as “synonymic dominant”(主导同义词). The synonymic dominant is the common denotational component that brings two or more words together into a synonymic group(同义词群), which can be called a semantically synonymous field.

The semantic field of food

hot dog, sandwich, hamburger 豆腐, 馒头
3. Synonymy

(1) Defining synonym
Synonymy is a term used in semantics to refer to a major type of sense relation between lexical items. Lexical items which have the same meaning but differ in morphemic structure, phonological form and usage are synonyms. The relationship between them is one of synonymy.


Eg. On VS. about: with regard to/ concerning On (book, article, lecture, etc.) About (more general)
Synonyms Different In Collocation
accuse…of… vs. charge …with… Rancid vs. addled Rancid bacon/ butter Addled eggs or brains
1.2. source of synonyms
English has the most synonyms of any language in the world. Why are there so many synonyms in English?
Why are there so many synonyms in English?
They made a decision to abandon the project. They decided to walk out on the project.
Synonyms with different connotative
Synonyms may have different emotive associations (connotative meanings). famous notorious misuse (disreputably) ambiguous equivocal new (deliberately) hate loathe obtain (with disgust) abuse (of privilege or power) novel (strikingly) procure (with effort)

Lexicology Unit 6

Lexicology Unit 6
Chapter VI Polysemy and Homonymy to deal with sense relations
Lecturer: Paul bmoses@
On the whole, we can classify sense relations as follows: Synonymy and polysemy are relations between form and meaning, Synonymy: more than one form having the same meaning. Polysemy: the same form having more than one meaning. But homonymy: two or more words having the same form but different in meaning. Hyponymy下义关系 and antonymy 反义are relations between are two meanings: Hyponymy is the inclusion of one meaning in another. Antonymy is the exclusion of one meaning from another.). )
I.Polysemy .
Definition: (p.109) An example: the word “fair”, p.109. How can language do in order to reflect or express the new ideas, new process, new products? (p.110, para.3). Two approaches to polysemy a. diachronic approach: (p.110) -to study the growth, change or development in the semantic structure of the word in order to find the primary or original meaning of the polysemic word. Diachronically, we’ll try to find the primary or original meaning of a polysemic word.
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common words include access, aim, bed, beer, brave, clean, cup, deck, e-mail, fool, impact, pension, ship, train and so on.
The formation of a noun by converting a verb, adjective or other word is also very common. This process is often referred to as a type of nominalization.
You can adjust the blinds to keep out the glare.
I’d booked two single rooms, but they gave us a double.
Auxiliary verbs, adverbs, modal verbs, prepositions, conjunctions, interjections and even affixes can all act as bases for conversion, e.g.
In the formation of a blend, the first part of the first element is added to the second part of the second element. Most blends are nouns, but a few are adjectives such as glitzy (from glitter and ritzy), and verbs such as skyjack (from sky and hijack).
In other words, conversion is a process by which a word belonging to one word class is transferred to another word class without any change in form.
It is a productive device for the creation of new words since there is no restriction on the form.
It was time to brave the rush hour traffic again.
Adjective → noun: best, poor, rich, blind, convertible, daily, double, e.g.
I’ll do my best to help you.
Blends are often found in advertising, product names, and magazine and newspaper headings. Blending often results in the creation of new morphemes or in the addition of new meanings to old ones.
The fourth type of blends is involves the embedding of one word in another, e.g. entreporneur (from entrepreneur + porn).
A very small number of blends consist of three source words, e.g. intelevisionary (from Intel + television + visionary).
Although it is very difficult to tell which form arose first, these two types of conversion do exist.
Sometimes when a word consisting of two or more syllables undergoes conversion, there is a change in the stress pattern.
In other cases, both splinters are the beginnings of words, e.g. sitcom (from situation + comedy).
The third type of blends consists of complete overlap, in which a part of the blend belongs to both words, e.g. sexploitation (from sex + exploitation), palimony (from pal + alimony).
The second type of blends consists of two splinters. There are two subtypes. In some cases, the beginning of one word is followed by the end of another word, e.g. psychergy (from psychic + energy).
English Lexicology
Lecture Six
Other Word-formation Processes
Conversion Blending shortening
A change in word class without the addition of an affix is known as conversion.
For example, the verb run is used as the noun run, as in I went for a run after work. This type of nominalization is widely used as one of the most flexible and creative linguistic devices in English.
He downed his beer and left.
The company has had its share of ups and downs.
Good binoculars are a must for any serious birdwatcher.
Are you out to your parents?
Verb → noun: a call, a command, a count, a go, a guess, a look, a walk, e.g.
Don’t try to eat the whole thing in one go. Hold your breath for a count of ten. Can you wait while I make another call?
Adjective → verb: to better, to blind, to bold, to brave, to dirty, to empty, e.g.
The low sun blinded her as she drove up the hill.
You can use your bold to make the information stand out a little more.
We hold meetings where the residents’ problems can be aired.
They quickly armed themselves with sticks.
Prices are stilling falling, but show no signs of bottoming out.
chair, as in ‘chair the meeting’. This process is
known as a type of verbification.
This type of verbification often involves simple conversion of a non-verb to a verb. Verbified words are often found in colloquial English, where the speaker needs to describe common actions or experiences.
Structurally, there are four common types of blends.
The first type of blends is a full word followed by a splinter, e.g. wintertainment (from winter + entertainment), chatire (from chat + satire). Blends can also begin with a splinter, followed by a full word, e.g. cinemenace (from cinema + menace).
Blending refers to the process of combining parts of two words to form a third word which contains some of the meaning of each part. Blends are compounds that are less than compounds.