unit12A导学案 (2)

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珠海新世纪学校七年级英语 导学案No.31 编制人:余海霞 备课签字: 包科领导签字: 班级: 小组: 姓名: 评价:

志于道 据于德 游于艺 成于学

Unit 12 What did you do last weekend? Section B (1a-2c )

Topic: Talk about past events.谈论过去的事情 【学习目标】 知识与技能:

1.会读会写并能够正确使用词汇 fly kites , high school, put up, each other, get a surprise, shout to … , up and down, wake … up,

3. 能够熟练掌握并正确使用有关询问过去活动的语句表达,如: How was your weekend?

Where did sb do sth last weekend? How did sb do sth …? What questions? Who questions?



Period 3 Section B(1a-1d)&writing


1[əˈg ˈɪnd 4[mu ːɪəd] 7 [mu ːɑːmp] 10 [ˈɪˈf ɒr ɪə] 【探究案】

一、1c 听力训练

J im: Hey, Sally. I __________ you last weekend.

Sally: Yeah. I ______________ on Saturday. I was __________. Jim: Why?

Sally: I had a lot of things _______. Jim: Like what?

Sally: Well, I did my homework and ________________. Jim: You did? ______________, huh?

Sally: Well, it wasn't too bad. On Sunday, I ______________. How about you? Did you ________?

Jim: Well, I ______________ the guitar on Saturday morning. On Sunday afternoon, I __________ in the park. And on Sunday night, I had dinner with my friends.

Sally: Wow! You had a _______ time.

Jim: Yeah, I ________. But I didn't do my homework, so school this morning ___________.

探究点2 本单元重点学习如何叙述过去发生的事。一般用过去时,策略如下: 1. 交代时间(when)、地点(where)、人物(who) 2. 详细叙述事情发生的经过和结果(what) 3. 发表对此事的看法和感受(how)

范文: It was sunny and hot last Sunday. My classmates and I rode bikes to Zhongshan Park in the


In the park, there were many people. And we saw many beautiful flowers so we took many photos. After that, we played badminton for an hour. At noon, we had a picnic on the grass. We ate happily because we took a lot of snacks and drinks. At about 2:00, we went boating. When it was 4:30, we went home.

I was a little bit tired today but very happy.

Your writing: Please write about what you did last weekend.


一、用所给词的适当形式填空与完成句子。 1. We went ________ (camp) this Sunday.

2. A family of ____(mouse) __ (be) all in the kitchen now.

3. Lots of ______ (visit) crowded the zoo to take the photos of the koalas.

4. The girl saw a ____ snake and she was _____(scary).

5. ________ (luck), I passed the English exam.

6. I listened but __________ ( hear ) nothing.

7. Last night I went to Green Street _______ (see) my uncle. 8. In our class, each of the boys ______ (have) a ball.

9. _________ (not be) worried about your mother. She’s well now . 10. 去年他们搬到美国去了。 Last year they __________________. 11. 我昨晚熬夜看电视了。 I _______________________ last night. 12. 注意了。我有重要事情的要告诉你们。

Attention. I have ___________________________.
